Home Generator What is worth seeing in Burgas? Tips for vacationers or what you should definitely see in Bulgaria Bulgaria interesting places near Burgas

What is worth seeing in Burgas? Tips for vacationers or what you should definitely see in Bulgaria Bulgaria interesting places near Burgas

Sights of Burgas. The most important and interesting sights of Burgas - photos and videos, descriptions and reviews, location, sites.

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Burgas is a resort, seaside city; and, probably, few people would think of looking for some outstanding sights here. Why, when right in the city there is an excellent Central beach 100 m wide? And a little further away begins the multi-kilometer Seaside Park, where in the summer they organize a large-scale festival of sand sculptures and various entertainment events. The northern beaches of Burgas are also well worth a visit.

However, nature lovers should still take a short break from the sea for the sake of the Burgas lakes. There are three of them here, and all of them are very close to the city: Burgas (Lake Vaya), Atanasovskoe and Mandrenskoe (Lake Mandra). These lakes are unique in that the largest migration route of migratory birds from Europe to Africa passes through them. The area between the lakes and the seashore has been declared the Poda National Reserve, and in the right season you can see tens of thousands of birds here.

Burgas is pretty nice for just walking around. The central pedestrian street, Aleksandrovskaya, is full of green spaces and cafes. There is also a highly photographed urban monument depicting a bronze vacation suitcase with sea shells pouring out of it.

Another interesting route for those who "stayed too long" in the city is a trip to the island of St. Anastasia, fanned by romantic stories about pirates, treasures, underground passages and runaway communist political prisoners. After visiting the island, for example, during the day, in the late afternoon you can go on a fun holiday with wine and dancing in the traditional village of Bata.

There are several museums in Burgas itself, although all of them, from the Historical Museum to the Art Gallery, are devoted exclusively to Bulgaria. The regional museum of Burgas consists of four subsections: historical, natural science, ethnographic and archaeological. Each museum occupies its own building, but they are all located close to each other, so it is convenient to view them all in turn.

Burgas is pretty nice for just walking around. The central pedestrian street, Alexandrovskaya, is full of green spaces and cafes where you can take a break. There is also a highly photographed urban monument depicting a bronze vacation suitcase with sea shells pouring out of it. And in the same pedestrian zone, you can stand on the "navel of the city" - the zero kilometer of Burgas.

With regard to the special architectural beauties of Burgas, first of all, two beautiful churches can please - however, the state in which they are now is not very encouraging. This is the Cathedral of Cyril and Methodius and a small Armenian church. Both churches are over 100 years old.

Those who are interested in history may enjoy visiting the Burgas Baths, which are also known as "Akve Kalide" or "Thermopolis". The current district of the city, on the territory of which there are Roman baths built before our era, is called Banevo. In 2011, the terms received the status of a national reserve, and archaeological research on their territory is still ongoing. And a little further, about 15 km from Burgas, there is another archaeological site: the ruins of the old Roman city of Deultuma. Deultum was founded at the beginning of our era and was the only free Roman settlement on the territory of present-day Bulgaria. The city was rich and prosperous, but by the 14th century, due to rising sea levels, it gradually turned into a swamp.

  • Where to stay: in affordable Burgas, in Sunny Beach, comfortable for families with children, in the famous Nessebar or nearby Ravda, in the family Chernomorets, in the youth Primorsko, in the favorite resort of Bulgarian bohemia - Sozople, in the cozy and romantic Obzor, in the leisurely comfortable Elenite, in Pomorie, famous for its healing mud, in a conveniently located healing St. Vlas, in the cosmopolitan Dunes, in a hospitable cheerful

What is Burgas for tourists? Burgas is the sea, and beaches, and the airport, and shops, and the port, and the park, and attractions. As they say, all in one bottle. But is it worth choosing Burgas as the main location for a holiday in Bulgaria - reviews about this are very contradictory. We will figure out what is better - to come on an excursion, or to stay at a hotel for one to two weeks.

We rested just twenty kilometers from Burgas, in Pomorie (links to all the cities we saw are at the end of the article). And, of course, they could not miss the opportunity to replenish their piggy bank with one of the largest resort cities in Bulgaria.

Part of the "tourist" Burgas:

Modern hotel:

In Burgas, founded in the 17th century, Bulgarians, Russians, Turks, Greeks and Armenians successfully coexisted in different centuries (as in most Bulgarian cities). Therefore, here, just like in Nessebar and Sozopol, there is a certain mix of styles. True, in Burgas it is less pronounced due to the fact that there are more new "Soviet" buildings in this city. Tourism here is not the only (and not the main) source of income for local residents.

Burgas is quite modern, its streets are built up with large houses, there is not such an abundance of souvenir shops here, as in Nessebar. Ordinary cafes, familiar shops, the absence of barkers in front of restaurants, huge advertising banners - Burgas, although it stands on the seashore, can not be called a resort town in the full sense of the word. You can come for a walk. You can come to go shopping. You can also visit museums. But my firm opinion is that Burgas is more likely for everyday life, and not for a beach holiday. For relaxation of soul and body, I would prefer a smaller city. The sea air here is not as felt as in other resorts in Bulgaria.

Sights of Burgas (as well as throughout Bulgaria) - old houses in the national style:

Where to start acquaintance with a new city? From the definition of the route of walks. Therefore, the first place in any city where a self-respecting tourist should go is the information center. The information center in Burgas can be found on the square of the Burgas Commune (coordinates N 42° 29.684′ E 27° 28.245′). In the center you will be given a free map of Burgas with sights and a lot of flyers advertising events taking place in the city.

If you came to Burgas by car, then, in order to avoid wasting your nerves and time looking for street parking, we advise you to leave the car in the covered paid parking lot Tria st. Slivnitsa, 3. We did just that.

Are we going to play?

Sights of Burgas in one day - choose where to go and what to see

What to see and where to walk in Burgas if you come here for one day?

Central square of Burgas(Troikat Square) with a monument to a Soviet soldier and a spray fountain. If you are lucky, you will see water spraying from under the tiles. We're out of luck. On the same square there is a supermarket and McDonald's - for those who need shops or fast food.

After taking a picture with a soldier in the background, go to Seaside park of Burgas(Sea hailstone). This park separates the city from the sea, and is about 7 kilometers long. There are alleys, merry-go-round rides, street theaters, and an observation bridge that goes 300 meters into the sea. What I really liked about the park is the presence of special bins for dog "footprints". The park is very clean, although somehow it reminded me of the parks of Kislovodsk, only in a more “combed” form.

Archaeological excavations open to tourists are part of the attractions of Burgas:

Every year in July, a festival of sand figures is held in Burgas. It is impossible to miss it - the whole city is hung with advertisements with the date of the festival.

Walking the streets, it's worth walking to Armenian Church 1853 and the monument to the victims of the Armenian genocide (coordinates 42*29.606 - 27*28.438) and before Church of Cyril and Methodius- the largest temple in Burgas (42 * 29.773 - 27 * 28.426). Don't hesitate to go inside.

Residential street in the old town:

Pedestrian streets of Burgas– Aleksandrovska and Aleko Bogoridi Boulevard. On the boulevard there is the Archaeological Museum, and on Aleksandrovskaya Street you will find the zero kilometer - both of which are included in the list of the main attractions of Burgas.

Those who have already walked the streets and breathed in the sea air, and want to intellectually enlighten, are waiting for four museums in Burgas (they are located not far from each other):

Archaeological Museum- located in a building of the 19th century, it shows tourists archaeological finds, some of which are dated "BC". Many exhibits from the time of the Roman Empire, various divine figurines, ceramics, coins and jewelry. Part of the exposition is located outside. Address of the Archaeological Museum of Burgas: Aleko Bogoridi boulevard, 21.

Historical Museum is the largest museum in southeastern Bulgaria, recognized as an object of cultural heritage. Inside - the history of Burgas and its environs, the struggle for Orthodoxy and independence. The address of the historical museum: Slavyanskaya street (Slavyanska St), 69.

Ethnographical museum- located in the same building as the Historical (Slavyanskaya, 69). The museum occupies two floors. The first floor is reserved for temporary exhibitions, the second floor displays costumes of various ethnic groups. Master classes are held in the summer.

natural science museum Nature lovers will like Burgas - you can see samples of stones, soil and insect collections, take a walk in the botanical and zoological halls (there are 6 halls in the museum). Address of the Natural Science Museum: st. Konstantin Fotinov, d.30.

Whether to spend time on museums is up to you. We didn't spend. We may have missed something important.

A couple of natural and historical sights of Burgas and the surrounding area

Atanasovskoe lake. It is located in the northeast, near Burgas airport. Atanasovskoe Lake is a nature reserve with rare birds. And here you can take mud baths, which are extremely beneficial for health (if you do these procedures after consulting a doctor). At the beginning of the 20th century, a saltworks was created here, and salt evaporation tanks have survived to this day, although salt is no longer produced here on an industrial scale. Atanasovskoe Lake is located in the north-east of Burgas (toward Varna) and Dimitar Dimov Street leads to it.

There are practically no ancient fortresses and castles in Bulgaria, but there are enough ancient ruins. For example, the ruins of the Rusokastro fortress, 30 kilometers from Burgas. Long ago, the Bulgarians defeated the Ottoman conquerors here. The remains of the fortress are located between the villages of Rusokastro and Zhelyazovo. Inspection is possible all year round and is absolutely free. But you can only get here by your own car, driving through a number of real Bulgarian villages.

There are also ruins in Burgas from the time of Philip of Macedon. This is the settlement of Akve Calide (translated from Latin - "hot water") - a tourist complex with ruins and mineral springs. There are mineral springs here. Some lucky ones even managed to chat with archaeologists. You can get to Aqua Calide by car along the E773 road towards Aytos, or by bus number 30 (about 15 kilometers from the city center to the complex.

17 kilometers from Burgas, in the village of Debelt, there is another attraction - a ruin. These are the ruins of ancient Deultum - the ruins of a settlement from the time of the Roman Empire.

If the ruins do not appeal to you (or you have already had enough of them), but the vacation mood does not allow you to lie on the beach or go shopping, then you can go to a peacock farm. They even take tours here. The farm is located 15 minutes drive from Burgas towards Varna.

Saint Anastasia Island. Controversial place. We didn't go, but our friends did. And they said that there is nothing special to see - the island is small, there is a church, a hotel and a restaurant on it. You can only get there by boat as part of an excursion. As I read in one of the TOPs, "people come here to breathe the sea air." But something tells me that sea air is not difficult to find in any seaside town in Bulgaria without paying for a tour.

If on vacation in Bulgaria you feel like without a fishing rod, like without hands, then, judging by the reviews of fishing enthusiasts, you should go to Burgas Lake on the outskirts of the city.

As you can see, there are more attractions in Burgas than in other seaside cities. You can wander through museums, and go to the lakes, and crawl through the ruins. It will take from one to three or four days to study them. Burgas is a lively, clean and interesting city. But whether you want to relax in this city is up to you. I repeat, I would look for another city in Bulgaria for recreation, and I would come to Burgas on excursions.– 34 km

If you are interested in holidays exclusively in Bulgaria, and there is no opportunity (or desire) to travel to this country by car, you can do as we do. We bought a ready-made tour (hotel + flight + transfer), and on the spot we rented a car and rode around Bulgaria for our own pleasure. It came out pretty cheap. You can compare the prices of different tour operators here:

But you can try and organize your own vacation:

It might be interesting:

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There are many interesting places in Bulgaria, and one of them is the city of Burgas and its environs. To even briefly get acquainted with its sights, it will take at least a few days. In itself, there are many exhibitions, several museums with very rich expositions - Natural Sciences, Urban History, Archeology, Ethnography. The sights of Burgas located around the city attract tourists with amazing natural and historical monuments. But most of all visitors are collected by the one-of-a-kind peacock farm, which has existed here for about 80 years.

Fans of going to museums will find many interesting exhibits:

  • In the Museum of Ethnography there are national household items, costumes, ancient kuker masks.
  • In the Museum of Natural Sciences - representatives of the local fauna and flora.
  • The Museum of the History of the city has ancient weapons, jewelry, dishes, as well as unique old photographs.

Among the architectural monuments of Burgas, of particular interest is the drama theater, the Burgas baths built in ancient times, standing on springs with healing water, as well as a small temple of Cyril and Methodius with unique architecture, painted walls and a wooden altar.

Museums of Burgas

  • Ethnographical museum, 69 Slavyanska, st Working hours: Mon-Fri 10:00 -19:00; Saturday 10:00 – 18:00, includes various ethno exhibitions in its program, offers a summer school of arts, crafts and dances
  • Archaeological Museum, 21 Bogorodi Str, opening hours: Mon-Fri 10:00-19:. 00; sat down 10:00-18:00, various exhibitions, ancient Roman, Byzantine and Greek era
  • Historical Museum, 31 Lermontov st, opening hours: Mon-Fri 10:00-19:. 00; sat down 10:00-18:00, local and national history, various guest exhibitions from other museums and countries.
  • Museum of Nature and Science, 30 Fotinov, st Working hours: Mon-Fri 10:00-19:. 00; sat down 10:00-18:00, flora, fauna, medicine, physics, various thematic exhibitions

Museums are closed on Saturdays and Sundays in winter.

There are many galleries, here are some of them - Bogoridi, Briz - Boiadzhiev and Petko Zadgorski Art Gallery.

Near the city there are two water attractions of Burgas

- Marine Park, stretching for 7 kilometers along the coast of the sea and decorated with monuments and sculptures. A summer theater for 2.5 thousand seats was built on its territory, which often hosts concerts and festivals, including the world festival of sand sculptures.

- Three lakes - Madrenskoe, Burgasskoe and Atanasovskoe. These are, rather, not lakes, but lagoons, on the basis of which an ornithological reserve was created. Herons, pelicans and other migratory birds build their nests here. Near the lakes you can see the ruins of Pyrgos, an ancient fortification.

The island of St. Anastasia with the old lighthouse and other structures located on it, the Akve-Kalide settlement, the ruins of the Rusokastro fortress and ancient Deultum are very popular among tourists.

Lakes of Burgas

  • Lake Vaya is the largest natural lake in Bulgaria. It is located to the west of Burgas. Salt content in water is 4-11%. Fresh water comes from 3 rivers and the neighboring Lake Mandresko. Fishing is widespread, mainly for carp, crucian carp. One of the largest bird migration passages runs along the lake; more than 250 species can be seen during the season.
  • Lake Atanasovskoe- located north of Burgas. The salt content of the water is 20-27.5%, which makes it very favorable for the production of sea salt. Its northern side is connected to the Black Sea. More than 70% of all birds that can be seen in Bulgaria can be seen in Lake Atanasovo, especially during the autumn migration. Part of the lake is a nature reserve and is under restricted access.
  • Mandresko lake- It is located south of Burgas. Until 1934 it was a salt lake, but later its structure was changed and a dam was built. Today it is not a salt lake. Four rivers fall into the lake. On the territory of the lake lies one of the largest areas of bird migration. On the territory of Lake Mandresko there is a nature protection zone Poda.

What to see in the vicinity of Burgas?

- this is a masterpiece of ancient Bulgarian architecture that has survived to this day, among which there are only more than 40 churches. One of the most ancient European cities, numbering at least 3 thousand years of only known history, is included in the list of UNESCO world cultural heritage sites. Part of the city is under water and in good weather it can be viewed from a boat. The rest is on a small peninsula.

The sunny country of Bulgaria every year hospitably receives more and more tourists. Many of them are wondering what to see in Bulgaria in the summer, because young and active people want to spend their free time with benefit and get as many pleasant emotions as possible.

Nessebar is an old Bulgarian town, which has a large number of attractions. The main attractions of Nessebar and its environs are located in the old part of the city, which is considered one of the most important historical monuments in the world.

The oldest building on the peninsula is the Church of St. Stephen, which was built, presumably, in the 11th century. The church is completely built of stone. Interestingly, the building has never been restored and has retained its original appearance. Inside the building are countless ancient artifacts.

Church of St. Stephen

Some parents do not know what sights to see in Bulgaria with their children. Teenagers, as well as preschoolers, will be interested in visiting the Archaeological Museum, which was founded relatively recently - 24 years ago. The museum has four halls, which contain unique exhibits, including a collection of icons.

Connoisseurs of Bulgarian culture should definitely visit the Ethnographic Museum. In the museum you can see:

  • National costumes;
  • decorations;
  • musical instruments;
  • Houseware;

An hour and a half tour of the museums with a guide will cost about 15 euros ∼ 30 levs.

City of Nessebar

Sightseeing holidays in Golden Sands

Golden Sands is a very popular resort that has an unusual history. It is believed that the resort got its name due to the fact that once upon a time pirates landed here in order to hide gold, and over time the gold turned into sand. Tourists fell in love with this resort for its clean sand and warm, clear sea. The authorities are very carefully monitoring the state of the environment, the seabed and beaches are regularly cleaned of dirt and debris.

Some travelers who have not yet been to the resort want to know what to see in Golden Sands from interesting sights in addition to beach activities. First of all, we recommend organizing excursions with the whole family to Veliko Tarnovo, a city that was once the capital of Bulgaria. The distance to the city is 250 kilometers.

Veliko Tarnovo

Tourists come here to get acquainted with the beautiful views that open from the observation platforms, as well as to see the beautiful Tsarevets fortress with their own eyes. In the center of the fortress is the Palace complex with the Throne Hall.

Fortress Tsarevets

Other interesting places in Golden Sands for children and adults will not leave tourists indifferent. You can visit a large amusement park, which includes:

  • children's railway;
  • karting;
  • trampolines;
  • other attractions.

For lovers of history and fauna, it is proposed to visit a small town called Balchik. The city is famous for the fact that on its territory there is a botanical garden, where you can see about 3,000 varieties of plants. Prices for excursions in Bulgaria in Golden Sands vary greatly. For example, the price of a walking tour to Balchik for the whole day is 43 euros for adults and 22 euros for children.

City of Balchik

What to see in Varna?

Varna is a large and beautiful Bulgarian city, which has a large number of parks, alleys, squares, lush flower beds. If you are planning a trip to this city, then we advise you to first find out what you can see in Varna from popular tourist places that are worth seeing with your own eyes.

Children and adults should visit the terrarium. The terrarium was founded 20 years ago and has been very popular among tourists ever since. Not far from the terrarium there is a large aquarium where you can see big and small inhabitants of the Black Sea.

Not far from the city is Antichno Selishche, and near Asparuhov Park you can find the settlement of Phanagoria. You should definitely visit the Retro Museum, where you can see beautiful cars, household items of the last century, beautiful dresses and accessories.

Contemporary art lovers simply must visit the galleries:

  • Le Papillon;
  • INHOM;
  • graffiti;

The price of guided tours is about 15 - 30 euros.

Sights of Sunny Beach

Sunny Beach is one of the largest. Here you can have a great rest on one of the wide beaches. Most resort guests want to have an idea of ​​what to see around Sunny Beach. Locals advise visiting the museum city of Sozopol. The city is an open-air museum, a former Greek colony.

In Sozopol, you can see old houses that were built exclusively from stone and wood. The city has a museum of ancient Greek art. If the traveler does not know where to go on an excursion in Bulgaria, we advise you to visit the Ropotamo Reserve first of all. A beautiful reserve is located along the Ropotamo River. Here you can observe the life of animals:

  • roe deer;
  • deer;
  • boars;
  • bears;
  • turtles;
  • snake.

The Kamchia Reserve is a paradise virgin corner of nature, which was created to preserve the forest. Here you can see about 40 species of birds, as well as a large number of varieties of fish.


What to visit in Burgas and surroundings?

Burgas is one of the most modern cities in sunny Bulgaria, which is located on the Black Sea coast. When tourists get bored of swimming in the sea and relaxing sleep under the sun, they try to find out which sights of Burgas are a must-see.

In the city center you can see a large number of ancient temples, fountains and other buildings. One of the most famous religious buildings is the Church of Cyril and Methodius. The beautiful green building is famous for its unique frescoes and carved altar.

Church of Cyril and Methodius

The Marine Park is very popular among tourists. The park is located along the sea coast. In the park you can get acquainted with the local flora, see beautiful sculptures and monuments.

The Summer Theater is located in the very center of the park. A song contest called “Golden Orpheus” is held here annually. Anyone can visit the park for free. You can visit the bridge “Burgas” absolutely free of charge.

Novice ornithologists should visit Atanasovskoe Lake. This is completely free entertainment. Large marsh and sea birds live on the lake, which can be observed. Here you can:

  • To set a picnic;
  • take a dip;
  • play volleyball or badminton.

For young parents

Burgas is a beautiful, modern city and is also one of the largest resorts on the Black Sea coast (Burgas is in second place in terms of size). The city is picturesque and in addition to relaxing on the coast, tourists have the opportunity to see the sights and have an interesting cultural vacation. Poros Fortress is located a few kilometers from the city. This is a medieval fortress, which has the status of a monument of national importance. The fortress dates back to the 12th-13th century and is revered by the Bulgarians, as the bright pages of Bulgarian history are associated with it (the victory of the Bulgarian army led by Tsar Theodore Svyatoslav Terter over the Byzantines).

Among tourists and residents of the city, the most popular place is the Marine Park, which covers an area of ​​72 thousand square meters (the length of the park is five kilometers). The park is great for solo walks, walks with children, and for a romantic getaway. The place is very beautiful, there you can see many interesting shrubs and trees, including quite rare specimens. There are also sculptures and busts of famous actors, writers and other figures. Russian tourists are most attracted by the monument to Pushkin. In addition to sculptures and beautiful nature, the park has a children's corner, a terrace with a beautiful view of the sea, a summer theater, various restaurants, exhibitions and much more.

The city has several symbols, and one of them is considered to be Burgas Bridge, which is located next to the marine park, within the central beach. The bridge was built in the 19th century and is 500 meters long. This is not the largest bridge in Bulgaria, but its attraction lies in the fact that it offers wonderful panoramic views of the beach, the pier and the sea. In the daytime, a lot of people (including fishermen) gather on the bridge. In the evening, the bridge is illuminated with original lighting, which attracts numerous couples in love here.

There are many temples and churches in the city and its environs. Bulgaria is a very religious country and rich in such facilities. There are a number of temples of national importance in Burgas. I don’t see the point in visiting all the temples, I advise you to pay attention to the Cathedral of Saints Cyril and Methodius, which is located on the square of the same name and is the oldest temple in the city. This temple attracts tourists and not only with amazing frescoes, beautiful domes, chic architecture, as well as a very beautiful, carved iconostasis.

Tourists and guests of the city are attracted by the central square of the city, which is called Aleksandrovskaya. Restaurants, shops, cafes are concentrated on this square. But not everyone comes to this square for the purpose of shopping and lunch or dinner. Many people come just for a walk. In the center is a fountain with comfortable benches. Near the square there is a monument of Russian-Bulgarian friendship, which is popularly called the monument to Alyosha.

Do not miss the opportunity to visit the famous Burgas baths, built next to the healing springs. These baths were built back in the days of the Roman Empire, but they function to this day and are very popular with tourists. Until now, the buildings have been preserved in excellent condition.

You can have an interesting time in the summer theater, which constantly arranges various theatrical performances, concerts and festivals. Adults may be interested in visiting the casino, and with children it is worth going to the local zoo.

Back in 1912, a historical museum was founded in Burgas, which has been successfully operating to this day. The main exhibits of the museum are divided into different topics, including the development of the city and the region, as well as the struggle for independence during the reign of the Ottoman Empire. One of the most interesting are photographs and documents that refer to periods of various uprisings and wars.

Also in Burgas there is an Ethnographic Museum. The museum is located next to the Church of Saints Methodius and Cyril. On the first floor of the museum you can see what was the ladies' fashion in the 19th century. There is also a spacious foyer and one of the temporary exhibitions. On the second floor, national costumes of various ethnographic groups of this region are exhibited. Visitors can see special costumes that were used during ritual ceremonies. All exhibits are typical only for Burgas and the Burgas region, and not for the entire multinational and multicultural Bulgaria. Girls will pay attention to beautiful and at the same time unusual wedding dresses. Every summer, this museum organizes a summer school of folk crafts and crafts. The school is open from July 1 to August 31, and at this time, experienced craftsmen teach children and adults folk art and crafts. Everyone is allowed to participate. You can also try your hand, whether it will work out or not, it is not so important, the main thing is positive emotions and new impressions.

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