Home Locks Biography of Raymond Pauls. “So many years together!”: Maestro Pauls and his magnificent Lana Raymond Pauls was born

Biography of Raymond Pauls. “So many years together!”: Maestro Pauls and his magnificent Lana Raymond Pauls was born

Soviet and Latvian composer, conductor, pianist. People's Artist of the USSR (1985). Minister of Culture of Latvia (1989 - 1993).

Raymond Pauls. Biography

Oyars Raymond Voldemarovich Pauls (Ojārs Raimonds Pauls) was born on January 12, 1936 in Riga, the capital of Latvia, in the family of a glass blower and a pearl embroiderer. In 1939 he had a sister Edite Paula-Wignere, who later became a tapestry artist.

Raymond inherited a passion for music - his father played drums in an orchestra. He dreamed of teaching his son to play the violin, but the teacher at the music school was categorical: “The boy has no talent.” Then Raymond chose the piano and, after graduating from the Riga Music School, entered the Latvian State Conservatory. I. Vitola.

As a student, he worked part-time in pop orchestras and restaurants, studying classical jazz. He played his first concert at the age of fifteen as part of an adult jazz band. The musicians wrote a receipt for his father: “They took Oyara. We'll return in the morning."

Raymond Pauls. Creative path

Since 1964, he directed the Riga Variety Orchestra, and ten years later - the instrumental ensemble "Modo". In the 1980s, the composer was known in wide circles as a famous conductor and editor-in-chief of music broadcasts on Latvian Radio. In 1986, Raymond founded the competition for young performers " Jurmala" and took the post of Minister of Culture. Pauls He was actively involved in political activities - in 1999 he even wanted to become president of Latvia, but withdrew his candidacy shortly before the elections.

Music Raymond Pauls familiar to several generations. He burst onto the Russian stage with songs "Blue Linen" And "Leaves are yellow". In collaboration with authors Robert Rozhdestvensky and Andrei Voznesensky, Raymond wrote more than one hit. Alla Pugacheva performed his compositions “A Million Scarlet Roses”, “Maestro”, “Without Me”, and Valery Leontyev - “Butterflies in the Snow”, “Cabaret”, “Love the Pianist” and many others.

For many decades, the musician has been working closely with another famous Russian composer - Igor Krutoy, with whom he organized the m international music competition for young performers“New Wave”), as well as his compatriot, singer Laima Vaikule.

Raysond Pauls: It seems to me that chance played a role in the situation with Lyme. She sang in a tavern for a long time and could not get out of there. Moreover, she was already quite a popular singer. Then Laima sang only in English, imagining herself almost like Liza Minnelli. But every time she complained to me: “I can’t sing in a tavern anymore. It’s smoky there, there’s booze every night.” I gave her advice: “Try to sing at least one song in Russian or Latvian.” And, of course, the talent of Ilya Reznik played a role, who, being in a small quarrel with Pugacheva, decided to promote Laima. I played him a few tunes, and after listening to them, he said: “I’m taking on this project.” This is how Vaikule got his first signature number, “It’s not evening yet.” Reznik put pressure on me to adapt many of my songs for Russian listeners. He had a special flair for hits.

The maestro authored the music of a host of pop hits, jazz compositions and melodies for films, including “Three Plus Two”, “Arrows of Robin Hood”, “Theater”, “Long Road in the Dunes”, “Aunties”, “ Death under sail», « Soviet history», « Doublet" and etc.

Pauls co-wrote the most popular songs with Ilya Reznik, Janis Peters and Andrei Voznesensky. Raymond's songs were performed by such artists as Alla Pugacheva, Valery Leontiev, Laima Vaikule, Larisa Dolina, Renat Ibragimov, Oyar Grinbergs, Larisa Mondrus, Valeria, Edita Piekha, Sofia Rotaru, Bazykin sisters, Natalya Faustova, Roza Rymbaeva, Lyudmila Senchina, Denis Ostrovsky, Nikolay Gnatyuk, Dimir Taiganov, Andrey Mironov, Alexander Malinin, Tatyana Bulanova, Kristina Orbakaite, Valentina Legkostupova, Anna Veski and others, as well as VIA “Jolly Fellows”, “Dalderi”, vocal quartet “Soviet Song”, pop orchestra of the Latvian Radio, choir named after T. Kalnin, French orchestra Caravelli, etc.

1961 - laureate of the All-Union Review of Young Composers. 1967 - Honored Artist of the Latvian SSR. 1970 - Lenin Komsomol Prize of the Latvian SSR. 1976 - People's Artist of the Latvian SSR. 1977 - State Prize of the Latvian SSR. 1981 - Lenin Komsomol Prize for musical creativity for youth. 1985 - People's Artist of the USSR. 1994 - Grand Music Prize of Latvia for the poetic performance “All Trees are Given by God”, the concert “Swing Time” and the CD “Christmas”. 1995 - Commander of the Order of Three Stars. 1997 - Order of the Polar Star, knight 1st class (Sweden). 2000 - Latvian big music prize for life contribution. 2008 - international award for the development and strengthening of humanitarian ties in the countries of the Baltic region “Baltic Star”; Cross of Recognition. 2010 - Order of Honor; honorary member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences; honorary citizen of Jurmala. 2013 - Order of Honor for his contribution to the strengthening and development of Armenian-Latvian cultural ties, as well as for great services in world musical art.

Raymond Pauls. Personal life

When the fame of the talented composer spread beyond Latvia, Raymond had to tour throughout the Soviet Union. At one of the concerts in Odessa, he met a local beauty - a linguist Svetlana Epifanova, who was destined to become the maestro’s muse. They have been together for more than half a century.

In 1962, the lovers had a daughter. Anete, after which the composer got rid of his addiction to alcohol once and for all. Despite the fact that a bohemian atmosphere always reigned in their house, and Anete grew up surrounded by the most famous pop stars, Raymond strictly forbade his daughter to be a singer. She got a job at the Latvian consulate in Moscow.

Both are granddaughters Anna Maria(born 1989) and Monique-Yvonne(born 1994) Raymond Pauls They speak excellent Latvian and are seriously interested in music. The godfather of one of them was a close friend of the composer Igor Krutoy. In 1995, the maestro had a grandson Arthur Pauls.

Raymond Pauls: I have a simple problem: today I can write ten, a hundred times better than before. But they will still tell me: “This is all wrong, dear. That’s what happened in the 80s - yes!” But I am silent. Obviously this is true. This is a natural process. The Beatles also had a golden period, when they wrote all their best songs, and then - suddenly it all came to an end. And Picasso, after the “blue period,” also did not produce anything better. You cannot demand the impossible from a composer. My golden period is over. It will no longer be what it was before, when at concerts the audience gave me apples in baskets, cakes, gloves, socks embroidered with national ornaments. And once they even brought a live pig. Lord, what happened! People showed their support in this way, and it was very nice. But all this is already behind us.

Raymond Pauls. Filmography

1986 How to become a star (pianist)
1984 Zudov, you are fired! (pianist)
1978 Theater / Teātris (pianist)

Participation in films
2011 Baltic House. Biography (documentary)
2009 Nobody wanted to forget. Budraitis, Banionis and others (documentary)
2009 Valery Leontiev. I haven't lived yet (documentary)
1996 Raymond Pauls. Work and Reflections (Latvia, documentary)

1980 Melodies of the Baltic (documentary)

2015 Romeo and Juliet / Romeo n "Džuljeta
2013 Aunties
1997 Mills of Fate
1992 Duplet / Duplets
1991 Depression / Depresija
1985 Double Trap
1984 The Youngest Among Brothers
1983 Dream / Scapnis (animated)
1983 Merry Carousel (animated)
1982 Brief instruction in love / Īsa pamācība mīlēšanā
1982 Blues in the rain / Lietus blūzs
1981 Limousine the color of the white night / Limuzīns Jāņu nakts krāsā
1981 Take care of this eternal light (documentary)
1980-1981 Long Road in the Dunes
1980 Spanish version
1980 Larks / Cīrulīši
1979 A story about the sad fate of Kerry (film-play)
1979 Unfinished Dinner
1979 Behind the glass door / Aiz stikla durbīm
1978 Theater / Teātris
1978 Open Country / Atklātā pasaule
1977 Gifts by telephone / Dāvana pa telefonu
1977 Be my mother-in-law! / Kļūstiet mana sievasmāte!
1976 Death under sail
1976 Under the overturned month / Zem apgāztā mēness
1975 Robin Hood's Arrows / Robina Huda bultas
1975 My friend is not a serious person / Mans draugs - nenopietns cilvēks
1975 In the claws of the Black Cancer / Melnā vēža spīlēs
1973 Gift to a lonely woman / Dāvana vientuļai sievietei
1972 Servants of the Devil at the Devil's Mill
1971 Dance of the Moth / Tauriņdeja
1971 Big Amber / Lielais dzintars
1970 The Devil's Servants
1970 Klav - son of Martin
1969 Boys of the island of Livov / Līvsalas zēni
1967 235,000,000 (documentary)
1964 Far from autumn
1963 You are needed (short film)

Several little-known facts from the life of the all-Union maestro from Riga, who will turn 80 on January 12, were collected by Vladimir SERGEEV (Komsomolskaya Pravda).

1. Born in Riga in the family of glass blower Voldemar Pauls, son Ojars Raimonds was assigned - at the request of his father - to the unique Riga musical kindergarten from the age of 3. But until he was 10 years old, he was very reluctant to study music, so his father often urged Raymond to the piano with a belt. Over time, Raymond began to study music with passion and in 1953 he was already a student at the Latvian Conservatory. Professor Herman Braun instilled in him a love of the classics, and young Raymond dreamed of the stage, working part-time in orchestras.

2. Today Raimonds Pauls, who at the age of 49 became a People's Artist of the USSR, is not only a music guru in Latvia, but also a restaurateur, one of the wealthiest residents of Riga, although he once suffered from Latvian banks. And in the 1970s - 1980s, every restaurant where Pauls’ songs were performed donated a lot of money to the composer. Pauls says about this time:
- I lived very well! You come to Sberbank, and several thousand have already poured in. And at one time I even surpassed David Tukhmanov in terms of income.

3. Outwardly calm, who seemed to the audience to be always frowning, Pauls often took part in the pranks of the bohemian party. The composer recalls that several times the patient in this regard, Mark Zakharov, who lived in an apartment right next to Pugacheva, became the object of such jokes. So we, friends, now understand to whom Raymond and Alla dedicated their hit “Hey, you up there!”

4. Although Pauls’s daughter Anete grew up among the celebrities who stayed in their house, the maestro forbade her to sing on stage. After graduating from school, Anete worked at a television center, becoming a director. And in 1988, together with Yuri Nikolaev, she hosted a pop song competition in Jurmala, where Alexander Malinin then received the Grand Prix. Anete married a Dane, an employee of SAS airlines. For several years she was in Moscow the assistant to the Latvian Consul General for cultural issues. Pauls' two granddaughters studied at an elite Moscow school with in-depth study of English and French.

5. Having been both the Minister of Culture of Latvia and the Advisor to the President of Latvia on culture, Raimonds Pauls, contrary to his words about the proper apoliticality of a musician and artist in general, in 1999 ran for the presidency from the New Party of Latvia, which he headed. Having won the first round, he withdrew his candidacy before the second. Later he explained this by saying that he would have to be between two fires, since the right advocated for the aggravation of relations with Russia, and the Russians in Latvia have a strong economic position. By the way, having large finances, Russian capitalists did not interfere in any way with Latvia’s policy of oppressing the Russian-speaking population. Pauls's wife, linguist and translator Svetlana Epifanova (they met in Odessa during the maestro's tour), had to take an exam on knowledge of the Latvian language in order to obtain citizenship. This procedure became a personal insult to the famous composer. By the way, in the house the couple communicates in the state language, and when the spouses quarrel, they switch to a more “picturesque” Russian.

6. There are also unpleasant facts in Pauls’ biography. As Minister of Culture, from 1991 to 1993 he closed several Russian schools, as well as the Riga Youth Theater under the direction of People's Artist Adolf Shapiro.


In his youth, Raymond PAULS was a complete alcoholic; he was even fired from the Riga Philharmonic for drunkenness. This is how the maestro himself comments on this biographical fact.

I'll tell you my story of a musician who played at dances. People always came up to me and offered me wine. Every day I drank more and more often. It turned into a disease. Maybe it all depended on my weak character... I was always drunk. I listened to false compliments, and they kept pouring me more and more. One day I didn’t come to a concert, and I was fired from the Riga Philharmonic.
The binges lasted for weeks. My friends - the actress of our National Theater Lidia Freimane and her husband Osvald Pasternak - constantly told me to go for treatment. My wife also played a big role, convincing me to quit... I could have lost not only my family, but also my life. An abyss loomed ahead. And I made up my mind. I was taken to the hospital.
Injections, all sorts of procedures where you were made to feel sick, lasted three weeks. But before discharge, the doctors said that the hardest part would begin after the hospital. Will I be able to abstain from alcohol? I was able to force myself to refuse even such innocent temptations as a sip of champagne. I haven't drunk since then.

In 1953 he became a student at the performing department of the Latvian State Conservatory, from which he graduated in 1958. In 1962-1965 he studied composition at the Latvian Conservatory under the guidance of composer Janis Ivanov.

In parallel with his studies, Pauls worked as a pianist in pop orchestras, trade union clubs for road workers and medical workers, and as an accompanist at the Philharmonic.

In 1958, he was accepted into the Riga Pop Orchestra and performed concerts in Georgia, Armenia, and Ukraine.

Pauls was the artistic director of the Riga Variety Orchestra of the Latvian State Philharmonic. During this period, he wrote his first widely known songs based on the words of Alfred Crookleys: “We Met in March”, “Winter Evening”, “Old Birch”. In the 1960s, Pauls's first song record with the participation of Latvian performers was released.

In 1973-1978 he was the artistic director of the instrumental ensemble "Modo".

In 1982 he became editor-in-chief of music programs of Latvian Radio.

The song “Yellow Leaves” brought fame to the composer in 1975; over the next five years he created several more hits, among which were the songs “I’ll Select the Music” and “Dance on the Drum” based on poems by Andrei Voznesensky.

Together with songwriter Ilya Reznik, Pauls wrote the hit "Maestro", which was performed by Alla Pugacheva. Regular performers of Pauls and Reznik's songs were Alla Pugacheva ("Antique Clock", "Hey You Up There", "It's About Time", etc.), Laima Vaikule ("It's Not Evening Yet", "Vernissage", "Charlie", etc. .), Valery Leontyev ("Verooko", "After the Holiday", "Inactivity", etc.).

At the same time, Pauls collaborated with Nikolai Zinoviev ("Green Light", "Dialogue", "Halley's Comet", etc.), Mikhail Tanich ("Attraction of Love", "Three Minutes", "Carousel", "Velvet Season") , Andrei Voznesensky (“Love the Pianist”, “Eclipse of the Heart”, etc.). The song "A Million Scarlet Roses" based on Voznesensky's verses and performed by Alla Pugacheva has been translated into many languages ​​of the world.

Pauls created the musicals "Sister Carrie", "Sherlock Holmes", "Leo. The Last Bohemian". He wrote music for a number of plays, films and television films ("You're Needed", "The Devil's Servants", "Robin Hood's Arrows", "Death under Sail", "Theater", "Long Road in the Dunes", "Double Trap" , “How to become a star”, etc.). In the film "Theater" based on Somerset Maugham's novel of the same name, the composer starred in several episodes sitting at the piano.

He was the initiator of the international competitions for young popular music performers "Jurmala" and "New Wave".

He was elected as a deputy of the Supreme Council of Latvia, and on March 26, 1989 - as a people's deputy of the USSR. In 1988, the composer became chairman of the Latvian State Committee for Culture, and from November 1989 to 1991 he headed the Ministry of Culture of the Latvian SSR.

After the collapse of the USSR, in 1991-1993, Pauls again served as Minister of Culture in the government of independent Latvia.

In 1993-1998 he was an advisor on cultural issues to the President of Latvia, Guntis Ulmanis.

In March 1998, Pauls became chairman of the New Party he created. On October 3, 1998, he was elected as a deputy of the 7th Seimas (parliament) of Latvia from the “New Party”, worked in the commissions on education, culture and science, audit, protection of children’s rights and in the Latvian national group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union; in 2002 and 2006 he was re-elected as a deputy of the Sejm from the People's Party.

In 1999, the New Party nominated Pauls for the presidency of Latvia. Having successfully passed all the preliminary rounds, Raymond Pauls decided to withdraw his candidacy.

In February 2009, Raymond Pauls decided not to participate in parliamentary and municipal elections anymore. He announced his intention not to continue active political activities and to concentrate on music.

Raimonds Pauls - People's Artist of the Latvian SSR (1976), People's Artist of the USSR (1985).

Laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize of the Latvian SSR (1970), State Prize of the Latvian SSR (1977), Lenin Komsomol Prize (1981).

He is a commander of the Latvian Order of Three Stars (1995) and awarded the Latvian Cross of Recognition (2008). Among the awards of foreign countries are the Swedish Order of the Polar Star (knight 1st class, 1997), the Armenian Order of Honor (2013).

He was awarded the Russian Order of Honor.

In 2000, Pauls received the Grand Music Prize of Latvia. In 2008, the composer was awarded the International Prize for the development and strengthening of humanitarian ties in the countries of the Baltic region "Baltic Star".

Honorary Doctor of the Latvian Academy of Sciences.

In 2015, a jet aircraft assembled in Latvia was named after Pauls, which became the sixth in the Baltic Bees aerobatics team.

Raymond Pauls has been married to Svetlana Epifanova since 1961. In 1962, a daughter, Aneta, was born into the family.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Oyar-Raymond Pauls is a famous Soviet, Russian, Latvian composer and author of a huge number of hits. At the same time, this incredibly creative person manages to act in films, perform in concerts, and amaze fans with his virtuoso piano playing. And also, engage in social and political activities.

Among other things, the great Maestro is the standard of a husband, father and grandfather who does everything to ensure that his family and friends realize all their wildest desires and become happy.

Height, weight, age. How old is Raymond Pauls

Fans of the pianist and composer want to know his height, weight, and age. How old is Raymond Pauls - also a rather interesting and popular question on the Internet.

Raymond was born in 1936, so he recently turned eighty-one years old. Raymond Pauls: photos in his youth and now - have changed slightly, Raymond has wrinkles and glasses, he has turned gray and aged, but remains the same Maestro.

The zodiac circle hastened to give the talented genius the sign of persistent, persistent, talented, courageous, stable and creative Capricorn. At the same time, the Eastern horoscope endowed Raymond with character traits that are characteristic of the Rat, namely, caring and sociability.

Pauls' height reaches one meter and seventy centimeters, while the artist weighs only seventy-two kilograms.

Biography and personal life of Raymond Pauls

The biography and personal life of Raymond Pauls is a fabulous story of how a boy, caught in the maelstrom of the Great Patriotic War and born into an ordinary family, managed to achieve everything on his own.

The little boy was given the name Oyara-Raymonda at birth; his future was predetermined by the fact that he began to attend a kindergarten at the Riga Music Institute. Already at the age of 10, the boy studied at a music school and later managed to enter the conservatory. At the same time, he wrote music, including for productions of the local puppet theater, and played the piano in the railway workers’ club.

His father, Voldemars Pauls, worked for a long time as a glass blower at a factory; he had a keen ear for music, so he tried to develop this quality in his son. The man wanted to make his son a violinist, so he bought a violin and sent it to a music school, giving the world a famous musician and pianist.

His mother, Alma Matilda Paula, devoted herself entirely to raising her son; she was a housewife, since the father could fully provide for his family. The most interesting thing is that she was previously a sought-after pearl embroiderer, and her works were recognizable and marketable.

Sister – Edite Paula-Wignere – is three years younger than her famous brother. She also studied music and drawing, but chose the profession of tapestry artist.

For a long time he held the position of artistic director of the Riga pop orchestra, for which he wrote original songs, and already in 1970 he created his own group “Modo” and the children’s group “Kukushechka”. The talented composer was also the conductor of an orchestra and a national television choir, was the editor-in-chief of music radio programs, and was the author of numerous musicals.
He wrote real hits in Latvian and Russian for Pugacheva and Dolina, Leontyev and Vaikule, Zivere and Pigars, Gnatyuk and Senchina, Bulanova and Orbakaite, so he was known as a real Maestro.

He was repeatedly a deputy of the Supreme Council of the Latvian SSR, a people's deputy and served as the country's Minister of Culture. Later he nominated himself for the post of President of Latvia and was a member of the country's Seimas. At the same time, he supports talented youth and children, while being a grandfather.

The grandson, Arthur Pedersen, was born in 1995, studied at an elite school and at the same time studied at a music school, played sports and drew beautifully.
Granddaughter - Monique-Yvonne Pedersen - was born in 1994, she graduated from the Los Angeles Special Film School and the Rome University of Film Directing. By the way, Laima Vaikule and Igor Krutoy became the girl’s godparents, and at the age of eighteen she fell in love with Robert Downey Jr.

Granddaughter - Anna - Maria Pedersen - the eldest granddaughter of the famous Maestro, who was born in 1989 from her first young man Annette, and at the age of two she was adopted by her current husband, also received a secondary education at a school with in-depth study of foreign languages. She speaks fluent English and French, studies vocals and plays the piano, and graduated from film school in New York.

Family and children of Raymond Pauls

The family and children of Raymond Pauls are the most valuable thing in the composer and pianist’s life; he claims that he could give up everything he has achieved in his career for the sake of his family and friends.

Raymond says that everything he was able to achieve in life is dedicated to his father, who was not involved in music professionally, but was able to help his son find himself in this field. Pauls tried to do absolutely everything to support and help his own parents; he was proud of them, although they were far from famous people, but ordinary glassblowers and embroiderers.

Raymond has one beloved daughter who adores her parents and considers them her friends, while she calls her mommy briefly and simply - our Lana. He considers his granddaughters and grandson to be his closest people, rejoices at their successes and constantly supports them in all their endeavors.

Daughter of Raymond Pauls - Annette Pedersen

The daughter of Raymond Pauls, Annette Pedersen, was born in 1962 and was the most beloved and long-awaited daughter. She studied at a regular school, where her teachers and classmates did not really like her, since Annette had a famous father. At the same time, the girl knew how to stand up for herself and often fought for the honor of the family.

The girl was baptized when she turned eighteen, and is now a very religious person. At the same time, she lived in Moscow for a long time, diplomats and members of their families, as well as famous actors, singers and metropolitan bohemia became her friends. By the way, the girl was very burdened by the fact that she had to let these people into the house and then see them off late at night.

Annette graduated from school and worked as a director at a television center for several years, but her father forbade her to sing.
Since 1991, she married Marek Pedersen, an employee of the aviation company SAS from Denmark, and the young people met at a charity ball at the Ministry of Culture. The woman currently works as an assistant to the Latvian Consul General in the Russian capital.

Raymond Pauls' wife - Svetlana Epifanova

Raymond Pauls's wife, Svetlana Epifanova, appeared in the artist's life in 1961. He simply idolizes his wife. The young people met in Odessa, where the pianist came to give a concert as part of the Riga pop orchestra. Young Svetochka was at that moment a student at the University of Odessa, but moved from there to distant Latvian Riga.

By the way, Raymond was in no hurry to propose marriage to his beloved woman and muse. He is grateful that his wife and newborn daughter saved him from drunkenness and helped him understand that it was worth pursuing a career. When Svetlana and Raymond came to the registry office, they refused to sign them because they had no witnesses. Therefore, these honored guests were a janitor and a female receptionist.

The birth of a new family was celebrated by eating donuts and going to the cinema.
Svetlana gave up her career because the Maestro asked her to do so, but she became his Muse, costume designer, make-up artist, accountant.

Wikipedia Raymond Pauls

Wikipedia Raymond Pauls has been around for quite a long time, since he is a popular, bright and incredibly creative person. The article about Raymond Pauls in the world encyclopedia is official, therefore it contains only relevant and reliable facts that can be used in reports and abstracts.

It is worth clarifying that on Wikipedia you can find information that concerns childhood and youth, parents and children, spouses and personal life, education and the creative path of the great Maestro.

Political and social activities occupy a special place in this article. As well as creativity, awards, a list of melodies, musical compositions, co-authors and performers of original works.

Name: Raymond Pauls

Age: 83 years old

Place of Birth: Riga

Height: 170 cm; Weight: 72 kg

Activity: composer, conductor, pianist

Family status: married

Raymond Pauls - biography

Raymond Voldemarovich Pauls is a familiar and beloved composer whose songs have become real hits. They are performed by the most popular pop stars. In Latvia, where he is from, he served as Minister of Culture for almost five years. And there were many more interesting things in the life of the famous songwriter.

Childhood, family

Raimonds Pauls's hometown is Riga. The boy was born into a family of real workers: his father worked as a glass blower, and his mother as a pearl embroiderer. But after the birth of her son, the woman quit her job, deciding to devote herself entirely to her son and his upbringing. It was no coincidence that the boy’s musical education appeared. My father was friendly with music, as he played percussion instruments in an amateur orchestra. That is why Raymond already definitely knew that he was destined for a biography of a musician.

As a child, the boy went to a kindergarten where he was taught to play an instrument; for Raymond it was the piano. According to some sources, Raymond's father became interested in reading a book about the great Paganini, so he bought a violin and sent it to a music class. During the Great Patriotic War, my father sent the family to a small village and had to leave music for a while. After hostilities and the Great Victory, everyone was reunited in their beloved city.

When the boy was ten years old, he entered a music school in Riga. Then he continued his education at the Latvian Conservatory, studied piano, and then studied composer class there. Raymond studied and worked as a performer in pop orchestras at many concerts and evenings. The young pianist liked to perform jazz and modern song compositions.

Further activities of the composer

Pauls' music could be heard in puppet productions and dramatic performances. After completing his studies at the conservatory, Raymond began working in the Riga pop orchestra, and attended concerts not only in the Soviet Union, but also abroad. Raymond Pauls's biography spoiled him with leadership positions. Either he is the artistic director of his own pop orchestra, or he is appointed director of the Modo ensemble. At the Latvian Radio and Television he conducts the orchestra, and then becomes the editor-in-chief of all radio programs related to music.

It was Pauls who came up with the idea and implementation of the Jurmala performing competition. Pauls and composer Igor Krutoy organized the “New Wave” competition, which immediately acquired international status. The composer is actively involved in social and political activities. He becomes a member of the Union of Cinematographers and Composers of the Republic of Latvia. He is elected to the people's deputies and to the Supreme Council of Latvia.

Music, songs

The composer’s biography was so successful that among his creative colleagues he had many famous pop artists for whom he wrote songs, many famous poets gave him their poems, directors asked him to compose music for their films. It’s even surprising that despite his popularity, Raymond Pauls had a closed and complex character. But he always knew how to make real friends, so Ilya Reznik is not only a co-author of many hit works, a composer, but also his good friend.

It is impossible to imagine the surname of Alla Pugacheva without the surname of Pauls. Raymond Voldemarovich is grateful to fate for his close cooperation with the prima donna. Even if a little was written for her, and only ten of her songs were sung to the music of the great maestro, but each of their joint song compositions is a whole story. This is a difficult creative stage of work, but memorable and fruitful.

Raymond Pauls - biography of personal life

The composer married only once in his life. Raymond toured a lot, and on one of the very first such creative trips he met a charming, beautiful girl. This happened in Odessa. The young people fell in love with each other. Pauls's wife Svetlana Epifanova gave birth to his daughter Aneta. The parents gave their daughter an education as a television director. Now she is already married, lives with her family in the capital of Russia, and has three children: Anna-Maria, Monica - Yvonne and Arthur.

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