Home Nutrition The genocide of the Russians lasts thousands of years. The genocide of the Russians lasts thousands of years From the life of cockroaches

The genocide of the Russians lasts thousands of years. The genocide of the Russians lasts thousands of years From the life of cockroaches

This event will be very interesting and educational! We invite everyone interested in the fate of their people. Free admission...

Relatively recently, one could come across a short piece of news on the Internet with the following content:

Monument to the Elders of Zion

“Today a monument to the Elders of Zion will be erected in St. Petersburg, reports the Ekho Moskvy correspondent. It will appear in the garden opposite the Great Choral Synagogue. The opening of the monument is timed to coincide with the final stage of the implementation of the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” adopted at the World Zionist Congress in Basel (Switzerland) in 1897. According to the new agreement, the completion of the final stage will be guaranteed by the government and personally by the President of Russia, who was present at the opening ceremony. Vladimir Vladimirovich, according to the Chief Rabbi of Russia, has rightly earned the title of “president of all Jews.” Berl Lazar noted: “No one has done as much good for the Jews as Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin”. The Chief Rabbi quoted Israeli Ambassador Nathan Meron, who commented on Putin's three-hour stay in the synagogue during the recent Hanukkah holiday as follows: “in the entire history of Russia, all the heads of this state taken together have not spent three hours in the synagogue”.

According to tradition, the activities planned to complete the stage will be carried out using methods that have proven themselves in previous stages. It already seems difficult to draw a line between government and business structures and international Jewry, but now the merger will be secured by government agreements...”

A sane person, after reading this news, will understand that every joke has a grain of joke in it, and in order to prevent the events reflected in the article from becoming a reality, you need to act. One of these actions is conveying information, unfortunately, does not evoke positive emotions, to ordinary people. For this purpose, we will hold a conference “Who and why is hiding the genocide of the Russian people in Russia”.

The topic that we are going to cover at this conference continues the coverage of the genocide of the Russian people, raised in the State Duma in 2010. Despite the fact that through the efforts of N.V. Levashov and his associates, this event was held more than two years ago; the issue of recognizing the genocide of the Russian people is still taboo in Russia. All media are secretly prohibited from touching on it, since it touches on the problems of the destruction of the Slavic-Aryan population of Russia, as well as other indigenous peoples of our Motherland, close in mentality to the Slavs. Using a large number of little-known sources and suppressed facts, answers to questions such as:

  • Why did the constitution leave undesignated the only state-forming people - the Russians, who are also the brains of scientific and technological progress? All other peoples and even tribes are registered by the current government very scrupulously.
  • Why is there no government struggle for a healthy lifestyle in Russia, which suffers from a huge number of drug addicts, alcoholics, and smokers?
  • Why is Russia littered with low-quality goods from China and other countries?
  • Why is medical care disgusting in Russia?
  • Why are final exams in schools replaced by ?

We will try to cover these and other questions, depending on the interest of the audience, at our Conference. Books by outstanding Russian writers, scientists, philosophers, and publicists who have been hushed up, persecuted, or banned from publication for years will be used as sources. These are books and authors that should be in the library of every Russian patriot. Perhaps this conference will encourage someone to have this useful and important library at home or on their computer.

As an epigraph to the conference, I would like to quote a poem by our colleague - Evgenia Shishova, which quite accurately reflects the mood of the authors:

How long have I been sleeping? After all, the war is in full swing!
The earth was filled with the blood of Russian people.
We were bent for centuries, we were used up,
They humiliated us, trampled us, gagged us...

They glorified the Rule, they knew the wisdom of the Gods.
The ancestors said in their souls: they awaken conscience and love.
We would live according to the behests of the great Fathers -
In harmony with the Family, with nature, with the world of the bright Gods.

But what happened to us? What is the cause of the war?
Where are those “people” with no guilt?
Where are the traitors of the Family? And who is to blame?
There is only one answer - the world adversary.

We were baptized by deception; those who were against were thrown into the fire.
How many souls have been lost! We can’t count them – shame on us!
Our Faith was crucified, Christ was crucified on Calvary.
Their rotten lips glorify the cult of death.

Glorify! They rejoice, bringing us misfortune!
We have been reduced to animals! We live like in hell...
They've already celebrated a ball on the bones of our ancestors!
There are demons and devils in masks. Demon Carnival.

And for every Russian this is a lesson,
We learn from mistakes, troubles - everything is for future use.
What doesn't kill us will make us stronger.
The experience of your ancestors will give you the strength to become smarter.

Becoming smarter is the task, smarter is the goal.
And spiritually richer, more soulful, stronger.
Be open and honest, learn to love.
Treasure every clear minute as if it were yourself.

So it will be - the Holy Land will awaken.
Throw off the yoke! The snake will go away!
That snake that poisoned our minds for centuries.
Happy Svarog Day! To be beaten by the enemy forever!

"Orthodoxy" or life?

In front of the entire country, the Russian Orthodox Church, groaning with pleasure, puts on its old gendarmerie overcoat, helpfully provided by United Russia. The priests did not play at enlightenment and complacency for long. Having received many challenges of our time and being unable to respond to them, they chose the simplest path, deciding to silence their opponents with the fists of the police and the barbed wire of the zones. The first pterodactyl of the new era of church-public relations was an article of the Criminal Code, which, in addition to additional protection of houses of worship and religious accessories, clearly spells out criminal liability for dissent.

  • Date: 17-01-2016, 19:58
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Consequences of the Baptism of Rus'.

All facts and statements that unflatteringly characterize the secular and church “baptists” of Kievan Rus are well known to theological and church circles of the Moscow Patriarchate. And yet, modern theologians and preachers either silence them or make statements of the exact opposite content - they assure their readers and listeners that no one opposed the introduction of Christianity and this action was carried out in an atmosphere of universal support.

  • Date: 14-01-2016, 19:22
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Alcohol as a means of genocide.

According to statistics, since 1750, average per capita alcohol consumption in Russia has been the lowest among large countries in the world. Factory production of pure alcohol, and with it the consumption of strong drinks, became widespread only from the beginning of the 19th century.

  • Date: 21-12-2015, 16:28
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Russian history was written by enemies.

Lomonosov and Miller or How Russian history was created?
In the post “Academicians” from history, or Who created Russian history? I cited a list of academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences, from which it clearly follows that the process of creating Russian history (more precisely, the version of it that is now considered generally accepted) was entirely in the hands of foreigners, mainly Germans.

  • Date: 19-12-2015, 20:06
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Rabbi Rashi: Kill the best among the Goyim!

Fascism-Zionism is not persecuted in Russia.
This is the Bible - the Old Testament and its Talmudic interpretation.
I advise you to get acquainted with chapters 9 and 10 of Flavian Berenier’s theological work “Jews and the Talmud.”
The Talmud lives in society not so much as a holy book, but as the mentality of the ruling nation.
Several quotes from the Talmud about goyim - non-Jews (from the selection of Flavian Berenier):

  • Date: 12-12-2015, 19:22
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    Genocide of Rus

    Ukrainian nationalists were offended by Russian writer Viktor Pelevin

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    Laughing we walk along the road to Armageddon

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    Overcome meanness!

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    Moscow and Muscovites

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    Shark eyes

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    Genocide of Rus

    Anti-Serbian and anti-Russian scenarios of the union of Ukrainian and Croatian neo-Nazis

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    Genocide of Rus

    The liberal order is rotten. If there is no change, liberalism will die

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    Genocide of Rus

    Double standards of the European Union

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    Genocide of Rus

    Trump: No dictator should underestimate American resolve

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    Genocide of Rus

    Goodbye Putinism! Support the nomination of SULAKSHINA

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    Election of a presidential candidate from the left forces

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    Genocide of Rus

    Pavel Yusov - singer of the heroic Donbass

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Relatively recently, one could come across a short piece of news on the Internet with the following content:

Monument to the Elders of Zion

“Today a monument to the Elders of Zion will be erected in St. Petersburg, reports the Ekho Moskvy correspondent. It will appear in the garden opposite the Great Choral Synagogue. The opening of the monument is timed to coincide with the final stage of the implementation of the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” adopted at the World Zionist Congress in Basel (Switzerland) in 1897. According to the new agreement, the completion of the final stage will be guaranteed by the government and personally by the President of Russia, who was present at the opening ceremony. Vladimir Vladimirovich, according to the Chief Rabbi of Russia, has rightly earned the title of “president of all Jews.” Berl Lazar noted: “No one has done as much good for the Jews as Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin”. The Chief Rabbi quoted Israeli Ambassador Nathan Meron, who commented on Putin's three-hour stay in the synagogue during the recent Hanukkah holiday as follows: “in the entire history of Russia, all the heads of this state taken together have not spent three hours in the synagogue”.

According to tradition, the activities planned to complete the stage will be carried out using methods that have proven themselves in previous stages. It already seems difficult to draw a line between government and business structures and international Jewry, but now the merger will be secured by government agreements...”

A sane person, after reading this news, will understand that every joke has a grain of joke in it, and in order to prevent the events reflected in the article from becoming a reality, you need to act. One of these actions is conveying information, unfortunately, does not evoke positive emotions, to ordinary people. For this purpose, we will hold a conference.

The topic that we are going to cover at this conference continues the coverage of the genocide of the Russian people, raised in the State Duma in 2010. Despite the fact that through the efforts of N.V. Levashov and his associates, this event was held more than two years ago; the issue of recognizing the genocide of the Russian people is still taboo in Russia. All media are secretly prohibited from touching on it, since it touches on the problems of the destruction of the Slavic-Aryan population of Russia, as well as other indigenous peoples of our Motherland, close in mentality to the Slavs. Using a large number of little-known sources and suppressed facts, answers to questions such as:

  • Why is the only state-forming people left undesignated in the Constitution of the Russian Federation - the Russians, who are also the brains of scientific and technological progress? All other peoples and even tribes are registered by the current government very scrupulously.
  • Why is there no government struggle for a healthy lifestyle in Russia, which suffers from a huge number of drug addicts, alcoholics, and smokers?
  • Why is Russia littered with low-quality goods from China and other countries?
  • Why is medical care disgusting in Russia?
  • Why were final exams in schools replaced by the Unified State Exam?

We will try to cover these and other questions, depending on the interest of the audience, at our Conference. Books by outstanding Russian writers, scientists, philosophers, and publicists who have been hushed up, persecuted, or banned from publication for years will be used as sources. These are books and authors that should be in the library of every Russian patriot. Perhaps this conference will encourage someone to have this useful and important library at home or on their computer.

As an epigraph to the conference, I would like to quote a poem by our colleague - Evgenia Shishova, which quite accurately reflects the mood of the authors:

How long have I been sleeping? After all, the war is in full swing!
The earth was filled with the blood of Russian people.
We were bent for centuries, we were used up,
They humiliated us, trampled us, gagged us...

The Rus glorified the Rule, they knew the wisdom of the Gods.
The ancestors said in their souls: they awaken conscience and love.
We would live according to the behests of the great Fathers -
In harmony with the Family, with nature, with the world of the bright Gods.

But what happened to us? What is the cause of the war?
Where are those “people” with no guilt?
Where are the traitors of the Family? And who is to blame?
There is only one answer - the world adversary.

We were baptized by deception; those who were against were thrown into the fire.
How many souls have been lost! We can’t count them – shame on us!
Our Faith was crucified, Christ was crucified on Calvary.
Their rotten lips glorify the cult of death.

Glorify! They rejoice, bringing us misfortune!
We have been reduced to animals! We live like in hell...
They've already celebrated a ball on the bones of our ancestors!
There are demons and devils in masks. Demon Carnival.

And for every Russian this is a lesson,
We learn from mistakes, troubles - everything is for future use.
What doesn't kill us will make us stronger.
The experience of your ancestors will give you the strength to become smarter.

Becoming smarter is the task, smarter is the goal.
And spiritually richer, more soulful, stronger.
Be open and honest, learn to love.
Treasure every clear minute as if it were yourself.

So it will be - the Holy Land will awaken.
Throw off the yoke! The snake will go away!
That snake that poisoned our minds for centuries.
Happy Svarog Day! To be beaten by the enemy forever!

On Saturday, October 6 V 19:00 hours Moscow time, a Web Conference on the topic “Who and why is hiding the genocide of the Russian people in Russia” will be held on the “Keys of Knowledge” website. This event will be very interesting and educational! We invite everyone interested in the fate of their people. Free admission...

13. Organization of widespread genocide of Rus

Page 1

“Where the color of the nation is destroyed and the
morality, Dark Forces are inevitably present,
crushing another people or nation..."

The previous sections of our Chronology describe in detail who, when and why colonized our planet - Midgard-earth. It was prepared for settlement for a long time, unique living conditions were created, the necessary ecological niches were formed, plants, birds and animals were brought in, and finally, about 600 thousand years ago, settlers arrived on Midgard - people of several clans of the White Race from a highly developed, ancient civilization. We can say that these were our distant ancestors. And in some ways we will be right if by the word “ancestors” we mean distant or very distant “relatives” who lived before us. If we remember that each Person (Essence, Soul, “Higher Self” - the totality of the so-called “subtle” bodies, which is, in fact, a Person) is incarnated into physical bodies many thousands of times, then this question becomes more interesting and even intriguing! If you think carefully about this, then it is quite possible to admit that some of us, and maybe even many, are those settlers of the White Race, those “Ancestors” who voluntarily went to explore a new planet in order to implement the desperate “Big Plan” of the Light Ones Strength

One way or another, Midgard-earth was successfully colonized, a highly developed civilization with a Vedic worldview was created on it, which successfully developed for more than 500 thousand years, being reliably protected by its comrades from attacks by Dark Forces. The term “highly developed civilization” most likely does not mean exactly what the books of various esotericists, science fiction writers and simply chatterboxes inspired us to mean. In any civilization, even the most developed, all segments of the population are still present. It does not happen that somewhere there are only angels or Hierarchs, and somewhere there are only plumbers. Any civilization, no matter how highly developed it may be, needs plumbers, bakers, and toilet paper or its equivalent. We need to remember this well and not believe in the stupid stories of our sworn friends about complete cherubs into which people who have reached a high level of development turn. In reality, all civilizations consist of very different people who have different levels of evolutionary development, occupy different economic niches and belong to different strata of society.

Another thing is that the more developed the entire civilization is, the higher its “Evolutionary Number”, the higher the level of development of each of its inhabitants. We have already mentioned earlier the concept of “Evolutionary number”, introduced by academician Nikolai Levashov in the book “Russia in Crooked Mirrors”. The “evolutionary number” of a social organism reflects not only the number of people who have reached the level of development of the Hierarchs (now on Earth we call such people gods), but also the general evolutionary background - morality, ethics, norms of behavior, traditions, habits - in which everything lives and develops population. The civilization of our ancestors, created on Midgard-earth, was a “offshoot” of a very ancient and very highly developed civilization. And it is quite natural that the colonists created their new civilization in the image and likeness of the “old one”. In this new civilization, as in all others, people periodically appeared with evolutionary distortions, sometimes manifested in actions that did not correspond to accepted norms of behavior. But the general high level of development of society did not allow such deviations to progress and develop. Society automatically pulled such people up to its level, helped them overcome development difficulties and level out imbalances. Those. “disturbers of order” who appeared on Midgard for completely natural reasons made up a tiny percentage and, in principle, could not have any significant impact on the entire society.

Approximately, thus, for the first time (at least in the last million years), the eternal enemies of Man had the opportunity to capture the civilization of Midgard-earth, subjugate almost the entire population of the planet and force them to serve their goals: to be a source of energy for them - life force.

And what were the Light Forces doing at this time?

And the Light Forces at that time did everything in their power to prevent the plans of the Blacks not only on Midgard, but on many other planets of our Universe, where for millions of years the uncompromising struggle for Light, for Life, for you and me has not stopped... Without this heroic and selfless struggle, neither we, nor our planet, nor our Universe would have existed long ago. This is all absolutely serious! This has already happened 2 times! Twice already the Big Universe was subjected to such influences from its unreasonable inhabitants that unprecedented catastrophes occurred, and Life was born anew. The truth about this was first written by academician Nikolai Levashov in the book “Mirror of My Soul”, in the chapter “The Big “Layer Cake”” of the 1st volume.

Since we are still alive, it means the fight continues! It’s just that on our planet – the planet of deception – power is still in the hands of the assistants of the Dark Forces. And they are bending over backwards to prevent earthlings from waking up from mental sleep caused by the Night of Svarog and the influence of technical means (the so-called astral generators described in the same book by N. Levashov), to prevent us from beginning to learn the truth about everything, including about them, and thus delay the moment of inevitable retribution for all their bloody deeds. Therefore, for many years now we have been living in a complete deception, carefully supported by upbringing, education, religion, art, the media and our rulers. Therefore, the true history of the life and struggle of our civilization is practically unknown to us. And instead of the truth, we are constantly given chewing gum in the form of esotericism, “eastern teachings,” various variations of religious dope and other impudent lies.

And several thousand years ago this was not yet known on Earth. The Glorious Rus fought the enemy with all their might and died, trying, even at the cost of their lives, to bring this Victory Day even one second closer...

* * *

In this subsection of our Chronology we will try to briefly outline the events of the last thousand years. Of course, only those events about which it is possible to find at least more or less truthful information. This period in the life of our civilization passed under the cover of the so-called. "Nights of Svarog". "Night of Svarog" is a periodically recurring natural phenomenon that lasts from several hundred to several thousand years. It is so named because it represents periods of time during which our planet, rotating along with the arm of our galaxy, traverses certain regions of space in which certain primary matter predominates. Various primary matter, unevenly saturating regions of space, have different effects on the well-being, behavior, level of development and other aspects of the lives of people and all living things. During the “Nights of Svarog,” the Earth enters areas that have a negative impact on people. During the “Days of Svarog” the planet enters other areas in which nature seems to contribute to the evolutionary development of all living things. Accurate and detailed information about this natural phenomenon was first clearly presented by Academician N.V. Levashov in the article “The Last Night of Svarog,” which we highly recommend to all readers interested in the real laws of development of nature and the universe.

It is very important for us to know and understand that the Dark Forces - our irreconcilable opponents - knew everything about the “Days” and “Nights of Svarog”, knew about their powerful influence on young civilizations, and always tried to use them for their own purposes. The previous subsections of the Chronology show how the Dark Ones systematically and patiently prepared for the “decisive” millennium - the last “Night of Svarog”, which lasted 1008 years and ended in 1995-1996. It is shown how the Jews - the assistants of the Dark Forces, the chosen people - gradually created their strongholds in all major cities, which over time turned into trading offices (Trading Houses), then into trading settlements (factories), which later received the name “Jewish ghettos”. The creation of such formations around the world was the main purpose of the dispersion of the Jews. They lived in dispersion not because “their homeland was taken away from them,” but because the bandit Jehovah and the rest of the militants, who commanded the Jews under the guise of God, specifically forced them to infiltrate all countries and peoples, gain a foothold there, and begin to act in accordance with the program embedded in them.

For the approaching last “Night of Svarog”, which began in the middle of the 10th century, the Jews, directly controlled by the Dark Forces, were prepared throughout their short history. This preparation was very cruel and bloody. Just remember the notorious 40-year “zeal” of the Jews in the desert (see “Old Testament” of the Bible). The main and only opponents of the Dark Forces on Earth were the Slavic-Aryans - people of the white race. It was against them that the bloody terror was unleashed over the past several thousand years. First of all, as has been emphasized more than once, the Jews tried to kill "strong people"- The Rus, who formed a caste of warrior-rulers, possessed much knowledge, magical abilities and selflessly fought the enemies of humanity. It was precisely for the fight against the Slavic-Aryans that Trading Houses (factories) were created. These were enemy strongholds around the world. They had unprecedented financial power and strictly obeyed the general plan.

At the end of the last millennium, almost all of Europe was gradually broken away from the Slavic-Aryan Empire, the Jewish religion was already imposed there under different names, and the overt genocide of the white race had already begun (for more information on this, see Alexander Rozov’s article “Christianity as a Weapon of Mass Destruction” "). At the same time, the “Greek religion” (as today’s Christianity was called then) began to be imposed in Muscovy and Kievan Rus - the western provinces of Great Tartary (as the Slavic-Aryan Empire was called in Europe at that time, for more details see the 8th section of our Chronology -) . In Kievan Rus, baptism represented the mass murder of almost the entire adult population. According to data from the article “Orthodox Rus' before the adoption of Christianity and after,” 9 million people out of 12 who then lived in the territories subject to “Prince” Vladimir were destroyed.

You can read about the methods of the “holy fathers”, about intrigues, conspiracies, betrayal, secret murders on the way to gaining power in the provinces broken off from Great Tartary in the 1st volume of Nikolai Levashov’s autobiographical book “Mirror of My Soul”, in chapter "Alien Baptist". We will give a small fragment from this unique book:

“The beginning of the Night of Svarog was accompanied by the violent imposition of the Greek religion on the lands of Kievan Rus by the Jewish “Grand Duke” Vladimir, on whose orders the squad, which was supposed to protect the people, cut off the heads of the adult population without any pity, so much so that never a single enemy of the Russian The people were unable to do anything like this - almost 80% of the entire population was mercilessly slaughtered. With the name of an alien God on their lips, 9 million were cut out of the twelve million population of Kievan Rus, and the Greek priests hammered into the little children or, as our ancestors called them, foolish children, the alien faith of the God of the Dead!..

Just think about it! Nine million out of twelve were physically destroyed by order of the “great” Kyiv prince Vladimir, who, through meanness and betrayal, destroyed the sons of the bright prince Svyatoslav, and, having carried out a coup d'etat, seized the Kiev throne. In the modern “interpretation”, he was allegedly the son of Svyatoslav from the “slave” Malka, the housekeeper of Princess Olga...

Malka was the housekeeper, in other words, the most trusted person, of Princess Olga, who, after her stay in Constantinople, converted to Christianity. Malka was also a Christian, although by origin she was from the Jews, and not just Jews, but from the Levite caste - direct descendants of Seth - the son of Eve and God Yahweh, according to the Torah and the Old Testament! Malki's father's name was Malik, which translates as king of the Jews. Even her name comes from the same word - Malik - Malka. But that is not all!.."

“...Christianity spread in the world in two ways: the first - with the swords of Christian armies (for example, among the Saxons, Western Slavs, Balts), the second - through the tribal elite. French medieval historian Jacques le Gough notes:

“Christian preaching has almost always failed when it has attempted to reach pagan nations and persuade the masses. But, as a rule, she achieved success when she attracted the leaders to her side...”

The reason is also known. A ruler who converted to Christianity received divine sanction for his power, which is not “from God.” The subjects in the church were solemnly taught:

“Slaves, be obedient in everything to your masters according to the flesh, not in appearance only by serving them, but in simplicity of heart, fearing God. And whatever you do, do it from the heart, as for the Lord, and not for men, knowing that you will receive an inheritance as a reward from the Lord; Servants, obey your masters according to the flesh with fear and trembling, as you do to Christ. Not with only visible obligingness, as people-pleasers, but as servants of Christ, fulfilling the Will of God from the soul. Serving with zeal as the Lord and not men; Servants, obey your masters with all fear, not only the good and gentle, but also the harsh...”

This is the kind of cunning religion that the Jews did their best to introduce in all the countries surrounding the Great Tartaria - the huge Slavic-Aryan Empire. It is clear that this was not done out of simple religious fanaticism. This was done in order to be able to continuously attack the Slavs from all sides...

* * *

“...Thus, the Jews, by their actions, real and not fictitious achievements, clearly show which master they serve - the Dark Forces of the Cosmos, who chose them on Midgard-earth as conductors of their plans...”

This conclusion of Academician N.V. Levashov is well confirmed by the current affairs of the Jews, but we will talk about this later. And in this section we look at their activities in the last millennium.

The advent of the era of feudalism in the countries of Western Europe caused numerous persecutions of the Jews, who over the previous four hundred years of the Carolingian dynasty showed their bloody grin quite clearly. They always and everywhere acted so destructively and hostilely that they were periodically expelled from all countries where they managed to infiltrate. Andrey Dikiy collected very interesting statistics in his book “Jews in Russia and the USSR”. Here is an excerpt from this wonderful book:

“The scope of this work does not allow us to list in detail all the conflicts of the Jews with the peoples among whom they lived in dispersion, and therefore we will present here only a list of pogroms recorded by Jewish historians. The largest in terms of the number of victims was the pogrom in Alexandria in 68 AD, during which 56,000 Jews died. It happened at a time when Christianity was just emerging and was not a dominant religion, but a persecuted and persecuted one. The following pogroms were:

  • in 387 in Rome
  • in 516 in Clermont
  • in 519 in Ravenna
  • in 1013 in Cordoba
  • in 1096 in Worms, Mainz
  • in 1108 in Toledo
  • in 1146 in German cities
  • in 1171 in Blois
  • in 1189 in London
  • in 1212 in Toledo
  • in 1235 in Fulda
  • in 1236 to Anjou and Poitou
  • in 1262 in London
  • in 1265 in Koblenz
  • in 1283 in Mainz
  • in 1285 in Munich
  • in 1287 all the Jews of England were in prison,
  • in 1292 in Colmar
  • in 1301 in Magdeburg
  • in 1328 in Navarre
  • in 1336 in Rothenburg and other cities.
  • in 1349 in Savoy, Switzerland
  • in 1351 in Konigsberg
  • in 1355 in Toledo
  • in 1380 in Paris
  • in 1391 in Barcelona, ​​Toledo
  • in 1407 in Krakow
  • in 1411 mass pogroms in Spain
  • in 1421 in Vienna
  • in 1449 in Lisbon
  • in 1464 in Krakow
  • in 1467 in Toledo and Nuremberg
  • in 1469 in Poznań
  • in 1447 in Colmar
  • in 1486 in Toledo (1640 victims)
  • in 1494 in Naples
  • in 1506 in Lisbon (2,000 victims)
  • in 1592 in Vilno
  • in 1614 in Frankfurt
  • 1658 massacre in Greater Poland
  • in 1680 in Madrid (118 victims)
  • in 1686 in Budapest
  • in 1716 in Poznań
  • in 1761 in Yemen
  • And here is more information on this interesting topic from the site "Hasidus in Russian". Expulsions of Jews from various European countries over the last thousand years:

    • 1080 – expulsion of Jews from France
    • 1098 – expulsion of Jews from the Czech Republic
    • 1113 – expulsion of Jews from Kievan Rus (Vladimir Monomakh “The Jews should not be settled in the city”)
    • 1113 – the largest pogrom in Kyiv
    • 1147 – expulsion of Jews from France
    • 1171 – expulsion of Jews from Italy
    • 1188 – expulsion of Jews from England
    • 1198 – expulsion of Jews from England
    • 1290 – expulsion of Jews from England
    • 1298 – expulsion of Jews from Switzerland (100 – wheeled)
    • 1306 – expulsion of Jews from France (“Cherche la femme” (“Find the witch!”) 3,000 – burned alive)
    • 1360 – expulsion of Jews from Hungary
    • 1391 – expulsion of Jews from Spain: 30,000 killed, 5,000 burned alive
    • 1394 – expulsion of Jews from France
    • 1407 – expulsion of Jews from Poland
    • 1492 – expulsion of Jews from Spain (Law on the Perpetual Ban on Entry into the Country)
    • 1492 – expulsion of Jews from Sicily
    • 1495 – expulsion of Jews from Lithuania and Kyiv (Prince Alexander)
    • 1495 – expulsion of Jews from Florence
    • 1496 – expulsion of Jews from Portugal
    • 1510 – expulsion of Jews from England
    • 1516 – expulsion of Jews from Portugal
    • 1516 – Jews were prohibited from settling in Venice except in the ghetto
    • 1541 – expulsion of Jews from Austria
    • 1555 – expulsion of Jews from Portugal
    • 1555 – Jews are prohibited from settling in Rome except in the ghetto
    • 1567 – expulsion of Jews from Italy
    • 1570 – expulsion of Jews from Germany (Margraviate of Brandenburg)
    • 1580 – expulsion of Jews from Novgorod (Ivan the Terrible)
    • 1591 – expulsion of Jews from France
    • 1616 – expulsion of Jews from Switzerland
    • 1629 – expulsion of Jews from Spain/Portugal (Philip IV)
    • 1634 – expulsion of Jews from Switzerland
    • 1655 – expulsion of Jews from Switzerland
    • 1701 – final expulsion of Jews from Switzerland (decree of Philip V)
    • 1660 – expulsion of Jews from Kyiv
    • 1806 – Napoleon’s “ultimatum” (second attempt to create the state of Israel)
    • 1828 – expulsion of Jews from Kyiv

    It is hardly possible to explain such a friendly and widespread negative attitude towards the Jews over the last couple of millennia by chance. And Professor Solomon Lurie stated this quite rightly. But the only thing that neither he nor anyone else could name was the reason for such insane behavior of the Jews.

    Today we already know this reason, thanks to the books of Academician N.V. Levashov, his articles, films, interviews, meetings with readers. This information is the real basis on which we can now build tactics and strategies for protecting ourselves from the “crazy hands” of our sworn friends. Without knowing this most important information, without understanding it, it was impossible to come up with either effective protection or effective measures to counter and neutralize this most serious danger...

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