Home Wheels Tires and disks for Nissan X-Trail, the size of the wheels on Nissan X-trail. What tires do Nissan X-Trail owners prefer? Dimensions What size of autoresine x Trail T31

Tires and disks for Nissan X-Trail, the size of the wheels on Nissan X-trail. What tires do Nissan X-Trail owners prefer? Dimensions What size of autoresine x Trail T31

Later, whether every motorist "kills", "struts", "Points to Cord" rubber and faces the need to replace it. Unfortunately, there are no exception in this sense and owners of Nissan X-Trail. Help them in choosing tires, give recommendations for their operation - the purpose of this article. So, in order.

What tires are installed at the factory on Nissan X-Trail?

Fig. 1. Basic tire parameters.

For fifteen years of production, the cars were completed with tires of various sizes. Their width (A - the first number in marking) in modifications changed from 215 to 225 millimeters, the profile (P is the second number in the marking written through the fraction) - from 55 to 70% and the landing diameter (R is the last number in marking) - from 15 to 18 inches. And optionally at the last - thirty-second Nissan X-Trail running in the series since 2015, it is possible to install even nineteen-day tires.

Choice of tire size on Nissan X-Trail

So what of all listed above the size of the tires to choose for your X-Trail? The answer to this question is extremely simple - open the car manual.

But what if the car is purchased in the secondary market, and there is no instruction? The table below will solve the problem, which indicates which rubber on Nissan X Trail T31, T30 and T32 recommends the manufacturer.

Year of issue Nissan X-Trail Modification Recommended by the manufacturer of the Nissan X-Trail tire size
2001-2007 T30. 215/70 R15; 215/65 R16; 215/60 R17
2007-2009 T31 215/65 R16; 215/60 R17
T31 2.0; 215/65 R16; 215/60 R17;
T31 2.0 DCI;

T31 2.0 DCI 4 × 4;

215/65 R16; 215/60 R17; 225/60 R17; 225/55 R18.
T31 2.5 225/60 R17; 225/55 R18.
2011-2015 T31 225/60 R17; 225/55 R18.
2015 — 2016 T32. 225/65 R17; 225/60 R18; 225/55 R19

Choosing from several possible versions of tires for Nissan X-Trail T31, T30 and T32, specified in the last column, first of all, you must navigate the diameter of the drives installed on the car. It must correspond to the R - the landing diameter of the tire. Otherwise, mount the wheel will not succeed.

Quickly pick up and decide on the correct tire models.

Suppose that for some reason in terms of the width of the tire and its profile you will be forced to retreat from strict manufacturer's recommendations. In this case, consider the following:

  • If you increase the width of the tire on the Nissan X-Trail, then with a slight increase in the level of clutch with expensive and reduce the braking path, you will receive an increased fuel consumption, risk of stamping and an increase in noise level.
  • Installation of a shorter width bus will lead to a reduction in their service life and the worsening of the clutch with the track in the warm season.
  • With an increase in the wheel profile, the car handling will be reduced at speeds, the speedometer and the mileage meter will incorrectly work correctly, the clearance will increase and the probability of deformation of the elements of the wheeled arches will increase.
  • If you reduce the profile, then due to the reduction of the clearance, there is a danger of damage to body parts and wheels, the car will become tough, and the speedometer readings will be lower than the real values.

It is necessary to conside that the manufacturer picked up the optimal tire size on the entire Nissan X-Trail T31, T30 and T32, that the tires work in the complex with the rest of the nodes. Therefore, any changes to their size can disrupt the balance and will not lead to the improvement of the operational characteristics of the car as a whole.

In cases where you are still forced to retreat from the recommendations of Nissan, make sure that the tires even on different axes have the same width and profile values. This is especially true for all-wheel drive models (Nissan X-Trail T31 2.0 4 × 4, Nissan X-Trail T31 2.0 DCI 4 × 4), in which the imbalance of traction efforts on each of the wheels can lead to unpredictable vehicle behavior in difficult conditions (water, dirt, ice).

Operation of tires on Nissan X-Trail in winter and summer conditions

Fig. 2. Operation of tires on Nissan X-Trail in winter and summer conditions

Summer tires

Choice of tires on Nissan Icstrole in speed and load indexes

Choosing the tires to Nissan Icstreil, you should pay attention to some additional parameters.

Speed \u200b\u200bindex In the form of letters of the Latin alphabet deposited on the side surface of the tire. It indicates the maximum permissible speed for this tire during normal load.

If the car is moving faster for a long time than provided by the speed index, then there is a real risk of tire destruction. Accordingly, "Real Russians", i.e. Lovers of quick ride, should pay close attention to this indicator (especially when choosing summer rubber). Its values \u200b\u200bare shown in the table.

Speed \u200b\u200bindex
Shows the maximum permissible speed at maximum load on the bus
Speed \u200b\u200bindexSpeed, km / hSpeed \u200b\u200bindexSpeed, km / h
L.120 H.210
M.130 V.240
N.140 W.270
P.150 Y.300
Q.160 Vr.>210
R.170 Zr.>240
S.180 Zr (Y)>300

Load index - Shows the maximum permissible load on the bus and has the designation in the form of a number. The load index values \u200b\u200bare shown in Figure 6. Check with its indicators if you plan heavy items on your Nissan X-Trail.

Fig. 6. Load index - shows the maximum permissible load on the bus and has the designation in the form of a number.

Tire pressure Nissan X-Trail

The optimal tire pressure (that is, the pressure provided by the manufacturer provides stability of the contact stains and the rapid heat removal reduces the rolling resistance, prevents uneven rubber wear.

At an overpressure, the risk of tire damage increases, the load on the suspension parts increases, the noise level is growing, the grip is worse. With insufficient - rubber overheating occurs, which leads to a reduction in its service life, the consumption of fuel is growing, driving the car becomes more difficult.

Fig. 7. Tire pressure is a necessary indicator that provides heat removal from tires and contact stability with expensive

What to choose the pressure in the tires of Nissan Icstreil? The answer is simple - contact the factory recommendations. In the work of the driver's door, on a signboard attached at the bottom of the central rack, all the necessary indicators are indicated (see Figure 7).

Conventional pressure values \u200b\u200bfor various modifications of Nissan X-Trail are 2.3-2.6 kg / cm 2 for the front wheels and 2.1-2.4 kg / cm 2 for the rear. It is necessary to take into account that measurements must be carried out on cold tires.

Tires - a link between a car and expensive

Come on the choice of wheels for your car, provide strict compliance with the size of the rubber on the Nissan X-trail to the manufacturer's recommendations, regularly control the tire pressure regularly, facilitate the life of your car, and in response it will certainly facilitate your life.

Using automatic selection of tires and discs for the car Nissan X-TrailA variety of problems associated with their compatibility and compliance with the recommendations of automakers can be avoided. After all, they turn out to be a huge impact on a significant part of the operational properties of the vehicle, primarily on handling, fuel efficiency and dynamic qualities. In addition, it is impossible not to note the importance of tires and wheeled disks, as elements of active safety. That is why the choice between them should be made as responsible as possible, which implies the presence of a number of knowledge about these products.

Unfortunately, or, on the contrary, fortunately a significant part of motorists prefers not to study the technical device of its own car thoroughly. Regardless of this, the automatic selection system will be extremely useful, i.e. it allows you to minimize the likelihood of making an incorrect solution when choosing certain tires and wheels. And choose from anything, thanks to the widest assortment of such products presented in the Mosavtranshina online store.

The dimensions of the Nissan X-Trail discs are selected using the special table of the model of the case and the year of the car. All sizes are completely spelled out on the official website. As for the 2015 models, there are already tires and discs in the dealer autocentra, it is possible to order any recommended models. The size of the wheels of Nissan X-trail is clearly regulated by the manufacturer. If you violate the selection parameters, the car owner is completely deprived of the factory warranty.

Factory recommended Nissan X-Trail 2015 disc parameters include all sizes R17-19 and included in the selection table. If you plan to replace tires or X-Trail drives for a warranty vehicle, it is advisable to clarify in the official service center, whether your choice will affect the preservation of the warranty.

Frequently often, the Nissan X-Trail dealers are extremely intolerable belong to the installation of tires and disks not from the recommended manufacturers and fully regulate the dimensions, marking, the method of fastening the wheels. Unfortunately, in branded autocentra, the cost of tires and disks are 20-50% higher than in other stores. The price of the new tire set on the 2015 model begins from 150,000 rubles. The replicas of the original disks for 2015 are still left to desire the best and have a number of problems with the installation.

How to read the disk index?

Disk parameters significantly affect the driving part of the car.

Incorrectly chosen discs or tires not only worsen running quality, but also lead to dangerous situations on the road. For this reason, you should seek discs that fully appropriate the requirements of the car manufacturer or order original. For Nissan X-Trail 2015 models, this is especially true.

Take for an example decryption marking designations recommended disc for (2015): R18x 7J 5 × 114.3, et \u003d 45, Dia \u003d 66.1.

  • R is naturally radius;
  • 7 - width of the disk in inches;
  • 5 × 114.3 This is the amount of landing bolts with a diameter on which fasteners are located;
  • Et \u003d 45 - disk departure;
  • Dia \u003d 66.1, as an option for writing D66.1. The diameter of the central hole on the side of the aircraft plane in millimeters.

Important! Alloy alloy wheels Nissan X-Trail T31 and T32 2015 may have transitional centering rings. The letters j, jj, k, jk, b, p, d denote the shape of the core of the disks.

How to read tire marking for Nissan X-Trail?

For fifteen years, the production of "Icstreil" cars were completed with tires of various sizes.

The first digit means width in millimeters. For example, the first issues 215/65 R16.

  • A - 215 mm. - Tire profile width;
  • P - Next digit The percentage of tire height to width. In this case, 65;
  • R - marking of the radial location of the tire frames, cord;
  • 16 - planting diameter in inches *.

* For reference, 1 inch \u003d 2.55 cm.

For convenience, we have distributed models by the year of release. So easier to navigate. For all models, both cast and steel extruded discs are recommended. If you have the ability to select forged disks - it is better to choose from. For all indicators, wrought disks show excellent results.. In addition to excellent indicators, wrought disks are fully repaired.


On the Nissan X-Trail of the first graduates 2001 to 2006, tires 215/65 R16 are recommended to which wheels are suitable for 5x114.3. The central diameter of the disk is 66.1, departure 40.


The second generation Nissan X-Trail discs, the release of 2007-2010 may be the following.

The second option is the selection of tires 5/60 R17, the size of the disks on the Nissan X-trail with a breakdown 5x114.3, the central diameter of 66.1, departure 40.


Permissible wheel size Nissan X-Trail T31, release 2011-2013. Possible options include tires 225/60 R17 Disk size Nissan Icstreyl T31 5x114.3, diameter 66.1, departure 40.
The 2nd version is tires 225/55 R18 and 5x114.3 wheels, the central diameter of 66.1, departure 40.

Restyling 2015.

Wheels on Nissan X-Trail T32 2015 So far, highly rare and distinguish very significant cost. For the branded disc, sellers today are requested from 20 to 30 thousand rubles.

How to choose the wheels on Nissan X-Trail?

The car is a vehicle, respectively, needs to be compliance with certain rules. When choosing tires and disks, it is necessary to be guided by security reasons and car maintenance rules. Aesthetic preferences when choosing tires are definitely important, but do not have a decisive role. Also should not be guided by economic considerations or rely on advertising information provided by various manufacturers.

Manufacturers tend to present their products as a universal suitable for any sizes, machine brands and weather conditions, promise hanged patency and unprecedented wear resistance. In fact, universal wheels and disks on Nissan X-Trail do not exist.

Selecting the tires and wheels on the Nissan X-Trail, the owner of the car will have to make a choice between high-speed characteristics, softness, durability, high patency, frost resistance.

The wheels on the Nissan X-Trail with high passability have a high protector and a thick tire. Nissan X-Trail discs in this case are distinguished by the massiveness and fastening strength. All this affects the speed characteristics and noise during operation. The wheels intended for the SUV perfectly behave on a complex track, but in high-speed indicators and level of comfort, are inferior to tires intended for highways.

Special high-speed wheels and discs are characterized by increased softness of tires and good aerodynamic properties of discs. Ride around the city and for good asphalt on such tires is a pleasure. But such tires are faster and react poorly to traffic defects. The smoothness of high-speed tires may cause bad clutch with an expensive in the conditions of wet route, icing, roal coating, snow. Disks, sharpened on speed, less durable and are subject to any shock effects.

Repair alloy wheels are not recommended for high-speed tires. Despite their high cost, nor repeated rolling of cast discs, nor the calcination, nor the soldering, does not restore the working properties of cast high-speed disks. It is more practical, of course, take ordinary steel, although they are inferior on aerodynamics.

What threatens the wrong selection of disks?

The smallest troubles that occur with the wrong selection of disks is the accelerated wear of the tires and the chassis of the car on which an unreal load lies.

Unfortunately, there is a danger of sudden destruction of the hubs, the chassis of the car during emergency loads or simply when driving. Incorrectly chosen wheel can break away in the middle of the road, creating an extremely dangerous situation.

The correct tire and the exact size of the disks on the Nissan X-Trail will allow not only to keep the dealer's warranty, but also safely and comfortably ride. Perhaps it will cost somewhat more expensive for money. It would be unreasonable to save on your own transport.

Set of original wheeled disks for Nissan X-Trail

Tire terminal and fasteners

Disk mounting holes are usually made with some admission to the diameter in plus. For this reason, you can make a mistake when choosing PCD. It is categorically unacceptable because it leads to the fact that only 1 bolt will be completely tightened from 4-6 standard mounts. The remaining bolts will lead to the side, creating the visibility of prolonged to the stop.

How to understand that an error occurred during installation?

The main feature - nuts are unscrewed when driving, the wheel "beats" and unevenly behaves on the road.

Be careful when choosing discs, do not allow risky experiments.

Where to see the size of rubber on the car and how to choose the size of the tires?

We try tires in size 225/70R16 on Nissan X-Trail

The selection of tires and discs for the car should be made on the basis of not only from aesthetic and economic considerations, but also the conditions under which the auto operation will occur. Tire manufacturers are tired for the versatility of the produced wheels that their products have excellent patency and high-speed qualities on any type of road surface. However, universal tires do not happen.

Selection of tires Nissan X-Trail

The owner of the car will have to choose between the passability, durability, high-speed characteristics, wear resistance, comfort and noise. As a rule, tires having a high passability index are equipped with a high tread and a rigid and thick side wall. However, this type of tire has a smaller speed index and increased noise during operation. Tires with high speed characteristics and softness suffer from rapid wear and insecure behavior in difficult road conditions, such as dirt in summer and loose fading snow in winter.

Station Sizes of Tires and Discs Nissan X-Trail

Nissan X-Trail 2001-2006.

Nissan X-Trail 2007-2010 GV

Nissan X-Trail 2011-2013 GV

Recommended wheels for the third generation of Japanese brand cars include the following:
1. 225/60 R17, discs with breaking 5x114.3, with a central diameter of 66.1 and departure 40
2. 225/55 R18, disks with breaking 5x114.3, with a central diameter of 66.1 and departure 40

Automotive tires can be divided into three classes:

- Summer tires
- Winter tires
- All-season tires

All types of tires feature a tread pattern and rubber type.

Summer tires Must possess the tread that can divert water from a tire contact stain with a road surface and prevent aquaplaning. Summer tires is also equipped with wide radial furrows for dirt removal. You can operate a summer tire up to +5 degrees. At lower temperatures, rubber hardens and loses its elasticity and, therefore, the coating force of the tire friction is reduced.

Winter tires Made of more elastic rubber, which retains its operational characteristics at low temperatures. With positive temperatures, winter tires begins to "melt" and wear tires increases at times. Winter tire material also depends on the presence of spikes. For the studded winter tire, a more dense structure is characterized, capable of keeping spikes in place without pulling it out. "Velcro" is made of porous rubber, which absorbs the resulting water in the spack of the tire contact with the road.

For all-season rubber The operating temperature is within +10 to -10 degrees. Given all the listed factors, it can be noted that the manner of riding on summer and winter tires should vary. In winter, you should increase the distance to the cargo of the car and reduce the total speed of movement by 10-15 percent. Also in winter it is necessary to avoid sharp turns and beware of lateral slip.

What tires prefer to buy owners of Nissan X-Trail?

According to the forums, the following world tire brands are among the owners of Nissan X-Trail:

1. Michelin.

For these tires, the smoothness of the stroke, low noise and high coupling qualities with sharp turns are characteristic. Of negative qualities, you can allocate increased wear and uncertain behavior when dirty in summer and "kashe" in the winter.

2. Nokian

Finnish tires have a high protector and a thick lateral wall. This tire reacts well to complex road conditions, such as dirt and loose snow, but have noise and hum at high speeds.

3. Bridgestone

Very wear-resistant tire with thick side wall. Good removal of water from a tire contact spot with a road surface. Negative qualities - noise when operating tires at high speeds.

4. Yokohama.

Very high quality tire of the Japanese manufacturer with high speed characteristics and coupling qualities. Very good combination between the softness when the car moves and the noise characteristics. A good drive away from the contact spot during the rain.

5. Dunlop.

The advantages of the tires of this manufacturer include good patency in difficult road conditions and a relatively low cost of the tire. From negative qualities, it is possible to highlight the appearance of a roiler at high speeds.

Discs and tires - integral base elements of the car, on the characteristics of which its handling and behavior on the road depends. These components have a direct impact on the resources of the functional systems of the vehicle. Incorrectly chosen or incorrectly installed products are able to cause damage to suspension and brake system elements. In addition, the deformed, unsuitable and poor-quality parts significantly worsen the controllability of the car. This, in turn, threatens the safety of the driver and its passengers. Competent selection and proper installation of wheeled disks is one of the main requirements for the operation of the car, including the Nissan X-Trail SUVs.

For SUVs Nissan X-Trail, wheel drive sizes are determined by a special table, based on the body model and the release of the car. All the necessary information relating to the sizes is presented on the official website of the Japanese manufacturer.

The dimensions of the wheels of Nissan x Trail are strictly regulated by the developers. If the car owner violates the conditions for choosing wheels in accordance with the regulated parameters, it loses the factory warranty. Thus, before replacing tires and disks on the X-Trail, under warranty, it is necessary to inquire from representatives of the official service center, as this procedure will affect the safety of warranty service.

Usually, Nissan's official dealers negatively perceive the installation of automobile owners and tires from third-party manufacturers. Product size, their marking and installation method must fully comply with the regulations. At the same time, the proprietary sets of dealers are about 25% more expensive than in ordinary auto-shops.

Decoding marking

Considering that not only the challenge resource depends on the parameters of the wheel drives, but also the security of the car owner, it is important to be able to correctly read the marking. As an example, consider the characteristics of products for Nissan X-Trail T31 (Restyling 2011 - 2013), respectively, modifications X-Trail 2.0 D 150 hp, X-Trail 2.0 141 hp, X-Trail 2.5 169 hp


  • R16 (tire size 215/65 R16 98H) - Disc 6.5JX16 ET45, PCD 5 × 114.3 DIA 66,1;
  • R17 (tire size 225/60 R17 99H) -7.0jx17 ET40, PCD5 × 114.3 DIA 66,1;
  • R18 (tire size 225/55 R18) - 7.0jx18 ET45, PCD 5 × 114.3 DIA 66,1.


  • R - wheel size;
  • 6.5 and 7.0 - the width of the disk in inches (1 inch - 2, 54 cm);
  • J - the shape of the closure of the disk (for car owners it does not matter much);
  • 16, 17, 18 - landing diameter of the wheel;
  • ET with values \u200b\u200bof 40 and 45 - means a positive disk departure by 40 and 45 mm, respectively;
  • PCD - number of fastening holes for bolts and nuts;
  • 114.3 - the diameter of the circle on which nuts and bolts are located (in mm);
  • DIA is the diameter of the central opening, which ideally must coincide with the landing diameter of the hub (in mm). If the diameter of the hub is less than the Dia disk, then the use of a centering plant ring is provided.

Similarly, the labeling and the size of the Nissan x Trail T31 discs and other generation modifications are decrypted.

A number of questions from novice motorists cause such a parameter as departure or em. This significant geometrical characteristic implies the gap from the plane of the disk mount to the hub to the axial line or, in other words, the vertical plane of the wheel symmetry. This parameter can be positive (the most razor), negative or zero.

Inexperienced motorists is extremely important to take into account that the departure of the disk is obliged to fully respond to the requirements of the car manufacturer. Very often, unscrupulous sellers convince buyers in that this parameter is insignificant and allowing small deviations. It is categorically not so, and to believe such applications is unacceptable. By installing the product with a departure parameter that is not provided by the manufacturer, the car owner creates additional loads on all parts of the chassis. At best, this will be wrapped by premature wear of the elements of functional nodes. At worst - serious breakdowns of pendant parts up to complete destruction.

In the error in an inexperienced driver can enter a practically ideal landing of the wheel with abnormal (ie, not regulated by the manufacturer) by the hub. The threat to driving and the safety of the suspension in these conditions is also saved.

In addition, the DIA parameter should be taken into account. If the diameter of the central opening of the disc fully corresponds to the roofing diameter of the hub, the wheel will be provided perfect centers. This is possible only when installing branded products from the company that has released cars.

In the case when the diameters differ, this can be left by aligning the wheel due to sealing centering rings. This technique is possible if forged or alloy wheels on the Nissan x Trail T31 (as well as T30 or T32) are used.

On the stamped products, the use of centering rings is not provided, so the parameters of diameters must coincide (in accordance with the indicator, regulated by the car manufacturer). Only 1 mm limit deviation is allowed.

Nuances of disk selection on Nissan X-Trail

Selecting suitable products on Nissan X-Trail, first of all, it is desirable to consider the purchase of branded details. Despite the fact that the original set is more expensive, it will avoid possible problems. In particular, this condition concerns the owners of the car under warranty.

Among other landmarks are given to such as:

  • material;
  • diameter and width;
  • departure;
  • durability and durability;
  • wear resistance;
  • resistance to mechanical exposure, temperature drops.

Some manufacturers are positioning their products as a versatile, which meets all the requirements of car owners. However, such statements are not true.

Usually by car owners choosing the wheels of Nissan X Trail T32, T31 and T32, recommended stamped and cast products. There are also forged products - the most durable, reliable and most expensive.

Stamped products are optimally suitable for off-road. They are massive, severe and able to withstand serious loads. In the case of a powerful mechanical impact, they do not break, but bent. At the same time, in most cases, the owners of the SUV eliminate deformations by straightening the part.

Useful video

Unlike stamped, cast or alloy products are made of aluminum. By virtue of this, they have a slight weight, which is favorable reflected in the speed possibilities of the car. However, their significant disadvantage is weak strength. When the wheel hit the pit, cast products usually breaks. Its restoration is inappropriate, and in most cases it is impossible at all.

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