Home Lighting Car lubrication system is a clean engine. New way of car wash on your own! Engine cleaner inside from Nagara

Car lubrication system is a clean engine. New way of car wash on your own! Engine cleaner inside from Nagara

During the operation of the engine of the car, on its valves, the bottom of the piston, on the walls of the combustion chambers and other places, is gradually the formation of Nagara. It is almost impossible to avoid this process, but, under certain conditions, the Nagar is formed particularly intensively. The reason for this can be use, improper adjustment of the carburetor, poor air filtration entering the carburetor, engine malfunction, etc.

What is the Nagar and its consequences

Nagar is unburned fuels, dust, or engine oil, which fell in the combustion chamber. A special danger is a nagar, which is postponed as a thick layer. The fact is that it has a rather low thermal conductivity, and the thick pecker can significantly worsen the process of removing excess heat from the parts of the engine, thereby disrupting the normal thermal mode of its operation.

At the same time, the parts of the motor are beginning to wear much more intensively, which reduces their service life. Also, the Nagar in the combustion chambers may cause such a dangerous phenomenon as a caliling ignition, when the fuel and air mixture is not flammable from the spark of the spark plug at a given moment, but in an arbitrary order, from overheated ingar parts, which increases the risk of breakage Engine.

How to remove Nagar.

It should be noted that in most cases, in conditions of what is called approximate to ideal, the nagar in the engine is deleted spontaneously, for this you need to periodically pass by car about 100 km at high speed, pre-locating it with high-quality gasoline. When the engine is running in such an intensive mode, the nagar will be deleted. Of course, remove large nagar sediments, especially the same, in this way it will not be possible, and, in this case, you can resort to other methods that do not provide for the disassembly of the engine.

Solution for removing plaque

One of these methods can be called chemical, and coincide with Nagara cleaning this method is desirable to another shift of engine oil. It is necessary to prepare a solution, mixing two parts of acetone, one part of kerosene and one part of the engine oil. This solution is poured into all engine cylinders through the candle holes. Next, the spark plugs are installed in place, and the motor crankshaft turns several times, for example, using a starting handle. The solution remains in the cylinders during the day, after which the spark plugs are twisted, and the engine crankshaft turns about 10 times to "blow" cylinders. After that, the candles are washed with gasoline, dried and installed on the engine. Next, we replace the engine oil in the engine, as well as the oil filter, as usual, in accordance with the instructions of the car operation instructions. The car is filled with high-quality fuel, and make a trip at high speed on a good road. Usually, after the mileage of the first 100 km, the nap from the engine is removed almost completely. It is necessary to take into account that at the same time the engine oil can be strongly polluted, and it will be necessary to replace it again after a run of 500 km. Since the removal of Nagara.

Rubber tube method

There are other ways to remove Nagara. For example, you need to a rubber tube that runs from the vacuum regulator to the carburetor, enter the needle from the injection system, with a tube on it from the same system. The other end of this tube is lowered into a small water container. Due to the discharge, formed in the vacuum regulator, water from the tank will be suused into the carburetor, and will get along with the fuel mixture into the engine cylinders. Take this operation better on the engine running so that there are no difficulties with its launch. Water steam will contribute to the softening of Nagar and its rapid removal from the engine, it is enough to make the engine for about 10 minutes "on the water".

Method of cleaning with highly efficient additives

If you have no time to deal with solutions and use various tubes, you can always enjoy autochemistry from Germany, in a complete spectrum represented on the showcase of our store. You will always find the desired additive into fuel and once and forever get rid of problems associated with Nagar and sediments in the engine of your car. Additives have a very high detergent, without any problems can cope even with the most contaminated areas for gasoline systems.

The formation of nagar and coke in a gasoline or diesel engine is a natural process in the conditions of high temperatures of combustion of the fuel and air mixture in a closed chamber. In fact, Nagar is a layer of unburned deposits on the walls of the combustion chamber of the power unit. Over time, the engaging and engine coking progresses, at a certain point, the cause of a number of faults and failures in operation.

Next, we consider the main symptoms for which you can determine the engine to the engine and the need to further clean the cylinders from the coke, as well as let's talk about what and how to clean the motor from your own hands.

Read in this article

Nagar in Engine: Basic signs

As already mentioned, in the combustion chamber during the burning of the fuel, Nagar and Coke is formed. The coke in the engine is a dense deposit on the surface of the walls of the working chamber. Such deposits occur under the influence of high temperature, subject to the absence of sufficient air.

Nagar is small crumbly fractions of the same coke, which are separated from the total mass. In addition to the coke of the motor, the engine oil is hitting the combustion chamber. Usually, the lubricant can penetrate the cylinder through piston rings, as well as in case of certain problems. In the second case, the flasks of valve oil seals are becoming a frequent problem.

In the list of major faults that occur when a motor shoulder, specialists note the following:

  • the engine is badly launched "on the cold";
  • after starting, the motor and / or;
  • in some cases, the exhaust has a specific smell of Gary;
  • oil consumption increases;
  • the engine loses power;
  • there is an overrun of fuel;
  • at high speeds, engine overheating may occur;

During the passage, especially on a car with a faulty or remote catalyst, you can see particles of Gary, which flies out of the exhaust pipe. Also, the car is sluggishly reacts to the press of the gas pedal, the engine "does not pull" under load, etc.

Engine Circle: Possible Consequences

It is quite obvious that the Nagar reduces efficiency and worsens the overall performance of the motor. In parallel with this there is a risk of serious damage to the engine. For example, critical situations can be considered such when strongly cocks, rings or the effect of KZ (). In the first case, the valve cannot completely close due to a thick layer of Nagar, there is also a decrease in the compression in the engine, the motor begins to trim, it is badly started. Frequently often, which leads to expensive repair.

As for the KZ, this phenomenon causes uncontrollable ignition of the mixture in the engine cylinders from the glowing nagar. In other words, the charge will be ignored not from the spark of ignition in a gasoline engine or from contact with air-heated air in, and spontaneously. As a result, a motor overheating occurs, tangible damage is applied, etc.

To prevent negative consequences, it is recommended to periodically produce cleaning for prevention, that is, to prevent abundant accumulation of deposits. Also, after the appearance of the first symptoms, it is possible to clean the already focused engine from Nagara, that is, to carry out the procedure for cutting the motor. Let's fill in more detail on how to clean the nagar in the engine itself.

Washing Motor Methods from Nagar and Coke

Let's start with the fact that the engine can be cleaned in two ways that can be divided into such:

  • motor cleaning with active chemicals;
  • mechanical removal of coke sediments after disassembly of the engine and subsequent washing;

Immediately, we note that on the flushing oils and various additives in the fuel (up to the connection of the motor to a separate tank with special safety to clean up the fuel tank), we will not focus. The fact is that these solutions help support the fuel system, the lubrication system, the combustion chamber and other "insides" of the engine in relative purity only in the case of new or initially clean motors (for example, units after complete overhaul). If the engine has already been focused, then such ways will not bring the desired effect and can only worsen the situation.

To clean the internal combustion engine from Nagara, it is necessary to carry out a more "hard" procedure for cutting the piston rings and the engine, to make the combustion chamber as much as possible, etc. We add that this method of cleaning the engine from coke and sediments is very popular among motorists due to the fact that it avoids the disassembly of the engine.

  1. At the beginning, you will need to unscrew the spark plugs on gasoline DVS or on a diesel.
  2. Next, you need to pour a special liquid (the so-called cutoff) into the motor cylinders through the candlestones.
  3. Then the unit with flooded cleaning is left for several hours. As a result, the coke cleaner and the nagar makes deposits in the engine soft.
  4. After screwing the candles and further starting the engine after the cutoff, the washed of the Nagar simply burns into the cylinders.

The final stage of the flushing of the internal combustion engine is the mandatory replacement of the engine oil and the oil filter, since the aggressive composition falls into the engine crankcase and makes a bodied oil unsuitable for use.

You can read in more detail about the processing of the motor. You can read in where the process of cleaning the motor from a car was described in detail on the example of a diesel engine. It also should also be noted that in free sale various means for cutting out piston rings and cleaning the combustion chamber. Among domestic consumers, the composition called "Lavr" acquired wide popularity.

Now let's talk about mechanical cleaning. This method allows to achieve maximum engine cleanliness, as well as deprived of those cons that are present during the cleaning of "chemistry". In other words, the motor is disassembled, after which the coke and the nagar is removed from the surfaces by manually, with the help of tools by grinding, as well as using active detergents. This approach allows you to clean not only rings and individual parts of the combustion chamber, but also valves, as well as other hard-to-reach elements. In parallel, the oil canals of the engine lubrication system are washed with this, cavities in a crankcase, an oil worker, an oil-filter grid, etc., are cleaned.

That in the end

It is quite obvious that the main disadvantage of the mechanical method is the complexity and impressive scope of work. For this reason, drivers rarely agree to disassemble the motor only to clean the unit from Nagara and coke deposits. This procedure is more often done during engine overhaul.

Finally, I would like to add that it is extremely desirable to consult with motors before you decide to clean the motor from coke and rinse the combustion chambers from Nagara. The fact is that even the most aggressive chemistry does not delete deposits completely.

As a result, the risk of blockage of channels separated from the total mass by particles appears. If otherwise, in some cases, the motor is better not to clean at all, which will allow it to be used further for some time. If such an engine try to wash with high purifiers from ingarting, then the likelihood of its immediate subsequent repair increases much.

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How to rinse with a diesel engine or kerosene before replacing the engine in the engine. Advantages and disadvantages of cleaning, engine washing with diesel engine.

  • The reasons for the appearance of Nagara in the combustion chamber, what is Nagar. How to clean the engine pistons and the combustion chamber from Nagara, cleaning without disassembling the engine.
  • Wash oil for the engine: in what cases is used, which is included in the composition, advantages and disadvantages of this type of flushing system of lubricant.

  • Almost every car owner wondered: "How and with how can I wash the engine from and other contaminants?" During the long-term operation of the vehicle in the subcontrol space, a large number of pollution of different origin accumulates. In addition to aesthetic appearance, this problem is important from the point of view of the technical part. After all, the large mud accumulation in the power unit can affect the correct operation of the engine system. That is why it is very important to follow the purity of the motor of its motor vehicles.

    Many owners turn to such a service in car wash, where the water streams under high pressure produce a power unit. Such a service has a small cost, but there is a possibility of water from entering electrical equipment, which can disrupt the operation of the generator, starter and other important systems. In this article we will look at how and in what sequence should be laundered the engine from oil and dirt at home.

    What is dangerous dirt under the hood?

    The car's engine is his heart. Even small clusters of dirt and oil can cause its incorrect work. First of all, pollution affect the thermal regulation of the engine. As is known, the power unit is more composed of metal elements. Thus, layers of dirt and oil, accumulating on the walls of its elements, can contribute to overheating. In addition, the radiator is also responsible for. Large layers of dirt, dust, insects, accumulated on the cools of the radiator, will violate the process of thermal exchange.

    Why wash the engine?

    Consider the main reasons for which it is necessary to monitor the boiling space and timely subject to clean.

    First, on time, purified from dirt, oil and other contaminants of the power unit will serve much longer. The engine requires the correct operation of the cooling system, so it is important to monitor and in time to clean it.

    Secondly, the accumulation of dirt accelerates wear of engine parts. Large layers of dirt and oil serve as the beginning of the corrosive process, as a result of which small metal parts of the elements fall into the oil of the motor. Thus, these contaminants circulate over the entire engine system and settled inside. This leads to a strong reducing the engine resource, which leads to a violation of its work, loss of technical characteristics.

    Thirdly, in addition to the power unit, under the hood there is a large number of electronic systems. Pollution is capable of violating the operation of the ignition systems. In addition, large layers of oil can lead to such emergency situations as fire. Incoming spark or exposure to exhaust gases can lead to fire.

    I think that every owner of the car will agree that opening the hood, much more pleasant to look at the clean engine.

    Means for washing

    Any car, like a person, requires care and hygiene. Many motorists are wondering: "What to wash the engine?" Few people know that the washing of the power unit is a rather complicated process that requires certain knowledge. After all, it will not be possible to clean the pumproom space using ordinary water and brushes. For the qualitative execution of this process, it is necessary to resort to the use of specialized means for cleaning the engine.

    Many car enthusiasts for cleaning use of large pressure water equipment. The problem is that the stream of large pressure is capable of mechanical damage to electrical equipment, wiring, gaskets, which can result in the output of the engine. This method is rapid, but there is a great risk of damage to electronic equipment and ignition systems.

    In addition to the use of detergent, among the owners of the car, the purification method of various fuel compositions is also common, for example, kerosene, diesel fuel or gasoline. This method has a number of shortcomings. Gasoline is the most unsafe of the above-mentioned funds. It has a high probability of fire and highlights explosive couples.

    Kerosene or diesel fuel, in comparison with gasoline, the least safe to clean the walls of the motor. They have a slight degree of fire, but create other unpleasant problems. After washing kerosene or diesel fuel, the heating walls of the engine will begin to evaporate the caustic smoke. This method is the least safe, and the evaporating smoke from Kerosene will bring discomfort to the owner and passengers of the car.

    More experienced motorists for cleaning the engine at home are used by specialized detergents. Each remedy in its own way individually and has a different composition. This method is the most efficient and safe, but even in this case you need to be alert. Chemicals are capable of oxidizing the metal elements of the engine, as well as destroy the elements of plastic and rubber.

    There is a huge variety of detergents designed specifically for the outdoor washing of the engine. There are two main types of chemicals for washing the engine:

    • Means to remove various types of dirt (universal).
    • Means to remove a specific type of contamination, for example, to wash the engine from the oil.

    Such products are sold in the form of plastic or glass tanks, or in the form of spray aerosols.

    Chemicals are very individual, so it is very difficult to choose the most efficient cleaning agent. In most cases, one-time application of such compositions will not bring due results, so the washing is reused. Before choosing such a means, it is necessary to carefully examine its composition and it is better to give preference to more well-known brands.

    How to properly prepare a car to wash the windscare

    The car washing the car needs to be approached very responsibly, since this process requires knowledge of some features. Incorrectly produced cleaning of the subcontrol space can lead to deposits.

    To begin with, you need to choose a car parking place in advance. The most good place will be a garage. The choice of parking is important, since after cleaning the car it is not recommended to operate it within 10-12 hours. The engine must succumb.

    In addition, it is necessary to check all elements of electrical equipment for damage. In no case should there be bare wires or other faults and cracks where moisture can get

    Prepare all the primary and necessary tools for cleaning.

    If the place to clean the cleaning is selected, all rules are met and remedies are prepared, then you can proceed to the cleaning process.

    Step-by-step instructions for washing power installation

    To properly and without consequences, clean the power setting must be followed by the following rules and act according to the instructions.

    Step 1. Preparatory stage.

    First you need to prepare all the remedies in advance. We will need: means of individual protection, foil or polyethylene, tape, brush of different sizes (medium and small, for hard-to-reach places), sponge, rag, cleaning agent, water capacity, capacitance for collecting dirt residues.

    Cleaning is performed at a motor temperature of 50-60 degrees. If the engine was headed, then it is necessary to give it to cool until the desired temperature. Otherwise, you need to start and warm the engine to the specified temperature.

    After that, with the help of harvested polyethylene or foil, we close all the places where electrical equipment is located and fix them to the tape. Much attention is paid to the idling sensor, since if you rearrange and pour it with water, then maybe.

    Step 2. Precautions.

    In mandatory, use personal protective equipment. First of all, these are rubber gloves. Chemical cleaners can adversely affect the skin. In addition, oil contamination is very poorly displayed. Therefore, rubber gloves and working form will be an integral part of this process.

    Step 3. Cleaner Application

    We carefully get acquainted with the instructions of the purchased cleaner.

    To begin with, rinse all contaminated surfaces with a small amount of water. The chemical is then applied. If the tool in the form of aerosol, it is simply sprayed at the necessary places. If a means in the form of a solution, then it is applied using a sponge. For cleaning hard-to-reach places, we recommend using a toothbrush.

    After applying, we will wait the necessary time for interaction of the cleaner with pollution. Duration is usually indicated in the instructions.

    Step 4. Security and ecology measures.

    First of all, you need to carefully apply the cleaner. These mixtures are easily flammable and explosive, so it is necessary to follow the safety regulations.

    In the process of washing, it is necessary to monitor the cleanliness and not contaminate the ecology. The remnants of dirt and oils are needed to be collected in a specially harvested capacity for this.

    Step 5. Final Stage

    In conclusion, we make washing all the places where the cleaner was applied. It will be convenient to use a hose with a slight water pressure. It is worth noting that it is necessary to wash the incomotional space with caution, without getting to the places of electrical equipment, even though they are protected by polyethylene or foil.

    After washing, we produce a visual inspection. If not all contaminants have been removed, then we recycle.

    In order to launder the engine from oil and dirt, you do not need much time and money. You only need to adhere to the instructions and rules, and then your engine will shine and will not let go at the right moment.

    The dirty motor, lined with mud and butter, not only unpleasant outwardly. Pollutants on the engine crankcase and its attachments can lead to serious negative consequences. In the article, let's talk about engine cleaners from oil and dirt and we estimate how important it is to contain a motor clean.

    Why do you need to clean the engine?

    There are several negative consequences that may occur in the case of critical motor contamination.

    1. Worsening heat exchange. Initially, when designing the engine, part of the heat removal is laid on the natural cooling of the motor with the surrounding air. And with the calculation of this, the cooling system is already designed. The so-called "fur coat" of oil and dirt reduces the thermal conductivity of the crankcase. Reducing the intensity of heat removal from the engine crankcase at least causes an increase in its average operating temperature by several degrees, and on hot days can lead to overheating.
    2. The likelihood of fire. Mud and oil rings on the engine is able to ignite from a small spark and in a matter of seconds will grow up into a serious focus of fire.

    1. Negative effect on attachments. Oil and dirt on drive belts, wiring, nozzles and hinged equipment can lead to failures in these elements.
    2. The appearance of unpleasant smell in the cabin. The heated oil on the motor crankcase creates an unpleasant smell that penetrates the salon and causes discomfort.
    3. An unpleasant appearance of the motor, complexity in the production of repair work under the hood.

    Therefore, the engine washing is not just a cosmetic operation, but an important procedure.

    Overview of popular money cleaning tools from oil and dirt

    In the Russian market, quite a lot of different chemical engine cleaners are presented. Consider the most popular of them.

    1. Hi-Gear Engine Shine, Foaming DegReaser. One of the most popular funds in the Russian Federation. Produced in cylinders with a volume of 454 ml. It is a foam emulsion, a mixture of various penetrating dispersants capable of dissolving even solar oil sediments. It is applied on a heated engine, washed off with water. Not aggressive in relation to plastic and rubber. It has positive feedback from motorists in terms of efficiency. It is more expensive than most other engine cleaners.
    2. Abro Masters Engine DegReaser. This purifier is a spray in a cylinder under pressure with a volume of 450 ml. It consists of surfactants, alkali dispersants and lung solvents. Sprayed on the engine, after a small waiting (impregnation and splitting of mud sediments) is washed off with water. It has a peculiar smell that some motorists are called unpleasant. However, a few hours after the processing of the motor, this smell is almost completely destroyed.

    1. GRASS ENGINE CLEANER.. Also popular to the Russian Federation. It has its cheap and at the same time good efficiency. It copes well with fresh herounds of oil and small dust beats. It has a large number of surfactants in the composition. Essentially removes solar deposits. Sold as ready-to-use product in 500 ml capacities with a mechanical sprayer or in the form of a concentrate. The spray is applied by contactless way to the engine, the concentrate is mixed with water and can be applied contactlessly. By the ratio of price and detergent abilities, motorists are recognized as one of the best suggestions.

    1. Runway Engine Cleaner. The aerosol engine cleaner is produced in metal cylinders with a volume of 650 ml. It has an average efficiency. With low among such funds, a price copes well with relatively fresh pollution. It is not suitable to remove dried oil-dust crusts.
    2. 3Ton foam engine cleaner. Inexpensive and effective means. It has a subjectively pleasant smell. Efficiency and price - medium in the market.

    These are the most common products in the category of chemical motor cleaners. There are several folk remedies for cleaning the engine from pollution. However, not all of them are safe and accessible to ordinary motorists. Therefore, we will not consider them here.

    What cleaner is better to choose?

    Remarkable fact: Most of the Motor Cleaner category of the Motor Cleaner category work with approximately the same efficiency. Better than others, according to motorists, Hi-Gear and Grass are operating. However, much depends on the nature of pollution and personal, not always objective, assessing car owners.

    For household, one-time cleaning of the motor from rigorous abundant pollution, it is better to use inexpensive foam sprayers such as 3Ton, Runway or Abro. They are not bad to clean the lungs of dust raids or did not have time to dry her leaks of working fluids.

    To remove more serious contaminants, it is better to take advantage of a more expensive tool, for example, from Hi-Gear. This tool has a more powerful penetrating and cleaving ability. But it is not able to cope with the solar raids.

    Remove abundant dirt is easier to contact method. To facilitate this task it is better to use the spray or apply contact (brush or brush) tool for cleaning. In this situation, the GRASS ENGINE CLEANER cleaner will be an excellent solution in terms of price and efficiency.

    When cleaning the motor from dirt and oil, do not forget about the precautionary measures. Closely vulnerable to falling cavity liquids with a rare or polyethylene film. Disconnect the negative terminal of the AKB. Work in a well-ventilated room. And most importantly - always carefully apply a means and think whether the processing of a particular area does not cause damage to the motor.

    Effective washing of the engine. Engine cleaning methods that really work

    How to keep the engine lubrication system clean for many years. After all, this factor is one of the most important engines for the health of the car. Why do you need, let's figure it out. Slums, slag, carbon - all this is the result of the combustion process in the engine. When we buy a car, due to a shortage of time, funds, etc., just forgets about the competent maintenance of the car. And it is delayed for a long time, during which the precipitate in the form of combustion products is settled on the engine parts. Due to which their friction increases - metal about metal, respectively, destruction is.

    The oil filter does not always cope with its task and microparticles, which did not come under the filter begin to circulate in the motor, causing microscopic scratches, damage on the walls of cylinders and bearings. They begin to stick the valve, the hydrocomathers are knocking, the work of the piston is disturbed, causing engine oscillations. Then the owner of the car is surprised why the engine eats oil with liters per 1000 km. Where is such a big fuel consumption. Here is the result of the inactivity of the car owner, see the picture below. This motor has not passed 30000 km. Look in what condition it is.

    To wash the engine

    What do you ask?! And do nothing, it is necessary to wash it all.
    Many are skeptical to the washing of the engine, to make the causes. A lot of junk appeared on the market alleged washing, which in their composition have an ultrahigh solvent and are not suitable for the engine. Do not pay attention to cheap flushing.

    Do not take the first thing that fell from the store shelves.
    A good flushing is such a product that commens the compression in the engine cylinders, effectively worked for the removal of the sludge, dirt, and it will not just give her to fall off but also dissolve her that it is not scored and easily removed from the mixture system.
    Also, good flushing should cover all microscopic defects in the motor, and restore both glands, IAK and all rubber seals.

    Plus and minuses of washing for the engine.

    Bad flushing:
    - Corrodization of the gland, as a result of engine leakage
    - loss of compression
    - increasing oil consumption
    - Power loss
    - scored channels in the engine

    Pluses good washing:
    - restored engine compression (you can do the test before and after use)
    - reduction of fuel and oil consumption
    - Cleaning from sludge
    - the car becomes a reception, easier
    - noise in the engine decreases
    - There is a TUV RUF ROHS approval

    Methods of car engine cleaning

    Let's look at several ways to effectively clean the engine from Nagara and sludge.

    1. In spare parts stores, you can find such a product as, for example, SAE 40 engine oil. This is a seasonal summer product that has a highly high cleaning ability and effectively cleans the motor.

    Drain the exhaust engine oil fill this oil without changing the oil filter. Get the motor and crawl at idle about 15-30 minutes, you can ride a little.
    After that, drain the oil, most likely it will be black, as it will bring together all the dirt that gathered on the walls, details, etc. Repeat everything done earlier until the oil color will not be as you poured it.

    This is one of the best ways to rinse the engine, and after it will merge clean oil, you will be sure that the motor is clean.
    Result. After this method of washing in the Motor of the Proda Ford, exploitor 1992 oil and fuel consumption decreased, the engine began to work quieter, the car smolder became more and receiving.

    2. The second way to wash the motor well.
    Flickering from Liquia Moli Engine Flush - in a common man that has long deserved recognition. Fills into the motor into the exhaust oil, the engine warms up for about 10 minutes after which it merges. Excellent, easy to use product, and most importantly effective.

    Always take it as a consumersion when replacing engine oil. Here is a long-term washing, if everything is completely bad.

    Fill it for 300 km. Before changing, cleaning will begin.

    Lambda Oil Primer.

    Here is another interesting and super efficient thing for washing the car engine - Lambda Oil Primer.

    This product is approved by TUV, RoHS and VAG. It acts well in restoring the compression of the motor. Many who used just eager to make a compression test before and after use. The results were beautiful after washing. The perfect cleanliness and operation of the motor, as well as subsequent protection.
    It is used in gasoline and diesel engines. One of the best premium washes, which is in the world.

    As for the product characteristics:
    Effectively cleans the oil lubricant system, preventing problems associated with the accumulation of sludge, dirt, deposits. After cleaning, pure oil is guaranteed in a clean engine for many kilometers.
    It is used both in the engine and gearboxes and differentials. The composition contains lubricant that protects mechanical parts during the cleaning process.
    Suitable for all types of modern and old benz. and Diz. engines. added to any engine oil.

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