Home Chassis Artilleryman's military uniform. Attribution of photographs of lower ranks of artillery units of the RIA (1881-1917). Modern ceremonial military uniform of the Russian Armed Forces

Artilleryman's military uniform. Attribution of photographs of lower ranks of artillery units of the RIA (1881-1917). Modern ceremonial military uniform of the Russian Armed Forces

It is worth paying attention to the profession of an artilleryman: who is it, what does it do and what are the requirements for those who want to become one now and let’s talk.

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Features of the profession

As an emblem, artillery troops use 2 diagonally crossed cannons from the Napoleonic War. And November 19 serves as a professional holiday, when the day of missile forces and artillery is celebrated. On this day in 1942, a counter-offensive of Soviet troops near Stalingrad took place. It was artillery that had the main task of destroying enemy defense systems, making it easier for other types of troops to defend the city.

Who is an artilleryman

An artilleryman is a serviceman whose main military specialty is service in such a branch of the military as artillery.

Today, this is no longer a narrow specialty, but a broader meaning, since the branch of the military itself is changing.

And if initially, the artilleryman was engaged only in the maintenance of a gun or cannon, from which the profession bore the following, already outdated names, like gunner, gunner or sergeant-major, then a modern artillery specialist will have to receive a military profession.

It will be directly related to the maintenance of various types of artillery systems, becoming a gun commander, gunner or loader. The artilleryman may not require handling of the gun when he acts as:

  1. scout;
  2. radio operator;
  3. or ;
  4. calculator.

Requirements for the profession

A modern artillery specialist must be an officer with a specialized secondary or higher education. Requirements include excellent knowledge of mathematics and physics, and modern artillery systems.

A specialist must be able to use modern computer equipment in his work, with the help of which many special tasks are solved. He must also be a highly erudite specialist, possessing not only a civil specialty, for example, being an engineer.

The specialist must have the following characteristics:

  • artillery reconnaissance skills;
  • understand electrical and radio engineering;
  • be fluent in computer technology;
  • be able to use communication tools;
  • know the basics of radar;
  • be able to use sound measuring instruments;
  • be able to use quantum electronics.

It is for this reason that you should know that in order to be a specialist, you need to master all subjects of the school curriculum. This is especially true for subjects such as mathematics, physics and computer science.

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And therefore, if the question arises about who the artilleryman profession is, it is worth saying that he is a highly qualified professional.

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It has no analogues in history, it’s just that no one has ever transferred industry in such volumes and over such distances, and it is unlikely that they will transfer it in the future, the largest industrial migration. So just for this feat, the rear troops need to build a huge, enormous monument. By the way, German industry was completely transferred to a military footing only in 1943, and before that only 25% of the total indicators went to military needs. For the same reason, the project prepared for May 1942 on the introduction of new insignia, which envisaged providing the entire Red Army with shoulder straps by October 1, 1942, was postponed. Naval aviation pilot 1943-45, tanker winter uniform 1942-44 And only in 1943, an order dated January 15 from People's Commissar of Defense I.

Red Army uniform 1918-1945 (143 photos)


Major General of Tank Forces in everyday uniform, 1940-43. Major General in marching uniform, 1940-43. Lieutenant General in summer uniform, 1940. Major General of Aviation in summer uniform, 1940-41.

Lieutenant in summer casual uniform, infantry, 1940-43. Lieutenant in marching uniform, NKVD border troops, 1940-43. Lieutenant colonel in casual uniform, artillery, 1940-43.


Senior Battalion Commissar, 1940-41 Captain in casual uniform, Armored Forces, 1940-41 Captain in casual uniform, Air Force, 1940-41 Lieutenant in casual uniform, Air Force, 1940-41 G.

Captain in summer uniform, Air Force, 1940-41 Red Army soldier, cavalry, 1940-41 Junior sergeant, infantry, 1941 Junior sergeant, infantry, rear view, 1941 Corps commissar in casual uniform, infantry , 1941-42

Corps Commissar, Infantry, 1941-42

Naval aviation pilot, 1941-45. Submachine gunner, mountain rifle units, 1942-43. On August 3, 1941, a new women's uniform was installed (for non-combatant command personnel): khaki beret, dress and coat. The dress was cut in 1937, made of cotton fabric; later a similar dress appeared in woolen fabric. For women holding command positions, the tunic, skirt and overcoat were retained.
On August 11, 1941, by secret order, the issuance of new clothing to personnel of the rear units and institutions of the Red Army was stopped. By August 25, all available new uniforms should have been transferred to provide units leaving for the front. artilleryman, summer 1941 The cap has replaced the Budenovka since the late 1930s, although most officers prefer the traditional cap. The pilot was more convenient in field conditions.

To main

And the capture of Moscow did not mean the end of the war, nor did they go to the tropics, so somewhere the German quartermasters did not work properly, so during the winter fighting, Wehrmacht losses from frostbite exceeded the number of combat losses. Members of rear units and institutions, motor transport units of combat formations, as well as drivers of all branches of the military began to be issued a double-breasted cotton jacket instead of an overcoat. Great tension with the provision of clothing was due to the decline in the output of light industry products, some of the enterprises of which had not yet established production in the evacuation, and those remaining locally experienced difficulties with raw materials, energy and labor.
For those who like to argue about whose uniform or whose tanks and planes are the best, and so on, the answer is simple. The transfer of a very large number of defense enterprises beyond the Urals, and their launch into the technological cycle in such a short time.

The grenade bag was hung on the left, followed by a gas mask bag in a stowed position. Uniform of the Red Army, artilleryman 1940 But in combat conditions, items of equipment were located as it was more convenient. A thick overcoat roll protected half of the chest from small fragments and bullets; when shooting prone, it often served as a parapet; helped out at the crossing; and during a halt you could put it under your head.

A full camping kit included a backpack or duffel bag. Military uniform of the Soviet Red Army pre-war period photo. Two types of backpacks were used: box-shaped with a lid, in the Western European style, and soft, with external pockets with flaps and a drawstring fastener, like a backpack.

But, unfortunately, there were not enough backpacks; they were used as soldiers’ bags (commonly called sidors), hung on the shoulders by a strap tightened around the neck with a suffocating noose.

Summer uniform of the Red Army for the period 1940-1943:


Lieutenant General, ceremonial uniform 1945 The ceremonial uniform was worn by marshals and generals, commanders of fronts and formations who took part in the parade in honor of the victory over Germany in Moscow on June 24, 1945. The uniform was introduced in 1943, but was not issued until the end of the war. Sergeant. Dress uniform 1945 Uniform with a stand-up collar with buttonholes, flaps in the back skirt, scarlet piping on the collar, cuffs and pocket flaps.

The uniform was sewn to everyone's individual measurements, more than 250 new-style ceremonial general uniforms were sewn, and in total, more than 10 thousand sets of various uniforms for parade participants were produced in factories, workshops and studios in the capital in three weeks. In his hands is the standard of a German infantry battalion. On the right side of the chest are the Orders of the Red Star and the Order of the Patriotic War, above the sign of the Guard.

Oh msbro!

All buttons are shaped, brass. The color of the edging for the infantry, quartermaster and military legal services is crimson, for artillery, auto-armored troops, medical and veterinary services - red, for aviation - blue, for cavalry - light blue and for engineering troops - black. The color of the buttonholes for the infantry, quartermaster and military legal services is crimson, for artillery and auto-armored forces - black, for aviation - blue, for cavalry - light blue, for medical and veterinary services - dark green and for engineering troops - black. The color of sewing on the buttonholes for the quartermaster, military-legal, medical and veterinary services is silver, for all others - gold.

Shoulder straps of the established type.

Military uniform of the Red Army (1936-1945)

The letrubah [type A] is made from a tunic (cotton diagonal) khaki color with two patch breast pockets covered by flaps, a turn-down collar fastened with one uniform button, and sleeves with cuffs. The waist of the shirt is sewn at the sides and at the shoulders in two parts: front and back. The front part of the waist from the neck to the bottom of the pockets has a cut covered with strips.

The straps are located in the middle of the waist and are fastened with one button onto the loop of a piece of fabric hemmed on the inside of the top strap. The upper ends of the straps near the collar are fastened with one small uniform button, sewn at the top of the lower strap onto the through transverse loop of the upper strap. The collar does not have hooks and, under certain conditions provided for wearing the uniform, can be opened with the top button undone.
Marshal of the Soviet Union in everyday uniform 1936-40 Red Army soldier, infantry, 1936 Senior political instructor, artillery, 1936-40 Military engineer 2nd rank, technical troops, 1936-43

Quartermaster 2nd rank in everyday uniform, 1936-42. Junior lieutenant, Air Force, 1941. Captain, artillery motor transport units, 1936-40. Senior lieutenant in everyday uniform, Air Force, 1936-40.

Red Army soldier in summer overalls, armored forces, 1935. Lieutenant in marching uniform, armored forces, 1938-41. Captain, air force, 1936-40. Lieutenant in flight uniform, air force, 1936-43. .

Section commander, motor transport units, 1938-40. Protective anti-chemical clothing, 1936-45. Brigade commander in everyday uniform of the Academy of the General Staff, 1936-40. Senior lieutenant of State Security in everyday uniform, NKVD, 1936-37.

Artillery uniform 1941 1945

Excellent quality officer's tunic, with scarlet piping on the collar and cuffs. The order of August 1, 1941 abolished the chevrons on the sleeves. On August 3, 1941 it was announced that the stars and buttons would be painted olive green (khaki), which were to be painted. In practice, especially given the chaos in the summer and autumn of 1941. this was not always followed. Mauser in its wooden stock/holster, out of place in the photo. But it was a popular weapon among the military. Binoculars model 1931. Rank and file uniform of the Red Army 1941. Steel helmet model 1936, with flared edges and a small crest on top. The tunic and trousers are standard, with characteristic diamond-shaped knee pads in the knees of the trousers for more wear resistance. From April 1941, the collar buttonholes should have been muted in military field conditions, khaki color.

Artillery has long played an important role in the army of Muscovite Rus'. Despite the difficulties with transporting guns in the eternal Russian impassability, the main attention was paid to casting heavy cannons and mortars - guns that could be used in sieges of fortresses.
Under Peter I, some steps towards the reorganization of artillery were taken as early as 1699, but only after the Narva defeat they began to do it in all seriousness. The guns began to be combined into batteries intended for field battles, defense of fortresses and sieges. According to the Charter of 1701, temporary batteries began to be consolidated into an Artillery Regiment, which also included engineering units.
In addition to gunners and bombardiers, the Artillery Regiment included miners, engineers, pontooners and pioneers.
artillery regiment included:
one bombardment company (113 people),
six gunner companies (152 soldiers and officers each),
one company of miners (75 people).
In addition, the staff included 25 engineers, 36 pontooners, 6 firecrackers, and 19 people were part of the headquarters.
Bombardiers served howitzers and mortars, gunners served cannons. Both were supposed to have handguns. The gunners were armed with fuses, and the bombardiers with hand mortars. This weapon had a short barrel (length 250 mm, caliber 74 mm), mounted on a rifle-type butt; the shot was carried out using a flintlock.
The mortars fired one- and three-pound grenades.
Many drawings showing how to fire mortars show soldiers resting the barrel of the weapon on a halberd and resting the butt on their shoulder. In reality, however, due to the extreme force of the recoil, this was rarely done. Much more often they fired from mortars, resting the butt on the ground and giving the weapon the desired tilt “by eye.”

By 1723, it was possible to significantly streamline the calibers of Russian artillery. Now, not counting the fortress guns, the army had six 6-pounder, twelve 8-pounder, three 12-pounder guns and four 20-pounder mortars.
The regimental artillery consisted of 80 three-pounder guns. The siege artillery has 30 18- and 24-pound guns and 100 “Kugornov” mortars. These last guns, named after the inventor (Dutch engineer Kugorn), could fire 6-pound grenades at a distance of up to 400 steps.
"Kugornov" mortars were installed on wooden bases in the form of a massive rectangular frame. The total weight of the system did not exceed 42 kilograms; in addition, the barrel was easily removed from the base, so the gun was quite mobile.
Interestingly, such mortars were in service with the Russian army for more than 200 (!) years - they were successfully used back in the First World War, and were only replaced by mortars...

The process of reorganization of Russian artillery in the era of Peter the Great was greatly influenced by the general-feldtsechmeister and artillery commander, Count James William Bruce (in Russia he was called Yakov Villimovich).
Bruce's achievements were:
establishment of the Artillery Regiment;
division of artillery into field and siege;
the introduction of the “Hartmann artillery scale” into Russian artillery practice, which made it possible to standardize the types of guns and bring them to a unified system.
Cut uniforms artillerymen in the army of Peter the Great was the same as in the infantry. Caftans, camisoles and trousers were supposed to be red, with cornflower blue cuffs and loop trim.
Stockings could be either white or white with vertical blue stripes.
Headdresses included both black cocked hats and caps - often red with blue trim.


Bombardier of the Artillery Regiment.
Bombardiers were intended to serve mortars, and could also be used as a kind of guards artillery units.
Their cone hats resembled hats guards grenadiers, but otherwise the uniform remained the same as that of other artillerymen.
The bombardier is armed with a copper hand mortar - a kind of primitive grenade launcher. When firing from a mortar, it had to be supported on a halberd, which served as a bipod, or rested on the ground.
Over the caftan, the bombardier put on the cornflower blue cap assigned to artillerymen.

2, 3

Gunners of the Artillery Regiment.
Peter's artillerymen were recruited from the smartest recruits, and their salaries were higher than those of the soldiers.
The gunners shown in the picture carry artillery uniform sample 1700, the cut of which was identical to the infantry one.
To defend against the approaching enemy, the artillerymen armed themselves with fusees with cartridge bags. While working with the weapon, the guns and scrips were removed.


Junior officer of the Artillery Regiment.
Artillery officers underwent special training, often abroad, and were rightfully considered the most knowledgeable specialists in the entire army.
The reconstruction was made based on the portrait of Sergei Bukhvostov, “the first Russian soldier”, who took part in the siege of Vyborg as an artillery officer.

Information: "Cavalry of Peter the Great" (New Soldier No. 190)

Complemented uniform black ties and cornflower blue epanchas.
Bombardiers wore “bump” hats similar to the corresponding hats a grenadier of the guard, but without a plume of feathers and without a nape.
Since 1720 a uniform, as in the infantry, was changed. Uniforms have become somewhat simpler in cut. The color remained still red; collar - red, postponed. The cuffs and hinge trim are blue. Camisole and red trousers, ties and stockings are white. Black cocked hats began to be edged with white braid.
A uniform officers, as in the entire army, were not specified. Judging by various sources, artillery officers wore uniform, similar to the soldier's, but with red cuffs trimmed with gold braid.

Scarves were like those worn by infantry officers, but artillerymen sometimes tied them around their waists. Artillery officers were highly respected; they had an advantage of one rank over infantry and cavalry officers, and accordingly received a salary one rank higher than their actual rank.

Source: website A uniform armies of the world - //uniforma-army.ru/

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Uniform of the hussars of the Russian Imperial Army of 1826-1855 We continue the series of articles about the uniform of the Russian army hussar regiments. In previous articles we reviewed the hussar uniforms of 1741-1788, 1796-1801 and 1801-1825. In this article we will talk about the changes that occurred during the reign of Emperor Nicholas I. In the years 1826-1854, the following hussar regiments were renamed, created or disbanded year old name

Uniform of the hussars of the Russian Imperial Army 1855-1882 We continue the series of articles about the uniform of the Russian army hussar regiments. In previous articles we got acquainted with the hussar uniforms of 1741-1788, 1796-1801, 1801-1825 and 1826-1855. In this article we will talk about changes in the uniform of the Russian hussars that occurred during the reign of Emperors Alexander II and Alexander III. On May 7, 1855, the following changes were made to the uniform of officers of the army hussar regiments

Uniform of the hussars of the Russian Imperial Army of 1907-1918 We are finishing the series of articles about the uniform of the Russian army hussar regiments of 1741-1788, 1796-1801, 1801-1825, 1826-1855 and 1855-1882. In the last article of the series we will talk about the uniform of the restored army hussar regiments during the reign of Nicholas II. From 1882 to 1907, only two hussar regiments existed in the Russian Empire, both in the Imperial Guard, His Majesty's Life Guards Hussar Regiment and the Grodno Life Guards

There is a version that the forerunner of the lancers was the light cavalry of the army of the conqueror Genghis Khan, whose special units were called oglans and were used mainly for reconnaissance and outpost service, as well as for sudden and rapid attacks on the enemy in order to disrupt his ranks and prepare an attack on the main strength An important part of the Oglan weapons were pikes decorated with weather vanes. During the reign of Empress Catherine II, it was decided to form a regiment that seemed to contain

1 Don Ataman, 17th century The Don Cossacks of the 17th century consisted of old Cossacks and Golota. Old Cossacks were considered those who came from Cossack families of the 16th century and were born on the Don. Golota was the name given to first-generation Cossacks. Golota, who was lucky in battles, grew rich and became old Cossacks. Expensive fur on a hat, a silk caftan, a zipun from bright overseas cloth, a saber and a firearm - a arquebus or a carbine were indicators

Military uniform is clothing established by rules or special decrees, the wearing of which is mandatory for any military unit and for each branch of the military. The form symbolizes the function of its wearer and his affiliation with the organization. The stable phrase honor of the uniform means military or generally corporate honor. Even in the Roman army, soldiers were given the same weapons and armor. In the Middle Ages, it was customary to depict the coat of arms of a city, kingdom or feudal lord on shields,

The goal of the Russian Tsar Peter the Great, to whom all the economic and administrative resources of the empire were subordinated, was to create an army as the most effective state machine. The army that Tsar Peter inherited, which had difficulty accepting the military science of contemporary Europe, can be called an army with great stretch, and there was significantly less cavalry in it than in the armies of the European powers. The words of one of the Russian nobles of the late 17th century are well known. Horses are ashamed to look at cavalry

From the author. In this article, the author does not pretend to fully cover all issues related to the history, uniform, equipment and structure of the Russian army cavalry, but only tried to briefly talk about the types of uniforms in 1907-1914. Those wishing to become more deeply acquainted with the uniform, life, customs and traditions of the Russian army cavalry can refer to the primary sources given in the list of references for this article. DRAGUNS At the beginning of the 20th century, Russian cavalry was considered

The corps of military topographers was created in 1822 for the purpose of topographic topographic and geodetic support of the armed forces, conducting state cartographic surveys in the interests of both the armed forces and the state as a whole, under the leadership of the military topographic depot of the General Staff, as the single customer of cartographic products in the Russian Empire . Chief officer of the Corps of Military Topographers in a semi-caftan from the times

At the very end of the 17th century. Peter I decided to reorganize the Russian army according to the European model. The basis for the future army was the Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky regiments, which already in August 1700 formed the Tsar's Guard. The uniform of the fusiliers of the Preobrazhensky Life Guards Regiment consisted of a caftan, camisole, trousers, stockings, shoes, tie, hat and cap. The caftan, see the image below, was made of dark green cloth, knee-length, instead of a collar it had a cloth collar, which

During the First World War of 1914-1918, tunics of arbitrary imitation models of English and French models, which received the general name French after the English general John French, became widespread in the Russian Imperial Army. The design features of the French jackets mainly consisted in the design of a soft turn-down collar, or a soft standing collar with a button fastener, similar to the collar of a Russian tunic, adjustable cuff width using

1 Half-head of the Moscow Streltsy, 17th century In the middle of the 17th century, the Moscow Streltsy formed a separate corps as part of the Streltsy army. Organizationally, they were divided into regiment orders, which were headed by head colonels and half-head majors, lieutenant colonels. Each order was divided into hundreds of companies, which were commanded by captains of centurions. Officers from the head to the centurion were appointed by the king from among the nobles by decree. The companies, in turn, were divided into two platoons of fifty

In the first half of 1700, 29 infantry regiments were formed, and in 1724 their number increased to 46. The uniform of the army field infantry regiments was no different in design from the guards, but the colors of the cloth from which the caftans were made were extremely varied. In some cases, soldiers of the same regiment wore uniforms of different colors. Until 1720, a very common headdress was a cap, see fig. below. It consisted of a cylindrical crown and a band sewn

Tank helmet model 1936 photo The earphone valves extend back from the cylindrical vertical columns. The rollers were stuffed with hair (technical cotton wool was also used to fill the avisents). Radio equipment was housed in enlarged cavities and pockets with adjustable valves. The back of the head could be bent, the top was tightened with a transverse strap. The sides of the helmet cap, produced before the war, had ventilation holes with blocks. Since the end of 1942, a significant part of tank helmets were equipped with aviation-type radio equipment - oval metal blackened telephone cups, a laryngophone and connecting cords with connectors. tank helmet 1936, materials were changed Dark blue moleskin overalls for a tanker with patch pockets and a detachable rear flap, the belt of which, which had a sliding buckle, was usually covered by a waist belt.

Red Army uniform 1918-1945 (143 photos)

But old photos show that they were often preserved until the introduction of shoulder straps in 1943. The soldier wears windings - which were of various colors, made from all types of worn-out uniforms - and boots.

Junior sergeant, infantry equipment elements 1941, corps commissar Several million pairs of boots were supplied to the United States under Lend-Lease to the USSR. Armed with a Mosin rifle or a three-liner model 1938, leather pouches for ammunition, a canvas bag for two RGD-33 hand grenades and a gas mask.

At the beginning of the war, the Red Army had 13 cavalry divisions, although they were significantly reduced due to the commitment to mechanization of the army from the late 1930s. In August 1941, the cavalry division's strength was reduced to 3,000 men—essentially a brigade—but the number of divisions was increased, reaching 82 by the end of 1941.

Cavalryman, Red Army 1941
  • Described in detail here: Military uniform of Wehrmacht soldiers Eastern Front.
  • Here: German military uniform of the Second World War.
  • Here: Military uniform of the Soviet Red Army. photo.
  • Red Army military equipment photo description of equipment 1. Officer's belt, model 1932 and 1943 2. Officer's belt, model 1935. 3. Soldier's leather belt 4. Junior command belt 5. Soldier's canvas belt 6. Helmet model 1916 7. Helmet model l936. 8. Civil defense helmet l938g 9.
    Helmet sample 40 years M 1940 10. glasses 11. types of commander's tablets On February 1, order of the People's Commissar of Defense No. 005, which provided for the unification of uniforms and its adaptability to wartime conditions. The February 1941 order was classified “top secret”.
    This means that the USSR did not know about the impending invasion, it knew and was actively preparing.

To main


And the field one was leather, with a two-pronged frame buckle, figured stitching, shoulder straps that crossed on the back with an overlap or with the help of a diamond-shaped ring. Military and combat equipment of the Soviet Red Army 1.

Holster for Nagan revolver, 1941, 2.3. Leather holster for Nagan4 revolver. Box arr. 1930 for ammunition for the Maxim machine gun5.


Safety glasses for tankers, motorcyclists, submariners and torpedomen mod. 19366. Flight glasses7. Bayonet scabbard8. Leather holster for pistol TK-269.

Leather holster arr. 1932 for a TT pistol 10. Case for an ax 11. Knife for opening cartridge boxes 12. Sunglasses for skiers 13. Holster for signal pistol SPSh 14. Small sapper shovels with covers 15. Gun accessories (rifle, submachine gun) 16. Spare cartridge bag 17. Waterproof grocery bag arr.

It is naive to think that the role of cavalry was small, here is an excerpt from Shederovich’s dialogue “and how we met the fur of the Wehrmacht corps, the Dovator’s cavalry,” and he does not know that in the most difficult days of the beginning of the war, only the cavalry could respond mobile to breakthroughs of German wedges, and She threw herself under these wedges, often after a march of 200-500 km, do you think at least one tank formation will be able to march at least 300 km? There was an attempt at the beginning of the war to hit the flank of the German wedge with a tank formation after the march, but 80% of the tanks simply did not arrive. In the manual of 1933, the cavalry was ordered to conduct combat operations dismounted. The heyday of the cavalry was in 1942, during the campaign in the south: although tactically outdated, the cavalry troops made a huge contribution to the local conditions of the front, and fulfilled the role of mobile troops while the Red Army built up tank forces.

Summer uniform of the Red Army for the period 1940-1943:

Introduced into the Red Army on January 1, 1932. A camouflage suit, cut in the form of a wide, loose blouse worn over the head. A hood was sewn to the neck, which was tightened with laces to fit the shape of the head or along the lower edge of a steel helmet, leaving only a narrow strip of the face exposed. White robes worn over overcoats and short fur coats were used. Steel helmets were whitened with chalk or lime. a shooter in winter camouflage from 1939-40 and a shooter in winter field uniform from 1939-41. The command and command personnel wore leather belts with a stamped frame buckle, inside of which was placed a five-pointed star with a hammer and sickle in a round medallion.
The belt was fastened with a brass peg to the left of the buckle, had sewn-in brass half-rings for the shoulder strap and figured stitching; It was also used as everyday lightweight equipment.

Oh msbro!

The sleeves at the cuff sewing have two folds. At the back of the sleeves over the elbow seam there are patched elbow pads. On both sides of the collar, edged buttonholes are sewn in the color of the cloth assigned to the branch of the military.

The buttonholes have the shape of a parallelogram with a finished length of 8 cm and a width of 3.25 cm, including the edging. The transverse ends of the buttonholes should be parallel to the bevel of the front ends of the collar. The established metal insignia for positions and badges according to the established encryption are placed on the buttonholes. […] Basically, the flying jacket of type B […] differs from the flying jacket of type A in that the flying jacket of type B has an elongated strap in all heights by 4 cm; a hook and loop for fastening the collar and three through loops on the top placket […]. Three small general-army buttons are sewn onto the bottom bar in the places corresponding to the loops. A hook is sewn into the right end of the collar, and a loop into the left end.

Military uniform of the Red Army (1936-1945)

Changes and innovations were carried out based on the experience gained from the Winter War with Finland in 1939-40, which gave impetus to a number of changes Military uniform of the Soviet Red Army 1941-1943 photo. Of the entire order, the following were made public: the transition to a single color of uniforms, the introduction of new, more popular and widespread fabrics, and the gradual introduction of beautiful ceremonial uniforms in combat units.

Supply standards established for peacetime and wartime were not subject to disclosure. According to these standards, the uniform that was to be accumulated by the beginning of the mobilization deployment of the army consisted of: a khaki cap (in winter - a hat with earflaps, model 1940).

up to 40 and even in winter 41

Cloth shirt with welt pockets, model 1931, for all branches of the military. The cloth shirt consists of the following parts: the front part, which has a placket in the middle, fastened with three through loops on three metal buttons with a Red Army star, a back, a stand-up collar fastened in the middle with two metal hooks, two flaps of the breast pockets, fastened to the Red Army shirt button, sleeves without folds at the bottom with cuffs fastened with two loops on two Red Army buttons.

Flap welt internal pockets. Canceled by order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR No. 25 of January 15, 1943. All Red Army personnel will switch to new insignia - shoulder straps in the period from February 1 to February 15, 1943.

Artillery uniform 1941 1945

Red Army, medical staff uniform 1943 Most of the medical personnel were women. Dark blue berets and skirts had been part of the dress uniform for the Red Army since the pre-war days, and khaki was assigned in May and August 1942, but most women used the standard men's uniform, or wore a mixture of clothing that was more comfortable.

76 women were awarded the title “Hero of the Soviet Union,” many of them posthumously. From September 16, 1944, sergeants and Red Army soldiers were also officially allowed to have chest welt pockets, but only if they received an unwearable officer's uniform after putting it in order. Major General Ground Forces 1943-44 Combinations of uniforms from different time periods were quite common during the war.

High-quality military clothing is the key to high combat effectiveness of the army. Modern Russian military uniform meets all requirements: it is comfortable, reliable and functional. A new military uniform was released in our country in 2019, and now every member of the armed forces is equipped with it.

Military uniforms are divided into three main types:

  • Front door - used during special events (at parades, on military holidays, at ceremonies for receiving military awards, etc.);
  • Field - used during combat operations, service, providing assistance to civilians during natural disasters, etc.;
  • Office - used in cases not falling into the first two categories.

Global reform of the Russian army uniform

The modern history of Russia includes several unsuccessful attempts to change military uniforms. While our country was spending huge amounts of money on unsuccessful experiments, in the US Army, military clothing became more comfortable, its performance characteristics increased, and innovative materials were used in the production of clothing.

The modern military uniform began its journey in 2007, when the post of Minister of Defense was held by Anatoly Serdyukov. It was then that a large-scale sketch competition was organized, in which thousands of designers from all over the country took part. The Ministry of Defense awarded the victory to the famous designer Valentin Yudashkin.

For the next two years, specialists were developing the final versions of a new army uniform, intended for further equipment of the Russian Army. The result was a set of clothing that was in many ways similar to American uniforms. The developers did not agree with this opinion, although many factors spoke in favor of this comparison.

The winter military uniform caused particular dissatisfaction. It did not protect the soldiers from the cold. For this reason, the Ministry of Defense received many complaints every day about the poor quality of the winter kit. This led to an outbreak of colds among the military. There were also complaints about the appearance of the uniform: some stylistic solutions were copied from kits in other countries. The stumbling block was the quality of the fabric and thread: new military clothing quickly became unusable.

Negative reviews and dissatisfaction among soldiers and army specialists forced the Ministry of Defense to think about changing the equipment. The decision to take American clothing as a basis was a mistake; such costumes were not suitable for the conditions of our country. The new set of military uniforms, developed subsequently, consisted of 19 parts. The approximate cost of one set is 35 thousand rubles. The ceremonial version did not suffer any special changes, since the field uniform is of particular importance.

New field military uniform of the Russian Armed Forces

The first change that caught my eye was the change in the location of the shoulder straps on the uniform. In 2010, a “NATO” version was proposed, the shoulder straps in it were located on the “belly”. Many servicemen did not like this, since they were “used to seeing shoulder straps on their shoulders.” The chevrons on the uniform are located on both sleeves. An addition was the appearance of fitted overcoats, quickly secured clothing items with Velcro. For the first time in history, Russian officers received warm sweaters. It was not possible to completely replace foot wraps and boots.

Valentin Yudashkin was blamed for the failed project of a new military suit. In 2012, he spoke to reporters and stated that the clothes he used were very different from his version. In particular, to reduce costs, materials were replaced with lower quality ones. Journalists came to the conclusion that all that remained of the designer’s version was the appearance.

The new generation of military uniforms was developed based on feedback from thousands of soldiers from across the country. The shape of the aircraft has become multi-layered. This allows each soldier to independently choose the necessary items of clothing, guided by the goals and objectives assigned to him, as well as weather conditions.

The modified VKPO set includes a basic suit, several types of jackets, boots for different seasons and much more, including a balaclava, a synthetic belt and high-quality socks. Military uniforms are made from mixed fabric, which includes 65% cotton and 35% polymer materials.

Every soldier had new-style Russian military clothing at the end of 2019, as previously planned by the Ministry of Defense. The change of equipment took place in three stages. In 2013, 100 thousand new kits were issued, in 2014 - 400 thousand and in 2019 - 500 thousand. In 3 years, a million military personnel were provided.

The complete rejection of foot wraps deserves special attention. Modern images of military uniforms include 12 pairs of socks for one soldier, which he uses throughout the year. It is planned to soon increase the number of pairs per military man to 24.

VKPO kits for wearing at different atmospheric temperatures

The new model military uniform is presented in two sets:

  • Basic uniform for wearing at temperatures above +15 degrees Celsius;
  • Multi-layer system for wearing in temperatures from +15 to -40 degrees Celsius.

In winter, soldiers wear lightweight or fleece underwear sets. They are selected depending on the air temperature. In particularly cold areas, both sets of underwear can be worn one on top of the other.

For equipment in the summer, trousers, a jacket, a beret and boots are used. The surface of the clothing is carefully treated with an innovative solution that repels moisture. It allows clothes to remain dry in the rain for up to two hours. To protect against mechanical influences, military clothing is equipped with reinforcing elements. Such kits are used in parts with a high degree of load.

The rules for wearing military uniforms allow you to use a fleece jacket in the autumn season: excellent thermal insulation is provided by the pile with which it is covered on both sides. A windbreaker jacket, worn with fifth-layer trousers, protects from strong winds.

A demi-season military suit is intended for the autumn period. The material from which it is made provides reliable protection from the wind, a good degree of vapor permeability and dries quickly after getting wet. During heavy rainfalls, it is permissible to use a wind and water protection kit. The membrane and reliable sizing of the layers provide reliable protection from moisture.

In winter, insulated jackets and vests are worn to protect against moisture and wind. Despite the high degree of frost protection, they are light and practical. For very low temperatures, an insulated hat and balaclava are provided.

Modern ceremonial military uniform of the Russian Armed Forces

The basic design of the dress uniform has not changed for many years, as it continues to meet modern requirements while paying tribute to history. Only a few elements have been replaced in recent years due to their obsolescence. The dress uniform is worn at parades, holidays, when receiving military awards, etc.

In the Russian army there are three approaches to the formation of such a set of uniforms:

  • Traditional. Clothing sets include elements created back in the 19th century. A good example is the ceremonial outfit of the Presidential Regiment of the Russian Federation - their costumes are identical to the uniform of the Imperial Guard adopted in 1907;
  • Modern. The cut of the dress uniform corresponds to the daily set; the same colors can be used. For example, in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the color of the ceremonial jacket coincides with the everyday one. Casual elements are complemented by ceremonial elements;
  • Universal. The color of a ceremonial suit can be the same as the everyday one, but the colors of the ceremonial elements must be different.

The dress uniform must strictly meet the following standards:

  • The style of the military uniform of military personnel of the Russian Army must be observed;
  • A military suit for ceremonial purposes should be strict and elegant;
  • Only high-quality materials should be used in production.

Changes to the design of the dress uniform are rarely made; its main style is determined by history. Various additional elements may change each year. Changing the materials used in production is permissible only if it improves the quality and performance characteristics of the suit.

The general's ceremonial outfit deserves attention. It is also similar to a casual suit, but has a difference in color. The color of the dress uniform is gray, worn with bluish trousers and black boots. There are stripes on the collar and cuffs.

Everyday uniform of military personnel

The color of the daily uniform depends on rank and affiliation. Military clothing of the Russian Army of the everyday type for generals and officers is olive-colored, in the Air Force it is blue. The caps match the color of the equipment. The color scheme was based on the 1988 model. Decorative elements on the caps are painted gold. Winter clothing for men has not changed since the last reform.

Girls in military uniform can now feel comfortable. Dresses and skirts fit comfortably around the body, highlighting feminine beauty. Women's military clothing - olive or blue. In the winter season, a short, fitted coat is used. Female sergeants and enlisted men wear an olive casual uniform. In the warm season, there should be a cap on the head, in the winter - an astrakhan beret, introduced by the latest reform.

Sergeants, soldiers and cadets are deprived of their daily uniform due to uselessness. As an alternative, they are encouraged to wear winter or summer field equipment.

The military uniform of this type in the winter includes a gray coat for military personnel (blue for the Air Force and Airborne Forces). For the autumn period, a blue demi-season jacket is provided, for rain in the summer - an elongated raincoat that does not allow moisture to pass through. Black coloring for additional clothing items (belt, boots and socks).

Modern office uniform of the Russian army

This set of clothing is a type of casual clothing, used by generals, officers and employees of the Ministry of Defense of certain ranks. A military suit of this type resembles the everyday clothes of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The kit includes:

  • Soft cap. All military units have a green beret; airborne units were left with a blue beret;
  • A cap-colored shirt with long or short sleeves (the choice depends on the weather). Shoulder straps can be attached to the shoulders with Velcro; a tie is not applicable;
  • White T-shirt (worn under the shirt);
  • Cap-colored trousers and straight-cut shirts.

In the cold season, it is acceptable to use a warm jacket with an office uniform. It is possible to additionally attach a hood. The cap can be replaced with a warm hat with earflaps. Shoulder straps are attached to the shoulders of the suit with Velcro.

Every year the office uniform undergoes minor changes. These include the introduction and abolition of various sewing costumes, changing the shape of insignia, etc. It is prohibited to use an office suit as a field suit. Care and rules for wearing a military uniform

The rules for wearing military uniforms are regulated by Order 1500 - the suit must always be clean. In order for it to remain so, you need to know about some of the intricacies of caring for it. Improper washing or drying can ruin the appearance, which will lead to operational problems. Before cleaning clothes, you should read the information on the label.

It is recommended to wash woolen clothes by hand in warm water. If this is not possible, then you can use a washing machine, but the washing mode should be the most gentle. Military clothing sizes may become smaller if washed using hot water. It is prohibited to wring wool products.

Everyday military equipment is less demanding to care for. It can be washed in a washing machine in any mode with any washing powder. In addition, the casual suit can withstand water of any temperature.

It is not recommended to clean a beautiful dress uniform at home. It is better to entrust this process to professionals in the dry cleaning service.

The new Russian military clothing, introduced into service in 2019, surpasses the previous generation in all respects. This became possible after refusing to copy American designs, which are unsuitable for the climatic conditions of our country. The military uniform of the Russian Federation is considered one of the best in the world.

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