Home Wheels All brands of cars and description. All brands of cars with logos and descriptions. Italian and Spanish car brands

All brands of cars and description. All brands of cars with logos and descriptions. Italian and Spanish car brands

Each machine has its own logo ( emblem)And each has its own story.

Determine Marca cars It is possible on the icon today we will tell about the importance of logos of different machines.

R Olls-Royc

Figurine of the winged woman - "Ecstasy Spirit".
The history of creation has a hint of romanticism. Somehow the sculptor Charles Siksu his friend is an enthusiast of motor racing - Lord Montagus ordered a statuette to decorate his car. Sykes created an elegant statuette depicting a woman in fluttering clothes that created the illusion of the flight - a kind of hint at the novel of Lord Montaghu with the secretary. Charles Rolls and Henry Royce drew attention to this figure. They also decided to book a statuette that could be standard to decorate all the brand cars.
Since 1911, Rolls-Royce cars have a statuette in the form of a "flying girl", which only in 1921 is officially recognized as a symbol of "Rolls Royce" and included it in the cost of the car.

? Koda.

The modern view of the emblem acquired in Pilsen Skoda: it was there that they were born, which with minimal cosmetic changes reached the present. In 1923, two official variants of the Skoda logo appeared. The first icon was in the course of only two years, until 1925. It is about arrows with five feathers and the name of the brand framed in the circle. The second sign lived to this day: an arrow with three feathers.

The legends of the meaning and origin of this shooting logo go different, and none of them is confirmed officially. As they say, the author of the idea is the commercial director of Pilsen Skoda Maglich, who meant a sign in the form of an image whether the head of the Indian is in a hat with feathers, or a rooster. According to evidence of a number of documents, the emblem was a product of the competition, which was held under the start of the technical director of Pilsen Skoda, but did not reach the name of the designer. Skoda is developing dynamically, and this dynamics inevitably goes to its sign. In 1994, the Skoda logo made his debut in a new stylish color solution.

Z Skoda's logo

What does Skoda logo mean? The most reliable answer to this question can be obtained in the brand Museum in the native of the Czech Town: a large ring framing the emblem symbolizes the impeccability of production; The wing that some perceive as a gear means manufacturability and innovation of products, as well as its prevalence in the world; Arrow, or beak, emphasizes the high quality of cars and the focus of production into the future; The small circle (eye) emphasizes the accuracy and seittences of all processes in production.

T Oyota.

The first, the most common ...
The Toyota emblem symbolizes the thread done through the needle ear. The fact is that the Japanese company "Toyota Automatic Loom Works" until 1933 produced weaving machines. A little later, the company switched to the production of cars and the Japanese, as people respecting traditions, did not undertake anything to change the sign. The Japanese manufacturer betrayed the logo also poetic - philosophical meaning. Namely: intersecting two ellipses symbolize the heart of the car and the driver, and the large ellipse combining them speaks about the prospects and wide possibilities of the corporation.
There is another version ...
Toyoda is named after her head of Kiitiro Torad and engaged in the production of weaving machines. In 1935, the company switched to the production of cars and was renamed to Toyota Motor Corporation, there were several reasons for renaming:

Convenient pronunciation;
The word Toyota selected in Japanese consists of eight traits, and according to the founders of the company was attractive, because the number 8 in Japan is considered happy and successful.

S Ubaru.

Subaru was the first Japanese automotive company using the name from his native language.
The company named Fuji Heavy Industries Cenji Keen in 1954 president of the company.
The company's name belongs to the constellation from six stars, also known under its original Japanese name Mitsuraboshi (Mutsuraboshi) - in the Constellation of Taurus. We know him as the constellation of the Pleiads. Since Fuji Heavy Industries formed by fusion of six companies, the name Subaru is designed to symbolize about it.
Subaru is also translated from Japanese as "unite".

M ercedes-Benz

By the most common and convincing version, Mercedes with a characteristic symbol arose as a result of the merger of two producers - Benz and Daimler. It happened in the distant 1926, and a three-beam star appeared on the world, surrounded by a laurel wreath first, and later in 1937 - a circle. A new enterprise Daimler-Benz with a great success embodied the achievements of both companies in Mercedes cars.

The Mercedes-Benz logo, perhaps, is a symbol of the company's confidence in its perfection. The three-spin star symbolizes the company's superiority in all areas - on Earth, in the air, in water.


The BMW history began with aviation, and the company's logo remains faithful to its roots. Blue BMW logo triangles symbolize airplane propellers in motion, and white is peeking off the sky. In fact, the company played an important role in World War II, since it was one of the main suppliers of aviation engines for German aircraft.

The current BMW logo design, as they say, occurred from the round design of the rotating propeller of the aircraft. White and blue boxes of checkers are supposed to be a stylized representation of a white / silver blade of a propeller, rotating against a clear blue sky. The theory is further strengthened with a statement that the image arises in the First World War, in which the Bavarian Luftwaffe controlled aircraft painted in blue and white. This also reflects the origin of BMW as a manufacturer of military aircraft engines during World War II, that BMW began as a manufacturer of aircraft engines .. According to the company's magazine, "BMW Werkzeitschrift" (1942), the BMW emblem appeared when the BMW engineer checked the first 320 engineer companies. He admired a reflection of a bright disk of a rotating propeller, which looked like a aura of two silver cones.


"Audi" has an extremely difficult fate. The founder of the company, August of Khorich, in the distant 1899 called his first case A. Horch & Cie (Horch translates from German as "Listen"). However, after ten August, they survived from its own company and he was forced to establish a new one. At first, he used the old name, chorus, however, former partners through the court took this brand.

At first glance, the Audi logo is simple and understandable, right? But not so simple, as it seems. Each of the four rings symbolizes one of the four companies-founding of the Audi Concern in 1932: DKW, Horch, Wanderer and Audi.

V olkswagen.

The letter 'V' in the company's logo is a reduction from "Volks", which translated from German means "people". 'W' is a reduction from "Wagen", which means a car in translation from German. That is, the company wanted to show that their car is a car for the people.

The author of the logo is Franz Xavier Reimspies (Franz Xavier Reimspiess), a staff member of Porsche (a person enhanced the engine for the beetle in the 1930s), and was chosen after an open competition. The letters "W" and "V" are combined into a monogram. During the fascist Germany, the emblem was stylized as a swastika. After the plant fell to the ownership of Britain, the logo was inverted, and later the background was not black, but blue. His work was considered best at the competition logos for VW. Franz even awarded, paying him a premium in the amount of 100 Reichsmarocks (about $ 400).

P Orsche.

Porsche is named so in honor of the German designer of Dr. Ferdinand Porsche, who was the author of many inventions and innovation: in particular, in 1897, he created a car using solar energy, and in the mid-1930s he created the "Volkswagen" project, cars, Which over time has become the most common in the world. Although Porsche founded his own project firm back in 1931, only from 1948 his son Ferry began to assign this name to the developed cars. Their production began in 1950. The raised horse on the company's emblem was borrowed from the coat of arms of the city of Stuttgart, which was founded in the Middle Ages on the Equestrian Plant (at the beginning of the name was Stuten Garden, the "Garden of the Mobyl"): horns, red and black bands are borrowed from the coat of arms of the Kingdom of Württemberg, the capital of which was Stuttgart. This "combined" coat of arms appeared as the "Porsche" emblem in 1952.

P Eugeot.

Peugeot was formed in 1812, when the Jean-Pierre brothers and Jean-Frederick Peugeot transformed their "windmill in the steel mill". Their first products were cylindrical rods for clock mechanisms. Later, the Peugeot plant turned into a real family business. For many decades, they produced various many products: metal parts, machine tools, umbrellas, irons, sewing machines, wheels with knitting needles, later and bicycles. Yes, indeed, it can be said that the entry of Peugeot to the automotive industry began with bicycles. At the time of release of the bicycle Peugeot was considered the best cycle manufacturer. In 1898, Armand Peugeot began production of steam vehicles, and a year later (having familiarized with the daimler) moved to gas internal combustion engines. The Peugeot logo was drawn by Justin Blazer from the coat of arms of France in 1847 . At the beginning, the logo was used as the quality mark of steel produced, but later, acquiring various forms (but keeping the concept), smoothly switched to cars.

Emil Peugeot and Jules Peugeot - Creators of the company, Fathers of Peugeot FR? Res, they made a proposal to Jeweler and part-time Gravel from the deep province of Franches-Commit Julien Beezer to draw the logo of his new company, which will be a distinctive feature of Peugeot products from competitors.

O Pel.

The famous German firm, founded in 1899, produced bicycles, motorcycles, passenger and trucks. Since 1928, its factories have become the property of the American Corporation "General Motors". In addition to Germany, cars are produced in Belgium, Spain, Poland, Portugal. The emblem of the company often changed, but in the end the logo was adopted in the form of the letter "O", crossed by Zigzag Zipper. This is a tribute to the memory of the successful cargo machine "Blitz" ("Lightning"), the release of which lasted about 30 years.

M aserati.

On December 14, 1914, Alphather Macerati founded the Officine Alfieri Maserati in Bologna. As the basis of the Maserati logo Mario Macerat (Alfiery and Mario - Brothers) took the image of Trinumubts Neptune, whose sculpture is located on the city square in Bologna.
But if the image of the trizubts was taken from sculpture, the idea itself has a completely different origin.

Logo history
Somehow in the Bologna Forest on Alphather Macerat attacked a wolf with obvious unfriendly intentions. But here the man came to the rescue of Alphather with a pitchfork in his hands. Thanks to Vilam and courage, the man - the wolf was defeated, and Alpharmi was saved. Rescuer in gratitude became a rider in the team of Maserati. And the depiction of the saving forks was decided to appear on the logo of cars.

The value of machine logos - I wonder to know Updated: February 18, 2017 by the author: website

Machine manufacturers in every way care about the promotion of their produced brands on the market, making their products with unique distinctive emblems - car brands icons.

Even on this, insignificant from the technical point of view, the stroke, the consumer is ready to choose the products of large car concerns.

The brand recognizable not only in the appearance of the machine or the name of the manufacturer, but also on the icon located on the grille and the hood. List of car brands can be found in any print edition or an online journal dedicated to the automotive industry.

Excursion in history: how did the auto emblems appear?

Since 1885, with the appearance of the first three-wheeled vehicle, his creator of Karl Benz noted his "brainchild". Next, with the development of the industry and the transition of the palm of the championship in the manufacture of German to French inventors, each of the automotivers sought to mark the car with its logo. At first, these were the first letters of the names of the creators, for example, Panhard et Levassor 1889 had a front of two large letters PL.

In 1900, Benz decided to call his car in honor of the daughter of Mercedes, which served as the name of the popular brand of German Mercedes cars, where the triangular star to this day decorates the products of this brand.

With the expansion of the industry, all manufacturers began to choose a certain logo, striving to give it unique simplicity and recogniziness. The sense load emblem was different - from the coat of arms of the city, in which production was based, to the graphic images of various names and motto companies. Over the years, the cars have been working on the improvement of this small design detail without changing his original species. Each photo brands are done in such a way that a distinctive emblem has definitely hit the frame.

Interesting facts about car brands from around the world

On unverified data, there are now about 2000 cars in the world.But all the brands of cars of the world accurately calculate it is simply impossible. This speaks not only about the large number of automotive production, but also on the constant appearance on the market of new companies due to merger or separation. The newly formed concerns continue to produce both famous brands, and go to the development of their unique models, creating them new names and badges.

Click to enlarge.

Also large cars giants can produce a brand of car in their own country, which does not enter the external market and remains an unknown wide circle of car enthusiasts. Such products also have their own unique emblems.

At this time, most Internet magazines for motorists create special directories, which indicate car brands and their photo icons, present brief historical information about the company's company and a complete range of manufactured products. Also created a large number of video devoted to brands of cars with the translation of the names of icons into Russian.

Car brands, their names and badges

Each car has passed a long way from developers to the buyer. And in the process of creating each brand, designers and designers tried not only to confirm a good auto reputation with their name, but also invent a special distinctive sign, reflecting the basic concepts of the creators. Manufacturers every year make up the ratings of the popularity of car brands. Of course, leading places occupy cars giants with many years of sales experience in Europe, America and Japan. But in replacement, they have recently come young and competitive companies from China.

European cars

  1. Mercedes-Benz has a distinguishing mark in the form of a star with three raysAs "the symbol of power over the ground, sea and air." The company decided not to change and not update such familiar to the whole icon, but simply separate it from the name in printed publications since 2007, where the logo will be printed higher than the main name.
  2. Concern Bayerisch Motoren Werke to cars engaged in the manufacture of engines for aircraft and decided not to change anything in the title for their cars. Now one of the most recognizable icons in the world with the image of a white propelleragainst the background of the blue sky, reliable and high-quality BMW are marked.
  3. Manufacturer of gears Andre Citroen handed over to his Citroen cars a little story on the icon - two signs with corners up, as a symbol of a gear wheel.
  4. Four rings on Audi mean the merger of four highway companies in one with the name Auto Union in 1932.
  5. The father and son of Maybahi endowed their chic bolliffs with two distinctive letters "M" on the emblem.
  6. Logo manufacturers Opel symbolizes zipper, and appeared when creating a blitz model.
  7. Coat of arms of Stuttgart in Germany Swimmed into respectable and always fashionable Porsche cars.
  8. Arrow with three feathers on the emblem of Czech Scoda Decorates cars since 1895, although in 1991 it was painted in black (longevity symbol) and green (symbol of ecology) color.
  9. Early model of manufacturers Peugeot - Lion - gave rise to appearance lion emblems, as a distinctive sign of this brand.
  10. Italian Alfa Romeo icon is folded, because It consists of the flag of the Milan municipality (red with white) and the coat of arms of Wisconti (green snake).

American cars

Japanese cars

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Chinese cars

Recently, many Chinese manufacturers have appeared on the market. Although many people talk about plagiarism and sorry for the similarity of the emblems of the leading cars of giants, the brands of Chinese cars are produced with their icons that are given close attention when developing. Unlike European and American brands, where the emblem reflects mainly historical facts, family achievements or tied to the place of production, Chinese designers for their young auto industry are developing logos, following in the main motto of the company. Therefore, Chinese car brands icons are closely related to Chinese history and reflect the desire for the development and implementation of new technologies:

Each car, which drives down the street, is proudly carrying his "heraldic coat of arms" in the grille. Or company enclosure manufacturer. By the way, some emblems are indeed borrowed from the names of those who relate to the creation of a particular brand. And some emblems are created "not curly slyly". Recognizable? Concise? Informative? That's good.

Of course, to consider the icons of absolutely all car brands in this article will hardly succeed, but about the origin and value of "stigma" on the hood of the most popular cars in the people - why not? History is always interesting and informative!

For convenience, the list of brands of cars in pictures can be considered alphabetically.

So, every icon is a small excursion in history ...

The emblem of this Italian brand is a combination of images of two coats. One image in the form of a red cross on a white background was part of the coat of arms of the city of Milan. The second image in the form of a bloodthirsty snake absorbing man was borrowed from the heraldic coat of arms of the Visconti Dynasty. Over time, the Alfa Romeo emblem was slightly changed, but these two elements were retained at an excellent form.

Who are not familiar with the four famous rings intertwined with each other? In 1932, this symbol looked around the world about the cooperation of four companies, which were united in one Auto Union car concern. War stopped the existence of almost all of its participants, but the "sign of four" remained. After the revival of Audi in 1965, he became the Audi car emblem.

The circle divided into four equal sectors and resembling the target tells about the times when BMW concern was engaged in aircraft. So this logo is nothing but the rotating blades of the propeller of the aircraft. And the color of the emblem is the main colors of the Bavaria flag.

Among the emblems of the brands of American cars, this has the most interesting origin. At first, only one name was present in the logo: "Buick". Simple and tasteful. And then the Scottish automaker David Byuchek modestly adopted three shields to the inscription from his family coat of arms. Together with the inscription, they decorate the hoods of all the "Biukov" to this day.

This cross, familiar to everyone to herbs, does not have a relationship. According to rumors, the founder of the automotive company William Durant either saw a similar drawing on the wallpaper of the hotel room, or painted on a napkin during lunch. And the car itself was named after the engineer Louis Chevrolet.

This brand in the people love to call "double chevron", which actually displays the essence of the emblem: the teeth of the chevron wheel. Because Andre Citroen started his way of the automotive industry from them.

The appearance of this emblem mysterious and family histories was not accompanied, so the designers were depicted as a logo of marine sink. True, some see Lily in it.

These four companies preferred not to bother with vertical icons of automotive brands, and portrayed their brains on the hoods: just the names of the car. And if in the first two periodically changed the background and font, then the emblems of Jeep and Hammer were initially unchanged and simple. Sigor military guys - nothing superfluous!

The creator of this brand of Socitiro Honda did not even write the name. Just took the initial letter of his last name and entered into a geometric shape. Today it is a logo symbolizes the quality, reliability and everything that is so much loved by Japanese cars.

The emblem of these impressive travelers looks pretty unpretentious. It is rumored that oval with the company inscribed in it is nothing more than the imprint of the canning can. Rude logo, but it does not prevent the car itself to be one of the favorites of the automotive market.

The company "Lexus" went on the same way: the title letter "L" was inscribed in the oval. The emblem is simple, but many she likes. Style, design, speed and high quality - not a complete list of advantages of this car.

It is assumed that the three-star star on the logo Mercedes Benz was invented by the Gottle Daimler in childhood. The baby evenly dreamed of success and mentally painted in the imagination that such an asterisk will decorate the roof of his own plant. The less romantic version claims that the three end of the star symbolize the three founders of the company "Mercedes". And maybe both versions are correct. Why not?

The opinions about the emblem of Mazda passenger cars are also diverged. Some believe that the coat of arms of Hiroshima is depicted on the logo. Someone sees an image of a tulip that personifies the grace and softness.

"Mitsubishi" is translated as "three diamonds", which symbolizes the logo. As a result of the joints of the coat of arms of two Japanese dynasties on the Mitsubishi car lattice, three red rhombuses are bangible.

The emblem of this Japanese concern is now quite simple and laconic. Initially, the circle personified the sun and was red. And the rectangle with the name of the company symbolically meant the sky, and the color had the appropriate.

Lightning concluded in the circle is devoted to the compact truck of the Blitz brand. Translated - "Lightning". For many years, he was very bolko sold on the market, which contributed to the further prosperity of the company "Opel". By the way, the first products of this plant were not at all cars, but sewing machines and bicycles. And cars appeared later.

Among the logos of the brands of French machines, the most recognizable - the lion, which risen. The company "Peugeot" looked at it on the flag of one of the French provinces. By the way, she also started with bicycle. And the logo itself was repeatedly modified until she gained the type that is known now.

Both concern, without claiming, chose the letters "s" with their emblems. True, the execution is different. It is probably why no other is experiencing about the fact that someone can confuse them. But by the way, the letter in the logo of Suzuki also reminds the hieroglyph. So, the Japanese for the uniqueness of their emblem are calm.

So much emblem has undergone a lot of changes! Rhombick, symbolizing diamond, was not at all rhombic, but the initials of three brothers. By the way, you can not know what exactly the company "Renault" was released at the beginning of the twentieth century. Not bicycles and not even sewing machines ... and tanks! An intermediate version of the company's logo was the tank.

The symbol of the male began on the hood of cars "Volvo", at first mistakenly associated with the god of war Mars. It turns out that the case was not at all. Just Sweden has always been known for its quality. And the circle with the arrow emerging from it also indicated the chemical element of the Iron. Thus, the Swedes decided to show that the cars "Volvo" in terms of quality are no inferior to the vigorous Swedish steel. In general, many people agreed with this.

World cars icons are also a separate world. Consisting of legends, facts, versions and, actually, the characters themselves, which are bizarrely arranged in various combinations. Some brands of cars went into the past, and also many those who are at the beginning of the road.

It sometimes remains only to guess, which means one or another emblem. After all, each of them has a whole philosophy.

The main criterion when choosing a car often is the brand. The founders of corporations give the primary importance to the name and development of the branded logo so that motorists can easily navigate in the vehicle belonging to a certain brand. This section presents the most complete list of the most famous brands of car world with icons and a brief description of the history and features of each of them.

Each logo carries a semantic load and has a specific designation expressing the aspirations and main views of the manufacturers. The most popular brands of Japanese, German, American, French and domestic cars do not need a submission.

In recent years, the Chinese auto industry has made rapid jerks in the production and production of high-quality and high-tech cars that are not inferior in its parameters and characteristics of more eminent counterparts. Unfortunately, most of the brands of Chinese and Korean automakers are little known to the final consumer.

In order not to get confused in trend trademarks and recognize the car in the face at first glance, check out the list of all car brands of the world.

Car brands alphabet

This section is devoted to the history of creating logos of all available car brands. For convenience, brands are exhibited by alphabet.

Logos of foreign brands of cars A-F

On the logo of the Italian company, made in the form of a shield, depicted black Scorpio. It was under this sign that the founder of the company Karl Abart was born. As a background, yellow and red colors were used, symbolizing orientation on the release of sports cars.

AC. Under this brand brand, English engineers produce sports cars, characterized by high dynamic parameters. Literally, the brand abbreviation is decrypted as auto carriers. The spells of the speakers are placed in a blue circle with white edging. The inscription is made in the same color.

Acura.. The leaders of the Honda division created a simple and memorable icon. Above the name of the company is a circle within which the letter H is depicted under the tilt. Some see the alley of the direct route in it, which symbolizes the lack of problems on the roads.

Founders of the famous Italian trading brand of premium machines manufactured a complex icon. In the blue circle with the white title of the enterprise along the contour, two coat of arms were concluded. The first is the symbol of the city of Milan, and the second belongs to the Visconti dynasty.

Alpina.. German entrepreneur Borkard Bovinsipin founded his own brand in 1964 on the basis of the BMW concern. The icon also consists of two parts decorated in the form of coat of arms, and enclosed in a black steering wheel with the inscription "Alpina". An images of auto parts are applied to the symbol.

The first approved logo was intertwined AM letters on the background of the wings stranded. Wide scope symbolized the desire for success. After time, the founders decided to complicate the emblem and deciphered the abbreviation.

Audi.. One most demanded and most recognizable trademarks of foreign production machines. On the logo of the German autoconecern, 4 located in a single line of closed rings, symbolizing the unity of the founding companies, are depicted. In the free translation, the name of the luxury passenger cars means "listen." And, indeed, the motors work so quiet that you can hear them, just listening.

Baic.. This car brand is the pride of the Chinese car industry. The emblem shows the steel steering wheel of the alternative shape, without jumper in the center.

The logo of the German company is characterized by conciseness. The icon is a stylized image of the name of the autocontraser, made in gold color.

Baw.. The logo of the second in terms of the number of manufactured products of the company in China is made in the form of steel steering wheel with the abbreviated name of the Beijing Automobile Works corporation.

Bentley.. As a logo, the founders of the autocontraser have chosen painted wings of the rapid bird in the world. The image of an eagle personifies high speed, power and independence. The emblem center is decorated with a white letter B. The background behind can be performed in one of the three color solutions, since the color means car affiliation to a specific type. The racing car with green is decorated with green, with red - sophisticated luxury class machines, and black - crossovers and SUVs.

BMW.. The recognizable logo of German automakers visually resembles the Bavarian flag. According to another version, the icon shows the rotating screw of the aircraft. This is due to the fact that the main profile at the time of creation of the concern was the release of aircraft. BMW abbreviation is decrypted as Bayerrische Motoren Werke.

The initial icon of the Ukrainian brand of cars was decorated with a sailboat with developing sails stylized under the letter B. But over time, it was decided to change the icon, so now it shows a colorful male concluded on it. The emblem visually refers to stability and equilibrium.

Relatively young Chinese autocompany. Under the trademark produced high-quality cars at an optimally low price. Round icon resembles a ring with diamond splashes of silver color. According to the founders of the company, these are intertwined hieroglyphs, meaning the desire for success in all corners of the world.

Exclusive luxury cars decorate the oval red logo, the center of which is placed initials and surname Ettore Bugatti, the founder of the enterprise. At the edges of oval, 60 pearl stones are encrusted.

Buick.. The basis of the British brand of elite cars is taken by the symbol of the coat of arms of the Byuche family, founding the company for the production and production of cars in Scotland. The icon shows three shields of red, white and blue, located diagonally, in the center of the dark-blue circle with silver edging.

Byd.. Traditionally, Chinese experts borrow other people's ideas. Designers of the BYD company did not exception, therefore the trademark of the enterprise, publishing a copy of world-famous cars, often changed under the pressure of large autocontracens who declared their rights to use the logo. Unfortunately, the last option is also plagiarism and looks like a BMW branded emblem in a simplified form.

Detroit is rightfully considered the capital of American automotive industry. The company for the production of cars was named after the Frenchman who founded the industrial city - Antoine de la Mota Cadillaca. As a trademark, the family coat of arms of the legendary figure was also used, decorated with a silvery wreath of non-sections.

The emblem is made in three colors: silver, yellow and green. The name of the concern is captured in the upper part of the circle, and the most famous model of the sports car brand is indicated in the center - super 7. The word sprint is knocked out, meaning high speed racing cars. New cars are decorated with a square logo with the inscription Caterham Fi Team against the background of an unusual white-green British flag.

One of the oldest Chinese car companies is known to owners of vehicles due to the laconic emblem: the English letter V on a blue background is concluded in a silver ring. The central symbol means victory and striving for perfection, and the blue color inside, according to the founders, is the planet Earth.

The oldest French brand for the release of passenger and armored cars. In the form of a trading sign resembles a blue eye with a golden border around the edges. Inside there is a corporation name written by a large golden font.

Chery.. The logo of the famous Chinese brand for the production of cars is depicted in the form of intertwined letters. They are the abbreviation of the full name of the Cryy Automobile Corporation concern. Two C form a circle, in the center of which the letter A. Some believes that the ring symbol is two perfectly smooth roads leaving for the horizon.

The trademark was registered in 1911 and was named after the famous Rider Louis Chevrolet, who became the face and symbol of the company. The cruciform emblem is made in 2 colors: gold - in the center and steel - on the edging. There are several versions of the origin of the icon, right up to the ornament option on the wallpaper of the hotel, where the founder of General Motors durant lived.

The first sports car released in America was awarded his own logo. A visual brand icon resembles the butterfly wings, symbolizing the world and the desire to swell. One side is made in the form of a chessboard, and the second depicted brand name of Chevrolet trademark.

Chrysler. A large corporation appeared in 1924 as a result of absorption by Walter Percy Chrysler of a number of small businesses. To date, the concern includes several world giants for the production of machines. For long years, the logo served a pentagon with a star inside. But over time, the designers changed the emblem, replacing the geometric on the outlines soaring in the sky of a bird or an aircraft with a corporate seal in the center, which means the highest quality of products.

The French industrialist of the last century Andre Citroen called the company in his honor. The icon shows two silver teeth of the chevron wheel, directed upwards that symbolizes the desire of the concern to success.

Dacia.. The company is a Renault division, so blue and silver colors were used for the logo. Until 2014, the machines of this brand were decorated with a shield with dragon scales. Later, the designers took the British letter D as the basis of the English letter D and turned her on the side, putting the brand name at a flat edge.

The lattice of Korean cars is decorated with silver lily. In Heraldry, this symbol means greatness and purity. Cars of this brand are distinguished by high technical characteristics, sophisticated lines and smoothness.

DAF.. Netherlands car brand. Brothers Hubert Josef and Bill Vincent Wang Dornz founded an enterprise for the production of trucks. They used as the icon the laconic name of the company - DAF, written by blue letters and underlined from below the red stripe.

The icon of the Japanese brand of cars is a combination of two hieroglyphs based on the name of the corporation - Dai and Hatsu. Manufacturers specialize in the release of engines and compact machines, so the emblem looks so concise. The logo is stylized under the intertwing English red letters I and D.

Daimler. Luxury cars are manufactured by Jaguar. On the lattice of vehicles, you can see a laconic inscription with the name of the brand, made in a brilliant silver color.

Dodge.. On the company's emblem, founded in 1990 by the Dodge brothers, was originally depicted by a thick-natal head, symbolizing power and assertiveness. A few years later, manufacturers of trucks, pickups and passenger cars, as well as spare parts to them simplified the logo, leaving two red stripes at an angle with the inscribing surname above them.

The trademark was registered brothers Marchelo and Adriano Dukati in the first half of the last century. Over time, the logo changed several times. Modern cars are decorated with a triangular red icon with applying the surname at the top edge. The emblem center crosses the silver road.

Edsel. The company was founded by the son of Henry Ford - Edsel. As an emblem, a young man chose the capital letter of his name with white on a green background, making it in a circle, visually reminiscent of the car's tire.

Eagle. It is symbolic that on the logo of the subsidiary of the complex Chrysler depicted the head of the proud eagle into the profile on a black background. The vertex of the icon decorates the name of the enterprise.

Faw.. The autoconecern was created as the main enterprise for the production of cars in China, so the emblem shows a digit 1. The icon is made in the form of a blue-colored oval with a snow-white border around the edge. Six stripes around the unit symbolize the collapsed proud eagle wings.

The logo of the eminent Italian factory for assembling cars is decorated with a proud black horse, which got up. Enzo Kumir Enzo Ferrari was a pilot fighter Francesco Barack, on the plane of which a similar emblem was concerned. Somewhat later, the back background of the recognizable brand acquired a yellow background, and the top crowned the colors of the National Flag of Italy.

Fiat.. Literally reducing the beloved worldwide the Italian brand of cars means "Italian car factory from Torino." The emblem consists of an abbreviation on a red background, concluded in silvery edging with deepening and elevation. The face indicates a rethinking of previous experience with the possibility of dynamic development in the future.

Fisker.. A young company engaged in the release of eco-friendly cars with minimal emissions of harmful substances into the air. It is the focus of the company's activities was based on a logo. The icon shows the sunset on the Pacific Coast, the wokruk which is painted silver edging with the name of the founder of Henric Fisker. Additionally, the icon decorate two vertical lines of metallic color.

Ford. The legendary company was founded in 1926 by Henry Ford. It is noteworthy that the recognizable laconic logo over the years has not changed. Machines manufactured by Ford Corporation decorates the blue oval oval icon in the center of which the surname of the creator. Inscriptions and edging painted in silver color.

FSO.. Polish car of passenger cars received the second impetus to development in 2010, despite the fact that the company was originally engaged in the release of cars since 1952 under the Daewoo trademark. Currently, the FSO car lattice is equipped with a red icon consisting of two parts. On the left, inside the small square, the outline of the steering wheel is depicted, and the name of the factory is located in the right rectangle. Letters and drawing are applied with white.

Emblems and logos of world automakers and car marks G-M

Geely.. On the first logo of one of the largest Chinese autocompany was located a white wing on a blue background, concluded in a circle. Visually, the icon also reminded the snow-covered vertex. This was due to the fact that the headquarters of the enterprise was in close proximity to the mountains. A new trademark trademark resembles a solid Emgrand enterprise icon depicting the radiator grille, but in blue and silver colors.

GMC.. Well-known General Motors Corporation was founded in 1901. It is distinguished by a concise logo, which is three capital letters of red in a silver frame, which are an abbreviation name company.

Goliath.. Under the trademark, passenger cars and freight cars were out in the middle of the 20th century. The trademark of the enterprise was the name of the brand written at an angle of gold letters.

Great Wall. The manufacturer called its Enterprise "Great Wall", so the emblem decorates a stylized teeth with an image of a famous Chinese sightseeing. The steel color logo is made in the form of a circle and visually resembles the steering wheel of the wrong shape.

Hafei.. Independent Chinese autocholeding was formed in 1998 to assemble cars in the Japanese license. This was reflected in the creation of a logo. Silver waves are depicted on the ancient shield in the frame of black and purple. Geometric lines symbolize the Sungari River, which originates near the city of Harbin.

Haima.. Initially, the company was created for the release of simplified Mazda models intended for consumers from South Asia. The company received a name from the merger of the first letters of the name of Hainan, where production is located, and, Mazda Corporation. Even the icon visually looks like a symbolism of the famous brand with a schematic image of God the wisdom, life and light Ahura. Some see a bird soaring in the sky in the sky, followed by the Earth's contour, which directly testifies to the company's desire to escape into the leaders of automakers.

Higer.. The firm for the production of urban and tourist buses was founded in 1998. The emblem is similar to the icon of the South Korean Corporation Hyundai, but the letter H is performed under a little big bias. It is noteworthy that heavy transport is in high demand all over the world. The management of the Swedish Scania Concern is monitored by the quality of products.

Honda.. The founder of the trademark of Socitiro Honda did not become wiser, and as a logo chose the capital letter of his last name, enclosing it into a square frame with rounded edges. Today, the recognizable silver icon decorates high-quality cars from the famous brand.

The name of the brand is a reduction in a complex proposal that is literally translated as "high-purpose, multipurpose wheel vehicle." The company initially planned the production of high capacity cars and passability for military purposes, but after the end of the war, powerful cars won the respect of drivers. Management decided to issue civilian models with high technical indicators. Laconic emblem is not distinguished by intricateness. Jeep radiators grid decorate the company name performed by simple black font.

The autocontracene appeared in South Korea in the distant 1967 and still is a representative of Motor Company. A symbolic handshake was chosen as a trademark logo, an externally resembling a silver letter H at an angle concluded in oval. Thus, management positions itself as a reliable partner and manufacturer of high-quality cars.

Literally, the name of the Japanese company means "infinity." Thus, the autoconecern wanted to emphasize the unlimited possibilities of manufactured cars. In the original version, the logo was considered with the image of the eight under the slope, but after some, the designer depicted on a silver icon the road leaving for the horizon.

Isuzu.. One of the oldest companies in Japan, existing since 1889, has received its current name at the beginning of the 20th century. The brand is named after the ISUZU River. A simple logo consists of the name of the red-made enterprise. The Japanese assure that the capital letter symbolizes the desire for growth.

Iveco.. The Italian concern produces industrial machines that are decorated with a stylish black logo. The name of the company is written in the lower part, and a silhouette of a horse in a jump enclosed in a ring is shown.

Jac. One of the largest automakers began production of cars in 1999. The logo consists of 3 parts. The central line occupies the abbreviation Jac with red letters. The word "Motors" is applied to the bottom strip. Warning in the emblem Silver five-pointed slim star in the ring.

A distinctive feature of the world-famous car brand is a silver figure of jaguar in a jump attached to the hood of the car. This is one of the few companies that applied the icon not to the radiator grille, but set it higher. But after numerous complaints in some countries, forbidden to decorate the hood in this way. Therefore, many modern models of luxury cars adorns the icon with an underlined inscription "Jaguar" and a famous predator jumping through the letters.

Jeep.. Another trading mark on the basis of the Chrysler concern. Initially, the name of the company sounded like General Purpose VeiCle (general purpose machine). The impressive in size and comfortable cars came to the drivers, and simply began to call them among themselves. It was the popular name that was subsequently transferred to the recognizable logo of green. Also on the emblem depicted round headlights and grille.

Kia.. The founders of the South Korean company chose the abbreviation of the company the prisoner in the oval as the logo. Basic colors: Silver and red. The vernal name of the corporation is translated as "enter the world from Asia."

Christian von Königsegg from Sweden founded the company for the production of exclusive sports cars in 1994, and gave her his name. He decided to emphasize the status of the car, using the name of the coat of arms as an emblem. It depicts orange diamonds in a mirror reflection on a yellow background. A blue strip with a golden heraldic symbol is put on the upper edge.

Kraz.. Famous Ukrainian civilian trucks are decorated with an oval icon with a white highway ribbon in the center on a turquoise background. Under the emblem there are four branded letters in the same beautiful gentle color.

Lada. The famous saying "on all sails" was reflected on the corporate sign of the most famous Russian machine manufacturer. Hood of cars of this brand decorates white sailboat on a blue background. In the updated version, the icon acquired a volumetric look, and the element is made in silver color.

Italian luxury car production brand. The logo is made in noble colors: the gold bull in combat readiness and the surname of the head of Feruchcho Lamborgini on a black shield in a golden framing. Thus, the company is positioning as a manufacturer of powerful and luxurious cars. On the other hand, it was under the sign of the Taurus that the founder of the enterprise was born. It is noteworthy that many cars were named after cities where corrides were held, and famous bulls.

Currently, Lancia cars can be found on the name of the brand written by silver letters in the center of the steering wheel, inside the blue shield. Translated from the Italian name means "Spear". In previous versions, the icon was additionally painted with these silver weapons, the edge of which was directed to the top.

The founders of the company for the production of high-pass machines use a concise green icon in the form of an oval in silver edging. In the center there is a brand name with white letters, separated by quotes of a strict geometric shape. The main color means the company's desire for the release of eco-friendly vehicles.

The Chinese brand specializes in the production of pickups and powerful SUVs. The logo is made in the form of a red shiny rhombus with a metallic reflections enclosed in a steel ring. This is one of the few companies from the Middle Kingdom, the icon of which is made on exclusive design.

Lexus.. Literally "Luxury" is translated as "Luxury." On the emblem of the prestigious Japanese brand for the release of expensive cars depicted the title letter of the brand name inside the silver circle. So laconic performance in noble color is designed to finely emphasize the high status of cars without unnecessary personality.

Lifan.. It is hardly the only private company for the production of passenger vehicles, motorcycles, scooters, quadcic cells and buses from China took the principle of movement only forward. This is reflected in the design of a round icon. It depicts three blue sailboats on a white background.

Ford Motors division is focused on the release of prestigious luxury cars. On the icon you can see the elongated rectangular metallic compass. It symbolizes the company's desire to gain fame and recognition worldwide.

Marussia.. Famous in Russia Showman Nikolay Fomenko, with the support of Efim Ostrovsky, decided to establish a company for the production of sports cars of a premium class. The corporate identity is reminiscent of "M", stylized under the skin, made in the classic colors of the Russian flag. Currently, the enterprise is closed, but the machines are still popular among riders and car collectors.

Maseratti.. The Maseratti brothers chose a traditional oval as the basis for the icon, but they settled the main elements vertically, separating the composition into 2 parts. At the bottom, the blue strip with the name of the founders is beaten. The top decorates the trident of Neptune Red Color on a white background. Such a choice was a tribute to respect the city of Bologna, in which brand owners were born.

Wilhelm Maybach and his son Karl since 1909 engaged in assembling machines for individual orders from rich clients. A year later, the emblem of a triangular form with two intersecting green letters M on an orange background began to decorate the serial models of exclusive vehicles. The symbol literally means the full name of the brand - Maybach-manufactory.

Mazda.. The icon of the famous Japanese car brand is based on a deep meaning. On the silver logo, two intersecting lines in the form of the letter "V" are depicted. Some tend to believe that curved outlines symbolize the bird in flight. Others see Filin's head or rose bud in the head icon. The Corporation itself was called in honor of the deity being revered in Japan - Ahura Mazda, who is the Creator of Heaven.

McLaren.. Sports machines of this brand have been published in 1989. The company produced racing cars and high-speed passenger supercars using sports technologies. The grille of the radiator of all models produced by McLaren Group decorates a concise logo with the name of the brand, decorated with the Red Apostrof on the right edge.

Mercedes-Benz.. Seeing a round icon with a three-beam star in the center on the front of the car, consumers immediately understand that in front of them the high quality assembly machine from the world-famous German manufacturer. The emblem emphasizes the company's status and testifies to conquering three vertices: sea, air and land. This is not surprising, because under the shopping Mercedes-Benz, automobile, sea and air transport are produced.

Mercury.. Designers peculiar to the development of the Ford's subsidiary logo. The brand has received its name in honor of God Mercury, whose symbol is considered a cat. The icon shows three gray curved lines, visually resembling a small capital letter "M" or three roads on a mountainside. The main element is concluded in two circles of different diameters.

At the beginning of the last century, Englishman William Morris began the release of sports cars under the brand "Morris garages". For many years, cars decorated with a branded red-gold octagonal icon with smoothed angles. Inside it is the abbreviation "MG", subsequently becoming the name of the brand. To date, the enterprise owns the Chinese corporation Nanjing Automobile.

Mini.. Small-sized cars that consume the minimum amount of fuel are produced by the subsidiary of the BMW autocontracene, the central office of which is located in the UK. Cheap compact cars are decorated with an original logo visually reminiscent of the aircraft. In the center of the emblem is a black circle with a silver inscription "MINI", and on the sides - silver wings.

Good Japanese cars can be found in a triangular logo separated by 6 parts of white and red colors. Many believe that the image seems to be a diamond, trying to justify the company name, translated from Japanese meaning "Emerald". But in fact, the logo symbolically combines the names of representatives of the two ancient births - Ivasaki and Tosa (three rhombus and oak three-hundredth).

All world brands of world and N-Z icons

The first machines of the legendary brand decorated the emblem in the form of a circle with a plank installed in the center, on which the brand name was written in black letters. The icon was made in traditional flowers for Japan (red, blue and white), personifying the sky, the rising sun and the purity of thoughts. Later it was decided to slightly modify the logo, making it a monophonic (steel) and volumetric.

Noble. Sports of this brand recognizable worldwide. The logo visually resembles a license plate with the name of the brand. Laconic inscription made by black letters at an angle on a yellow background.

For a hundred years of its existence, the Company has released more than 35 million units of high-speed luxury vehicles. Exclusive cars can be found in an unusual icon. The steel logo is made in the form of an oval separated by two parallel lines visually reminiscent of the strips of one road leaving for the horizon.

Opel. Over the century, the logos of a well-known brand have been constantly changing. Initially, the initials of the company of Adam Opel's company were struck on the emblem, but since 1890 it was decided to change the icon. In 1964, the trademark acquired its recognizable logo on which you can see the zipper concluded in the circle. In 2000 The emblem has undergone minor changes, becoming more voluminous and embossed.

American prestigious passenger cars of this brand stopped producing in 1958. But the machines of the famous brand can still be found in a unique logo, in the center of which is depicted by the family coat of arms of the Pakcard. But the representative of the ancient English clan decorated the models of his cars with different icons. The most famous is a girl trying to keep the wheel, a figurine Pelican and the silhouette of the ancient Greek God of Adonis.

Pagani.. Italian brand cars are distinguished not only by high build quality and original design, but also a corporate sign on the hood. Oval steel color emblem visually resembles a disc, the center of which crosses the band with the volumetric name of the brand. In the upper left corner there is an inclusion of an irregular geometric shape of blue, reinforcing the overall composition.

Panoz. The modern manufacturer of high-tech cars chose as a logo for its brand icon in the form of an inverted drop, in the center of which is the green leaf of clover in the whirlpool from red, blue and white colors, symbolizing Yin and Yan. The upper element decorates the brand name.

French cars of this brand can easily learn on the icon with the image of the lion. From 1950 to 2010, a predator film has changed repeatedly. Currently, the square icon decorates the bulk figure of the fierce lion, stuck on the rear paws. Thus, the company emphasizes the high status of car manufactured, purposefulness and development.

Plymouth. The autonomous division of the Chrysler concern, specializing in the release of passenger cars and minivans. On the round logo caused the name of the company, and in the center of the circle is depicted a golden sailboat on a red background.

At the time of registration of the brand, legendary cars were decorated with a logo with stylization under a traditional session with feathers of representatives of the Indian tribe. But over time, the manual has changed the emblem. On the lattice of luxurious machines, manufacturers began to fix the red arrow in silver bordering with a sparkling silver star in the center.

Cars of German brands are produced in the city of Stuttgart, the symbol of which is the horse inserting on the pocks. It was her who was placed in the center of the logo. The brand icon is made in the form of an arms in traditional Baden-Württemberg colors for residents: gold, red and black. The top of the emblem is decorated with the name of the company.

Proton.. The trading sign of the Malaysian company on the production of cars is made in Asian style. On the emblem in the form of a shield depicted a fierce tiger head in a profile on a green background, concluded in the ring. The main color of the shield is blue with gold edge.

The icon of a famous french brand of auto outwardly resembles a stretched rhombus with bulk faces and a hollow center. According to designers, such a decision is intended to emphasize optimism, prosperity and faith in success. Some tend to believe that such a geometric shape cannot exist in reality. In response, Renault's management declared several times that even the most impossible and fantastic ideas in life could embody.

A distinctive feature of the brand is the presence of two official emblems. Female models traditionally decorate the Figurine of a fair sex, called the "flying lady". But the general public is more familiar logo with two letters "R" colors of chrome steel, superimposed on each other, on a blue or black background

Rover. British luxury cars are decorated with a stylish branded icon with the image of the wiking fastener under the sail. Contrast emphasizes the successful combination of gold and black colors on the shield. To date, the enterprise has been redeemed by Ford Corporation, but the topic of Viking continues to be present in the design of icons.

Saab.. On the brand icon, you can see the red griffin in the profile whose head is crowning the golden crown. The emblem in many respects repeats the elements of the family coat of arms founder of the company. Currently, the enterprise is officially closed, and the rights to the brand belong to the Sino-Japanese concern National Electric Vehicle Sweden. New owners cannot use a corporate identity icon.

The American company chose the ring of the same name as the ring icon. On the square logo of the red color, white intersecting smooth lines are depicted, visually resembling the curved letter X. On the second logo, you can see the crescent, enclosed in oval, creating an allyusy of the volumetric Saturn with an asteroid ring.

The company's emblem repeats the SAAB trademark. Scarlet crowned griffin on a blue background is enclosed in a complex geometric shape. It is noteworthy that the mythical bird also appears on the heraldic sign of Scania Province.

SCION.. American cars are collected in the Japanese license. The assembly is carried out only in North America for representatives of the younger generation, which is not surprising. The very name of the trademark is translated as "heir". Designers for extreme driving machines developed a dynamic logo with two fins of sharks, located diametrically relative to each other. They are separated by the band called the brand in the silver ring.

Seat.. The founders of the Spanish autocompany as the logo of the letter S silver color, vertically cut in half. Under it, traditionally there is a full name of the brand with red letters.

Smart.. German compact machines are available with the branded rectangular black icon with a laconic inscription in the center with a brand name. To the left of it is a silver icon with a yellow triangle along the edge. Schematically, it resembles the head of the chick or letter with the arrow.

The name of the brand from the Korean language is literally translated as "two dragon", which has been reflected on the trading sign. The laconic logo represents two blue wings of a prehistoric lizard in flight, mirror repeating each other. Some see the dragon claws emblem. The logo developers argue that the icon symbolizes luck.

The Japanese car production company emerged as a result of a merger of six autoprils, the most famous among which was Toyota. The brand name is translated as "collecting together". It is symbolic that exactly six sparkling stars from the constellation of Pleiad are depicted on the chain. It is noteworthy that one of the celestial bodies shines brighter than others.

Japanese cars of this brand decorate the title English letter from the name of red, stylized under the hieroglyph. The founder of the company Mitio Suzuki was given to the brand.

The cars of the French brand have not been produced on the market for several years. But still on European roads, cars with a corporate icon. In the center of the logo there is a bulk letter T in the circle. For registration emblem, designers used traditional colors of the French flag.

Tatra.. Famous heavy trucks decorate a round icon with a brand name in the center. Letters and edging are made in white color, the main background is purple.

Tesla. The trading mark rapidly broke into the car market and now her logo depicting a pointed letter T with the top inscription "Tesla" is recognizable all over the world. The founders of the company specializing in the production of electric vehicles argue that the icon shows allusion to the letter. In fact, this is part of the steering wheel.

Toyota.. Before the release of cars, the company was engaged in the production of weaving machines. The symbol of the enterprise was a needle ear, through which the thread travelers. The company's founders decided to leave the icon unchanged by putting a new meaning in him. According to designers, ovals in the center of the silver icon symbolize the heart of the driver and unlimited cars.

The company was founded in the midst of the conquest of space. Therefore, German producers decided to give the brand the corresponding name. In Russian, it is translated as "satellite". The corporate icon is distinguished by concise: in the center of the black circle, the letter S is depicted, which can be interpreted as a curved road that goes out into the distance.

TVR.. Budget sports cars of English production can be found in the corporate logo. It consists of three capital letters of the brand name, which is a reduction on behalf of the founder of the enterprise - Trevor Vilkinson. Today, there is a trial between the owners of the brand, and there is no guarantee that the production of cars will resume.

Veritas.. The German company's manufacturing company does not boast a rich history and a large number of cars issued, but continues to work stably after his revival at the end of the last century. The emblem of the brand is considered one of the most beautiful in the world: the traditional wheel with the inscription "Veritas" is decorated with four thin pointed spikes, one of which stretches up and longer than the others three times. Visually, the logo resembles a sword, a compass or steering wheel.

For the creation of the Logo Franz Xavier Rimspess received a reward at 100 Reichsmarock. The emblem on his project was slightly modified after the defeat of Germany in World War II, but, in general, it remained unchanged. On the icon of the legendary automotive concern schematically depicts two letters V and W white color on a blue background, enclosed in a silver circle.

Volvo.. There are two versions of the origin of the famous emblem. For one of them, cars of the Swedish concern decorate the heraldic sign of the Roman Empire, which shows a shield with a spear, which are the symbol of the war of war - Mars. An alternative opinion states that the emblem is taken from the periodic Mendeleev system and means Iron. At the time of becoming the company, Swedish steel was considered one of the best in the world. Machines under the VOLVO brand are distinguished by high build quality and powerful case. The emblem center decorates a stylish inscription with a brand name white letters on a blue background.

Vortex.. In the Taganrog Automobile Plant, cars are gather under a Chery Automobile license. The name is translated as "whirlwind" or "cycle". The icon is made in silver and represents the title letter "V" in the center of the circle.

Zaz.. Ukrainian company specializing in the release of budget passenger cars, as a logo chose a concise blue-white icon. The emblem is a circle with two rounded parallel lines resembling road strips.

Logos of domestic brands of cars alphabetically ah

BelAZ. The company produces high load dump trucks (from 30 to 360 tons), as well as machines for work on careers and construction equipment. The share of products on a global scale is more than 30%. The logo of the Belarusian automotive plant is the name of the enterprise written by the English letters of blue.

GAS. The headquarters of the company is located in Nizhny Novgorod, whose coat of arms was taken as a basis when creating a logo. Domestic cars produced at the Gorky car factory are decorated with a stylish emblem, in the center of which is a white silhouette of a deer, and the upper part of the rounded coat of coat is decorated with five neat towers. Autocontraceans produces passenger and freight cars, minibuses, as well as military equipment.

KAMAZ (Kamaz). Kama Automobile Plant began producing heavy trucks in 1976. Famous trucks and agricultural equipment are decorated with logos in two versions: with the inscriptions of KAMAZ or KAMAZ, depending on the country of the buyer. The branded blue icon of this brand is made of two elements: a laconic inscription with the name of the brand and running horse in the face.

Moskvich. The most popular and demanded brand of cars in the Soviet Union. Cars were decorated with a laconic inscription with the name of the brand with silver letters. To date, the company belongs to the Volkswagen concern. The trademark serves an unusual red icon, stylized under the letter "M".

Tagaz. On an intricate emblem of the Taganrog Automotive Plant, you can see 3 equivalent roads intersecting among themselves in the form of a triangle. Such a logo was not chosen. Designers wanted to emphasize the ability of small industrial trucks to overcome any obstacles. The company also produces school buses, minibuses for disabled people and communal services machines.

UAZ (UAZ). On a dynamic logo of the Russian autocompany, a seagull depicts a seagull, soaring over the Volga River, on the background of the sun. The surround icon is made in green and white colors. The lower part of the emblem decorates the name of the enterprise (by Russian or English letters).

Uralaz (Uralaz). A beautiful emblem in the form of a rhombus divided by in half with rounded edges decorates trucks produced in the Chelyabinsk region. Visually blue icon reminds the letter Z at an angle or digit 8.

ZIL. The Likhachev plant was opened in 1916 and glorified the domestic auto industry by the release of high-quality trucks. It is noteworthy that until 1944 cars of this brand were produced without a branded emblem. And only after the war, the leadership decided to patent as a brand abbreviation the name of the enterprise, which was subsequently a trademark.

Every day, when you go outside, a lot of cars are passing by many cars produced in different countries of the world. Each of them on the radiator lattice and on the lid of the trunk is a unique emblem -. Of course, this is not a chaotic designer fiction. Each combination of numbers, letters and characters matters.

Volga GAZ 21.

An experienced designers who try to reflect the history, traditions and many other other, important for owner of the company, nuances, thanks to which this emblem will be associated with the established brand name, are working on any logo of this or that brand.

Of course, various stories associated with the names of a car are often directly related to the founders of companies that produce them. Some of these names affect the exterior decoration and serve as a starting point for the design of the emblem, a kind of identification mark of the machine.

The long-term history of the automotive industry has its myths and legends. They are mainly related to the history of creating a vehicle (logo) of the car. Each of them has its message from the past, and the entertaining stories of the creation of a logo of a trade brand are written books and articles, as well as remove television programs.

In this article, we will tell about 100 emblems of cars of the world with names and photos. We cover many countries and almost all continents and parts of the world. Are you ready for a fascinating journey? Then fasten. Go!


001 Holden.

The image of a lion in the company's title appeared in those times when it was engraving on the threshold at home at the end of the XIX century, at this time the company produced saddles and crews. In 1928, the famous sculptor J.R.Huff caught a sculpture "Leo and Stone". According to ancient Egyptian legend, a person came up with the wheel when he saw a lion, a rolling stone. The symbolic image of the Hoff sculpture was based on the logo of the Australian company.

Holden emblem



002 Tata Motors.

The emblem of this most famous Indian car brand something very reminds Korean trademarks of Daewoo and Kia companies, the same fonts, the same colors. In 1945, the first locomotives were made from the conveyor of the Indian plant, it was the beginning of the activities of TATA. And in 1954, the release of the first cars under the same brand began.


003 Iran Khodro.

The word "Khodro" means the "fast-foot horse", hence the horse's head on the shield in the emblem of the Iranian car, which is very similar to the French model of Peugeot 405. The company for the production of cars in 1962 was created by Brothers Ahmad and Mahmoud Highi.

Emblem Iran Khodro.


Color range on the Emblem of the Chinese car BYD is another example of plagiarism, having nothing to do with the process of creating a model, or its manufacturers. Consider carefully, and you will see similarity with the BMW trading sign.

Emblem BYD.

005 Brilliance

Of course, even injecting, it is clear that the name of this brand is translated as a "diamond." These Chinese manufacturers wanted to emphasize the high quality of the goods offered. The trademark itself consists of a combination of two hieroglyphs, which mean this word.

Emblem Brilliance

006 Chery.

In 2013, Chery Automobile presented the world a new modified logo. He looks like an oval with a diamond triangle in the center. According to the comments of Chinese producers to the emblem of their cars, the parties of the triangle symbolize the main performance indicators of the company: quality, technology and development.

Emblem Chery.

The emblem of this one of the oldest brands consists of two modified hieroglyphs, which are read as "first" and "car". Designers of this symbol claim that they wondered in the form of a hawk, who had placed the wings in flight. This symbol is filled with pride for the successes of Chinese engineering.

Emblem Faw.

008 Foton.

Another example of the imitation. Only in this case, the Chinese automotive brand logo is very similar to the well-known brand for the production of Adidas sports shoes. At the same time, Foton cars are included in the top three most significant auto-brands of China.

Emblem foton

009 Geely.

In April 2014, Geely representatives announced the release of new cars with an updated logo design. The new geely emblem has preserved the design of his hybrid Emgrand concept, but new colors appeared - bright blue and black.

GEELY emblem

Emblem Geely Emgrand.

010 Great Wall

For a long time, only small trucks produced under this brand. Now "Great Wall Motors" is the most powerful design and test center located in the Baoding Industrial Park. On the emblem there are two big letters "G" and "W". A closed logo ring is a symbol of a Great Wall.

Emblem Great Wall

011 Hafei.

Machines manufactured under this brand are inexpensive at cost and are in demand in wide circles. The logo has the form of a shield, and the waves symbolize the Sungari river bed, close to the city of Harbin. It was in him that the TM HAFEI story began.

HAFEI emblem

012 Haima.

If you split the name of this brand into two words "HAI" and "MA", then experts will notice that the first word symbolizes the name of Hainan Province, and the second company Mazda. Even the logo of this car is very similar to its Japanese prototype.

HAIMA emblem

013 Lifan.

The Lifan TM emblem is, schematically depicted, three sailing vessels. The name of the car in the Chinese language means "rush on all pairs".

Lifan emblem


014 Proton.

The logo of this Malaysian company was at first a view of the crescent and stars with fourteen ends. At the end of the nineties, the updated brand of cars received a new emblem. Now it has the appearance of the tiger's head and the inscription with the name of the brand.

Emblem Proton.


015 Uz-Daewoo.

In March 2008, a joint venture "GM Uzbekistan" was created in Uzbekistan. It started to produce cars of the brand Uz-Daewoo. It is clear that the original logo of the popular Daewoo brand has practically changed. It was only added two letters in front. Recent years, the products of this Uzbek company entered the list of the ten best-selling brands in Russia.

Emblem Uz Daewoo.

South Korean

016 Daewoo.

The word "Daewoo" translated from the Korean language means "big universe". And the emblem of this popular brand from South Korea has the appearance of a stylized sea shell.

Emblem daewoo.

017 Hyundai.

Very simply looks like the emblem of this famous South Korean TM. This is the first letter in the name of the company - "H", written by a beautiful designer style. But if you look into the dictionary and see the translation of this word, then you will learn that it is literally means "modernity", "New Epoch" or "New Time".

Emblem Hyundai.

This word is literally translated as "Increasing Asia". The emblem with a three-dimensional image personifies the young and energetic company. Red is the heat of the sun, as the desire to swell. The symbol of the Earth here serves an ellipse, it emphasizes the world famous brand.

Emblem Kia.


019 Acura.

In Latin, the syllable "ACU" has the importance of accuracy, reliability and accuracy. In the logo there is a letter "A" modified in the form of a crown. The task of this emblem is to identify the technical and designer merits of the Japanese brand.

ACURA emblem

020 Daihatsu.

The emblem of this Japanese brand looks like a stylized letter "D" and symbolizes convenience and compactness. For the completeness of perception, remember the slogan of the company "We make it compact" and you will understand everything.

Emblem daihatsu.

021 Honda.

Decoding the value of the TM "Honda" logo is very simple. First, this is the first letter of the word, secondly, this is the name of the founder of Socitiro Honda.

022 Infiniti.

With the initial work on the creation of the logo there was an idea to use the sign of infinity, because the word is in translation of this sense. But, then they made it in the form of a road going to infinity. This symbol has a dramatic value of perfection in everything.

Emblem infiniti

023 Isuzu.

All elementary, the logo looks like a capital letter "I" in the stylized version. But, wise Japanese, and in one letter can find a bunch of meanings. They interpret this logo and, especially, its color gamut as the openness of the world and the burning of the hearts of the company's employees.

Emblem isuzu.

024 Lexus.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe emblem belongs to the Italian designer Georgetto Gudjaro. He did not like the first idea of \u200b\u200ba logo, having a kind of heraldic shield. He came up to bend in dynamics and put in the capital letter of the model. In his opinion, this option symbolizes luxury.

Lexus emblem

025 Mazda.

Starting from 1934, the logo of this car had six options. The latter was recorded in 1997 and was brought together with Zoom-Zoom slogan. The corresponding spirit of the company, the title letter "M" with wings symbolizes the ideas of freedom and flight. There is a legend that the grandfather's grandfather's grandfather was a big fan of Chekhov and once fell into the MHT on the play "Seagull". After many years, his grandson saw the logo in the form of a seagull on the old program and decided to use it in his business.

Mazda emblem

026 Mitsubishi.

The name of another popular Japanese brand is called secret value. His name consists of two words "Mitsu" - "three", and "Hishi" - "water chestnut", it is also called the "diamond diamond". The official translation of the word sounds like "three diamonds". And the company's logo combines the coat of arms of its founders of the Ivasak family, which consists of a three-row diamond and crest of the Tosa clan of three sheets.

Mitsubishi emblem

027 Nissan.

The company name appeared in 1934 from the merger of two words that means directly the country, Japan, and its industry. The red circle on the company's logo symbolizes the sun, which rises, and the feeling of sincerity. Blue rectangle is the sky symbol. This emblem can not be better suited to the motto of the company "Sincerity brings success."

028 Subaru.

Translated from the Japanese word "Subaru" can be translated as "pointing path" or "collecting together", and also the stray of stars in the Constellation of the Taurus. The emblem of the car, which "shine" six stars has the importance of high quality manufacturing, use of advanced technologies and wonderful driving quality machines.

Emblem Subaru.

029 Suzuki.

The history of this logo is also failing simple. The Latin letter "S" is stylized under the Japanese hieroglyph and this is the first letter of the founder's founder of this TM Mitio Suzuki.

Emblem Suzuki.

030 Toyota.

In 2004, the emblem of the famous Toyota brand has undergone some changes. Manufacturers of this product promised their customers excellent quality. Accordingly, the emblem should be excellent. This is a three-dimensional image of silver metallic, with three ovals, two of which are located in the center of the composition perpendicularly and symbolize mutual understanding between the manufacturer and buyers.

Emblem Toyota.


031 Buick.

The emblem of the elite car Buick changed many times. In 1975, the company's name was returned to the logo, as well as at the very beginning of this model. And when the company launched a new variety of machine called Skyhawk, added the figure of the haasting to the emblem. Skyhawk ceased to exist at the end of the eighties, and three coat of arms of the Scottish aristocrats and the founders of the company BYUKOM family returned to the emblem.

Emblem Buick.

032 Cadillac.

In 1999, the owner of TM Cadillac Concern GM decided to make changes to the existing emblem. In order to make it modern in the coming 21st century, it was decided to remove the images of birds and the crown from it. The remaining coat of arms of the ancient noble family de la Ida Cadillakov and framing his wreath decided to make in the form of graphics. Above the new emblem was invited to work abstractionist from the Netherlands of Pita Mondriana. Thus, on the verge of centuries it turned out the past and the future.

Emblem Cadillac

033 Chevrolet.

There are several versions of the appearance of the emblem of this religious car. One of them says that one of the founders of the company William Durant during a visit to Paris on the wallpaper in the hotel saw this drawing and made it a new car logo. According to another version, a durant often painted various emblem options and eventually drew the same tie-butterfly, which became the emblem of Chevrolet. And finally, the latest version is that a durant in one of the newspapers saw advertising a coal company using this symbol and patented it for his business.

Emblem Chevrolet

034 Chrysler

Chrysler Car Emblem History History Looks like a long-playing Brazilian series. For the last century, his appearance changed a huge number of times. For example, in 2007, he looked in the form of a star of five rays. And in 2009 he was changed again, and now he has the appearance of his name placed on a blue background with stretched silver wings.

Chrysler emblem

035 Dodge.

Dodge's logo for the 20th century changed many times. In 2010, it was decided to remove the Baran head from the emblem and make a simple inscription with the name of the company and two inclined stripes.

Emblem dodge.

036 Eagle

The logo of this trading brand is a triangle with arcs in the form of an arms, inside of which there is a contour image of an eagle head. The emblem is completely performed in black with white contour lines.

037 Ford

In 2003, in honor of the century, it was decided to make small changes in the logo. The company returned to an oval emblem with "flying letters" of the sample of 1927 by replacing only a color lining with purple on blue with overflows.

Ford emblem

General Motors Corporation was formed in 1916. Creators of the company Brothers Grabovski before the creation of GM were engaged in the production of trucks. After William Durane joined them, the company took a new name and united around him all the engineering branch of Michigan. The emblem is nothing special and wins only due to the red color gamut with a silver frame.

GMC emblem

039 Hummer

Initially, this trademark of the SUV of General Motors was intended for use in the army, a little later, it began to sell and civilians. There are no sings in the emblem. And why are they in the army?

Hummer emblem

040 Jeep.

As well as Hummer, the Jeep brand car has been manufactured for military use and therefore no one paid attention to the originality of its logo. Initially, it simply did not exist. When the car was launched on a wide sale, there was a logo, which is two circles and seven rectangles located vertically. This composition visually similar to the front of the SUV.

Jeep emblem

041 Lincoln.

The basis of the logo of Lincoln was taken by a stylized compass, which simultaneously indicates all sides of the world. At a time when this brand was a great success worldwide, such a logo was appropriate. At the moment, the demand for the company's products has fallen significantly even in the United States.

Lincoln emblem

042 Mercury.

Not so long ago, a stylized letter "M" appeared in the Mercury car brand logo. And 1939, the son of Henry Ford Edsel invented the name of the new car in honor of the patron of commerce of God Mercury and depicted his profile on the machine emblem.

Mercury emblem

043 OldSmobile.

The latter of the existing emblems of the non-existing company was performed in a Japanese car style, different simplicity and conciseness. It looked in the form of a stylized letter, which "breaks through" through the oval framework in which it is located. The emblem was designed to symbolize the technological modification of the model, which is able to compete with similar models of cars from Europe and Japan. A light "nod" remained in the direction of the old logo, in the form of a hint on the rocket inside the emblem.

Emblem OldSmobile.

044 Plymouth

In 2001, this brand ceased to exist. And until this point, her logo looked in the form of the Maiflauer ship, with the help of which her discovers were saved to America, mooring at Plymouth Stone.

Emblem Plymouth

045 Pontiac

At the beginning of the existence of this car, her emblem was the headdress of the Indian. In 1957, her appearance was changed, and she became similar to the red arrow, which is visually in the place of splitting the radiator. Unfortunately, this brand of the American car ordered a long time to live.

Emblem Pontiac

This car from the company "Chrysler Group LLC" has a coated logo with a curthed ram head, placed in the middle of the emblem. The whole composition is made in silver metallic color with a tump.

RAM emblem

047 Saturn.

Another car from the category of "retired". On his emblem, the image of the planet Saturn with rings is placed. The inscription on the emblem is executed by the same font as on the Saturn-5 rocket, which delivered Americans to the moon.

Emblem Saturn

048 SCION.

For this brand, the logo was invented by California designers. It is based on the letter "S" in the form of the shark fins exhibited, since initially this car was intended for lovers of extreme sports and fishing on the ocean. The word "scion" is translated as "heir".

SCion emblem



049 Aston Martin.

The logo of the favorite car of the first James Bond appeared in 1921 in the form of letters "A" and "M", which were inscribed in a circle. The founder of the company Lionel Martin gave his detergent the second part of the name, and the first part was taken from the town of Aston Clinton in England, where the car won his first race. In 1927, the existing emblem added wings.

Emblem Aston Martin.

050 Bentley.

Open wings, symbolizing speed, independence and power are successfully inscribed in the Bentley TM logo. The middle of the composition contains the letter "B", in honor of the creator of Walter Bentley. A background on which the letter is located is very important. Green background of racing machines, red is designed for models with a subtle taste, and black means power and power.

Emblem Bentley.

051 Caterham.

The emblem of this TM initially had astounding similarities with the Lotus car logo. The magic number 7 was on the logo for quite a long time and was associated with the Caterham Super Seven brand. In January 2014, a brand new logo appeared with traditional green and contours of the UK flag.

Emblem Caterham.

052 Jaguar

It is clear that the symbol of this machine is the famous animal from the kind of feline. So the car with such a name should have power, beauty and grace. Sketch of Jaguar's jumping in 1935, in 1935, the head of the advertisement and sales department of Swallow Sidecars and showed drawing to sculptor Gordon Crosby. And he blinded such an elegant figure of jaguar in a jump. There was a time when the ear traders for cars sold this figure to customers for an additional fee.

Jaguar emblem

053 Land Rover.

"Land" is the land, "Rover" is a wanderer. The car, wandering around the ground. That is the main essence of this wonderful SUV. More than 60 years have passed since Maurice Wilks came up with this name for his all-terrain vehicles. There are two types of TM Land Rover emblem. The first looks like silver letters on a black background, the second in the form of gold-plated letters on a green background.

Emblem Land Rover.

054 Lotus.

The logo TM "Lotus" is a bright yellow circle resembling the sun, and the triangle of the British Racing Green's triangle is inscribed. The triangle is inscribed by the name of the brand of the car and the initials of its creator of Anthony Colin Bruce Chapman (ACBC).

Lotus emblem

Apparently designers did not sweat over the creation of this corporate sign. The name of the brand is simply inscribed inside the correct octagon.

MG. emblem

056 Mini.

This is one of the "take-off" trademarks with wings, which traditionally have the importance of agility, speed, strength and freedom. And the black color is strong in innovation, dynamics, elegance and perfection. And how without silver color with his sophistication and greatness. Yes, nothing!

MINI emblem

057 Morgan.

Apparently the favorite representatives of the fauna in the UK is birds. Another "winged" logo with a cross-like emblem against the background of a circle and the inscription MORGAN has a small enterprise from England "Morgan Motor Company", which releases sporting machines in retro style with the most modern "entrails".

Morgan emblem

058 Noble

On the emblem of this brand, the name of Noobla is banging, which was the main designer and led Noble from 1996 to 2009. Now the company is engaged in the release of sports cars with high speeds.

NOblem emblem

059 Rolls-Royce

There are two emblems of this famous car. On the first there are dual letters RR. These are the names of the founders of the brand Sir Henry Royce and Charles Stewart Rolls. There is a version that the color of the letters from red to black changed immediately after Sir Henry Royce death in 1933. Another symbol of this car, which is placed on the hood there is a figurine soaring, as if to take off, with a flour dress. This figure is sometimes called the "Spirit of delight".

Rolls-Royce emblem

This car must be the appearance of two British engineers - Trevor Wilkinson and Jack Picardu, who in 1947 formed TVR Engineering and gave her Vilkinson's name - Trevor. Specialization of the company - Light sports cars.

Emblem TVR.

061 Vauxhall.

On the emblem of this oldest British car mark, the image of the Griffin - a mythical creature with a body and a head of lion and eagle wings is banging. The name TM went from the area on the southern bank of the Thames.

Emblem vauxhall


062 Alfa Romeo.

In 1910, the draft Romano Cattaneo was waiting for the tram at Piazza Castello station in Milan. Suddenly, he turned his eyes to the image of the Red Cross on the flag of Milan and on the emblem, which was conquered on the facade of the house of the noble family of Wisconti. The snake was depicted on the emblem, which swallows man. Over time, he combined the cross and snake. As a result, it turned out the logo of the famous car brand. In 1916, the word Romeo was added to the first name, in honor of the Naples entrepreneur Nikola Romeo, who became the new owner of the company.

Emblem Alfa Romeo.

063 Ferrari.

A garking horse on the emblem of this TM was first postponed on airplanes, which piloted Francesco Barack during the First World War. In 1923, the Rider from the Alfa Romeo team Enzo Ferrari and Barack's parents met. They suggested a rider to put a drawing with a gartsy horse on its racing car as a symbol of good luck and in memory of their son. Ferrari did, adding the official yellow color of his hometown to the drawing, and raised the horse's tail up.

Emblem Ferrari.

064 Fiat.

In 2007, after the Fiat in the eighth time received the world title "Car of the Year", it was decided to change his emblem. From the old sample, a red color and shape of the shield remained. Three-dimensional features of the shape and color were added. They symbolize the development of advanced technologies in the production, features of Italian design, dynamics and individualism.

Emblem Fiat.

065 Lamborghini.

This emblem came up with the founder of the company Ferrucco Lamborgini. The bull on the emblem he placed because he was born under the zodiacal sign Taurus. According to the legend, Lamborghini simply copied the Ferrari brand shield, and changed yellow and black color places.

Lamborghini emblem

066 Lancia.

In 1911, the first logo of this Italian car brand was created. He had the kind of steering from four spokes with an accelerator handle, which is under the flag and the name of the brand. Carlo Biscareti di ruffie invented this emblem. In 1929, he proposed to place the emblem on the shield of a triangular form. Over time, the form and color of the emblem changed, different elements appeared and disappeared, but the foundations of the logo, invented in 1929, were preserved to the present day.

Lancia emblem

067 Maserati.

This company was founded in 1914 in the city of Bologna and specializes in the release of sports cars and business class cars. A trident is located on the logo, which is one of the elements of the Neptune fountain in the company's hometown.

Maserati emblem

068 Bugatti.

The logo of this old Italian brand came up with her founder Ettore Bugatti. This is an oval form of pearls, destroyed at the edges of pearls. The fact is that the father of Ettore - Carlo Bugatti was engaged in jewelry design. In honor of his father Ettore and came up with a logo. In addition, inside the logo, you can notice the initials of the founder of the company "E" and "B". The red emblem embodies passion, excitement and energy, black - masculinity and desire for superiority, and the white refers us to the concepts of nobility, purity and elegance.

Emblem Bugatti.


069 Seat.

The title letter of the company "Sociedad Española De Automóviles De Turismo" gray and the name of the red-made car brand easily formed the basis of the new SEAT emblem. It began to produce it in 1950. In those days, the 1000 inhabitants of Spain accounted for only 3 cars.

Emblem Seat.


070 Audi.

The emblem of this car can be called "Four". Four rings on the logo of the machine denote Conglomerate four previously independent companies "Audi", "DKW", "Horch" and "Wanderer", which united in 1932.

Emblem Audi.

In 1917, the first version of the famous TM BMW was created, which looked in the form of a rotating propeller. The logo was with a bunch of small details and in 1920 he decided to change it. The circle from the propeller was divided into four components with alternating light-silver color and a shade of blue sky. Plus, the blue and white colors are the basis of the Bavaria flag.

Emblem BMW.

072 Volkswagen.

Translated from German this word means "folk car". In 1934, his release was authorized by the heads of the Third Reich. In 1945, the company's management took on Germany's military authorities. The city where cars were produced, took the name Wolfsburg and his coat of arms became the first Volkswagen logo. It shows Wolzburg Castle and Wolf Figure. For the export version of the car in the logo, the letters "V" and "W" appeared.

Emblem Volkswagen.

The manufacturer of gorgeous cars Maybach decided to place on its emblem two big letters "M", which at first symbolized Maybach Motorenbau, and now have a new meaning "Maybach Manufaktur".

MAYBACH emblem

074 Mercedes-Benz.

The company's emblem of the famous German manufacturer was registered on March 26, 1901. The length of the three rays is that the engines manufactured by the company are suitable for use on Earth, Heaven and Water. For the first time, this star is mentioned in the letter of the founder of Gottlib Daimler, which he wrote his wife. He meant that the star would point out to the place where the new daimler house will be built in the city of Dutz and it will be located on the top of the roof of his new auto plant, symbolizing the success of the company. The sons of Daimler decided to apply this symbol in the emblem of the new car.

Mercedes-Benz emblem

075 Opel

In 2002, Opel decided to make his logo brighter and dynamic. Lightning changed a large surround sign, and the company's name shifted down.

Emblem Opel

076 Porsche.

The car was named after Dr. Ferdinand Porsche. The raised horse was taken from the coat of arms of Stuttgart, and the appearance on the emblem of horns, red and black lanes is obliged to the emblem of the Kingdom of Württemberg, in which Stuttgart was the capital. By car, this logo appeared in 1952.

Emblem Porsche

Of course, for stealing English will not be difficult to translate the word "smart" as "smart." But the situation is different. In this word, there are parts of three other words: "SWatch" (the most famous Swiss watch brand), "Mercedes" (current owner of the brand) and "Art" (art). At the beginning of the emblem there is a letter "C", which means the compactness of the car and an arrow hinting at the avant-gardeness of thinking.

Emblem Smart.

078 Wiesmann.

The models of this automotive company are the title of "exclusives". This hints and lizard, which is placed on the hood of the car. It symbolizes speed, extravagant and wealth.

Emblem wiesmann.


Deciphering the abbreviation of this Polish brand comes from the name of the Fabryka Samochodow Osobowych). It was founded in 1951. There is a legend that in 1684 the world's first scooter was developed, which was operated using a rocket engine. Then the literal transfer of the emblem sounds like a special scooter factory. The letter "F" emblem consists of a part of the letter "S" and outlined the letter "O". And the red color is a manifestation of passion, quality and trust.

Emblem FSO.


080 V.

The emblem of Vazinterservice is a graphic drawing using the letters "B", "and" and "C". This is a subsidiary of AvtoVAZ, which specializes in the production of pickups of various purposes.

V. emblem

081 GAS

"Gorky Automotive Plant" produces Volga cars, "Seagull" and several types of trucks. The plant's logo was published in 1950 and had a great similarity with the coat of arms of the Nizhny Novgorod Principality. On the emblem placed a golsy deer. Over the years, the logo image was changed.

Emblem Gas.

082 ZIL

This famous Russian brand has a pretty simple logo with stylized letters. In 1944 invented, in 1944, the designer in the design of the body of I.A.Sukhorukov for the model ZIL-114. The emblem was liked by the head of his department, and he handed it to approval to the Higher Plant's Guide to them. Likhacheva.

Emblem ZIL

083 IZH

In 2005, the release of cars under the same name stopped. The plant from Izhevsk switched to the property of Rostechnology. And the old logo was the connection of two unfinished hemispheres with slanting rounded white dirts in the middle of the logo, symbolizing the letters "and" and ". As well as the stylized inscription "Auto" under the emblem.

Emblem izh

084 Lada

In 1994, the emblem of the Russian model of Lada appeared in the form of a tub under a white sail on a blue background. The main designer of AvtoVAZ was engaged in updating the logo Steve Matin, who had previously headed the VOLVO design department. This emblem hints at the location of the plant in the Volga city of Samara. Long ago, the rook was the main vehicle for the carriage of merchant goods along the Volga. The logo of the letter "B" is drawn in the form of a rook.

Lada emblem

085 Moskvich

The "Moskvich" logo has undergone changes many times. But, the image of the Kremlin, symbolizing Moscow, has always been clearly traced. The last emblem of this car looks very simple. The contours of the Kremlin Wall, are connected to the stylized letter "M".

Emblem Moskvich

086 Oka

The emblem of this Russian passenger car looks like stylized capital letters words "Oka". This brand began to be released in 1988. In the Russian Federation, the KAMAZ plant produces "OKU" with the letter "K", AvtoVAZ produces "Lada OKU-2", and Seaz has established the release of "Oka" with the letter "C".

Emblem Oka

087 UAZ

In 1962, the emblem of the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant becomes the well-known "circle with a swallow". At the beginning of the new century, the name began to write in Latin letters, and the company changed the logo. Now it is green and with changed forms.

Emblem UAZ


088 Dacia.

The company from Romania came up with the emblem of his car based on a blue shield with the manufacturer's name written on it. Then the emblem became even easier. This time I did without a shield. Only the silver-colored emblem remained, which contains the name of the company.

Dacia emblem


089 Bogdan

The Ukrainian car "Bogdan" has a logo in the form of a Latin letter "B", which looks like a sailboat with pile sails. This is a symbol of good luck and success, passing wind while traveling. Letter is placed in an ellipse on a green background. Green means growth and update processes, the gray letter and ellipses hints at perfection.

Emblem Bogdan.

090 ZAZ

The emblem of the Zaporizhia Automobile Plant was changed. Previously, it was depicted by Zaporizhia HPP, at the top of which the letters of ZAZ were located.

Emblem ZAZ


091 Skoda.

The emblem of the famous Czech car in the form of a "winged arrows" appeared in 1926. As many as 5 years (1915-1920) Mr. Maglie worked on this logo. As a result, he turned out to be a stylized head of the Indian, on which a headdress with a round clasp and five feathers.

Emblem Skoda


092 Koenigsegg

This Swedish company produces exclusive sports class products. In 1994, it was founded by Christian von Königsegg. The logo is made in the form of a shield with rhombid lines of orange and red.

Emblem Koenigsegg

093 Saab.

The logo of this company is an image of the griffin, which has the body of a lion, as well as the head and the wings of an eagle. They took it from the logo of the company Vabis-Scania, which produced trucks after her acquisition by the Saab concern. The logo has a great similarity with the emblem of TM Scania.

Emblem Saab.

094 Volvo.

The word "Volvo" from the Latin language is translated as "I rush." The main composition of the logo was the antique symbol of iron. In ancient Rome, he was closely connected with the God of war Mars, who used only iron weapons in battles. And iron is a symbol of durability, reliability and high quality.

VOLVO emblem


095 Aixam.

The French company for the production of subcompact cars was formed in 1983. Its logo is very simple and understandable. This is the title letter "A" on a blue background, inscribed in a circle with a red stroke. Below is the name of the company written by capital letters as directed to the center.

Aixam emblem

096 Matra.

Under this brand, except for cars, aviation-space equipment, weapons, bicycles, and telecommunications equipment also produced. The logo is the name of the company made by capital letters of black and circle with black and white stripes, inside the arrow indicating the right.

Matra emblem

097 Peugeot.

Sometimes the owners of this car affectionately call it "Lionkom." At the beginning of his career, the founders of the company Brothers Jul and Emil Peugeot were engaged in the manufacture of cutting tools. And in this case, the lion was a symbol of flexibility, speed and strength. And after a while, this symbol moved from the surface of the saw to the surface of the car. At first, the lion as if walked around the arrow, but then he was raised on the rates.

Emblem peugeot

098 Renault.

This company had many logos. The most famous is a vertical rhombus that appeared in 1925. In 1972 and 1992, it was radically changed. In 2004, a yellow background appeared on the emblem, and in 2007, the inscription Renault was added at the bottom.

Emblem Renault.


The logo that has already disappeared, the French car SIMCA was a coated basis, divided into blue and red background inside. And the red background was a third more than blue. In the upper blue part of the emblem there was a stylized image of a white swallow, and the company name was written on white elongated letters.

Emblem simca.

100 Venturi.

The emblem of this TM looks like an oval bounded by a silver stripe and a red background inside. The center is the coatless triangle, inside of which a bird with open wings is located, the company name is written over the top contour with capital letters. Color background inside a triangle dark blue.

Emblem Venturi.

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