Home Lighting System of indicators characterizing economic potential. Methodology for determining economic potential How to calculate the economic potential of an organization

System of indicators characterizing economic potential. Methodology for determining economic potential How to calculate the economic potential of an organization

Economic potential of the enterprise- this is the totality of the property and financial potential of the enterprise, the totality of resources (labor, material, intangible, financial, etc.) available to the enterprise, and the ability of its employees and managers to use resources in order to create goods, services and obtain maximum income.

Assessment of the economic potential of an enterprise

It is advisable to analyze the economic potential of an enterprise in the following sections:

1. Production:

  • Volume, structure, production rates.
  • The assortment nomenclature of the enterprise, the degree of renewal, the breadth and depth of the assortment.
  • Provision of raw materials and supplies. Level of reserves, speed of their use.
  • Available equipment fleet and the degree of its use. Reserve capacities. Technological novelty.
  • Location of production and availability of infrastructure.
  • Ecology of production.

2. Distribution and sales of products:

  • Transportation of products. Transport possibilities and cost estimation.
  • Inventory storage, inventory levels, placement and circulation speed. Availability of warehouses and storage facilities, their capacity.
  • Possibility of finishing, packaging and packing of goods.
  • Sales: by individual product, sales territory, cost, types of buyers, intermediaries and distribution channels.

3. Organizational structure and management:

  • Organization and management system.
  • Quantitative and professional composition of employees.
  • Labor costs, staff turnover, labor productivity.
  • Management level.
  • Corporate culture.

4. Marketing:

  • Research of the market, product, sales channels.
  • Sales and advertising promotion, pricing.
  • Innovations.
  • Communications and information.
  • Marketing budget and its use.
  • Marketing plans and programs.

5. Finance:

  • Financial stability and solvency.
  • Profitability and profitability (by product, region, distribution channel and intermediary).
  • The ratio of own and borrowed funds.

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Aristarkhov Pavel Valerievich

postgraduate student of the Department of Economics of Firms and Markets,

To determine the category “enterprise potential” as an object of research in economic science, it is necessary to dwell on theoretical approaches to the definition in the research of domestic and foreign economists. At the moment, there are many publications containing various aspects of the concept of “enterprise potential”. Most works note the importance of studying the problem of assessing potential, its use and growth, pointing out the existence of significant differences in the definition of the very concept of potential, its essence, composition and relationships with other categories.

The basic term for the concept of “potential” is “potency”. Potency - (potential - strength) - a hidden possibility, ability, strength that can manifest itself under certain conditions.

In general, “potential” is sources, opportunities, means, reserves that can be used to solve a problem or achieve a goal. In the explanatory dictionary of S. I. Ozhegov and N. Yu. Shvedova, the following definition of potential is given: “... the degree of power in some respect, the totality of some means, capabilities...”. Turning again to the explanatory dictionary, you can find out that “opportunity” is a favorable condition, circumstance, situation under which something can be done.

A broad interpretation of the semantic content of the term “potential”, given in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, allows it to be applied to various branches of science and human activity, depending on what kind of power, means, reserves, and sources are in question. This interpretation includes two aspects: the availability of resources and the purpose of their use.

To further study the conceptual foundations of the formation of economic potential, we conducted an analysis and identified its main characteristics (Fig. 1):

Figure 1. Characteristics of the economic potential of the enterprise

In relation to the topic of this report, we interpret the identified characteristics as follows (Table 1):

As a socio-economic system, an enterprise can have the following states: operation, development, sustainable development.

Operation- this is the maintenance of vital activity, the preservation of functions that determine the integrity of the system, qualitative certainty, essential characteristics.

Development enterprise can be viewed as a process in which its capabilities in producing goods and services are increased.

Sustainable development is a dynamic process in which the socio-economic parameters of an economic entity improve with any disturbance in the external and internal environments. Sustainable development is the highest level of development, which ensures the dynamic sustainability of an enterprise due to its achievement of strategic competitive advantages.

Table 1.

Interpretation of characteristics of economic potential



External conditions of implementation

Conditions for economic modernization

Internal prerequisites for development

Strategy for innovative development of the enterprise

Belonging to the subject (carrier) of potential

Economic entity

Using potential to solve a certain problem, achieve a certain goal

Use for the purposes of sustainable development of the enterprise

Sources of capacity building

Enterprise production resources

(means of labor, objects of labor, financial resources, labor resources, intellectual resources, information resources)

Possibility of identification and measurement

Dynamics of market value as an integral indicator of enterprise performance

An enterprise, under the influence of external environmental factors, can start from the existing situation related to achieving the goal of its sustainable development. With the positive influence of external environmental factors, the system can have the character of economic growth, thanks to which it can move into a qualitatively new state, which will require additional consumption of resources. With the negative influence of the external environment, a decline occurs (decrease in productivity), which forces the system to mobilize internal resources to return it to the planned mode of operation. Favorable or unfavorable influence of the external environment will require the enterprise to consume additional resources for its operation and development, that is, the use of its economic potential.

Thus, the problem of sustainable development of an enterprise is associated with the formation and maximum use of its capabilities - economic potential.

In general, “potential” is sources, opportunities, means, reserves that can be used to solve a problem or achieve a goal.

In the concept of “potential” the following defining moments can be distinguished:

· use of potential to solve any problem, achieve a certain goal;

· belonging to the subject (carrier) of potential;

· sources of potential formation;

· conditions for development and realization of potential.

At the moment, there are many publications containing various aspects of the concept of “economic potential of an enterprise”. Most works note the importance of studying the problem of assessing potential, its use and growth, pointing out the existence of significant differences in the definition of the very concept of economic potential, its essence, composition and relationships with other categories.

To clarify the content of the concept of the economic potential of an enterprise, we analyzed the existing definitions and made conclusions about the lack of unity in its interpretation (Table 2).

Table 2.

Approaches to defining the concept of “economic potential of an enterprise”

Resource approach

V.R. Vesnin,

G.B. Kleiner,

V.V. Kovalev

N.F. Riffa

The totality of resources at disposal

Enterprises. Assessing potential comes down to determining the value of the enterprise's assets reflected in the enterprise's balance sheet.

Effective approach

V.N. Avdeenko,

M.V. Afanasiev,

SOUTH. Gusev,

E.V. Lapin,

A.N. Lyukshinov,

G.S. Merzlikina,

L.S. Shakhovskaya

A set of possibilities for producing products under conditions that ensure the best use in terms of time and productivity of a certain amount of available economic resources.

Targeted (strategic) approach

R.A. Belousov,

I.A. Gunina,

S.I. Kukharenko,

Yu.F. Prokhorov

L.S. Sosnenko,

A.A. Kharin,

T.G. Khramtsova

The totality of resources and reserves and the ability of an enterprise to ensure its long-term functioning and achievement of strategic goals based on the use of a system of available resources.

Based on the above formulations, we can conclude that the economic potential of an enterprise is a multidimensional concept that combines strategic development goals, driving forces, external and internal conditions for development, sources of development and achieved results.

Trends in the development of the content of the category “economic potential of an enterprise can be reflected as follows (Fig. 2):

Figure 2. Evolution of the concept of “economic potential of an enterprise”

From our point of view, the essence of economic potential is most fully defined by a target approach, reflecting not only the ability of an enterprise as a socio-economic system to achieve results in its current state, but also the strategic goals of sustainable development.

Economic potential of the enterprise- the possibility of its sustainable development, achieved by adapting internal factors of production to innovative changes in the external environment, based on the most efficient use of available resources and the best available technologies.

The efficiency of an enterprise is largely determined by the correct formation of the structure of economic potential, therefore, the study of the issue of sustainable development of an enterprise on the basis of economic potential must begin with the specification of its elements. The elements of the “economic potential of an enterprise” system are subsystems - local potentials, the list of which is presented in Table. 3.

Table 3.

Elements of the “Economic Potential of an Enterprise” system

System element


Managerial potential

The totality of knowledge, information, experience, age of management personnel, innovative activity, motivation, organizational capabilities that are used by a given business structure in order to increase its competitiveness and sustainable development.

Material and technical potential

Part of the property potential represented by long-term assets of the enterprise involved in the production process (fixed production assets, non-production assets)

Financial potential

Potential financial indicators of production (profitability, liquidity, solvency), potential investment opportunities, credit history.

Property potential

Assets, the value of which is determined by the book value of the enterprise and is identical to the amount of liabilities. Property potential can be characterized quantitatively in the valuation of the enterprise's assets, and qualitatively as the degree of stability of the financial condition.

Professional and qualification potential

The set of abilities, professional skills of enterprise employees necessary for them to perform their professional duties, and the creation of conditions at the enterprise for the improvement and development of personnel skills and abilities

Creative potential

The totality of the abilities of enterprise employees to set and solve new creative problems, create something qualitatively new, distinguished by originality and uniqueness, as well as to create conditions for enterprises to demonstrate these creative abilities

Labor potential

The total working capacity of the enterprise team, determined by such characteristics of personnel as age, physical capabilities, existing knowledge and professional skills, the ability of workers to improve in the process of work, the desire to set and solve new problems.

Resource potential

An interconnected set of resources available to an enterprise

Intellectual potential

The set of intellectual capabilities of the enterprise personnel, transformed with continuous information support on the basis of the achieved material and technical level into formalized and non-formalized organizationally significant knowledge

Organizational intellectual potential

Systematized and formalized competence of enterprise personnel, systems that enhance its creative activity, as well as organizational capabilities aimed at creating product and value

We consider the economic potential of an enterprise as an integral system. Elements of the “economic potential” system (local potentials) are interconnected and together determine the state of the entire system.

Our proposed model of the relationship between the elements of an enterprise’s economic potential, taking into account their content, allowed us to make the following assumptions:

· the intellectual potential of an enterprise is determined mainly by the creative potential of the personnel, which in turn contributes to the formation of property potential in the form of property rights to intellectual property (organizational intellectual potential);

·a condition for sustainable development of an enterprise is the formation of innovative potential that uses all the resource capabilities of the enterprise.

·innovative potential is interconnected with market potential, which creates stable demand for products produced by the enterprise

·a targeted impact on production, innovation and market potentials is exerted by management potential, on which the volume of resources used, their quality, and the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole depend;

· the cumulative impact of production, innovation and market potentials, corresponding to the conditions of the enterprise’s competitiveness in the market, form the economic potential of the enterprise;

By analyzing the economic potential of a particular enterprise based on the state of its main elements, their relationships and proportions, it is possible to identify the level of its competitiveness and, thus, it is assumed that it is possible to reduce the assessment of the economic potential of an enterprise in market conditions to an analysis of its competitiveness.

Resources coming to the enterprise from the outside are transformed in the course of production activities into the local potentials of the enterprise.

We include property potential, labor potential and intellectual potential in the resource potential. A feature of intellectual potential is that it is simultaneously part of the property potential in the form of exclusive rights to intellectual property and labor potential in the form of personal competence. Based on the resource potential, as a result of the commercialization of intellectual assets, the innovative potential of the enterprise is formed. The purpose of forming innovative potential is to meet market needs and create market potential. The market's assessment of the effectiveness of an enterprise's innovative and marketing activities forms the economic potential of the enterprise.

Thus, the author proposes to consider the concept of economic potential through a target approach, reflecting not only the ability of an enterprise as a socio-economic system to achieve results in its current state, but also the strategic goals of sustainable development. The economic potential of an enterprise is considered as a system of mutually influencing local potentials, and the definitions of these potentials are clarified.


1. Gunina I.A. Mutual influence of general economic problems and problems of development of the economic potential of an enterprise in modern conditions / I.A. Gunina // Mechanical Engineering. -2004. - No. 10. -S. 19-23.

2. Gunina I.A. Economic potential of an enterprise: essence, content, structure / I.A. Gunina // Mechanical Engineering. -2004. -No. 11. -S. 24-28.

3. Erygin Yu. V. Potential: content and structure / Yu.V. Erygin, T.R. Ulitskaya. URL: http://sciencebsea.bgita.ru/2008/ekonom_2008/erygin_potencial.htm (date of access: 04.11.2011).

4. Kukharenko S.I. Management of the organizational and technical level of an enterprise: monograph / S.I. Kukharenko, Yu.F. Prokhorov. -Chelyabinsk: ed. Center SUSU, 2009. -181 p.

5. Lapin E.V. Economic potential of an enterprise: monograph / E.V. Lapin et al. -M.: ITD "University Book", 2002. -310 p.

6. Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language / Ed. doc. Philol. sciences, prof. N.Yu. Shvedova. -M.: 14th ed., Stereotyp., 1992.

7. Sosnenko L.S. Analysis of the economic potential of an operating enterprise: / L.S. Sosnenko. -M.: Publishing House "Economic Literature", 2004. -208 p.

Potential is a set of capabilities in any area to achieve certain goals.

There are economic, industrial, intellectual, etc.

The economic potential of an economic entity is an integral assessment of the potential opportunities contained in the resource potential and their implementation to achieve an economic effect.

Ensuring economic growth in the conditions of market transformation requires increasing the efficiency of using market instruments, coordinated solutions to the problems of forming appropriate technological, institutional and organizational structures, the main goal of which is to combine all the necessary elements into a common reproductive contour of the new technological structure, creating favorable conditions (climate) for modernization and increasing the efficiency of a business entity.

Theoretical understanding of the essence of resources as the basis of economic development, identification of their sources, development of ways, forms and methods of their use make it possible to formulate principles for intensifying economic policy to intensify economic processes. In the context of increasing difficulties in the development of the Russian economy, identifying resource opportunities should become a priority in the strategy of any economic entity. The tendency of economic growth to depend on the state of potential is obvious, it has always been noted by the creators of the theory of economic growth, and is confirmed by business practice.

To determine the potential of an enterprise as an object of research in economic science, it is necessary to dwell on theoretical approaches to determining the category of resource potential in the research of domestic and foreign economists. Today there are many different definitions and interpretations of the concepts “potential”, “resources”, “resource potential”. It is necessary to dwell on clarifying the concept of potential.

It should be noted that the term “potential” is widely used in economic literature as a quantitative assessment and acts as natural, investment, intellectual, economic, resource, labor, etc. The methodology for assessing the potential of phenomena that have a relatively homogeneous structure has been developed sufficiently from the point of view of target orientation.

According to the definition given in the economic dictionary, in general, “potential”, without defining its types, is a set of funds, reserves, and sources available that can be mobilized, put into action, and used to achieve a goal. Sometimes the term potential is interpreted as “opportunities” or “ability,” but at any given point in time we can designate a set of means that determine a given ability.

In the Russian language dictionary S.I. Ozhegov, dictionary of modern Russian literary language by K.A. Timofeev, in the Russian encyclopedic dictionary of A. M. Prokhorov there is another definition of “potential” as a quantity that characterizes a wide class of force fields at a given point, which opens up a whole range of concepts in physics, chemistry, and mathematics.

A broad interpretation of the semantic content of the term “potential”, given in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, makes it possible to apply it to various branches of science and human activity, depending on what kind of power, means, reserves, and sources are in question. This interpretation includes two aspects: the availability of resources and the purpose of their use.

A well-known specialist in the field of regional economics research, K.M. Misko defines potential as the limit of human knowledge of the internal, hidden possibilities for the effective use of the object being studied, which can be quantified and ultimately realized under ideal conditions of practical activity.

In scientific publications one can find other approaches to the problem under consideration.

According to A.N. Lyukshinov, the potential of an enterprise is the totality of its capabilities for producing products (providing services). In addition to internal variables, it also includes the capabilities of general organizational leadership - managerial potential. We believe that the managerial aspect of potential is the subject of independent research and including managerial potential as a variable of its type is not justified. Moreover, the author does not disclose the internal variables that he includes in the potential.

The interpretation of “potential” given by T.F. Ryabova: “Potential is the totality of available factors of production, intelligence, production reserves and capabilities that can ensure the production of high-quality goods necessary to satisfy the comprehensive needs of various categories of the country’s population.”

Indeed, potential is a source of satisfying the comprehensive needs of various categories of the country's population, but it is hardly advisable to consider production factors, production reserves and the possibility of differentiating their distinctive properties together.

We believe that T.G.’s approach deserves attention. Khramtsova to the definition of “potential”. In her interpretation: “potential is not only and not just the amount of resources, but also the possibility contained in them for the development of a system in a given direction. Opportunities must be realized. Just as in mechanics potential energy is realized into kinetic energy, so in economics the realization of potential is embodied in performance results"

Thus, the essence of potential is most fully presented in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. In this regard, potential should be understood as a set of funds, reserves, and opportunities, the use of which allows one to achieve an economic effect.

For further development of the study, it is important to determine what should be understood by resources.

From an economic point of view, resources include a set of individual elements directly or indirectly involved in the production process or provision of services. Therefore, the most important feature of the category “resources” is its direct connection with the production process, i.e. resources in the process of use take the form of factors of production.

Economic resources are those natural and social forces that can be involved in production, in the process of creating goods, services and other values. In economics, resources are divided into four groups: natural, material, labor and financial.

All types of economic resources allocated in the economy are limited both quantitatively and qualitatively. This is the principle of “limitedness” or “scarcity of resources”, which is their feature.

Another feature of the category “resources” is their reproducibility (reproducible resources), i.e. the ability to regenerate to replace the consumed part. Non-renewable resources include land, minerals, air and others, i.e. resources that are almost impossible to recreate again.

Thus, S. Brew, K. McConnell believe that resources are land, capital, labor and entrepreneurial ability.

In general, the resources of the enterprise, according to L.G. Okorokova are understood as a set of funds, reserves, sources, means and objects of labor available to an enterprise and that can be mobilized and put into action, as well as used to achieve its goals. Having sufficient resources for an enterprise means having the necessary capabilities, under certain conditions, for its development and normal functioning in accordance with its goals. However, a group of authors, including M.A. Komarov, E. Rumyantseva, A. Yakovenko, add an information resource to the existing classification, which currently occupies one of the dominant positions.

We share this point of view and believe that V.V.’s approach deserves attention. Kovalev, who defines the totality of resources as a material and technical base (long-term resources determined by the essence of the technological process), current assets (assets that ensure the implementation of the technological process), labor resources and financial resources

It seems that the content of “resources” is best revealed in the works of S.A. Boronenkova, who considers resources as an element of the control object and classifies them in the traditional way: means of labor; objects of labor; labor resources; financial resources .

To the resources available to the organization, I.T. Balabanov includes technical, technological, labor, spatial (territory, premises, communications), financial resources and capabilities. At the same time, the resources of the organizational structure of the management system are included in the enterprise.

This approach is legitimate, but constituent elements that differ in quantitative and qualitative characteristics must be integrated into a single concept in relation to the enterprise level.

Consequently, the organization must ensure high operational efficiency through the full and rational use of all its available resources.

In this regard, resources should be understood as monetary and non-monetary funds, valuables, reserves, possibilities for their use if necessary, sources of funds.

In the economic literature there are also different approaches to classifying types of resources. Summarizing the approaches of various authors, enterprise resources can be classified according to the following criteria (Fig. 1.1).

Figure 1.1 - Classification characteristics of resources


K.S. Borzenkova, based on the degree to which resources belong to the enterprise, distinguishes between internal resources that self-organization has and external resources.

Based on the degree of implementation of resources in the economic process, they distinguish between actual resources, i.e. constantly necessary for the implementation of the production program; potential resources that can be obtained and used under certain conditions; contingent resources, which include funds from various reserve and special funds, directions for using long-term bank loans, and others.

Okorokova L.G. all resources, depending on their alternative value within the enterprise, are divided into the following types: general resources (the alternative value of these resources is the same both within the company and outside it); specific resources (the alternative value of these resources is higher within the company than outside it) and interspecific resources that have no alternative value outside the company.

Valevich R.P. and Raitsky K.A. and other resources used in trading activities are divided into used and consumed:

applied resources (one-time costs) in monetary terms include the cost of fixed assets, working capital and circulation funds and the amount of the spent wage fund, including payments from the consumption fund;

resources consumed are current costs or distribution costs.

The fundamental difference between the terms “resources” and “potential” is that resources exist independently of the subjects of economic activity, and the potential of an individual enterprise, society as a whole is inseparable from the subjects of activity. Those. "potential", in addition to material and intangible means, includes the ability of an employee, team, enterprise, society as a whole to effectively use available funds or resources.

The growth of activity volumes depends on the amount of accumulated resources: fixed and working capital, labor resources and the efficiency of their use. Society is not indifferent to how many resources will be spent on each ruble of national income and final product. This determines the need for systematic accounting, control and maintenance in optimal sizes and proportions of the ratio of the growth rate of activity volumes with the rate of increase in fixed and working capital, labor and other resources.

For these purposes, it is advisable to use an economic category in the system of resource efficiency assessment indicators, through which one can take into account the amount of accumulated resources, the degree of use of opportunities and the amount of the created social product. Such a category can be “resource potential”.

Ignorance of the capabilities and size of unused reserves of each enterprise and industry as a whole leads to an unreasonable increase in resource potential.

The term “resource potential” in scientific research is used mainly in relation to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, large economic regions, and the country as a whole. But, since one of the main components of the resource potential of these entities are enterprises that provide the production of goods and services, it seems quite reasonable to apply this term in relation to the enterprise.

It should be noted that in theoretical and practical aspects, the category of resource potential at the enterprise level has not been sufficiently studied, although it is discussed quite widely in the scientific literature at the macro level.

To determine the resource potential of an enterprise as an object of research in economic science, it is necessary to dwell on theoretical approaches to this term in the research of economists.

So, V.A. Svobodin characterizes resource potential as “the totality of resources available to an enterprise (land, labor, material).”

According to L.G. The ham resource potential of an enterprise is the totality of all the resources of the enterprise that ensure the possibility of obtaining the maximum economic effect at a given point in time.

A generalization of the theoretical views of scientists allows us to state that in the economic literature there are different positions on the content of the category “resource potential”. At the same time, some believe that this category is a conglomerate of resources, without taking into account their qualitative side. Others believe that resource potential represents the material basis of production, but in a static way, i.e. until they are involved in the production process. Still others do not take into account the intended purpose of the resource potential.

The importance of considering the category “resource potential” is also due to the fact that any goals and objectives for achieving final, socially significant results for the long-term period are largely determined not by the currently available resources, but by the resource potential of society.

In the works of most authors, resource potential is represented by all resources used in social production at one or another stage of development of the productive forces. And this is one of the fundamental features of the category “resource potential”. However, it is hardly correct to consider it only as a conglomerate of all resources, since it also contains a number of qualitative economic characteristics.

As an economic category, resource potential expresses the relationship between people regarding the accumulation and use of existing opportunities. The essence of resource potential lies in the interaction of all its constituent elements.

Resource potential, first of all, is not a simple sum, but a system of resources used in an integrated manner, i.e. provides for the mandatory complementarity of individual resources in the process of social production. An increase in one resource in the system implies a simultaneous increase in the amount of another resource.

An important distinctive feature of the category of resource potential is also that it provides for the possibility of interchangeability of resources used in social production. The multifunctionality of most types of resources creates conditions for varying the use of their various types and elements to achieve the same specified final result.

When characterizing the resource potential, it should be taken into account that it includes not only resources intended for consumption in the period under review, but also their insurance and other reserves. Consequently, resource potential determines the potential (and not just the real) possibility of their consumption in the process of social production.

Resource potential does not characterize the entire supply of a given resource available in nature or society, but only that part of it that can be obtained taking into account the achieved level of technological development of society and the economic feasibility of involvement in social production. Therefore, the resource potential includes only such sources of resources, the acquisition of which is possible and effective at a given stage of social development.

And finally, the resource potential includes not only the existing system of resources, but also alternative resources and their sources, i.e. new types of resources that did not previously exist (or are not used), the possibility of use of which is scientifically justified and the receipt (or use) is provided for prospectively in the period under review.

Thus, as before, the question of the essence of market potential remains debatable.

As a result of the study and systematization of various scientific views, we came to the conclusion that the resource potential of an enterprise (industry) should be understood as the totality of available types of resources, interconnected, the use of which makes it possible to achieve an economic effect.

In the economic literature, there are two directions for studying resource potential as an object: “resource” and “resultative”. The resource direction considers resource potential as a set of resources at an economic level, the assessment of resource potential comes down to determining the cost of available resources, and the level of use of resource potential is determined by the ratio of the result obtained to the volume of resources used. Within the framework of the “resultative” direction, resource potential is considered as the ability of an economic system to develop and process resources to meet social needs; assessing the value of resource potential comes down to assessing the maximum turnover that an economic unit is capable of producing for a given quantity, quality and structure of resources.

Resource potential is realized in the process of carrying out the activities of the enterprise. This activity consists of the active and purposeful influence of enterprise personnel on the means and objects of labor, the result of which is new goods and services.

A significant stage in the use of resource potential is the sale of produced goods and services, making a profit, gaining a foothold in already developed markets and developing new ones.

In the process of its development, the resource potential of enterprises can increase or decrease. The latter occurs in cases where the enterprise’s own resources decrease due to the outflow of employees, a reduction in the receipt of material resources, the retirement of fixed assets that are not compensated by their restoration, etc. A decrease in potential is also possible due to a persistent drop in demand for products.

Generalization of theoretical approaches to the content of resource potential allowed us to identify general classification characteristics of resource potential.

Depending on the degree of involvement in production and economic activities, various elements of resource potential play a different role, therefore, when studying the structure of resource potential, one should distinguish active and passive parts in its composition. The active part includes resources that are involved in economic activity and directly affect its performance: existing fixed production and non-production assets; standard inventories of material assets in the sphere of production and circulation; employed part of the economically active population; scientific and technical information implemented in technologies, means, objects and products of labor. Resources that are available but not involved in economic circulation belong to the passive part of the resource potential: excess reserves and reserves of material assets in the sphere of production and circulation; unemployed part of labor resources; scientific and technical information implemented in projects; results of scientific and experimental developments.

The identification of active and passive parts within the resource potential is very important from both theoretical and practical points of view, since it allows, firstly, to objectively assess the degree of use of resource potential, and, secondly, to identify intensive and extensive reserves for increasing efficiency production.

According to the degree of use of the capabilities of the economic unit, resource potential is divided into actual (currently achieved) and prospective. This differentiation makes it possible to assess the degree of use of resource potential by comparing the prospective level of resource potential with its actual value. The fundamental stage is to determine the potential capabilities of the economic system.

However, it is possible to classify resource potential according to other important characteristics: territorial, sectoral, organizational, managerial, reproductive, energy-power, information availability.

Along with the term “resource potential”, the concept “economic potential” is widely used in economic literature. Within the framework of the natural-material aspect of the study of resources, it is difficult to determine the difference between these categories. Moreover, in terms of the form of the unit of measurement, the resource and economic potentials are identical (expressed in material and material categories, conditional natural and material categories, a universal equivalent - monetary units, in various indices or algebraic expressions). At the same time, the internal content of these categories, in our opinion, is completely different.

Some believe, in particular A.G. Fonotov that the category “resource potential” is broader than economic potential, the difference being that the latter does not take into account the long-term perspective. In our opinion, the concept of “economic potential” is broader than resource potential, and the latter is its component; in addition, resource potential does not include production, technological, organizational and economic ties in its structure.

Summarizing the above allows us to conclude that during the transition from a survival strategy to a development strategy, the study of economic potential is necessary. Economic potential is understood as the totality of available types of resources, interconnected, the use of which makes it possible to achieve an economic effect. It is the basis of the economic activities of enterprises and organizations. The successful conduct of business activities of a trade organization is influenced by the degree of use of economic potential.

Thus, resource potential is the basis of the economic potential of an economic entity and reflects the potential capabilities

enterprises. At the same time, economic potential also presupposes the realization of potential opportunities, expressed in achieving an economic effect. Based on this statement, we give the following definition of economic potential.

The economic potential of an economic entity is an integral assessment of the potential opportunities contained in the resource potential and their implementation to achieve an economic effect.

Consequently, the economic potential of an organization is characterized not only by the availability of resources, but also by the efficiency of their use, since some organizations that have the same potential capabilities differ in the efficiency of their use, and as a result, the economic potential is higher for the organization that uses its capabilities more effectively.

Tsymbalyuk Svetlana Nikolaevna, applicant, Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after G.I. Nosova, leading economist, Sberbank of Russia OJSC, Russia

Methods of Estimation of Enterprise Economic Strength in Conditions of Russian Market Economy Development

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this is the totality of resources (labor, material, intangible, financial, etc.) available to the enterprise, and the ability of its employees and managers to use resources in order to create goods, services and obtain maximum income. The economic potential of an enterprise is characterized by four main features.
The economic potential of an enterprise is determined by its real capabilities in a particular area of ​​economic activity. At the same time, not only realized opportunities, but also unrealized ones for some reason.
The capabilities of any enterprise largely depend on its available resources and reserves (economic, social) that are not involved in production. Therefore, the potential of an enterprise is also characterized by a certain amount of resources and reserves, both involved and not involved in production, but prepared for use in it.
Possessing resources is a necessary but not sufficient condition for success in any business. You need the ability to manage available resources, which is task number one in any business. The manager should remember that the potential of an enterprise is determined not only and not so much by its existing capabilities and resources, but by its ability to use them in order to create goods, services and obtain maximum income.
The level and results of realizing the enterprise's potential (volume of created products or income) are also determined by the chosen form of entrepreneurship and the corresponding organizational structure of the enterprise.
In the theory and practice of foreign business, until recently there was no such concept that would combine all these four features of the economic potential of an enterprise. This was explained by the fact that during the technocratic boom in the West, priority was given to fixed capital: machines, machines, equipment and other types of material resources. Then, due to the exhaustion of opportunities to obtain greater effect from the technical factor, the main attention began to be paid to human capital, namely the abilities of employees, the full realization of their personal potential. This strategy brings considerable income to the company even when, it would seem, all other technical possibilities have already been exhausted. Therefore, the model of the economic potential of a successful company looks like this:
human capital + fixed capital + working capital = = economic potential of the company
Western businessmen see the “key” to success in any business activity in the balance of all these elements of economic potential and, above all, human and fixed capital. As the famous businessman Lee Iacocca writes: “All business operations can ultimately be reduced to the designation of three layers: people, product, profit. People come first. If you don’t have a reliable team, then little can be done from the other factors ".
If previously in foreign business human capital was taken into account only partially and indirectly (in the form of wage costs as part of working capital), today human capital is an independent main factor in the development of production. Western businessmen who know how to count money have learned from their own experience that investing in people (expenses for advanced training, education, healthcare, leisure and recreation at the expense of the company) multiplies income and increases competitiveness.
So, the model of the economic potential of any enterprise is determined by the following factors:
the volume and quality of its resources: the number of employees, fixed production and non-production assets, working capital or inventories, financial and intangible resources - patents, licenses, information, technology);
the abilities of employees (specialists, workers, support staff) to create any products, i.e. their educational, qualification, psychophysiological and motivational potential;
the ability of management to optimally use the resources available to the enterprise, the training, talent and professional adaptation of managers, the ability to create and update the organizational structures of the enterprise;
innovative abilities, i.e. the ability of the enterprise to update production, change technology and
information abilities, i.e. the ability to process and “digest” information for use in production;
financial abilities: the creditworthiness of the enterprise, internal and external debt, etc.
In total, they form the total (economic and social) ability of the enterprise, which, when compared with the similar ability of other enterprises, reflects the level of its competitiveness.
Filosofova G.G. The work recommends conceptual approaches to the scenario for the formation of the competitive potential of sectors of the domestic economy.
Thus, the competitiveness of an enterprise's potential is a comparative characteristic containing a comprehensive assessment of the state of its most important parameters relative to any selected standards - world, national, industry, or another enterprise.

Rice. 9. Relationships between competitiveness factors:
I - quality of management of the organization (as an internal factor); II - quality of the strategy for increasing the competitiveness of the organization;
III - the potential of the organization; IV - organizational and technical level of production

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