Home Lighting Vii former SFU 22. Siberian Federal University, Military Engineering Institute, military department. Kirill, Achinsk: What kind of scholarship do cadets receive?

Vii former SFU 22. Siberian Federal University, Military Engineering Institute, military department. Kirill, Achinsk: What kind of scholarship do cadets receive?

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1 SIBERIAN FEDERAL UNIVERSITY MILITARY ENGINEERING INSTITUTE MILITARY DEPARTMENT APPROVED Rector E.A. Vaganov “25” September 2014 REGULATIONS on the procedure for selecting citizens of the Russian Federation for military training at the military department at the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Siberian Federal University” 1. General provisions 1.1. This provision has been developed in accordance with the Regulations on military training faculties (military departments) at federal state educational institutions of higher professional education (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 6, 2008 152), order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation 666 /249 dated July 10, 2009 “On the organization of activities of military training centers, military training faculties (military departments) at federal state educational institutions of higher professional education” and determines the conditions and procedure for the competitive selection of citizens from among full-time students of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “ Siberian Federal University" who have expressed a desire to undergo military training at the military department. To participate in the competitive selection for admission to military training at the military department, citizens under the age of 30 years who are studying full-time at the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Siberian Federal University" (hereinafter referred to as the University ) in areas of training (specialties) in accordance with the list established by the qualification requirements for military specialties of graduates of the military department Citizens who do not meet the requirements for citizens entering military service cannot participate in the competitive selection for admission to military training at the military department by contract; - for whom the military training program for military specialties does not provide training (female citizens); - in respect of whom a guilty verdict has been passed and to whom punishment has been imposed; - in respect of whom an inquiry is being conducted, or a preliminary investigation is underway, or a criminal case in respect of which has been transferred to court; - having an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for committing a crime; - serving a sentence of imprisonment. Citizens who have expressed a desire to undergo military training at a military department submit an application according to the sample given in Appendix 1 to these Regulations addressed to the rector of the university. Based on the submitted applications, the military department compiles a list of citizens from among the students, which is approved by the rector. Citizens included in this list undergo a competitive selection, which consists of preliminary and main selections. Age is determined by the state on the date of publication of the order of the rector of the educational institution on the admission of citizens to military training at the military department.

2 1.5. To evaluate the results of the preliminary selection and conduct the main selection of citizens for admission to military training at the military department, a competition commission is created. In its work, the competition commission is guided by these Regulations on the selection procedure. 2. The main criteria for the competitive selection of citizens from among students who have expressed a desire to undergo military training at the military department 2.1. Correspondence of the direction of training (specialty) of higher professional education to the military specialty according to the military training program Degree of health fitness for military service Category of professional suitability based on the results of professional psychological selection Level of physical fitness Level of educational readiness. 3. The procedure for the preliminary selection of citizens who have expressed a desire to undergo military training at the military department 3.1. To undergo preliminary selection, the head of the military department issues a referral to the department of the military commissariat at the place of military registration of the citizen (Appendix 2 to these Regulations). Preliminary selection of citizens includes determining their compliance with the requirements established in paragraphs 1.3 of these Regulations and their suitability for military training at the military department based on the results of a medical examination and professional psychological selection. Preliminary selection is carried out in advance, in May-July for those starting training at the military department in September of the current year and in October-November for those starting training at the military department in February next year. Citizens from among students who have expressed a desire to undergo military training at the military department and who have passed the preliminary selection (hereinafter referred to as candidates), departments of the military commissariats in converted form issue medical examination cards and professional psychological selection cards. Candidates for training in the military training program at the military department submit the results of the preliminary selection to the military training unit departments. 4. The procedure for the competition commission to conduct the main selection among citizens who have passed the preliminary selection 4.1. Citizens who have passed the preliminary selection in the department of the military commissariat at the place of military registration are admitted to the main selection. The main selection is carried out in order to study the results of the preliminary selection of candidates, their current academic performance, assess the level of physical fitness, as well as the degree of motivation for military service. Before the start of the main selection in an educational institution: - a general meeting is held with citizens from among students wishing to undergo military training , where the main provisions of federal legislation, regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, departmental regulations on military training, the conditions and procedure for the competitive selection of citizens for admission to military training, the procedure for organizing and conducting military training, certification for officers are presented; - on the recommendation of the head of the military department, the rector of the university issues an order to organize the main selection of citizens in an educational institution, which determines the procedure for submitting the necessary information for a complete study of citizens who have expressed a desire to undergo military training at the military department. If necessary, the educational institution issues access to information for candidates , constituting a state secret. Citizens who evaded a medical examination and (or) professional psychological selection or were declared unfit for military service based on their results, as well as those who did not promptly submit the results of a medical examination and professional psychological selection, as well as documents

3 necessary for obtaining access to information constituting a state secret, or who have been denied access to this information by control authorities, are not allowed to the main selection. Citizens whose military training at the military department begins in September undergo the main selection in May-July of the year of study. Citizens whose military training begins in February undergo the main selection in October December of the current academic year. Candidates classified as the third category of professional suitability based on the results of professional psychological selection are considered for admission to military training at the military department after candidates classified in the first and second categories professional suitability. Citizens who have the 4th category of professional suitability for admission to military training at the military department are not considered. Assessment of physical fitness is carried out by specialists in physical education and sports on three exercises characterizing various physical qualities. Standards for physical training Name of exercise Endurance Running 3 km Strength Pull-up on the crossbar Speed ​​Running 100 m Shuttle run 10x10m Exercise number Uniform Unit of measurement Rating excellent good satisfactory 46 sports min.sec. 11.03 11.54 14.10 4 sports sports sports number of times sec. sec.6 25, The level of educational readiness is assessed based on the results of mastering the disciplines of the main educational program with the calculation of the average score (based on the grade book). Candidates from among: - orphans have priority rights during the main selection; - children left without parental care; - family members of military personnel; - citizens who have completed military service by conscription. 5. Registration of the results of the competitive selection of citizens for admission to military training 5.1. Based on the results of the main selection, a decision is made on the admission of candidates to military training at the military department. The number of candidates admitted to military training at the military department is established by the Ministry of Defense. The results of the main selection of citizens are entered into the protocols of the results of competitive selection separately for each military specialty implemented by the military department, which are signed by all members of the commission, while the chairman of the commission endorses each sheet of the protocol in the lower right corner, except for the first and last. The results of the commission’s work are communicated to the citizens who took part in the main selection and to the rector of the university. Based on the decision of the commission based on the results of the main selection, the citizen concludes an appropriate agreement with the Ministry of Defense and, by order of the rector, is allowed to participate in military training at the military department.

4 Appendix 1 Registration number of the application Photo (3x4) To the Rector of the Siberian Federal University from the student (last name, first name, patronymic; day, month and year of birth) (name of the institute within SFU) (name of the faculty) course, number of study group (code and name specialty) APPLICATION Please allow me to participate in the competitive selection for admission to military training at the military department in a military specialty (name of the military specialty implemented by the military department) With the requirements of the Regulations on the faculties of military training (military departments) at federal state educational institutions , higher professional education, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 6, 2008 152 read. I am registered with the military in (name of the department of the military commissariat) Student ID I am attaching to the application: 1. A photocopy of pages 2,3,5-7 of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. 2. A photocopy of 1-3 pages of the identity card of a citizen subject to conscription for military service (photocopy of a military ID). 3 Photocopy of pages 1-9 of the grade book. 4. Photos 3x4 4 pcs. 201_g. (signature, initials of first name, patronymic, last name)

5 Appendix 2 To the head of the department of the military commissariat (name of the district (city without district division)) The student (last name, first name, patronymic) is sent for a medical examination in accordance with the Regulations on military medical examination, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 4, 2013 565, in order to determine suitability for military training at the military department in a military specialty and determine the professional suitability of a citizen. I request that the results of the medical examination be handed over to the citizen in a converted form in the prescribed manner. Reason: - Regulations on military commissariats, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 1, 2007 1132, as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation 2008 811; - paragraph 11 of the Regulations on the faculties of military training (military departments) at federal state educational institutions of higher professional education, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 6, 2008. Head of the military department at the Siberian Federal University M.P. Colonel P. Zverev


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Summer is approaching, and with it the entrance exams for applicants. And if “KP” has already talked a lot and often about lawyers, economists and journalists, then we haven’t spoiled you with information about military education. And there was a reason for that. Since 2013, the opportunity has again arisen to become a professional military officer, a career officer, by graduating from the Siberian Federal University in Krasnoyarsk for all interested young men and women (!). That is why the issue of military education became the topic of a direct line in the Komsomolskaya Pravda press center. The direct line was broadcast on the KP website and by agreement with the cadet corps of the region, where the cadets were able to listen to our guests and ask questions, which were answered for an hour by the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs of the Military Engineering Institute Vladimir Staroverov and the Chairman of the Board of the public organization promoting the development of the cadet and Mariinsky movement “Northern Cross” Igor Zakharov.

For information

The Military Engineering Institute was founded in 2008 at the Siberian Federal University on the basis of the military department of the Polytechnic Institute (later Krasnoyarsk State Technical University) and the addition of the military department of the Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals and Gold. Today, on the basis of the Military Engineering Institute, officers are trained in two areas: at the military department, reserve officers are trained, as it was in distant Soviet times, and at the military training center, career officers for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are trained.

Maxim, Krasnoyarsk: What military specialties are taught at the institute?

There are four of them. I will list: “operation and repair of automated control systems for air defense radio equipment of the Air Force”, “operation and repair of air defense radar systems of the Air Force”, “combat use of formations, military units and ground artillery units”, as well as “linguistic support for military activities”.

Igor, Krasnoyarsk: Is it true that enrolling on a budget is quite possible?

All places at the Military Engineering Institute of Siberian Federal University are budget-funded. Last year – 185, this year the recruitment plan has been increased to 195.

Sergey, Minusinsk: What subjects do you recommend that you need to improve your skills in order to enroll with you?

The institute trains engineers for the armed forces, so preference is given to physics, mathematics, computer science and the Russian language. If you want to enter the Military Engineering Institute of Siberian Federal University, focus on these subjects when preparing. In addition, applicants undergo a physical fitness test: 100-meter run, 1000-meter run, standing long jump, pull-ups for boys and push-ups for girls.

Evgeniy, Krasnoyarsk: Is it necessary to join the army after graduation?

Yes. Upon graduation, students sign a contract with the Ministry of Defense and are required to serve for at least 3 years.

Gennady, Sharypovo: What troops are graduates sent to and what is the geography of their distribution?

Cadets in the specialties “operation and repair of automated control equipment for air defense radio equipment of the Air Force” and “operation and repair of air defense radar systems of the Air Force” are trained for the air force. Cadets who study in the specialty “combat use of formations, military units and ground artillery units” will join the ground forces. Although the airborne troops also have artillery. The geography of service of our graduates is extensive: from the Far East to Kaliningrad.

Alexander, Sharypovo: Do ​​cadets have advantages when entering?

Unfortunately, cadets enroll on a general basis. All preferential categories at our institute are specified in the admission rules.

Ivan Vasilenko, Sharypovo: Is there an opportunity for graduates to continue their studies at military academies? In what?

Having received a higher education and the rank of lieutenant, the graduate leaves for his place of service and, if he decides to further devote himself to service in the army, he can enter the military academy, the General Staff Academy and become a general!

Alexander, Sharypovo: What are the requirements at the institute for passing a medical examination?

The commission is the same as for entering a military school, and the majority of young people pass it. First of all, the applicant arrives at the military commissariat at his place of residence (now it is called the department of the military commissariat) and writes an application addressed to the military commissar stating that he wants to study at the Military Engineering Institute of Siberian Federal University. On its basis, a personal file is formed, and the medical commission determines the degree of suitability. By the way, the vision of a future cadet does not have to be 100 percent, like that of an astronaut, but due to lack of weight, the applicant may not get into the university.

Sergey, Minusinsk: Are students provided with housing during their studies?

All nonresident students are provided with a hostel. It is located in Akademgorodok, in the same place as the institute building. If you came to submit documents from afar and you have nowhere to live, contact the admissions office (79 b Svobodny Ave., room 4-07) and they will provide you with a place in the dormitory while taking the exams.

Kirill, Achinsk: What kind of scholarship do cadets receive?

In the first semester, all students receive a state academic scholarship (about 2000 rubles) and an additional scholarship in the amount of 150% of it. If a cadet passes the first session with C marks, he loses his academic scholarship, but continues to receive an additional one (about 3,000 rubles). From the second year, C students receive only an additional scholarship in the amount of 300% of the academic one (about 5,000 rubles), and those who study without C grades receive an academic and additional (400%) scholarship - a total of about 10,000 rubles. In addition, upon provision of supporting documents, the university also pays social scholarships.

Mikhail, Nazarovo: Is a portfolio important to you?

Yes, we need people who are not only athletic, but also creative. And your abilities can be further developed at our university. The institute, for example, has its own vocal and instrumental ensemble, a ballroom dance studio, and an aviation parachute club.

Artem, Uzhur: What documents are given to students upon admission?

Student and library cards, record books and a pass to the territory of the military engineering institute.

Ekaterina, Achinsk: Are there “women’s” military specialties at the institute?

We invite girls to enroll in engineering specialties for the air force. In particular, this is an automated control system and radar systems. By the way, last year the institute graduated 17 girls and all of them are serving in various positions in various branches of the RF Armed Forces.

Vasily, Krasnoyarsk: What rank do cadets receive upon graduation and, if it’s not a secret, how much is the salary in the army now?

All graduates are awarded the rank of lieutenant. A lieutenant's salary today starts at 30,000 rubles, and this is without various charges. The average salary of graduates of our university by region is about 50,000 rubles.

Ivan, Minusinsk: Is it difficult to study at the institute?

This is a rhetorical question. Today, young people increasingly want to be lawyers and economists. Meanwhile, students of the Military Engineering Institute are studying engineering specialties. The knowledge and skills they acquire here will help them in the future to adequately support their family.

Sergey Poskrebyshev, Achinsk: What will be the schedule during training?

At eight in the morning - formation, performance of the Russian anthem and departure to classes. As a rule, after 17.00 cadets have free time.

Alexey, Minusinsk: Tell me, what sports sections are there at the institute?

At the Military Engineering Institute there is a boxing section, Greco-Roman wrestling, and you can also engage in SFU sections (swimming, tennis, etc.). They are all free.

- Kirill, Achinsk: How long do winter and summer vacations last, if any?

Our students receive basic education at a civilian university, they, like all students, are entitled to at least 2 weeks in the winter, and at least 4 in the summer.

Alexander, Minusinsk: As far as I know, in military schools the trip to the place of vacation and back is paid. What about you?

The Military Engineering Institute does not pay for travel, because officially we are a civilian university and the students are students, not cadets.

- Ivan, Krasnoyarsk: What is the recruitment plan for specialties in 2014?

For the specialty “Operation and repair of automated control equipment for air defense radio equipment of the Air Force” - 50 people; “Operation and repair of Air Force air defense radar systems” – 75; “Combat use of formations, military units and ground artillery units” – 60; “Linguistic support for military activities” - 10 people.

Kirill, Sharypovo: When will the acceptance of documents and enrollment in the university begin?

This year, documents are accepted from June 20 to July 10. Physical fitness tests will take place on July 12, 2014. I can even name the time and place. At 8.30 applicants will have to arrive at the sports complex at the address: Svobodny Ave., 79, and register. Tests will begin at 9:00. Information about the standards is available on the website of the Military Engineering Institute of Siberian Federal University in the “Applicants” tab.

Siberian Federal University MILITARY ENGINEERING INSTITUTE The Institute of Military Training (IVO) at the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Siberian Federal University" was formed in accordance with the decision of the Academic Council of the university dated April 21, 2008 (Minutes 4) and the order of the rector dated September 16, 2008. Its composition included Military training center and military department. In accordance with the decision of the Academic Council of the university dated September 30, 2013 (minutes 8) and the order of the rector dated October 7, 2013 1168, the Institute of Military Training was renamed the Military Engineering Institute from October 1, 2013. MILITARY ENGINEERING INSTITUTE The Institute of Military Training (IVO) at the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Siberian Federal University" was formed in accordance with the decision of the Academic Council of the university dated April 21, 2008 (Minutes 4) and the order of the rector dated September 16, 2008. It included the Military Training Center and the Military Department. In accordance with the decision of the Academic Council of the university dated September 30, 2013 (minutes 8) and the order of the rector dated October 7, 2013 1168, the Institute of Military Training was renamed the Military Engineering Institute from October 1, 2013. 2

Siberian Federal University Director of the Military Engineering Institute - Vice-Rector of Siberian Federal University Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Reserve Colonel Evgeniy Nikolaevich Garin. Director of the Military Engineering Institute - Vice-Rector of Siberian Federal University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Reserve Colonel Garin Evgeniy Nikolaevich. The head of the military training center is Colonel Vladimir Alekseevich Kopylov. The head of the military training center is Colonel Vladimir Alekseevich Kopylov. The head of the military department is Colonel Pyotr Yurievich Zverev. The head of the military department is Colonel Pyotr Yurievich Zverev. Director of the Military Engineering Institute - Vice-Rector of Siberian Federal University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Reserve Colonel Garin Evgeniy Nikolaevich. Director of the Military Engineering Institute - Vice-Rector of Siberian Federal University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Reserve Colonel Garin Evgeniy Nikolaevich. The head of the military training center is Colonel Vladimir Alekseevich Kopylov. The head of the military training center is Colonel Vladimir Alekseevich Kopylov. The head of the military department is Colonel Pyotr Yurievich Zverev. The head of the military department is Colonel Pyotr Yurievich Zverev. 3 Manual:Manual:

Siberian Federal University Selection procedure Citizens before reaching the age of 24 who have expressed a desire to undergo military training during the course of their basic educational program submit an application and undergo preliminary selection at the military commissariat at their place of residence (military medical commission and professional psychological selection) . Next - an interview and selection by the competition commission of the Military Engineering Institute. A citizen, enrolled by order of the rector at a university, who has passed preliminary, competitive selections, enters into a training agreement under the military training program and is enrolled in a military training center. 4

Siberian Federal University Selection procedure Preference in the selection process is given to candidates from among: orphans; orphans; children left without parental care; children left without parental care; family members of military personnel; family members of military personnel; citizens who have completed military service under conscription. citizens who have completed military service under conscription. Candidates from among: orphans have priority during the selection process; orphans; children left without parental care; children left without parental care; family members of military personnel; family members of military personnel; citizens who have completed military service under conscription. citizens who have completed military service under conscription. 5

Siberian Federal University Military Training Center 6 Military training of career officers is carried out in four military specialties (MSS) for 5-5.5 years (1-10 semesters) at the expense of the federal budget with mandatory further military service under a contract in the Armed Forces Forces of the Russian Federation after graduating from a higher educational institution (first contract for 3 years).

Siberian Federal University Military Training Center 7 During the training period, students are provided with winter and summer uniforms, receive not only an academic scholarship, but also an additional one depending on academic performance and year of study (up to 400% of the academic scholarship). Nonresident students are provided with a dormitory. UVC graduates receive a state diploma, with a qualification corresponding to their main educational program and the military rank of “lieutenant”. During the period of study, students are provided with winter and summer uniforms, receive not only an academic scholarship, but also an additional one depending on their academic performance and year of study (up to 400% of the academic scholarship). Nonresident students are provided with a dormitory. UVC graduates receive a state diploma, with a qualification corresponding to their main educational program and the military rank of “lieutenant”.

Siberian Federal University Areas of training (specialties) 8 VUS - “Operation and repair of air defense radar systems of the Air Force” Training in the specialty “Radio-electronic systems and complexes” is implemented on the basis of the Institute of Engineering Physics and Radio Electronics. Exams (USE results): mathematics, Russian, physics. Boys are accepted, girls are accepted as an exception. VUS - “Operation and repair of air defense radar systems of the Air Force” Training in the specialty “Radio-electronic systems and complexes” is implemented on the basis of the Institute of Engineering Physics and Radioelectronics. Exams (USE results): mathematics, Russian, physics. Boys are accepted, girls are accepted as an exception.

Siberian Federal University Areas of training (specialties) 9 VUS - “Operation and repair of automated control equipment for radio-technical air defense systems of the Air Force” Training in the specialty “Application and operation of automated systems for special purposes” is implemented on the basis of the Institute of Space and Information Technologies. Exams (Unified State Examination results): mathematics, Russian language, computer science. Boys are accepted, girls are accepted as an exception. VUS - “Operation and repair of automated control equipment for radio-technical air defense systems of the Air Force” Training in the specialty “Application and operation of automated systems for special purposes” is implemented on the basis of the Institute of Space and Information Technologies. Exams (Unified State Examination results): mathematics, Russian language, computer science. Boys are accepted, girls are accepted as an exception.

Siberian Federal University Areas of training (specialties) 10 VUS - “Combat use of formations, military units and ground artillery units” Training in the specialty “Ground transport and technological means” is implemented on the basis of the Polytechnic Institute. Exams (USE results): mathematics, Russian, physics. Only boys are accepted. VUS - “Combat use of formations, military units and ground artillery units” Training in the specialty “Ground transport and technological means” is implemented on the basis of the Polytechnic Institute. Exams (USE results): mathematics, Russian, physics. Only boys are accepted.

Siberian Federal University Areas of training (specialties) 11 VUS - “Linguistic support of military activities” Training in the specialty “Translation and Translation Studies” is implemented on the basis of the Institute of Philology and Language Communication. Training in the specialty “Translation and Translation Studies” is implemented on the basis of the Institute of Philology and Language Communication. Exams (Unified State Examination results): Russian language, literature, foreign language. Only boys are accepted. VUS - “Linguistic support of military activities” Training in the specialty “Translation and Translation Studies” is implemented on the basis of the Institute of Philology and Language Communication. Training in the specialty “Translation and Translation Studies” is implemented on the basis of the Institute of Philology and Language Communication. Exams (Unified State Examination results): Russian language, literature, foreign language. Only boys are accepted.

Siberian Federal University To enter the UVC, you must: Before May 1, submit an application (for consideration as a candidate for admission to the UVC of Siberian Federal University) to the military commissariat at the place of military registration (place of residence). 2. Go through preliminary selection at the military commissariat at your place of residence (military medical commission and professional psychological selection). 3. Pass the Unified State Examination in academic subjects: mathematics, Russian language, physics and (or) computer science; literature, foreign language. 4. Upon admission, pass an additional physical fitness test (pull-ups (push-ups for girls), m. run, 1000 m., standing long jump). 5. When submitting documents, have medical information with you. certificate f. 86/U. 6. Pass an interview and selection by the competition committee of the Military Engineering Institute. 7. Conclude an agreement on training under the military training program. 1. Before May 1 - submit an application (for consideration by a candidate for admission to the Siberian Federal University Educational Center) to the military commissariat at the place of military registration (place of residence). 2. Go through preliminary selection at the military commissariat at your place of residence (military medical commission and professional psychological selection). 3. Pass the Unified State Examination in academic subjects: mathematics, Russian language, physics and (or) computer science; literature, foreign language. 4. Upon admission, pass an additional physical fitness test (pull-ups (push-ups for girls), m. run, 1000 m., standing long jump). 5. When submitting documents, have medical information with you. certificate f. 86/U. 6. Pass an interview and selection by the competition committee of the Military Engineering Institute. 7. Conclude an agreement on training under the military training program.

Siberian Federal University Reference information can be obtained: On the website of the Siberian Federal University. 2. By phone: ATTENTION!!! Documents for admission will be accepted from June 19 to July 17 1. On the website of the Siberian Federal University. 2. By phone: ATTENTION!!! Documents for admission will be accepted from June 19 to July 17

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