Home Engine Tesla coil: what is it, what is it for and how to create it with your own hands at home. Make your own Tesla transformer (Tesla coil) Homemade Tesla

Tesla coil: what is it, what is it for and how to create it with your own hands at home. Make your own Tesla transformer (Tesla coil) Homemade Tesla

A transformer that increases voltage and frequency many times is called a Tesla transformer. Energy-saving and fluorescent lamps, picture tubes of old TVs, charging batteries from a distance and much more were created thanks to the operating principle of this device. Let’s not exclude its use for entertainment purposes, because the “Tesla transformer” is capable of creating beautiful purple discharges - streamers reminiscent of lightning (Fig. 1). During operation, an electromagnetic field is formed that can affect electronic devices and even the human body, and during discharges in the air a chemical process occurs with the release of ozone. To make a Tesla transformer with your own hands, you do not need to have extensive knowledge in the field of electronics, just follow this article.

Components and operating principle

All Tesla transformers, due to a similar operating principle, consist of identical blocks:

  1. Power supply.
  2. Primary circuit.

The power supply provides the primary circuit with voltage of the required magnitude and type. The primary circuit creates high-frequency oscillations that generate resonant oscillations in the secondary circuit. As a result, a current of high voltage and frequency is formed on the secondary winding, which tends to create an electrical circuit through the air - a streamer is formed.

The choice of primary circuit determines the type of Tesla coil, power source and size of the streamer. Let's focus on the semiconductor type. It features a simple circuit with accessible parts and a low supply voltage.

Selection of materials and parts

We will search and select parts for each of the above structural units:

After winding, we insulate the secondary coil with paint, varnish or other dielectric. This will prevent the streamer from getting into it.

Terminal – additional capacity of the secondary circuit, connected in series. For small streamers it is not necessary. It is enough to bring the end of the coil up 0.5–5 cm.

After we have collected all the necessary parts for the Tesla coil, we begin to assemble the structure with our own hands.

Design and assembly

We carry out the assembly according to the simplest scheme in Figure 4.

We install the power supply separately. The parts can be assembled by hanging installation, the main thing is to avoid short circuits between the contacts.

When connecting a transistor, it is important not to mix up the contacts (Fig. 5).

To do this, we check the diagram. We tightly screw the radiator to the transistor body.

Assemble the circuit on a dielectric substrate: a piece of plywood, a plastic tray, a wooden box, etc. Separate the circuit from the coils with a dielectric plate or board with a miniature hole for the wires.

We secure the primary winding so as to prevent it from falling and touching the secondary winding. In the center of the primary winding we leave space for the secondary coil, taking into account the fact that the optimal distance between them is 1 cm. It is not necessary to use a frame - a reliable fastening is enough.

We install and secure the secondary winding. We make the necessary connections according to the diagram. You can see the operation of the manufactured Tesla transformer in the video below.

Switching on, checking and adjusting

Before turning on, move electronic devices away from the test site to prevent damage. Remember electrical safety! To launch successfully, perform the following steps in order:

  1. We set the variable resistor to the middle position. When applying power, make sure there is no damage.
  2. Visually check the presence of the streamer. If it is missing, we bring a fluorescent light bulb or incandescent lamp to the secondary coil. The glow of the lamp confirms the functionality of the “Tesla transformer” and the presence of an electromagnetic field.
  3. If the device does not work, first of all we swap the leads of the primary coil, and only then we check the transistor for breakdown.
  4. When you turn it on for the first time, monitor the temperature of the transistor; if necessary, connect additional cooling.

Distinctive features of the powerful Tesla transformer are high voltage, large dimensions of the device and the method of producing resonant oscillations. Let's talk a little about how it works and how to make a Tesla spark-type transformer.

The primary circuit operates on alternating voltage. When turned on, the capacitor charges. As soon as the capacitor is charged to the maximum, a breakdown of the spark gap occurs - a device of two conductors with a spark gap filled with air or gas. After the breakdown, a series circuit of a capacitor and a primary coil is formed, called an LC circuit. It is this circuit that creates high-frequency oscillations, which create resonant oscillations and enormous voltage in the secondary circuit (Fig. 6).

If you have the necessary parts, you can assemble a powerful Tesla transformer with your own hands, even at home. To do this, it is enough to make changes to the low-power circuit:

  1. Increase the diameters of the coils and the cross-section of the wire by 1.1 - 2.5 times.
  2. Add a toroid-shaped terminal.
  3. Change the DC voltage source to an alternating one with a high boost factor that produces a voltage of 3–5 kV.
  4. Change the primary circuit according to the diagram in Figure 6.
  5. Add reliable grounding.

Tesla spark transformers can reach a power of up to 4.5 kW, therefore creating large-sized streamers. The best effect is obtained when the frequencies of both circuits are equal. This can be realized by calculating parts in special programs - vsTesla, inca and others. You can download one of the Russian-language programs from the link: http://ntesla.at.ua/_fr/1/6977608.zip.

In this article you will learn how to make your own Tesla coil using medium-sized transistors.

Step 1: Danger!

Unlike other high voltage experiments, Tesla coils can be very dangerous. If you get shocked by streamers, you won't feel any pain, but your circulation and nervous system may be seriously affected. Do not touch them under any circumstances!

In addition, I am not responsible for any damage caused to your health.

This doesn't mean you shouldn't work with high voltage, although if this is your first high voltage project, it's best to start with a good microwave transformer circuit without risking your health!

Step 2: Materials Needed

Show 4 more images

The total cost of assembly at home was about 1,500 rubles, since I already had wood, bottles, PVC and glue.

Secondary coil:

  • PVC pipe 38mm (the longer the better)
  • About 90 meters 0.5mm copper wire
  • 4cm PVC screw (see picture)
  • 5 cm metal flange with thread
  • Enamel in a can
  • Round, smooth metal object for discharging


  • Various pieces of wood
  • Long bolts, nuts and washers

Primary coil:

  • About 3m thin copper tube


  • 6 glass bottles
  • Table salt
  • Oil (I used canola oil. Mineral oil is preferable because it doesn't go moldy, but I didn't have any).
  • Lots of aluminum foil
  • A high voltage power source, such as a neon, oil or other transformer, that produces at least 9 kV at about 30 mA.

Step 3: Secondary Coil

Clamp the pipe to wrap around one end of the wire. Slowly and carefully begin wrapping the coil, making sure you don't layer the wires or leave any gaps. This step is the most difficult and tedious part, but with a lot of time you will end up with a great reel. Every 20 turns or so, wrap a ring of masking tape around the spool to prevent the spool from unraveling. When finished, secure both sides of the coil with thick tape and apply 2-3 layers of enamel.


  • I built a setup to wind my coil, which consisted of a microwave motor (3 rpm) and a ball bearing.
  • Use a small piece of wood with a notch (like the one in the picture) to straighten the wire and tighten the coil.

Step 4: Preparing the Base and Winding the Primary Coil

Align the metal stand with the center of the base and drill holes for the bolts. Screw the bolts upside down. This will allow you to place the base for the primary winding on top of it. Then slide the base onto the bolts. Take a copper tube and twist it into a cone shape (not as shown in the pictures). Then install the resulting spiral onto the base.

Additionally, 2 supports were added, on which I put the winding.

I forgot to add how to make a spark gap! It's just two bolts in a wooden box and can be adjusted etc. (See last photo)

Step 5: Capacitors

I decided to take the cheaper route and build the capacitors myself. The easiest way is to create capacitors using salt water, oil and aluminum foil. Wrap the bottle in foil and fill it with water. Try to make the same amount of water in each bottle as this will help keep the power consistent.

The maximum amount of salt you can put in water is 0.359 g/ml, but this ends up being a lot of salt, so you can reduce the amount significantly (I used 5 grams per bottle). Just make sure you use the same amount of salt and water in each bottle. Now pour a few ml of oil into the bottle little by little. Punch a hole in the top of the cover and insert a long wire into it. You now have one fully functioning capacitor, make 5 more of the same.

Additionally: to place the bottles in the correct order, find a metal box.

If you are using a neon transformer, 6 bottles will not be enough. Do 8-12.

Step 6: Connecting all the elements

Connect everything according to the attached diagram. The ground of the secondary winding cannot be grounded with the ground of the primary winding, otherwise your apartment will burn down.

Characteristics of my reels:

  • 599 turns on secondary
  • 6.5 turns on primary

Step 7: Launch!

Take the mini Tesla coil outside for the first run, as it's not really safe to run anything that powerful inside the house. Turn the switch and enjoy the light show! My neon transformer is 9kV and 30mA, causing the coil to produce 15cm sparks. See below:

There are a few things that I realized I need to change about the Tesla coil design. First of all, you need to redo the primary winding. It should be wound more tightly and with more turns. Besides, I want to build a better arrester. I already have a new reel in plans and it will be about two meters high!

Nikola Tesla is a legendary figure, and the meaning of some of his inventions is still debated to this day. We won’t go into mysticism, but rather talk about how to make something spectacular according to Tesla’s “recipes”. This is a Tesla coil. Having seen it once, you will never forget this incredible and amazing sight!

General information

If we talk about the simplest such transformer (coil), then it consists of two coils that do not have a common core. The primary winding must have at least a dozen turns of thick wire. At least 1000 turns are already wound on the secondary one. Please note that the Tesla coil has one that is 10-50 times greater than the ratio of the number of turns on the second winding to the first.

The output voltage of such a transformer can exceed several million volts. It is this circumstance that ensures the occurrence of spectacular discharges, the length of which can reach several meters at once.

When were the transformer's capabilities first demonstrated to the public?

In the town of Colorado Springs, a generator at a local power plant once completely burned out. The reason was that the current from it went to power the primary winding. During this ingenious experiment, the scientist first proved to the community that the existence of a standing electromagnetic wave is a reality. If your dream is a Tesla coil, the most difficult thing to do with your own hands is the primary winding.

In general, making it yourself is not so difficult, but it is much more difficult to give the finished product a visually attractive appearance.

The simplest transformer

First, you will have to find a high voltage source somewhere, at least 1.5 kV. However, it is best to immediately count on 5 kV. Then we attach it all to a suitable capacitor. If its capacity is too large, you can experiment a little with diode bridges. After this, you make the so-called spark gap, for the sake of which the entire Tesla coil is created.

It’s easy to do: take a couple of wires, and then twist them with electrical tape so that the bare ends point in one direction. We very carefully adjust the gap between them so that the breakdown occurs at a voltage slightly higher than that for the power source. Don't worry: since the current is alternating, the peak voltage will always be slightly higher than stated. After this, the entire structure can be connected to the primary winding.

In this case, to make a secondary one, you can wind only 150-200 turns on any cardboard sleeve. If you do everything correctly, you will get a good discharge, as well as noticeable branching. It is very important to ground the output from the second coil well.

This is how the simplest Tesla coil turned out. Anyone who has at least minimal knowledge of electrical engineering can do it with their own hands.

We design a more “serious” device

All this is good, but how does a transformer work, which is not a shame to show even at some exhibition? Making a more powerful device is quite possible, but it will require a lot more work. First, we warn you that to conduct such experiments you must have very reliable wiring, otherwise disaster will not be avoided! So, what should you take into account? Tesla coils, as we already said, need really high voltage.

It must be at least 6 kV, otherwise you won’t see beautiful discharges, and the settings will constantly get lost. In addition, the spark plug should be made only from solid pieces of copper, and for the sake of your own safety, they should be fixed as firmly as possible in one position. The power of the entire “economy” should be at least 60 W, but it is better to take 100 or more. If this value is lower, then you will definitely not get a truly spectacular Tesla coil.

Very important! Both the capacitor and the primary winding must ultimately form a specific oscillatory circuit that enters into a state of resonance with the secondary winding.

Keep in mind that the winding can resonate in several different ranges at once. Experiments have shown that the frequency is 200, 400, 800 or 1200 kHz. As a rule, all this depends on the condition and location of the primary winding. If you don’t have one, you will have to experiment with the capacitance of the capacitor, and also change the number of turns on the winding.

We remind you once again that we are discussing a bifilar Tesla coil (with two coils). So the issue of winding should be approached seriously, because otherwise nothing meaningful will come of the idea.

Some information about capacitors

It is better to take the capacitor itself with a not too outstanding capacity (so that it has time to accumulate charge in time) or use a diode bridge designed for rectifying alternating current. Let us immediately note that the use of a bridge is more justified, since capacitors of almost any capacity can be used, but in this case you will have to take a special resistor to discharge the structure. It gives off a very (!) electric shock.

Note that we are not considering a Tesla coil on a transistor. After all, you simply won’t find transistors with the required characteristics.


In general, we remind you once again: before assembling the Tesla coil, check the condition of all wiring in the house or apartment, make sure there is a high-quality grounding! This may seem like a boring exhortation, but such tension is not to be trifled with!

It is imperative to very reliably isolate the windings from each other, since otherwise you will be guaranteed to break through. On the secondary winding, it is advisable to make insulation between the layers of turns, since any more or less deep scratch on the wire will be decorated with a small but extremely dangerous discharge corona. And now - let's get to work!

Let's get started

As you can see, you will not need so many elements for assembly. You just need to remember that for proper operation of the device you need not only to assemble it correctly, but also to configure it correctly! However, first things first.

Transformers (MOTs) can be removed from any old microwave oven. This is almost standard, but it has one important difference: its core almost always operates in saturation mode. Thus, a very compact and simple device can easily output up to 1.5 kV. Unfortunately, they also have specific disadvantages.

So, the value of the no-load current is approximately three to four amperes, and the heating even during idle time is very high. For an average microwave oven, the MOT produces about 2-2.3 kV, and is equal to approximately 500-850 mA.

Characteristics of ILOs

Attention! In these transformers, the primary winding starts at the bottom, while the secondary winding is located at the top. This design provides better insulation of all windings. As a rule, on the “secondary” there is a filament winding from the magnetron (approximately 3.6 Volts). Between the two layers of metal, an attentive craftsman may notice a couple of metal bridges. These are magnetic shunts. What are they needed for?

The fact is that they close on themselves some part of the magnetic field that the primary winding creates. This is done to stabilize the field and the current itself on the second winding. If they are not there, then at the slightest short circuit the entire load goes to the “primary”, and its resistance is very small. Thus, these small parts protect the transformer and you, as they prevent many unpleasant consequences. Oddly enough, is it still better to remove them? Why?

Remember that in a microwave oven the problem of overheating of this important device is solved by installing powerful fans. If you have a transformer that does not have shunts, then its power and heat dissipation are much higher. For all imported microwave ovens, they are most often thoroughly filled with epoxy resin. So why should they be removed? The fact is that in this case the current “drawdown” under load is significantly reduced, which is very important for our purposes. What to do with overheating? We recommend placing the ILO in

By the way, a flat Tesla coil generally does without a ferromagnetic core and a transformer, but requires an even higher voltage supply of current. Because of this, trying something similar at home is strongly discouraged.

Once again about safety precautions

A small addition: the voltage on the secondary winding is such that an electric shock if it breaks down will lead to guaranteed death. Remember that the Tesla coil circuit assumes a current strength of 500-850 A. The maximum value of this value, which still leaves a chance of survival, is... 10 A. So when working, do not forget for a second about the simplest precautions!

Where and for how much can I buy components?

Alas, there is some bad news: firstly, a decent ILO costs at least two thousand rubles. Secondly, finding it on the shelves of even specialized stores is almost impossible. There is only hope for the collapses and “flea markets”, through which you will have to run a lot in search of what you are looking for.

If possible, be sure to use the MOT from the old Soviet Electronika microwave oven. It is not as compact as imported analogues, but it operates in the mode of a regular transformer. Its industrial designation is TV-11-3-220-50. It has a power of approximately 1.5 kW, an output of about 2200 Volts, and a current strength of 800 mA. In short, the parameters are very decent even for our time. In addition, it has an additional 12V winding, ideal as a power source for the fan that will cool the Tesla spark plug.

What else should I use?

High-quality high-voltage ceramic capacitors of the K15U1, K15U2, TGK, KTK, K15-11, K15-14 series. It is difficult to find them, so it is better to have professional electricians as good friends. What about the high pass filter? You will need two coils that can reliably filter out high frequencies. Each of them must contain at least 140 turns of high-quality copper wire (varnished).

Some information about the spark generator

The spark generator is designed to excite oscillations in the circuit. If it is not in the circuit, then the power will flow, but the resonance will not. In addition, the power supply begins to “punch” through the primary winding, which is almost guaranteed to lead to a short circuit! If the spark switch is not closed, the high voltage capacitors cannot charge. As soon as it closes, oscillations begin in the circuit. It is to prevent certain problems that throttles are used. When the spark plug closes, the inductor prevents current leakage from the power supply, and only then, when the circuit is open, accelerated charging of the capacitors begins.

Device characteristics

Finally, we will say a few more words about the Tesla transformer itself: for the primary winding, you are unlikely to be able to find a copper wire of the required diameter, so it is easier to use copper tubes from refrigeration equipment. The number of turns is from seven to nine. At least 400 (up to 800) turns must be wound on the secondary. It is impossible to determine the exact amount, so experiments will have to be carried out. One output is connected to the TOP (lightning emitter), and the second is very (!) reliably grounded.

What is the emitter made of? Use an ordinary ventilation corrugation for this. Before you make a Tesla coil, a photo of which is here, be sure to think about how to design it more original. Below are some tips.

In conclusion…

Alas, this spectacular device has no practical application to this day. Some demonstrate experiments in institutes, others make money from this by arranging “miracles of electricity” parks. In America, a very wonderful friend a couple of years ago actually made a Christmas tree out of a Tesla coil...

To make it more beautiful, he applied various substances to the lightning emitter. Keep in mind: boric acid makes the tree green, manganese makes the tree blue, and lithium makes it crimson. There are still debates about the true purpose of the invention of the brilliant scientist, but today it is a common attraction.

Here's how to make a Tesla coil.

Invented in 1891 by Nikola Tesla, the Tesla coil was created to conduct experiments to study high-voltage discharges. This device consists of a power source, a capacitor, two coils between which a charge will circulate, and two electrodes between which a discharge will pass. The Tesla coil, which has found application in a great variety of devices (from particle accelerators and television to children's toys), can be made at home from radio components.


Part 1

Tesla Coil Design

    Decide on the size and placement of your Tesla coil before you begin. You can make as big a Tesla coil as your budget allows; but keep in mind that the spark discharges created by the coil heat up the air, which expands greatly (resulting in thunder). The electromagnetic field created by the coil can damage electrical appliances, so it is better to place it in a remote location, such as a garage or workshop.

    • To find out how long an arc you can get, or how much power the power supply will require, divide the distance between the electrodes in centimeters by 4.25 and square it to get the required power in Watts. Accordingly, to find the distance between the electrodes, multiply the square root of the power by 4.25. A Tesla coil capable of creating an arc 1.5 meters long would require 1,246 watts. A coil with a 1kW power supply can create a spark 1.37 meters long.
    • Familiarize yourself with the terminology. Making a Tesla Coil will require you to understand certain scientific terms and know the units of measurement. You will need to understand their meaning and meaning in order to do everything correctly. Here is some information you may find useful:

      • Electrical capacitance is the ability to accumulate and hold an electrical charge of a certain voltage. A device designed to store electrical charge is called a capacitor. The unit of measurement of electric charge is farad (denoted "F"). A farad can be expressed as 1 amp second (Coulomb) multiplied by a volt. Capacitance is often measured in fractions of a farad, such as microfarad (mF) - millionth of a farad, picofarad (pF) - trillionth of a farad.
      • Self-induction is the phenomenon of the occurrence of EMF in a conductor when the current passing through it changes. High-voltage wires through which low-ampere current flows have high self-inductance. The unit of self-inductance is henry (abbreviated as "H"). One henry corresponds to a circuit in which a change in current at a rate of one ampere per second creates an emf of 1 Volt. Inductance is often measured in fractions of a henry: millihenry ("mH"), thousandth of a henry, or microhenry ("µH"), millionth of a henry.
      • Resonant frequency is the frequency at which energy transmission losses are minimal. For a Tesla coil, this is the frequency of minimum losses during energy transfer between the primary and secondary windings. Frequency is measured in Hertz (abbreviated as "Hz"), defined as one cycle per second. Often, resonant frequency is measured in kilohertz ("kHz"), a kilohertz being equal to 1000 Hz.
    • Gather all the necessary parts. You will need: a transformer, a high-capacitance primary capacitor, a surge arrester, a low-inductance primary coil, a high-inductance secondary coil, a low-capacitance secondary capacitor, and a device to dampen the high-frequency pulses that occur at high voltages during operation of the Tesla coil. You will find more detailed information about the necessary parts in the section of the article “Making a Tesla Coil”.

      • The power source must, through an inductor, supply a primary or storage oscillatory circuit, which consists of a primary capacitor, a primary coil and a spark gap. The primary coil should be located next to the secondary coil, which is an element of the secondary oscillating circuit, but the circuits should not be connected by wires. Once the secondary capacitor has accumulated sufficient charge, it will release electrical discharges into the air.

Part 2

Making a Tesla Coil
  1. Select a transformer. Your supply transformer determines how large a coil you can make. Most of these coils are powered by transformers, which can produce a current of 30-100 milliamps at a voltage of 5,000-15,000 volts. You can look for a transformer at your local radio market, buy it online, or pull it off a neon sign.

    Make a primary capacitor. It can be made from many small capacitors connected in a circuit, which will accumulate equal shares of charge in the primary circuit. To do this, all capacitors must have the same capacitance. Such a capacitor is called a composite capacitor.

    • Small capacitors and load resistors can be purchased at a radio parts store or you can remove ceramic capacitors from an old TV. You can also make capacitors from aluminum foil and plastic film.
    • To achieve maximum power, the primary capacitor must be fully charged every half power cycle. For a 60Hz power supply, charging should occur 120 times per second.
  2. Design the arrester. If you want to make a single discharger, you need to use a wire that is at least 6 millimeters thick so that the electrodes can withstand the heat generated during the discharge. You can also make a multi-electrode gap, a rotary gap, or cool the electrodes by blowing air. An old vacuum cleaner can be used for these purposes.

    Make a winding of the primary coil. The coil itself will be made of wire, but you will need a mold to wrap the wire around. You should use varnished copper wire, which you can buy at a radio parts store or remove from an unnecessary electrical appliance. The shape you wrap the wire around should either be cylindrical, such as a cardboard or plastic tube, or conical, such as an old lampshade.

    • The length of the wire will determine the inductance of the primary coil. The primary coil should have low inductance, so that it will consist of a small number of turns. The wire for the primary coil does not have to be solid; you can fasten sections together to adjust the inductance as you build.
  3. Assemble the primary capacitor, spark gap and primary coil into one circuit. This circuit forms the primary oscillatory circuit.

    Make a secondary inductor. Just like the primary coil, you need a cylindrical shape that you will wind the wire onto. The secondary coil must have the same resonant frequency as the primary to avoid losses. The secondary coil must be longer/taller than the primary coil to have more inductance and prevent the secondary from over-discharging which could cause the primary coil to burn out.

    • If you don't have the materials to make a large enough secondary coil, you can make a discharge electrode to protect the primary circuit, but this will cause most of the discharges to occur on that electrode and not be visible.
  4. Make a secondary capacitor. The secondary capacitor, or terminal, should be a rounded shape, the two most popular being a torus (a donut-shaped ring) and a sphere.

    Connect the secondary capacitor and the secondary coil. This will be the secondary oscillating circuit.

    • Your secondary circuit must be grounded separately from your house wiring that powers the Tesla coil source. This is necessary to avoid high-voltage currents wandering through the wiring of the house and causing damage to connected electrical appliances. You can make a separate grounding by driving a metal pin into the ground.
  5. Make impulse chokes. Chokes are small coils that prevent the surge arrester from damaging the power supply. You can make such a coil by winding copper wire around a thin tube, such as a regular ballpoint pen.

  6. Assemble all the components together. Place the primary and secondary oscillating circuits side by side and connect the supply transformer to the primary circuit through chokes. Once you turn on the transformer, the Tesla coil is ready to go.

    • If the primary coil is large in diameter, the secondary can be placed inside it.

Nikola Tesla is one of the most famous scientists in the field of electrical power and electricity, whose scientific legacy still causes much controversy. And if practically implemented projects are actively used and known everywhere, then some unrealized ones are still objects of research, both by serious organizations and amateurs.

Generator or perpetual motion machine?

Most scientists deny the possibility of creating a free energy generator. It should be countered by the fact that even in the past, many modern achievements also seemed impossible. The fact is that science has many areas where research has been far from complete. This especially concerns issues of physical fields and energy. Those types of energy that are familiar to us can be felt and measured. But it is impossible to deny the presence of unknown species only on the grounds that there are no methods and instruments for their measurement and transformation.

For skeptics, any proposals for generators, schemes and ideas based on the conversion of free energy seem to be perpetual motion machines that operate without consuming energy, and are even capable of generating excess in the form of known energy, thermal or electrical.

We are not talking about perpetual motion machines here. In fact, the eternal generator uses free energy, which currently does not yet have a clear theoretical justification. What was light previously considered to be? And now it is used to generate electrical energy.

alternative energy

Supporters of traditional physics and energy deny the possibility of creating a workable generator, using existing concepts, laws and definitions. A lot of evidence is given that such devices cannot exist in practice, since they contradict the law of conservation of energy.

Proponents of the “conspiracy theory” are convinced that calculations of the generator exist, as well as its working prototypes, but they are not presented to science and the general public, since they are not profitable for modern energy companies and can cause an economic crisis.

Enthusiasts have repeatedly attempted to create a generator; they have built many prototypes, but for some reason reports on the work regularly disappear or disappear. It has been noted that network resources dedicated to alternative energy are periodically closed.

This may indicate that the design is actually functional, and it is possible to create a generator with your own hands even at home.

Many people confuse the concepts of generator and transformer (Tesla coil). For clarification, we need to look at this in more detail. The Tesla transformer has been studied sufficiently and is accessible for repetition. Many manufacturers successfully produce various models of transformers both for practical use in various devices and for demonstration purposes.

A Tesla transformer is a converter of electrical energy from low voltage to high voltage. The output voltage can be millions of volts, but the design itself is not very complex. The genius of the inventor lies in the fact that he managed to assemble a device that uses the known physical properties of electromagnetic fields, but in a completely different way. There is still no comprehensive theoretical basis for the operation of the device.

The design is based on a transformer with two windings, with a large and a small number of turns. The most important thing is that there is no traditional ferromagnetic core, and the connection between the windings is very weak. Considering the output voltage level of the Tesla transformer, we can conclude that the usual method of calculating the transformer, even taking into account the high conversion frequency, is not applicable here.

Tesla Generator

The generator has a different purpose. The generator design also uses a transformer similar to a high voltage one. Working on the same principle as a transformer, the generator is capable of creating excess energy at the output, significantly exceeding that spent on the initial start-up of the device. The main task is the method of manufacturing the transformer and its configuration. Precise tuning of the system to the resonance frequency is important. The situation is complicated by the fact that such data is not freely available.

How to make a generator

To assemble a Tesla generator, you need very little. On the Internet you can find information on assembling a Tesla generator transformer with your own hands and diagrams for starting the structure. Based on the available information, recommendations are given below on how to independently assemble the structure and a brief setup procedure.

The transformer must satisfy conflicting requirements:

  • High-frequency free energy requires a reduction in size (similar to the difference in size of meter and decimeter range television antennas);
  • As the dimensions decrease, the efficiency of the structure decreases.


The issue is partially solved by selecting the diameter and quantity of the primary winding of the transformer. The optimal winding diameter is 50 mm, so it is convenient to use a piece of plastic sewer pipe of the appropriate length for winding. It has been experimentally established that the number of turns of the winding should be at least 800; it is better to double this number. The diameter of the wire is not significant for a homemade design, since its power is low. Therefore, the diameter can be in the range from 0.12 to 0.5 mm. A smaller value will create difficulties during winding, and a larger value will increase the dimensions of the device.

The length of the pipe is taken taking into account the number of turns and the diameter of the wire. For example, PEV-2 wires 0.15 mm in diameter with insulation are 0.17 mm, the total length of the winding is 272 mm. Having retreated 50 mm from the edge of the pipe for fastening, drill a hole for fastening the beginning of the winding, and after 272 mm another one for the end. The pipe margin on top is a couple of centimeters. The total length of the pipe section will be 340-350 mm.

To wind the wire, thread its beginning into the bottom hole, leave a margin of 10-20 cm there and secure it with tape. After the winding is completed, its end of the same length is threaded into the upper hole and also secured.

Important! The turns of the winding must fit tightly to each other. The wire should not have kinks or loops.

The finished winding must be coated on top with electrical varnish or epoxy resin to prevent shifting of the turns.

For the secondary winding you need a more serious wire with a cross section of at least 10 mm2. This corresponds to a wire with a diameter of 3.6 mm. If it's thicker, that's even better.

Note! Since the system operates at a high frequency, due to the skin effect, the current propagates in the surface layer of the wire, so you can use a thin-walled copper tube instead. The skin effect is another justification for the large diameter of the secondary winding wire.

The diameter of the turns of the secondary winding should be twice as large as the primary, that is, 100 mm. The secondary can be wound on a 110 mm section of sewer pipe or on any other simple frame. A pipe or a suitable blank is needed only for the winding process. The rigid winding will not need a frame.

For the secondary winding, the number of turns is 5-6. There are several design options for the secondary winding:

  • Solid;
  • With a distance between turns of 20-30 mm;
  • Cone-shaped with the same distances.

The cone-shaped one is of the greatest interest because it expands the tuning range (has a wider frequency band). The lower first turn is made with a diameter of 100 mm, and the upper one reaches 150-200 mm.

Important! It is necessary to strictly maintain the distance between the turns, and the surface of the wire or tube must be made smooth (at best, polished).

Power supply circuit

For the initial start-up, a circuit is required that supplies a pulse of energy to the Tesla generator transformer. Next, the generator switches to self-oscillating mode and does not constantly need external power.

In developer slang, the power supply device is called a “kacher”. Those familiar with electronics know that the correct name for the device is a blocking oscillator (shock oscillator). Such a circuit solution generates a single powerful electrical impulse.

Many variants of blocking generators have been developed, which are divided into three groups:

  • On vacuum tubes;
  • On bipolar transistors;
  • On field-effect transistors with an insulated gate.

A tube electromagnetic generator using powerful generator tubes operates with high output parameters, but its design is hampered by the availability of components. In addition, not two, but three winding transformers are required, so tube blocking oscillators are now rare.

The most widely used devices are those based on bipolar transistors. Their circuitry is well developed, setup and adjustment are simple. We use domestically produced transistors of the 800 series (KT805, KT808, KT819), which have good technical parameters, are widespread and do not cause financial difficulties.

The proliferation of powerful and reliable field-effect transistors has made it possible to design blocking oscillators with increased efficiency due to the fact that MOSFET or IGBT transistors have better parameters for voltage drop across transitions. In addition to increasing efficiency, the problem of cooling transistors becomes less problematic. Proven circuits use IRF740 or IRF840 transistors, which are also inexpensive and reliable.

Before assembling the generator into a finished structure, double-check the workmanship of all components. Assemble the structure and supply power to it. The transition to self-oscillating mode is accompanied by the presence of voltage on the windings of the transformer (at the output of the secondary). If there is no voltage, then it is necessary to adjust the frequency of the blocking generator in resonance with the frequency of the transformer.

Important! When working with a Tesla generator, extreme caution must be exercised, since when starting, high voltage is induced in the primary winding, which can lead to an accident.

Generator application

The Tesla generator and transformer were designed by the inventor as universal devices for wireless transmission of electrical energy. Nikola Tesla repeatedly conducted experiments confirming his theory, but, unfortunately, traces of the energy transfer reports were also lost or safely hidden, like many of his other designs. Developers have only recently begun to design devices to transmit energy, but only over relatively short distances (wireless phone chargers are a good example).

In an era of inevitable depletion of non-renewable natural resources (hydrocarbon fuels), the development and construction of alternative energy devices, including a fuel-free generator, is of great importance. A free energy generator with sufficient power can be used for lighting and heating homes. You should not refuse research citing a lack of experience and specialized education. Many important inventions were made by people who were professionals in completely different fields.


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