Home Generator What speakers are in the Amphiton 35ac 018. Soviet acoustics. Main technical characteristics

What speakers are in the Amphiton 35ac 018. Soviet acoustics. Main technical characteristics

Acoustic system 35AS-018 "AMPHITON"is one of the S-90 family of acoustic systems. This acoustics has a nameplate electrical power of 70 W. Rated electrical power of 35 W.

Electrical resistance, nominal value - 4 Ohms.

The range of reproduced frequencies is 25-25000 Hz.

Characteristic sensitivity in the frequency range 100-8000 Hz at a power of 1 W, Po'W - 1/2, not less than - 0.38

Weight of the speaker system, no more than 27 kg.

Overall dimensions, mm - 371x721x290

The acoustic system is a three-way acoustic system in which a 75GDN-3 loudspeaker head is used as a low-frequency link, a 20GDS-3 head is used as a mid-frequency link, and a 6GDV-7 head is used as a high-frequency link.

Acoustic design - bass reflex. Filter crossover frequencies are 650Hz and 4.5kHz.

The peculiarity of the speakers is their use as suspensions for midrange and low-frequency speakers - PPU - polyurethane foam suspensions. The AC filter circuit is also different from the S-90.

On the Internet today, there are many articles devoted to the modernization of this speaker system. Basically, the modernization comes down to replacing the mid-HF link, as well as changing the mid-HF filter. To change or not, the decision is yours. But I wouldn’t recommend ruining good acoustics by getting into the speaker filters. Without special measuring tools and capabilities, this would be impractical to do. From my experience I will say that the midrange speaker is certainly the weak link of this speaker. Listening to speakers with the original 20GDS-3 (15GD-11A) speakers was not impressive due to the lack of expression in the midrange. The 20GDS-3 (15GD-11A) head was replaced with a 6GDSH-5-6 speaker, after the replacement, the sound began to predominate with a higher tone. The frequency of the midrange-bass section has clearly increased. You can't get comfortable sound with this speaker. Therefore, Visaton SC 13/8 speakers were purchased. The filters were not changed during this replacement. The sound became completely different from either the 20GDS-3 (15GD-11A) head or the 6GDSH-5-6 head. Drive appeared, the stereo effect increased, and the volume of sound also increased. There was no failure, as with the 6GDSH-5-6 variant.

I am a lover of heavy music, a lot of guitar riffs, transitions from one key to another, combined with deep, collected bass, make this acoustics also a good option for listening to many musical genres.

The 6GDV-7 head is also replaced by a 10GDV-2 head with a silk diffuser. The photo shows a 6GDV-7 head with a film diffuser. The sound will also change for the better, with less so-called “clanking”.

LF head 75GDN-3 - It is necessary to replace the head suspension with a new PPU suspension. Since the old suspension has already become unusable. Gluing won't help here. PPU suspension can now be easily obtained. Do not change the head suspension to a rubber one; the bass sound picture will immediately deteriorate. Only on PPU! When replacing the suspension with a new one, you must thoroughly clean the diffusers of old glue and traces of the old suspension. Also, when replacing the suspension, make sure that the centering of the speaker cone is not disturbed.

The wiring in the acoustics also needs to be replaced. Can be replaced with OFC 2.5 wire or similar.

If the finishing veneer has become unusable, you can cover the acoustics with film. Or replace the veneer.

Do not touch the filler inside the speaker, because even if it is unevenly laid there, still do not change it. Many people change cotton rolls to whatever they want, don't change it. At the factory, the sound is adjusted for bass. Therefore, the amount of filler may vary. Don't touch the bass reflex either. He's in a good mood. Please note that if the speakers are installed correctly, there is no “booming” in the bass.

Speaker systems must be placed on stands 30cm from the floor, and you can also make or buy speaker spikes. Such acoustics should not be placed on the floor!

The acoustic systems were listened to using amplifiers: SANSUI-AU-G77X, Odyssey-u-010-stereo, Brig-001, Radiotekhnika - U7111.

Acoustic system "Amfiton-35AS-018"

Acoustic system "Amfiton-35AS-018" (1981).

The three-way speaker system Amphiton "35AC-018", also known as "35AC-218", is designed for reproducing sound programs from high-quality household amplification equipment.

Using passive crossover filters, the entire frequency range of the "35AC-018" speaker system is divided into 3 bands, each of which is reproduced by its own head.

The speaker system has three heads:
- low-frequency type 30GD-2,
- mid-frequency type 15GD-11,
- high-frequency type 10GD-35.

The body of the Amphiton "35AS-018" (35AS-218) acoustic system is made in the form of a bass reflex.

AS Amphiton "35AS-018" does not have regulators.

Rated power, W................................................... ............. 35.
Maximum power, W................................................... .......... 90.
Reproducible frequency range, Hz......................... 31.5...20000.
Nominal sound pressure (100...4000 Hz), Pa.................... 2.0.
Nominal electrical resistance, Ohm.................................... 4.
Dimensions, mm................................................... .................... 720x370x285.
Weight, kg................................................... ........................................... 24.

The unevenness of the frequency response at the lower limit frequency of the reproduced frequency range relative to the average sound pressure level is -16 dB.

The level of characteristic sensitivity is not less than 86 dB.

The unevenness of sound pressure in the frequency range 100..8000 Hz is ±3.5 dB.

These speakers are one of the clones of the ‘‘S-90’’ speakers. The usable volume of these speakers is approximately the same, the set of speakers is identical, and the filter circuit is similar.
The bass reflex consists of one pipe.

The speaker body is made in the form of a rectangular non-demountable box made of chipboard veneered with wood veneer. The thickness of the case walls is 18 mm; the front panel, in order to increase its rigidity, is made of a 38 mm thick plate. The design of the case includes elements that increase the rigidity of the case and reduce the amplitude of vibrations of the walls, in particular, there is a wooden spacer that connects the front panel and the rear wall and is located between the low-frequency head and the bass reflex hole.

To prevent the influence of the low-frequency head, on the inside of the midrange head the head is isolated from the total volume with a special sealed plastic cap.

Separation filter:

The low-frequency head filter is a first-order high-pass filter that provides a frequency response rolloff of 6 dB per octave;

The filter of the mid-frequency head is a first-order bandpass filter, providing a roll-off of the frequency response towards low and high frequencies of 6 dB per octave;

The high-frequency head filter is a second-order low-pass filter that provides a decrease in frequency response towards mid-frequencies of 12 dB per octave.

Crossover frequencies: between the LF and MF heads - 650 Hz, between the MF and HF heads - 4500 Hz. The design of electrical filters uses C5-35 type resistors, MBGO capacitors, and inductors on plastic frames without cores.

With a correctly conducted blind test, the sound of the Amphiton "35AC-018" speaker can be distinguished from the sound of the ''S-90'' speaker. A direct comparison of these two speakers will give more preference to the Amphiton "35AC-018" speaker. Although all the differences will be vanishingly small, the sound of the Amphiton "35AC-018" speaker seems more linear in the mid-frequency region. With the same bass attack, the Amphiton "35AC-018" speaker has a shorter inertial aftersound at low frequencies.
If there is a pause in listening for more than 1 minute, it is impossible to distinguish these two speakers.

The Amphiton "35AS-018" speaker was produced in significantly smaller quantities than the ''S-90'' speaker. The midrange and bass dynamic heads of the "35AS-018" system were manufactured using foam suspensions whose service life is 20±5 years. Taking into account some difficulty in purchasing new suspensions at the beginning of the 2000s to replace damaged ones, as well as the difficulty of high-quality (!) repair of dynamic heads, a large number of these speakers were destroyed.

As a result, Amfiton “35AS-018” speakers are currently sold at a significantly higher cost (sometimes 2-2.5 times higher) than “S-90” speakers.
Taking into account minor differences in sound, the choice essentially comes down to design.

Restoration of the Amphiton "35AS-018" speaker:

Currently, purchasing pendants is not difficult. Taking into account postage, a set for four speakers will cost 1000-1500 rubles. Repairs are quite painstaking and require extreme care and precision, which not everyone can do.

Therefore, if you want to use the Amphiton “35AS-018” speaker, the best option may be to buy the Amphiton “35AS-018” speaker with “dead” suspensions or speakers and good or excellent condition of the cases and working filters. The price of such a speaker will be equal to the price of two cases, and will depend only on their external condition.

Then you should find or purchase the AS ‘‘S-90’’ or one of its clones, for example “Orbita 35AC-016” as a donor. Any speakers of type 35AC-XXX with a set of heads of the same size as in the Amphiton "35AC-018" speaker will be suitable. Despite the fact that midrange and bass speakers may have different designations, these are the same speakers. (This statement is not true for HF heads!) They have different designations because they were produced in different time periods and at different factories.

All "S-90" speaker systems were equipped with heads with rubber suspensions, but among the clones there are often speakers with heads on foam rubber (PPU) suspensions, so you need to be careful here. It is impossible to confuse them upon direct inspection.

The condition of the housings and filters of donor speakers will be in second place. But it also needs to be taken into account, because if the cases are broken or dry, this indicates the conditions of storage and (or) operation of these speakers. In this case, you cannot be completely sure that the characteristics of these speakers will correspond to their original values.

You should never buy used. speakers individually. In this case, in one hundred percent of cases you will come across copies whose technical characteristics do not correspond to the nominal ones.
For the same reason, when purchasing donor speakers, it is a good idea to remove the woofers and inspect the place where the wires are soldered. If the soldering is not factory, then the speaker has already been changed by someone.
By the way, the price of a pair of woofers sold individually can often be higher than the price of a pair of speakers with a full set of working speakers.

Be careful and take your time - flat-blade screwdrivers always slip off the screw towards the diffuser according to Murphy's law.

Then, in the housings from the Amphiton "35AS-018" speaker with working filters, you should install midrange and bass heads with rubber surrounds from donor speakers.
As a result, you will receive an Amphiton "35AC-018" speaker with an excellent condition of the cabinets and a set of midrange and bass heads on reliable rubber surrounds.

The suspension material in this case does not affect the sound of the speaker, so the output you will get is a sound completely identical to the original Amphiton “35AC-018” system.

The difference in the sound of the original Amphiton speakers "35AC-018" and the original speakers "S-90" is due to differences in the design of the cabinets, the build quality of the speakers, and the difference in the design of the filters.

You can subsequently sell the donor speakers and faulty speakers removed from the Amphiton "35AC-018" speakers that remain after repairing the housing of the donor speakers, thereby returning some of the cost of the restored Amphiton "35AC-018" speakers.

Hello everyone, I finally got around to publishing one of my works on acoustic restoration (several more are waiting in line for publication)
So let's go.
Amfiton 35AC-018 acoustics were purchased; by the way, these are my favorite acoustics. Depending on the type of activity I had the opportunity to listen to different ones, but in the end one of my home speakers was Amphiton 018.

The speakers arrived in a very shabby state - the bodies were dull and peeling, and the suspensions were on the verge of falling apart.
I want to say separately about the suspensions - there are NO Amphiton speakers with well-preserved suspensions - this is a fact.

Even if the suspensions look intact, when a good load is applied or simply when you press on them with your finger, they will crumble.
And they don’t have to be red, black ones also crumble in the same way - this is all clearly visible in the photo.

So, if you buy Amphitons and the suspensions are not new, then the suspensions must be replaced.
The cost is like this:

  • - midrange hangers 2 x 94 rub.
  • - bass suspensions 2 x 286 RUR- Noem's pendants - you have to cut out a sector.
But there are already relatives - without trimming, read more below.

Total for hangers 760 rubles + replacement

You can save on the cost of replacement work and try to change the suspensions yourself.
In general, there are no particular difficulties, but dexterity is required, since when the hangers are spread with glue, they swell, enlarge, and gluing them evenly is not easy.

And do not forget to be sure to remove the dust cap for alignment, otherwise there is a high probability that during replacement the coil will shift and it will begin to cling to the core of the magnetic system - you will have to tear everything off and re-glue it again.
It may also be necessary to peel off the centering washer, especially if the speakers have been standing for a long time with torn suspensions and the washer has stretched under the weight of the diffuser.

If you still decide to replace it yourself, write to me and I’ll help you with advice.

And if you want to entrust this matter to a professional, then bring the speakers to me.
I do it quickly and efficiently.

The cost of Vegava MFs is approximately 600 rubles per pair , and the cost of restoring relatives 94 x 2 for suspensions and 350 x 2 for replacement = 888 rubles
But the sound of rubber ones will of course be worse (although some may like it - everyone has their own ears

Replacement cost

  • - MF 2 x 350 RUR
  • - LF 2 x 500 RUR
total replacement 1700 rubles

Well, if with painting, then more + 150 rub.

In total, a complete restoration of the bass and midrange speakers will cost
2610 rubles

I would like as many Amphiton Acoustics as possible to delight their owners with their original, powerful, rich and melodic sound, so only at the end of November there is a special offer for the complete restoration of bass + midrange:

  • - MF hangers 5" in size, without trimming (2 pcs)
  • - LF hangers 10" in size, without trimming (2 pcs)
  • - replacement of midrange suspension (2 pieces)
  • - replacement of bass suspension (2 pieces)
  • - painting the domes in a safe way (4 pcs)
Will cost only 2350 rubles

Currently, a package has finally arrived with high-quality factory-made PPU surrounds (soft material similar to foam rubber, 20-year warranty) for speakers such as 75gdn, 50gdn, 30gd and 10gdsh, so whoever needs it, write or call.
Cost of one suspension:

  • 25cm, 10" - 350 RUR
  • 20cm, 8" - 300 rub.
When purchasing hangers with simultaneous installation, there is a special price for the entire range of work:

COST OF RESTORATION of two 25cm speakers, type 75gdn
1550 rubles

COST OF RESTORATION of two 20cm speakers, type 10gdsh (including the cost of hangers):
1150 rubles

COST OF RESTORING two 12.5cm speakers, type 20gds (including the cost of hangers):
800 rubles

We sorted out the speakers, now it’s the turn of the housings.

Here my good friend Vyacheslav helped me.

The cabinets were sanded and painted with three coats of Mahogany stain + four coats of semi-matte varnish.

The result, as they say, is obvious

If anyone is interested in restoring housings, as well as manufacturing, altering and adjusting acoustic filters (crossovers) - write, I’ll give Vyacheslav’s coordinates.

Well, this acoustics has already found a new owner.
I wish him a pleasant listening experience.

Thank you all for your attention!

If you liked my article, then share it on social networks with your friends, maybe the same “kulibin” will awaken in someone, because it’s such an interesting activity - giving good things a new life!

Having become the proud owner of these speakers, I immediately realized that I would have to repair the woofers and midrange speakers. Here we go...

I ordered new fabric hangers from Peter Zodniev on his website. The pendants arrived three weeks later, the quality is excellent. Having moved the speaker cones, I decided to do without complete disassembly, since the centering washers did not crunch, and the alignment was acceptable, the coils did not rub

First of all, I removed the old suspensions, first cut off the main part of the rotten foam with a sharp knife, and then, soaking the old glue with acetone, cleaned its remains on the basket and diffuser with the hard side of a dishwashing sponge.

Then I went over the basket and diffusers with a dry cloth to remove any small residue.

Next I try on the pendants.

Everything fell into place exactly as needed, which means it can be glued. I finish my tea and fix the speaker diffusers in the upper position to make it easier to apply glue, and simply for greater rigidity. The woofer diffuser was secured with matchboxes, and the midrange with crumpled newspaper.

I used Moment Crystal glue. I applied glue to the diffuser and suspension, waited about 1 minute and glued it, pressing firmly with my fingers along the entire diameter.

While the glue was drying, I decided to restore the color of the diffuser. To do this, I took black inkjet printer paint and applied it to the speaker in several layers with a sponge.

After the glue had dried, lifting the suspension, I applied glue to the basket. After waiting a minute and connecting the crown battery to the speaker (so that the diffuser remained in the upper position and did not warp), he pulled out the matchboxes. Next, I disconnected the battery and the pendant lay on the basket. I pressed the suspension firmly against the basket along its entire diameter, as if pulling it towards the edges of the basket, then rolled it with a rubber roller to squeeze out excess glue. I checked the alignment of the diffuser by tilting it in four directions with one hand, i.e. I pressed on one edge until I felt the friction of the coil on the magnetic system, then on the opposite edge and compared whether friction occurs with the same misalignment. If necessary, I adjusted the suspension, applied an adhesive edge and left the speaker to dry for a day, turning it upside down with the magnet.

The procedure for gluing the suspension to the woofer and midrange speakers is approximately the same, which is why I am writing about one speaker.

This is what happened in the end

It was and became

The restoration of my 35ac-018 was planned a long time ago, as part of a program to improve living conditions in the apartment, as well as for other multimedia pastimes. Listening to quality music, watching movies.

So the repairs began with the restoration of the 10GD-35 high-frequency speakers.

The old 16 Ohm HF caps had become unusable, were wrinkled, and were not suitable for use in speakers, so I ordered new caps from the company AudioDon The polarity of the caps is determined using a simple 1.5 volt battery. The technique is simple. Loosely insert the cap into the speaker and apply voltage from the battery. If the cap fires, the polarity is correct. Where + there +, and where - there -. And if the cap is retracted, then accordingly. The polarity needs to be reversed.

If you do not maintain the polarity of the speakers, then at certain frequencies you will end up in antiphase, and this will have a very bad effect on the sound. So let's collect everything carefully!

I’ll also note that there was no point in completely changing the HF speakers, because... the housings, magnet, and other components were in perfect condition.

A large amount of acetone was used to soak the old glue and remove the crumpled cap.

The process of stripping an old hanger is a very messy business. Foam rubber sticks and sticks to your hands, sticks everywhere.

To make cleaning easier, I used steel wool. In this case, this is the ideal tool!

Acetone + washcloth did the job. The surface of the speaker is stained with acetone, but in the future it will be painted with a black marker.

I ordered new suspensions for the bass and midrange speakers from Peter Zodniev and was very pleased. You can talk about his pendants

Testing the speaker from the Microlab Solo 6 amplifier. I ran it through all low frequencies from 10Hz.

We clean the midrange speakers in the same way. They are smaller in size, therefore there is less waste from them, but more skill is required.

Complete cleaning of old foam rubber.

And preparing new hangers for gluing.


Well, now we are transported to the open air, where there is not such a terrible stink of acetone...))) Because it’s the turn of the buildings. First, they need to be peeled off from the paint, but very carefully so as not to damage the veneer. As they say: a grinder to the rescue!

After removing the old layer of varnish and paint, we prime the housings:

Carefully avoiding any leaks. The soil turned out to be good, quite covering.

This is the chemical that was used in painting. It took 3 cans of gray primer. There are 4 black matte paints, and I only used 1 bottle of varnish.

A week later we move back to the apartment and unpack the cases for final assembly. We install separation filters in them.

We install the speakers one by one. Solder the wires.

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