Home Salon The actual capacity of the fuel tank. Experimental results. How to calculate the volume of a container of various shapes What are the volumes of tanks

The actual capacity of the fuel tank. Experimental results. How to calculate the volume of a container of various shapes What are the volumes of tanks

It would seem that there can be nothing tricky inside the fuel tank - after all, this is just a container for gasoline or diesel fuel, except that it is especially durable and resistant to the effects of hydrocarbons. But it seems so only at first glance

The fuel tank is shaped according to the vehicle's design. Often it, being uniform in volume, is, in fact, two connected containers. For what? Fuel supply is a significant load for a car, approximately equal to the weight of one passenger, which is a lot. Of course, urban minicars have this "passenger" modest: their tanks have a volume of 35-40 liters. For mid-size sedans and hatchbacks, the tank capacity is 45-60 liters, for heavy SUVs - 75-90 liters, for commercial vans - 90-120 liters, and for long-haul tractors - already 300-600 liters.

Half full or empty?

Tank placement is a challenge for engineers. After all, you have to take into account the load on the car, which, when refueling under a traffic jam, can fall on one side. We have to somehow divide the tank, turning it into a kind of butterfly in shape. Well, or position it so that, even with a full refueling, other devices compensate for the load on one of the sides. When choosing the location of the tank, the risk of damage in a collision is also taken into account.

The capacity of the tank is a relative value, it is impossible to fill it up to the stop, there will be a little air in it. When the car rolls, fuel can spill from side to side, and this is fraught with a dangerous situation. We all know from the theoretical course of a driving school which of the tankers is more prone to overturning: full to the top or half empty. A significant mass of fuel, moving inside the tank, can also upset the balance of the machine. How do they deal with this? Inside the tank, partitions are made to prevent overflow - their size and location are carefully calculated.

Any tank is equipped with a ventilation system. In hot weather, fuel tends to evaporate, and the increased vapor pressure can even rupture the tank. And when gasoline or diesel fuel is produced, the pressure in the container drops - it can flatten. The ventilation system not only prevents this, but also traps fuel vapors, preventing them from being released into the atmosphere. A special valve prevents fuel spillage when the car rolls over or it rolls violently.

In modern tanks, as a rule, an electric fuel pump module is also built. It is important to remember: pumps for modern car power systems do not like to run "dry", because of this they quickly fail. Therefore, do not allow full fuel consumption, try to refuel, as soon as the reserve light comes on, because the fuel pump is not cheap, and even the cost of replacing it ...

Do you smell it?

In most cases, the pump module can be accessed from the passenger compartment (often with the rear seat removed or raised). But it happens that you have to remove the entire tank from the car, and this is almost impossible without a lift or a garage pit. However, sometimes the pump works properly, but the tank still needs to be dismantled due to damage. How so, you ask, is it very durable? It's true, but ... A bad head can break and not that.

In my practice, there were three significant cases. In the first, the owner of a "middle-aged" foreign car complained about the rattle from under the bottom while driving. It seemed to her that the muffler sagged and touched the asphalt. Looking under the bottom with a flashlight, I found that one of the steel belts on which the fuel tank hung had burst from old age and corrosion! Naturally, it was impossible to eliminate the malfunction on the street, and we drove slowly and carefully to the nearest service. Fortunately, we managed to repair the damaged tape rather than looking for a new one.

Another situation: once at the dacha I felt a strong smell of gasoline coming from a car. It was a wake-up call: it shouldn't smell like that. Looking under the bottom, I saw that fuel was actively dripping from a hole in the bottom of the tank. Struck? No, it looks like someone tried to drain the gasoline in my absence: the hole was like a chisel, an accidental stone "caught" on the highway will not leave one. Then it was possible to "unfold" the hole a little, drain the remaining fuel, remove the fuel intake, get inside the tank by hand and seal the hole with a "sandwich" of a bolt with a nut and four washers (two steel and two rubber). "Sandwich", I must say, served for several years.

But in the third case, the tank of the SUV was pierced in "combat" conditions, despite the fact that it was covered from below with a reliable steel protection. Removing it showed that gasoline seeps out from under the rivet, which apparently secures the inner partition. Nobody undertook to weld the place of damage: the craftsmen are afraid to approach gas tanks with a welding machine, even if the container has been empty or filled with water for a week (everyone is well aware of the consequences of an explosion of fuel vapors). And a new tank, even without fuel equipment, costs 30-40 thousand rubles. It was possible to get by at a lower cost: the damage was sealed with a "cold welding" compound.

Sledgehammer blow

Fuel tanks are made of steel, aluminum or special plastic (polyethylene). How strong is plastic? I learned about this from the story of an employee of the UAZ plant. When a single 68-liter tank was developed for the Patriot instead of two 36-liter tanks located on the sides, multilayer plastic was proposed as a material. The commission that accepted the sample questioned its strength. One of its representatives was offered a sledgehammer: they say, hit with all your might and see what happens. He hit - and the sledgehammer bounced, almost injuring him. Buck remained unharmed.

Why are we so committed to the durability of the tank? Right, we are afraid of an explosion of fuel if it is damaged. But it is not so much an explosion that is dangerous as a spill of the same gasoline and a large area of ​​combustion, because it is not gasoline that burns, but its vapors. Moreover, they are very difficult to extinguish. The same applies to diesel fuel: its vapors do not flare up as readily as gasoline, but it is even more difficult to extinguish spilled diesel fuel.

Which side to drive up to the dispenser at the gas station? The filler neck can be located either on the right or on the left, as indicated by the small arrow next to the gas station symbol on the dashboard (although sometimes it is not). For myself, I call the cars with the left-hand side of the tank a professional one, the rest are designed for white-handed and refueling services.

Remember to close the filler cap and lock the door. Cases of fuel leaks by intruders are still not uncommon. Although sometimes the tank is so cleverly designed that it is problematic to pump out the fuel. So you can't help a comrade in a difficult situation.

The filling nozzles of diesel dispensers are of different sizes. Large ones are designed for the tank necks of heavy trucks. The necks of some pickups can have a similar diameter, then refueling under the plug on the cargo column will last a few seconds, which is convenient in cold winter. And on the contrary, commercial vans have “passenger” necks - such is the paradox.

An interesting fact can be reported about such fuel tanks as aerodrome refueling tanks. They have a special device called Dead Man`s Switch. When filling a tank at a tank farm, the driver or foreman is obliged to manually interrupt the fuel supply every few minutes, then restarting it. This is done so that the system “understands”: filling is under the control of a person, he is alive, everything is in order with him. If you do not interrupt the filling in time, it will be disabled automatically.

" It seems that the fuel tank is filled more than its nominal capacity !!! "" It never happened !!! "

Most likely every driver has gone through such an experience. Especially when filling a car with a full tank, some drivers sometimes hesitate about the required amount of fuel. Especially when the amount of remaining fuel and fuel filled exceeds the capacity of the fuel tank officially indicated by the car manufacturers. However, if this difference is only 5-10 liters, this is natural. Because the tank was originally designed to be larger than the rated fuel tank capacity stated in the owner's manual.

Therefore, when the above situation occurs, there is no need to get lost, you just need tocheck the actual difference from the nominal capacity.

1. Official fuel tank capacity (nominal capacity)

① "Nominal capacity" of passenger cars is designed to drive cars about * 600 km at a speed of 80-100 km / h on highways. The nominal capacity is designed with the fuel efficiency and the weight of the vehicle body in mind, so it will vary depending on the vehicle model and engine size.

* About 600 km is taken from the calculation of driving, provided that the driver drives the car for 5-6 hours a day at a speed of 100 km without physical fatigue (based on 1 refueling per day).

② Why can the car drive another 50-60 km even when the fuel indicator light is on?

The indicator light has been designedwith reserve capacity so that the driver can drive to the next service area (refueling) (the average distance between service areas is about 50-60 km) on the highway, about 10% of the fuel tank capacity.

2. Why is the actual capacity more than the rated capacity?

If the nominalthe capacity of the fuel tank is 65ℓ, then its actual capacity is about 75ℓ. Since in the manufacture of the fuel tank, the car manufacturer took into account the free capacity, 10-15% of the nominal capacity. The reason for this is as follows:

①It is designed to prevent the release of volatile organic compounds ( VOC ) in case of an increase in volume caused by an increase in air temperature. If the fuel tank is filled to full, there is a risk that, due to an increase in the internal temperature and thus the internal pressure, fuel may leak out.

②A spare tank space is also left to prevent fuel leakage when the vehicle is parked on a slope with a full tank. This is called "spare capacity for expansion"

(Note) ¹ Preservation of the filling volume LPG car fuel tanks (85%)

If you raise the LPG temperaturein a liquid state, its volume increases. Therefore, when filling LPG into a container, it is adjusted so that the temperature of the container is kept below 40 ℃ and LPG in liquid state is filled to 85% of the container volume (90% in the case of a storage tank)

Using the online calculator, you can correctly calculate the volume of a container of the type: cylinder, barrel, tank, or the volume of liquid in any other horizontal cylindrical container.

Determine the amount of liquid in an incomplete cylindrical tank

All parameters are indicated in millimeters.

L- The height of the barrel.

H- Liquid level.

D- Tank diameter.

Our online program will calculate the amount of liquid in the tank, determine the surface area, free and total cubic capacity.

Determination of the main parameters of the cubic capacity of tanks (for example, an ordinary barrel or tank) should be made based on the geometric method for calculating the capacity of cylinders. In contrast to the methods of tank calibration, where the volume is counted in the form of real measurements of the amount of liquid by means of a measuring ruler (according to the meter rod readings).

V = S * L - the formula for calculating the volume of a cylindrical tank, where:

L - body length.

S is the cross-sectional area of ​​the tank.

According to the results obtained, container calibration tables, which are also called calibration tables, are created, which make it possible to determine the weight of the liquid in the tank by specific gravity and volume. These parameters will depend on the filling level of the tank, which can be measured with a meter rod.

Our online calculator provides the ability to calculate the capacity of horizontal and vertical containers using a geometric formula. You can find out the useful capacity of the tank more accurately if you correctly determine all the main parameters that are indicated above and are involved in the calculation.

How to correctly identify the master data

Determine the lengthL

Using an ordinary tape measure, you can measure the length L of a cylindrical tank with a non-flat bottom. To do this, you need to measure the distance between the intersecting lines of the bottom with the cylindrical body of the tank. In the case when the horizontal tank has a flat bottom, then in order to determine the size L, it is enough to measure the length of the tank on the outside (from one edge of the tank to the other), and subtract the thickness of the bottom from the obtained result.

Determine the diameter D

The easiest way is to determine the diameter D of a cylindrical barrel. To do this, it is enough to use a tape measure to measure the distance between any two extreme points of the lid or edge.

If it is difficult to correctly calculate the diameter of the vessel, then in this case, you can use the measurement of the circumference. To do this, using an ordinary tape measure, we grasp the entire tank around the circumference. To correctly calculate the circumference, two measurements are made in each section of the tank. For this, the surface to be measured must be clean. Having learned the average circumference of our container - Lokr, we proceed to determining the diameter using the following formula:

This method is the simplest, since measurement of the diameter of the tank is often accompanied by a number of difficulties associated with piling up on the surface of various types of equipment.

Important! It is more correct to measure the diameter in three different sections of the container, and then calculate the average value. As often, these data can differ significantly.

The averaged values ​​after three measurements allow minimizing the error in calculating the volume of a cylindrical tank. As a rule, used storage tanks undergo deformation during operation, they can lose strength, decrease in size, which leads to a decrease in the amount of liquid inside.

Determine the levelH

To determine the level of the liquid, in our case it is H, we need a meter rod. With this measuring element, which is lowered to the bottom of the tank, we can accurately determine the parameter H. But these calculations will be correct for tanks with a flat bottom.

As a result of calculating the online calculator, we get:

  • Free volume in liters;
  • The amount of liquid in liters;
  • Liquid volume in liters;
  • The total area of ​​the tank in m²;
  • Bottom area in m²;
  • Side surface area in m².

Fuel tank volume largely depends on its structure. Different vehicle models have their own design.

What determines the volume of the fuel tank?

The volume indicators should be such that the vehicle can run 600 kilometers. It is usually installed from the bottom of the rear seat opposite the rear axle. It is in this place that, according to all calculations, the least probability of deformation if an impact suddenly occurs.

Plastic or metal can be used to make the tank. Moreover, today plastic tanks are more often used - not least because they take up less space during installation and can be of any required shape. Thus, the driver receives a fuel tank with the required maximum volumes. To avoid any leakage, the walls of the tanks are made multi-layer. Also, these indicators can be influenced by:

  • body type;
  • system construction;
  • general configuration;
  • the system responsible for the injection;
  • climatic version;
  • motor device.

The dimensions of the car also affect the volume: usually, large cars and fuel tanks are rather big.

Fuel system

Sometimes the structure and, accordingly, the volumes of the tank turn out to be different even on the example of one model. To fill the tank, it has a filler neck. In fact, this part turns out to be the only one visible from the outside. Most often, it is located on top of the hind wing.

The presented part is connected to the pipeline tank, and the cross-section is made in such a way that the ability to pass through fifty liters / minute is provided. The neck can be closed by means of a cap that is put on the thread. Everything is hidden by a hatch that opens by means of a special drive (which can be powered by electricity or mechanically). Sometimes the door can be opened manually.

The ingress of fuel into the power supply system is carried out by means of an intake connected to the outlet of the fuel line. Residues are drained back through the fuel drain line. You can close the intake with a net, which is specially made to clean the fuel. Such a device, installed on a diesel car, is equipped with a special heating system. Sometimes car owners use a regular intake instead of a heated one. They can also refer to the warming nozzles.

An electrically powered fuel pump is usually placed in the gas tank - it is he who must build up the fuel pressure. The fuel level is monitored by means of a sensor that is connected to the pumping device.

The components of the sensor are a potentiometer as well as a sensor. As soon as the fuel volume changes, the potentiometer readings change. As a result, the voltage changes with the subsequent change of the arrow. With a complex design, a pair of sensors are installed in the tank at once, operating in parallel.

In order for the engine to receive the required volume of fuel, it is necessary that constant pressure indicators are maintained inside the tank. For this, a ventilation system works in the vehicle - thanks to it, the vacuum that appears when fuel is produced is neutralized. A special valve is needed to remove excess air that is inside during refueling and does not allow the pressure to rise.

Tank maintenance

Regardless of the volume of the tank, it should be properly looked after. Moreover, this is true for cars with high mileage. Alas, due to the poor quality of the fuel, along with hydrocarbons, impurities appear in the tank, which settle on its walls. When they accumulate, they flake off and clog the filter responsible for rough cleaning. As a result, the fuel simply does not pass through the intake.

The solution to this problem, however, is not difficult. Cleaning required. It will also help increase the volume of the fuel tank. Usually, the inside of the tank is washed with special chemicals.

Fuel tank design

As mentioned above, you can determine how much of the fuel tank, having previously found out what it is made of: plastic material or metal. Metal tanks are usually made from stamped sheets:

  • if they run on gasoline or diesel, aluminum is used;
  • if the work is carried out on gas, steel is used.

Of course, metal tanks are distinguished by high strength and wear resistance - nevertheless, in terms of volume, they are usually inferior to plastic ones. In addition, there are limitations associated with forms.

But tanks made of plastic can be made of various configurations and, accordingly, have different volumes. In addition, these products are famous for their resistance to scratches, corrosive effects, and have good density.

Leaks in them are impossible, since the walls are made in several layers. The inner part is treated with a protective fluorine layer. Also, the differences between fuel tanks can be due to:

  • ICE type;
  • Body;
  • Design features;
  • Fuel supply system.

What are the volumes of tanks?

As already mentioned, different models and, moreover, car brands may have their own volumes. For example, Ford fuel tank volume equals approximately 50-55 liters, depending on the model and the type of fuel used. As a rule, this is enough to move freely over long distances and not refuel daily.

Inside the tank, by the way, there is a sensor that monitors the fuel level. Pumping devices are also located in some models (eg Ford Focus). When they stand on diesel-powered machines, the principle of operation is special there: the fuel is pumped and fed directly into the system.

Finally, all Fords have a fuel line - both forward and reverse. When repairing a tank, fuel material is removed through the neck, where fuel is poured.

  • Fuel tank capacity Toyota can range from 45 liters (Toyota Tercel) to 98 liters (Toyota Sequoia). If we talk about the most popular models, on average these figures are 50-70 liters.
  • KIA fuel tank volume equals, on average, 55 liters, although, of course, there are models with smaller and larger indicators. Moreover, the newer the model (this can be seen on the example of the Kia Sportage), the smaller the fuel tanks become.
  • Fuel tank volume GAS is about 70 liters. Naturally, there is plenty of fuel to fit into such a container.
  • Nissan fuel tank volume ranges from 50 liters (Nissan 200SX) to 106 liters (Titan, Armada, QX56 and so on). As for the most popular models, like the Nissan Maxima or Nissan Frontier, their volumes are 60-65 liters.
  • Fuel tank volume VAZ- at least for many models of this car brand - is 39 liters. The container itself is made up of two parts, for which leaded sheets are used for stamping. In such tanks, a filter in the form of a mesh is also mounted - it helps to carry out the primary filtration of the fuel. So that the gasoline can be drained, there is a drain plug and it's easy to get there: remove the rubber plug that covers the hole at the bottom of the trunk.
  • Renault fuel tank volume equals 50 liters if it is a Duster model (in this case, plastic tanks are used) and 50 liters for a Logan model. By the way, in terms of fuel consumption, these cars are considered quite economical: for example, Renault can consume about 10 liters on city roads, and only 5.7 liters on the highway. If the road surface is mixed, approximately 7.2 liters are consumed.
  • Hyundai fuel tank volume, as is the case with other vehicles, depends on the specific model. Typically this range ranges from 45 liters (Hyundai Accent) to 79.9 liters (Sorento or Sedona). The popular Sonata model has a 65-liter tank.
  • UAZ fuel tank volume ranges from 56 liters (for example, model 390945) to 87 liters (model Patriot). UAZ Bukhanka has a fuel tank reaching 56 liters, but the popular UAZ Hunter has a tank with a capacity of 78 liters.
  • Fuel tank volume Kamaz, of course, exceeds the indicators listed above, since we are talking about a truck. The approximate range ranges from 175 liters (models 55102 and 5511) to 500 liters (model 65117). Typically, Kamaz truck models have fuel tanks, the volume of which is 350 liters.

Knowing working volume of the fuel tank, you can roughly understand how long and how far the car can travel without the need to refuel. A lot also depends on what is the configuration of the fuel tank, what kind of fuel is used and, finally, what type of engine.

Maximum volume of fuel tanks limited by a special international agreement concerning dangerous goods transport. When devices exceed the volume specified in this agreement, they automatically begin to be considered as dangerous goods (problems may arise when crossing the border). Moreover, this is considered a "dangerous cargo", regardless of how much fuel is contained inside.

The following table summarizes the fuel tank capacity of some vehicle brands:

Ford 50-55 liters
Toyota 45-88 liters
KIA from 55 liters
GAS 70 liters
Nissan 50-106 liters
WHA from 39 liters
Reno 50 liters
Hyundai 45-79.9 liters
UAZ 56-87 liters
Kamaz 175-500 liters

Of course, drivers most often do not allow the gasoline light in the car to light up, which warns of a low fuel level in the tank. This warning indicates that it is time to refuel the vehicle. But should we immediately go to the gas station and refuel the car as soon as possible? How much time do we have before the car runs out of gasoline or diesel? Here is a detailed table for many car models that details how much fuel remains in the tank after a low gasoline or diesel warning appears on the dashboard.

The table below is an approximate value for a particular car model. Please note that the data is for vehicles manufactured up to and including 2015. Also keep in mind that some of the values ​​in the table may differ slightly from the actual values.

But on average, the following values ​​are obtained: cars, after the fuel level light in the tank lights up, can still drive about 50 kilometers, while both SUVs and crossovers, which, as a rule, have an increased volume of fuel tanks, can drive on a burning fuel light about another 150 kilometers.

Does this mean that car owners may not rush to refuel when a warning on the dashboard about low fuel level appears? Of course not. Especially if you are in an unfamiliar area and have no idea how far the next one will be.

That is, despite the fact that in any car the fuel tank has a certain reserve of fuel, after the appearance of a burning lamp signaling a low fuel level in the tank, you should refuel your car as soon as possible and prevent this warning from appearing next time again. Always keep the fuel level in the tank until a burning fuel light appears on the dashboard.

Is it dangerous to drive with low fuel level in the tank?

Many people do not know, but in addition to the risk of running out of fuel if the low fuel warning is ignored, there are a number of problems that any car owner who often drives with an empty tank can face.

For example, frequent trips on an empty tank can prematurely disable the catalyst in the exhaust system, which will have to be repaired or purchased new, which is associated with huge financial expenses.

Including frequent trips with a low fuel level in the tank can damage the fuel pump. The fact is that the fuel that we fill at the gas station is actually not clean (especially in Russia) and it contains various fractions of pollution that settle at the bottom of the tank. With a low fuel level, we run the risk that such sediment can enter the fuel system through the fuel pump. Especially, . It is at this moment that sediment particles from the tank can get into the fuel pump. At normal fuel levels, this risk of contamination of the fuel system is minimal.

So if you do not want to spoil yours, then regularly and on time refuel your car, without bringing the fuel level to low levels, which lead to the appearance of a burning lamp on the dashboard.

Is the range on the vehicle's on-board computer accurate?

Many car owners often rely on the readings of the vehicle's on-board computer, which shows you the possible range. Therefore, some drivers bring the car to a low fuel level, relying on the indicator of the on-board computer, believing that the indicated power reserve is true.

Also, many drivers, when a warning about a low fuel level appears, immediately look at the readings of the on-board computer in order to find out how much more the car can travel on the fuel that remains in the tank (power reserve).

Unfortunately, the range is not accurate, as it is only based on the average values ​​of your road travel in the past.

The fact is that the car electronics will not be able to show you the true power reserve, since it cannot take into account your current driving conditions in real time, which affect the consumption of gasoline or diesel fuel.

For example, if you were driving on the highway before a lamp appeared on the dashboard warning you of a low fuel level in the car, and now you got stuck in a traffic jam, then the power reserve displayed on the on-board computer is actually incorrect, since this indicator is calculated when driving on the highway, where fuel consumption is actually much lower than in heavy traffic conditions in the city.

Therefore, do not expect that you will be able to drive a lot more with a low fuel warning.

So how much fuel is left in the tank from the moment a burning fuel light appears on the dashboard and how many kilometers can still be traveled before the fuel is completely consumed?

If the first question can still be answered quite simply, then how much more distance you can drive on an empty tank, after the fuel lamp on the dashboard of the car lights up, it is very difficult to say unequivocally, since it depends on the real fuel consumption of your car at a certain moment time.

And the consumption depends on many factors, from your driving style and weather conditions, as well as ending with the tires installed on the car and the road surface.

We have already, which disclosed in detail information about the power reserve on an empty tank. ...

The same article supplements the previous one, and also expands useful information for motorists.

Here is a detailed car model table that shows you in detail how much fuel is left in your car after a light comes on in the dashboard to warn the driver that the fuel level is low. Also from the table you will find out what distance on average you can drive after the warning about an empty tank.

The table of the remaining fuel in the tank after the light on the dashboard comes on

(by brands and models)

Brand Model

Fuel quantity,

which remains

in the tank, after

after the appearance

burning light bulb

Power reserve

with an empty tank

and burning

light bulbs

Ford F-150 1/16 tank 55-130 km
Chevrolet Silverado there is no data 40 km
Ram 1500 14 liters 100-140 km
Toyota Camry 12 liters 105-145 km
Toyota Corolla 9 liters 95-135 km
Nissan Teana 14 liters 130-180 km
Honda Accord 12 liters 110-150 km
Honda CR-V 10 liters 100-125 km
Honda Civic 9 liters 95-130 km
Ford Fusion 1/16 tank 55-130 km
Ford Escape 1/16 tank 55-130 km
Toyota RAV4 10 liters 90-120 km
Hyundai Elantra there is no data 50 km
Jeep Cherokee 14 liters 105-150 km
Chevrolet Cruze 9 liters 90-135 km
Ford Focus 1/16 tank 55-130 km
Hyundai i40 there is no data 64 km
Jeep Wrangler 13 liters 75-95 km
Chevrolet Malibu 9 liters 80-115 km
Jeep Grand cherokee 14 liters 105-145 km
Brand Model

Fuel quantity,

which remains

in the tank, after

after the appearance

burning light bulb

Power reserve

with an empty tank

and burning

light bulbs

Toyota Tacoma 14 liters 105-145 km
Subaru Forester 12 liters 100-135 km
Kia Optima there is no data 50 km
Toyota Highlander 13 liters 95-115 km
Toyota Sienna 14 liters 85-120 km
Subaru Outback 12 liters 105-135 km
Volkswagen Jetta 8 liters 90-135 km
Honda Pilot 11 liters 70-100 km
Ford Mustang 1/16 tank 55-130 km
Ford Edge 1/16 tank 55-130 km
Kia Soul there is no data 50 km
Toyota Tundra 18 liters 95-115 km
Hyundai Santa fe there is no data 64 km
Kia Sorento there is no data 64 km
Toyota Prius 7 liters 120-130 km
Ford Transit 1/16 tank 55-130 km
Mazda 3 10 liters 110-150 km
Mazda CX-5 12 liters 105-145 km
GMC Terrain there is no data 80 km
Jeep Patriot 9 liters 75-95 km

Yes, sometimes we may find ourselves in a situation where it will not be possible to refuel our car in time. In this case, in any case, sooner or later, a warning will appear on the tidy that gasoline or diesel will soon run out.

We advise you not to ignore this warning from the vehicle electronics. But there is no need to panic. You still have time to find a gas station to refuel your car. Thanks to this table, you can roughly find out how much fuel you have in the tank, as well as what the vehicle's power reserve, after the appearance of the lamp indicating a low fuel level in the tank.

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