Home Rack Peschanskaya Icon of the Mother of God - what it helps with, meaning. The Icon of the Mother of God of Peschanskaya is a shrine of the Church of St. Theodora Studite Peschansky Church in Izmailovo schedule of services

Peschanskaya Icon of the Mother of God - what it helps with, meaning. The Icon of the Mother of God of Peschanskaya is a shrine of the Church of St. Theodora Studite Peschansky Church in Izmailovo schedule of services

Another image of the Mother of God, which is closely connected with the history of Russia, is revered as miraculous and is an example of icon painting. The Peschanskaya Icon of the Mother of God is of the same type as the Kazan Icon, even their holiday is on the same day. True, it looks a little different, and also has its own unique history.

History of the appearance of the image

The widest veneration occurred in the 18th-19th centuries; today the Peschanskaya Icon of the Mother of God was remembered again in connection with the tragic events in Ukraine. The fact is that it was revealed in the city of Peski, Kharkov region. The author, as well as the circumstances of the appearance of the shrine, remained a mystery. But the secondary acquisition in the mid-18th century. well known.

This happened thanks to Saint Joasaph of Belgorod, who came to Izyum on a pastoral visit. The bishop saw in a dream the image of the Mother of God among the garbage, so he examined everything very carefully. When he visited a church in the suburbs, he immediately noticed a large icon in the corner. It was used instead of a partition, hiding the service area behind it.

The saint made a remark to the servants and ordered the image to be placed in a place of honor, to the left of the Royal Doors. Since then, this place has always belonged to this shrine, even when the temple of the Peschanskaya Icon was moved to the city of Peski. The old church building was dismantled in 1792 because it had fallen into disrepair. A new stone building was built for the image near Izyum.

The role of the Peschanskaya icon in history, miracles

The icon began to attract pilgrims, because St. Joasaph was very popular among the people. Through the centuries, evidence of numerous miracles has reached us.

  • In 30 of the century before last, a cholera epidemic broke out. Believers prayed on the main square in front of the Peschanskaya Icon of the Mother of God. The prayer helped - soon people stopped dying from this terrible disease.
  • At the beginning of the 19th century. Several children of a local teacher died. There was only one son left, but he also fell ill. The parents took the boy to Peski to serve a prayer service in front of the shrine, but he could not stand the road. Without telling anyone what happened, the pious couple decided to fulfill their vow. During the prayer service, the boy screamed very loudly and woke up. The news of the great miracle spread throughout the province.
  • There was a period when church authorities forbade serving prayers and akathists in front of the Peschanskaya Icon. The archpriest who gave this order soon became so ill that he could not walk. Realizing his guilt before the Mother of God, he ordered to be carried to the temple. By the end of the service, he managed to stand up on his own.

The image became so famous that Alexander II himself and his wife came to Ukraine to pray to the Most Pure Virgin. Since then, the veneration of the icon began to be associated with the royal house of the Romanovs.

Finding in new times

In the 90s, the image, which was considered lost during the revolution, began to be sought with the blessing of Elder Nikolai Guryanov. He ordered to fly around the borders of Russia with the Peschanskaya Icon of the Mother of God and pray in front of it. The search was completed after 2 weeks. In addition to the original, a list was also found that was given to the temple by the emperor. A year later, despite numerous obstacles, it was possible to organize a religious procession on an airplane.

Features of the icon

The image is very reminiscent of the Kazan Icon, only it is made almost to its full height. The Savior sits on the left hand of the Mother, as if on a throne - this is a symbol of the fact that the Mother of God has become His support, a guide to the world of people. The right hand of the Lady points to Jesus. The right hand of the Savior is raised in blessing, the left one rests on his knees, in his hand is a closed Book. His legs are visible from under his vestments. The head bows to the Virgin Mary.

Temple of the Sand Icon

The icon of the Peschanskaya Mother of God is located in the cathedral church in the city of Izyum. She is large, almost human height. The image is decorated with a rich frame, under which only the faces and palms of the Savior and the Mother of God are visible. Under the glass are also gifts from grateful believers. The neck of the Virgin Mary is decorated with a necklace with a large stone.

Already in the modern period, the Church of the Peschanskaya Icon of the Mother of God in Izmailovo (Moscow) was consecrated. This joyful event took place on the eve of Easter. The premises previously belonged to a kindergarten and were empty for many years, as if the Mother of God was saving it for herself. The building was handed over to the community of believers, and miraculously money was found for repairs. In less than a month, the building was put in order. The iconostasis was rebuilt and church utensils were purchased.

Parishioners claim that they feel the special presence of God in the church. Prayer is offered before the shrine regularly - every Wednesday an akathist is served, during which kneeling petitions to the Mother of God are read. Residents of Moscow are very glad that they have found another monastery where prayers are offered for the city and all of Russia, leading sinners to repentance. The church is open every day, here you can ask for your needs and stand in the service.

The Queen of Heaven helps everyone who prayed with faith and love. Through the image of the Mother of God, Orthodox Christians enlist God's help.

Prayer to the Peschanskaya Icon

Oh, Most Merciful and Most Merciful Mother of God, Patroness of our city of Izyum and our country, and also of the whole world to the Prayer Book, accept the kneeling of our minds and hearts, and hear the prayers sent to You in tenderness of our souls: as from ancient times you received the prayers of loving souls here, before lifted up by Your icon.

Help us in defeating the charms and temptations of this world, do not allow us to be rejected by eternal heavenly bliss. You are our only joy and consolation in this temporary life; You are our only hope in eternal life. We believe that You, with Your Motherly love and condescension, have worthy us with You of the longed-for kingdom of Your Son. We therefore ask you: do not retreat from us, O All-Good One, protect us from all the snares of the enemy, do not allow us to lose God’s mercy through our sins; remove from us laziness in prayer and visiting the temple of God; deliver us from cowardice, despondency, enmity, anger, suspicion, envy, slander, hatred and demonic pride

Give understanding to those who have trampled the commandments of the Church of Christ. Grant peace and love to our families, may parents and children live in harmony. May the truth of God be in our country, may pious customs be preserved among our people. Offer, O All-Blessed One, fervent prayers before God for the pacification of the whole world, so that the human race will not perish in the flames of worldwide devastation; may all people know their Heavenly Father and you, the Mother of God, the intercessor of the Christian race.

Bring all nations to true repentance and correction of sinful lives, so that the day of the Last Judgment of God will not be terrible for us, but the Lord will vouchsafe us with You the eternal joy of heaven, and to Him belongs all glory, honor and worship to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Peschanskaya Icon of the Mother of God - what it helps with, meaning was last modified: June 18th, 2017 by Bogolub

Address: Moscow, 9th Parkovaya St., 4a The Church-Chapel of the Kazan (Peschanskaya) Icon of the Mother of God in Izmailovo of the Transfiguration Deanery of the Moscow Diocese is located at the address: 9th Parkovaya St., 4a (intra-city municipality of Eastern Izmailovo). The temple is located in the building of a former kindergarten (closed in 1993, previously owned by the USSR Ministry of Railways). The temple was consecrated on Easter 2001. The reconstruction of the premises was actively carried out in 2001-2004. and continues to this day; The Russian Ministry of Railways contributed to the reconstruction of the building. The two-story building is decorated with three domes (the third was installed in February 2009); one of the facades is decorated with a decorative bay window with a semicircular window and an image of a cross. The belfry is located in the courtyard of the temple. The church contains the revered Peschanskaya Icon (iconographic type of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God), discovered by St. Joasaph of Belgorod in the city of Izyum in Ukraine. Every Wednesday at 18-00 an akathist is read to this icon. There are a number of clubs for children at the temple. ______________________ http://www.peschanskiy-hram.ru/dokumenty-hrama/v-chest-peschanskoi-bogorodicy.html On the eve of Easter in 2001, a new Orthodox church opened in Moscow. Its opening could go unnoticed, because... Outwardly, the temple does not represent anything unusual; moreover, it opened in the premises of a former kindergarten. But the event clearly went beyond the ordinary. It was clear that the Mother of God Herself indicated the place for Her Image. And in honor of this image, a group of Orthodox people decided to open a temple in Izmailovo - fortunately, the place itself was already waiting for this event. Moreover, the patronage of the Mother of God was clearly felt. The kindergarten, which had been empty for eight years and belonged to the Ministry of Railways, had long been looked after by one or another businessmen who came to official institutions with a lot of money: “Sell the empty premises.” But here’s a miracle: in an era when everything that was in bad shape was sold for next to nothing, the kindergarten in Izmailovo was not for sale. They refused everyone, as if they were waiting for the real Master or Mistress. And when the Orthodox came with their request to open a temple in honor of the Peschanskaya Icon of the Mother of God, the former kindergarten was transferred to the temple completely free of charge. Maybe people are telling the truth that back in the 1930s there stood an Orthodox church on this site, which was demolished by the winds of the era. And today this can be felt in the special atmosphere during the service. After the documents on the transfer of the premises for the temple were signed, everything went even faster. The "twenty" acquired many strong patrons - first of all, the Minister of Railways himself, who, having learned that the former kindergarten of his ministry was becoming a temple, sent there about a hundred builders who, working in several shifts day and night, to keep up with the Easter, literally in twenty days they put the two-story building in order. Money was immediately found for church utensils, for the construction of the iconostasis, in a word, for the entire interior decoration of the temple. It was a real miracle - and already on Good Friday, after the removal of the Shroud, an all-night vigil was served in the temple. It was clear that this could not have happened without the direct patronage of the Queen of Heaven. Since then, regular services have been held in the temple, and the temple is filled with many people offering their prayers. Every Wednesday an akathist is served, during which the worshipers kneel and turn with hope to the Most Holy Theotokos: “To the chosen Voivode and Patroness of the Russian country, we have received many miracles from Your wondrous icon, we sing laudable praises to You, Queen Theotokos...” Temple in honor of the Icon of the Mother of God of Peschanskaya - one in Moscow, and one of the few in all of Russia. The opening in Moscow of a temple in honor of the icon of the Sand Mother of God, which, according to St. Joasaph, is a strong Intercessor of modern Russia, is undoubtedly providential and fits into a whole series of events leading to the repentance of Russia and the correction of our previous mistakes. It’s good that there is now a temple in honor of this rare icon in Moscow. It's calmer with him.

In recent decades, there has been a process of spiritual renewal of Russian society and the return of the Russian people to traditional Orthodox values. One of the sides of this process is the revival of temple construction. Located in the capital's Izmailovo district, the Church of the Kazan Peschanskaya Icon of the Mother of God is a striking example of modern Russian church architecture.

Founding history

In 1993, in a residential area located near Moscow’s Izmailovsky Park, a kindergarten under the care of the Ministry of Railways ceased operating. The well-located plot of land attracted many wealthy businessmen. But according to God's Providence, the Moscow municipal authorities were in no hurry to transfer the building to representatives of Russian business.

Church of the Icon of the Kazan (Peschanskaya) Mother of God in Izmailovo, Moscow

By the will of the Lord and the prayer of the Mother of God, the property on 9th Parkovaya Street was transferred to the Izmailovo Orthodox parish in 2001 for free use.

Interesting! Elderly people who lived through the terrible times of church persecution by Soviet power claim that until the 30s. last century there was a church on this site. At the beginning of the 21st century, this place of worship returned to the fold of the Russian Orthodox Church.


Like many modern religious buildings, the Church of the Kazan Peschanskaya Icon of the Mother of God is being built with funds donated by ordinary people and patrons. The construction of the temple is being carried out in stages.

From kindergarten to temple

The first construction work was carried out immediately after the two-story building was handed over to the church community. With the assistance of its former owners (MPS), who provided builders, the building was prepared for the first service in less than a month. Funds were quickly raised for its interior decoration, the purchase of church utensils and the organization of an iconostasis.

On Easter Day 2001, the temple was consecrated in honor of the Kazan Peschanskaya Mother of God icon. The fact that a simple rectangular building with a flat roof housed a church was indicated by a small onion dome on the roof and a cross on one of the facades.

Reconstruction of the Church of the Kazan (Peschanskaya) Icon of the Mother of God in Eastern Izmailovo

New building

The project for a new church, which was to appear in the old place, was discussed for quite a long time. When creating it, the following features should be taken into account:

  • territorial limitation of the construction site;
  • ensuring the ability to conduct regular services;
  • active social and educational activities carried out by the parish.

The plan for the construction of the Kazan Peschanskaya Church was discussed for 2 years. In 2014, construction began on the main eastern part of the spiritual and educational center - the five-domed cathedral. The main construction and finishing work in this part of the building was completed in 2017. After the consecration of the upper and lower baptismal churches, they began to dismantle the western wing and work on the reconstruction of the central part of the building.

Current state

Today, the construction of the spiritual and educational center at the Church of the Kazan Peschanskaya Icon of the Mother of God continues:

  • the walls of the western part of the building were erected;
  • Preparations are underway for the installation of a dome and finishing of this wing;
  • Work has begun on the reconstruction of the central part of the building.

Iconostasis of the Kazan (Peschanskaya) Church in Izmailovo, Moscow

In addition to the main building, a room with a toilet for parishioners and a church shop were built on the territory of the complex. A covered parking lot is planned.

Description of the architecture

The construction of the Church of the Icon of the Kazan Peschanskaya Mother of God has not yet been completed, but its final appearance can be judged by the finished eastern part and the image located on the official website of the parish.

The building is made in the style of Moscow architecture of the 17th-18th centuries. Its walls are made of red brick, covered with plaster and painted with white facade paint. The facades of the temple part are visually divided into three vertical parts with arched ends - zakomaras. The bases of the five drums, topped with onion-shaped domes, are decorated with the same architectural elements. Three apses adjoin the western façade of the cathedral, the central one of which is decorated with a small dome standing on a drum.

Arched windows and doors, traditional for the Moscow architectural style, are decorated with decorative cornices and platbands. The characteristic horizontal division of the facade is achieved by protruding cornices that encircle the entire building.

The temple western part of the building is balanced by an eastern three-story wing with a mansard end covered with a gable roof. This part of the structure is crowned with three domes placed on drums with slab bases. The white color of the walls emphasizes the dark color of the roof, base and protruding architectural elements.


The temple, erected in 2014 on 9th Park Street, consists of two:

  1. Church of the Icon of the Kazan Peschanskaya Mother of God (Upper Temple).
  2. Church of St. Joseph of Belgorod (Lower Baptismal Church).

Both names are associated with the main temple shrine - the icon of the Peschanskaya Mother of God, the general iconographic type of which repeats the Kazan image of the Mother of God. The original was found in the middle of the 18th century by the Belgorod bishop Joasaph in the village of Peski, today part of the city of Izyum in the Kharkov region.

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God of Peschanskaya in the Izmailovo Church

From the day it was found, the image was revered as miraculous. Several revered copies of the Peschansky image of the Mother of God were made, one of which is located in the Moscow Cathedral, dedicated to the miraculous icon.

Schedule of services

The doors of the temple are open daily from 7.00 to 20.00. Services are held here regularly according to the following schedule:

  • Monday to Friday at 7.30 a.m. the morning service begins, preceded by confession;
  • every Wednesday at 18.00 an akathist is read in front of the main shrine of the temple;
  • on Saturdays there are morning and evening services, which begin at 8.30 and 17.00;
  • Sunday worship begins at 7.00 and ends with the Blessing of Water prayer.

Activities of the parish

In addition to spiritual activities, within the walls of the educational center operating at the Church of the Kazan Peschanskaya Mother of God, classes are conducted for children. They have the opportunity to attend Sunday school and various clubs:

  • singing;
  • drawing;
  • beading;
  • dancing;
  • theatre studio.

Voluntary service provides support to people in need of help. Church ministers regularly visit prisoners in one of the correctional institutions and perform services in a psychoneurological boarding school.

Interesting! On the basis of the educational center there is a film school “Grain”, where teenagers, under the guidance of professional teachers, master the art of creating feature films.

How to get there

The Church of the Icon of the Kazan Peschanskaya Mother of God is located in the capital's Izmailovo district at the address: 9th Parkovaya Street, property 4a.

To visit the reviving temple, you need to get to the Pervomaiskaya metro station and follow Parkovaya Street towards Izmailovsky Park.

Every year the temple of the Kazan Peschanskaya Mother of God icon is transformed. Not only local residents come to pray there, but also people who want to ask for help before the miraculous image.

Temple of the Kazan (Peschanskaya) Icon of the Mother of God in Moscow

Temple in honor of the Kazan (Peschanskaya) Icon of the Mother of God in Izmailovo

ADDRESS: 9th Park, 4A

REPRESENTATIVE: Archpriest John Ermilov

General contractor: OJSC "Monolitstroy"

The project was prepared by the company "My City" LLC

Project documentation was developed by TriDe-project company

TEMPLE for 350-400 people

In Moscow, on 9th Parkovaya, the construction of the parish part of the temple complex is being completed, three domes have been ordered, and work is underway to strengthen the foundations of the central part. BYPASS VAO

Eight Orthodox churches are being built in the east of the capital. BYPASS VAO

Construction work is resuming on 9th Parkovaya Street (Bypass VAO)

News of the construction program: construction of the temple in Fili-Davydkovo begins, the temple of the Kazan Peschanskaya icon has acquired a dome, a Sunday school is opened at the parish of Savva Storozhevsky

Pilgrimage trip to Optina Pustyn

The youth club "East" at the Church of the Kazan (Peschanskaya) Icon of the Mother of God made a trip to the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery

On Easter, services will begin in the new church on 9th Park Street

Visiting the theater studio

Holidays at the parish of the Kazan (Peschanskaya) Icon of the Mother of God in Izmailovo

Ball for beloved mothers

The laying of the new church marked the arrival of the Kazan (Peschanskaya) Icon of the Mother of God in Izmailovo on its patronal feast day

Archbishop Mark of Yegorievsk and Vladimir Resin visited the Eastern District


On the feast of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, November 4, 2014, the rector, Archpriest John Ermilov, performed a prayer service with the laying of a stone at the foundation of the shrine. In place of the future altar of the lower baptismal church, a capsule with the relics of St. Joasaph of Belgorod was laid, the Holy Cross and a memorial marble slab were installed.

The rector was co-served by the clergy of the Church of the Kazan (Peschanskaya) Icon of the Mother of God in Izmailovo. After the service, parishioners were invited to a festive tea party. Since now, after half of the building has been dismantled, there is very little space in the remaining room, a special canopy was installed for guests. Tables with generous refreshments were also placed there.

Site address: 9th Parkovaya Street, 4A. The client is the parish itself. MonolitStroy OJSC was invited as the general contractor.

This is one of the most unusual construction projects in the Program. On the land plot there is a dilapidated building in disrepair, in which an Orthodox church was built several years ago. It is already quite dangerous to serve, and indeed to be in it, so it was decided to re-build a spacious cathedral on this site. At the same time, do not immediately demolish everything to zero, but dismantle first one part of the old premises, and then the second. So that we can continue to worship.

The parish has developed a project for the construction of the temple complex and approved the schedule. Workers entered the site in September 2014.

“Brilliant work,” said Vladimir Resin, curator of the Program for the Moscow Government, looking at a photo report from the construction site in Izmailovo. – In such cramped conditions and to work as they do is both professionalism and heroism. You, Father, can be congratulated. Your temple will then be of historical interest, even from the point of view of how it was made. After all, it turns out that this is not even a point development, but a super-point development. Jewelry work. Lead by example."

A temple with such a dedication - in honor of the Peschanskaya Icon of the Mother of God - is the only one in Moscow, and one of the few throughout Russia.

There is a Sunday school at the temple. On Wednesdays, the priests of the temple visit Psychoneurological boarding school No. 12 (9th Parkovaya St., 53), where they perform prayers for health with blessing of water, lithium; confess and give communion to the sick. In the summer of 2013, a group of volunteers was formed to provide care for needy residents of the area. The parish, in collaboration with the Russian Birch Foundation, also provides assistance to low-income families and single people living in remote corners of our Motherland. A support group for prisoners has been created at the parish, for whom, with donations from believers, parcels with things, food, incense, candles, etc. are collected. Help is provided not only to the prisoners themselves, but also to the “Joy to All Who Sorrow” church located in the zone.

The lower temple is dedicated to Saint Joasaph of Belgorod. This dedication is no coincidence. After all, it was thanks to this ascetic that the Kazan Peschanskaya Icon of the Mother of God was found. This is how the life of the saint tells about it:

“...In a dream, it was revealed to Saint Joasaph that in one of the churches of his diocese the image of the Mother of God was being neglected. The ascetic saw a pile of rubbish in the vestibule of the church and an icon of the Most Holy Theotokos standing there in the corner. An extraordinary radiance emanated from the image, illuminating the Most Pure Face of the Mother of God. Amazed by the vision, the saint approached the icon and heard a voice: “Look what the servants of this temple did to My icon! This image of Mine is destined to be a source of grace for this village and the whole country, but they have cast it into rubbish!”

Extremely embarrassed by this dream, the saint, while surveying the churches, examined them in detail both from the outside and from the inside, looking for the one that was revealed to him by the Lord in a dream. Finally, arriving in the city of Izyum, the bishop visited the Church of the Ascension on the outskirts of the city of Zamosc. Deep excitement seized the ascetic at the sight of this temple: he recognized it... Entering the vestibule, the saint stopped in amazement and began to peer at the large icon of the Mother of God, which stood in the corner and served as a partition, behind which coal was poured for the censer...

... Having made the sign of the cross, Saint Joasaph fell on his knees before the icon and, bursting into tears, said loudly: “Mistress of Heaven, forgive the negligence of Your servants, for they do not know what they are doing!” Then, having made a stern reprimand to the dean for his careless attitude towards the shrine, the archpastor ordered to immediately put the icon in its proper place in the temple, saying: “In this image the special grace of God abounds, in it the Most Holy Lady reveals the special significance of Her intercession for this village and the whole country.” "

... From this icon, called the Peschanskaya Icon of the Mother of God (since the image was revealed in the village of Peski, Kharkov province), signs of God’s grace are performed to this day.”

Until recently, the Donbass train departed from Moscow to Donetsk daily. He stayed in Tula, Orel, Kursk, Belgorod, Kharkov. Two and a half hours after Kharkov, the train arrived in Izyum, then in Slavyansk, Kramatorsk, Yasinovataya. The final point was Donetsk.

Peschanskaya Icon of the Mother of God

As soon as war broke out in the south-east of Ukraine in the spring of 2014, Izyum appeared in the world news, where the headquarters of the so-called ATO and the National Guard troops were stationed from the very beginning.

Izyum is a picturesque town on the border of the Kharkov region and Donbass, located sixteen hours away from Moscow. It stands on Mount Kremyants, mentioned in The Tale of Igor's Campaign. “Oh Russian Land! You're already over the hill! » - said Prince Igor when his squad crossed this mountain and went towards their fate.

Where the Seversky Donets River winds, there is a monument stone. It announces the victory of Vladimir Monomakh over the Polovtsians.

The Izyum Museum houses the Golden Gospel, a gift from Peter the Great. During the Azov campaigns and the war with the Swedes, the tsar lived in Izium for three years.

When Russia rejected the two-headed eagle, it was in this city that the stars were cast on the towers of the Moscow Kremlin.

During the Great Patriotic War, fierce battles took place for Izyum. From October 1941, for eight months, the front line passed near Izyum. During the Battle of Kursk, the Izyumo-Barvenkovsky operation was carried out here, pinning down German forces. According to the stories of veterans, this played a decisive role in the victory of the Red Army at the Kursk Bulge.

It was here, on Mount Kremyanets, that the famous Soviet physicist Lev Landau figured out how to split the atom, which ultimately led to the creation of the nuclear shield of the USSR, and subsequently Russia.

But not only these events, known to many, took place on Izyum land. A hundred years ago, a mysterious story happened that was to play a decisive role in the fate of the Russian Empire in the 20th century. And this story is directly related to Raisin. It begins “Memoirs of Comrade Chief Prosecutor of the Holy Synod, Prince Nikolai Davydovich Zhevakhov.”

Bari – Raisin

Italy, early 1920s. At the Russian Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in the city of Bari there lives a Russian refugee who, twenty years before the revolution in Russia, took a very active part in its construction. This is Prince Nikolai Davydovich Zhevakhov. From here, from Italy, his bitter thoughts tirelessly rush towards Russia.

In the conditions of a meager refugee share, he is looking for an opportunity to print what he considers vitally important for all Russian people, like him, who have lost their homeland and are scattered throughout the world in great sorrow. From Paris and Belgrade, from Berlin and Harbin, he attracts the attention of Russians to Izyum.

Why does he turn specifically to this provincial town of Little Russia, with which he has no personal connection? After all, Prince Zhevakhov’s entire life was spent in Kyiv, St. Petersburg and the Poltava family estate of Linovitsa, where, taking advantage of the prince’s hospitality, Sergei Nilus wrote his creations.

In 1923, Zhevakhov’s book was published in Berlin. From the first pages, it will take the reader to Izyum, connecting this city with the royal palace, with Headquarters in Mogilev, with the names of the Sovereign and Empress, as well as with a number of famous and inglorious historical figures.

He will name the culprits of the revolutionary catastrophe, and some of those named will answer him, trying to discredit the name of Zhevakhov and discredit what he sacredly believed in. This won't stop him. For the rest of his life he would strive to attract the attention of the Russian emigration to Izyum.

Living Heart

Raisin, Peski settlement, Holy Ascension Cathedral. Prince Zhevakhov came here on a special mission in 1915.

A living heart beats in this temple. It sensitively hears and responds to any trouble

A living heart beats in this temple. It sensitively hears and responds to any misfortune, to incurable diseases, especially children's. This merciful, sensitive heart is the ancient image of the Peschanskaya Mother of God. The Cossack icon, as if touched by the steppe sun, brought to Izyum unknown when and by whom, was forgotten for a long time and, by a special revelation, was rediscovered in 1754 by Saint Joasaph of Belgorod.

In gratitude for the miraculous healings, people brought their gifts to the Mother of God: chains, crosses, rings and flowers - gladioli, dahlias, asters. From the gifts brought, a chasuble of gold and silver was cast for the icon.

Saint Joasaph was glorified under Emperor Nicholas II. The autocratic voice for his glorification first came from Alexander III, who believed that the salvation of the august family during the train crash in Borki in 1888 happened thanks to the prayers and intercession of the saint.

As in 1903, when the royal family arrived for the glorification of St. Seraphim, in September 1911 the Tsar and his family intended to come for the canonization of St. Joasaph, in the preparation of which they took the most heartfelt part. The royal family was about to leave Kyiv for Belgorod when the assassination of Prime Minister P.A. Stolypin. The Tsar stayed for the funeral, scheduled for the same days as the celebrations in Belgorod.

The saint led him to a mountain, from where all of Russia, drenched in blood, could be seen

A year after his glorification, Saint Joasaph appeared to the military doctor Colonel O. Taking this believer by the hand, the saint led him to a mountain, from where all of Russia, drenched in blood, was visible.

“I shuddered with horror,” the colonel told members of the brotherhood of St. Joasaph of Belgorod. “There was not a single city, not a single village, not a single piece of land that was not covered in blood... I heard distant screams and groans of people, the ominous roar of guns and the whistle of flying bullets zigzag across the air; I saw how rivers overflowing with blood overflowed their banks and flooded the earth with menacing streams... The picture was so terrible that I threw myself at the feet of the saint to beg him for mercy. But from the trembling of my heart, I only convulsively grabbed the saint’s clothes and, looking at him with eyes full of horror, I could not utter a single word. Meanwhile, the saint stood motionless and seemed to be peering into the bloody distance, and then said: “Repent... This is not yet, but it will be soon”... After this, the wondrous image of the saint, radiant and bright, began to slowly move away from me and dissolved in the bluish haze of the horizon.” .

The year was 1912. Russia seemed to be prospering. There were brilliant parades of the imperial guard. The Tsar promoted cadets to officers. Romances about white acacia were sung in noble estates. In the villages, peasant girls danced in circles. Merchants reveled at fairs. Everything went according to the order established for centuries.

Who would have believed that only a few years would pass, and the imperial army would lay down its heads on the fields of war, terror and murder would begin in Kyiv in 52 “cherekaykas”, and in the Kazan province security officers would fry living people in Russian ovens! In the State Historical Library you can familiarize yourself with the “Weekly Journal of Extraordinary Commissions” of the revolutionary years, on the pages of which some Saratov and Odessa, Tver and Kharkov “extraordinary commissions” knowledgeably exchange “experience”...

Alas, during the years of peace, people did not listen to the holy righteous John of Kronstadt, who called: “Repent! Repent! A terrible time is approaching, so terrible that you cannot even imagine! Is it surprising that no one believed the military doctor?

In 1914, when the war was already raging, Saint Joasaph again appeared to Colonel O., in response to his fervent prayer for the salvation of Russia.

“It’s too late,” said the saint. – Now only the Mother of God can save Russia. The Vladimir image of the Queen of Heaven, with which my mother blessed me for monasticism and which now resides above my shrine in Belgorod, as well as the Peschansky image of the Mother of God, which is in the village of Peski, near the city of Izyum, which I found when I was the bishop of Belgorod, must be immediately delivered to front, and as long as they remain there, until then the mercy of the Lord will not leave Russia. The Mother of God is pleased to go along the front lines and cover it with Her omophorion from enemy attacks... These icons contain the source of grace, and then the Lord will have mercy through the prayers of His Mother.”

And again no one believed the colonel. For trying to draw attention to the appearance of Saint Joasaph, he was almost thrown into a madhouse.

Colonel O. was believed by the priest, who took a great part in the glorification of St. Joasaph of Belgorod. It was he, Father Alexander Malyarevsky, a respected St. Petersburg archpriest and personal friend of Father John of Kronstadt, who set the story described and himself came to Prince Zhevakhov.

“You will have to do this,” he said to the prince, blessing him. – So look at this matter as a mission entrusted to you by the saint, your patron... You cannot refuse... This is a delicate matter, and you need to take it on with caution... It’s not enough to believe here, but you need to be able to transfer your faith to another. Not everyone will do this, and not everyone can be entrusted with such a task... You have court connections; think, look for ways, but do not abandon this thought, for this is your business.”

Nikolai Davydovich Zhevakhov played a key role in preparing the glorification of St. Joasaph. The State Historical Library houses the fruit of his many years of labor: four volumes of materials for the canonization of the saint. Therefore, the trip to Headquarters with the Peschanskaya Icon was a spiritually logical event in his life.

On the way to Headquarters, Prince Zhevakhov learned from the Izyum priest, Father Alexander Yakovlev, that Saint Joasaph also appeared to one blessed old man on Peski, “strongly reproached people for the sins of people” and ordered the Peschanskaya icon to be taken quickly to the king at the front...

Elected Voivode of Holy Rus'

Zhevakhov did not know that it was not just a rural icon going to the front, to the tsar, who had just taken command of the Russian army, and to his army.

In 1754, terminally ill Bishop Joasaph travels around his diocese - from Kursk to Mariupol - in search of the icon that appeared to him in a dream. And he finds her in Izyum, in the town of Zamosc, in the dilapidated Cossack Church of the Ascension of the Lord on the banks of the Donets. Where was this temple located?

It was erected by the Cossacks on the very field where in 1111 Vladimir Monomakh defeated the Polovtsians. Prince Igor and his retinue camped here. Not near Poltava, but in this very place, Peter the Great, who lived in Izium for three years during the Azov campaigns, was going to give battle to the Swedes. The Peschanskaya Icon of the Mother of God was found on the battlefield of ancient Rus'.

After the discovery of the Peschanskaya Icon, the famous regiment of the imperial army, the Izyum Hussars, was formed in Izyum. They distinguished themselves both during the capture of Izmail and in the Napoleonic wars. The regiment was awarded silver trumpets with the inscription “To the Izyum Regiment for its bravery in 1807 against the French” and St. George’s standards with the inscription “For distinction in the defeat and expulsion of the enemy from Russia in 1812.”

Hastened to the aid of the tsarist army in 1915 Chosen Voivode. But this was, as it were, hidden from the attention of Prince Zhevakhov.

"A source of great grace for the whole country"

Before he was appointed to the Belgorod See, Saint Joasaph performed the most important state task - after a fire he restored the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, of which he was rector. The terrible fire that occurred in the monastery of St. Sergius, the House of the Life-Giving Trinity on Russian soil, has a deeply symbolic meaning. Then, in the middle of the 18th century, the seeds of Voltairianism and sedition, which sprouted so abundantly at the beginning of the 20th century, were sown on Russian soil.

The second matter of national importance for the archpastor was the establishment of order in the vast region, which stretched from Kursk to Mariupol and was called the Belgorod diocese.

The third great task of Saint Joasaph was the discovery of the Peschanskaya Icon of the Mother of God. After three days of prayer before the newly found icon, Saint Joasaph heard a voice: “This image is a source of great grace for this village and for the whole country.”

A century and a half after the discovery of the icon, the first part of the prophecy about it was abundantly fulfilled.

In 1800, the Peschansky icon resurrected a dead child in front of his parents and many people. This event was witnessed by the clergy of the temple and mentioned in the Akathist to the Peschanskaya Icon. Having restored the boy to life, the Mother of God rewarded him with strength of body and spirit. He grew up and became a military man. The life of Colonel Pyotr Stepanovich Gelevsky, who died in St. Petersburg at an advanced age, is living evidence of the miracle of the resurrection from the dead.

Through miracles and healings, the Peschanskaya Icon revealed itself as “a source of grace for this world” . In the sovereign sense, as “a source of grace for the whole country,” the Peschanskaya Icon was first opened in 1915, coming to Headquarters to the Sovereign, who a month before had assumed command of the army.

The Peschanskaya icon and Emperor Nicholas II were connected by an invisible thread

The Peschanskaya icon and Emperor Nicholas II were connected by an invisible thread. In honor of the coronation of the Emperor, the residents of Izyum every year walked with this icon in a religious procession from the settlement of Peski to the place where the image was found - in Zamosc. By that time, the old Cossack temple had been dismantled, and in its place, on the banks of the Donets, a chapel was erected in honor of the coronation of Nicholas II. The Bolsheviks destroyed it to the ground. But the Church of the Ascension still houses an ancient copy of the Peschanskaya Icon - a gift from the royal family. It was probably donated to the temple for the canonization of St. Joasaph.

Fatal coincidence

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna herself took part in Prince Zhevakhov’s trip. Thanks to her personal order, in the fall of 1915, on the day of the name day of Tsarevich Alexei, the Peschanskaya Icon arrived in Mogilev, where the Headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief was located. But the procession with the miraculous image of the Mother of God did not take place. The same people who two years later disoriented and entangled the Tsar in a conspiracy took part in preventing the religious procession along the front line.

Having been rejected, the Peschanskaya Icon left Headquarters on December 15, 1915. Zhevakhov took the image back to Izyum.

A careful study of the issue pointed to a fatal coincidence. The well-known “Parvus plan” for financing the revolution in Russia was subject to fluctuations for a whole year and had no certainty - it was either approaching the goal, or was frustrated. History seemed to be waiting for where to turn.

Finally, in the second half of December 1915, Parvus was invited to an important meeting in Berlin. The German Foreign Ministry and the German State Treasury gave him broad financial guarantees for subversive work in Russia.

On December 29, 1915, large-scale financing of the state disaster in Russia and an aggressive campaign to demoralize the army began. Parvus bets on Lenin.

As soon as she left Headquarters, the “red wheel” of history began to spin...

Apparently, it was the Peschanskaya Icon that was destined to keep Russia from destruction. As soon as she left Headquarters, the “red wheel” of history began to spin...

Six months after the departure of the Peschanskaya Icon, the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God from the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin arrived at Headquarters. She visited the front, and she was at Headquarters during the abdication of the Emperor. The Vladimir icon, which stood at the cradle of Rus', which traveled with Russia throughout its entire historical path, came when the fate of the country was finally determined. Russia had to ascend to Golgotha...

Care icons

A local history investigation into the fate of the Peschanskaya Icon in the 20th century refuted the statement of Prince Zhevakhov about the departure of the icon with the Athonite elders.

The prince writes that the icon mysteriously left Izyum for Europe to certain God-chosen people and will appear in due time. Like many Russian refugees of the first wave, Zhevakhov believed that they “carried away Russia in a travel bag.” And if all Russian truth left with them, then it is logical that the myth about the departure of the Peschanskaya Icon from Russia, in which Zhevakhov sincerely believed, was born.

It was hard for him to even think that the icon on which the fate of Russia depended could die at the hands of the Bolsheviks. If Nikolai Davydovich Zhevakhov had learned about the real fate of the Peschanskaya Icon, he would not have been able to hold back his tears. He would exclaim: “Wonderful are Your works, O Lord!”

The icon left secretly, without moving from the place assigned to it by Saint Joasaph

The icon really left - but it left secretly, without leaving Izyum and without moving from the place that was assigned to it by Saint Joasaph. She has disappeared from people's memories. And she returned - with a whole stream of miraculous healings - already in the 80s.

The Saint of Rus' Abroad, Archbishop John of Shanghai (Maximovich), knew the Peschanskaya Icon well from childhood. From his native Adamovka near Slavyansk to the district town of Izyum is 32 kilometers. His father Boris Ivanovich was the elected leader of the Izyum nobility. The Maksimovich family lived either in Kharkov or on the family estate Adamovka. The future Saint John was then still a student at the Kharkov Imperial University.

With a high degree of probability, it can be assumed that in October 1915, the Maksimovich family saw off the Peschanskaya Icon, leaving for Headquarters, in Izium or in Kharkov, where, with a gathering of thousands of believers, a national prayer service was served in front of it at the station.

Kharkov Archbishop Anthony (Khrapovitsky), the future head of the Russian Church Abroad, also took part in the farewell of the icon. It is he who will send the future Saint John, whom he knew as a young Misha Maksimovich, from Yugoslavia to China.

And it’s hard to believe that, having traveled half the world on his holy mission, having spiritual children all over the world, Saint John of Shanghai at some point would not have learned that his native Peschanskaya icon was somewhere in Europe. I would have known, of course, if she had been there.

Peschansky sign

Without moving an inch from its place, the Peschanskaya Icon showed more than a miracle. I dare to think that she showed a sign about unfulfilled with Tsarist Russia.

This sign was revealed in the fate of the Holy Ascension Church, for which it was as if there had never been a destructive, bloody, godless 20th century.

To understand this, you need to familiarize yourself with the history of Izyumshchina in the 20th century. What happened in Izyum after the icon was returned from Headquarters in 1915? And foreign intervention, and civil war, and the famine of the 1930s, and the general destruction and destruction of churches.

When everything around was destroyed, looted, blown to pieces, the Holy Ascension Church was not touched by a bayonet, a bullet, a bomb, or a godless hand. And even in the most difficult years of the “godless five-year plans” and the war, the Divine Liturgy in the church never stopped.

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