Home Heating Sergey Naryshkin. The young journalist spoke about his impressions of his first visit to the mausoleum. Alexey Naryshkin biography personal life

Sergey Naryshkin. The young journalist spoke about his impressions of his first visit to the mausoleum. Alexey Naryshkin biography personal life

Well, not God knows what kind of talent. He speaks quite smoothly, but when he and Belkovsky are together on Rain (the Panopticon program), compared to Stanislav he looks rather faded, his words are not very witty and rather strained. His main talent, however, is a certain artistry, a negative charm, which is facilitated by good external data and amused by undisguised posturing and narcissism. In the 90s, he was disgusting with his Soviet patriotism and emphasized immorality. But, perhaps, this is the only case when, with age, a complete scoundrel begins to understand something and is reborn. He realized, although he does not want to admit it, that his youthful ideas about romance (war, soldier's brotherhood, imperial greatness) turned into blood, hatred, meanness, stupidity, and he was turned away from his former nationalist friends and all the chimeras associated with them. And when he smashes priests and obscurantists, he is simply wonderful.

He confesses. There is no interview where he did not say that he was playing around at the time (in his own words, “walking around the buffet”). And off the air... (I was at a meeting with him a few months ago). For which I respect. But... I don’t believe it (and it happens). I don’t believe when he ostentatiously filmed the Transnistrian order in the “Panopticon” that he didn’t see the essence of the eagles there at one time, but only now figured it out. Tea, and then it was not a pale young man with a burning gaze.
P.S. About priests and obscurantists on "Snob" it is even more beautiful than on "Echo".

“But... I don’t believe it”====This is strange. What it is impossible to reproach Nevzorov for is hypocrisy and hypocrisy. He did not hide his imperial and Soviet preferences in the years when it was fashionable to be a liberal, and today he also goes against the grain, declaring his disgust for the imperial war in Ukraine and the seizure of Crimea (and you can pay for this with your life, he said more than once, that the worst thing is betrayal, and Nevzorov, from the point of view of the government that has fallen into nationalism, is precisely a traitor). As for the “pale young man with a burning gaze”... We must take into account his very unusual biography - he received a religious upbringing, sang in a church choir, was a novice in a monastery - he hated the atmosphere of lies and hypocrisy reigning in church circles, and the antipode of this life became for him army, war, romance associated with risk and near death. But he also freed himself from this dope. He has an exceptionally independent mind and a proud character. He is a poser, prone to narcissism, but there is no lie in this, I even find his narcissism touching :-). In general, Nevzorov is that rare case when a sinner sincerely repents, and somewhere deep inside.

In a particular case, I don’t believe that it took him a whole quarter of a century to understand who the Pridnestrovians were (this does not in any way negate the fact that he himself was sincere then). That broadcast of “Rain” really looked like a shocking action. What for? The audience of "Rain" is not "Echo", it is enough for her to simply say that he refused the order.
Otherwise, I just take my hat off. Especially after he recommended Elena Stepova’s report from Donetsk.

I understood a long time ago and therefore went into the shadows for many years, it is not so easy for a proud person to stand up and declare to the whole country that he was a fool. But when obscurantism went into an active offensive on all fronts, I could not, as they say, remain silent.

In general, Nevzorov is that rare case when a sinner sincerely repents
For “Nashi” and “Boleslav” - he does not repent. And for this I would shoot him, if there was such an opportunity...


Echo of Moscow journalist Alexey Naryshkin is not the youngest employee of the radio station, he is already 29 years old and lives in Moscow, but only now he decided to go to the mausoleum and shares his impressions about this.

First, you stand in line for 20 minutes to see the leader. Then you pass the frames, walk along the Kremlin wall and dive into the MAUSOLEUM. The FSO mannequins are actually standing there, scanning the flow. And in what quantities! Is the gold being protected? - is perplexed Naryshkin.

Please take off your hood! - one of them tells me.
- Why am I in the temple? - I think to myself and get ready to be indignant.

But slave psychology dictates: there’s no need to download your license here, that’s not what I came here for. I obey and move on. From behind, a woman, at the request of the same mannequin, takes her hands out of her pocket. Our herd is the most submissive.

The glass coffin doesn't impress me. But the twilight and red lighting are starting to get annoying. Finally, I see the main exhibit. Little gnome in a suit. Everything is neat. Well maintained. I never thought about his “role in history.”

Let's go counterclockwise. One side, two, three and already up to the forest. There are a lot of foreigners nearby...

The mausoleum is an excellent attraction where people will always go, including for money. There will be even more tourists. Why not introduce tickets and make this story commercial? There or nearby you can sell keychains, postcards, magnets, badges, phone cases, books, toys (LEGO mausoleum) and payment for photographs, which are prohibited inside. Foreigners will shell out any money.

The biography of the Russian official, politician, ex-speaker of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, and now the head of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Agency, Sergei Naryshkin, is a vivid example of successful career development: progressive, moderately rapid and, in the opinion of colleagues and experts, exemplary.

Having gone through KGB school, Naryshkin, like all the department’s graduates, is extremely reserved and taciturn. In emergency situations, he demonstrates enviable self-control. He is correct, does not like publicity and knows how to work in a team environment. The highest professionalism of Sergei Evgenievich is an undeniable fact.

Childhood and youth

The future chief of foreign intelligence was born in October 1954 in the city of Vsevolzhsk, Leningrad Region. There is scant information about the parents - Zoya Nikolaevna and Evgenia Mikhailovich Naryshkin. The biographical information states that they were employees, but does not specify in what field.

Rumors that Sergei Naryshkin is a descendant of an old noble family, which belonged to the Russian queen and mother, are just rumors. But Sergei Evgenievich has a certain aristocracy, creativity and love for art. In 1972, the young man left the school, which specialized in instilling artistic and aesthetic taste in students. The graduate was given a certificate with honors.

After receiving his matriculation certificate, Sergei Naryshkin remained in his hometown and became a student at the BSTU "Voenmekh" named after D.F. Ustinov (formerly the Military Mechanical Institute). The young man was in good standing at the university: Naryshkin’s leadership qualities were the reason for his election as secretary of the Komsomol committee. He is trusted to lead the construction team. You can judge the successes of Sergei Naryshkin in his young years by his impressive collection of letters.

In 1978, Sergey Naryshkin became a certified specialist. A further four-year “gap” in the biography of Sergei Evgenievich is typical for everyone who connected their lives with the services responsible for the country’s security. According to unofficial data, the future head of foreign intelligence graduated from the 101st school of the First Main Directorate of the KGB of the USSR, where Sergei Ivanov also served. Rumor has it that the acquaintance with the future president of the country took place within the walls of this educational institution.

Naryshkin’s knowledge of two foreign languages ​​- English and French - turned out to be useful: the 101st school of PSU specialized in training operational workers who speak languages. For obvious reasons, there is no information about the years of study (service) at school.


In 1882, Sergei Naryshkin got a job at the Leningrad Polytechnic University, taking the position of assistant rector for international relations.

Informed sources claim that the vice-rector position for educational work or international relations is usually occupied by young service employees. In this position, aspiring intelligence officers undergo training before being sent abroad.

According to other sources, employees of the foreign intelligence service receive official “cover” while studying at an intelligence school, and the required line appears in their service record and work book.

In 1988, there were changes in the career of Sergei Naryshkin - he moved to the State Committee for Science and Technology and took the position of expert. According to some information, this is another “cover” for intelligence officers in the Soviet Union. As proof: in the same year, the 34-year-old official was sent to Brussels, where he worked as an adviser to the office of the economic adviser of the Soviet embassy.

Rumor has it that young intelligence officers who were in good standing in their home department received business trips to work in Western Europe, especially in Brussels, where the headquarters of the North Atlantic Alliance is located.

After 4 years, Sergei Naryshkin returned to the city on the Neva, where he took a leadership position in the mayor’s office: he was entrusted with leading the department of the Economic Development Committee. Soon Naryshkin headed the committee. During these years, Sergei Evgenievich could intersect on work issues with Vladimir Putin, who worked in the mayor’s office of St. Petersburg.

Since 1995, Sergei Naryshkin has been trying his hand at the banking sector: he agreed to the proposal of the owner of Promstroybank (today VTB) Vladimir Kogan and headed the investment sector of the banking institution.

After 2 years, Naryshkin returned to public service and became deputy head of the economic and investment committee of the regional government. A year later, the official became the head of the foreign economic committee.

An achievement in this area of ​​service is attracting an influx of investment into the northern capital. With the participation of Sergei Naryshkin, three major market players entered the region: the tobacco company Philip Morris with an investment portfolio of $300 million, the automobile manufacturer Ford with $150 million in investments, and a representative of the Caterpillar company with $50 million in investments.

Sergei Naryshkin combined his work with his studies: in the late 1990s he received knowledge in economics at the Institute of Management in St. Petersburg.

In 2004, Sergei Evgenievich was invited to Moscow. For a matter of weeks, he occupied the chair of Deputy Chief of the Presidential Administration for Economic Affairs, and after the dissolution of the department he moved to the White House, occupying the chair of Deputy Chief of the Government Apparatus. In the fall of 2004, Kozak took the post of plenipotentiary representative of the Southern Federal District, and Sergei Naryshkin replaced him.

The St. Petersburg resident showed himself to be a talented apparatchik: the non-public official managed to quickly return key functions to the department, weakened and disunited by the administrative reform, including the development of economic and budget strategies.

Sergei Naryshkin, who has experience working in law enforcement agencies, managed to stay away from inter-clan conflicts, acting in the team of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, Mikhail Fradkov. Colleagues of Sergei Evgenievich and old-timers of the White House claim that under him the government apparatus worked surprisingly calmly and harmoniously.

After President Vladimir Putin dismissed Mikhail Fradkov in 2007, Naryshkin became deputy to the new head of the Government, Viktor Zubkov, retaining the position of chief of staff.

The following year, Putin handed over the reins of government to the newly elected president. Sergei Naryshkin headed the AP and worked in this position from May 2008 to December 2011. As Financial Times journalist Charles Clover suggested, Vladimir Putin appointed Naryshkin to “keep an eye on Medvedev.”

While serving in the Presidential Administration, Sergei Naryshkin led several commissions under the head of state. The commissions and boards of trustees were tasked with preventing distortion of the history of the state and creating a positive image of the country in the international arena. The latter was of particular importance in light of the resonant Ossetian-Abkhaz events.

The State Duma

At the beginning of December 2011, Sergei Naryshkin entered the State Duma of the sixth convocation. On December 15, he was given a mandate, and on December 21, he was elected speaker. In the lower house he replaced in the presidency. In the spring of 2012, Sergei Evgenievich was appointed to lead the Union State organization, and in the summer, with his signature, the speaker approved the appearance of a cultural council in the Duma.

In 2015, a wave of information arose around the chief parliamentarian because of the refusal of Naryshkin and the delegation he led to participate in the session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly in Helsinki. Sergei Evgenievich, along with five delegates, was included in the EU sanctions list; they were banned from entering Finland. Naryshkin was supposed to lead the delegation from the Russian Federation.

Personal life

Sergei Naryshkin and Tatyana Yakubchik met during their student years - both studied at Voenmekh. They got married in the mid-1970s. In 1978, the couple had their first child, Andrei, and 10 years later, their daughter Veronica appeared.

Before moving to the capital, Naryshkina’s wife taught at the university department of Military Mechanics, but has not worked since 2004.

Sergei Naryshkin dances with his wife

The son gave his parents two granddaughters - Anna and Natalya. Andrey Naryshkin works as deputy general director of the Energoproekt joint-stock company, and daughter Veronica, after graduating from the Academy of National Economy, concentrated on sports and got a job at the All-Russian Swimming Federation. Naryshkina has the title of Master of Sports.

All members of the vice-speaker's family have a respectful attitude towards sports. Sergei Evgenievich in his free time visits the pool and skis. He heads the supervisory board of the Swimming Federation, where his daughter works, and is also elected chairman of the board of trustees of the hockey league.

Sergei Naryshkin admits that he likes to relax with his family and in nature, away from the bustle of the capital. Special attention goes to granddaughters Natasha and Anya.

It is known about Naryshkin’s deep knowledge in the field of Russian history and culture. Since his student years, he has tried not to miss high-profile theater premieres; he loves jazz and bard songs. Today, whenever possible, he monitors the release of sensational productions in the capital's theaters.

Sergey Naryshkin now

In the fall of 2016, the head of state invited Sergei Naryshkin to head the Foreign Intelligence Service. He agreed and took the place of the retired 66-year-old Fradkov.

At the end of 2016, conversations began allegedly about the president’s desire to recreate the Ministry of State Security, to unite under its roof those intelligence services that previously functioned in the disbanded KGB. In light of such events, Sergei Naryshkin may turn out to be the last head of the SVR.

Echo of Moscow. The true story of Lesya Ryabtsev

Alexey Naryshkin “Most of my colleagues are “Humans” with a capital “H”

Alexey Naryshkin

“Most of my colleagues are “Humans” with a capital “H”

I’ll say right away that “Echo” is a place where it’s a pleasure to spend time and where it’s nice to return after a weekend or vacation. Honestly. Of course, getting up early for the morning shifts of the sound engineer, correspondent, and especially for “turnarounds” is such a “joy.” But when you appear in the editorial office, it becomes easier. And more cheerful. Of course, we can’t do without coffee.

"Echo" is love and friendship. During my first year of work, I was fully confident that in this “big family,” no matter how trivial it may sound, everyone was friends. Very naive. Not everything in this team, as it turned out, is ideal and smooth. But now I can admit: most of my colleagues are “Humans” with a capital “H”. Responsive, kind, cheerful, witty (one of the most important characteristics in our workshop). And, of course, professional.

In my work book (by the way, I haven’t seen it for a long time) only “Echo of Moscow” is mentioned. There didn’t even seem to be any unofficial income before this. Your first job is like your first love – you remember it for the rest of your life. And “Echo” is a disease. Virus. Unlikely fatal, but contagious. I don’t know how to treat it.

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