Home Salon Rules and requirements for transporting children in a car. Where and in what cases are identification signs for transporting children installed? Identification sign for transporting children when is it installed?

Rules and requirements for transporting children in a car. Where and in what cases are identification signs for transporting children installed? Identification sign for transporting children when is it installed?

Transporting children in a car is a responsible matter. First of all, the driver who carries children must be attentive. But sometimes he wants (or must) warn other road users about small passengers. For this purpose, signs “Child in the car” and “Transportation of children” are used in practice.

“Child in the car” and “Transporting children”: the difference

  • who uses it and when;
  • what it looks like;
  • where to glue;
  • Is it absolutely necessary?
  • consequences if there is no sign.

This sign can often be found on passenger cars. It is used by parent motorists to notify others that they are transporting children.

However, let us immediately emphasize that the “RvM” sign is not mentioned in the Road Traffic Rules (hereinafter referred to as the Traffic Rules). That is, at the level of law this sign does not exist. It turns out that “RvM” is just one of the “words” in the informal “language of drivers” (like, for example, a short flashing of an emergency light, meaning “Thank you”).

According to traffic regulations, the basic requirements for transporting children in a car are a child seat and a seat belt. There is no obligation to put a special sign on the car. And if so, then there is no fine for not having a sticker.

Appearance of the sign “Child in the car”

Since the “RvM” sign is not regulated by law, there are no requirements for its appearance. There are “RvM” signs of any shape, color, with any images and inscriptions. For the same reason, you can place the sign anywhere. The main thing is that it does not interfere with your view while driving. If the sticker gets in the way - a fine of 500 rubles under Art. 12.5 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses (hereinafter referred to as the Code of Administrative Offenses).

The appearance of the “Child in the car” sign can be anything

Is a “Child in the Car” sign necessary?

By law, a sign is not required. But no one forbids using it. Therefore, everyone decides for himself whether he needs the “RvM” badge on his car.

I was wondering what car enthusiasts think about the “RvM” sign. I asked my fellow motorists. Most people think that a sign is needed. They say that there are plenty of inappropriate individuals on the road, and the “RvM” sign is a warning for people to be more careful. Someone added that when he sees the “RvM” sign on a car, he tries to drive more carefully, keep his distance, and let people pass.
But there were opinions that the sign was not needed. Firstly, because it is not in the traffic rules. Secondly, it does not carry a semantic load. One friend compared the “RvM” sign with the “Beginner Driver” sign, which is obligatory for beginners: “If I see the “Beginner Driver” sign, I understand that everything can be expected from this driver, which means I need to be more careful and keep my distance. And the “RvM” sign is pasted - so what? Many children are carried in the car. There's no point in talking about it."

This sign is provided for by Russian legislation, information about it is clearly stated in the traffic rules. It is only applied to buses that transport organized groups of children (ages 6 to 16 years). Moreover, the presence of a sign is a mandatory requirement for such vehicles. This is stated in paragraph 22.6 of the traffic rules. A nuance: the “PD” sign is used when traveling around Russia; For foreign trips the rules are different.

Sign “Transportation of children”: what it looks like

The appearance of the “PD” sign is specified in clause 8 of the “Basic provisions for the approval of vehicles for operation”. It looks like this: a yellow square with a red border, inside the square there is a black image of children (as on the road sign 1.23 “Children”). The size of the sign can be different: 25 cm by 25 cm or 40 by 40 cm. The proportions of the border are always the same - one tenth of the side of the square. In numbers this is: 2.5 cm in the first case, 4 cm in the second.

Requirements for the appearance of the “Transportation of Children” sign are specified in the Traffic Regulations

One bus must have two signs: one, smaller, in front, the other, larger, in the back. They are glued to the front and rear windows so as not to limit the driver's view. In addition to the “PD” sign, “CHILDREN” is usually written on the sides of the bus in large red letters, and on the rear window there is a “Speed ​​limit to 60 km/h” sticker.

According to traffic regulations, groups of children must be transported in buses marked with special signs

Fine for not having a “Transportation of Children” sign

If a bus with children does not have a “PD” sticker, then the driver, and along with him the transportation organization, will be held administratively liable under Part 4 of Art. 12.23 Code of Administrative Offences. The penalty for violation will be a fine: the driver - 3,000 rubles, the organization - 100,000 rubles.

Payment of fines at a discount

The fines mentioned in the article are subject to the discount provided for in Part 1.3 of Art. 32.2 Code of Administrative Offences. So, if you pay a fine in the first 20 days after an offense, then you need to pay not the entire amount of the fine, but only half.

The traffic rules provide for only one “children’s” sign - “Transportation of children.” Bus drivers are required to use it when transporting groups of children. There is a fine for missing a sign. Drivers of passenger cars inform other road users that there are children in the car, if they wish, using the “Child in the car” sign. The law does not provide for a fine for the absence or presence of this sticker.

Road safety is the basis of safe travel, so an increased level of attentiveness is simply necessary. This is especially true for those sections of the route where children may unexpectedly appear. Schools, kindergartens and pioneer camps are the most common such places, so on the adjacent road you can see the corresponding warning sign - “Caution, children.”

1. About the road sign “Caution, children”

The warning road sign “Children”, which is designated 1.23 in Russian traffic regulations, was approved at the Vienna Conference and noted in the 1968 Convention on Road Signs and Signals. This conference was held with the aim of unifying road signs for all countries. Of course, since 2006, many amendments have been made to the traffic rules of the Russian Federation, as a result of which 18 signs have changed. Of course, the signs themselves and their placement must comply with the requirements of regulatory documents in force in a particular state. In particular, in Russia, according to GOST-R 52289-2004, the “Caution, Children” road sign must be placed along roads bordering kindergartens, schools, sanatoriums and recreation centers, as well as in other places where children often cross the road. In addition, this sign must be present even if there is a pedestrian crossing nearby.

Along with the sign “Caution, children”, in Russia a sign 8.2.1 is often installed, which determines the length of the safe area. In cases where an educational institution or a place where children cross the road is located outside a populated area, such a sign should be located another 50 m before this area.

Ukrainian legislation also has its own peculiarities of placing the “Children” sign (1.33). Thus, according to the Ukrainian traffic rules, this type of warning signs is installed 50-100 meters before the start of a dangerous section in populated areas and 150-300 meters outside populated areas. In addition, if necessary, this sign can be mounted at a different distance indicated on the additional plate below it. It must be said that in both cases (in populated areas and outside them) sign 1.33 is duplicated, and the next warning is placed at a distance of at least 50 meters before the start of the dangerous section of the route.

2. “Beware of children” sign for the bus

The traffic rules clearly indicate the requirements for a vehicle that transports children. It is worth noting that any car that can transport two or more children falls under this definition, and it does not matter whether it is a family trip or an organized school excursion. Also, paragraph 22.6 of the Russian Traffic Regulations states that the vehicle must have a “Transportation of Children” sign, and at least one adult must be present as an accompanying person. In addition, all small passengers are required to sit in their seats, that is, no standing places.

Of course, not all couples or other individuals use the “Transportation of Children” designation on their car, but for school buses it is simply an indispensable attribute. It is presented in the form of a yellow square with a red border, in the center of which there are figures of running children (such as on sign 1.23). There are also certain requirements for the size of this sign:for the front (windshield) – 250 mm, and for the rear – 400 mm.

3. Organizations of group transportation of children

In addition to the presence of a sign indicating “Transportation of children” on a bus (minibus), its driver must comply with some other traffic regulations relating to the transportation of children. In particular, boarding and disembarking of children must be carried out with the lights turned on, and for violation of this requirement, penalties will be imposed on the driver. Other road users who also travel by car are required to slow down and let passengers get off/on the bus (clause 14.7 of the Russian Traffic Regulations).

There are certain methodological recommendations that relate to the safe transportation of organized groups in road transport. All requirements for the transportation of people are collected here, and the document will be useful not only to legal entities, but to private entrepreneurs or individuals who are directly involved in the transportation of children's groups.

The driver of such a vehicle is prohibited from:

- move along the road at a speed of more than 60 km/h;

Spontaneously change the pre-agreed route;

Carry luggage or cargo in the cabin with minor passengers that does not belong to the category of personal belongings and hand luggage;

Leave the vehicle interior when there are children in it, as well as when getting them in and out;

Overtake passing vehicles when moving in a convoy;

Drive in reverse.

As in Russia, Ukraine has its own requirements for transporting groups of children, which are noted in the corresponding set of traffic rules. On February 11, 2013, some changes were made to this document, which also affected this issue. In particular, to improve the safety of groups of children, additional means of marking vehicles have been introduced.

So, now on a car with a sign indicating “Transportation of Children,” passengers must board and disembark with orange beacons and (or) hazard warning lights on. Other drivers moving in the adjacent lane and approaching this car, which has stopped with its lights on, should slow down and, if necessary, stop altogether to avoid a possible collision with children.

In addition, paragraph 21.3 of the Ukrainian Traffic Regulations states that transportation by bus (minibus) of a group of children can only be carried out subject to mandatory preliminary instruction with them and their accompanying persons. All passengers must know and follow the rules of behavior when driving the bus, as well as in the event of emergencies or road accidents. The driver who transports children must have at least 5 years of driving experience and a category “D” driver’s license.

Naturally, according to subclause “c” of clause 30.3 of the Ukrainian Traffic Regulations, “Children” identification signs must be placed both in front and behind the bus (minibus) (a yellow square with a red border and figures of running people, as on sign 1.33).

4. “Children” sign in other countries

We have already dealt a little with Russian and Ukrainian requirements regarding the transportation of organized groups of children, so let’s look at the features of placing and using the “Children” sign in other countries. For example, in the USA, this sign may be placed not near a school, but 150 meters from it, which encourages the driver to be at a high level of vigilance throughout this entire area. The driver is also obliged to slow down to 40 km/h and let children pass, regardless of where they are crossing. The crossings themselves near educational institutions are controlled by school patrols.

It must be said that despite the fact that the requirements of the adopted Vienna Convention must be strictly fulfilled by all countries that have signed it, in practice there are some peculiarities in relation to the “Children” sign. So, in Poland, instead of two primitive figures, the “Children” sign is decorated with the figures of a girl (there are even bows) and a boy, dressed, respectively, in a dress and trousers. At the same time, they do not run anywhere, but calmly walk. In comparison, the Israeli sign is completely different. It shows a girl running away and a woman trying to hold her back.

More similar to our version is the Greek sign, which has the same content, but instead of a white background it has an orange one, and the depicted figures resemble a girl and a boy following her.

In Germany, even before the fall of the Berlin Wall, a mother and son were depicted on the “Caution Children” sign. The boy was wearing trousers, and the mother (a taller figure) was distinguished by the presence of a dress. Nowadays, they have been replaced by the usual running figures.

In the UK, which is distinguished by its left-hand traffic, they also use a “Children” sign with the image of two running children, only they run from left to right. Burma also has its own specific designation, and in this case even the shape of the sign is different. It is presented in the form of an orange diamond, and instead of running or walking children, it depicts an elderly woman (noticeable from her hairstyle and clothing) who is pulling the hand of a struggling child. Perhaps the local children there are more capricious and intractable.

In the large Indian city of Bangalore, two types of signs are installed within educational institutions, more similar to railroad crossing signs (like Russian signs 1.4.1 and 1.4.6). In addition, the first option has nothing to do with children at all, since it depicts the figure of a fully grown man who for some reason is running away from the crowd. The second sign is more suitable for the role of a “Caution, Children” sign, since on it one figure (resembling a boy) is trying to take the hand of a second figure, slightly reminiscent of a girl.

Norway and Switzerland also have their own unique designations for the section of the route where children may appear on the road. In the first case, the figure of a girl clearly leads across the road a person with vision problems or an old man who has his hand on her shoulder, and in the second, the sign depicts a fast running woman who seems to be running away from a man catching up with her. Simply put, the sign is more suitable for marking a marathon race than for informing drivers that they are approaching a school or kindergarten.

In the Czech Republic, the “Children” sign is represented by an image of a girl who, apparently, is simply walking with her grandfather or another elderly person.

The “Children” sign is no less interesting in Bulgaria, and it is not clear why, but the boy depicted on it looks like a football player, and the girl standing behind him looks like a robot. There is also another similar sign in this country: children wearing caps run away from their parents. In Belgium, the above-mentioned sign depicts a man and a woman with bags, and the male figure seems to pull the female figure back from inattentively crossing the roadway, where she could get hit by the wheels of a passing car.

In all of these cases, human figures are depicted in full, but Denmark decided to distinguish itself with its sign. The designation “Children” here is more abstract, since the adults (or children) themselves are not fully represented, but only in parts. It is likely that this is a warning of what will happen in a possible accident.

The French government has approached the issue of marking areas near schools and other places with large concentrations of children even more creatively. Here you can find quite a lot of different variations of the “Beware of Children” sign, and some of them even resemble miniature paintings.

The traffic rules (clause 8 of the “Basic provisions on the admission of a vehicle to operation”) provide for 11 warning (identification) signs that the driver is required to affix to his vehicle. They are used to designate vehicles of the corresponding categories.

We are talking about the following signs:

  • “Spikes” - stuck on the back of vehicles traveling on studded tires. It is a white equilateral triangle with a red border, in the center of which is a black letter “Ш”. In accordance with traffic regulations, the side of the triangle must be at least 20 cm, the width of the red border must be at least 1/10 of the side;
  • "Beginner Driver"- sticker on the back of vehicles driven by inexperienced drivers who have less than two years of driving experience. The sign is a bright yellow square measuring 15x15 centimeters, in the center of which is a black exclamation mark 11 cm high. The sign is not affixed to motorcycles, tractors and self-propelled vehicles;
  • “Training vehicle” - this sign designates vehicles used by driving schools for driving lessons. It is a white equilateral triangle with a red border, in the center of which is a black letter “U”. Installed at the front and rear of the car (can additionally be mounted on the roof of a car);
  • “Road train” - this sign in the form of three orange lights located on the roof indicates cargo vehicles with trailers, as well as articulated trolleybuses and buses (of the “accordion” type);
  • "Transportation of children"- is a yellow square with a red border and an image of the symbol of road sign 1.23 (“Children”) in the center. The size of the sign at the front is at least 25x25 centimeters, at the back - at least 40x40 cm (the width of the border is 1/10 of the side);
  • "Deaf Driver"- sticker on the back and front of vehicles driven by deaf drivers. It is a yellow circle with a diameter of 16 cm, inside which three black dots with a diameter of 4 cm are drawn (arranged in the shape of a triangle looking down);
  • "Speed ​​Limit"- installed at the rear of vehicles transporting large, heavy and dangerous loads, as well as groups of children. It is also necessary in cases where the maximum permissible speed of a vehicle is limited by traffic rules. It is a reduced road sign 3.24 (diameter - at least 16 cm);
  • “Dangerous cargo” - this sign indicates on the front and rear of vehicles transporting dangerous goods. It is a rectangle measuring 69x30 cm, the right part (40x30 cm) is painted orange, the left is white. The identification mark is marked with symbols characterizing the hazard class, the number of the hazardous substance and the code of emergency measures. When carrying out international transportation, a simplified version of the sign is used (a simple orange rectangle 40x30 cm with symbols);
  • "Large cargo"- this warning sign in the form of a shield measuring 40x40 cm with white and red stripes 5 cm wide applied diagonally is applied to vehicles carrying oversized cargo;
  • “Low-speed vehicle” - installed behind vehicles whose speed technically cannot exceed 30 kilometers per hour. It is a red equilateral triangle with a yellow border (the side of the triangle is 35-36.5 cm);
  • "Long-length vehicle"- the sign denotes vehicles whose length exceeds 20 meters (with or without cargo). A horizontal bright yellow rectangle measuring at least 120x20 cm with a red border is hung at the rear of the vehicle.

At his own discretion (if there are grounds), the driver has the right to install signs on his car:

  • “Disabled” is a yellow square with a side of 15 cm and a conventional image of a person in a wheelchair. Can be installed front and rear on vehicles driven by disabled people of the first and second groups or transporting such disabled people;
  • “Doctor” is a blue square 14x14 cm with an inscribed white circle with a diameter of 12.5 cm, in the center of which there is a red cross.

Where to put the “spikes” sign according to the rules?

Studded wheels can cause accidents because the presence of studs reduces the braking distance of the vehicle. To ensure that the driver behind the vehicle has this information, the Rules provide for mandatory identification of vehicles traveling on studded tires.

The warning sign must be clearly visible from a distance of more than 20 meters. To do this, it is placed on the rear window of the car.

If there is tinting, the sign is glued to the outside. There are no specific requirements regarding the location of the sign.

The Traffic Regulations for permitting a vehicle to operate state that the driver is required to affix the “Ш” sign, however, administrative liability for the absence of a sign was not provided for until April 2017; now the fine is 500 rubles. There is also no direct ban on the presence of the “Ш” sticker in the summer.

Where to put the “disabled” sign?

The “Disabled” sign can be affixed at will by disabled drivers of the first and second groups. This sign can also indicate vehicles transporting disabled people of groups 1 and 2 or disabled children (in this case, the identification sign must be removable).

According to the rules, the sign must be glued“front and rear of mechanical vehicles”, the installation location is not specified more specifically.

Current traffic regulations provide drivers of vehicles with a “Disabled” sign with a number of concessions - they can deviate from the requirements of road signs “Parking prohibited” and “Traffic prohibited”.

Which side should the novice driver sign be placed on?

The Traffic Regulations for the approval of vehicles for operation state that inexperienced drivers (who have less than two years of driving experience) are required to affix the “!” sign. on their cars, however, administrative liability for the absence of a sign is not currently provided.

As for the installation location of the novice sign, according to the rules it should be located “behind mechanical vehicles.” Which side to stick the sign on?- right or left - the driver chooses.

What fines are provided if you do not stick a special road sign?

There are currently no fines for the absence of warning signs on cars. Whether or not to glue an exclamation mark or the letter “Ш” is up to the driver to decide.

The obligation is spelled out in the Traffic Regulations for permitting a vehicle to operate, but there is no administrative liability for such violations.

However, the Ministry of Internal Affairs intends to eliminate this contradiction and has already prepared a package of amendments to the traffic rules. If the Government approves them, then violating drivers will be punished under Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, that is, for driving a vehicle with malfunctions (from April 2017 fine 500 rubles).

Mandatory traffic signs in different CIS countries

Traffic rules in different CIS countries are largely similar. For example, in Kazakhstan, Belarus or Ukraine, the same signs are used to designate vehicles of the corresponding categories as those provided for by Russian traffic regulations.

However, when going on a trip by car to a neighboring country, it would not hurt for a car enthusiast to familiarize himself with all the innovations that have come into force in advance.

You can also find out information about this sticker and the fine for its absence in this video:

Sign "Spikes":

"Disabled person"

This sign is also indicated by a yellow square. There is a black 8.17 traffic rules sign on it. The width of the sides should be 150 mm.

Sign 8.17 “Disabled”:

It should be emphasized that it can only be used by drivers of the first and second disability groups. It also applies to cases of transportation of disabled people or children of disabled people. Find out about the fines for violating the rules for transporting passengers.

In conclusion, I would like to say that any changes in current legislation are dictated by the realities of everyday life. If distinctive signs have been developed, then they have a useful component for society.

And if parliamentarians have established financial liability for violating the rules for their use, it means that society is not yet able to independently understand the full importance of these signs. To ensure safety, it is necessary to discipline motorists, and what can be used as a lever of influence on a person if not a blow to the pocket.

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With the onset of summer, children begin to move carefree through the city streets. They walk almost everywhere and do not always remember the rules of the road, in particular, they cross the road in the wrong places or at red lights. For this reason, motorists need to be more focused. The road sign “Beware of children” is intended to draw the attention of drivers to this problem.

Every driver should know what is hidden under this designation

“Caution Children” - a special purpose sign

This designation was introduced for warning purposes and was formed during the UN convention in Vienna. In Russia, the image appeared at the beginning of 2006; in addition to this sign, about 20 new ones were added, and the appearance of 18 changed.

The traffic rules state that such a road sign 1.23 should be installed on a section of the road where there are schools, boarding schools, sports complexes, kindergartens, etc. nearby. Moreover, the sign should also be in those places where children often run across the roadway, it doesn’t matter whether there is a pedestrian crossing there or not.

You can see it on the road along with sign 8.2.1. It tells you exactly what length of the path will be connected to. Outside the city, a similar sign is installed on the roadway at a distance of at least 50 meters from the place where children run across.

It is important to note that the traffic sign does not introduce any prohibitions, but simply informs and encourages increased vigilance. If you see him, it means you need to slow down.

Sign on transport

The traffic rules contain paragraph 22.6, which defines the standards for transporting children. It states that a trip must meet a certain standard if a bus or other vehicle is carrying more than two children at once.

A bus carrying a group of children must be marked “Transportation of Children.” In addition, the children are accompanied by one or more adults. It is strictly prohibited to transport children without adults. All passengers must have their own seat, and transportation while standing is prohibited.

“Transportation of Children” is a modified 1.23, it is a square with a red border, where figures of children are located on a yellow background. Place this sign on the windshield of the bus, with the dimensions of one side being 250 mm.

Please note that if you have attached a "Children" sign to your vehicle, then your maximum speed will be limited. You must drive no faster than 60 km/h, you can read about this in the tenth paragraph of the traffic rules.

Organized transportation of groups of children

On a vehicle transporting children, the emergency lights must be turned on during boarding and disembarking of passengers. For failure to comply with this point, the driver will be fined in accordance with paragraph 12.23.

This is necessary so that, observing a parked bus in front with the emergency lights on, drivers of other vehicles slow down or even stop until all passengers get on or off and stop interfering with traffic.

In Russia there is a special set of standards that determine the process of transporting minor passengers. These rules must be observed by all legal entities and individuals, without exception, if they are engaged in transportation.

During organized transportation of groups it is prohibited:

  • move at a speed of over 60 km/h;
  • the route must be agreed upon and it is prohibited to change it;
  • Cargo cannot be transported; only carry-on luggage and personal belongings of passengers are allowed;
  • the driver has no right to leave the vehicle with minor passengers;
  • a bus is prohibited from overtaking if it is moving in a convoy;
  • reversing.

Every driver should know what the “Caution for Children” sign looks like in Russia! Keep in mind that it looks different in each state. For example, in Israel, it depicts a girl running away from a woman. In Germany after 1922, this sign shows two children with no gender division. In Burma, a sign shows a grandmother pulling a baby behind her.

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