Home Engine Fountain of old Russa. Russia. Novgorod region. Staraya Russa - “Staraya Russa. City and Resort. Muravyovskiy Fountain is the most powerful mineral spring in Europe. "Demons" in the priest's house. Living Bridge. The history of the Muravyovskaya well

Fountain of old Russa. Russia. Novgorod region. Staraya Russa - “Staraya Russa. City and Resort. Muravyovskiy Fountain is the most powerful mineral spring in Europe. "Demons" in the priest's house. Living Bridge. The history of the Muravyovskaya well

Muravyovskiy spring in Staraya Russa (Russia) - description, history, location. Exact address, phone number, website. Reviews of tourists, photos and videos.

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Staraya Russa attracts tourists not only with its numerous sights and lovely provinciality, but also as a health resort. By the way, the locals knew about the healing properties of salt springs many years ago. However, this information was officially confirmed only in the 19th century. After that, Staraya Russa began to develop as a resort center, many famous people began to come here. In 1857, the Muravyovka artesian well was developed in the city. By the way, this is the most powerful self-flowing mineral fountain in Europe. Until now, it is considered one of the main urban decorations of Staraya Russa. In total, there are eight mineral water springs in the city. Two of them are located in the drinking gallery. Anyone can get this tasty and healthy water here. Of course, the Muravyov spring is especially popular with tourists and local residents.

In 1857, the Muravyovka artesian well was developed in the city. By the way, this is the most powerful self-flowing mineral fountain in Europe.

The history of the Muravyov spring began in 1854 thanks to the Minister of State Property M. Muravyov. It was he who became interested in Staraya Russa and the healing climate of this city. Muraviev ordered to improve the mud treatment department and develop pine baths. In addition, Muravyov ordered an additional well to be drilled so that there would be no shortage of mineral water at the resort. So in Staraya Russa a well appeared with a depth of 116 m. A real fountain of mineral water 10 meters high! In one second, the source spewed 70 liters of water. A little later, in 1905, engineer Sergeev deepened the fountain by three meters. Due to this, the height of the fountain became about 8.5 m, and the amount of water erupted per day reached more than 61 thousand liters. Interestingly, the water temperature was unchanged - about 11 degrees. By the way, outwardly the fountain was very beautifully decorated - it was framed by a glass tent.

The territory of Staraya Russa has a special microclimate, which is created thanks to eight sources of mineral drinking water and salt lakes, from which sulphide-silt mud is extracted, which is used for medical procedures. Because of these natural resources, staying in Staraya Russa is very beneficial for health.

Alas, during the war the drinking gallery was completely destroyed. After the liberation of Russa from the Nazis, the fountain and the resort began to be restored. Today, the Muravyov spring has no special decorations. However, even without this, it is very popular among tourists and residents of the city.

Visitors love to walk near the fountain - there is a special, healing air on its territory. For almost 160 years, the fountain has been giving joy and health to the townspeople and guests of Russa. By the way, scientists have found out that the reserves of mineral water underground are huge.

Practical Information

Pump room opening hours: daily: 7:00 - 9:30; 11:30 - 14:30; 16:30 - 19:00.

Free admission.

Free buses run from Staraya Russa railway and bus stations to the resort. In addition, you can take a taxi for 50-100 RUB. Travel time is only 5-10 minutes.

Address: st. Mineralnaya, 62.

The Staraya Russian resort, with a history of more than 150 years, is one of the most famous in Russia. Rest here is especially favorable, because the outlets of numerous mineral springs form a very special microclimate here. Thanks to the amazing air, the very stay in Staraya Russa already has a healing effect in itself. Not to mention the unique sulphide-silt mud, which is mined on the territory of the sanatorium and used in medical procedures.

On the territory of the Staraya Russian resort there are eight sources of useful chloride-sodium-calcium-magnesium water. Two of them are displayed in the drinking gallery, where anyone can come and get water with them. Especially popular is the so-called Muravyovskiy Fountain - the most powerful self-flowing mineral fountain in Europe.

The history of the fountain goes back to 1854, when the then Minister of State Property M. Muravyov began to show interest in the resort in Staraya Russa. He ordered the expansion of the mud therapy department and the opening of new cabinets for pine baths. Another order of the minister was to drill an additional well to improve the flow of mineral water to the hospital. A new well began to be drilled in 1858 and completed exactly one year later, reaching a depth of 116 meters. As a result of these efforts, a powerful column of mineral water burst out of the ground, hitting to a height of about ten meters. Within one second, 70 liters of water were pushed to the surface. In honor of the initiative minister, the fountain got its name. For more than 150 years, every day, the Muravyovka Fountain has been throwing out priceless jets of incredibly useful mineral water from the ground. A special air is felt even if you just sit next to the fountain, which many visitors to the resort and the townspeople love to do.

Mineralization20 g/l Location 57°59′09″ s. sh. 31°22′08″ in. d. HGI AMOL The country The subject of the Russian FederationNovgorod region DistrictStaraya Russa Media files at Wikimedia Commons
Object of cultural heritage of Russia of regional significance
reg. No. 531520342790005(EGROKN)
object number 5302440004(Wikipedia DB)

Muravyovskiy fountain (Source #1) is a self-flowing mineral spring located on the territory of a resort in the city of Staraya Russa, Novgorod Region.


In connection with the growing needs of the resort in mineral water, in 1854 it was decided to drill a new well. In the article by F. D. Weber “On the Muravyov Spring in Staraya Russa”, it is reported that the drilling of the source began on September 10, 1858 at 10 am and was completed by September 18, 1859 at 4:30 pm in the presence of a commission consisting of Messrs. Loputkovsky, Cherkasov, Dmitriev, Ekimov and Zheltukhin. This key was named after the Minister of State Property, Count Muravyov (who was in charge of the resort).

The article reported that 7,000 silver rubles were spent on drilling work. But the source turned out to be too salty and gradually fell into disuse. Weber wrote: “And the new one, Muravyovsky, although it is used internally, still contains too much salt to be used for methodical treatment with water.” At first, the source was used for technical needs, then it became a symbol of the resort and the city as a whole.


The initial depth of the well was, according to some sources, 119.5 meters, according to others - 118.08. The well was fixed with wooden pipes.
In 1904, engineer M. V. Sergeev replaced the wooden fixture with six-inch red copper pipes. The source has been recaptured and deepened.
During the battles and occupation of the city during the Great Patriotic War, the fountain was completely destroyed.
After the liberation of Staraya Russa on February 18, 1944, work began on the restoration of the fountain.


Until 1894, the fountain well was a wooden pipe with a bowl through which water was poured. Later, to decorate the spring, a stone pedestal with a marble bowl was made, from which a stream of water shot up to a height of 1.5 meters and fell on the tiled floor, seeping into the soil.

In 1890-1895, the well was reconstructed, a fountain was built, above which a metal glazed tent was built, and a brick pool was built around the well. The fountain hit to a height of up to 8.5 meters, giving about 61.50000 [ ] liters per day at a constant temperature of about 11 °C.

Muravyovskiy fountain
Source typespring
Mineralization20 g/l
57°59′09″ s. sh. 31°22′08″ in. d. HGI AMOL
The country
The subject of the Russian FederationNovgorod region
DistrictStaraya Russa
Media files at Wikimedia Commons
Object of cultural heritage of Russia of regional significance
reg. No. 531520342790005(EGROKN)
object number 5302440004(Wikipedia DB)


In connection with the growing needs of the resort in mineral water, in 1854 it was decided to drill a new well. In the article by F. D. Weber “On the Muravyov Spring in Staraya Russa”, it is reported that the drilling of the source began on September 10, 1858 at 10 am and was completed by September 18, 1859 at 4:30 pm in the presence of a commission consisting of Messrs. Loputkovsky, Cherkasov, Dmitriev, Ekimov and Zheltukhin. This key was named after the Minister of State Property, Count Muravyov (who was in charge of the resort).

The article reported that 7,000 silver rubles were spent on drilling work. But the source turned out to be too salty and gradually fell into disuse. Weber wrote: “And the new one, Muravyovsky, although it is used internally, still contains too much salt to be used for methodical treatment with water.” At first, the source was used for technical needs, then it became a symbol of the resort and the city as a whole.


The initial depth of the well was, according to some sources, 119.5 meters, according to others - 118.08. The well was fixed with wooden pipes.
In 1904, engineer M. V. Sergeev replaced the wooden fixture with six-inch red copper pipes. The source has been recaptured and deepened.
During the battles and occupation of the city during the Great Patriotic War, the fountain was completely destroyed.
After the liberation of Staraya Russa on February 18, 1944, work began on the restoration of the fountain.


Until 1894, the fountain well was a wooden pipe with a bowl through which water was poured. Later, to decorate the spring, a stone pedestal with a marble bowl was made, from which a stream of water shot up to a height of 1.5 meters and fell on the tiled floor, seeping into the soil.

In 1890-1895, the well was reconstructed, a fountain was built, above which a metal glazed tent was built, and a brick pool was built around the well. The fountain hit to a height of up to 8.5 meters, giving about 61.50000 [ ] liters per day at a constant temperature of about 11 °C.

Gradually covered galleries were built to the tent. One connected the fountain with the building of a government hotel with 65 rooms. Another gallery led to a wooden theater built by Benois. All buildings were decorated with carvings. The style of this ensemble was given by the famous decorator Isenberg and the Novgorod artist Ehrenberg. So it existed until the Great Patriotic War.


  • Vyazinin I. N. Staraya Russa in the history of Russia. Novgorod. Publishing house "Cyrillic", 1994.
  • Resort "Staraya Russa" 1828-1953 / Collection of scientific and practical works edited by L. G. Drobyshevsky. -- Publishing house of the newspaper "Novgorodskaya Pravda", 1955.

Staraya Russa is a city as unique as it is, for some reason, little known. In any case, every time I’m going there, my acquaintances ask in bewilderment the name of the city, clarify where it is ... but it’s very in vain, because the city has almost a thousand years of history, it is the only one in our country that has retained the name of the Slavic tribe of Russ (this is one from versions of the origin of the name of the city), and the healing properties of the resort were recognized, among other things, by members of the imperial house ...

The city is located in the Novgorod region, for the first time we decided to go to it, believing Yandex maps that it is only 60 km from Veliky Novgorod. It turned out that the Yandex route was laid directly across Lake Ilmen (Novgorod is located on the northern, and Staraya Russa is near the southern shore), but in fact you need to go along the road along the coast, and it turns out a little more than 90 km. And between St. Petersburg and Staraya Russa about 300 km.

The city is small, here it is almost all fit on the map:

************ Resort

The city and the resort are inextricably linked, and it is with the resort that I want to start.

The gate, and in them a turnstile and a guard. The resort bought out the AMAKS hotel chain, and periodically fights with the townspeople for the right to use the resort, a couple of years ago they tried to let people who did not live in the hotel-sanatorium with passports enter the territory (we live in the resort itself, so we go through magnetic cards), and this year green the announcement on the gate "pleased" with the fact that on weekends and holidays the entrance to the resort is paid - 50 rubles. from the nose.

It is worth mentioning that the Resort is unique - it has its own microclimate, the air is saturated with unique compounds, the water in the salt lakes is curative, and the healing mud has such a unique composition that it has received its own name in the world classification - "Starorusskie".

A significant part of the territory is occupied by such shady paths, after the sanatorium buildings the Relic Park begins - many large trees grow in it, pleasant shade and coolness (this time we lived at the resort in a 30-degree heat, so we especially appreciated this fact).

The famous Muravyovskiy fountain. Europe's largest natural mineral spring fountain. Moreover, its height is artificially low, otherwise splashes of salt water harmed the trees growing around.

Here is a photo of the fountain against the background of building 1 of the sanatorium (where we lived), pay attention - in the picture on the right, the fountain is surrounded by a transparent structure. It was originally built around the fountain, then restored after the Great Patriotic War (by the way, the Staraya Russian resort was the first resort in the USSR restored after the war). In the 80s of the twentieth century, it was changed to a new one, and then the story goes on somehow vaguely - for some reason, the structure quickly rusted and fell into disrepair (you see, the wonderful perestroika times had already begun, and they began to do everything in the style of a blunder ), as a result, in the 90s it was dismantled and now the fountain stands as it is, without cover. At the same time, its height was reduced.

If the Resort is the heart of the city, then, probably, the fountain is the heart of the Resort... the benches around are always occupied by people, even from the very morning, even late at night.

Then you can go to the drinking gallery, admiring the symbolic mug-fountain (somewhere I saw this, probably during the years spent in Pyatigorsk)

Everything is very clean and well-groomed, the eye rejoices and the soul rests

Inside the gallery is a copy of the Muravyov Fountain "as it used to be", it was put up recently, on my last visit it was not there yet.

Part of the gallery is occupied by ubiquitous merchants with their pavilions: cosmetics, souvenirs, etc.

Own faucets with drinking water. I have not tried it, because. the waters here are quite potent, without a detailed study of their effect on the body, I did not risk it. Moreover, for some pronounced result, you need to take them, I think, for at least two weeks.

The gallery itself is a spacious light building, of course, reminiscent of similar galleries in Pyatigorsk, Kislovodsk

Small patio

I want to say, in fairness, that the Resort is in good hands, it is clear that money, time, and effort are being invested in it. Very clean, well maintained. Every time something new appears, now, for example, work is underway on a rock garden, I think next year I will already see it and be able to add a photo.

The resort also has a beach (entry only with magnetic cards of guests, or you can purchase a subscription to visit the beach at the resort administration - I don’t know about prices) and a salty mineral lake. A tan there "sticks" instantly, plunged into the lake - sunbathed - repeated the cycle several times - two days later black.

I didn’t take pictures of the beach with a bunch of sunbathers. But it is very comfortable, there are a lot of sunbeds, you can enter the lake both near the shore and from two long piers.

We noticed that many holidaymakers on the beach are elderly and overly well-fed. And so - the usual beach observations

An aged uncle with a fat belly "glues" to an aunt a couple of decades younger than him, spinning around her sunbed, pulling in his stomach and trying to attract her attention with stories about a healthy lifestyle "and I've already lost 20 kg because I started going to the gym , and there are all sorts of ... staplers "

An elderly lady sits in the shade and uninterruptedly accepts congratulations on the phone, it seems, on her anniversary. Each pathetically tells that she "rests at the resort and in the evening they go to the restaurant." Hearing the location of the "restoran", we look at each other - we are talking about the cafe "Ilmen", in which we once stuck our nose and do not advise anyone else - a fat cockroach crawling along the wall and the "Old Russian Fish", baked with mayonnaise, declared on the menu ( there all hot dishes are baked according to the same recipe - under mayonnaise - at least it was like that a year ago) they repulsed the slightest desire to go there again

Smart teenage girls figured out how to conduct a mud therapy session without using the services of a mud bath (the mud for it is taken from the same lakes) - they swim to the opposite shore of the lake, pick up a decent round of mud, transport it to the beach, cover themselves and enjoy.

************ Town

As already mentioned, it is small (small by the standards of hefty million-plus cities, of course, it is the third largest in the Novgorod region), but with a great history. I will not rewrite information from the Internet here, it is open to everyone, and the reviews are interesting, in my opinion, precisely because of personal impressions.

So... I propose to start a walk around the city (the photos are taken from previous trips, this time, due to the heat, they didn’t go to the city much, and if they did, they forgot the camera).

In my opinion, the most beautiful is always rivers (lakes) and embankments. Staraya Russa is located at the confluence of two rivers - Polist and Porusya, so there are plenty of picturesque places here.

The bridge in the photo has a rather unusual name. Living bridge. The predecessor of the bridge was floating, that is, made up of rafts, constantly moving, and was called Alive. When a stone bridge was built on this place, it was called Alexandrovsky, but the name did not take root - so the bridge remained Alive.


There is a view of the "calling card" of the City - the Resurrection Cathedral.

And closer... the view is like on a postcard

Bridge near the cathedral

And one more symbol of the city is the water tower built at the beginning of the 20th century, the "zero kilometer" of Staraya Russa.

Church of the Holy Trinity

Monument to Dostoevsky. In the City there is his house-museum (I did not find it in my photos) on the embankment. And on one of the memorial stones in the city it is written that in the priest's house, located nearby, Dostoevsky wrote the work "Demons". Why exactly there, exactly this? do not know.

Residential building near St. George's Church...

...and herself

Church of the Martyr Mina (not active, closed).

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