Home Transmission To Europe on studded rubber. "Punch" for Europe: Five main issues before traveling a fine for spikes in Poland

To Europe on studded rubber. "Punch" for Europe: Five main issues before traveling a fine for spikes in Poland

With studded tires, the situation is much more complicated. In most European countries they forbidden To use due to their devastating effect on the road fabric. Instead, it is sometimes allowed to use summer tires equipped with anti-slip chains.

Rules for using winter rubber in Europe

Not in all European countries, winter tires are required. But even in these countries, entering some roads on summer tires without anti-slip chains can be prohibited. In addition, winter tires should be marked with one of the M + S, M.S, M-S, M & S signs and have a minimum tread drawing depth of at least 3 mm.

As can be seen from the card, on studded tires without problems can be sent to the Baltic States and the countries of Northern Europe. But on the ski resorts of Austria, Italy, Switzerland and France will be very difficult to get.

The table shows the requirements for winter and studded tires for vehicles, the total weight of which does not exceed 3.5 tons.

Studded tires in Poland?

Tell me, B. Poland. ban on riding. what to do if we studded rubber? To buy a new one? Maybe there is some kind of rental? So I don't want to spend extra money! And another question, January 2 will be traffic jams on the border with Poland, or is it better to go on another day? For example, January 1st?

Zaizelyube Quote: What to do if we studded rubber? You can buy new spikes.

Penalty for studded rubber in the Czech Republic

We want to risk and go to the Czech Republic on studded rubber. What threatens and in what size?

Nini. . -Lattvia-Lithuania poland-Chechy IMHO and is Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania? Quote: especially with Poland, a bunch of residents of Lithuania and Latvia attend this country on cars with studded rubber, about hitting. Asphalt. Everything was dealt with Panu to a policeman in the form of a pack of cigarettes. This is B. Poland., and in the Czech Republic. I would not say (strictly IMHO)
2 response from this topic

In January to Europe on studded rubber.

Help the advice. We want to go to Europe in January (through Lithuania) to Germany, Holland and Belgium. On the car is worth studded rubber, tell me how to be in this situation. It doesn't want to pass around for summer, and it's scary, and there is no point in buying all-season for the passage. Thank you.

hombre . To Europe in January (through Lithuania) to Germany, Holland and Belgium. On the car is worth studded rubber, tell me how to be in this situation. Pereobey on summer do not want and scary, but. In your sense, it makes sense to buy all-season. You are just in Poland. will not be allowed (and maybe in Lithuania) on.

Need winter studded tires in Finland?

Need to winter studded rubber in Finland?

Lars Buba, it is to the Finns only spikes and independently of weather conditions, from November 1 (I can take a date) the car without spikes will not be empty. But in the same poland. Nichrome are not allowed with spikes. Only winter awakened. About how.

On summer tires in winter to Austria

There is only studded rubberBut there is both the summer - a completely new one. Whether they will be allowed in mid-March to Austria on the summer rubber (Chains will be just in case)? And S. poland There will be no problems? Thank you!

Clara-S-Carl . snow. Insurance companies in these cases are very glad that the driver is on the summer rubberAnd wash your hands. The insured event comes when the rules are observed - until April 15 should be winter rubber. Naturally, there are no checks. And no one will finish. But what happens - financial responsibility will fall.

In Poland by car on NG. Critica route

Good day! Gathered with her family (I, wife, son 14 years old and daughter 11 years old) by car in Poland. on ng. Plan as: 1.01 We leave Moscow hours at 7 am, we are going to Domachevo, there is a night.

Olga (Other) Someone said that in Poland. Forbidden studded rubber? Have this in mind.

Traveling exclusively with help. But here the idea of \u200b\u200bthe New Year holidays to go look Poland. by car. Where to start planning a trip, what to get, from which edge to start.

Violka. Thank you huge Lonnie, for such a quick answer)). Through Ukraine, of course, do not eat) I read the forum here that the entrance to studded rubber Is it really that? I sit and convulsively remember what rubber On my car))) And then the car husband has already dropped (((

Auto Travel Requirements for Poland

Many, but the answers to their questions could not find. In January we are planning a trip to Poland. on cars. 1. What must be from the documents: technical passport, driver's license. What should there be a set of spare light bulbs? Are there any such requirements in Poland.? 5. Reflective vest need? 6. Regarding the first-aid kit: there is no discrepancies in the list of medicines that.

LONNI . road traffic, police rights, technical passports for vehicles foreigners moving by Poland. Poland. Forbidden use studded rubber

Help with questions that have arisen. Poland by car.

Mountain skiing? 3. How hard it is on the car to go the border how difficult path is Poland.. How much is about Warsaw on the car? 4. If you do not live in the center in Warsaw and Krakow, perhaps. Do you throw and go on foot? 5. If we are in Poland. We will be December 27, then Christmas fairs will end? 6. Recommend a good guide to Poland., not polyglot. Well, so far everything seems to be, although questions.

LONNI . road traffic, police rights, technical passports for vehicles foreigners moving by Poland. By car, you must remember that they are obliged to have and present at the request of the authority. Sign (plaque) indicating a state in which this vehicle is registered. in Poland. Forbidden use studded rubber Police has the right: Note: The police have the right to remove the driver.

Outlet of Moscow to Poland, Czech Republic, Germany.

The route chose Moscow-Belarus (something closer to the border with Plone)-Poland (Krakow) -Chechiya (Prague, Karlovy Vary) -Germany (Berlin) - Poland (Warsaw) - Belarus (something closer to the border with Russia.

Zaizelyube . 10:34:11 We for the New Year passed the border in Brest to live with a toned car with studded rubber. Nobody said the word to us. By Poland.- Slovakia rolled around 2000km either no one came up. I am now.

In Poland on someone else's car

Good day. We want to go to the other Poland. on the car of his mother. I will drive, he also has rights, but he does not drive. would you briefly told what to pay special attention to driving on the car Poland. and Belarus (features of the rules, unlapped rules, useful tips, etc. Thanks in advance.

Henry. Quote: What Machine - Lada 2112 - will not be allowed in Poland. by ecology. Poles are also far from everyone to euro 4 :) will not be allowed on studded rubber.

In Poland by car

Crisis times) thought to celebrate the new year 2016 in Belarus and then go to Poland.. The plan is about that. Departure from the Moscow region. To spend a few days in Brest.

Masha And you instead Poland. Visit the Baltic States. Ride on the capitals. Very many tourists not one year in a row go there to meet NG. In the Baltic studded rubber can.

Will they be allowed through Poland to the Czech Republic on their cars, if the tires are in pairwise different?

Will be empty Poland. in the Czech Republic on your car if rubber Parly different?

Zaizelyube Quote: And to another - sophisticated for example. It is impossible to Poland. on spikes

Moscow - Warsaw by car. A couple of questions

In order. 1) Dates - beginning of November. In Russia at this time it is already possible to snow. Sophisticated rubber in Poland. Forbidden. The question arises: go on the summer? Will there be any problems on the track provided. "It is written that you can pay calmly on the border with Poland Without any problems. 5) the route M1 in Belarus (from the border from the Russian Federation to the border with Poland) - In fact, all the length of excellent asphalt with restriction.

Oleg F. . Quote: 1) Timing - beginning of November. In Russia at this time it is already possible to snow. Sophisticated rubber in Poland. Forbidden. The question arises: go on the summer? Will there be any problems on the track provided. . Do not even stop. Quote: 3) Standard Green Map is suitable for Belarus, and for Poland.? Absolutely. Quote: Actually all the extent is an excellent asphalt with a restriction 120? How much.
3 answers from this topic

In Prague by car from St. Petersburg

January 2). We have on the car studded rubber. I understand that we can enter it in Latvia. But further through the territory Poland. And in the Czech itself it is prohibited. How dangerous is still riding her? Is there a border between the Baltic States and Poland? Or walking in Latvia, will not check us anywhere? And at the same time.

V! Tal! Y Quote: Yes, apparently you will have to buy a new rubber. And on all-season you can? Once I went to the New Year in Prague, I did not buy it studded rubber. To my surprise, in February I could sell it, lost only 2000 rubles on this operation.

In winter by car.

Tell me, on studded rubber let go Poland. or not!?

In the Czech Republic by car: pitfalls

We consider the opportunity to smend to Prague on the car, in November. As far as I understand, studded rubber It is impossible to install. Is it possible to go to the summer, normal and will be the roads? Or borrow with winter / non-shown wheels? In addition, what else needs to know the driver for riding in the Czech Republic?

never And here is another question. Maybe someone has just / recently traveled. How is the seeding with roads, in the Czech Republic / Poland. / Baltic? everything is in order, there are no cataclysms?

In winter, cars in Belarus

We want to go to the NG to Belarus on the car, I can't find out if it is allowed studded rubber In Belarus and how things are toning. It is a sorry to handle: (and is there any other nuances? Thanks in advance for the response!

Anastasia Last year we went to Moscow in Poland. Through Belarus. Always drivers blinked, warning about DPS.

Bad Raychenkhal or DR.Termal region

Irina-M. . on the studded rubber. In Bad Hofgashtein, I have not seen studded tires at local (for some time I pay close attention to rubber resident vehicles). In general, the spikes there is meaningless I can only assume that studded .
2 response from this topic

from Terespol to Krakow or Warsaw

I apologize 🙂 I really hope for real help, and not criticism. We are planning an independent trip to Poland. (Krakow) - Czech Republic (Prague) for New Year's holidays. The border is planning to cross the Brest on the train.

LONNI . IP: 95.167.120. * Integration scandals of the investigation, Irin, I'm right? Do not let studded rubber? Since you were not frightened by my 138 years and ten. Tires with constant metal elements, that is, with so-called spikes. IN Poland. They are prohibited everywhere. And what is the situation in other countries? .

Rules for using winter and studded tires in Europe

Road conditions in the winter in the northern and central (in mountainous areas) Europe, especially in places of winter recreation, are significantly complicated. Snow dropping and ice formation on the roads at this time is a common phenomenon. As a result, tire clutch is worse.

Some countries require drivers always Used winter tires at a certain time of the year. In other countries, the need to use occurs only under certain road conditions. And somewhere it is a recommendation.

On the map below, it can be clearly seen in which countries in the winter the use of winter tires is necessarily all the time, and in which only when the appropriate weather conditions occur.

Weather conditions are considered winter when there are snow, ice or slush on any section of the road. And also if the wet road in combination with a temperature near or below 0 degrees.

Using winter tires necessarily
- necessarily under the relevant weather conditions
- Winter tires are not required

In which countries are prohibited studded tires

Studdered rubber is prohibited in most Eastern European countries - Poland, Romania, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Serbia, Macedonia, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, as well as in Turkey, Germany, the Netherlands and Portugal.

General requirements for winter equipment in Europe

The data in the table can be sorted ascending / descending by clicking on the column header.

Winter tires in Europe

From year to year trips to Christmas and New Year to Europe It is becoming increasingly popular on your car. It is important to know the rules for using winter tires to competently prepare your car to travel In Europe in the cold season. Snow and ice in many European countries requires the use of winter rubber, but it should be noted that in many European countries, these tires are prohibited.

Studded tires in Europe

Countries in which studded tires are prohibited: Hungary, Germany, Holland (Netherlands), Greece, Ireland, Spain, Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro, Czech Republic, Switzerland.

Countries in which studded tires are allowed: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, United Kingdom, Denmark, Iceland, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Moldova, Norway, Turkey, Finland, France, Sweden, Estonia.

Output: Since the path to Europe lies through Poland, then before crossing the Belarusian-Polish border It is important to take care that the car is equipped with winter tires without spikes.

Winter tires in Europe

In most countries to winter (non-studded) rubber, certain requirements are presented. For example, in Austria there is a rule according to which there must be a mark on the side walls of the tire M + S. (For Mud and Snow). With the presence of rubber with such a mark in the roads of other European countries, all questions will automatically disappear for the seasonality of your tires. The depth of the tread in such winter tires should be at least 4 millimeters.

Anti-slip chains in Europe

In the mountainous regions of European countries you may need anti-skid chains. In some countries, for example, the use of winter tires is allowed, but with anti-slip chains. Chains are used only where the road is covered with a dense layer of snow or ice, as well as in areas where there is a prescriptive sign.

For example, in Italy ...

Or in France, Switzerland and Liechtenstein ...

  • Fine for riding in winter tires: what can you punish?
  • 2. What is a fine
  • 5. How to appeal a fine
  • 6. The legitimacy of giving bribes
  • 7. Situation in other countries

Outside the window already long plus temperatureAnd many drivers do not even think about "re-overpowering" of their iron horse. This is connected not only with not the desire to change the wheels. Many simply have no cash, and some simply negligently refer to the replacement of rubber as a whole.

Almost every driver knows that the warm-time year has summer tires, and for the cold period and sophisticated weather conditions - winter. However, even in the summer on the roads you can hear the roar of studded winter rubber. In this article, we will consider not only the consequences that may be, if you do not change the rubber, but also questions related to the administrative responsibility of drivers for riding in winter tires in the summer.

1. What is fraught with riding on winter tires in summer

Even novice drivers are known for the fact that different rubber provides different coupling properties of the car with a road surface and affects its handling.

No wonder there are different types of tires. Moreover, these differences are significant and designed for different operating modes of the car. Differences are observed not only in the design of the wheels, but also in the method of their manufacture.

Separately, it is worth noting such a kind as all-season tires. They have, both significant advantages and disadvantages. The latter are associated with the fact that "all-season" have a worse grip with a road coating than summer summer and, accordingly, than winter in winter.

In order to understand what is fraught with riding on winter tires in the summer, it is important to understand what the distinction of rubber consists. The purpose of winter wheels is to maintain elasticity at low temperature modes. Basic materials for the manufacture of winter rubber serves rubber, Silicon-containing polymers, active fillers and softening substances, as well as vulcanizers, antioxidants and dyes.

Thanks to all these components, rubber does not become solid at low temperature and will save their softness. I recommend using winter tires even then, the temperature code is less than 10 degrees above zero.

Summer tires, on the contrary, are designed to drive at high temperatures and are designed in such a way that to provide good coupling properties when the asphalt is hot. At low temperatures, summer tires are characteristic of fun.

In some countries, not only a fine for riding on inappropriate rubber, but also more serious punishment, in the form of deprivation of rights and freedoms.

2. What is a fine

The penalty, in this context, is monetary recovery in favor of the state, if the driver violated the rules of the road.

Fines can be, both fixed and installed depending on the severity of violations and the circumstances under which it happened.

3. Penalty for bald rubber, tread height

Not only components of rubber elements are affected by the coupling properties, but also a tread pattern. Thus, the tread pattern on winter tires is represented by rarefied, deep and large elements that provide better handling on snow or ice. They also provide better grip due to the larger area. Another feature of winter rubber is the possibility of removal of snow and dirt, and not just a liquid (so the summer tires are arranged).

Summer rubber protector has a longitudinal character, thanks to which a good grip with a solid and rough road surface is ensured.

With a big desire, on winter tires, it is possible to ride in summer, since the pronounced prohibitions, the Ukrainian legislation is not provided. But it should be taken into account that it is more expensive because the car begins to consume more fuel due to the large rolling resistance, which occurs during a ride in the summer in winter tires.

Despite the fact that the global experience strictly prohibits ride on tires not for the season, the Ukrainian government is in no hurry to enter these restrictions. In 2013, this bill was even considered, but never was adopted.

4. Penalty for tires with different treads on the axes

The rules of the Road Movement of Ukraine provides for a certain technical condition of vehicles that are obliged to observe all car owners.

Thus, it is not allowed to install on one axis of the car diagonal tires in a complex with a radial, smooth account, as well as those who are bumping with uncomplicated, frost-resistant with neoraro-resistant, tires of different designs and size, as well as wheels with different patterns of tread and different models.

Violation of these rules can lead to incorrect braking, maneuvering and handling by the vehicle as a whole. Moreover, the car can become unstable, which is not safe, both for the warrior and passengers and for other participants in the transport movement.

In order to study details this question, you should contact DSTU, namely to the section: "Wheel vehicles. Requirements for the safety of technical condition and control methods. "

So, according to 121 articles of the Administrative Code of Ukraine, the management of the vehicle, the technical condition of which does not correspond to the nomas and stipulated standards, is punishable by a fine, the size of which can be from 340 UAH. up to 850 UAH Moreover, the re-violation of the rules entails not only a penalty, but also deprivation of rights for up to 6 months and arrest up to 10 days.

5. How to appeal a fine

Quite often between drivers of vehicles and traffic inspections arise disagreement relative to the fact of an offense. In this regard, the legislation provides for the possibility of appealing the penalty and compiled by an employee of the GAI protocol on the commission of an offense.

In order to do this, first of all, you need to get acquainted in detail with the protocol and in place to enter your comments in it. Be sure to demand the inspector GAI A copy of this protocol.

Next, you should seek help to a lawyer who will be able to advise you in the process of appeal against the penalty, but also in matters related to the presence of the necessary documents for submission to higher authorities. You can write a complaint to the prosecutor's office, which must be considered, the feedback must also be provided on time. You can also file a lawsuit. The trial, depending on the circumstances, may take not only a lot of time, but will require money.

6. The legitimacy of giving bribes

There are also such drivers who are accustomed to "solve all questions in place." It should be immediately noted that the concept of the legality of the giving bribes in Ukraine does not exist. This is due to the fact that the legislation provides for punishment, both for the cottage of bribes and for its receipt.

Thus, Article 369 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine provides for a punishment for the cottage of a bribe, which manifests itself in the form of a fine of 3,400 UAH. up to 8,500 UAH. or restriction of freedom for a period of 2 to 5 years.

But article 368 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine provides for a punishment for an official who received a bribe in any form. So, the penalty is from 12 750 UAH. up to 25,500 UAH. or imprisonment, which ranges from 2 to 5 years with deprivation of the right to occupy certain positions up to 3 years.

7. Situation in other countries

Most European countries provide a penalty for the use of winter tires in summer, but there are also countries where there are no such restrictions, moreover, drivers have the right to determine on what rubber at what time of the year they are better riding them.

At the same time, in almost all countries there are clearly set deadlines when drivers are required to use winter tires.

So, in Austria from November 1 to April 15, drivers are obliged to use winter tires, while the minimum tread depth should be 4 millimeters. In Belarus, this period is limited from December 1 to March 1, in Lithuania from November 1 to April 1, in Slovenia from November 15 to March 15, and in the Czech Republic from November 1 to March 31.

There are also countries in which the use of seasonal rubber is not mandatory, but there are restrictions on the use of studded rubber or a ban on it. These countries include Belgium, Hungary, United Kingdom, Denmark, Spain, Netherlands, Poland, in Italy, the use of winter rubber is necessarily only in certain regions.

But in Germany, the legislation provides for that the wheels must be "shoves" that correspond to weather conditions.

As we see, in each country its own rules and before sending abroad on your car (regardless of the pore of the year), it is necessary to study not only the requirements for the car, but also local legislation.

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In most European countries, the use of studded rubber is prohibited.

Road conditions in the winter in the northern and central (in mountainous areas) Europe, especially in places of winter recreation, are significantly complicated. Snow dropping and ice formation on the roads at this time is a common phenomenon. As a result, tire clutch is worse.

Some countries require drivers always Used winter tires at a certain time of the year. In other countries, the need to use occurs only under certain road conditions. And somewhere it is a recommendation.

With studded tires, the situation is much more complicated. In most European countries they forbidden To use due to their devastating effect on the road fabric. Instead, it is sometimes allowed to use summer tires equipped with anti-slip chains.

Rules for using winter rubber in Europe

Not in all European countries, winter tires are required. But even in these countries, entering some roads on summer tires without anti-slip chains can be prohibited. In addition, winter tires should be marked with one of the M + S, M.S, M-S, M & S signs and have a minimum tread drawing depth of at least 3 mm.

On the map below, it can be clearly seen in which countries in the winter the use of winter tires is necessarily all the time, and in which only when the appropriate weather conditions occur.

Weather conditions are considered winter when there are snow, ice or slush on any section of the road. And also if the wet road in combination with a temperature near or below 0 degrees.

Using winter tires necessarily
- necessarily under the relevant weather conditions
- Winter tires are not required

In which countries is prohibited studded tires?

Studdered rubber is prohibited in most Eastern European countries - Poland, Romania, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Serbia, Macedonia, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, as well as in Turkey, Germany, the Netherlands and Portugal.

Allowed - prohibited

As can be seen from the card, on studded tires without problems can be sent to the Baltic States and the countries of Northern Europe. But on the ski resorts of Austria, Italy, Switzerland and France will be very difficult to get.

General requirements for winter equipment in Europe?

The table shows the requirements for winter and studded tires for vehicles, the total weight of which does not exceed 3.5 tons.

The data in the table can be sorted ascending / descending by clicking on the column header.

Country County Tires Anti-SacksAustria Keywords:
01.11 - 15.04Repened
01.10 - 31.05 Device-and-thezerbayjannet of the legal requirement of Albania's legal requirement of accuracy
01.11 - 30.04 Store of the legal requirement of accuracy separation
01.12 - 01.03 Developed deseparable
01.12 - 01.03 Developed expressiveness of the legal requirement of 2 dedicated bolt
15.11 - 01.03Passed loose
01.11 - 01.03 Bosnia and Herzegovinet
15.11 - 15.04Paschenized
01.11 - 15.04The items of the legal requirement of the legal requirement of the legal requirement of the legal requirement of perception of the one-mannia is one of the one-proclaimized impetence of the legal requirement of the legal development of the legal ...

Requirement of expressiveness of legal requirement
01.11 - 15.04 Developed Hydrality of Legal Required Industrial OverConusland
01.11 - 14.04Repened
01.11 - 14.04 Developed a legal requirement of the legal requirement
15.11 - 31.03 Developed a legal requirement of the legal requirement
15.11 - 15.03RearsMerryPrint of the legal requirement of accountable
01.12 - 01.03Realous
01.10 - 30.04 Device-shaded
10.11 - 31.03Realous
01.11 - 09.04Read-soluble-seeker 1 transit
01.12 - 31.03ReatenCompomacied alignment 1
15.11 - 15.03Paschenchencheni
15.10 - 15.03The level of the legal requirement of Moldovia-Knight 1
01.12 - 01.03Realous
01.12 - 01.03 The Netherlands of the Legal Requirement is a questionnaire of the legal requirement of the legal requirement
01.12 - 01.03 Developed Extensively
01.11 - 31.03Preshcheninaschevrbijabiya
01.11 - 01.04 PosnillaryTransLocking 1
15.11 - 31.03PascheninasThenoxide
15.11 - 15.03Passed DevelopmentCurditioned 1ProcedureCureCreapinet of Legal Requirement Industrial DevelopmentSenfinland
01.12 - 01.03Realous
01.11 - 15.04Read-free
10.11 - 31.03 Developed Overlooking 1
15.11 - 15.04PreshchenyoChernoyariya 1
15.11 - 01.04 Posted-based 1
01.11 - 31.03 Posted by the distribution of legal requires 3
01.11 - 30.04 Development Equipment Banding 1
01.12 - 31.03Resry
01.10 - 15.04Reviewedonia
01.12 - 01.03Realous
15.10 - 31.03Resry

1 under certain weather conditions (for example, snow or ice on the road). Read more in the relevant section for each country.

2 In exceptional cases (under difficult weather conditions), it can be permitted from November 1 to March 31 for vehicles weighing up to 3.5 tons.

Is it possible to drive to Austria with transit through Slovakia or Poland on a sipovka?

No you can not. Rules are the same for all and does not matter transit it or not.

For example, in the Polish customs at the entrance from Belarus, it is very well monitored. You just do not stick into the country until you remove the spikes.

And if you still succeed in customs, it will be possible and caught in the country, then get a penalty and a ban on continuing movement (or tow truck, or to dig spikes).

So on what tires to go to Europe in winter?

In our opinion, a universal solution:

Winter non-checked tires + anti-slip chains.

And chains may only be needed if you have to go to mountain areas.

In more detail about the use of winter and studded tires, as well as about the timing in which they can be used, can be found in the relevant section for each country.

In conclusion, a small video about how the chains of anti-skid can help in difficult weather conditions.

In Poland, in contrast to many other European countries, drivers still shall be required to use winter tires. The relevant law was trying to approve in recent years, but all attempts turned out to be ineffective, reports TVN24BIS.pl.

The law on the mandatory transition to winter tires in Poland

The last time the question of the mandatory transition to the winter tires in Poland was considered at the end of the past of the Seimas. Then Beata Burlevich presented to Poland Bublevich, which is responsible for the safe movement on the roads of Poland. From the whole package, the representatives of the Sejm and the Poland Senate willingly supported only the proposal for the provision of great rights to pedestrians on transitions, but even it was finally not approved.

After the disclosure of the package of changes, Beat Burlevich, the deputy was sharply criticized, accusing in lobbying the interests of the factory, which produces tires and refers to its electoral district.

Ex-deputy Bublevich believes that the majority oppose the changes due to the fact that drivers are not aware of the danger that threatens those who use the tires unsuitable for weather conditions. Often, opponents of the mandatory transition to winter tires lead arguments that they have no scientific confirmation. So, Polish drivers believe that on the roads purified from snow, you can confidently use universal tires.

Other ex-parliamentarians explain such resistance to the fact that the change mechanism is not impaired. The former deputy of Jehi Jevulsky claims that the period during which everyone will be obliged to use winter tires, establish problematic, since the weather in Poland is difficult to predict. In addition, the ex-deputy assures that the majority of Polish drivers change the tires so much, and the imposition of any responsibilities may entail even greater resistance.

When crossing the border with Poland in the autumn-winter period, Polish border services cannot oblige foreign citizens to the transition to winter tires. At the same time, when passing controls on Polish customs, employees can check the state of the tires and measure the height of the special tread. Traveling Polish roads during the cold season still stands on winter tires, because small and less popular roads may not be so thoroughly cleaned as. And even the lack of the responsibility of the winter tires does not exempt anyone from liability for safety on the roads of Poland.

The duty of the transition to winter tires in Europe

In many countries of the European Union, drivers are only partially required to use winter tires. In Austria, for example, it is necessary to have winter tires on all four wheels, if from November 1 to April 15 reigns an ice, snow or thaw. Italian drivers will undertake to use winter tires only in the Alps region, and each region itself sets the term. Switzerland drivers do not undertake at all before moving to winter tires, although if the car fell into an accident on summer tires in winter, it can recognize the reason for the accident.

10/18/2011, "Autocumper"

Are you going to the winter trip by car in Europe? What winter tires to choose? Please note that the rules for using winter tires in different countries differ in the territory of the European Union.
Before going to in winter to Europe, the norms of local legislation should be clarified regarding the use of winter tires. After all, despite the fact that in many European countries the winter tires are optional, entry into some tracks on summer tires or without anti-slip chains can be prohibited. This article contains general information about the rules for the use of winter rubber in Europe.

European standards
While the emergence of the general arch of the rules, which would operate throughout Europe, is not foreseen. However, in 1992, the EU approved the general definition of winter tires M + S (Directive 92/23 EEC, II, II), which sounds as follows: "Tires, the depth of the tread pattern and the structure of which provide the best challenges of the car on slush or coated Fresh or melting snow sections of the track.

The M + S tire profile is distinguished by increased longitudinal grooves and / or primer, the distance between which is more than on ordinary tires. " But if you believe this definition, many of the modern winter tires are not as such - as, for example, rubber ContiWinterContact TS 810 Sport with asymmetric tread pattern, providing a reliable clutch of a car with an expensive. Nothing is said about the composition of the rubber mixture, which plays an important role in winter conditions. But from the definition you can understand what the sign of snowflakes, which is applied to most winter tires. Such a badge is allowed to marry only those tires that on the snow-covered track provide 7% improvement in braking with the ABS system included compared to conventional tires with M + S marking.

Winter tires

No legislation regarding the use of winter tires.
The presence of a chain on board is mandatory from November 1 to April 30. Chains should be collected on leading bridges of trucks and on all wheels of trailers and semi-trailers.


Winter tires
No legislation regarding the use of winter tires.
No legislation regarding the use of winter tires.
If there is an appropriate road sign, the use of chains is mandatory.

Winter tires
In Austria, the use of winter tires is mandatory from November 1 to April 15, while all tires with a tread depth of less than 4 mm are considered summer. Some tracks may require antiskid chains.
For vehicles, categories M2 and M3 (passenger transportation of more than eight passengers) is a mandatory use of winter tires, at least to the leading axis from November 1 to March 15. For vehicles Categories No. 2, No. 3 (cargo transport with a full mass of more than 3.5 tons) from November 1 to April 15.
Under the corresponding weather conditions (snow, rain with snow or ice) for vehicles with a total weight of 3.5 tons and less (M1 / No. 1) From November 1 to April 15, winter tires should be on all axes or on the master axis should be Clause chains.
The use of chains is allowed only if the roads are covered with a layer of snow or on the roads of the Hollyeda. Penalties may vary from € 35.00 to € 5,000.00.
The minimum profile depth is 4 mm for winter radial tires and 5 mm for diagonal tires. For commercial vehicles - in 5 and 6 mm, respectively.

The studded tires are allowed only for vehicles whose weight does not exceed 3.5 tons, with a speed limit of 100 km / h on autobahn and 80 km / h on other roads.

Chains should be applied if the corresponding road sign indicates. In this case, spikes tires must also be equipped with anti-slip chains.

Winter tires
Although Belgium is not too rich on the winter resorts, sometimes winter tires are still recommended: in the mountainous regions and on the border with Germany, it often snows in the West, and in the West there are no low temperatures in the West. All this significantly increases the braking path. Winter tires in these countries is optional.

Tires with spikes are allowed from November 1 to March 31 with a speed limit of 90 km / h on motorways and 60 km / h on other roads for vehicles with a total of 3.5 tons and less.


Winter tires
The use of winter tires is mandatory from November 15 to April 15. Alternatively, summer tires with chains can serve as an alternative.


In the period from November 1 and 15, the driver must constantly have a chain and shovel in the car. And at least one set of chains should be on the lead axis.

Winter tires

The use of spiked tires is not allowed.

From November 1 and 31, the driver must constantly transport the chain in the car at least to the main axis. Chains should be used necessarily if the road sign indicates.

Winter tires
No legislation relating to the use of winter tires.

The use of spiked tires is generally allowed. Condition: Tires with spikes should not damage the road surface.

Chains can only be used on snow or ice-covered roads.

Winter tires
No legislation relating to the use of winter tires.

Spikes Using tires with spikes is not allowed.

In winter, the driver must constantly transport the chain in the car. If the road sign is mandatory on the border, the vehicle can cross the border only if there is on board the chains. When using chains, speed is limited to 50 km / h. The chains must be equipped with at least one leading bridge.

If the chains are used without need (on a dry road), the driver can be fined.

Winter tires
No legislation relating to the use of winter tires.

Tires with spikes can be used if weather conditions require it.

Chains can be used if weather conditions require this.

Winter tires
Winter tires from December 1, 2010 have become mandatory in Germany. This requires a new addition to the rules of the road: Drivers are required to use when ice, snow, rain with snow, and more than tires that comply with the instructions of the European Union 92/23 / EWG. Failure to comply with this norm is punishable by a fine of 40 euros.
What kind of type of tires should use - the question is not unambiguous and as long as the discussion. Prescriptions 92/23 / EWG Many are considered outdated. According to some experts, under adverse natural conditions, it is necessary to use tires with the designation of M + S or all-season. The profile depth must not be 1.6 millimeters. Other experts believe that M + S marking is not enough: there must be a "snowflake" and the depth of the profile is at least 4 mm.

The use of spiked tires is not allowed.

The chains must be equipped with the tires of the driving bridge, if it indicates a road sign (the requirement applies only to vehicles with more than two wheels). At the same time, the maximum speed should not exceed 50 km / h. The chains of anti-slip are also allowed on the trailers.

Winter tires
In Denmark, you can use winter tires, but it is optional. "Shipovki" are allowed, although you most likely not feel at the country's tracks of the country. At low temperatures, it is recommended to put winter tires.

From November 1 to April 1, tires with spikes with a speed limit of up to 110 km / h on motorways and 80 km / h on other roads. All tires must be equipped with spikes, in the event of a double assembly, at least one of the two tires.

Use is not allowed.

Winter tires
Winter tires can not be put, although it is still recommended for some tracks. In winter, we still do not advise traveling in Italy without winter rubber.

In the presence of studded tires, you should remember the speed limitations - 90 km / h per city and 50 km / h within the city.

There are no special guidelines for the use of anti-slip chains.

Winter tires
The use of winter tires is mandatory from November 1 to April 14. These dates may differ in different years.


Winter tires
No legislation relating to the use of winter tires.

Tires with spikes can be used with a speed limit of up to 112 km / h on motorways and 96 km / h on other roads.

Use in case of harsh weather conditions is allowed.

Winter tires

Tires with spikes can only be used from November 15 to March 31 on snow-covered or ice-covered roads.

Only in the presence of an appropriate road sign.

Winter tires
Winter tires in Latvia are mandatory for all vehicles with a total of less than 3.5 tons in the period from December 1 to March 1.

Chains are not mandatory, but can be applied in the case of snow and ice.

Winter tires
The use of winter tires is mandatory for all vehicles to 3.5 t from November 10 to April 1. Minimum tire profile depending on the category of vehicle:
- M2-2 mm (from November 10 to April 1 - 3 mm);
- M3-2 mm; * No. 2 and No. 3-1 mm;
- O3 and O4-1 mm (trailers).

Chains are not mandatory, but can be applied in the case of snow and ice.

Winter tires
Using winter tires is not mandatory, but recommended in winter. The penalty for an emergency caused by the lack of winter tires reaches 145 euros. In the event of an accident, the lack of winter tires also affects the distribution of liability for damage.
If the high-speed coefficient of winter tires is not sufficient for vehicle speed, these tires cannot be used in the period from April 1 to October 30.

Spiked tires can be used with a speed limit from December 1 to March 31. This refers to cars with a complete weight of up to 3.5 tons, as well as special cars and buses.

Chains can only be used on snow-covered or ice-covered roads.

Winter tires
Winter tires are not mandatory. If they are still used, the profile must be at least 5 mm. If the car is equipped with winter tires, the use of chains for movement in the city is not necessary.

The use of spiked tires is not allowed.

Chains should be on board the vehicle from October 15 to March 15.
In the case of heavy snow, the chains should be equipped with a leading axis of the car.
This requirement is not mandatory for trailers or semi-trailers.

Winter tires
No legislation relating to the use of winter tires.

The use of spiked tires is not allowed.

The use of chains on the road is prohibited.

Winter tires
In case of winter weather conditions, all vehicles must have winter tires, with spikes or non-spikes, with a minimum profile - 3 mm. Alternatives can perform summer tires with chains.
The requirement does not apply to foreign cars, but it is recommended in connection with liability in the event of an accident.

The use of spiked tires is prohibited between the first Monday after Easter and until October 31, if this does not require weather conditions.
In Nordland, Troms and Finnmark, the use is permitted from October 15 to May 1, with a speed limit of up to 90 km / h on motorways and 80 km / h on other roads. Authorities can establish exceptions to the rules. At the same time, for vehicles with a complete weighing less than 3.5 tons, studded tires are installed on all wheels.

The use of chains is prohibited between the first Monday after Easter and until October 31, if this does not require weather conditions. In Nordland, Troms and Finnmark, the use is permitted from October 15 to May 1, with a speed limit of up to 90 km / h on motorways and 80 km / h on other roads. Authorities can establish exceptions to the rules.
For vehicles with a complete mass of more than 3.5 tons should be at least three chains: one on the front wheel and two on the master axis. The vehicle with dual wheels should be equipped with four chains on the main axis.

Winter tires
Winter rubber is optional. However, given that the work of snow removal services is far from perfection, a trip to Poland on summer tires can be risky. In addition, article 66.1 of the road traffic law indicates that each car must be built, equipped and maintained in such a way as not to jeopardize the passengers or other road users.

The use of spiked tires is not allowed.


Winter tires
No legislation relating to the use of winter tires.

The use of spiked tires is not allowed.

The presence of chains is not mandatory, except when it indicates a road sign. In this case, the chains must be equipped with at least the main axis.

Winter tires
In Romania, there are no laws regulating the use of winter tires, however, the Ministry of Transport said that soon drivers would be required to equip cars with a corresponding tire set for the period from November 1 to March 31. The new law will come into force in 2011.

The use of spiked tires is not allowed.

The presence of chains is not mandatory, but under certain weather conditions can be declared necessary.

Winter tires
Winter tires must have a profile of at least 4 mm.

The use of spiked tires is not allowed.


Winter tires
No legislation relating to the use of winter tires. However, in the event of an accident, the lack of winter tires is an important argument to distribute liability for damage.

The use of spiked tires is not allowed.

The presence of chains is not mandatory.

Winter tires
The use of winter tires is mandatory for all vehicles to 3.5 t from November 15 to March 15. Dates can be increased due to complicated weather conditions.
Minimum requirements for vehicles and coupling more than 3.5 tons: the car must be equipped with either winter or radial tires, while the tread depth should be at least 4 mm.
It is allowed to use summer tires with chains.
According to the law of Slovenia, two winter tires on the car are quite enough. It is recommended to install a complete set.

The use of spiked tires is not allowed.

The presence on board the vehicle of the chains is necessarily if summer tires are used.
All-wheel drive cars must be equipped with chains on the rear axle.
The shovel must be available on board every car.

Winter tires
From December 1, until the end of February, winter tires are mandatory for all vehicles with a mass of no more than 3.5 tons.
The profile must be at least 3 mm.
Since 1999, this law applies to foreign vehicles.

Tires with spikes is allowed with speed limit up to 100 km / h on motorways and 80 km / h on other roads from November 1 to March 31. At the same time, all four wheels must be equipped with spikes.

Do not necessarily have on board the vehicle.

Winter tires
In France, changing rubber on the winter is optional, but in the event of an accident, the lack of winter tires is an important argument to distribute liability for damage. Despite the fact that the law on the need for winter rubber in France is not, in the Alps it is not necessary to appear without it.

Cars must be equipped with studded tires (from the beginning of November until the end of March, while the speed in settlements should not exceed 50 km / h, and outside the settlements - 90 km / h). In the presence of hips, it should be placed on the glass special sticker.

On some tracks (they are marked with special signs) may require chains of anti-skid. In some cases, the chains are mandatory (on some mountain passes).

Winter tires
In winter, the vehicle should be equipped with at least two winter tires (M + S) on the main axis or summer tires with a radial pattern on all wheels.
The minimum profile is 4 mm.

The use of spiked tires is not allowed.

In winter, the presence on board the vehicle shovels and chains is necessarily at least a set for the leading axis.
Chains should be used only if necessary if the weather conditions require (the snow height of at least 5 cm or the icing of the road).

Winter tires
The use of winter tires may be mandatory if there is an appropriate road sign on the side of the road (for example, on the autobahn D 1) from November 1 to April 1.

The use of spiked tires is not allowed.

Be sure to have an appropriate road sign. A set of chains should be equipped with a leading axis.
Maximum speed 50 km / h.
Mandatory chains on board vehicles with a full mass of more than 7.5 tons.

Winter tires
The minimum profile is 4 mm.

The use of spiked tires is not allowed.


Winter tires
For foreigners, use winter tires in the cold season is optional. Over the city, it is still recommended to ride in winter tires, because many roads do not sprinkle here.
For local residents from December 1 to March 31, winter tires with a profile of at least 3 mm for vehicles with a complete mass of up to 3.5 tons are required.

The use of spiked tires is allowed from October 1 to April 30. If the car is equipped with spiked tires, the trailer must be equipped accordingly.

As an alternative to winter, the use of chains is allowed.

Winter tires
In Switzerland, winter tires can not be installed too. However, their use is recommended, since drivers using summer tires can be recognized by the culprits of an accident, if the use of winter tires would avoid it.
In general, the use of winter tires is considered a good tone in Switzerland.
Using winter tires can be required to require a number of roads in the presence of an appropriate road sign.

Spikes and chains - at the discretion of the driver, but they may be mandatory on some tracks. On most autobes, studded tires are prohibited, in addition, if there is no speed limit, 50 km / h within the city and 80 km / h outside of its limits.

The use of chains is mandatory in the presence of a road sign. Snowfall in the Alps can happen in summer.

Winter tires
Using winter rubber Mandatory from December 1 to the end of February, although, depending on weather conditions, the "season" can begin before or end later than the established period.

The use of tires with spikes with a speed limit up to 90 km / h is allowed from November 1 to May 1 for vehicles with a full mass of no more than 3.5 tons. For all wheels, including a trailer.

Do not necessarily have a chain on board a vehicle.

Planning a trip to Europe on a car? Explore the use of studded rubber in European countries.

Despite the fact that in Russia studded tires in a big honor, in most European countries spikes on the tires - in deep opal. First of all, the problem lies in the fact that such a vehicle equipment damages the road fabric. Russian budgets allow you to carry out the repair of roads after each winter, and Europe saves and excessive expenditures do not intend.

So, if you are going to the winter automobile journey in Europe, you should clarify in advance whether the spikes are allowed in the countries that you have gathered to visit, since the rules for using winter rubber in different countries of Europe are different.

Would you like to inform that from the automatic service site you can travel your journey.

About spikes say

Many travelers have already been convinced of having a hard ban on the use of studded rubber. Here are some quotes from popular forums:

"We are on the editorial Discovery rode from Polar Lapland, where without spikes in any way. And the German border guards flatly refused to let us in Germany: "You have studded tires, and they are prohibited on our roads. Or buy normal tires in the nearest store, or smear the spikes! " I had to armared with scolders. And only after the last spike was removed from the tread, we were given passports and wished the happy way. "

"Most likely the control will be when crossing the border and with any police check. You can skip, but it is better not to risk, because when detecting further, it is definitely not allowed: when the machine does not meet the technical requirements, they simply cause a tow truck, quickly and without conversations. "

As you can see, it makes no sense to argue with the Euro-police. The most correct solution is to clearly follow the rules established for your type of car. But the question remains - what to do if you decide to drive several countries by car?

The best strategy when traveling to Europe in winter

Since the rules for using winter rubber in different countries of Europe are different, then this approach is most logical:

  • We establish winter non-studded rubber permitted in Europe.
  • We take with you chains and put them on the wheels if necessary.

As an option - to ride in Scandinavia on spikes, and when moving, let's say, to Germany, leave your car in the parking lot and take rolling.

Where can I go on studded rubber?

The spikes are allowed in Finland. It's clear. However, here you can ride in studded tires from November 1 to March 31. In addition, there are strict norms on the number of spikes and their "density". The norms differ for different types of cars: for cars, for trucks and for motorcycles, they are different.

So you should clarify in advance - whether your rubber is suitable for strict rules or you need to change it to the trip. For example, for passenger cars with 13-inch rubber, rules are established: no more than 90 spikes, which are no more than 1.2 mm and put pressure on the roadbed, not exceeding 120n. Calculations are quite complex. Many easier to change the rubber on the winter version without spikes and roll on it, having a chain in stock for emergency cases.

In the winter in most European countries, you will require the mandatory presence of winter rubber. But again - it should be without spikes! But the presence of anti-slip chains in many countries or necessarily, or is welcomed. So, for example, in Albania chains must be aboard any car from November 1 to April 30.

For more information, see the table below. The main thing is to understand that the rules of the game can change, so before the trip it is worth clarifying the actual rules for the use of studded rubber in those countries you are going to visit.


Permitted period of use

Restricting the speed of cars equipped with studded tires on highway / autobahn, km / h


Austria from 1.10 to 31.05 80/100 only for vehicles with a total weight of up to 3.5 tons, the "spike" sign is required
Albania allowed
Andorra allowed
Belgium prohibited (81.4.4)
Bulgaria forbidden
Bosnia and Herzegovina forbidden
Great Britain allowed
Hungary forbidden
Germany forbidden
Holland forbidden
Greece allowed
Denmark 01.10-01.04 80/110
Ireland allowed 96/112
Iceland allowed
Spain 15.11-31.03 only if there is snow or ice
Italy 15.11-15.03 90/120
Latvia 01.10-01.05
Lithuania 01.11-09.04
Luxembourg 01.12-31.03 60/90 mandatory sign "60 km / h"
Macedonia forbidden
Moldova forbidden
Norway 01.11-to Easter 80/90
Poland forbidden
Portugal forbidden
Romania forbidden
Serbia forbidden
Slovakia forbidden
Slovenia forbidden
Ukraine allowed
Finland 01.11-31.03 or a week after Easter, depending on what date will be later 80/100
France 11.11-31.03 90/90 mandatory sign "90 km / h"
Croatia forbidden
Montenegro forbidden
Czech Republic forbidden
Switzerland 01.11-30.04 80 / on the autobabs is prohibited mandatory sign "80 km / h"
Sweden 01.10-30.04
Estonia 01.11-01.05 90

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