Home Brakes It’s true that the Orthodox devils don’t like garlic. The magical properties of garlic. Amulets and talismans made of garlic

It’s true that the Orthodox devils don’t like garlic. The magical properties of garlic. Amulets and talismans made of garlic

“If it weren’t for the smell, garlic would be more valuable than gold,” the ancient Indians said. The magical properties of garlic protect a person from otherworldly phenomena, demons, and the evil eye, these tribes believed. It was believed to have strengthening properties when taken internally. Leaders and kings wore amulets made from it, believing that a person’s aura and body were protected. The perennial herbaceous plant was used in love fortune-telling, magic and folk medicine, for example, in rubbing. Various diseases were treated with its help; they were hung on windows and houses to ward off evil spirits.

Benefits of garlic

Contains useful substances and microelements (vitamins C1 and B1, essential oils, phytoncides, Fe, Cr, Mg, beta-carotene). When treating a cold, it is the first assistant. Phytoncides help blood cells resist viruses, and essential oils alleviate unpleasant symptoms. After eating fatty foods, using this product will help get rid of heaviness, but you should know that it increases appetite. In case of possible poisoning from low-quality products, it is recommended to eat a clove of this vegetable plant. The high concentration of sulfur in this product helps with liver disease. It also prevents the formation of blood clots, dilates blood vessels, and lowers cholesterol levels in human blood. The benefits and harms of eating it can be comparable, so it is important to know in what quantities and for what diseases it can be eaten.

5 ailments that can be cured

  • Lowers blood pressure.
  • Increases immunity.
  • Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Is a natural antibiotic.
  • Improves glucose absorption.

Use in magic

The vegetable is actively used in attacks of evil spirits due to its special smell.

According to ancient belief, the earthen vegetable has a pungent odor and bitter taste to ward off evil forces. The fact is that all evil spirits are afraid of its sight and smell. To protect their homes, people hang heads of onion vegetables and draw crosses on the doors with juice. When bitten by snakes or rabid dogs, lotions are made from the juice, believing in its magical properties. To protect against the evil eye and damage, a bunch of garlic is placed at the child’s head.

Magic properties

  • It is better to peel the husks with your hands, after first biting off the base. It is not recommended to use a knife, as the garlic will lose its magical power.
  • If you put 12 cloves of garlic in the middle of the apartment, it will be able to spread its energy up to 8 meters. Residents of the apartment can use it to protect themselves from the aggression of others.
  • During the famine years, disinfection with garlic helped against stomach diseases.
  • The Spaniards are sure that the smell from an envious person who eats a dish with garlic will be many times greater.
  • For luck to smile, you need to put garlic peels in your wallet on the growing moon.
  • To ensure that your planned task goes well, carry a head of this vegetable with you.

3 effective garlic amulets

The Romans believed that by eating such a vegetable they would become bolder.

The ancient Romans ate this plant to give the body health and courage. During the celebration of St. George, the threshold of the house was wiped with this fruit so that evil spirits would not penetrate inside. For weddings, girls' hair was braided with garlic. In the Middle East, cloves were placed near the child's head against the evil eye at the head of the child.

Talisman for good luck

If you put a head of garlic in a bag, add a sprig of parsley, sprinkle it with holy water and carry it with you in your pocket, it will attract good luck to the owner. The second way is to plant the head of this plant in a pot, and add the cut sprouted feathers to food. The main rule is to believe in success with all rituals.

Amulet from the evil eye and damage

If a person experiences a loss of strength and emotional pressure, then before going to bed, rub the solar plexus with one clove. Wash off after 20 minutes. This will increase energy protection and scare away envious people. To protect children from the evil intentions of other people, hang a bunch of woven garlic over their heads next to the bed or place it under the pillow. For energy vampires, it is recommended to chew garlic, which, after a stressful situation, will help restore lost strength.

Folk magic often uses onions and garlic. Garlic is an ideal protection plant. In ancient belief, this plant was dedicated to the goddess of magic and witchcraft, Hecate. If you hang garlic on the facade of the house and at the front door outside, it will protect your house from ghosts, evil spirits, the evil eye, storms, depression, robberies and magical attacks. It can also protect you from unwanted guests!

Garlic peels can be used to make Gris-Gris talismans.

In folk magic, dry peels of garlic and onions are burned in order to keep money in the house and reduce expenses. If you choose to burn garlic peels indoors, remember that the energy of garlic is very harsh, so mix it in your incense burner with incense or other incense with mild properties.

Hanging garlic at the head of your bed will protect you from the evil eye while you sleep!

You can also do a cleansing garlic bath ritual. To do this, boil 9 cloves of garlic in water, strain the resulting infusion and then pour it into your bath of water.

Some old healers also used garlic to remove and neutralize diseases (warts, boils, focal inflammation). They advise splitting a clove of garlic and rubbing it on a sore spot or affected area of ​​the body, then taking this clove of garlic to a crossroads and burying it there!

Garlic can help if you feel like you are under a magical attack from a spellcaster or spirit. To combat such attacks, folk magic advises hanging garlic braids around the house and rubbing the threshold of the front door, as well as the window sills of your house, with garlic. This is said to be able to withstand even quite powerful spells!

Onions also absorb negativity. The bulbs are used in much the same way as garlic cloves - simply cut the bulb in half, rub the cut on the sore spot, and then bury it at a crossroads or away from your home.

To protect against the evil eye, cut a red onion in half and stick a black-headed pin into it. Place the onion with a pin stuck in it on the windowsill - this will protect both the house itself and its household.

With the help of a bow, you can also expel an unpleasant person from your home. If you want this person to leave your house for good, take a yellow onion and make a cut in it on one side. The cut should be large enough to place a piece of paper inside the bulb with the name of the person being banished. Write a petition with the person's name on a piece of paper, wrap that person's personal item in it, and place the wrap in the onion. Roll the onion where the person frequently is in the house, and then throw it away from the house. During this ritual, it is recommended to sincerely and wholeheartedly swear at this person, without mincing words.

Folk magic says that the bow can also be used to break up relationships. Again, make a cut in the onion. Write a petition on a piece of paper, wrap the personal belongings of the separated people in it and place this bundle in the bow. You can also add to the bundle such things as cat hair, dog hair, red pepper, sulfur, ashes, etc. The onion enchanted in this way is placed under the porch or near the entrance to the house. Relationships fall apart as quickly as that onion rots.

In Hungary, onion skins are burned during childbirth to protect both mother and child.

Red onion and folk magic Hoodoo.

Before you sleep with her again, dissolve a tablespoon of honey in the bath and take a honey bath. Then you can have sex with her, after that dry yourself with the piece of muslin I gave you. Hang it on a line and dry it. Don't wash it. Then wrap a piece of red onion in it and tie the corners with a square knot. A? I say square knot. I showed you how to knit it. You tie two knots into one. Great. Then all you have to do is bury the bundle where she walks - so that she either steps on this place or walks past it. John Behrendt, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.

Red onion skin.

This is a very old trick in Hoodoo folk magic. In African-American culture, the smoke from burning red onion skins was believed to bring good luck and love. It was burned in a home stove or fireplace. Next time you have red onion in your house, don’t throw away the peel, burn it and fumigate your house with smoke for good luck and love, so that they always remain in your house, by your hearth and in your heart.

Red onion skins burned on the stovetop bring great luck! It is also very often added to powders, oils, incense and mojo bags.

And in conclusion, one more funny belief that one old witch living in the swamps of Louisiana told her granddaughter. In order for a wife to protect herself from the harassment of her husband, she needs to cut a red onion in half and run the cut of the onion along her genitals from top to bottom. According to the witch, the husband will not touch his wife that night.

Spell for protection and prosperity of business with garlic.

Garlic provides a combination of business prosperity and space protection.
1. Make or buy a wreath of garlic heads.
2. Fill small red flannel bags with salt. Fill the other red seed packets with yellow mustard seeds. (Tie flannel bags securely).
3. Attach them to the wreath. Decorate with other lucky charms as desired: small horseshoes,
crystals, roots or tiny card images. If you have dried snakeskin, it is considered a particularly powerful talisman.
4. Hang your wreath at the entrance to your business.

The magical properties of garlic have been known in Rus' since the 13th century. The ancient “Healer” defines this plant as a panacea for all diseases. The unusual properties of garlic have made it popular among healers.

According to ancient belief, it appeared on earth as a strong means of protection from all kinds of dark forces and from everything associated with the accumulation of evil in the world.

This vegetable has a pungent taste and smell. Folk tales and legends say that the healing cloves of garlic were used as a shield against evil spirits, witches, and vampires. Bioenergetics notes: garlic can be used as a talisman due to its strong protective properties.

Magical protector from ancient times

In Ancient India, it was believed that the garlic bulb helped avoid injury and bloodshed in wars. Talismans were used not only by ordinary people, but also by state rulers and kings to protect their aura.

Our ancestors believed that wearing garlic beads would prevent the evil eye and damage. To protect against witches, this plant was rubbed on the body; the aroma of garlic repelled evil spirits. It was also believed that this vegetable could help protect against earthly misfortunes: bites of poisonous reptiles, rabid dogs.

Bunches of garlic were hung in front of the entrance - so the demons did not touch it, evil people avoided the house. Ancient Roman warriors included this plant in the menu for health, giving courage and masculinity.

In Galich, before the feast of St. George, the bulbs of this plant were rubbed on the threshold at the entrance to the house so that spirits could not penetrate inside.

Garlic amulets and talismans

Talisman for good luck

To make a talisman for good luck, you need to put garlic and a sprig of parsley in a bag, dip it in blessed water, dry it and carry it with you constantly.

To protect your home and family, you should place garlic over doorways.

Amulet from the evil eye and damage

For children to have a good sleep and against the evil eye - put a clove under the children's pillow. For nightmares, hang a bunch of garlic above the bed.

In addition to the root part, the flowers of the plant also have magical powers. The bouquet helps to get rid of the damage caused. Garlic flowers also relieve amorous spells (against lust and the desire to possess the one who cast the spell).

Garlic, woven into a wreath and hung above the doors and windows, will prevent foreign “guests” from a parallel reality from entering your home.

Amulet for illnesses

Good luck amulet

To invite good luck, you can grow garlic in a pot, cut off the feathers, which you can eat and make a wish. To successfully resolve all matters, you should carry garlic in your purse.

To attract money luck, you need to put garlic peels in your wallet on the waxing Moon in the evening.

The “book of things and keys” says:

“Garlic is the key to a clean and undefiled home.”

According to the Spaniards, garlic soup will betray an envious person - the stink from him will be many times stronger than from others who have tried the same drug.

The guards' menu included garlic juice - it prevented them from falling asleep while on duty.

The powerful magical qualities of this plant allow it to be located next to Christian relics, because they have a single energetic focus - to protect people from evil. But you should not place enchanted objects nearby - garlic simply neutralizes them.

Methods for making a talisman

Method 1


9 heads of garlic;

Red woolen thread or ribbon.

How to make: combine the garlic into one bunch, thread it with a red thread. Can be used to protect your home.

Method 2


7 cloves of garlic (7 is the magic protective number);

Threads are black, white, red.

How to make: heat a needle on a fire, pierce three holes in each clove of garlic in turn, calcining the needle from time to time. Then string the teeth on a white, black, red thread. At the same time, tie the end of each thread with seven knots.

This talisman can be used as a talisman for children. Before putting it on, the mother needs to hold it in her palms and fill it with her energy, asking for protection. Ready.

Can be used as beads or hung in a child's room. Even if you don’t believe in the magical properties of this vegetable, you can rely on it as a source of phytoncides that will cleanse the atmosphere in your child’s room.

As stated in ancient sources, it is possible to use the magical properties of garlic only for good purposes!

Read more:DAMAGE, Evil eye, ancestral curses

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The magical properties of garlic (video)


Garlic has always been considered a magical plant. If we recall ancient legends and fairy tales, people used garlic heads to protect themselves from witches, vampires and evil spirits. To this day, garlic aroma is considered a strong protection against negativity and dark forces. The magical properties of garlic are primarily aimed at protection. Garlic can become a strong talisman for the home, the main thing is to know how and where to use it.

The magical benefits of garlic

If you want to protect yourself and your family from negative energy, damage, the evil eye and diseases, then use the advice of folk magic and make a talisman for your home from garlic. What do I need to do:

  1. Take nine heads of garlic and tie them into one long bunch.
  2. Thread a red woolen thread or red ribbon along the entire length of the bundle.
  3. Hang the garlic charm in the most visible corner of the kitchen.
  4. This garlic amulet will protect the entire house from negative energy.

Garlic has many other uses in magic. This plant is not limited to one protective function.

Tips for using the beneficial and magical properties of garlic

If you feel that someone is putting emotional pressure on you or trying to put the evil eye on you, then before going to bed, rub the solar plexus area with a clove of garlic and wait 15 minutes. After that, wash the garlic off your body. The healing energy of garlic will help you increase your energy level and rid you of envious people and enemies.

  • To attract good luck, plant a head of garlic in a pot. When the garlic begins to produce feathers, trim them and cook some dish with them. This will give you strength and energy.
  • If you want the task to end in your favor, put a head of garlic in your pocket or bag.
  • If you want to attract good luck with money, take garlic peels and put them in your wallet overnight during the waxing moon.

Use the magical properties of garlic for your benefit. Folk wisdom is magic accessible to everyone! We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Garlic is one of those amazing products that can protect not only from various diseases, but also protect a person from the evil eye and damage, or rather from everything at once. Garlic strengthens the body’s defenses against pathogenic microbes and improves immunity, and also helps to resist negative energy.

You've probably noticed that, despite the bitter taste, garlic, after consumption, seems to infuse you with fresh strength. This comes from the fact that, with its specific bitterness, it literally eradicates from us all the evil (negative energy) it has absorbed. Therefore, we should not shy away from consuming garlic even in the summer, when it would seem that we are not in danger of catching colds. After all, it’s not just about colds and other diseases.

Try to add garlic to your food at least once a week, and it is best to eat a small clove of garlic every day (unless of course you have stomach problems). And then you will always feel in a great mood, and...

Naturally, garlic can exhibit its protective properties not only when it is taken orally. There are ancient rituals that make it possible to turn garlic into a wonderful protector of a person’s home. We will now consider one of these rituals.

How to Trigger Garlic's Protective Properties

To carry out the ritual to activate the protective properties of garlic, it is necessary to peel seven of its cloves. Then heat a thick sewing needle until white hot and pierce each clove of garlic with it. The number of through punctures of each clove should also be seven. Moreover, the needle must be heated again every time after processing a clove.

After you have made seven holes in all the garlic cloves, thread a white thread through them. It should pass through each clove only once, after which it is tied into seven knots (the free ends of the thread must be cut off). Next, take a black thread and do the same manipulations with it, but it should only pierce the garlic two circles.

Garlic cloves tied in this way should be wrapped in clean cotton or linen cloth of red color (white, but with red embroidery). Now light a torch (a thin piece of wood) and blow it out. After this we read the plot:

“My breath extinguishes the fire of the splinter, and the air passing through the garlic extinguishes all the evil spirits that have decided to encroach on my house. While my breath is alive, the torch will not burn, until the garlic has dried up, the evil spirits will not see the power over my house and ill-wishers will not see the grief of my family.”

After you finish, hide the package of garlic in the palms of your hands and walk around the house three times. Then, after returning to your home, unroll the fabric and hang the bunch of garlic from the ceiling. It is best to hang garlic in the room where the whole family is most often present. Naturally, place the bundle where it will not be obvious.

By the way, church paraphernalia: icons, crosses, prayer books, get along well with garlic, and even enhance its effect. Therefore, you can attach them to a bunch of garlic. But other spoken objects from and - cannot coexist next to garlic, since they will destroy each other’s effect, generally neutralizing the protection of the house. Therefore, it is best to store these items in different parts of the house without direct visibility.

What to do if garlic starts to spoil

Make sure that the charmed garlic in the bunch does not begin to rot or sprout. If you notice this, immediately replace the damaged clove with a new clove of garlic. Naturally, the whole conspiracy will need to be carried out again.

A clove of garlic that has sprouted needs to be planted in the ground. Sprinkle the grown garlic with holy water, and then it will become a wonderful protection for your home from evil forces.

Rotten garlic is a sign that it saved you from some terrible misfortune, having absorbed its evil power. Such a clove should be dried and burned over a fire, and its ashes should be scattered in the wind as far as possible from the house.

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