Home Salon Useful homemade in the car. Automobile homemakes. How to make drawings

Useful homemade in the car. Automobile homemakes. How to make drawings

Nowadays, it is hard to surprise some new model of the car, but here the vehicle made by its own hands has always attracted attention and excitement. A person making a car with their own hands, expects two options for developing events. The first is admirable for creation, and the second is a smile of surrounding in the form of the invention. If you figure it out, there is nothing complicated in the car's own assembly. From self-taught engineer, it is only required to know the design of the car and the basic properties of its details.

Historical facts

The start of the construction of cars was preceded by some historical conditions. During the existence of the Union, the mass production of cars was carried out. They could not satisfy certain consumer needs. That is why self-taught inventors began to look for ways out of the current situation and made it by designing self-made cars.

In order to make one car with their own hands, three non-working, from which all the necessary spare parts were shot. If you take into account people living in deaf villages, then they most often have improved the various bodies, thereby increasing their capacity. Cars began to appear that had high patency and could even overcome water. In short, all the forces were thrown on simplification of life.

A separate category of people attached great importance to the appearance of the car, and not only its technical properties. In addition to beautiful passenger cars, sports cars were made, which were small in the factory instances. All of these inventions not only surprised others, but also became full parties to the road.

During the Soviet Union, there were no specific restrictions on self-made vehicles. Bans appeared in the 80s. They concerned only certain parameters and technical characteristics of the car. But most people could bypass them by registering in the relevant bodies of one vehicle under the guise of a completely different.

What is needed to build a car

To proceed directly to the process itself, it is necessary to think everything in detail. It is necessary to clearly understand how to make the future car, and what technical characteristics it should possess. First, it is necessary to determine for what purposes the car will be used, and then embody the idea. If a frank workhorse is required, in order to make it with their own hands, they will need special materials and details. It is also important to make the most resistant to the loads of the body and the car frame. When the car is done only for the ride, the question is only in its appearance.

How to make a car with your own hands for a child, you can learn from the following video:

How to make drawings

Do not trust your head and imagination, it will be better and more correct to think about what kind of car should be. Then all available considerations are transferred to paper. Then it is possible to correct something and as a result, it will appear as a hand drawn copy of the future machine. Sometimes two drawings are made for complete confidence. The first shows the appearance of the car, and on the second more detailed image of the main parts in detail. Before performing the drawing, you need to prepare all the necessary tools, that is, a pencil, eraser, watman and a ruler.

Nowadays, there is no need to draw a picture for a long time using an ordinary pencil. To facilitate this task, there are special programs with wide opportunities and with their help can be made any drawing.

Tip! If there are no engineering programs, the usual Word test editor will help in this situation.

With a big desire, you can make any car with your own hands. If there are no own considerations, then ready-made ideas and drawings can be borrowed. This is possible because most people engaged in the creation of homemade cars do not hide their ideas, but, on the contrary, represent the public.


On the expanses of Europe and America wide distribution reached the so-called "Kit-Kara". So what is it? This is a certain number of different parts with which you can make a car with your own hands. Kit-karas have become so popular that many of their options appeared, which allow you to fold any desired car model. The main difficulty is not assembly, but in the registration of the car obtained as a result of the assembly.

For full-fledged work with Kit-Kara, you must have a spacious garage. In addition, you need tools and knowledge sets. If you do not have defined skills, then the work will not give the desired result. In the case of work with assistants, the assembly process will be faster and fruitful.

This kit includes everything starting from small screws and instructions to large details. For full-fledged work should not have serious difficulties. It should be noted that the instruction has no printed look, but is represented by a video master class, where everything is considered to the smallest details.

It is very important to collect the car correctly. This is necessary in order for creation to comply with all standards and standards prescribed in the regulatory acts of the traffic police. Since non-fulfillment of items leads to the problems of installing a vehicle in accordance with the relevant authorities.

Tip! If there is such an opportunity, you can consult specialists in this field.

In more detail about what kind of whale kira and how to do them, you can learn from the following video:

Construction of a vehicle with firing materials

In order to make the task as much as possible in the assembly of a self-made car, you can take the base of any other car that fully functions. It is best to take a fiscal option, because it is never known which way the experiments will lead. If there are old worn items, they need to be replaced with serviceable. If possible, you can make parts with your own hands on lathes, but this is if there is professional skills.

First of all, the assembly of the car must be started from the body, devices and the necessary parts of the cabin. Modern inventors for body use fiberglass, and before such a material was not, and plywood and tin material was used.

Attention! Fiberglass is quite elastic material, which allows you to carry out any idea, even the most extraordinary and original.

The availability of materials, spare parts and other components makes it possible to construct a car that in external parameters and the form will not give up the models of the cars of the world's most leading autoconcens. This requires ingenuity, good fantasy and certain knowledge.

Summarity, made by hand:

Construction of a car from fiberglass

Start assembling a car from fiberglass follows from the moment of selecting a suitable chassis. After that, the selection of the necessary aggregates is carried out. Then it is necessary to move to the marking of the cabin and the attachment of the seats. Upon completion of this, the chassis is strengthened. The frame should be very reliable and strong, because all the main parts of the car will be mounted on it. More precisely, the size of the spatial frame, the better the parts are docked.

For the manufacture of the body it is best to apply fiberglass. But it will pre-make the basis, that is, the framework. To the surface of the frame, you can attach foam sheets that are maximally appropriate to available drawings. Then the holes are cut into need, and if there is a need, the parameters are fitted. After that, fiberglass is fastened to the surface of the foam, which covers it from above and is cleaned. It is not necessary to use precisely the foam, any other material with a high level of plasticity will be useful. Such material can be a solid cloth of sculptural plasticine.

It is worth noting that the fiberglass has a deform property during operation. The reason is the effect of high temperatures. To preserve the shape of the structure, it is necessary to strengthen the framework of the pipe from the inside. All unnecessary pieces of fiberglass must be removed, but it should be done after it is completely dry. If everything is done correctly and there are no other works, relative to the design, you can proceed to the equipment of the cabin and the electronics fastener.

If in the future it is planned to restore, then you can make a special matrix. Thanks to her, the process of manufacturing the body will be faster and easier. The matrix is \u200b\u200bapplicable not only to make the vehicle with your own hands from scratch, but also in order to improve the condition of the available car. Paraffin is taken for making. To get a smooth surface, it is necessary to cover it from top to top. This will increase the convenience of fastening parts for the new car body.

Attention! With the help of the matrix, the entire body is made. But there is an exception - this is the hood and doors.


In order to implement the idea and make the car with your own hands, there are a number of suitable options. Here will be useful all kinds of work details.

With your own hands, you can make not only a passenger car, but also a larger and most powerful truck. In some countries, the craftsmen manage to make money on this decent money. They make cars under the order. Cars with various original body items are in great demand.

How to make Porsche do it yourself:

Some motorists categorically do not suit cars produced by official manufacturers. And then they are solved on the creation of homemade cars, which will fully satisfy all the individual wishes of the owner. And today we will tell about the 10 most unusual similar vehicles.

Black Raven - homemade SUV from Kazakhstan

Black Raven is the perfect car for the Kazakh steppe. It is fast, powerful and undemanding to use. This unusual SUV was made from zero enthusiast from the city of Karaganda.

Black raven has a 5-liter engine with a capacity of 170 horsepower, thanks to which the car can accelerate to a speed of 90 kilometers per hour when driving around the rough terrain and off-road.

Angkor 333 - homemade electric car from Cambodia

Angkor 333 is the first fully electric car created in the Kingdom of Cambodia. It is surprising that this car is not the result of the development of the automotive industry in the country, but a private project of one person - a modest mechanic from the Phnom Penh.

Author Angkor 333 dreams that in the future it will open its own plant for mass production of both electrical and gasoline variants of this car.

Homemade Batmobile from Shanghai

Fans of films about Batman from around the world dream of Batmobile - delightful on the design of the superhero auto, with a variety of diverse functions inaccessible to conventional serial machines.

And the engineer Lee Vailee from Shanghai decided to realize this dream with his own hands. He created a real batmobile that came out of cinema screens. At the same time, the Chinese spent less than 10 thousand dollars to build this car.
Shanghai Batmobile, of course, does not have ten different types of weapons and does not go with a speed of 500 kilometers per hour, but appearance, he definitely repeats the Batman's car shown in the latest films about this hero.

Homemade Formula 1 Racing Char

The real car for racing Formula 1 is a huge amount of money - more than a million dollars. So in private possessions there are no such cars. At least official options. But the craftsmen from all over the world with their own hands create copies of racing cars.

One of these enthusiasts is the Bosnian engineer MISO KRUVVANOVICH, who spent 25 thousand euros to create a street car in the style of Formula 1. As a result, he turned out an incredibly beautiful car with a capacity of 150 horsepower, which can accelerate up to a speed of 250 kilometers per hour.
Drouzing on this red car through the streets of your city, Kuvdanovich received the nickname "Bosnian Schumacher".

Old GUO - a homemade car for $ 500

The Chinese farmer of Old Guo since childhood was fond of mechanics, but all his life worked as a farmer. However, after the fifty-year-old anniversary, he decided to go beyond the dream and began to develop a car of its own production, which was called in honor of the inventor - Old GUO.

Old Guo is a compact copy of Lamborghini, designed for a children's audience. But this is not a toy car, but a real car with an electric motor that can pass on one charge of batteries up to 60 kilometers.
At the same time, the cost of one copy of the Old GUO is 5,000 yuan (just under 500 American dollars).

BIZON - homemade SUV from Kiev

Kyivlyanin Alexander Chupiliel together with his son for the year collected from spare parts from other cars, as well as the original details of their own SUV called them Bizon. Ukrainian enthusiasts have a huge machine with a 4-liter engine capacity of 137 horsepower

Bizon can accelerate 120 kilometers per hour. Fuel consumption in mixed mode This car is 15 liters per 100 km. In the SUV cabin there are three rows of seats on which nine people can accommodate.
The roof of the Bizon car is also interesting, which is built in the unfolding tent for overnight in the field.

Super Awesome Micro Project - LEGO homemade pneumomobile

The LEGO designer is so universal material that it can be constructed even a completely working car. At the very least, it managed to two enthusiasts from Australia and Romania, established the initiative with the name Super Awesome Micro Project.

Within its framework, they built a car from the LEGO designer, which can move due to a 256-piston pneumatic engine, accepted at the time of 28 kilometers per hour.
The cost of creating this car amounted to a little more than 1 thousand dollars, of which most of the money went to purchase more than half a million details of the LEGO designer.

Homemade student car on hydrogen fuel

Every year Shell suits special races among cars on alternative fuel sources. And in 2012, this competition won a car created by a group of students from Aston University in Birmingham.
Students built a car from plywood and cardboard, which is equipped with a hydrogen engine, producing water vapor instead of exhaust gases.

Homemade Rolls Royce Phantom from Kazakhstan

A separate direction of creating homemade cars is the construction of cheap copies of expensive and well-known cars. For example, a 24-year-old Kazakh engineer Ruslan Mukanov built a visual copy of the legendary Limousine Rolls Royce Phantom.

While prices for real Rolls Royce Phantom start from half a million euros, Mukanov managed to build a car in just three thousand. In this case, its car is visually almost indistinguishable from the original car.
True, this car looks very unusual on the streets of the provincial Kazakh mines.

Upsede Down Camaro - car up legs

Most creators of homemade cars lead the desire to improve the visual and technical component of the serial car. The American Racer and Speedycop engineer pushed out of opposite principles. He wanted to worsen the appearance of his car, turning it into something unimaginable funny. So there appeared a car with the name of UPSIDE DOWN CAMARO.

Upsede Down Camaro is Chevrolet Camaro 1999 with an inverted upside down body. The car was created for parody racing 24 hours Lemon (24 hours of lemons), in which only cars worth not more than 500 American dollars can take part.

Make a car with your own hands - a task worthy of a real man. Many are conceived, some are taken, units are torn before completion. We decided to tell the stories of cars made, which is called, on the knee. About the works of professional body studio, including type A: Level or Elmotors, let's talk another time.

The case of the Masters of the East

Most of all self-dealers in the so-called developing countries. Allow a dear car can not all, but I want everyone. And the copyright in these countries is looking, let's say so, peculiar, not in European.

In the network it is easy to find a video about a whole factory "self-defense" supercars in Bangkok. There are such ten times cheaper than the original. Now it is no longer working: it can be seen, German journalists who have removed the video about homemade services, provided them with a bear service, and the local authorities thought about the missing "masters" licenses and the safety of the machines that they killed. A clear case, specially crash tests did not spend these crafts.

Interestingly, in principle, Thai kept supercars - made spatial frames made of metal profiles and pipes and "dressed" them in the body of fiberglass. In most cases, self-dealers simply take old cars, cut off the "extra" body panels and hang out their own. According to this technology, for example, this replica Bugatti Veyron from India is built. A ambitious project, right on the promotion "Lit - so the queen, steal - so Million." The author and owner used the old Honda Civic as the basis. And she tried - an externally, a copy turned out to be worthy: no wonder it is so carefully considering the audience.

Another Indian, a former actor, current social reformer, compressed a parody of Weiron from Honda Accord. It turned out terribly. Another one took the basis of Tata Nano. Let me remind you that this is officially the cheapest serial machine of the world with peculiar proportions. Very weak and slow. However, the author of this project is clearly not deprived of a sense of humor, because VEYRON, on the contrary, is one of the most expensive, powerful and fast serial cars.

Supercars from landfills

Do not lag behind Thai and Indian colleagues and the Chinese. The young working glass factory of Chen Yanci did not become or parody someone else's design, but made his own, author. And let his car looks decent only at a distance, and only 40 km / h rides (no longer allows the installed electric motor), I don't want to laugh at Cheng. Well done that went his own way. More often happens otherwise.

Three years ago, a 26-year-old Chinese requisher Leeleia was so impressed by Batmobile Tumbler ("Acrobat") from the "Dark Knight" Christopher Nolan, which he built. On this, he and four friends took 70,000 yuan (about 11 thousand dollars) and only two months of work. Steel for the body whether he took from the landfill, flew 10 tons of metal. To compensate for expenses, now he gives his toggle to rent for photo and video filming, in just 10 bucks per month. But tenants should be prepared to roll "replica" manually. It can not ride the car, since it does not have a power unit or a functional steering. In addition, only cars issued by certified manufacturers produce in the PRC on the road.

Another Chinese craftsman, Vang Jian from Jiangsu Province, made his own "copy" Lamborghini Reventon from the old Minivan Nissan and Sedan Volkswagen Santana. And also dragged the metal from the landfill. She spent 60,000 yuan on this (9.5 thousand dollars). The carburetor engine, she is mercilessly smoke, she does not have the interior and even glass, but the author's most likely like it, and the neighbors believe that the Jiana car quite accurately copies Lambo. The author claims that it is able to accelerate on its supercar to 250 km / h. No one risks it to reason.

As can be seen, most of all the homemade workers adore to copy Ferrari and Lamborghini. Externally. Inside this car of the authorship of Mr. Mita from Thailand there is a motorcycle engine Lifan in a quarter of a liter.

The funniest and touching creation is the Chinese Farmer of Guo from Zhenzhou. He made Lambo for ... his grandson. The car has a children's sizes - 900 per 1800 mm and an electric motor that allows you to accelerate up to 40 km / h. Batteries of five batteries are enough for 60 km of way. Guo spent $ 815 and six months of work.

Vietnamese car mechanic from the province of Buckucking created a similarity of Rolls Royce, using "seven" for this. I bought it for 10 million dong (approximately 500 dollars). Another 20 million spent on Tuning. Most of the amount went to metal, electrodes and grille of the radiator A la Rolls-Royce, ordered in the local workshop. It turned out rude. But the guy became famous. The real Rolls-Royce Phantom in Vietnam costs about 30 billion dong.


On the expanses of the former USSR, the traditions of self-employing are also strong. In the Soviet years there was a movement called "SamAvto", which united the enthusiasts of homemade cars and motorcycles. And these were a lot, because in those years it seemed that it was easier to collect the car easier than buying - despite the total shortage of spare parts and bureaucratic obstacles. And what interesting projects were born in those years! Yuna, Pangolina, Laura, Ihtyander and others ... Yes, there were people. However, and remained.

A few years ago, I wrote about the brainchild of Muscovite Evgenia Danilina called - an SUV, reminiscent of Hummer H1, but significantly superior to his passability.

Immediately I remember a long-time acquaintance with Alexander Timashev from Bishkek. His workshop Zerdo Design in the 2000s created a whole series of interesting homemakes, the first of which became "Barhahan", also like Hammer based on GAZ-66. Then there was a "mad cabin" (Mad Cabin), such as American Hot-kind, made from the Cabin of the Army truck ZIL-157 - Zakhar. .

Behind the "mad cabin" was followed by homemade in retro style - the so-called replicars, speedster and phaeton. And for them, Kyrgyz masters manufactured not only bodies and interiors, but even frames.

If you think that homemade is the lot of kids and bored housewives, we will quickly dispel your errors. This section is completely all devoted to the manufacture of homemade from automotive spare parts and rubber tires. You can make almost everything from the auto stroke. From garde shoes to a full-fledged playground with swings, fabulous characters and elements for recreation. Finally, and eternally busy dads will appear the opportunity to show their creative talents and create something useful and beautiful on its own landed area or a rival yard.

The automotive tires should be involved in disrepair, especially considering the domestic quality of roads and sharp temperature differences. Instead of sending the old auto stroke into a landfill, it can be slightly transformed and give a new life on the playground, in the garden or garden.

We collected a huge number of examples how to make automobile selfiems Using tires in various household and aesthetic purposes. Perhaps, one of the most popular ways to apply the arrangement of its auto stroke is the arrangement of playgrounds. The easiest option is to wear up to half a row of tires and decorate their upper part in bright colors. The architectural element created in this way will be used by the kids as a device for walking and running with obstacles, as well as instead of "furniture", because on the surface of the tire you can decompose the sand products or even sit yourself, resting a quiet summer evening.

It is possible to diversify the exterior of the platform to the exterior, creating fairy-tale dragons, funny bears, who will meet your guests at the entrance to the courtyard in the garden of crocodiles and other animals. Followers of flowers, a car tire can replace a full-fledged vase, and the plants planted in her will give the courtyard well-kept views.

You can please the children by creating comfortable swings from the most surviving tires. You can leave the tire shape in the original form, and, having spent a little more time and effort, create an unusual swing in the form of horses.

Whatever you choose, to create automotive crafts, your children in any case will be delighted with the appearance of homemade for cars in the yard. Inventive children will be able to play new games, and will definitely be proud of their folder, praising your creation to friends. And the mixture of happiness and pride for you in the eyes of the child is perhaps the only thing for which you can step on the throat of the long-awaited weekend in the company of the sofa, television and beer.

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