Home Chassis How to reduce the amperage on the power supply. How to increase the current without changing the voltage? What does current strength depend on?

How to reduce the amperage on the power supply. How to increase the current without changing the voltage? What does current strength depend on?

Many people are interested in how to reduce the current in an electrical circuit. To do this you need to know some laws of physics. Initially, it is necessary to determine the exact change in current. To do this, using Ohm's law, determine the parameters of the circuit and also calculate the required resistance.

Preliminary work

Before you begin work to reduce the current in the electrical circuit, you need to take care of the safety of the workplace. To do this, make sure that the area is completely protected from electric shock. In addition, it is important to remember that before starting work it is necessary to disconnect all electrical circuits.

Since current strength depends on two parameters - resistance and voltage, there are several simple ways to reduce this value. The most common and simple method is to add additional resistance to the network or connect some device to the open circuit that will provide this function.

To measure the necessary indicators, you will need a multimeter. The voltage supplied to the electrical circuit must be turned off. To do this, simply switch the switch to the required mode. After the device indicator or multimeter indicators indicate that the network is de-energized, you can begin to work. Now you need to determine the resistance that the input device provides. By switching the multimeter to ohmmeter mode, you can find out this parameter. If you do not have the necessary equipment, then you can find out the resistance by adding up all the resistance indicators in a given circuit.

Calculation of the required resistance

To find out how much resistance needs to be added to an electrical circuit to reduce the current, you should use Ohm's law. We divide the existing voltage in the circuit by the required current value. Next, from the obtained result we subtract the resistance that was measured earlier. The resulting value will be the necessary resistance that needs to be added to the circuit to reduce the current.

Now, before reducing the current in the circuit, you need to select a special element with a calculated resistance. A pre-prepared resistor or several incandescent lamps will do. After this, the electrical circuit should be broken. This can be done using wire cutters or a sharp knife. We cut one of the wires, which is responsible for the power supply, and then we strip the resulting ends of the wire. The stripped wires must be connected to an element with the required resistance and ensure that the structure is safe. After this, you can apply voltage and check the functionality of the circuit.


To reduce the current in a section of the circuit, change the values ​​on which it depends. To determine these quantities, use , which is a form of Ohm's law I = U S /(ρ l). Assemble the circuit by attaching a rheostat to the area under study. Connect it to a power source. After this, changing the rheostat settings, reduce the voltage in the area. In order to obtain voltage readings, attach a tester parallel to the section and take a measurement. Then, by connecting the tester to the section in series and changing the settings, measure the current in the circuit. Reduce the voltage on the circuit section n times. Having measured the current strength, make sure that it also decreased by n times.

Change the resistance of a section of the circuit. To do this, determine the resistivity of the conductor material using a special table. To reduce the current, select conductors of the same size, but with a higher resistivity. The resistivity will increase by that many times, and the current will decrease by that many times.

Turn off the voltage supplied to the circuit. To do this, turn the input circuit breaker or switch to the “off” position. Using an indicator or multimeter in voltage measurement mode, make sure that there is no voltage in the electrical circuit. Measure the resistance of the electrical circuit using a multimeter, setting it to ohmmeter mode. If this action is impossible, the resistance value can be determined by summing the resistances of the circuit elements.

Calculate the required resistance of the electrical circuit using Ohm's law. To do this, it is enough to divide the applied voltage by the required current. The measured resistance of the electrical circuit should be subtracted from the obtained value. The resulting quantity is the resistance that must be added to the circuit to reduce the current.

Select a resistance with a value close to the calculated value. If a ready-made resistor is not available, you can use one or more incandescent lamps instead. Break the electrical circuit. To do this, you can cut one of the power wires using a knife or wire cutters. Using a knife, trim the resulting ends of the wires. Connect these ends to the output terminals of the resistor or light bulb. Make sure the connections between the wires and the resistor or other device are secure and that there are no exposed parts that could cause an electric shock. Apply voltage and check the functionality and operating parameters of the circuit.

Video on the topic


  • how to reduce voltage with resistance

To increase the voltage in a section of an electrical circuit, you need to reduce its resistance by as many times as you need to increase the voltage. There is another way to increase the voltage in an electrical circuit. To do this, increase the energy of the electric field inside the conductor, and connect a current source with greater electromotive force (EMF) to the circuit.

You will need

  • voltmeter


To increase the voltage in the circuit, change the conductors to others with less resistance. Reduce the resistance by the same factor, the voltage will increase by that many times. This is possible if the resistance of the conductors is known in advance. If not, follow these steps. Find out what the conductors in the circuit section are made of. Then, using special tables, find out its resistivity and select another material whose resistivity is lower by the required amount. Take conductors made of a more conductive material and install them in place of the old ones - the voltage will increase.

If the required material is not found, look for an opportunity to reduce the length of the conductors in the circuit section. The number of times it is possible to reduce the length of the conductors, the number of times the voltage will increase. If this option is not suitable, increase the internal cross-sectional area of ​​the conductors by selecting the appropriate wires. If there are no suitable wires, take the conductors that are available and mount them in parallel in the circuit as one conductor. There should be as many wires as the voltage needs to be increased. As a result, both the cross-section of the conductors and the voltage will increase by the required number of times. For example, to triple the voltage, use three conductors in the circuit instead of one.

In order to increase the energy of the electric field inside the conductor, increase the emf of the current source to which the conductor is connected. If it is adjustable in the current source, turn the lever or press the corresponding button. If the source EMF is not adjustable, connect the circuit to a more powerful source with a higher EMF. In the case of rechargeable batteries or galvanic cells (batteries), create a battery by connecting them in series with opposite poles. By how many times the EMF increases, the voltage rises by how many times.

Helpful advice

When working to raise the voltage on a section of the circuit, be sure to attach a voltmeter to its ends, which will show the current voltage. This will help avoid short circuits. All of these techniques can be combined to enhance the effect.

Many electrical appliances are designed for a certain (maximum) current value. If the current exceeds the permissible value, then such equipment may fail. To reduce the current, there are several simple methods, which involve connecting active or passive (ballast) resistors in series with the load.

You will need

  • automobile incandescent lamp, welding ballast resistor.


To reduce the charging current when charging a car from a simple charging rectifier, connect a car lamp in series with the circuit, it will act as a ballast. To do this, solder two wires to the terminals of the lamp, then disconnect any wire from the battery that goes to the charger. Connect the lamp to the open circuit using wires soldered to it. By connecting the lamp power into the open circuit, change the battery charging current flowing in the circuit.

To reduce the welding current during electric welding using a simple welding transformer that does not include any control devices, connect a special welding ballast resistor, which is a metal spiral made of a material with high resistivity, in series in the low voltage circuit. Disconnect the welding wire with the electrode holder from the welding transformer terminal. Connect one terminal of the ballast resistance to the same terminal of the welding transformer.

The article will talk about how to increase the current in the charger circuit, in the power supply, transformer, in the generator, in the USB ports of the computer without changing the voltage.

What is current strength?

Electric current is the ordered movement of charged particles inside a conductor with the obligatory presence of a closed circuit.

The appearance of current is due to the movement of electrons and free ions that have a positive charge.

As they move, charged particles can heat the conductor and have a chemical effect on its composition. In addition, the current can influence neighboring currents and magnetized bodies.

Current strength is an electrical parameter that is a scalar quantity. Formula:

I=q/t, where I is current, t is time, and q is charge.

It is also worth knowing Ohm's law, according to which current is directly proportional to U (voltage) and inversely proportional to R (resistance).

Current strength is of two types - positive and negative.

Below we will consider what this parameter depends on, how to increase the current strength in the circuit, in the generator, in the power supply and in the transformer.

What does current strength depend on?

To increase I in a circuit, it is important to understand what factors can influence this parameter. Here we can highlight the dependence on:

  • Resistance. The smaller the parameter R (Ohm), the higher the current in the circuit.
  • Voltages. Using the same Ohm's law, we can conclude that as U increases, the current strength also increases.
  • Magnetic field strength. The larger it is, the higher the voltage.
  • Number of coil turns. The greater this indicator, the greater U and, accordingly, the higher I.
  • The power of the force that is transmitted to the rotor.
  • Diameter of conductors. The smaller it is, the higher the risk of heating and burning out the supply wire.
  • Power supply designs.
  • The diameter of the stator and armature wires, the number of ampere-turns.
  • Generator parameters - operating current, voltage, frequency and speed.

How to increase the current in a circuit?

There are situations when it is necessary to increase I, which flows in the circuit, but it is important to understand that measures need to be taken; this can be done using special devices.

Let's look at how to increase the current using simple devices.

To complete the work you will need an ammeter.

Option 1.

According to Ohm's law, current is equal to voltage (U) divided by resistance (R). The simplest way to increase force I, which suggests itself, is to increase the voltage that is supplied to the input of the circuit, or to reduce the resistance. In this case, I will increase in direct proportion to U.

For example, when connecting a 20 Ohm circuit to a power source with U = 3 Volts, the current value will be 0.15 A.

If you add another 3V power source to the circuit, the total value of U can be increased to 6 Volts. Accordingly, the current will also double and reach a limit of 0.3 Amperes.

The power supplies must be connected in series, that is, the plus of one element is connected to the minus of the first.

To obtain the required voltage, it is enough to connect several power sources into one group.

In everyday life, sources of constant U, combined into one group, are called batteries.

Despite the obviousness of the formula, practical results may differ from theoretical calculations, which is due to additional factors - heating of the conductor, its cross-section, the material used, and so on.

As a result, R changes towards an increase, which leads to a decrease in force I.

Increasing the load in the electrical circuit can cause overheating of the conductors, burnout, or even a fire.

That is why it is important to be careful when operating devices and take into account their power when choosing a cross-section.

The value of I can be increased in another way by reducing the resistance. For example, if the input voltage is 3 Volts and R is 30 Ohms, then a current of 0.1 Ampere passes through the circuit.

If you reduce the resistance to 15 Ohms, the current strength, on the contrary, will double and reach 0.2 Amperes. The load is reduced to almost zero during a short circuit near the power source, in this case I increases to the maximum possible value (taking into account the power of the product).

Resistance can be further reduced by cooling the wire. This effect of superconductivity has long been known and is actively used in practice.

To increase the current in a circuit, electronic devices are often used, for example, current transformers (as in welders). The strength of variable I in this case increases with decreasing frequency.

If there is active resistance in the AC circuit, I increases as the capacitance of the capacitor increases and the inductance of the coil decreases.

In a situation where the load is purely capacitive in nature, the current increases with increasing frequency. If the circuit includes inductors, the force I will increase simultaneously with the decrease in frequency.

Option 2.

To increase the current strength, you can focus on another formula, which looks like this:

I = U*S/(ρ*l). Here we only know three parameters:

  • S - wire cross-section;
  • l is its length;
  • ρ is the electrical resistivity of the conductor.

To increase the current, assemble a chain containing a current source, a consumer and wires.

The role of the current source will be performed by a rectifier, which allows you to regulate the EMF.

Connect the chain to the source, and the tester to the consumer (pre-set the device to measure current). Increase the EMF and monitor the indicators on the device.

As noted above, as U increases, it is possible to increase the current. A similar experiment can be done for resistance.

To do this, find out what material the wires are made of and install products that have lower resistivity. If you cannot find other conductors, shorten the ones already installed.

Another way is to increase the cross-section, for which it is worth mounting similar conductors parallel to the installed wires. In this case, the cross-sectional area of ​​the wire increases and the current increases.

If we shorten the conductors, the parameter we are interested in (I) will increase. If desired, options for increasing the current can be combined. For example, if the conductors in the circuit are shortened by 50% and U is raised by 300%, then the force I will increase 9 times.

How to increase the current in the power supply?

On the Internet you can often come across the question of how to increase I in the power supply without changing the voltage. Let's look at the main options.

Situation No. 1.

A 12 Volt power supply operates with a current of 0.5 Amperes. How to raise I to its maximum value? To do this, a transistor is placed in parallel with the power supply. In addition, a resistor and stabilizer are installed at the input.

When the voltage across the resistance drops to the required value, the transistor opens, and the rest of the current flows not through the stabilizer, but through the transistor.

The latter, by the way, must be selected according to the rated current and a radiator installed.

In addition, the following options are possible:

  • Increase the power of all elements of the device. Install a stabilizer, a diode bridge and a higher power transformer.
  • If there is current protection, reduce the value of the resistor in the control circuit.

Situation No. 2.

There is a power supply for U = 220-240 Volts (at the input), and at the output a constant U = 12 Volts and I = 5 Amperes. The task is to increase the current to 10 Amps. In this case, the power supply should remain approximately the same dimensions and not overheat.

Here, to increase the output power, it is necessary to use another transformer, which is converted to 12 Volts and 10 Amps. Otherwise, the product will have to be rewound yourself.

In the absence of the necessary experience, it is better not to take risks, because there is a high probability of a short circuit or burnout of expensive circuit elements.

The transformer will have to be replaced with a larger product, and the damper chain located on the DRAIN of the key will also have to be recalculated.

The next point is replacing the electrolytic capacitor, because when choosing a capacitance you need to focus on the power of the device. So, for 1 W of power there are 1-2 microfarads.

After such a modification, the device will heat up more, so installing a fan is not necessary.

How to increase the current in the charger?

When using chargers, you may notice that chargers for a tablet, phone or laptop have a number of differences. In addition, the speed at which devices are charged may also vary.

Here a lot depends on whether an original or non-original device is used.

To measure the current that goes to your tablet or phone from the charger, you can use not only an ammeter, but also the Ampere app.

Using the software, it is possible to determine the charging and discharging speed of the battery, as well as its condition. The application is free to use. The only drawback is advertising (the paid version does not have it).

The main problem with charging batteries is the low current of the charger, which is why the time to gain capacity is too long. In practice, the current flowing in the circuit directly depends on the power of the charger, as well as other parameters - cable length, thickness and resistance.

Using the Ampere application, you can see at what current the device is charged, and also check whether the product can charge at a higher speed.

To use the capabilities of the application, just download it, install and run it.

After this, the phone, tablet or other device is connected to the charger. That's all - all that remains is to pay attention to the current and voltage parameters.

In addition, you will have access to information about the battery type, U level, battery condition, as well as temperature conditions. You can also see the maximum and minimum I that occur during the cycle.

If you have several chargers at your disposal, you can run the program and try charging each of them. Based on the test results, it is easier to select a charger that provides the maximum current. The higher this parameter is, the faster the device will charge.

Current measurement isn't the only thing Ampere can do. With its help, you can check how much I is consumed in standby mode or when turning on various games (applications).

For example, after turning off the display brightness, deactivating GPS or data transfer, it is easy to notice a decrease in load. Against this background, it is easier to conclude which options drain the battery the most.

What else is worth noting? All manufacturers recommend charging devices with “native” chargers that produce a certain current.

But during operation, there are situations when you have to charge your phone or tablet with other chargers that have more power. As a result, the charging speed may be higher. But not always.

Few people know, but some manufacturers limit the maximum current that the device’s battery can accept.

For example, a Samsung Galaxy Alpha device comes with a 1.35 Ampere charger.

When connecting a 2-amp charger, nothing changes - the charging speed remains the same. This is due to a limitation set by the manufacturer. A similar test was carried out with a number of other phones, which only confirmed the guess.

Taking into account the above, we can conclude that non-native chargers are unlikely to cause harm to the battery, but can sometimes help with faster charging.

Let's consider another situation. When charging a device via a USB connector, the battery gains capacity more slowly than when charging the device from a conventional charger.

This is due to the limitation of the current that a USB port can supply (no more than 0.5 Ampere for USB 2.0). When using USB3.0, the current increases to 0.9 Ampere.

In addition, there is a special utility that allows the “troika” to pass a larger I through itself.

For devices like Apple the program is called ASUS Ai Charger, and for other devices it is called ASUS USB Charger Plus.

How to increase the current in a transformer?

Another question that worries electronics enthusiasts is how to increase the current strength in relation to a transformer.

Here are the following options:

  • Install a second transformer;
  • Increase the diameter of the conductor. The main thing is that the cross-section of the “iron” allows it.
  • Raise U;
  • Increase the cross-section of the core;
  • If the transformer operates through a rectifier device, it is worth using a product with a voltage multiplier. In this case, U increases, and with it the load current also increases;
  • Buy a new transformer with a suitable current;
  • Replace the core with a ferromagnetic version of the product (if possible).

A transformer has a pair of windings (primary and secondary). Many output parameters depend on the wire cross-section and the number of turns. For example, there are X turns on the high side and 2X on the other side.

This means that the voltage on the secondary winding will be lower, as will the power. The output parameter also depends on the efficiency of the transformer. If it is less than 100%, U and the current in the secondary circuit decrease.

Taking into account the above, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • The power of the transformer depends on the width of the permanent magnet.
  • To increase the current in the transformer, a decrease in R load is required.
  • The current (A) depends on the diameter of the winding and the power of the device.
  • In case of rewinding, it is recommended to use thicker wire. In this case, the wire mass ratio on the primary and secondary windings is approximately identical. If you wind 0.2 kg of iron on the primary winding and 0.5 kg on the secondary winding, the primary will burn out.

How to increase the current in the generator?

The current in the generator directly depends on the load resistance parameter. The lower this parameter, the higher the current.

If I is higher than the nominal parameter, this indicates the presence of an emergency mode - frequency reduction, generator overheating and other problems.

For such cases, protection or disconnection of the device (part of the load) must be provided.

In addition, with increased resistance, the voltage decreases, and U increases at the generator output.

To maintain the parameter at an optimal level, regulation of the excitation current is provided. In this case, an increase in the excitation current leads to an increase in the generator voltage.

The network frequency must be at the same level (constant).

Let's look at an example. In a car generator, it is necessary to increase the current from 80 to 90 Amperes.

To solve this problem, you need to disassemble the generator, separate the winding and solder the lead to it, followed by connecting the diode bridge.

In addition, the diode bridge itself is changed to a part with higher performance.

After this, you need to remove the winding and a piece of insulation in the place where the wire is to be soldered.

If there is a faulty generator, the lead is bitten off from it, after which the legs of the same thickness are built up using copper wire.

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