Home Engine Europlan offers LADA Largus vans for leasing under the LADA Leasing program. Drivers will be offered a new leasing scheme Leasing from Uber

Europlan offers LADA Largus vans for leasing under the LADA Leasing program. Drivers will be offered a new leasing scheme Leasing from Uber

"Daughter" of Sberbank will help drivers - partners of Uber to buy cars on lease. This is the first such partnership between Sberbank Leasing and a taxi service. For Uber, this could be a new stage in business development in Russia

Special rate

The world's largest service for ordering a taxi through the Uber application and Sberbank Leasing have agreed on an exclusive partnership in the field of car leasing, a manager of a large bank told RBC. Kirill Tsarev, CEO of Sberbank Leasing, and Yevgenia Shipova, a representative of the Uber press service in Russia, confirmed this information.

Under the terms of the agreement, Uber partner drivers will be able to receive cars from Sberbank's subsidiary under a simplified scheme and in a short time. In particular, the Uber driver will not need to apply for the purchase of a car directly to the bank - just leave a request in a special section for partners on the Uber website (“Car Leasing”). Sberbank Leasing managers will consider received applications in an expedited manner - up to eight hours. In fact, requests from Uber partners will “automatically receive approval from the bank” after uploading and checking all the necessary documents into the Uber system, a representative of Sberbank Leasing explained to RBC.

Sberbank Leasing provides cars only to individual entrepreneurs (IP). For Uber partners, the company has softened the mandatory condition for the existence of IP, reducing them from one year to several months. At the same time, the main condition is that the driver has at least 500 trips made through the Uber platform.

The rest of the leasing conditions are standard for the "daughter" of Sberbank: the minimum advance for the car is 10%, the leasing period can be up to three years with the possibility of buying the car after 12 months. The monthly lease payment already includes hull insurance for taxis, Uber drivers will be able to pay fees under the program from the income received from cooperation with the service. The first driver, an Uber partner, has already taken advantage of preferential terms from Sberbank Leasing, a representative of Sberbank Leasing said. ​

World experience

Uber is actively implementing programs around the world aimed at attracting partner drivers. The company launched the first leasing program for its drivers back in November 2013: then it was available only in five US cities - San Francisco, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago and Dallas. In the US, Uber negotiated directly with car manufacturers - General Motors, Toyota, and others. Participants in the program from the banking sector were not named.

​In July 2015, an Uber spokesman said that about 20,000 drivers took part in the American leasing program, who earned more than $ 200 million with the help of Uber. For comparison, the total number of drivers connected to the service in the United States alone was then about 160 thousand Around the same time, Uber launched a new leasing program, Xchange Leasing, under which drivers could directly lease cars (without intermediary banks) - the Uber subsidiary took all the work on registration.

Valuable Partner

The agreement will allow Sberbank "to increase the attractiveness of such an instrument as car leasing" and "to promote the development of small businesses," Tsarev is sure. The joint program with Sberbank Leasing is an “important stage” in the development of Uber’s business in Russia, says Dmitry Izmailov, CEO of the service in Russia. The special leasing program was launched as part of the so-called memorandum of understanding, which Uber and Sberbank signed back in September 2015.

In addition, the agreement with Sberbank Leasing may become an additional argument for Uber in negotiations with the Moscow government. In early February, the head of the transport department, Maxim Liksutov, gave the service a month to sign an agreement with deptrans, under which Uber undertakes to work only with legal taxi drivers who have a taxi license, as well as transfer data on the movement of cars connected to the service around the city. Otherwise, the work of Uber in Moscow may be under the threat of a ban, Liksutov noted. Since only drivers registered as individual entrepreneurs can use the Sberbank Leasing service, illegal taxi drivers are completely excluded from connecting to Uber in this way. At the time of publication of the article, Uber has not yet signed an agreement with deptrans, although it has already agreed on the wording, said Evgenia Shipova, a representative of the company.

Uber has become the first partner of Sberbank Leasing among taxi aggregator services. Sberbank is an extremely desirable partner for all taxi aggregators, says a source in one of the major services that compete with Uber. This is both a reputational and a marketing ploy, and a potential way to increase customer loyalty, RBC's interlocutor is sure.

The largest aggregator, Yandex.Taxi (according to various estimates, occupies up to 60% of the Moscow market) in October last year agreed to cooperate with MegaFon to increase driver loyalty. Drivers connected to Yandex.Taxi in Moscow and the Moscow Region can receive preferential tariffs for mobile communications from MegaFon. Yandex also planned to negotiate with companies that could reduce the costs of its partners on gasoline, car washing, etc. But so far no such agreements have been signed.

Since December 2015, the Gett service has been a partner of Sberbank under the money back program for Sberbank.Thanks cards. When paying with a Sberbank card in a Gett taxi, the user receives bonuses depending on the number of trips per month. “Most of our clients in Moscow use Sberbank cards, and they really like this service, which, in turn, greatly increases loyalty,” explains Gett representative Alena Balakireva. Uber has similar programs with Sberbank (since August 2015) and the Wheely personal driver service (since March 2015).

Gett also has a program that should bring new drivers to the service. The company helps private drivers with registration of individual entrepreneurs and obtaining a license, but does not help with leasing in any way. In the case of connecting to Gett, this is done by a third-party partner - the Salt company, one of the largest players in the Moscow taxi market.

Uber Technologies plans to phase out mass-market vehicle leasing in the US due to exorbitant losses, people with knowledge of the company's plans say. By the end of the year, the company wants to close or sell most of this division, they said. The withdrawal from the Xchange Leasing program could affect up to 500 jobs in the company, or 3% of Uber employees.

Xchange Leasing's closure was partly due to the fact that actual losses were 18 times higher than forecast, the sources said. Initially, they were estimated at about $500 per car, but in reality they are approaching $9,000. This is almost half the cost of cars leased.

In July, Uber's management informed a board committee of the rising costs of Xchange Leasing and they decided to put an end to it, the paper's sources know.

Having invested billions of dollars in capturing markets in more than 70 countries, Uber has recently been trying to cope with losses that exceeded $3 billion last year. In July, Uber agreed to merge the Russian business with local competitor Yandex.Taxi.

In Xchange Leasing, Uber has invested up to $600 million in the US, according to WSJ sources. The idea was as follows: to attract new drivers by offering cars for lease to those who otherwise cannot buy them due to bad credit history.

Kalanick won't be back

Travis Kalanick will not be returning as Uber CEO, co-founder Garrett Camp told employees. He made this statement to refute reports of Kalanick's attempts to return. Camp said Uber will hire "a new world-class CEO."

Uber believed that the Xchange Leasing business was not supposed to be profitable on its own, but managers were trying to bring the program closer to break-even, the sources know.

It was not possible to cope with losses, despite the fact that the average lease payment - $ 500 per month - is significantly higher than payments for similar cars under auto dealer leasing programs. The high pay forced many drivers to work harder and return cars in poor condition, lowering their selling price, the sources explain. Constant turnover of drivers and unstable income have made the leasing business too troublesome for Uber, they say.

At first, Uber offered cars for lease through car dealerships. But the service soon discovered that dealers were trying to sell drivers more expensive cars, reducing the chances of Uber making a profit. The company decided to pursue such deals itself in order to better monitor compliance with the terms of the leasing program and speed up the acquisition of new drivers.

UBER and Sberbank Leasing announce the launch of a special express leasing product for professional drivers.

Uber partners - individual entrepreneurs - get the opportunity to purchase a car on lease under a simplified scheme and in a short time.

To do this, it is enough to send a request through the Uber partner support portal (section "Car Leasing" - drive.uber.com/moscow/sberbank/), and in case of preliminary approval of the application, the client manager of Sberbank Leasing JSC will inform about further actions. The decision to grant leasing is made within 8 hours.

The offer is available to drivers who work with Uber and registered as a sole proprietor, and who have at least 500 rides in the Uber system.

In leasing you can buy cars of popular brands and models. At the same time, the minimum advance is 10%, monthly lease payments include CASCO taxi insurance, and you can pay for leasing from the income received by the partner driver from cooperation with Uber. The lease term can be up to 36 months, with the possibility of buying a car after 12 months.

Under the special express leasing program from Uber and Sberbank Leasing JSC, the first deal has already been closed. An entrepreneur from Moscow purchased a Hyundai Solaris car to work on the Uber platform, having issued a leasing agreement for 3 years. The vehicle was supplied by ROLF City.

The new offer is open as part of the Memorandum of Understanding, which was signed between Uber and Sberbank in September 2015.

“The range of our leasing products for micro and small businesses is expanding. We are actively cooperating with partner car suppliers, improving our business processes and digital direction so that the client can get a car on lease quickly, simply and on favorable terms. Thanks to the new express leasing product with Uber, Sberbank car leasing is becoming an even more affordable and attractive tool for the development of small businesses,” he said. Kirill Tsarev, CEO of Sberbank Leasing JSC.

“The launch of express leasing together with Sberbank Leasing is a very important stage in the development of Uber's business in Russia. The launch of this product is carried out within the framework of the memorandum of understanding, which was signed by us in September 2015 with Sberbank. The unique conditions of this product for drivers will greatly simplify the procedure for buying cars for start-up entrepreneurs and transport companies working in the field of taxi transportation,” said Dmitry Izmailov, CEO of Uber in Russia.

Uber is an international technology company that develops mobile services for hauling cars with a personal driver. The company provides its services in 360 cities in 64 countries around the world. Uber started operating in Russia in 2013. The Uber application is presented in the premium segment (UberBLACK - calling executive cars with a driver), as well as the mass segment (uberX service). The UberBLACK service is available in Moscow and St. Petersburg, the uberX service is available in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Novosibirsk, Rostov-on-Don and Sochi.

Europlan and VTB Leasing became participants in the state program of preferential leasing, as well as its targeted subprograms - "Russian Tractor", Russian Farmer" and "Own Business" implemented by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation in 2019.

The state support program provides for subsidizing part of the advance payment under leasing agreements in the amount of up to 10% of the cost of the vehicle, but not more than 500 thousand rubles per leased item. The discount for the advance payment under the targeted subprograms "Russian Tractor", "Russian Farmer" and "Own Business" is up to 12.5% ​​of the cost of equipment, but not more than 625 thousand rubles per leased item. The offer applies to vehicles manufactured in Russia.

- State subsidy programs provide significant support not only to the domestic auto industry, but also to small and medium-sized businesses - the main consumer of car leasing services. Our company is an active participant in government programs: we handed over about a quarter of the vehicles in the VTB Leasing portfolio to customers on preferential terms, - commented Dmitry Ivanter, CEO of VTB Leasing.

Classic conditions under the preferential leasing program with a 10% benefit:

Equipment participating in the program (manufacturers):

  • Grunwald LLC
  • CJSC "Tverskoy excavator"
  • CJSC Chelyabinsk Road Construction Machines
  • CJSC "Bryansk Arsenal"
  • Onega Tractor Plant LLC
  • LLC Machine-building plant "Tonar"
  • OJSC "Cheboksary Plant of Industrial Tractors"
  • JSC "Cherepovets Cast-Mechanical Plant"
  • ZAO Komz-Export
  • CJSC Cheboksary Enterprise Sespel
  • LLC "UralSpetsTrans"
  • ChTZ-Uraltrak LLC
  • Hitachi Construction Machinery Eurasia LLC
  • Spetsavto-Vostok LLC
  • JSC Plant GRAZ
  • DST-Ural LLC
  • Mercator Kaluga LLC
  • LLC “Plant “Road Machines”
  • OOO Avtomaster
  • CJSC "Zavolzhsky plant of caterpillar tractors"
  • CJSC International Company KRANEKS
  • PJSC "Chelyabinsk Forging and Pressing Plant"
  • PJSC "Tuymazinsky Concrete Carrier Plant"
  • OOO "Special Road Machines"
  • LLC "Plant of Caterpillar Machines"
  • OOO Vologda Machines
  • JSC "Petersburg Tractor Plant"
  • LLC PKF "Polytrans"
  • PJSC "Uralavtopritsep"
  • OJSC "Kemerovo Experimental Repair and Mechanical Plant"
  • OOO "Mekhanika"
  • Tverstroymash LLC
  • CJSC "Company of trailers"
  • JSC "Galich Truck Crane Plant"
  • Sevzapspetsmash-Trailers LLC
  • FoxTank Motors LLC
  • JSC "Kominvest-AKMT"
  • JSC "Klintsovsky Truck Crane Plant"
  • ZAO PK Yaroslavich
  • AgroIdea LLC
  • JSC "Kovrovsky Electromechanical Plant"
  • OJSC "Tosnensky Mechanical Plant"
  • JSC "Mordovagromash"
  • LLC “Company “Spetspritsep”
  • OOO "Avtoros"
  • KRANEKS Engineering Company LLC
  • OOO Automobiles and Tractors
  • LLC Plant of Lifts
  • Amkodor-Bryansk LLC
  • Kamyshinsky Crane Plant LLC
  • LLC "Production company "Promtractor"
  • JSC "Arzamas plant of municipal engineering"
  • LLC "Plant "Altai Forest Machines"
  • OOO Zavod SpetsAgregat
  • LLC "NPO "Oil and gas engineering and special automotive industry"
  • CJSC "Betsema"
  • OJSC "Novosibirsk Automobile Repair Plant"
  • OOO Smolensk Machines
  • LLC "Plant of complex road machines"
  • LLC "Petersburg Machine-Building Plant"
  • JSC Russian Mechanics

Especially for clients with business activity that depends on the season, we developed and launched a new leasing product in mid-November " Seasonal charts". Now the product is available only in the segment of commercial vehicles and special equipment. Now you can choose not just equal, equally decreasing or degressive payments, but build an individual type of chart. Our offer is suitable for those who know and plan periods of company growth and financial "calm".

“The proposal was based on the needs of our customers and market conditions for leasing commercial vehicles. The purpose of the new product is to provide users with more comfortable and accessible conditions. So in 2017, we leased over 400 pieces of equipment, in 2018 we expect to increase the volume by at least 60%, and in 2019, thanks to the Seasonal Schedules, we plan to purchase 2 times more.” - General Director Zaglyadin O.V.

We have made the widest possible range of leasing schedules. These can be interval charts of 4 or 6 months with low payments, alternating with 6 or 8 months with standard payments. You can also set up decreasing payments so that during the year the amount of the monthly payment decreases to the minimum value, and from the new year the scheme is repeated - from larger to smaller payments.

It is important that we offer the client to determine the schedule that is comfortable for him, taking into account the seasonality of his business. For example, the client's company is engaged in agriculture and in the spring it is necessary to use maximum resources, purchase special equipment and transport, there may not be enough free finance. In this case, we will offer such a unique schedule: in spring, payments are calculated at a minimum, and in autumn, when the profit has already been received, payments will be increased. And as a bonus - at the end of the year it will be possible to save on taxes - to return VAT and reduce the income tax base.

CARCADE is an independent federal company, one of the TOP-5 leaders in the car leasing market.

Europlan Auto Leasing Company (JSC Europlan LK), the official leasing partner of LADA, announces special conditions for the purchase of cars of the brand under the financial program LADA Leasing.

From October 1 to October 31, 2018, LADA Largus cars in the back of a van can be leased through Europlan LK JSC with a benefit of up to 50,000 rubles. Europlan clients also have access to additional benefits — 10% savings under Europlan's preferential leasing program.

Thus, taking into account all these benefits, the LADA Largus van with a recommended price of 524,900 rubles can be leased through Europlan LK JSC with a payment of 6,600 rubles per month.

LADA commercial vehicles are produced in Russia and 100% meet the climatic and operating conditions, and in terms of price and quality, they optimally meet the needs of the business. The LADA Leasing program allows legal entities and individual entrepreneurs to purchase domestic business vehicles on lease with maximum convenience: customers can choose the optimal lease term and advance payment with the minimum possible package of documents and other useful options.

We remind you that Europlan offers a range of additional services when executing a leasing transaction: registration of vehicles with the State traffic inspectorate, delivery of cars, fuel program, roadside assistance and a car purchase service for the most comfortable use of cars during the financial lease period.

Source: https://europlan.ru/company/news/1290#main

Now the opportunity to take a car and pay only for its wear and tear is available not only to companies, but also to individuals.

The new financial product has no analogues on the Russian market, because the product from Alfa-Leasing is not just a financial instrument, but a comprehensive solution for buying a car: the most popular car models among Russians with fixed monthly payments and an initial payment of 15% of the cost of a car.

The payments already include a comfortable package with an automatic transmission and all possible expenses for the purchase and maintenance of a car for the next three years: a set of winter tires, maintenance at an authorized dealer and a CASCO policy with a corporate discount. To draw up a leasing agreement, the client only needs to decide on the model and color of the desired car on the company's website and fill out a special form. You can pick up the car in two days in the salon of a car dealer.

The main difference between leasing and a loan or buying a car is that the client pays only for the wear and tear of the car during its operation, and does not pay its full cost. At the end of the lease agreement, the car is returned to the leasing company, and the client, having received the deposit back, can take a new car.

“The rise in the cost of servicing a car older than three years, changes in economic conditions and consumer habits have become the impetus for creating a “boxed” product for individuals. We want to offer our customers a new way of owning a car - without the additional costs of repairs, the hassle of selling or obtaining and maintaining a loan, and at the same time with a fixed monthly payment lower than in a car loan. You can not pay the full price for the car, but change it every three years, enjoying a trip on modern transport.

We launched the first project with Nissan cars, which have long established themselves in the domestic market as reliable and comfortable cars for city driving and long-distance trips. In the future, we will expand the car park and try to include the maximum number of brands and models that are of interest to our customers,” said Andrey Badmaev, Alfa-Leasing Group's Retail Business Director.

Alfa-Leasing LLC is a universal leasing company. Founded in March 1998. Included in the top 10 largest leasing companies in Russia. According to the results of 2016, the company ranks 8th in terms of the size of the leasing portfolio in the Russian Federation and is the largest non-state company in the leasing industry.
At the end of 2016, the company's leasing portfolio amounted to 58 billion rubles.

Source: https://alfaleasing.ru

Autoleasing company Europlan (JSC LK Europlan), which is part of Mikhail Gutseriev's SAFMAR Financial Investments, and KAMAZ (KAMAZ PJSC, part of Rostec State Corporation) offer flexible terms for financing equipment. As an official operator of KAMAZ PJSC, a participant in the KAMAZ Finance program and the state program for subsidizing leasing of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Europlan makes the manufacturer's vehicles available to various categories of corporate clients.

Thanks to the state subsidy, the profit from leasing any KAMAZ model is 12.5%. It is also possible to choose one of the calculation options: with a minimum advance payment, minimum monthly payments or without overpayments. For example, KAMAZ 65115 (recommended price from 3,988,400 rubles) can be purchased by making an advance payment of only 10% of the cost of the car. The KAMAZ 6520 model is available for leasing without any overpayments under the transaction agreement, and KAMAZ 5490 (recommended price from 4,473,380 rubles) with a monthly payment of 60,685 rubles1.
announces the start of a campaign for leasing equipment for the woodworking and furniture industry.

The promotion was developed with leading supplier companies, participants of the 15th International Exhibition of Equipment and Technologies Woodex-2017. The thematic exposition will be open in Moscow from 14 to 17 November at the Crocus Expo IEC.

Already from the beginning of October, it will be possible to lease Russian and imported equipment for woodworking and furniture production at a reduced rate of appreciation, for some brands this reduction will be 2% of its base value. The offer applies to the entire product line, including express products with simplified application approval technology (1-3 days) and a minimum package of documents.

“On the eve of the Woodex-2017 exhibition, we have prepared this offer for those companies whose business is related to woodworking and furniture production. We specifically start early in order to enable as many companies as possible to take advantage of favorable conditions,” comments Irina Kopylova, Head of Partner Relations at VTB24 Leasing.

VTB24 Leasing is a trademark under which Sistema Leasing 24 (JSC) operates, which is a subsidiary of VTB24 Bank (PJSC) and carries out leasing activities. This format allows us to increase the efficiency of work, actively develop a specialized product line, cooperation programs with suppliers and provide high-quality support for leasing activities. At the same time, we can say with confidence that obtaining bank leasing means acquiring all the benefits that customers of a subsidiary of VTB24 Bank enjoy: a guarantee of high standards of staff work, the possibility of comprehensive business and private customer service, stability and professionalism.

As Kommersant found out, Sberbank Leasing offered Uber drivers an express scheme for buying a car on lease. The service can become an alternative to renting a car for taxi drivers, according to Sberbank Leasing. Now cars on lease in Russia are mainly purchased by legal entities and private entrepreneurs, but, according to experts, against the backdrop of the devaluation of the ruble and high lending rates, car leasing may become more attractive for individuals as well.

Taxi service Uber and Sberbank Leasing have launched a new service for buying a car on lease under a simplified scheme and in a short time for taxi drivers, a source familiar with the situation told Kommersant. In order to take advantage of the offer, you must be an Uber affiliate, be a registered self-employed person, and have at least 500 Uber rides. The minimum advance is 10%, monthly payments include Casco insurance for taxi drivers. The maximum lease term is three years with the option to buy the car in a year. The service may be of interest to taxi drivers who are now renting a car for work, Sberbank Leasing explained to Kommersant. At the same time, Uber does not have data on how many employees use rented cars.

Now in Russia, the purchase of cars on lease is beneficial not for private buyers, but for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, taking into account tax benefits, says Ivan Romanov, head of the insurance and lending department at Avtomir Group of Companies. However, individual entrepreneurs consider this service as an alternative to rent, says Yury Gribanov, managing partner of Frank Research Group. At the same time, against the backdrop of car loans, leasing for individuals, unlike Western countries, is unprofitable. If in European countries the scheme of changing a car with the help of trade-in and further acquiring a car on lease is often used, then in Russia trade-in is not interesting for the buyer. The problem, in particular, is the non-transparent system of the market for used cars and undeveloped competition in the market. Andrey Tomyshev, head of the EY automotive practice, argues that by leasing a car, legal entities reduce the tax base, while for individuals there is no special benefit that differs from car loans.

However, Alexander Mikhailov, the president of the Europlan car leasing company, believes that at current loan rates, leasing for individuals today is of interest to people who are not ready to pay an average of 15% per annum for a car loan. These consumers are ready to put up with the fact that they will not end up owning a car, since they often (usually every two to three years) change a car - mainly owners of premium brands.

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