Home Nutrition Road traffic in finland. Roads in Finland Finnish road signs in Russian

Road traffic in finland. Roads in Finland Finnish road signs in Russian

Do not be intimidated by the difference in rules when traveling to Finland by car. They are not much different from the Russian ones. Even all road signs are identical. The only difference is the replacement of white with yellow. But the system for monitoring compliance with the rules and fines differs significantly.

At any time of the day, moving on the roads, you must turn on the lights. Moreover, the driver can use side lights or dipped beam both within the city and on highways.

All passengers and drivers of cars and pickups must wear seat belts. In the absence of special seats for children, they are also fastened. The parents or the driver of the car are responsible for minors. Violation of these rules will result in a € 115 fine.

Remember that a bus leaving a bus stop always has advantages. At the same time, drivers do not always turn on turn signals.

A yellow solid line marking in the middle of the road indicates that overtaking is prohibited in the designated area.

All roundabouts are "built" like the main road. Entering such a section, you need to give up the right to move.

The mobile phone may only be used in hands-free mode. For violation of this traffic rule, a fine of 50 euros is imposed.

From December 1 to the end of February, all cars must travel on the roads only with studded or other winter tires. The height of the tread pattern is at least 3 mm.

The permissible blood alcohol dose at which the driver is allowed to drive is 0.5 ppm (equivalent to 2-3 bottles of beer). If the norm is exceeded, the driver loses the car, which is driven to the parking lot and is obliged to pay a fine of 200 euros. Often, a punishment such as imprisonment for up to six months is also imposed.

The following speed limits apply in Finland:

  • Within settlements - 50 km / h.
  • Outside cities and villages - 80 km / h.

Additionally, speed modes are regulated by established signs, which are repeated many times, including on the road surface. On large routes, the speed should be no more than 120 km / h. There are certain "margins of error" that favor drivers. In the city - up to 10, and outside of it up to 16 km / h.

Speed ​​control is carried out using special radars installed on police cars. 300 kilometers of roads are equipped with autoradars. Their presence is notified by appropriate road signs. We strongly advise against overspeeding! Huge fines (link) await you in case of violations.

When entering settlements, special speed limiters are installed - plates with black numbers on a yellow background. Moreover, they are valid not until the next intersection, but until the next such sign.

Overtaking restrictions also apply in Finland. These maneuvers are prohibited on turns, inclines, near intersections in case of approaching oncoming vehicles. Overtaking is also prohibited if you cause inconvenience to other cars.

Be careful when parking. (link) - Carefully study this section of the site, as you can not stop everywhere. And parking is often paid.

You should also be careful about pedestrians. Everyone is sure that you will miss it anywhere you are allowed. For violation of the rules, a fine is threatened. (link). Often in settlements, crossings are located at a distance of 50 meters. Reduce your speed as much as possible and be prepared to brake.

Many highways in the country are equipped with animal nets or special barriers. But there is no such protection on local roads. Often moose go straight onto the tracks. In 2007 alone, 4,700 collisions with these animals were recorded. Moreover, both people (7 people died) and the moose themselves (190 individuals were injured) suffer. Do not pick up speed after overtaking. These animals can move in groups.

All traffic orders are monitored by police (link). Moreover, they do not hide in the bushes, but are placed in prominent places. Their main tool is laser radar.

The driver of the car must have with him:

  • national driver's license for the right to drive a vehicle, issued by the official authority of the country of residence;
  • registration documents valid in the country of registration of the vehicle (for cars, a vehicle registration certificate is sufficient);
  • confirmation that the driver has the right to drive the vehicle if it is registered in a different name (power of attorney), however, in practice they don't ask;
  • annual technical inspection coupon (in practice, they do not ask, but the Finnish police have the right to check the condition of the vehicle of any road user in the "field" conditions);
  • car owner's civil liability insurance: Green Card or similar insurance valid in Finland. This insurance is sometimes asked, both at the entrance and at the exit from the country.

What is a Green Card?

"Green Card" is an international certificate of civil liability insurance of vehicle owners, an insurance policy, the form of which is made on green paper (hence the name).

Confirms the availability of compulsory motor third party liability insurance (OSAGO) on the territory of all countries included in the "Green Card" system. (In Russia, you can also buy insurance separately for Ukraine-Belarus-Moldova).

A "green card" issued by an authorized insurer in Russia frees you from the need for additional civil liability insurance in another country.

The insurance contract is concluded for a period from 15 days to 1 year.

Countries of the Green Card System:
Austria, Albania, Andorra, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Israel, Iran, Ireland, Iceland, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Morroco, Moldova, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, Finland, France, Croatia, Czech Republic, Montenegro, Switzerland, Sweden, Estonia.

The vehicle must be properly registered in the owner's country of residence and equipped with a license plate.

The vehicle must always have a stamped mark with its serial number and, in addition, a manufacturer's tag, from which at least the name of the vehicle manufacturer, serial number, make and model of the vehicle can be found.

Do not forget also about the standard documents that are required for residents of countries outside the Schengen area:
- passport with a valid Schengen visa;
- medical insurance for all participants of the trip, valid in all Schengen countries.

Vehicle device and equipment

Tires and brakes

The tread height in summer tires of a passenger car must be at least 1.6 mm, and in winter tires - at least 3 mm. Riding on bare tires is not allowed. The simultaneous use of studded and non-studded tires in a vehicle is prohibited.

For the conditions for using winter tires - see section.

The police monitor the condition of the brakes of vehicles with a mobile dynamometer, which allows them to identify brake malfunctions. The vehicle can be sent directly to the inspection station to check and determine the technical condition.


Dimming of the windscreen and front windows is allowed only within the permissible limits; The light transmission of the windscreen must be at least 75% and the front side windows 70%. Many car manufacturers darken the glass to the maximum, but the glass appears transparent. Additional darkening, for example, with a light protection film is prohibited in Finland.

The most important traffic rules

If road signs do not indicate otherwise, then in settlements (the territory bounded by the signs of a settlement), vehicles are allowed to move at a speed of not more than 50 km / h, and outside them - 80 km / h. In many settlements, a speed limit of 30 or 10 km / h is set, indicated by road signs.

In winter, a lower speed limit is set: on most roads, the maximum speed is reduced from 100 km / h to 80 km / h. On motorways, where a speed of 120 km / h is allowed in summer, a limit of 100 km / h is introduced in winter. On some sections of the road, there are electronic light boards indicating changes in the speed limit, depending on weather and climatic conditions.

A maximum speed of 80 km / h is set for a dacha car (auto camper).

Speeding fine

The speeding limits in Finland are set as a percentage of the maximum speed limit. For speeding not exceeding 10% of the speed limit set in Finland, a fine will be imposed as for a minor violation. For a serious violation, for example, for a significant, more than 20%, excess of the permitted speed, a fine is imposed, the amount of which depends on the driver's income. In addition, the driver is deprived of his driver's license directly at the scene of the accident and cannot continue his journey by car. The police deliver the car to the nearest parking lot. The driver's license is returned to a foreign driver only when leaving the country.

Fines are paid at the bank using a form issued by the police.

In Finland, not only the use, but also the possession of a radar detector is prohibited!

Overtaking is prohibited when approaching oncoming traffic. Finnish driving culture does not allow overtaking with the displacement of an overtaken or oncoming vehicle to the side of the road. For such overtaking, the police punish with a fine up to and including deprivation of a driver's license.

Overtaking is also prohibited on inclines, bends or in the immediate vicinity of an intersection. You should not start overtaking if it is impossible to return to the stream without causing interference to other road users, or if the car following you has already started overtaking.

The headlights should be turned on when driving not only in the dark, but also during the day, regardless of weather or visibility conditions. This applies to both city and suburban driving.

Everyone should wear a seat belt!

In passenger cars, the driver and all passengers must be wearing seat belts in both the front and rear seats. Children must either have a suitable seat belt or sit in a special child seat.

Using a mobile phone while driving

The Finnish parliament has passed a law according to which for using a mobile phone without hands-free accessories while driving, drivers will be fined 50 euros from 1 January 2003. The ban also applies to the use of all telecommunications devices while driving, including radios, cassette recorders, CD players and televisions, if their regulation prevents the driver from concentrating on driving.

The driver of a power-driven vehicle is considered guilty of driving while intoxicated if the alcohol content in his blood is at least 0.5 ppm. The boundary of strong alcoholic intoxication is 1.2 ppm. The police identify drunk drivers, forcing drivers passing by the control post to blow into the phone. A driver suspected of drunk driving is taken to a medical examination or to a police station to recheck his blood alcohol with a high-resolution alcohol meter. Potential drug intoxication is controlled by a medical examination.

The offender's driver's license shall be seized and the guilty person shall be punished by imprisonment or a fine. Potential damage to the vehicle due to drunk driving is not covered by insurance.

Stopping and parking the car is allowed only on the right side of the road or street. On a one-way street, stopping and parking a car is also permitted on the left side of the street. The vehicle should be stopped or parked parallel to the road or street and as far from its central axis as possible. In this case, the vehicle must not create a danger or hindrance to road traffic.

Stopping and parking are prohibited:

  • in places where the road profile is broken and near bends;
  • at an intersection and closer than 5 meters from the edge of the intersected carriageway;
  • on the carriageway in two rows (next to another car);
  • in places where a standing vehicle makes it impossible to move or evacuate another vehicle;
  • in a paid parking lot without payment;
  • on the sidewalk, pedestrian crossing and at the intersection with a cycle path, as well as closer than 5 meters from the edge of a pedestrian crossing or cycle path;
  • at the entrance to the building or at the gate, if the vehicle impedes the movement (entry or exit) of other vehicles or interferes with the movement of pedestrians;
  • in the passage under the roadbed (overpasses) or tunnels;
  • on tram or railway tracks and at a distance of less than 30 meters from a railway crossing;
  • in the presence of a yellow prohibition line, if the distance between the vehicle and the line is less than three meters;
  • in a parking lot outside the designated place for the car;
  • outside settlements on the carriageway, if the road is marked with a road sign "Main road".

Mandatory use of a parking clock

In some localities, the mandatory use of individual parking clocks of an approved form has been introduced. The need to use such a clock is indicated on a road sign with an image of a parking clock and an indication of the maximum allowed parking time.

The parking clock is a 10x15 cm blue panel with a rotating disc. On one side of the clock, it says “Parking Start” in Finnish / Swedish. On the other, the rules for using the parking clock are listed in detail. This watch (parkkikiekko) can be purchased at petrol stations and car stores.

The clock shows the start of the parking lot (time of arrival at the parking lot), rounded up to the next even hour or half an hour. The set arrival time cannot be changed.

The parking clock must be clearly visible under the windshield (center or driver's side) so that it can be seen from the outside.

In cars registered abroad, it is allowed to use parking clocks adopted in other countries, which in appearance correspond to the Finnish ones.

When parking, only one parking clock can be under the windshield.

Within the territory where the speed limit is not more than 60 km / h, the motorist is obliged to give way to the bus leaving the designated stop. Traffic rules oblige a bus leaving a bus stop to turn on a turn signal, but city buses do not always do this.

Do not use the public transport lane

Within the city limits, driving on the lane of public transport (buses and trams) marked with road signs is allowed only when the driver is changing lanes to turn.

Tramways should be allowed at intersections.

Slow down before a pedestrian crossing

The motorist is obliged to let pedestrians or cyclists enter the pedestrian crossing, as well as to let pedestrians and cyclists pass by turning right or left. In Finland, pedestrians cross the street at a pedestrian crossing, believing that any motorist slows down and lets them pass.

Accounting for all traffic violations

All traffic violations in Finland are recorded in a register. A driver fined three times within one year for traffic violations is banned from driving in Finland.

Gross or systematic violation of traffic rules and unpaid fines, along with a ban on driving, can serve as a reason for refusal to issue a visa to enter the country.

Winter tires are a must in Finland!

On all passenger cars from December to February winter tires must be used... This rule also applies to vehicles registered abroad. The use of winter tires at other times of the year is voluntary.

By law, the tread height of winter tires must be at least 3 millimeters. New winter tires have a tread height of 7-8 mm.

Studded tires may be used from early November to the Monday following the week after Easter Monday ( end of April). They can be used at other times of the year, if required by weather and climatic conditions. The use of studded rubbers in conjunction with non-studded rubbers is not permitted.

The "Studded tires" warning sign is not required in Finland.

Beware of icy and snowy roads

You need to tune in for winter driving conditions in advance. Too high a speed, hard braking or acceleration, or too fast steering when driving on an icy road can cause the vehicle to skid. Adequate distance should also be maintained from the vehicle in front.

The layer of ice on the surface of the road surface does not always stand out from the surface. Black ice (the Finns call it "black ice") is often found, for example, in low-lying areas and on bridges. In such situations, even studded tires do not provide sufficient grip on the road surface. The freezing temperatures in southern Finland contribute to the formation of snow slime on the road. Getting into slush, the wheels of the vehicle lose traction.

What is written on the signs under the signs


Pysakointi kielletty

Stopping prohibited

Vain talon asukkaille

For residents only

Huoltoajo sallittu.

Service traffic allowed

Avoinna / suljettu

Open / closed

During weekdays

Sunday and holidays


Age limit 24 y.

Ilmainen / inaksullinen

Free / Paid

Enter exit

Miehet / naiset / lapset

Men / women / children

Emergency telephone number - 112

In the event of an accident, the police, ambulance, doctor and fire brigade can be called by calling 112, which is the same throughout the country (dial without a city code).

The police can also be called by direct telephone 10022. Both numbers can be called free of charge from any payphone. Road users are obliged to inform the police about an accident if there are casualties in the accident or the accident has occurred with the participation of a moose.

Record the following information at the scene of the accident:

Registration numbers of vehicles involved /
Osallisten ajoneuvojen rekisterinumerot

Insurance companies where the vehicles involved are insured /
Osailisten ajoneuvojen liikennevakuutuisyhtiot

Names and surnames of the owners / owners of the vehicles involved /
Osallisten ajoneuvojen omistajan / kuljettajan nimet

Surnames, addresses and telephones of accident witnesses /
Tapahtuman todistajien nimet, osoitteet ja puhelinnumerot

Please provide this information when contacting the Vehicle Insurance Center. If a Finnish vehicle is the culprit in the accident (damage to the vehicle), the application is submitted to the Finnish insurance company.

The damaged car must be removed from the road

If the vehicle is left on the side of the road due to engine damage or for any other reason, an emergency stop sign ("emergency triangle") must be installed on the road 150-250 meters behind the vehicle. In the dark, the parking lights (backlight) should be left on.

When towing one vehicle with another, the distance between them should be from three to six meters. The cable or tow bar must have a clearly visible flag. Towing a vehicle with a cable on the motorway is prohibited. When towing a car, it is allowed to move at a speed not exceeding 60 km / h.

Information about towing services can be obtained in car repair shops, at gas stations and in the telephone subscriber book in the Latin letter "H" under the heading: "Hinausautoja". By number 9800-35000 Rosqvist Oy provides services in Russian around the clock. You can call this number anywhere in Finland. The negotiations are directed to a person who speaks Russian.


"Drive Properly on the Roads of Finland" (1996), published by the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Finland

"Peculiarities of National Motoring Part II" (2000)

Workshop (our travels):

April - May 2009

January 2008

May 2003

When going to Finland by car, you should refresh your knowledge about the requirements for a car, gasoline, the peculiarities of Finnish traffic rules, speed limits, traffic features, tinting and winter tires, and what to do in case of an accident.

Today, car tours abroad are mainly sent by families with children or small companies - in contrast to Soviet times, when after exhausting checks for lice - both vehicles and travelers themselves - only an organized convoy of at least 5 people could cross the border. 7 cars.

There are no special requirements for the car: it is desirable, at least, that there are no dents and smoke from the chimney does not fall, the windows should not be completely dark, but with factory shading, some countries do not tolerate anti-radars, winter tires must be installed on the car in winter. Tour operators issue a car green card (necessary insurance for a car, without which it is impossible to cross the border).

But let's talk about everything in order.

Vehicle requirements

When crossing the border, the Finnish border guards have the following requirements for the car:

  • Driver's license. Russian license is valid on the territory of Finland, nothing additional is required. A driver's license issued in Russia is also valid in Finland.
  • Serviceability of headlights, turn signals, brakes, wheels and steering. When driving on roads around the clock and all year round, the headlights (low beam) must be turned on. It is recommended to keep the dipped beam on also in settlements.
  • The minimum permissible tread depth for a summer wheel in Finland is 1.6mm. It is forbidden to use winter and summer tires at the same time.
  • The use of radar detectors is strictly prohibited in Finland. Even an unlit radar in the glove compartment of your car is a violation of the law.
  • A temporary driver's license is not valid in Finland.
  • Green card ("green card") - a policy of insurance of civil liability of car owners in Europe. Cost - 2450 rubles for the minimum option (2 weeks). The easiest way to buy in St. Petersburg (in an insurance company or in any travel agency offering cottage holidays in Finland), but you can also in Vyborg or at the Green card sales point near the customs.
  • Lack of tinting of the front windows of the car. Dimming for windscreen and front windows is only permitted within the manufacturer's specifications. The light transmittance of the windscreen must be at least 75% and the front side windows 70%. Many car manufacturers darken the glass to the maximum, but the glass appears transparent. Additional darkening, for example with a light-protective film, is prohibited in Finland. And this requirement of the Finnish side is so serious that in a situation you have to either turn home to your homeland, or rip off the tape right at the border.
  • Winter tires and studs - Winter tires (without studs) can be used all year round, but from December 1 to the last day of February there is a mandatory period for their use, and the tread depth of this type of tire must be at least 3 mm. The rubber must be stamped (M + S). The use of winter tires with studs is allowed only in the period from 01.11 to 31.03, but it is allowed to exceed the indicated periods if the use of these tires is necessary due to weather conditions. The use of summer tires with a tread depth of at least 1.6 mm is allowed from 01.03 to 30.11 (i.e. in summer you will not be allowed on bald tires either).
  • The Finns do not ask for a vehicle inspection certificate.

General rules for winter tires

  • In winter - winter (M + S) tires are needed, tread depth is at least 3 mm, studs are not required.
  • In summer - summer or winter studless, depth not less than 1.6 mm.
  • Simultaneous use of studded and non-studded rubber on a car is unacceptable.
  • It is forbidden to use tires of different types on the same axle. Different type on different axes - not prohibited.
  • Tires on wheels are checked at customs quite often.


Allowed duty-free import into the country of 10 liters. fuel in cans. However, the carriage of a spare canister on the ferry may be prohibited due to safety requirements.
The network of gas stations is quite dense, but in the northern, less populated areas, the distances between individual stations are quite large and therefore every opportunity to refuel should be used.

Features of traffic rules

  • When driving on roads around the clock and all year round, the headlights (low beam) must be turned on. It is recommended to keep the dipped beam on also in settlements.
  • If there are no special road signs, the “right hand rule” always applies, i.e. you need to give way to vehicles on the right.
  • You cannot overtake a car that has stopped at a crossing in order to let a pedestrian pass.
  • On sections with a speed limit of 60 km / h, you should let the bus departing from the stop.
  • In cities, the bus lane is only allowed to enter the lane just before the bend.
  • At intersections without traffic lights or road signs, you should always let the tram pass.

Speed ​​limits in Finland

If road signs do not indicate otherwise, then in settlements (the territory bounded by the signs of a settlement), vehicles are allowed to move at a speed of no more than 50 km / h, and outside them - 80 km / h. In many settlements, a speed limit of 30 or 40 km / h is set, indicated by road signs.
In winter, a lower speed limit is set: on most roads, the maximum speed is reduced from 100 km / h to 80 km / h. On motorways, where a speed of 120 km / h is allowed in summer, a limit of 100 km / h is introduced in winter. On some sections of the road, there are electronic light boards indicating changes in the speed limit, depending on weather and climatic conditions.
The cruiser car (car-home) has a maximum speed of 80 km / h.
The sign "Beginning of a settlement" also means a speed limit of 50 km / h.


Overtaking is prohibited when approaching oncoming traffic. Finnish driving culture does not allow overtaking with the displacement of an overtaken or oncoming vehicle to the side of the road. For such overtaking, the police punish with a fine up to and including deprivation of a driver's license.
Overtaking is also prohibited on inclines, bends or in the immediate vicinity of an intersection. You should not start overtaking if it is impossible to return to the stream without causing interference to other road users, or if the car following you has already started overtaking.

Turn on your headlights during daylight hours

The headlights should be switched on when driving not only in the dark, but also during the daytime, regardless of weather or visibility conditions. This applies to both city and suburban driving. The included headlights significantly improve the vehicle's emission, especially in sunny weather.

Safety belt

In passenger cars and pickup vehicles, the driver and all passengers must be wearing seat belts in both the front and rear seats. Children must either have a suitable seat belt or sit in a special child seat. According to research, a fastened seat belt could prevent the death of more than half of the drivers and passengers of passenger cars and pickup trucks killed in road accidents.

Behind the wheel only when sober

The driver of a power-driven vehicle is considered guilty of driving while intoxicated if the alcohol content in his blood is not less than 0.5 ppm. The boundary of strong alcoholic intoxication is 1.2 ppm. The police identify drunk drivers, forcing drivers passing by the control post to blow into the phone. A driver suspected of drunk driving is taken to a medical examination or to a police station to recheck his blood alcohol with a high-resolution alcohol meter. Potential drug intoxication is controlled by a medical examination.
The offender's driver's license shall be seized and the guilty person shall be punished by imprisonment or a fine. Potential drunk-driving damage to your vehicle is not covered by transport insurance.

Using a mobile phone in Finland

There is a fine for using a mobile phone while driving without Hands Free equipment in Finland.

Stopping and parking features

Stopping and parking the car is allowed only on the right side of the road or street. On a one-way street, stopping and parking a car is also permitted on the left side of the street. The vehicle should be stopped or parked parallel to the road or street and as far from its central axis as possible. In this case, the vehicle must not create a danger or hindrance to road traffic.

Stopping and parking are prohibited:

  • in places where the profile of the road is broken and near bends
  • at an intersection and closer than 5 meters from the edge of the intersected carriageway
  • on the carriageway in two rows (next to another car)
  • in places where a standing vehicle makes it impossible to move or evacuate another vehicle
  • in a paid parking lot without payment
  • on the sidewalk, pedestrian crossing and at the intersection with a cycle path, as well as closer than 5 meters from the edge of a pedestrian crossing or cycle path
  • at the entrance to the building or at the gate, if the vehicle impedes the movement (entry or exit) of other vehicles or interferes with the movement of pedestrians
  • in the passage under the roadbed (overpasses) or tunnels
  • on tram or railway tracks and at a distance of less than 30 meters from a railway crossing
  • in the presence of a yellow prohibition line, if the distance between the vehicle and the line is less than three meters
  • in a parking lot outside the place marked for an individual car
  • outside settlements on the carriageway, if the road is marked with a road sign "Main road"

Mandatory use of an individual parking clock

In some localities, the mandatory use of individual parking clocks of an approved form has been introduced. This obligation and the maximum parking time must be indicated by a road sign. Parking clocks can be purchased at petrol stations and car stores.

Skip public transport

Within the territory where the speed limit is not more than 60 km / h, the motorist is obliged to give way to the bus leaving the designated stop. Traffic rules oblige a bus leaving a bus stop to turn on a turn signal, but city buses do not always do this.

Do not use the public transport lane

Within the city limits, driving on the lane of public transport (buses and trams) marked with road signs is allowed only when the driver is changing lanes to turn.
Tramways should be allowed at intersections.


The motorist is obliged to let pedestrians or cyclists enter the pedestrian crossing, as well as to let pedestrians and cyclists pass by turning right or left. In Finland, pedestrians cross the street at a pedestrian crossing, believing that any motorist slows down and lets them pass.

Tires and brakes

The tread height in summer tires of a passenger car must be at least 1.6 mm, and in winter tires - at least 3 mm. Riding on bare tires is not allowed. The simultaneous use of studded and non-studded tires in a vehicle is prohibited.

The police monitor the condition of the brakes of vehicles with a mobile dynamometer, which allows them to identify brake malfunctions. The vehicle can be sent directly to the inspection station to check and determine the technical condition.

Dimming the windshield over the limits

Dimming of the windscreen and front windows is only permitted within the permissible limits: the light transmission of the windscreen must be at least 75% and the front side windows 70%. Many car manufacturers darken the glass to the maximum, but the glass appears transparent. Additional darkening, for example, with a light protection film is prohibited in Finland.

Accounting for violations of traffic rules

All traffic violations in Finland are recorded in a register. A driver fined three times within one year for traffic violations is banned from driving in Finland.

Gross or systematic violation of traffic rules and unpaid fines, along with a ban on driving, can serve as a reason for refusal to issue a visa to enter the country.

Speeding fine

There is currently a fine for speeding up to 20 km / h in Finland.
For serious violations, such as significant speeding and other violations, a fine is imposed, the amount of which depends on the driver's income. In addition, the driver loses his driver's license directly at the scene of the accident and cannot continue driving. The police deliver the car to the nearest parking lot.
The driver's license is returned to a foreign driver only when leaving the country.
The fines are paid at the bank.

Road traffic accidents

Emergency telephone number - 112
In the event of an accident, the police, ambulance, doctor and fire brigade can be called by calling the unified telephone number 112 throughout the country (dial without a city code).

Dictionary for emergencies

  • Tarvitsen apua - I need help.
  • Missa on puhelin? - Where is the nearest telephone?
  • Soittakaa ambulanssi / poliisi / palokunta. - Call an ambulance / police / fire brigade.
  • Tarvitsen ambulanssin / poliisin / palokunnan. - I need an ambulance / police / fire brigade
  • On sattunut onnettomuus - An alarm has occurred.
  • Ihmisiä on loukkaantunut. - There are victims.
  • Ihmisiä ei ole loukkaantunut. - There are no casualties.
  • Tarvitsen hinausauton. - I need towing.
  • Kartan mukaan olen lähellä paikkaa, jonka nimi on ____. - According to the map, I am near a settlement called ____.
  • Kartan mukaan olen maantiella kahden paikan välissä. Toinen paikka on ____ ja toinen paikka on ____. - According to the map, I am located between two settlements. One is called ____ and the other ____.

Record the following information at the scene of the accident:

  • Registration numbers of the vehicles involved - Osallisten ajoneuvojen rekisterinumerot
  • Insurance companies where the vehicles involved are insured - Osallisten ajoneuvojen liikennevakuutusyhtiot
  • Names and surnames of the owners / owners of the vehicles involved - Osallisten ajoneuvojen omistajan / kuljettajan nimi
  • Address and phone number - Osoite. Puh.
  • Names, addresses and telephones of accident witnesses - Tapahtuman todistajien nimet, osoitteet ja puhelinnumerot

When contacting the Vehicle Insurance Center, please provide this information. If a Finnish vehicle is the culprit for the accident (damage to the vehicle), the application is submitted to the Finnish insurance company.

The damaged car must be removed from the road

If the vehicle is left on the side of the road due to engine damage or for any other reason, an emergency triangle must be installed on the road 150-250 meters behind the vehicle. In the dark and at dusk, leave the side lights (backlight) on.
When towing one vehicle with another, the distance between them should be from three to six meters. The cable or tow bar must have a clearly visible flag. Towing a vehicle with a cable on the motorway is prohibited. When towing a machine with a hard or soft coupling, it is allowed to move at a speed not exceeding 60 km / h.
Information about towing services can be obtained in car repair shops, at gas stations and in the telephone subscriber book in the Latin letter "H" under the heading: "Hinausautoja". On the number 0800-13500 Rosqvist Oy provides services in Russian around the clock. You can call this number anywhere in Finland. The negotiations are directed to a person who speaks Russian.

See also related materials

List of border checkpoints; operating mode; telephones

Important features of the traffic rules, which are useful to know when traveling in Finland on your own vehicle.


Finland is a country with a high level of road safety. Therefore, the Finns assume that all road users follow the rules and are not psychologically prepared for someone breaking them or acting unpredictably. This should be remembered to ensure the safety of yourself and others.

Road signs

Most of the road signs are identical to those on the roads of Russia.

Seat belts

The use of seat belts is mandatory for both drivers and all passengers in private vehicles (front and rear passengers). When using a taxi, you are also required to wear your seat belts. The only exception to this rule is illness or injury that prevents you from wearing your seat belt.


In Finland, pedestrians are well aware of their rights. Therefore, when approaching a pedestrian crossing, the driver must be especially careful.

The driver is obliged to ensure the unhindered crossing of the road for a pedestrian who is or has just entered a pedestrian crossing ("zebra crossing"). To do this, the driver must slow down and be ready to stop in front of a pedestrian crossing.

If the overtaken vehicle (car or, for example, a tram) stops in front of a pedestrian crossing or obscures the visibility of the crossing, do not go through the crossing without stopping if there is no safety island or a free lane between you and the vehicle being overtaken.

If the driver has violated this rule, i.e. does not stop when overtaking a car that has stopped in front of a pedestrian crossing, the police may impose a fine and, in addition, deprive the driver of the right to drive a car in Finland.

How to use the headlights

The dipped headlights of the car must be turned on at any time of the day.

It is forbidden to use the main beam of headlights on an illuminated road, as well as at a close distance from an oncoming or ahead car in order to avoid dazzling its driver.

Front and rear fog lights are allowed to be switched on only in fog, heavy rain or snow.

Cellular telephone

In accordance with Finnish law, while driving, the driver is only allowed to use a cell phone with a hands-free headset, which allows you to speak on the phone without holding it in your hand. Any car kits of cellular communication that do not occupy the hands of the driver are allowed to use.


Bumper-to-bumper driving is a dangerous driving style common in Finland. It contributes to the creation of an emergency situation and increases the psychological stress on the driver in front.

The safe distance to the vehicle in front is about two seconds, and even more in difficult weather and climatic conditions. Remember that at a speed of 80 km / h, the car travels 45 meters in two seconds.

In order to avoid collisions along the way of the following cars, the police control the distance between the vehicles.


Always overtake the vehicle in front on the left. If the vehicle in front has shown a left turn signal or is changing lanes to turn left, it can be overtaken on the right.

Before overtaking, make sure that overtaking can be done safely.

It is prohibited to overtake in areas with a solid yellow dividing line or in poor visibility.

Public transport

Within the territory where the speed limit is not more than 60 km / h, the motorist is obliged to give way to the bus leaving the designated stop. Traffic rules oblige a bus leaving a bus stop to turn on a turn signal, but city buses do not always do this.

Within the city limits, driving on the lane of public transport (buses and trams) marked with road signs is allowed only when the driver is changing lanes to turn.

Tramways should be allowed at intersections.

Roundabout and turn signal

Drivers entering the roundabout must give way according to the road signs and drive in the direction indicated by the signs. When entering a roundabout, no turn signal is given.

The turn signal is given when changing lanes at large roundabouts and when exiting a roundabout.

The turn signal is always given when starting off the roadside, when turning at an intersection and when changing lanes.

Drunk driving

The driver is prohibited from driving a vehicle under the influence of alcohol, drugs or any other kind of intoxication. A driver whose blood alcohol content is not less than 0.5 ppm or 0.2 mg / l when measured with an alcometer from exhaled air is punished with a fine or imprisonment for up to six months.

A person detained for drunk driving is temporarily banned from driving by the police and his driver's license is withdrawn. The temporary ban continues until the court makes a decision on the punishment and the duration of such a ban.

Speed ​​limits

The maximum permissible speed in Finland within built-up areas is 50 km / h, outside built-up areas - 80 km / h, unless otherwise indicated by road signs. For cars or trucks equipped with a trailer, the maximum permissible speed is 80 km / h, even where higher speeds are permitted by signs.

For exceeding the permissible speed by no more than 20 km / h, a fine of 115 euros is imposed on the driver. If the speed limit is exceeded, the fine is at least 115 euros.

Large speeding is considered a serious offense in Finland, the consequence of which can be a ban on driving a car.

A driver who exceeds the permitted speed by 40 km / h, and in certain cases and less, is considered guilty of gross negligence. In such situations, the police deprive the driver of the right to drive the vehicle. In case of violation of traffic rules by a foreign driver, the duration of the ban is determined by the police officer at the place of violation.

A driver driving a car, for example, at a speed of 154 km / h where traffic signs set a speed limit of 80 km / h, is considered guilty of a gross violation of traffic rules and creating a danger to road traffic. The violation is considered gross, even at a lower speed limit, if it was combined with other violations, creating a serious threat to the life or health of other people. In such situations, the police seize the driver's license and take the case to court. The penalties and the duration of the ban on driving a vehicle shall be established by the court.


The use, possession and transfer of the radar detector to another person is prohibited in Finland. To detect the anti-radar, an official has the right to search a car or home, or conduct a personal search. A police officer, customs officer or border guard has the right to confiscate the radar detector from its owner.

Vehicle equipment and technical condition

The driver of a power-driven vehicle must ensure the technical serviceability and appropriate equipment of his vehicle.

A police officer, customs officer or border guard has the right to check a vehicle on the road and may prohibit its operation due to its unsatisfactory technical condition. In such cases, license plates are removed from the car, and the vehicle's registration certificate is withdrawn from the driver. The registration certificate and license plates are delivered to the nearest vehicle inspection station. They are returned to the owner of the car only after passing the technical inspection.


The depth of the tread pattern on cars and trailers must be at least 1.6 mm. In the period from December to February, winter tires with a pattern depth of at least 3.0 mm must be installed on cars, including foreign ones.

Wheels with studded tires are allowed to be used from the beginning of November to the end of March, as well as at other times, if necessary due to road and meteorological conditions.

About the police

The Finnish police are known for their integrity. If someone offers a bribe to a police officer, the latter will make a statement about the crime, which will be prosecuted.

A road user who offers a bribe or other benefit to an official (including a police officer) in order to influence the performance of his official duties may be punished with a fine or imprisonment for up to two years.

A police officer, customs officer or border guard who accepted a bribe or other benefit, which was given in order to influence the performance of his official duties, may be punished with imprisonment for up to two years with suspension from office.

In the event of an accident

In the event of an accident, the police, ambulance, doctor and fire brigade can be called by calling the unified telephone number 112 throughout the country (dial without a city code). The police can also be called by direct telephone 10022. Both numbers can be called free of charge from any payphone. Road users are obliged to inform the police about an accident if there are casualties in the accident or the accident has occurred with the participation of a moose.

Penalties for violation of traffic rules

For a minor traffic violation, the police can impose an administrative fine of 115 euros. Such a fine is imposed, for example, for speeding by no more than 20 km / h or for not wearing a seat belt.

For more serious violations of traffic rules, the police impose a daily fine, the amount of which depends on the severity of the offense and the wages (income) of the offender. Such a fine is imposed, for example, for speeding more than 20 km / h or for dangerous overtaking.

The fine must be paid within one month, and the fine for an administrative offense must be paid within two weeks through a bank in Finland or through the Finnish consulate in Russia (remember that in this case the amount of the fine will increase by 50 euros). A fine for an administrative offense can be appealed in the court of first instance (the name of the court is indicated on the form of the fine). A daily fine proportional to income may be appealed against at the prosecutor's office, whose address is indicated on the fine form. An unpaid fine is usually the reason for a refusal to issue a new visa to Finland.

Service stations

Usually open from 07.00 to 21.00 on weekdays and Saturdays, and on Sundays they work on a shorter schedule. Many service stations sell gasoline 24 hours a day, some of them have cafes.

Gasoline and diesel

Sold throughout Finland. There are no tourist discounts on the price of these products. Gasoline sold in Finland does not contain zinc. 98th zinc-free gasoline contains additives that allow it to be used in vehicles not specifically designed for zinc-free gasoline. Gasoline for cars with a catalytic converter is sold from pumps with a green refueling nozzle. Refueling nozzle, black, for diesel.

Automatic gas stations

There are Neste, Shell, Esso, Venko and Teboil filling stations in Finland. Gas stations in Finland differ little from Russian ones. Using them is extremely simple. But there are still some subtleties. Only at the largest stations are cars refueled by employees. Most gas stations are self-service. They work around the clock, and gasoline is somewhat cheaper here. Payment is made at the checkout or through a machine. Some of the checkout stations operate at night with automatic refueling. As a rule, there are cafes and shops at the stations. Here you can also find a payphone. Many gas stations are equipped with car washes (PESU) and small auto repair shops (HUOLTO). Gas stations are not common on the highway. Sometimes the distance between them reaches 100 km. So, if your "petrol" light is blinking, don't risk it - refuel at a nearby gas station. You can bring a full tank of gasoline and 1 ten-liter canister to Finland from Russia.


Prohibitions on stopping and parking are almost identical to Russian traffic rules (on pedestrian and bicycle paths, pedestrian crossings, as well as at a distance of less than 5 meters to a pedestrian crossing or intersection with a bicycle path; at intersections, as well as at a distance of closer than 5 meters to the intersection; if obstructs the visibility of road signs or traffic lights; in places where the road is divided into several lanes, thus making it difficult to move along the lanes; no payment in paid parking lots; next to a solid dividing line if the distance from the car to the solid line is less than 3 meters and there is no broken line between the machine and the solid line).

It is prohibited to park on roads leading to houses in such a way that traffic on these roads is impeded; at an angle to the carriageway; if it interferes with the movement of other vehicles; outside settlements on roads marked with signs, the main road; in designated parking areas so that part of the vehicle remains outside the designated area.

Public parking

As a rule, they have a time limit, indicated by an additional sign under the parking sign:

Free parking is allowed for 30 minutes with mandatory use of a parking clock.

A similar sign, installed in combination with the "No parking" sign, allows parking for no more than a specified time, with the obligatory use of a parking clock.

Time of validity of parking signs:

on weekdays

on Saturdays

on Sundays and Holidays

Parking spaces for disabled people. Marked with markings and an additional plate. Parking in places for disabled people is allowed only with a special permit.

Private parking

Private parking spaces can only be used by the owners or with their permission. Usually, next to each parking space, the number of the car or the number of the apartment for which it is assigned is indicated.

Special parking spaces for guests, marked with a "vieraspaikka" sign.

Parking clock

On the parking clock, you need to set the arrival time, rounded up to the next even hour or half an hour. The watch should be placed under the windshield in a conspicuous place.

You can buy a parking clock (parkkikiekko) at gas stations and shops. They cost between 1-2 euros.

Paid parking

The vast majority of parking lots are paid. A ticket purchased from a parking machine (the machine accepts euro coins) must be placed in a conspicuous place under the windshield.

This sign denotes time-limited paid parking. Payment at the parking machine is required in case of parking on weekdays from 8 to 17 hours, on Saturday from 8 to 15 hours. The rest of the time, parking is free.

The maximum parking time can also be indicated - this means that a parking ticket cannot be bought for a time longer than indicated on the sign.


A fine for incorrect parking is issued either by the police or by the parking attendants.

Usually, such fines are imposed for non-observance of parking rules in cities and towns, non-use of a parking disc, improper parking, as well as for leaving the car engine on unnecessarily (maximum 2 minutes, when the air temperature is below -15 degrees Celsius).

The fine is between 10 and 50 euros. Payment term - 2 weeks.

If the fine was not handed over to the driver personally, the receipt is attached to the car in a conspicuous place.

If the fine is not paid on time, a penalty of half the amount of the fine is charged. In case of non-payment of the fine and interest, the case is referred to the debt collection agency.

If the owner or driver of the car considers the fine to be unjustified, then he can appeal the decision to the authority that issued the fine. The complaint must be filed within 2 weeks of the date the fine was received. Filing a complaint does not exempt you from paying a fine. If the written fine is found unjustified, the money will be returned.

When preparing the article, the materials of the site were used

Finland is a country with a high level of road safety, so the Finns are simply not psychologically prepared for the fact that someone violates traffic rules or acts unpredictably on the road. For "little things" that we easily get away with, you can pay a rather big fine there, and along the way and lose your Finnish visa.

Features of traffic rules

Finland uses the same rules of the road for the European Union. There are unfamiliar but intuitive signs and markings. Violations that are insignificant from our point of view are severely punished, such as unfastening a seat belt, non-observance of the distance, violation of the speed limit, entering the lane of a bus or taxi.

Speed ​​limit

Due to difficult weather conditions, Finland has set the maximum permissible speed in winter 100 km / h... In summer, on expressways, the signs change to 120 km / h... If there are no restrictive signs, speed is allowed outside settlements 80 km / h, in settlements 50 km / h.

It must be said that the Finnish police respect themselves and do not jump out of the bushes, but stand quietly in full view of everyone with portable radars. Although such checks are rare, but people come across, because the Finns do not have a tradition of honking oncoming cars with their headlights. More precisely, if the Finns honk you with their headlights, then you probably forgot to turn on the low beam.

Unusual rules for us

Can't drive on bus lane marked with a blue sign or marked on the asphalt. Entry to it is allowed only before the turn.

Roads in cities are usually not wide, and buses are large and start decisively from stops. If the bus turns left when leaving a stop, you need to slow down and let the bus pass.

If a car driving nearby stops in front of a pedestrian crossing or is blocking the crossing from you, do not go through the crossing without stopping - Finnish pedestrians know their rights and at the crossing boldly step onto the carriageway right in front of the walking car.

But what if there are pedestrian crossings every 50 meters? Yes, yes, if there are pedestrians, stop every 50 meters.

Such a squiggle indicates a place worth seeing.

Brown signs indicate attractions: museums, UNESCO World Heritage Sites, of which there are six in Finland, beautiful views and parks. As well as outdoor activities: beaches, fishing spots, ski resorts, golf courses, theme parks, stables.

A Christmas tree on Finnish roads means there will soon be a parking lot with a resting place, toilet and trash can, sometimes with a grill kiosk and a map. Recently, for some reason, they began to change the Finnish Christmas tree to the standard P sign, which is a pity.

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