Home Torkemose Selection of transmission oil for gearbox Lada Kalina. What transmission oil is better? We are looking for an ideal for mechanics which oil to pour into the Lada box

Selection of transmission oil for gearbox Lada Kalina. What transmission oil is better? We are looking for an ideal for mechanics which oil to pour into the Lada box

Sooner or later, or rather, according to the regulation of maintenance, it is time to change the lubricant fluid in the gearbox on the VAZ-2114. And then the owner is not easy to choose which oil is best?

Selection of oil in the gearbox on VAZ-2114

In the bottle, old oil, fused from the gearbox on the VAZ-2114 when running 55,000 km

If we consider the choice of oil into the VAZ-2114 gearbox, then, of course, the manufacturer's plant provides for technical documentation a recommended set of lubricants for all nodes and aggregates. Only here it does not always correspond to the realities of quality and use by motorists.

Having considered many sources of information, as well as car forums, it can be concluded that motorists are poured into a gearbox that oil that they like. Here they do wrong, because the high-quality functioning of the node depends on this element, as well as its resource.

Let's not walk around for a long time, and about and consider which oils most popular among motorists, and also recommended for use:

  1. 75W-90. - Synthetic oil that recommends the manufacturer. This type is used in all modern AvtoVAZ transmissions. Excellent lubricating characteristics should ensure the functioning of the unit at high and low temperatures. Increased noise when operating the gearbox compared to semi-synthetic oil. According to the classification of the ARI, the GL-4 standard.
  2. 85W-90. - semi-synthetic oil, ARI class is also not lower than GL-4. Recommended for cars with mileage. It is cheaper than "synthetics", and the PPC works on it quieter.

These are all common characteristics, but many motorists will ask the question: what specific manufacturers can be poured into a gearbox? So, consider this question in more detail and write a list of transmission oils, which can be pouring into this node:

  • Lada Trans KP;
  • LUKOIL TM 4-12;
  • New trans kp;
  • Nordic SuperTrans RHS;
  • Slavneft TM-4.
  • Castrol 75W90;
  • Shell Getribeoil EP 75W90;
  • TNK 75W90.

The last three are more expensive copies, but in their composition and chemical properties exceed their budget counterparts.

Therefore, if the motorist loves and rub his "iron horse", will certainly choose them.


Types of oils

As you know, the marking of oils is invented not just like that. There are three types of oils that are poured into the engine and gearbox. All of them have different indicators, but the main one is considered to be viscosity. So, consider how lubricating liquids are classified: conclusions

As can be seen from the article, the choice of oil for VAZ-2114 is quite simple. There is a list of recommended oils from which you can choose the most suitable option for the motorist.

Who chooses quality, despite the price, it is recommended to pour Castrol 75W90, but the budget option is considered - Lada Trans KP.

Be able to correctly choose the oil for the VAZ-2114 box should each owner of the domestic car, because if the oil is chosen incorrectly, the reliability and stability of the transmission work remains only to dream. The choice of oil for the gearbox in domestic machines is not as folded, as it seems, even a novice car enthusiast can cope with this, everything you need to know is some important rules.

About what manufacturers produce better oil for the VAZ-2114 box and who is better to avoid the party, in this article will help to decide specialists.

How to choose the type of oil for PPC VAZ-2114

What the base will be at oil, it does not matter much, so you can buy both mineral and synthetic. If you look at the cost and consumption, it is more profitable to stop your choice on the mineral substance. What criteria need to pay attention to?

  1. What is the speed of relative slip?
  2. The value of the specific loads acting in the internal space of the mechanism.

These criteria affect the best viscosity of the oil, selected for your car, as well as the desired number of additives. Non-promotional additives - the desired characteristic, because despite the fact that the sulfur components contained in the liquid become the cause of metal defects, they also form ups, which, over time, form a thin film that slows down the wear process. This allows the mechanism longer to work even in the most severe climatic conditions, and the question of the metal defect is moving into the background.

If earlier TAD-17I was used as a lubricant for the transmission of domestic cars, today it successfully replaces high-quality TM5-18.

What other transmission oils are:

  1. GL-4 - suitable for the transmission of front-wheel drive machines.
  2. GL-5 - are considered the most universal, suitable for cars of domestic brands, differ in the best quality.

In addition to mineral lubricants of format format, TM-5-18, Norsi and LUKOIL TM-5-18, there are no weights that are not so thick - Vals TM, spectrol-striker, Texaso GEartex EP-C. Also on store shelves there are synthetic and semi-synthetic lubricants for Motulgear PPC, Teboil EP, BP Energear SGX.

Best viscosity oil for VAZ-2114 box

If the machine is operated in a region with steady hot weather, it is better to pour into a box of the LADA oil class 140, if you look through the catalog, then this type of SAE. Focusing on the temperature mode, for moderate, select the substance of class 90.

In Russia, the owners of the VAZ-2114 are well buying an emergency fluid:

  1. 75W-90 - withstand even critical minus temperatures. The main disadvantage is noise, without which the work of the CAT is not.
  2. 80W-90 - Universal lubricant for cars with good mileage, at a price cheaper than the previous sample. Requires replacement every 50,000 - 70,000 km run.
  3. 85W-90 - are not suitable for harsh Russian winters, so it is better not to spend your blood on them at all.

Choosing oil, prefer foreign manufacturers - they rarely cause wear of synchronizers with rapid pace.

From what oil owners of the VAZ-2114 is better to keep away, so it is from high viscosity fluids 85W-90. The higher the viscosity indicator, the stronger the oil film is formed, this means that the lubricant is heavier reaches the transmission component and makes the synchronizers work literally to wear.

The network is very often the thematic forums, where the disputes of motorists do not subscribe for the choice of engine oil. Someone pours only what has a factory tolerances, the other drivers do not adhere to such a rigid framework. A completely similar situation has developed around the question, which transmission oil is better for a vehicle model. With this question we will try to figure it out in this article.

What do you need to know?

The purpose of the transmission oil is approximately the same as the motor, with small differences. Such oil should evenly and efficiently lubricate the rubbing gearbox nodes. It is necessary for additional cooling and reducing the friction coefficient. Many motorists never change the oil in the box at all, which subsequently leads to the need for its bulkhead.

In this article, we will look at the line of domestic cars with a manual transmission. The machine is another topic for conversation, since everything is arranged differently, but the oil also needs to be changed. First of all, we'll figure it out, whether to follow the recommendation of the manufacturer's plant. In addition, consider reviews of motorists about a particular transmission oil brand. In general, we will try to highlight this question as best possible.

What transmission oil is better for VAZ-2107

Most of the motorists adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations. It is the certified transmission oils with the necessary tolerances that are capable of providing a long and uninterrupted operation of the gearbox 2107. Among the most popular lubricants should be allocated as follows:

  • LUKOIL TM-5 85W-90.
  • TNK GIONID 80W-90 or 85W90.
  • Spectrol 80W-90.

This is not all transmission oils suitable for use in PPC VAZ-2107, but they are checked and considered high quality. Nevertheless, not all adhere to these recommendations. Many experienced drivers recommend not particularly bother when choosing transmission and stop on more or less accessible by the budget.

Group of transmission oil

In order to deal with more detail with which transmission oil is better for VAZ-2107, it is necessary to consider several important characteristics of lubricant material. In particular, this concerns the lubricant group that happens:

  • GL-4 - oils with lots of additives. Excellent are suitable for use in boxes, the operation mode of which does not provide high torque. There are also oils that, on the contrary, are more suitable for high torque moments;
  • GL-5 is a group of oils intended for hypoid gear. If the car is equipped with a gearbox with a hypoid transmission, then only GL-5 can be poured into the gearbox.

It is imperative to correctly pick up a group of oil. This will ensure the long-term operation of the checkpoint even in difficult conditions. At the same time, you should not forget about the regular replacement, but we will talk about it a little later.

About the class of viscosity

If we talk about models like VAZ-2106, 2107, then for these cars most often choose lubricant with a viscosity of 75W90. This is a synthetic or semi-synthetic base. Such a transmission oil is excellent for operation in harsh weather conditions. The temperature range at which you can use such a lubricant - from -40 to +35 degrees Celsius.

In addition, the widespread oil was obtained by viscosity 75W85 and 80W85. These are all-season lubricants, which are also excellent for use at low temperatures. It is worth noting that the manufacturer's plant recommends using such classes of viscosity. In general, in the domestic classics you can pour such oils as TNK or LUKOIL of the corresponding group and class.

What transmission oil is better for "Kalina"

Very often there are the opinions of motorists that throughout the life of the car the oil in the gearbox is not needed. But in fact it is somewhat wrong. After all, this composition over time loses its operational characteristics, so it periodically needs to be changed. As for the car "Lada Kalina", most of the owners of this machine recommend pouring TNK TRANS KP Super. Transmission oil from this manufacturer makes the work of the PPC more quiet, and switching speeds is smooth.

But here there are some nuances. First, it is desirable to give preference only by original lubricant fluids. Secondly, after overhaul or during running, you can pour the simplest oil TAD-17. As for the interval of replacement, it is not worth pulling longer than 150 thousand kilometers. If the replacement is made in a non-time, then the resource of the box will decrease. Therefore, it is not recommended to tighten with this question.

What and when to pour into the PPC VAZ-2110?

The box, which is used in the domestic "dozen", is quite alive and straining. But this is only subject to the correct operation and timely replacement of transmission oil. The most suitable for PPC VAZ-2110 can be considered a synthetic basis. This is especially true for cars that are operated in extreme modes. True, Synthetic has one drawback, which is at high cost. But, given the replacement interval, you can spend and spend. In extreme cases, it is permissible to use semi-synthetic oils. But it is impossible to mix synthetics and semi-synthetic. Do not forget about it.

If we talk about what transmission oil is better for VAZ-2110, then the first thing you need to decide on viscosity. There are summer, winter and all-season transmission oils. The latter are most popular due to its versatility. True, the price tag for such a lubricant is slightly higher, but it is worth it. The manufacturer recommended the TM-14-2 oil, it is necessary to pour it into a box. There are better analogues such as LUKOIL-super. True, the basis of the mineral here, so it is bad for the gear, but the synchronizer works perfectly. Valvoline Synpower - Dutch Synthetic Oil. It is expensive, but the operational characteristics are at the highest level.

PPP "Niva Chevrolet"

The domestic SUV is extremely passing and reliable, but requires careful care. In particular, it concerns a manual transmission. It is allowed to use the oil of the GL-4 / GL-5 group or GL-5. For normal operation of the node, oil is best suited with the following viscosity: SAE 75W-90, 80W-85 and 80W-90. If you follow all the above requirements, the box will work much quieter and longer.

Among motorists have long formed a rating of proven transmission oils. It is for them best and pay attention. If you are wondering: "What transmission oil is better for" Chevrolet Niva "?", It is definitely worth trying ENEOS 80W90 GEAR GL5. This lubricant showed itself at low temperatures, retaining the permissible fluidity. True, sold only in 4 liter canices, which is not too convenient. Many motorists are also advised to try Castrol Syntrax Universal Plus. This is an expensive transmission that provides impeccable soft gear shift with a long replacement interval - 300 thousand kilometers.

What is best for the PPC "Priors"?

Approximately 90% of the owners of this sedan prefer to pour exactly what the manufacturer recommends. The thing is that in the "prior" advised to pour LUKOIL TM-412. This is relatively inexpensive, but at the same time high-quality lubricant, which is available in all auto shops. Nevertheless, there are many other suitable transmission oils. For example, the "Rosneft", "Castrol", "Motul", etc., often poured "Rosneft" and other. The last two options are most preferable. True, their cost is much higher than domestic analogues.

It is better not to use mineral base oils. Such a lubricant is oxidized much faster, so requires more frequent replacement. In addition, an uneven wear of rubbing parts will be present, which will ultimately lead to the emergence of physical fluctuations and deterioration of the work of the node as a whole. Therefore, it is desirable to pour high-quality synthetic all-season transmission oil. If at the same time observe the intervals and not overload the checkpoint, it will work for a long time and properly. What transmission oil is better for "priors"? Usually high quality lubrication TM-412, but you can pour and more expensive analogues.

The best choice for domestic classics

Mechanical that are installed on domestic cars, have several irrefutable advantages. First, it is an extremely reliable node that does not require expensive service. Even if the need for major repairs will arise, it will be relatively inexpensive.

Nevertheless, you should not neglect regular service. Lubrication is desirable to acquire in proven places and not save. The replacement interval is 3-4 years or 150 thousand kilometers, depending on what comes before. This is not a motor oil that needs to be changed every 8-10 thousand runs. An excellent choice will be "Castrol" or Motul. From budget and high-quality, you can recommend the manufacturer "LUKOIL".

Almost all manufacturers, in one voice, say that oil in the gearbox does not require replacement throughout the life. Although studies show a completely different picture. For the Lada Kalina, as for most cars, the liquid replacement is simply necessary in the gearbox. This is due to the loss of physico-chemical properties.

An experienced Kalinovoda chooses oil in the checkpoint:

When choosing an oil in the checkpoint, and for other units of the Lada Kalina, it is necessary to take only the original fluid. Since, recently, the market has a significant proportion of fakes, it is necessary to approach the question carefully.

So, Kalinovodes choose to fill the oil "TNK TRANS KP SUPER". As practice shows, the gearbox on it begins to work quieter, and the speeds turn on smoothly. .

On the right oil in the TNK TNK Trans KP - one of the most optimal options for the price and quality

In the service manual of the plant, the table of recommended oils for viburnum was found, as well as their encoding.

It is worth remembering that only transmission oil is poured into the gearbox. After overhaul, at the time of running, you can use the simplest - TAD-17.

When to change?

Consequences of untimely replacement

Since over time, oil in the checkpoint loses its properties, both physical and chemical, it can cause the following consequences:

All these reasons can serve as increased wear, which will lead to premature overhaul of the gearbox.

On the video difference between transmission oil 80W-90 and 75W90

On Lada Kalina 70W-90!

Replacement process (briefly)

More on the replacement of oil in the material: oil replacement in the gearbox to Lada Kalina.

Replace the oil in the gearbox Lada Kalina on one side simply, and on the other and not so easily. To do this, you need toolkit, namely: jack, flushing oil, key on 17 and capacity for working out.

Now that everything is ready, proceed to the process itself:

  1. Install the car on the lift or pit.
  2. .

    Remove the air filter

  3. With the help of the probe, check the amount of oil.
  4. We dismantle the lower protection of the engine.
  5. We unscrew the drain plug on the checkpoint.
  6. Oil drains can last up to 40 minutes.
  7. Tighten the drain plug, while not forgetting to replace the sealing ring.
  8. Now, insert in the probe watering can with an elongated tube.

    Leap, lay, then!

  9. I wipe the dipstick, and insert, and then take it out. We look at the level, it should be between pointers maximum and minimum.

That's all, the oil in the box is replaced. We drive 10-15 kilometers and see the level indicator. If necessary, plunge the oil.


CPC oil replacement is carried out in 1 hour. Someone may seem too difficult, then you need to contact the car service. It is necessary to approach the choice of oil into a transmission seriously, since the resource of the unit depends on it.

Car gearbox VAZ 2110, unit, which serves for a long time. However, there is an important requirement: after a certain run, it is necessary to make a replacement of oil into a box 2110. Such work is carried out with your own hands and takes no more than an hour. Typically, the procedure is performed after 75 thousand runs, but sometimes this figure changes. It all depends on the operational loads on the machine. In some cases, it is necessary to replace and after 40 thousand km.

The VAZ2110 gearbox consists of parts that constantly interact with each other. As a result, their wear occurs.

To reduce the abrasion of the elements, the transmission oil is poured, which performs the following functions:

  • the checkpoint constantly supports a certain temperature level;
  • the risk is eliminated by rust, as a result of metal corrosion;
  • noise is reduced during operation;
  • vibration decreases;
  • protection from shock loads is underway;
  • there is a constant flushing of working areas by leamming small metal particles.

It is important to know which oil is poured into the gearbox VAZ 2110. Each species have their own degree of viscosity. The operating temperature is supported by 80-120 degrees. In the conditions of harsh climate, it is difficult to maintain such a temperature at high oil viscosity. This will lead to the difficulty of the work of the gear.

If failures are observed in the CAT, this happens for the following reasons:

  • it decreased the amount of liquid substance;
  • poor-quality lubricant.

In the first case, it is necessary to constantly observe the level, and in the second one follows the passport instruction.

Varieties of oils

During the procedure, you should know which oil to fill in the VAZ 2110 box.

They are divided into 3 types:

  1. Synthetic. It is characterized by a high degree of cleaning. The composition includes various additives, protecting parts from corrosion. Replacement is carried out every 65-75 thousand km.
  2. Semi-synthetic. The percentage of additives is much smaller, so the oil changes more often. It is advisable to pursue such a procedure every 45-55 thousand km. The advantage is lower cost.
  3. Mineral. Refers to crude oils. The loss of properties is observed after 20-30 thousand km of mileage. After that it is subject to replacement.

On the conducted surveys among motorists, what oil to fill in the Box of the VAZ 2110, the majority made their preference in favor of semi-synthetic. This was motivated by the fact that in conditions of harsh climate and heavy roads there are increased wear of gears. Therefore, after 50 km of mileage, the oil change is necessary.

Choosing a manufacturer

To figure out which oil pour into the PPC VAZ 2110, you should know that 2 groups are recommended for such cars:

  • SAE80W-85 (GL-4 / GL-4/5);
  • SAE75W-90 (GL-4/5).

In these labels, GL-4 applies to vehicles with front-wheel drive. GL-4/5 indicates the versatility of lubrication. It is used in conditions of high loads. SAE digital parameters indicate the viscosity of the product.

To make a good choice and understand which oil is better to pour into the engine VAZ 2110 8 valves, you should familiarize yourself with the variants of the transmission oils, which are presented in the table.

Name Characteristic Photo
Zic G-F TOR 75W90Such an oil takes 1 place from all others. It is inexpensive and can be used under any temperature conditions. In the process of work showed itself the best side

Petro-Canada Traxon XL 75W90

It is manufactured by the Canadian manufacturer. Just well manifests itself in frosty weather and can be used at any temperature.
Liqui Moly Hochleistungs-GetRiebeoil GL4 + (GL-4 / GL-5) 75W-90.Manufacturer Germany. Oil is distinguished by high German quality. The lack of a large price of products

Answering the question: what oil pour into the PPC VAZ 2110 should not be remembered - it should not be saved. With severe frosts, the transfer switching is not possible. While the box does not warm up, time will be lost. The qualitative lubrication will contribute to the gentle movement of the lever.

The question often arises: how much to pour oil into the VAZ 2110 box. The total volume is 3.3 liters. However, the fill of oil into the box is 3.5 liters. This is due to the fact that the phase aggregate. At an elevated level, the gears of the latter transmission are better.

Making an additional overflow is not recommended. This is due to the fact that the excess oils will penetrate through the glands of the drive wheels, and at the same time squeezing them. If, overflow has already occurred, it follows using a medical syringe with a long tube, pump up an extra quantity through the control opening.

To check the level you need to make a few simple actions:

  1. Near the thermostat and starter is the probe gearbox. It is twisted.
  2. With the help of a dry cloth wipes well.
  3. It is installed in the original position and one and a half ten seconds are counted.
  4. It is pulled out and checked again. The liquid level must be on the MAX mark. A small excess is allowed.
  5. Probe finally returns to the place.

If checking in the absence of probe, then it is necessary to understand how much oil needs to be added to the VAZ 2110 box, the car is required to drive to the observation pit or the overpass. If there is no such possibility, the use of the lift is allowed.

Next steps are as follows:

  1. Using the key on 17, the control plug is unscrewed.
  2. If the quantity is normal, a drop appears from the hole. The oil level is just corresponding to the lower point of the opening.
  3. The plug is installed in place.

If you want to hold a plot, then you must remember which oil was flooded with the transmission of VAZ 2110. The use of another brand is prohibited. It is necessary to comply with the same viscosity. The topping is carried out with a syringe or funnels until the oil starts to pour out.

Rules of fill oil in the box VAZ 2110

In order for the PPA to serve as long as possible, only certified oils can be used. To know which oil is better pouring into a box of VAZ 2110. During the movement, only smooth accelerations and move with the optimal speed of 100-120 km / h. If it is not possible to find the required fluid, you need to try to find close by parameters.

The rules are also maintained:

  1. Attention is drawn to the seasonality of lubricant material. Summer is used in summer, and winter - winter. Universal applied at any time of the year.
  2. Before the start of the work, the engine is well heated, so that all particles of waste are released during draining.

Tool blank

It should be remembered that if the drain plug is in a convenient location and access to it is open from the side of the observation pit, the location of the fuel hole is in a less accessible place.

The following tools and materials will be required for the fill:

  • key with head to 17;
  • clean rags;
  • rigid, thin wire;
  • capacity, up to 5 liters;
  • funnel or syringe;
  • thin hose, up to 30 cm long;
  • new oil in the amount of 5 liters.

Drain of work

To change the oil for the gearbox, it is better not just to start the engine, but also drive 5-7 km on it.

The following actions are followed:

  1. The car is drunk on the pit, the overpass or put on the lift. After that silent.
  2. A tube is removed from the breather and cleaned from dirt.
  3. It takes in the hands of a blank container and is taken to a drain plug, which is neatly unscrewed.
  4. Oil drains time goes up to 15 minutes. It is necessary to wait to completely stop the drops.
  5. The plug is well washed and twisted.

Flushing process

It is necessary for cleaning the box from small, metal particles. For this, a special liquid is used.

Washing is carried out as follows:

  1. The front wheels are postponed so that they do not get to the ground.
  2. Through the neck, 1 liter of washing fluid is poured.
  3. The engine starts, the transmission is turned on, and this mode is maintained up to 15 minutes.
  4. The car is muffled, and the liquid is completely merged.

Fill fresh oil

You can pour oil into the VAZ 2110 box with a funnel if there is a bay neck or a syringe with a tube in its absence.

In the first case, you need to follow the following rules:

  1. A funnel is inserted into the plotty neck.
  2. Through it poured 3.5 liters of oil.
  3. As soon as it falls, the level check is conducted.

In the absence of a filling neck, a syringe with a tube is used.

The order of work is as follows:

  1. The hose is inserted into the control hole and the syringe is injected with oil.
  2. The procedure is carried out in several steps until the oil is reached the lower point of the control opening.
  3. The plug is tightly twisted.

After filling out of fresh oil, you should start the car and ride on it several km. It is necessary that the new transmission substance filled the corners of the box and smeared all the gears.

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