Home Steering What is a suffix and prefix? Word formation. Spelling of separating signs b and b

What is a suffix and prefix? Word formation. Spelling of separating signs b and b

A prefix is ​​a significant part of a word that comes before
root and serves to form words:
A suffix is ​​a significant part of a word that comes after the root
and usually serves to form words:

Let's remember the meanings of some suffixes.

Diminutive meanings are indicated using the suffixes: -ik, -chik, -onk-, enk-, -ok, -yok, -k-, -ushk-:

Chick, -schik, -ist, -tel, -nick - form the names of persons by occupation,
by profession:

Ets, -anin, -yanin, -in, -ich - form the names of a person at the place of residence:

Onok, -yonok - form the names of young animals (cubs):

Alternation of sounds. Fluent vowels. Rules

When words are formed and changed, some may be replaced
sounds by different sounds in the same part of the word. This replacement is called
alternating sounds.

Vowels alternate with vowels, consonants with consonants.

Sometimes there are no vowels in the same morpheme, then
appear, i.e. alternate with zero sound. Such vowels are called

dream - sleep, town - town.

Spelling of vowels and consonants in prefixes. Rules

Immutable prefixes


about- (about-) about- over- (need-)

from- (from-) to- right-

The choice of vowel in the prefixes pro-, pra- depends on the semantic
prefix meanings. The prefix right- is rarely used,
it denotes antiquity, the degree of relationship through a generation:
ancestor, great-grandmother, great-grandfather, great-grandson.

Vowels in unchangeable prefixes are written unstressed
position the same as in the shock:

The prefixes in-, ob-, over-, under-, pre-, are written the same way
in all words.

There is no prefix z- in Russian.

The letters z and s are at the end of the prefixes. Rules

In the prefixes once- (ras-), from- (is-), voz- (res-), vz- (vs-), without- (bes-),
niz- (nis-), through- (through-) before the voiced consonants of the root it is written z,
and before the deaf - with:

Remember a phrase that will help you learn all voiceless consonants
Foka, do you want to eat some soup?


Root– this is the main part of the word, which contains the basic meaning of all related words of the same root. (For example: mushroom, mushroom OK, mushroom Noah, mushroom nickname - root mushroom-).

Base word- This is a part of a word without ending. The basis may include a prefix, root, suffix. ( mushroom oh, the basis mushroom-)

Ending is a variable part of a word that serves to connect words in a sentence. (at the house A, to the house y, for the house ohm).

Ending Not serves to form new words!

Console- this is a significant part of the word that comes before the root and serves to form new words. ( at ran from ran behind ran)

Suffix- this is a significant part of a word that comes after the root and serves to form new words.

(House House IR, house ov oh, home looking for e)

Algorithm for parsing words by composition:

1. Read the word. Change the form of the word. Highlight the ending.

2. Highlight the base of the word - the whole word without ending.

3. Choose a few related words. Select the common part - the root.

4. Specify the prefix.

5. Specify the suffix.

Ticket No. 4.

Rule “Testable unstressed vowels at the root of the word.”

-How to check for an unstressed vowel at the root of a word?

- How to check words with two unstressed vowels at the root of the word?

- Unverifiable unstressed vowels at the root of the word.


- To check the unstressed vowel in the root of a word, you need to choose a word with the same root or change the word so that the stress falls on this vowel.

(m O rya - m O re, p e ka - r e chka, etc.) .

To check two unstressed vowels in the root of a word, you need to select two test words (same root or change the word) so that the stress falls on these vowels. (h e l e neli - s e lazy, green e ny)

Words with an unverified unstressed vowel at the root of the word must be memorized or looked up in the dictionary. (p e cash, g O R And umbrella)

Ticket number 5

Spelling of consonants according to deafness-voicing at the root of a word


To check the spelling of a voiceless or voiced consonant at the root of a word, you need to select a related word so that the consonant being checked is followed by a vowel or voiced consonant (l, p, m, n). (Moro h - Moro PS, Moro zn oh, oh h ko – y ze nky)

Ticket number 6

Spelling unpronounceable consonants at the root of a word


1. To check unpronounceable consonants, you should find a related word in which the consonant sound being tested is pronounced clearly (before the vowel and at the end of the word): rope T nick - rope T glasses, cable T b, weight T nickname - weight That point, weight T b.

2. If it is impossible to find a test word, then the spelling of the consonant must be remembered: chu V to work.

Ticket number 7

Spelling of separating signs b and b


The separating ъ (hard sign) is written after consoles ending in a consonant before vowels e, e, yu, i. (By d ъ e zd, ra h ъ I snil)

Separating ь (soft sign) written after consonants before vowels e, e, yu, i, and(chair T b I nin, V b Yu ha, solo V b And)

Ticket number 8

Transfer rules


1. Words are transferred from one line to another syllable by syllable: osi-na, autumn, tea-nick, boy.

2. When hyphenating, you cannot leave one letter on a line and you cannot transfer one letter to another line: i/ma, aroma .

3. The letters J, b, b are not separated from the previous letters: war, rails, rise.

4. If a word contains double consonants (two identical letters), then one is transferred, and the second remains on the line: van-na, autumn-niy, story-tale.

Ticket number 9

Noun. Initial form.

Morphological characteristics.


Noun Who? What? and stands for objects, people, animals, natural phenomena, etc.

Initial form – I.p., singular. (answer to the question who? or what?).

Morphological characteristics:

1) Constant:

· own (indicates full names of people, names of animals, names

literary works, newspapers and magazines,

geographical names)

or common noun

· animate (denotes only people and animals, answering the question who?)

or inanimate (answer to the question what?)

· gender (m.r. - he, my; f.r. - she, my; middle r. - it, mine),

· declination (1,2 or 3).

2) Non-permanent:

· number (singular or plural) (There are nouns that are used only in singular form, for example: milk, sour cream, rye,

as well as nouns that are used only in the plural form,

For example: holidays, gates, scissors.

For nouns that are used only in the plural form, gender and declension are not determined.)

Ticket number 10

What is declination? Cases of nouns.

How to determine the case of a noun.


Declension- this is changing nouns by case using questions.

There are 6 cases in Russian:

To determine the case of a noun, you need to:

1. Find the word on which this noun depends.

2. Ask a question from the main word to the noun.

3. Determine the case based on the question and preposition.

Ticket number 11

Adjective. Initial form.

Morphological characteristics


Adjective- an independent part of speech that answers questions Which? which? which? which? whose? whose? whose? whose? and stands for attribute of an object.

Initial form – I.p., m.r., singular. (answer to the question which? or whose?).

Morphological characteristics:

gender (singular only)

An adjective always has the same gender, number and case as the noun on which it depends.

Ticket number 12

Verb. Initial form.

Morphological characteristics.


Verb- an independent part of speech that answers questions what to do? what to do? And denotes action or condition of the item.

Verbs in initial (indefinite) form answer questions about what do? what to do? For verbs in an indefinite form, it is impossible to determine the morphological characteristics.

Morphological characteristics:

1) Constant:

· conjugation (1 adjective or 2 adjectives) only in the present and future tense

2) Non-permanent:

tense (past, present or future)

· number (singular or plural)

· person (1, 2 or 3) only in present and future tense

· gender (m.r., zh.r. or sr.r.) only in the past tense, singular

Ticket number 13

Pronoun. Initial form.

Morphological characteristics.


Pronoun- independent part of speech, which points to an object or person, but does not name it.

Personal pronouns of the 1st and 2nd persons answer the question who?, and pronouns of the 3rd person answer the questions who? or what?

Personal pronouns are used instead of nouns.

Initial form personal pronoun - this is the nominative case.

Morphological characteristics:

1) Constant:

· person (1st person – I, we; 2nd person – you, you; 3rd person – he, she, it, they)

· number (singular or plural)

· gender (m.r., w.r. or s.r.) only in the 3rd person, singular

2) Non-permanent:

When changing a personal pronoun by case, not only its ending changes, but also the word itself.

Ticket number 14

Offer. Types of sentences according to the purpose of the statement and intonation. Common and uncommon proposals.


Offer- this is a word or several words interconnected in meaning, expressing a complete thought.

Offer for purpose of the statement It happens:

Narrative in which something is reported (narrated) ;

It is raining outside.

interrogative in which they ask about something ;

Will you be home early?

motivating in which they advise to do something, order, encourage to action .

Bring me a notebook.

By intonation there are offers exclamation and non-exclamation A sentence that is pronounced with strong feeling is called exclamatory. At the end of such a sentence there is an exclamation point (!) What a wonderful day today!

A period is most often placed at the end of a declarative and motivating sentence, and a question mark is placed at the end of an interrogative sentence.

Based on the presence of minor members, sentences are divided into

Word formation- a branch of the science of language that studies the structure of words (what parts they consist of) and methods of their formation.

Composition of the word.

A word consists of a stem and an ending. The basis is: prefix, root suffix. Prefix, root, suffix, ending are parts of a word.

Base and ending.

In mutable independent words, the base and ending are distinguished, and in unchangeable words, only the base is distinguished.

The basis- this is part of a modified word without an ending. The basis of a word is its lexical meaning.

Ending- this is a variable significant part of a word that forms the form of a word and serves to connect words in phrases and sentences.


1. To highlight the ending, you need to change the word.
2. Immutable words have no endings.

When a word changes or any of its forms are formed: number, gender, case, person, the endings change.

The ending expresses different grammatical meanings: for nouns, numerals and personal pronouns (without a preposition, go with it) - case and number; for adjectives, participles, some pronouns - case, number, gender; for verbs in the present and future tense - person and number, and in the past tense - gender and number.
The ending may be zero, that is, one that is not expressed by sounds. It is revealed by comparing the forms of a word. In the nominative case, the zero ending (like any other in indirect cases) means that the noun horse, eagle used in the nominative case, singular, masculine, 2nd declension.
At the heart of an independent word, significant parts of the word can be distinguished: prefix, root, suffix.

Root of the word.

Root- this is the main part of the word, which contains the general meaning of all words with the same root. Words with the same root are called cognate.


  1. Words with the same root can refer to the same part of speech or to different ones.
  2. It is necessary to distinguish between roots that have the same sound but different meanings (homonymous). Words with similar roots are not the same root.
  3. There are relatively few words in the Russian language consisting of a root and an ending; most word stems consist of a root and a suffix; root, prefix and suffix.
  4. Some roots are not found in a “free” form (root + ending). They are found in words only in combination with prefixes, suffixes or other roots:
    - de -- put on, change clothes;
    - nya -- borrow, hire, take away;
    - Fri -- chick, little bird, bird;
    - syag -- oath, reach, encroach;
    - y -- take off your shoes, put on your shoes;
    - st -- street, alley;
    - th -- enter, leave, pass, enter.
A word can have one root or two roots.


Suffix- this is the significant part of the word, which is located after the root and is usually used to form words.


Suffixes can be used to form the forms of words.


Console- this is the significant part of the word, which is located before the root and serves to form words. Prefixes form words with new meanings.
A word can have not one, but two or more prefixes.


  1. The vast majority of consoles are originally Russian ( o-, from-, under-, over-, over- and etc.). There are few foreign language prefixes in the Russian language: a-, anti-, arch-, inter-, counter-, ultra-, de-, dez-, dis-, re-, ex-, im-.
  2. Prefixes can be multi-valued. Yes, prefix at- means approaching, joining, incomplete action, being close to something.
  3. In many words, prefixes have merged with the root and are no longer distinguished as independent parts of the word: admire, admire, get, start, gloomy, adore, disappear and etc.

Ways to form words.

New words in the Russian language are formed on the basis of words, phrases, and less often - sentences, which for a new word are original.
Words in the Russian language are formed in the following main ways: prefixal, suffixal, prefix-suffixal, suffixless, addition, transition of one part of speech to another.

Add-on method.

When forming words prefixed way the prefix is ​​added to the original, ready-made word. In this case, the new word belongs to the same part of speech as the original word. This is how they are formed nouns, adjectives, pronouns, verbs, adverbs.

Suffix method.

Suffix method consists in adding a suffix to the base of the original word. In this way, words of all independent parts of speech are formed.
Words formed in a suffixal manner are usually another part of speech.
The suffixal method is the main one for the formation of nouns, adjectives and adverbs. It is more complex than the prefix method, since the suffix is ​​added not to the whole word, but to its base, and the base of the word is sometimes modified: part of the base is cut off, its sound composition changes, and sounds alternate.

Prefix-suffix method.

Prefix-suffix method consists in simultaneously attaching a prefix and a suffix to the base of the original word.
Nouns with suffixes are most often formed in this way -nick, -y (e), -ok, verbs with suffix -xia, adverbs in prefix By- and suffixes -and, -oh, -him.

Suffixless method.

Suffixless method consists in the fact that the ending is discarded from the word or the ending is discarded and the suffix is ​​cut off at the same time.

Addition as a way to form words.

Addition consists of combining two words in one word. As a result of addition, they are formed Difficult words.
Complex words are words that contain two (or more) roots. They are formed. as a rule, from independent parts of speech, retaining the whole word or part of it. In a compound word there may be connecting vowels between the roots O And e.


  1. Can act as a connecting vowel And: five year old.
  2. Complex words can have no connecting vowel.
Compound words are formed:
  1. Addition of whole words: sofa bed, test pilot;
  2. Adding the stems of words without connecting vowels ( wall newspaper, sports ground, car plant) or connecting vowels O And e (snowfall, diesel locomotive, digger);
  3. Using connecting vowels O And e, connecting part of the word stem with the whole word: new building, reinforced concrete, grain procurement, arts and crafts;
  4. Addition of stems with simultaneous addition of a suffix: farming, dizzy;
  5. By combining words: evergreen, highly respected, daredevil, the undersigned.

Addition of abbreviated stems.

Many words are formed by addition of abbreviated stems of original words. As a result, compound words.

Compound words are formed:

  1. adding syllables or parts of words of the full name: kolkhoz (collective farm), educational program (liquidation of illiteracy), spetskor (special correspondent);
  2. adding the names of the initial letters: Central Committee (Central Committee), VDNKh (Exhibition of National Economic Achievements);
  3. addition of initial sounds: university (higher educational institution), Moscow Art Theater (Moscow Art Academic Theater);
  4. in a mixed way (adding a syllable with a sound, a sound with a syllable, letters with a sound, etc.): glavk (main committee), rayon (district department of public education).
Complex and compound abbreviations words can serve as the basis for the formation of new words: university - university student; collective farm - collective farmer - collective farmer.

The transition of words from one part of speech to another.

Words are also formed by transition from one part of speech to another. At the same time, when used as another part of speech, they acquire a different general meaning and lose a number of their grammatical features. For example: we drove at a walk (word step, being an adverb, does not change).

Goals. 1. To familiarize students with the word-formation role of prefixes and suffixes.

2. Develop the ability to highlight words

prefix and suffix.

3. Develop the ability to form new words using prefixes and


4. Develop the ability to parse words according to their composition.

5. Develop spelling vigilance.

6. Improve sanitary and hygienic skills.

Equipment: Russian language textbook, grade 3. T.G. Ramzaeva, table of formation of new words using prefixes and suffixes

“Miracle Tree”, table “Word Composition”, cards “prefixes and suffixes”.

1.Organization of the class.
2. Checking homework.
- Let's start by checking your homework. Open the textbook and notebook.

Goal.- I am checking whether you correctly identified the names of mushrooms based on their characteristics.

Let's read the first sign. What kind of mushroom is this?

What spelling did you come across? (paired consonant)

Let's read the second sign. What mushroom?

What spelling is found in this word?
The third and fourth signs are checked in the same way.
-What other task was there? (choose words with the same root for the words saffron milk cap and boletus)

What words are called cognates?

What cognate words did you choose?

And I chose the word boletus. Did I complete the task correctly?

RESULT: - What words are called cognates?

How else can they be called?

We completed our homework.
3. Repetition of the studied material.
- What big topic did we start studying? (Composition of the word).

Goal: - Today in the lesson we will continue to study the composition of the word and find out what other parts a word can consist of. We will have an assistant during the lesson. Who is this? (A hedgehog whose needles are the root of the word, the nose is a prefix, the tail is a suffix)

Let's start with working in a notebook.

A) A minute of calligraphy.

Today we take control of the connection hedgehog

Let's write this connection once.

Let's compare with the sample. Do you also? Write the connection three more times.

Open the textbook p.58 exercise. 146.

We read the task. From which word will we form new words? With what? What is the root of these words?

What words did you get?

To leave, to reach, to approach, to enter, to depart.

- Let's write these words in a notebook. Which parts of the word will we highlight? (Root, prefix).

What other word needs to be formed into one?

root words. (By the way, fly)

What is the root of these words? (years-)

Form words with the same root for the word fly using the same prefixes. Write down-

put these words in your notebook.

Let's check. What do we highlight?

What were we doing now? (We formed words using prefixes.)

Draw a CONCLUSION: what is a prefix?

(The part of a word that comes before the root and serves to form new words.)

B) Introducing the suffix.

Let's go back to our word garden. Look, not just in front of the root

a new part appears, and where else, (After the root)

Why was it needed?

I remove the “suffix” sign on the hedgehog

After the root it stands

Before graduation

If I replace him,

I'll get another word.

I'll mark it with a corner.

This is a suffix.

Let's conclude: what is a suffix?

(The part of a word that comes after the root and serves to form new words.)
D) Primary consolidation.
- Now we will practice forming new words using suffixes. Ex. 147 p. 58 – read the task.

What words do we get?

Write down in your notebook only those words that you formed using the suffix. Identify the root and suffix in the words.

Compare words without a suffix and with a suffix. What shade did the suffix add to the meaning of the words? (Shade decrease)

A town is a small city, but how do we talk about a huge city? (fortification)

What about the big oak tree? (bludgeon). About strong wind?

What suffix appears in these words?

- What shade did this suffix add to the meaning of the words? (increase)

We have already said that every morpheme in a word has a meaning. We were once again convinced of this by the example of suffixes.

RESULT: - How can new words be formed?

Look at the blackboard. What can you say about these words?



(They are formed using a prefix and suffix)

Let's draw a full conclusion.
5. Consolidation of new material.

Ex. 150 s. 59 – read the task.

Goal: - Let's consolidate the topic of today's lesson. Using prefixes and suffixes

We form new words from these words. Write them down yourself.

Let's check.
6. Lesson summary.
- Let's summarize our lesson. What did we do in class today? (We met

new parts of words)

What are these parts of the word? (prefix and suffix)

What parts of the word are these? (word-forming)

What are they for? (to form new words)

Thanks to all. The lesson is over.

7. Homework.

Lesson type: combined.

Lesson objectives:

  1. Reinforce previously learned material about prefixes and suffixes, practice forming new words using prefixes and suffixes, repeat the rule of writing a separating solid sign after prefixes;
  2. Develop thinking, memory, attention; Expand words knowledge; develop fine muscles of the arms;
  3. Instill perseverance, determination, work on discipline in the classroom, instill interest and love for the Russian language.


  1. Cards with prefixes.
  2. Cards with suffixes.
  3. Images of animals (cat, fox, nightingale, duck, pig, bear, rooster).
  4. Image of a steam locomotive.
  5. Cards with the inscription: “build”, “travel”.

All illustrations and cards can be either on paper or in the form of slides.

Work plan:

1. Organizational moment.

2. Preparing to work on the topic of the lesson:

1). Calligraphy.
2). Vocabulary work.
3). Lesson topic message.

3. Work on the topic of the lesson.

1). Word formation using prefixes (the word “to go”).
2). Separating solid sign after prefixes.
3). Formation of new words using prefixes (working with the word “build”)
4). Repeat the rule about prefixes.

5. Physical minute.

6. Continue working on the topic of the lesson.

1). Word formation using suffixes.
2). Repeat the rule about suffixes.

7. Generalization.

8. Grading.

9. Homework.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

2. Preparing to work on the topic of the lesson.

1). Calligraphy: path.

2). Vocabulary work: station, carriage, train, road, hello.

The dictation can be recorded using a computer (slide show).

One student writes these words on the board. Then the spelling is checked and marked.

The teacher, at his own discretion, grades the vocabulary dictation

two students.

3). Lesson topic message.

– What do all these words have in common? – they are all connected with the road, with the journey.

– You and I will go on a journey to the Land of Word Formation. We need help taking our friends there:

cat, fox, rooster, nightingale, duck and bear.

Images of birds and animals appear on the board.

3. Work on the topic of the lesson.

1). Word formation using prefixes (working with the word “go”).

– A steam locomotive (with the name “go”) is waiting for us at the station. But his carriages are uncoupled. You need to attach them to the locomotive, but not all of them fit (prefixes are written on the cars). Find the right cars and assemble the entire train.

Children assemble the train:

Rice. 3

The prefixes from-, over-, without- are removed.

– We have now made up new words. How did we do this? – using attachments.

– What is the conclusion? – prefixes help form new words.

- Let's write down the words we have composed, highlighting the prefixes.

2). Separating b after prefixes before the vowels e, ё, ya.

– In order for our train to start, we need to divide the composed words into two groups. Who guessed how to separate words? – since the word go begins with the vowel E, the separating b is written before them.

– Let’s remember the rules when writing the separating b.

– Let’s write the words in two columns:


Drive around

Drive up

3). Word formation using prefixes (working with the word “build”).

– While our guests are traveling, Piglet Naf-Naf is building them a house out of bricks. But he needs our help. The fact is that the bricks need special ones. Can you guess which ones?

A little pig named “build” collects bricks with prefixes that help us form new words.

The resulting words are:

build, build, build, arrange, build up.

Rice. 4

5. Physical minute.

The guys (to music) help the pig build a house, performing special movements: take a brick, put it on top, nail a nail, give bricks to the pig, etc.

6. Continue working on the topic of the lesson.

1). Word formation using suffixes.

- We built a beautiful house. And here our guests have arrived. They can move into their apartments. But here's the problem. They have to change their name to get into the apartment. Our friends didn't go to school, they don't know how to do it. Let's help. Guess how the characters need to be changed and what apartment they should live in.

On the board is a house with six apartments:

Hic, -ok, -onok, -yonok, -onk, -ushk.

Rice. 5

Guys change animals:

At the same time, the guys place the heroes in “apartments”.

2). Repeat the rule about suffixes.

– Let’s write down the resulting words, highlight the root and suffix in them.

7. Generalization.

– So we helped our friends get to a new place and settle in warm apartments. Well done boys.

- What did we do in class? – formed new words using prefixes and suffixes.

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