Home Engine Orthodox troparion to the Kazan icon of the Most Holy Mother of God. Prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon, called "Kazan"

Orthodox troparion to the Kazan icon of the Most Holy Mother of God. Prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon, called "Kazan"

The Icon of the Mother of God of Kazan is the most revered Face in the Russian Orthodox Church. Its history goes back about five centuries and is associated with extraordinary events that occurred in the 16th and 17th centuries AD.

On the days of celebrations in churches, the Magnification, Kontakion and Troparion are performed in front of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God - traditional solemn poems and chants.

A few words of history

This Orthodox shrine was first opened in the city of Kazan in the summer of 1579, when a fire occurred there that destroyed the temple and the homes of many Orthodox people.

Those who did not understand gloated, and those who believed with all their hearts in the help of the Lord and the Queen of Heaven soon found hope of salvation.

One girl named Matrona had a dream several nights after the event in which the Mother of God indicated where Her icon was hidden under the rubble of houses.

And when the adults believed the child and dug up the “treasure,” Christian joy knew no bounds.

And they called this shrine the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, and the celebration of this day continues to this day.

And after the incident, a new temple was built in the city, in which the shrine was placed. And people’s lives improved, miracles even began to happen - healing from illnesses.

The second time the shrine saved the people of Moscow from the Poles who wanted to capture the city. The leaders of the Russians were Minin and Prince Pozharsky. They believed very much in the One God and called out in prayer to the icon of the Kazan Mother of God before the battle.

And the enemies left. This was in the autumn of 1612. And from that event they also began to celebrate an Orthodox holiday in honor of the icon.

Troparion: text and description

This chant is sung by clergy in churches throughout Russia in front of the Icon of the Mother of God of Kazan.

Troparion (text):

“Zealous Intercessor, Mother of the Lord! You pray for everyone, the Son, Christ our God, and you help everyone to be saved under Your protection. Be the Intercessor of all people, O Queen of Heaven and Lady! And in misfortunes, sorrows, and illnesses. Save everyone who is before You and prays to You with all their soul and with a pure heart, with tears before Your Most Pure Image. And whoever hopes in You that you will deliver from all misfortunes and save, O Virgin Mary. For You are the Divine Protection of those who believe in You.”

The Troparion to the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is a real hymn to the “Zealous Intercessor.” After all, She prays to the Lord for believers, helps in misfortunes and illnesses. And He saves under His Holy Cover.

Kontakion: text and description

Such a laudatory poem is also read on the holiday (like the Troparion) of the Icon of the Mother of God of Kazan.

Kontakion (text):

“Let us hasten, people, to a quiet and kind refuge - the ambulance Helper, who is salvation for us. Let us pray and repent to the Virgin, since the abundance of mercy from the Most Pure Mother of God does not cease. She is the first helper in delivering those who believe in Her from great troubles and troubles.”

It says here that a righteous and believing person perceives the Queen of Heaven and Her protection as a spiritual refuge and help, in which one can receive protection from all sorts of troubles.

Magnification: text and description

Such praise in the form of a hymn before the face (like the Troparion) of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is sung on a holiday by the clergy:

“We magnify You, Most Holy Virgin - Queen of Heaven! We honor Your holy image. From Him is gracious help for everyone who turns to You with sincere faith.”

This song is a real exaltation of the Queen of Heaven. She is revered and everyone who believes in the Mother of God receives grace-filled help from Her.

Ambulance and Protector

The Icon of the Mother of God of Kazan helps many people around the world. Copies of this shrine are available in different countries and cities.

According to history, some original icons appeared miraculously (miraculously) in different places (cities, villages), where believers subsequently built churches and chapels. These places are also called “places of power”, where real miracles still happen to this day.

For the first time, the Kazan Icon of the Queen of Heaven helped immediately after its extraction from the ruins in the city of Kazan. Two blind people touched the shrine and received their sight. The news of this immediately spread throughout the area and beyond. And after this incident, they began to pray in front of the icon and ask for healing from blindness and other diseases.

Also, nowadays people turn to the shrine with a prayer for a request in case of health problems, disagreements in the family, with a request for the protection of children. The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is used to bless the bride and groom's parents for a long and happy life on their wedding day.

In general, the Queen of Heaven has always been a protector for believers. First of all, Orthodox parishioners turn to Her and pray if some kind of trouble occurs, there are difficulties in communicating with other people, in the absence of work, and so on.

They also ask to guide you on the true path, to open your spiritual heart, to cleanse your soul from sorrow and despondency.

And She answers, helps! Because he has the boldness to ask the Lord for all people.

Everything about religion and faith - “prayer and troparion to the Kazan icon of the Mother of God” with a detailed description and photographs.

Prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon, called “Kazan”.

Oh, Most Holy Lady Theotokos, Queen of Heaven and earth, the highest angel and archangel and the most honest, pure Virgin Mary of all creation, good Helper to the world, and affirmation for all people, and deliverance for all needs! Look now, O All-Merciful Lady, upon Thy servants, praying to Thee with a tender soul and a contrite heart, falling with tears to Thee and worshiping Thy most pure and wholesome image, and asking for Thy help and intercession. Oh, All-Merciful and Most Merciful Pure Virgin Mary! Look, O Lady, at Your people: for we are sinners and imams of no other help, except for You and from You, Christ our God born. You are our intercessor and representative. You are protection for the offended, joy for the sorrowing, refuge for the orphans, keeper for widows, glory for virgins, joy for those who cry, visitation for the sick, healing for the weak, salvation for sinners. For this reason, O Mother of God, we resort to You, and looking at Your Most Pure Image with the Eternal Child held in Your hand, our Lord Jesus Christ, we bring tender singing to You and cry out: have mercy on us, Mother of God, and fulfill our request, for all that is Your intercession is possible, for glory is due to You now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Troparion to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon called “Kazan”

Zealous Intercessor, Mother of the Lord Most High! Pray for all of Thy Son, Christ our God, and cause all to be saved, seeking refuge in Thy sovereign protection. Intercede for all of us, oh. Lady, Queen and Lady, who in adversity and sorrow and illness, burdened with many sins, stand and pray to You with a tender soul and a contrite heart before Your Most Pure Image with tears, and those who have irrevocable hope in You for deliverance from all evils. Grant usefulness to all and save everything, O Virgin Mother of God: for Thou art the Divine protection of Thy servant.

Let us come, people, to this quiet and good refuge, the quick Helper, the ready and warm salvation, the protection of the Virgin; let us hasten to prayer and strive for repentance: for the Most Pure Mother of God exudes boundless mercies to us, advances to our aid and delivers Her well-behaved and God-fearing servants from great troubles and evils.

We magnify You, Most Holy Virgin, God-chosen Youth, and honor Your holy image, through which you bring healing to all who come with faith.

Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in honor of her icon called Kazan Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos called “Kazan”

Popular prayers:

Prayer to the Martyr Longinus Sotnik

Prayer to Cyrus and John, holy wonderworkers and unmercenary martyrs

Prayer to the Venerable Maron, Syrian Hermit

Prayers to St. Sergius of Radonezh the Wonderworker

Prayer to Saint Theodosius, Archbishop of Uglitsky and Chernigov

Prayer to Saint Joseph the Chaste, the Beautiful

Prayer to Saint Julian

Prayers to the Holy Great Martyr Barbara

Prayer to Saint Saint John of Pechersk

Prayer to Archangel Uriel

Prayers to St. Alypius of Pechersk, icon painter

Prayers to Saints Methodius and Cyril, Equal to the Apostles, Teacher of Slovenia

Prayers of the Optina Elders

Prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Orthodox informers for websites and blogs All prayers.

Icons of Kazan (troparion, kontakion, prayers and magnification)

O zealous acessor,/ Mother of the Lord Most High,/ pray for all Thy Son Christ our God,/ and cause all to be saved,/ to those who flee to Thy sovereign protection./ Intercede for us all, O Lady Queen and Lord Chitsa, / like in adversity and sorrow , and in illness, burdened with many sins,/ standing and praying to You with a tender soul/ and a contrite heart,/ before Your most pure image with tears,/ and those who have irrevocable hope in You, / deliverance from all evils, / grant something useful to everyone, / and save everything , Mother of God Virgin: // For You are the Divine protection of Your servant.

Let us come, people, to this quiet and good haven, / to the quick Helper, ready and warm salvation, to the protection of the Virgin, / let us hasten to prayer and strive for repentance: / for it gives us a lack of sorrow The Most Pure Mother of God comes to the rescue and delivers from great troubles and evils // good and God-fearing servants.

O Most Holy Lady Theotokos! With fear, faith and love, falling before Your honest icon, we pray to You: do not turn Your face away from those who come running to You, begging, Merciful Mother, Your Son and our God, the Lord and May Jesus Christ keep our country peaceful and His holy Church unshakable May he preserve and deliver from unbelief, heresies and schism. There are no other help, no other hope, except You, Most Pure Virgin: You are the all-powerful Helper and Intercessor of Christians. Deliver also all those who pray to You with faith from the falls of sin, from the slander of evil people, from all temptations, sorrows, illnesses, troubles and from sudden death; Grant us the spirit of contrition, humility of heart, purity of thoughts, correction of sinful lives and the remission of sins, and all, gratefully chanting Your greatness and mercy, manifested over us here on earth , let us be worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven and there, together with all the saints, let us glorify the most honorable and magnificent name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Oh, Most Holy Lady Theotokos, Queen of Heaven and earth, the highest angel and archangel and all creatures, the most honest, pure Virgin Mary, good Helper to the world, and affirmation to all people, and to all what needs is deliverance! Look now, O All-Merciful Lady, upon Your servants, praying to You with a tender soul and a contrite heart, falling with tears to You and worshiping Your most pure and wholesome image , and asking for Thy help and intercession. Oh, All-Merciful and Most Merciful Pure Virgin Mary! Look, O Lady, at Your people: for we are sinners and have no other help, except for You and from You, Christ our God who was born. You are our intercessor and representative. You are protection for the offended, joy for those who mourn, refuge for the poor, keeper for widows, glory for virgins, joy for those who mourn, visitation for the sick, healing for the weak, salvation for sinners. For this sake, O Mother of God, we resort to You, and looking at Your Most Pure Image with the Eternal One in Your hand, holding the Baby, our Lord Jesus Christ, looking at You, we offer tender singing to You and opium: have mercy on us, Mother of God, and fulfill our petition, for all that is Thy intercession is possible: for unto Thee is glory due, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

We glorify Thee,/ Most Holy Virgin,/ and honor Thy holy image,/ from which flows gracious help // to all who flow to it with faith.

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Prayer and Troparion to the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

KAZAN ICON of the Mother of God.

Appearance of the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary

in the city of Kazan (1579)

Troparion to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon called “Kazan”

O zealous intercessor, Mother of the Lord Most High, pray for everyone to Thy Son, Christ our God, and cause all to be saved, seeking refuge in Thy sovereign protection. Intercede for all of us, O Lady Queen and Lady, who in adversity and sorrow and in illness, burdened with many sins, stand and pray to You with a tender soul and a contrite heart before Your most pure image with tears, and those who have irrevocable hope in You for deliverance of all evils, Grant useful to everyone and save everything, Virgin Mother of God: For You are the Divine protection of Your servant.

Let us come, people, to this quiet and good refuge, the quick Helper, the ready and warm salvation, the protection of the Virgin: let us hasten to prayer and sweat to repentance: for the Most Pure Mother of God exudes unto us boundless mercies, advances to our aid and delivers from great troubles and evils the well-behaved and His God-fearing servants.

We magnify You, Most Holy Virgin, God-chosen Youth, and honor Your holy image, through which you bring healing to all who come with faith.

Prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon called “Kazan”

O Most Holy Lady Lady Theotokos! With fear, faith and love, falling before Thy honorable icon, we pray to Thee: do not turn Thy face away from those who come running to You, beg the merciful Mother, Thy Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ, to keep our country peaceful, to keep His Holy Church unshakable from unbelief, heresies and schism. There are no imams of any other help, no imams of other hope, except You, Most Pure Virgin: You are the All-Powerful Helper and Intercessor of Christians. Deliver all those who pray to You with faith from the falls of sin, from the slander of evil people, from all temptations, sorrows, troubles and from vain death: grant us the spirit of contrition, humility of heart, purity of thoughts, correction of sinful lives and remission of sins, and let everyone praise greatness with gratitude. Yours, let us be worthy of the Heavenly Kingdom and there, with all the saints, let us glorify the Most Honorable and Magnificent Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Oh, Most Holy Lady Theotokos, Queen of Heaven and earth, the highest angel and archangel and the most honest, pure Virgin Mary of all creation, good Helper to the world, and affirmation for all people, and deliverance for all needs! Look now, O All-Merciful Lady, upon Thy servants, praying to Thee with a tender soul and a contrite heart, falling with tears to Thee and worshiping Thy most pure and wholesome image, and asking for Thy help and intercession. Oh, All-Merciful and Most Merciful Pure Virgin Mary! Look, O Lady, at Your people: for we are sinners and imams of no other help, except for You and from You, Christ our God born. You are our intercessor and representative. You are protection for the offended, joy for the sorrowing, refuge for the orphans, keeper for widows, glory for virgins, joy for those who cry, visitation for the sick, healing for the weak, salvation for sinners. For this reason, O Mother of God, we resort to You, and looking at Your Most Pure Image with the Eternal Child held in Your hand, our Lord Jesus Christ, we bring tender singing to You and cry out: have mercy on us, Mother of God, and fulfill our request, for all that is Thy intercession is possible: for unto Thee is glory due now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. Appearance of the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the city of Kazan

Happy Day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God!

Kazan Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Russia, 1600-1650

Prayer to the Kazan Mother of God - prayer 1.

Oh, Most Holy Lady Theotokos, Queen of Heaven and earth, the highest angel and archangel and the most honest, pure Virgin Mary of all creation, good Helper to the world, and affirmation for all people, and deliverance for all needs!

Look now, O All-Merciful Lady, upon Thy servants, praying to Thee with a tender soul and a contrite heart, falling with tears to Thee and worshiping Thy most pure and wholesome image, and asking for Thy help and intercession.

Oh, All-Merciful and Most Merciful Pure Virgin Mary! Look, O Lady, at Your people: for we are sinners and imams of no other help, except for You and from You, Christ our God born. You are our intercessor and representative. You are protection for the offended, joy for the sorrowing, refuge for the orphans, keeper for widows, glory for virgins, joy for those who cry, visitation for the sick, healing for the weak, salvation for sinners.

For this reason, O Mother of God, we resort to You, and looking at Your Most Pure Image with the Eternal Child held in Your hand, our Lord Jesus Christ, we bring tender singing to You and cry out: have mercy on us, Mother of God, and fulfill our request, for all that is Your intercession is possible, for glory is due to You now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer before the icon of the Kazan Mother of God - prayer 2.

Oh, Most Holy Lady and Lady Theotokos! With fear, faith and love, falling before Your honorable icon, we pray to You: do not turn Your face away from those who come running to You. Pray, merciful Mother, to Thy Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ, to preserve our country peacefully and to keep His holy Church unshakable from unbelief, heresies and schism. There are no imams of any other help, no imams of other hope, unless You, Most Pure Virgin, are You the all-powerful Helper and Intercessor of Christians. Deliver all who pray to You with faith from the falls of sin, from the slander of evil people, from all temptations, sorrows, troubles and from vain death. Grant us the spirit of contrition, humility of heart, purity of thoughts, correction of sinful lives and the remission of sins, so that we all sing gratefully of Your greatness, we will be worthy of the Heavenly Kingdom, and there with all the saints we will glorify the Most Honorable and Magnificent Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Troparion to the icon of the Kazan Mother of God.

Troparion to the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God: a short miraculous prayer

The miraculous image of the Mother of God of Kazan, whose troparion calls Her a zealous Intercessor and Divine protection to all who come to her for help, appeared in the city of Kazan in the 16th century. At night, in a dream, the Queen of Heaven appeared to a nine-year-old girl named Matrona and pointed to the place where her icon was kept. The child told her parents about this, who chalked it all up to her imagination, but the phenomenon began to recur regularly. Then Matrona’s father and mother followed their daughter, and at the place she indicated they actually found an ancient image of the Mother of God of Kazan, whose troparion today helps believers get rid of sorrows and misfortunes.

It is not for nothing that the Mother of God of Kazan is glorified in the troparion as the Intercessor and the Intercessor - there are several cases when she saved not only individual people, but the entire Russian state from destructive vacillation. In the 17th century, the prayers of Our Lady of Kazan helped Prince Dimitry Pozharsky liberate the Kremlin and then Moscow from the troops of False Dmitry. In honor of this event, the Kazan Cathedral was built in the capital, in which a prayer and troparion to the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God are read daily.

Listen to the video of the troparion, kontakion and glorification of the Mother of God of Kazan

Orthodox text of the troparion of the Mother of God of Kazan

Zealous Intercessor, Mother of the Lord Most High! Pray for all of Thy Son, Christ Our God, and cause all to be saved, seeking refuge in Thy sovereign protection. Intercede for all of us, O Lady, Queen and Mistress, who, in adversity and in sorrow and in illness, are burdened with many sins, standing and praying to You with a tender soul and a contrite heart before Your most pure image with tears, and those who have irrevocable hope in You for deliverance of all evils , grant useful to everyone, and save everything, Virgin Mary: For You are the Divine protection of Your servant.

Text of the Russian Orthodox prayer to the Kazan Mother of God

Oh, Most Pure Lady Theotokos, Queen of heaven and earth, the highest angel and archangel and the most honest, pure Virgin Mary of all creation, the Good Helper of the world, and affirmation for all people, and deliverance for all needs! You are our intercessor and representative, you are protection for the offended, joy for the grieving, refuge for the orphans, guardian for widows, glory for virgins, joy for those who cry, visitation for the sick, healing for the weak, salvation for sinners. Have mercy on us, Mother of God, and fulfill our request, for everything is possible through Your intercession: for glory befits You now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Troparion to the Miracle-Working Icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

Memorial Days: July 8, October 22

Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

Glorification of the Icon of the Mother of God of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

and we honor Your holy image, /

from worthless grace flows out /

to all who flow to him with faith.

Troparion to the Icon of the Mother of God of Kazan

Mother of the Lord Most High, /

pray for all your Son Christ our God, /

and make it possible for everyone to be saved, /

those who resort to Your sovereign protection. /

Intercede for us all, O Lady Queen and Lady, /

those who are in adversity and sorrow and illness, burdened with many sins, /

coming and praying to You with a tender soul/

Prayer, troparion, kontakion of the Mother of God before Her Icon of Kazan

O Most Holy Lady Lady Theotokos! With fear, faith and love, falling before Thy honorable icon, we pray to Thee: do not turn Thy face away from those who come running to You, beg, O merciful Mother, Thy Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ, to keep our country peaceful, and His Holy Church unshakable will protect from unbelief, heresies and schism. There are no other imams of help, no other imams of hope, except You, Most Pure Virgin: You are the all-powerful Helper and Intercessor of Christians. Deliver all who pray to You with faith from the falls of sin, from the slander of evil people, from all temptations, sorrows, troubles and from vain death: grant us the spirit of contrition, humility of heart, purity of thoughts, correction of sinful lives and the remission of sins, may all be grateful praising Your greatness, let us be worthy of the Heavenly Kingdom and there, with all the saints, let us glorify the most honorable and magnificent name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Troparion, tone 4

Zealous Intercessor, Mother of the Lord Most High! Pray for all of Thy Son, Christ our God, and cause all to be saved, seeking refuge in Thy sovereign protection. Intercede for all of us, O Lady, Queen and Lady, who are in adversity, and in sorrow, and in illness, burdened with many sins, coming and praying to You with a tender soul and a contrite heart before Your most pure image with tears, and those who have irrevocable hope in You, deliverance of all evils, grant what is useful to all, and save everything, Virgin Mary: For You are the Divine Protection of Your servant.

Kontakion, tone 8

Let us come, people, to this quiet and good refuge, the quick Helper, the ready and warm salvation, the protection of the Virgin. Let us hasten to prayer and strive to repentance: for the Most Pure Theotokos exudes boundless mercies to us, advances us to help, and delivers Her well-behaved and God-fearing servants from great troubles and evils.


Prayers in front of the image of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God can help you in many matters in life, and besides, they pray to Her in times of despondency, sadness and disaster, when there is no longer enough strength to fight adversity.
With the help of prayers in front of the image of the Kazan Mother of God, you can be cured of any disease, especially eye diseases and even blindness, not only physical, but also spiritual.
The image of the Mother of God and prayers to Her help to find the right solution to complex issues.
For many centuries, people placed the “Kazan” icon near a child’s crib, knowing that the Mother of God would look after the child and protect him, if necessary.
Also, since ancient times, the Kazan Icon has been used to bless newlyweds for a long and happy life. And, if the wedding falls on the day of the celebration of this icon, family life should be long and happy.

It must be remembered that icons or saints do not “specialize” in any specific areas. It will be right when a person turns with faith in the power of God, and not in the power of this icon, this saint or prayer.
And .


The miracle of the discovery of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God occurred on July 8, 1579, several decades after Ivan the Terrible conquered the Kazan Khanate.
In June 1579, there was a big fire in Kazan, which destroyed a significant part of the city’s wooden buildings, and half of the Kazan Kremlin burned down.
Muslims rejoiced at the troubles and said that this Russian God was angry with Christians. But, as usually happens with God’s providence, the fire actually became the beginning of the spread of Orthodoxy in the Khanate.
The house of archer Daniil Onuchin, who was planning to build a new home in the same place, was also damaged in the fire. The work had almost begun, but his daughter Matrona, who was then ten years old, had a dream of the appearance of the Mother of God Herself, who indicated the place where Her icon lay under a layer of earth, which was thus hidden by Orthodox confessors in order to protect the image from desecration by Muslims . The Mother of God ordered to find this icon, but no one paid attention to the girl’s words; the adults were busy with their own affairs.
Three times the Holy Mother appeared to Matrona, again and again She indicated the place where the miraculous icon was hidden. The girl still managed to persuade her mother to help in the search, and finally they began to dig together in the indicated place. And a miracle happened, the icon was found!
All the clergy arrived at the place where the shrine was miraculously found. Archbishop Jeremiah took the found image of the Mother of God and solemnly transferred It to a nearby church in the name of St. Nicholas, and from there, after serving a prayer service, the shrine was transferred by procession to the very first Orthodox church in Kazan, which was built by order of Ivan the Terrible.
Immediately, the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God began to work miracles; during the procession of the Cross, two blind men, Nikita and Joseph, regained their sight.
The newly found icon of the Mother of God very soon became a national shrine, because in this way Holy Mary showed a sign to the entire Russian Church. More than once, “Kazanskaya” showed the way to glory and victory for Orthodox soldiers, defenders of the Russian land, who fulfilled their duty to God and the Motherland.

While defending Rus' from the atrocities of the Poles, Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky began to gather an army. In Yaroslavl, Kazan warriors with the Kazan icon (with its copy), which they handed over to the prince, also joined the militia. With the icon and prayers of the Mother of God, the Russian army moved towards the capital. And at this time, in Moscow captured by the Poles, the captured Greek Archbishop Arseny († 1626; April 13) was located. One night a bright light appeared in his cell and he saw. The saint told Arseny that the Mother of God had interceded for our Fatherland and soon, by God’s mercy, Russia would be saved.
The Most Holy Theotokos took the Russian troops under Her protection, with Her help, two days later the Poles were expelled from the Kremlin and defeated, and through Her intercession Rus' was saved.

The day after this victory, in gratitude for the help in expelling the enemies, a procession of the cross was made with the miraculous Kazan Icon, to meet which Archbishop Arseny came out of the Kremlin. In his hands he held the miraculous medicine, which he had preserved in his captivity. According to the descriptions, all the people knelt before the image of their Intercessor.

After the Polish invaders were expelled from Moscow, Dmitry Pozharsky installed the holy Kazan icon in the Church of the Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which was located in Moscow on Lubyanka.
After some time, the prince began to build the Kazan Cathedral on Red Square and in 1636, when the cathedral was erected, the shrine was moved to a new location.
November 4 (October 22, old style) was declared the day of celebration of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in memory of the liberation from the Poles. At first this day was celebrated only in Moscow, but since 1649 this holiday became a state holiday.

Before the battle of Poltava, Peter the Great prayed before the icon of the Kazan Mother of God (in the village of Kaplunovka).
In 1812, the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God was given protection to Russian soldiers who defended Russian soil from French invaders. The first major military success of Russian soldiers in this war happened just on the holiday of the “autumn” Kazan icon; on this day (October 22, old style) the rearguard of the French army was defeated, Napoleonic army lost about seven thousand of its soldiers.
During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. miraculous image Kazan icon They were carried out in a procession of the cross in besieged Leningrad, a prayer service was served before the icon in Moscow, after which the icon was taken to Stalingrad. Where the miraculous icon was located, the enemy was defeated.

This icon is revered throughout Russia; there is not a single church where there is not a Kazan Icon. This image has been revered at all times, and if there is an image of the Mother of God in a family that is passed down by inheritance, in most cases it will be the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.
Now this miraculous icon has been located in the Epiphany Patriarchal Cathedral in Moscow.

Kazanskaya Tobolskaya The icon of the Mother of God was found in 1661 and is located in the city of Tobolsk in the cathedral church. The story of the acquisition of this icon is as follows.

There was an apparition to Hierodeacon Ioannikios, who revealed to him that in the closet of the Church of the Three Hierarchs, facing the wall, there was an image of the Kazan Mother of God. By the command of God, they must build a church nearby in honor of this icon, consecrate it and bring it into the new church as a throne one. But the hierodeacon did not tell anyone about this vision. After some time, the saint visited him again and asked him why he did not tell the archimandrite about this. After this question, the vision disappeared, and the hierodeacon himself fell to the ground out of fear, glorified God, but was still afraid to say about it, “ so that there would be no confusion among the people, and for fear that they would not believe". He did not mention this even after the next, third vision of the saint.
And during the feast of the Kazan Icon, at Matins, Hierodeacon Ioannikiy suddenly lost consciousness and fell. As he later said, among the people he again saw the saint, who said:

“You read this and why don’t you believe it yourself? That image was in the ground, and this one stands in the porch facing the wall; why didn’t you tell about him?”

And he, shaking his hand at me, said:

“From now on, be decrepit until the divine work is completed.”

Having said this, he became invisible, and I fell to the ground out of fear and now I’m telling you.”

After people found out about this, they immediately paid homage to the Mother of God, consecrated the icon and built a church. The narrator noted that until that moment there had been rains that flooded the fields, the rivers began to overflow, like in spring, flooding houses, but as soon as they began to build the temple, everything calmed down, “the bread and vegetables have gotten better since then.”

Kaplunovskaya The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is located in the village of Kaplunovka, Kharkov region.
In 1689, a gray-haired old man appeared in a dream to the pious priest of this village, John Umanov, who ordered him to buy from the Moscow icon painters, who would soon arrive, the eighth Kazan icon of the Most Holy Theotokos.

"From her you will receive mercy and grace"

- said this old man. After the icon was purchased, the Mother of God herself appeared to the priest in a dream and ordered to place this icon in the temple. John told the people about this and all the people triumphantly fulfilled this command.
After this, miracles began to happen from this icon.
In 1709, Emperor Peter I, before the battle with the Swedes, prayed to the Mother of God for help to this particular image; this icon was carried in front of all the regiments. According to legend, Swedish soldiers tried to burn down the Kaplunovskaya church, but were unable to do so. And then Karl said:

“If they couldn’t light the church without an icon, then where it is located will be unsafe for us.”

That’s how it all happened, the Russian people won the Battle of Poltava.

Nizhnelomovskaya The Kazan icon appeared in 1643 near the city of Nizhny Loma, Penza region. At first a chapel was built on this site, and later a monastery was founded here.

Voznesenskaya The Kazan Icon is located in the Moscow Ascension Convent, in the Kremlin.
The icon was glorified for the first time in 1689. After the prayer service to the image of Kazan, the candle was not extinguished. It fell and started a fire, which burned the lectern, but the icon itself, despite the fact that it was painted on canvas, was not damaged. In 1701, there was a big fire from which the Ascension Monastery burned down, but the icon itself was not damaged at all. At the same time, she herself miraculously found herself first among the removed icons, and then, after the fire, she independently, without anyone’s help, found herself back in her place. In addition, many healings occurred from this icon.

Pavlovskaya The Kazan Icon is located in the village of Pavlovskoye, Moscow province, Zvenigorod district. Her appearance took place near the village, on a tree, next to which a chapel was built.
The first miracle immediately happened from this icon, the healing of a peasant who had become very ill as a result of his sinful life. The Mother of God appeared to his neighbor in a dream and said that the sick man could recover if he stopped sinning in his life and went to the holy well and washed himself with holy water. With great difficulty, the patient reached this well, washed himself, and immediately recovered.

Yaroslavsky The image of the Kazan Icon is located in the Kazan Convent of the city of Yaroslavl.
In 1588, the pious man Gerasim wished to purchase an icon of the Mother of God, after which he had a miraculous vision of the Mother of God, who told him where it needed to be done and what needed to be done next. When Gerasim found this icon, immediately after he took it in his hands, he was immediately healed from the illness that had tormented him for a long time. Then he went, according to the instructions of the Mother of God, to the city of Romanov, where he handed over this icon to its inhabitants with the condition that a temple be erected for it. The church was built and the icon was in it until 1604, when the city was taken by the Lithuanians. Then the miraculous icon was transported to Yaroslavl, where a temple was erected in honor of the Mother of God, and later a monastery. The residents of Romanov wanted to return the icon to themselves, and wrote a petition to Tsar Vasily Ioannovich. But the residents of Yaroslavl also wanted to keep the shrine for themselves. Then an exact list of the icon was made for the residents of Romanov, and the miraculous icon itself is carried annually in a religious procession from Yaroslavl to Romanov.

In addition to these listed icons, there are many more images and lists of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, and in any of them the Mother of God will show us her love and protection in the face of any troubles, is our Comforter in our sorrows and rejoices with us in our joys.


We magnify You, Most Holy Virgin, God-chosen Youth, and honor Your holy image, through which you bring healing to all who come with faith.


The ancient shrine, which is the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, has long been recognized as the most revered holy image, enjoying boundless love not only among ordinary Christians, but also among princes, kings and military leaders.

In the troparion to the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, believers call for her help as the great Intercessor and Helper in misfortunes, sorrows and illnesses, calling her “Divine Protection” and “Diligent Intercessor.” The Most Holy Theotokos of Kazan is considered to be the deliverer from great troubles, since the history of the Orthodox Church remembers many cases when, through prayers to her, people received help in defeating enemies, in liberating the state from invaders. Anyone who is in trouble can receive help through prayer in front of the miraculous image of Our Lady of Kazan. Troparion to the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is the main liturgical attribute on the day of celebration of this shrine - July 8 and November 4.

Miracles according to prayers, akathists and troparions to the icon of the Kazan Mother of God

In 1579, when the newly found shrine of the Kazan Mother of God was delivered to the temple in Kazan, a miracle of healing one of the parishioners from blindness occurred. The Holy Icon of Kazan is considered to heal not only from blindness of the eyes, but also from spiritual blindness. It has become a tradition to bless young couples for a happy married life with the icon of the Kazan Mother of God.

In Orthodox churches, during solemn services dedicated to the glorification of the miraculous Kazan image of the Mother of God, a troparion is performed to the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, Helper and Intercessor of the entire human race. In 1612, with prayers to this miraculous icon, a Russian regiment led by Minin and Pozharsky liberated Moscow from the Polish-Lithuanian invaders. Before the main battle, Russian soldiers prayed to the Most Pure One. Currently, in honor of this event, the holiday “National Unity Day” has been established in Russia - November 4. The Russian people have treated this miraculous shrine with great respect for many centuries. This universally revered image adorns all Orthodox churches in Russia, and the troparion to the icon of the Kazan Most Holy Mother of God fills every festive service with special solemnity.

Text of the Akathist to the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

Kontakion No. 1

To the Intercessor of the Christian race, chosen from all generations, who covers our Orthodox country with the cover of Her goodness, we offer songs of thanksgiving to Thee, Theotokos, for the appearance of Thy wondrous icon. You, as the All-Merciful One, intercede for all those who come to You, Helper, in all sorrows and needs, troubles and misfortunes, so we call You: Rejoice, zealous Intercessor of the Christian race.

A representative angel was sent to quickly say to the Mother of God “Rejoice,” when God the Word was embodied in Her womb: and we, sinners, glorifying the appearance of Her wonderful icon and the Divine Infant Savior Christ, with tenderness crying out with grace: Rejoice, God-chosen Youth; Rejoice, Mother of God. Rejoice, Queen of Heaven and earth; Rejoice, bright decoration of the Church, heavenly and earthly. Rejoice, honored Angels; Rejoice, sung by Seraphim. Rejoice, bright prophetic event; Rejoice, praise of the apostles. Rejoice, martyr's confession; Rejoice, crown of the venerables. Rejoice, joy of the righteous; Rejoice, hope of sinners. Rejoice, zealous Intercessor of the Christian race.

Seeing, O All-Immaculate One, from the height of Your Heavenly dwelling, where You abide in glory with Your Son, the sorrow of Your servants in the newly enlightened city, as if the faith of Christ was mocked by the wrathful visitation of God by Hagaran malice, You deigned to show Your icon, glorifying miracles and confirming them with banners Your grace, Christ-loving people faithfully cry out to God: Alleluia.

The wise maiden seeks the understanding of the threefold appearance of the Mother of God, flowing to the authorities, telling them a wondrous appearance and a terrible rebuke: we, marveling from above at the admonition given to the maiden, reverently cry out to the Most Blessed One: Rejoice, who with pure lips praises God; Rejoice, thou who revealest the mysteries of God's grace to the faithful. Rejoice, the hearing of the unbelievers is doubtful. Rejoice, well-known praise for the faithful; Rejoice, lightning, terrifying of the infidels. Rejoice, thou who illumine the minds of Thy faithful with the glory of the miracles; Rejoice, denunciation of Hagaryan evil. Rejoice, their pride has been overthrown; Rejoice, affirmation of the Christian faith. Rejoice, consecration of the veneration of holy icons; Rejoice, you who transform our sorrow into joy. Rejoice, you who cheer us with undoubted hope. Rejoice, zealous Intercessor of the Christian race.

The power of the Most High, by the grace of the Mother of God, wise and strengthen the young woman to seek the valuable gift of God, and she, daring in the Lord with faith, begin to work and, having found the treasure of the holy icon of the Mother of God hidden in the earth, joyfully cry out to God: Alleluia.

Having a benevolent providence for the newly enlightened people of the city of Kazan, from Your most honorable icon You have flowed currents of miracles, O Lady, giving sight to the blind of the body, illuminating those darkened spiritually with the light of knowledge of God and piety, giving a calm refuge to those who live under the shadow of Your icon. For this reason we call You: Rejoice, by the appearance of Your icon you drive away the darkness of cruel circumstances; Rejoice, you who enlighten everyone with the rays of miracles. Rejoice, recovery of sight for the blind; Rejoice, enlightenment of those darkened by the meaning. Rejoice, glory to Orthodoxy; Rejoice, quiet haven for those seeking salvation. Rejoice, Mother of chastity; Rejoice, protection and protection of virginity. Rejoice, the whole multitude of the faithful rejoices in Her; Rejoice, even for Her sake the demonic horde is crying. Rejoice, longed-for Helper of all Christians; Rejoice, Joy to all who mourn. Rejoice, zealous Intercessor of the Christian race.

The storm of turmoil and sedition by the enemies raised in our country was quenched by the efforts of blessed Hermogenes, the recorder of Thy miracles, the Mother of God, the icon, tearfully praying before her and, seeing how Thy icon was given to the Orthodox army as a shield and a sign of victory, strengthened by faith to the end of his life, crying out To God: Alleluia.

Having heard in Orthodoxy the secret revealed by the Monk Sergius to St. Arseny, how through the intercession of the Mother of God the judgment on our Fatherland was transferred to mercy, the icon of the Mother of God, like a victorious banner, accepted the Mother of Russian cities from the hands of the adversary and cried out to the Intercessor of Christians: Rejoice, Mother of the Most High God; Rejoice, for you prayed for everyone, Your Son, Christ our God. Rejoice, for you have made it possible for all those who come running to escape into Your sovereign protection; Rejoice, Intercessor of all those in sorrow and illness. Rejoice, Thou who bestowest usefulness upon all those who pray with contrite hearts before Thy most pure image; Rejoice, deliverance of evils to all who have irrevocable hope in Thee. Rejoice, quiet and kind refuge; Rejoice, ambulance to the Helper. Rejoice, ready and warm cover of salvation; Rejoice, you who exude abundant mercies to us. Rejoice, you who advance to help; Rejoice, thou who deliverest from all troubles. Rejoice, zealous Intercessor of the Christian race.

Thy rich star has appeared, O Mother of God, icon, flowing around the entire Russian country, illuminating with the rays of Thy miracles all those wandering on the sea of ​​passionate life, driving away the darkness of sorrows and darkness of all ailments and sorrows and guiding those who flow to You with faith and cry out to God on the path of salvation: Alleluia .

Tsar Peter, seeing how many miracles were wrought from the holy icon of the Mother of God by the grace of God, accepted it as a guide for his army and on the day of battle for the shield and cover of the Mother of God, and having defeated the enemy to the end with the help of the Mother of God. then place a perfect stone at the foundation of the new reigning city, and place your wonderful icon, like consecration, like a shield and fence, in the heart of the city. For this reason we cry to the Most Pure One: Rejoice, dwelling place and house of Christ our God; Rejoice, receptacle of His ineffable glory. Rejoice, animated city, ever reigning; Rejoice, adorned chamber. Rejoice, Joy of cities and villages; Rejoice, invincible repository and barrier of Christians in troubles. Rejoice, praise to the Orthodox Church; Rejoice, confirmation of the Russian land. Rejoice, Helper of the Christ-loving army; Rejoice, defeat of enemies. Rejoice, deliverance from troubles; Rejoice, visiting everyone with Your Motherly bounties. Rejoice, zealous Intercessor of the Christian race.

Standing before Your most pure image, the class of bishops and all people, monastics and laymen, preach to the Lady Theotokos, Your great mercy, as you protect cities, cover monasteries, protect villages, and, leading You to Your true Helper, strong and invincible, with tears they offer You prayers, may you stretch out your God-bearing hands to your Son for your people, so that you may deliver us from all troubles and misfortunes, and let us cry out to God with gratitude: Alleluia.

Having dawned true enlightenment and having driven away the ancient flattery of the Hagarians in the newly enlightened country of Kazan, now in all Russian cities the light of miracles and mercies shines with the light of miracles and mercies: for those who flow with faith to Your icon, deliverance from healing sorrows, healing from illnesses and joys of all kinds of fulfillment, cry out to You earnestly: Rejoice, inexhaustible source of the shrine; Rejoice, multi-flowing river of Divine grace. Rejoice, reconciliation of sinners with God; Rejoice, our sins have been cleansed. Rejoice, O pious Teacher; Rejoice, in good deeds there is affirmation and help. Rejoice, acceptor of good vows; Rejoice, you who promote good intentions. Rejoice, destroyer of evil undertakings; Rejoice, thou who destroyest the machinations of the enemy. Rejoice, speedy human Helper; Rejoice, you who bestow mercy upon us. Rejoice, zealous Intercessor of the Christian race.

I want to confess to the Orthodox people the mercy of the Most Blessed Queen of Heaven and Earth and, with all my strength, offer thanks for their deliverance from the invasion of foreigners, to the wondrous temple created in honor of the wonderful icon, bringing the victorious one as a gift, so that all, remembering the mercy of the Mother of God, who saved this city and country, sing aloud Grateful lips to God: Alleluia.

To the capital city of Russia, Your holy icon, the Mother of God, truly appeared the good Hodegetria, as did Constantinople of old: for people are running to You, asking for Your help at the beginning of their path and deeds, and offering thanksgiving prayers before Your most pure icon for deliverance from sorrows and misfortunes, Your Helper and they know a strong Intercessor. We also cry out in gratitude to Ti: Rejoice, protection of the Russian country; Rejoice, Orthodoxy is protected and established in her. Rejoice, indestructible shield of our warriors; Rejoice, their armor is invulnerable. Rejoice, you who expose the machinations of your enemies; Rejoice, like a spider tearing them apart. Rejoice, reproof of wickedness; Rejoice, destruction of sedition. Rejoice, correction of the young from errors; Rejoice, consolation of the elders. Rejoice, overthrow of harmful teachings; Rejoice, gift of useful knowledge. Rejoice, zealous Intercessor of the Christian race.

It is strange and doubtful for non-believers to hear how currents of grace flow from Your icon, the stench of animals is fragrant: but we, believing the word spoken by You, Lady, to the first-written icon: “My grace and power are with you,” we trust that grace is with this icon I will take out yours: we kiss the one who stands before us with reverence, we worship her, as if you exist Yourself, for the honor of the icon ascends to the prototype, and Your grace with this icon brings signs and wonders to all who flow with faith to You and cry out to God: Alleluia.

All that was grief was taken to the Heavenly, and you did not abandon the earthly, O Mother of God, through Your sacred intercession: for you have the most maternal boldness towards Christ our God. In the same way, establish a deeply Orthodox life in the world and always grant all that is useful to Thy servant, so that we majestically sing to Thee: Rejoice, O inconceivable container; Rejoice, overshadowed by the power of the Most High. Rejoice, frozen Heavenly Class; Rejoice, thou who has delivered the whole world from the soul-destroying famine. Rejoice, you who intercede for our race; Rejoice, for Your prayer can accomplish much before Your Son and God. Rejoice, you who adopted us all at the Cross of Your Son; Rejoice, you who always show motherly love for us. Rejoice, Intercessor of eternal blessings; Rejoice, you who are also useful to us in our temporal life. Rejoice, our well-known refuge in all sorrowful situations; Rejoice, undoubted consolation in sorrows. Rejoice, zealous Intercessor of the Christian race.

Above all angelic natures, you appeared, O Most Holy Virgin: for you conceived God in your flesh, for you contained the inconceivable of all in your womb, in your arms you bore the hand that bears the whole world: also, as the Most Honest Cherub and the Most Glorious without comparison, the Seraphim magnifies Thee, we cry out to God about You : Alleluia.

We see the oracles of many things, like mute fish, about You, Mother of God: for every tongue is perplexed to praise You according to your inheritance, the mind is amazed to sing to You, Mother of God; Otherwise, good being, receive from us the archangel’s voice, crying to you: Rejoice, full of grace; Rejoice, for the Lord is with you. Rejoice, Blessed One among women; Rejoice, having found grace from God. Rejoice, thou who gave birth to the Savior of the world; Rejoice, Mother of the Son of God. Rejoice, Mother of the Eternal King; Rejoice, thou who hast brought forth the fruit of life for us. Rejoice, sanctified by the Holy Spirit; Rejoice, overshadowed by the power of the Most High. Rejoice, faithful Servant of the Lord; Rejoice, for you are blessed by all. Rejoice, zealous Intercessor of the Christian race.

Those who want to save many from the evils, sorrows and diseases that occur, you have given your wonderful icon, Mother of God, even for the sake of blindness they despise it, chromiums walk, weakened people rise up, the demoniac are healed, the land is given fruit, people are delivered from deadly plagues, cities and houses are saved from fire : In the same way, glorifying God, who gives us such mercies, we cry out to Him earnestly: Alleluia.

You are the wall, Mother of God, the land of Russia, with hail protection and glory, fortification of the Orthodox army against the enemies. Moreover, giving thanks to Thee, we cry: Rejoice, thou who glorify those who glorify Thee; Rejoice, you who do not revere Thee, put to shame. Rejoice, intimidation of enemies; Rejoice, deliverance from the invasion of foreigners. Rejoice, warriors of the fortress; Rejoice, in the days of battle the fence also took away. Rejoice, in days of peace, life-giving garden, gladdening the hearts of the faithful; Rejoice, weapon, which the demons tremble. Rejoice, saving oil, anointing the sinful wounds of the repentant; Rejoice, our warm hope. Rejoice, our undoubted Hope; Rejoice, quiet and kind refuge. Rejoice, zealous Intercessor of the Christian race.

Singings of praise and gratitude are brought to You, Lady, falling to Your icon and kindly kissing the virgins’ faces, under Your sovereign protection those who see off the quiet and peaceful monastic life, and having placed all their trust in You, joyfully cry out to God: Alleluia.

Like a light-receiving light, we behold Your venerable icon, O Most Holy Lady: for it has received the immaterial fire of Your grace, and in its likenesses it lights new lamps that share in the power of grace, and illuminates miracles, guiding on the path of salvation all those crying Tisce: Rejoice, Unbrided Bride ; Rejoice, God-chosen Youth, Mother of the Virgin. Rejoice, good Teacher of immaculate virginity; Rejoice, Guardian of those who are zealous for purity. Rejoice, women are praised; Rejoice, virgin majesty. Rejoice, intercession of widows; Rejoice, charity for orphans. Rejoice, Nourisher of the poor; Rejoice, robe of the naked. Rejoice, consolation for the sad; Rejoice, joy for those who mourn. Rejoice, zealous Intercessor of the Christian race.

The grace of giving to those who venerate Thee with love, O Mother of God, Thou didst leave the power of grace inherent in Thy in Thy holy icons, for the Divine grace abiding in those (icons) performs signs and wonders and grants healing to all spiritual and physical ailments to all who come with faith through Thy unceasing Mother of God to God with prayers for those who cry out to Him: Alleluia.

Singing Your miracles, which happened in ancient and present times, we praise You, like the Life-Giving Source of grace, like an inexhaustible river of miracles, like an abyss of mercy and generosity, and placing all the hope in God on You both in this and in the future life, glorifying You, we cry : Rejoice, shameless hope of Christians; Rejoice, saving refuge for the faithful. Rejoice, unreliable hope; Rejoice, salvation for the desperate. Rejoice, bath that washes the conscience; Rejoice, dew, quickening of souls. Rejoice, quick and free cure for illnesses; Rejoice, quick deliverance from all troubles. Rejoice, Comforter in all sorrow; Rejoice, you who save us from the depths of destruction. Rejoice, joy on the day of death; Rejoice, the only Hope even after death. Rejoice, zealous Intercessor of the Christian race.

Kontakion No. 13

O All-Singing Mother, who gave birth to all the saints, the Most Holy Word, accept now this small prayer and, for the sake of Your greatness and the abyss of Your bounties, do not remember the multitude of our sins, but fulfill our prayers in goodness, giving health to the body, salvation to the soul, delivering from all needs and sorrow and the Kingdom of Heaven, heirs of all who cry faithfully to God: Alleluia.

/This Kontakion is read 3 times, then Ikos No. 1 and Kontakion No. 1/

Text of the prayer of the Kazan Mother of God for the fulfillment of desires

O Most Holy Lady Lady Theotokos! With fear, faith and love, falling before Thy honorable icon, we pray to Thee: do not turn Thy face away from those who come running to You, beg the merciful Mother, Thy Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ, to keep our country peaceful, to keep His Holy Church unshakable from unbelief, heresies and schism. There are no imams of any other help, no imams of other hope, except You, Most Pure Virgin: You are the All-Powerful Helper and Intercessor of Christians. Deliver all those who pray to You with faith from the falls of sin, from the slander of evil people, from all temptations, sorrows, troubles and from vain death: grant us the spirit of contrition, humility of heart, purity of thoughts, correction of sinful lives and remission of sins, and let everyone praise greatness with gratitude. Yours, let us be worthy of the Heavenly Kingdom and there, with all the saints, let us glorify the Most Honorable and Magnificent Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Orthodox prayer to the Kazan Mother of God for health

Oh, Most Holy Lady Theotokos, Queen of Heaven and earth, the highest angel and archangel and the most honest, pure Virgin Mary of all creation, good Helper to the world, and affirmation for all people, and deliverance for all needs! Look now, O All-Merciful Lady, upon Thy servants, praying to Thee with a tender soul and a contrite heart, falling with tears to Thee and worshiping Thy most pure and wholesome image, and asking for Thy help and intercession. Oh, All-Merciful and Most Merciful Pure Virgin Mary! Look, O Lady, at Your people: for we are sinners and imams of no other help, except for You and from You, Christ our God born. You are our intercessor and representative. You are protection for the offended, joy for the grieving, refuge for the orphans, guardian for widows, glory for virgins, joy for those who weep, visitation for the sick, healing for the weak, salvation for sinners. For this reason, O Mother of God, we resort to You, and hold Your Most Pure Image with the Eternal One in Your hand. As an infant, our Lord Jesus Christ, looking at You, we offer tender singing and cry: have mercy on us, Mother of God, and fulfill our petition, for all things are possible through Your intercession: for glory is due to You now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Troparion to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of the Kazan Icon

Troparion, tone 4

O zealous intercessor, Mother of the Lord Most High, pray for everyone to Thy Son, Christ our God, and cause all to be saved, seeking refuge in Thy sovereign protection. Intercede for all of us, O Lady Queen and Lady, and in misfortunes and sorrows and in illnesses, burdened with many sins, coming and praying to You with a tender soul and a contrite heart before Your most pure image with tears, and those who have irrevocable hope in You, deliverance of all evils , grant useful to everyone and save everything, Virgin Mary: For You are the Divine protection of Your servant.

Let us come, people, to this quiet and good refuge, the quick Helper, the ready and warm salvation, the protection of the Virgin: let us hasten to prayer and sweat to repentance: for the Most Pure Mother of God exudes unto us boundless mercies, advances to our aid and delivers from great troubles and evils the well-behaved and His God-fearing servants.

We magnify You, Most Holy Virgin, God-chosen Youth, and honor Your holy image, through which you bring healing to all who come with faith.

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