Home Salon Features of oil replacement in automatic transmission in Audi cars. Repair and maintenance Audi Q3

Features of oil replacement in automatic transmission in Audi cars. Repair and maintenance Audi Q3

The replacement of oil in the transmission of Audi Ku3 is most often with the repair of the automatic transmission itself, or it is replaced with a new oil leakage work, as it must be drained to carry out work. The oil in the automatic transmission is filled with the case once for the entire service life of the car. The oil replacement in AUDI Q3 automatic transmission is recommended to entrust professionals, but in some cases this operation can be cope with its own.

ATF oil functions in ACAP Audi QU3:

  • effective lubrication of rubbing surfaces and mechanisms;
  • reduced mechanical load on nodes;
  • heat dissipation;
  • removal of microparticles resulting from corrosion or wear of parts.
The ATF Oil Color for AUDI Q3 automatic transmission allows not only to distinguish between oils by type, but it helps to find out in case of leakage, from which system the fluid escaped. For example, oil in automatic transmission and GUR - has a red shade, antifreeze - green, in the engine - yellowish.
Causes of leakage of oil from automatic transmission in Audi QU3:
  • wear salts of automatic transmission;
  • wear surfaces of shafts, the occurrence of the gap between the shaft and the sealing element;
  • wire of the sealing element of the automatic transmission and shaft of the speedometer drive;
  • the backlash of the primary shaft automatic transmission;
  • damage to the sealing layer in compounds between parts of automatic transmission: pallet, automatic transmission, Carter, clutch housing;
  • weakening bolts that provide the compound of the above parts of the automatic transmission;
Low oil level in AUDI Q3 automatic transmission is the main reason for the failure of frictional. Due to the low pressure of the fluid, the frictions are poorly pressed against steel disks and are not tightly in contact with each other. As a result, friction overlays in Audi Q3 automatic transmission are strongly heated, charred and destroy, significantly polluting oil.

Due to lack of oil or low-quality oil in AUDI Q3 automatic transmission:

  • plungers and hydroblock channels are clogged with mechanical particles, which leads to a deficiency of oil in packets and provokes wear of the sleeve, rubbing parts of the pump, etc.;
  • overheat and quickly wear steel transmissions;
  • overheat and burn rubberized pistons, stubborn discs, clutch drum, etc.;
  • warm and comes into disrete of hydraps.
Contaminated automatic transmission oil cannot fully distinguish heat and provide high-quality lubrication of parts, which leads to various malfunctions of Audi Q3 automatic transmission. Highly polluted oil is an abrasive suspension, which under high pressure creates the effect of sandblasting. Intensive impact on the hydraulic contact leads to the thinning of its walls in the locations of the valve-regulators, as a result of which numerous leaks may occur.
Check the oil level in Audi Q3 automatic transmission using the probe. Oil dipstick has two pairs of labels - the top pair of Max and Min allows you to determine the level of hot oil, the lower pair is on the cold. Using the probe is easy to check the oil condition: it is necessary to drop the oil to clean white tissue.

When choosing an AUDI Q3 automatic transmission for replacement, a simple principle should be guided by simple principle: it is best to use the oil recommended by AUDI. In this case, instead of mineral oil, it is possible to fill a semi-synthetic or synthetic, but in no case cannot be used by the "class below" oil from the prescribed one.

Synthetic oil for ACAP Audi Ku3 is called "unreasonable", it is poured for the entire service life of the car. Such oil does not lose its properties under the influence of high temperature and is designed for a very long term of using Audi Q3. But it is impossible to forget about the appearance of a mechanical suspension as a result of the wear of the frictions with a very significant mileage. If the automatic transmission is kept in conditions of lack of oil for some time, it is required to check the degree of contamination and perform a replacement if necessary.

Ways to replace oil into AUDI Q3 automatic transmission:

  • Partial oil change in the Audi Q3 box;
  • Full oil replacement in Audi Ku3 box;
Partial oil replacement in AUDI Q3 automatic transmission can be performed independently. To do this, it is enough to unscrew the plums on the pallet, drove the car onto the overpass, and collect butter into the container. Usually flows up to 25-40% of the volume, the remaining 60-75% remain in the hydrotransformer, that is, in fact this update, and not replacement. To refresh this method to the oil in the Audi QU3 automatis, 2-3 replacements will be required.

The complete replacement of the AUD Q3 automatic transmission oil is performed using the installation to replace the oil in the automatic transmission, Specialists in the car service. In this case, there will be more ATF oil than the AUDI Q3 automatic transforms. For flushing out the one-hour or double volume of fresh ATF. In terms of cost, it will be more expensive than partial replacement, and not every car service provides such a service.
Partial replacement of ATF oil in an AUDI Q3 automatic transmission box for a simplified scheme:

  1. We unscrew the drain plug, drain the old ATF oil;
  2. We unscrew the DCP pallet, which, besides its bolts, processed along the contour of the sealant.
  3. We get access to the automatic transmission filter, it is desirable to change it with each oil change, or rinse.
  4. At the bottom of the pallet there are magnets that are necessary for collecting metal dust and chips.
  5. We clean the magnets and rinse the pallet, wipe dry.
  6. We establish the automatic transmission filter into place.
  7. We establish the trash of automatic transmission to the place, replacing the laying of the drive of the automatic transmission, if necessary.
  8. Tighten the drain plug by replacing the drain plug gasket for automatic transmission.
The oil is poured through the technological bay opening (where the Propertile automatic transmission is located), according to the PCP, control the oil level into the automatic transmission to the cold. Replacing the oil in the automatic transmission, it is important to check its level by passing 10-20 km, already on a heated automatic transmission. If necessary, add to the level. The regularity of oil change depends not only on the run, but also on the nature of the ride to Audi Q3. It is not necessary to focus on the recommended kilometer, but to the degree of pollution of the oil, systematically checking it.

Oil in automatic transmission is a working fluid. Its condition is important not only for the operation of the units of the box, but also the engine, and the entire car as a whole. Replacing the oil in Audi Audi Q3 is full or partial. Partial, implies a drop of oil naturally through a rejected pallet plug (sometimes you need to remove the entire pallet of the crankcase depends on the auto model). In this case, 30-40% of oil changes, the rest remains in the box mechanisms.

It changes during regular service. Full, produced on special equipment in a hundred. At the same time, the installation hose is connected to the cooling radiator and everything is squeezed under pressure. The frequency recommended by the manufacturer is 15-20 thousand km for partial and 50-60 thousand km for full. But these dates are strongly dependent on the operating conditions of the car.


Where to change in St. Petersburg:

With elevated loads, an aggressive ride manner, a car operation in extreme conditions, if the car stands in traffic jams every day, it is recommended to fully replace the oil every 25 thousand km. With a complete replacement to one hundred mines of St. Petersburg, check the state of the automatic box on the weighing in the development.

Also washed the pallet, clean the reusable filters, change the crankcase pallet laying. Disposable filters replace. The cost depends on the type of work, the brand of the car, whether the parts are bought by the client in the service or came with his own, etc.

It is important to monitor the level. With its insufficient amount and during excessive, the subsequent repair of the machine is provided. The level is checked with a special probe or sensor. In addition, you need to still follow its cleanliness - dirty oil is darker source due to suspension particles in it.

Transmission fluids differ in their characteristics. It is very important that the brand corresponds to and the recommended manufacturer. It is also not allowed to mix different types of liquids. For example, you bought a used car, then it is better to make a complete replacement in our service.

Each owner of the Audi with an automatic transmission at least once thought about whether it was necessary and how often it should be done. Box is one of the main vehicle units, with the result that its service should always be at the highest level. More about the term and about the process you can read on our resource.


Change or not change?

First of all, Audi owners with automatic transmission, trying to answer this question, refer to the service leadership. However, in the manual for the operation of the vehicle, you will not be able to find an accurate answer to this question, since the manufacturer decided that the oil change in the automatic transmission is inexpper. Actually, according to the company Audi, the consumable fluid is poured for the entire service life of the car.

However, in fact, the need to replace TM (transmission oil) is still there. In practice, the replacement of fluid should be carried out at least once every 80 thousand km. The experienced motorists recommend that this procedure is no less often than every 80, maximum - 120 thousand mileage kilometers.

In which cases is required to replace?

So, when you need to change the consumables:

  • if you have been using cars for a long time and never changed TM;
  • if certain problems appeared in the work of the unit, for example, all speeds or automatic transmission vibrates when driving;
  • if the consumable material has already worked out its resource of operation and there are precipitation and deposits;
  • if the level of consuming fluid does not correspond to the norm.

Maybe not change?

In fact, not all problems associated with the operation of automatic transmission require oil replacement. Sometimes it is inappropriate, for example, if malfunctions are manifested in the work of the unit, such as:

  • constant inclusion of the emergency box mode;
  • on-board computer reports the presence of critical errors in the work of the unit;
  • strikes when driving, which are felt directly on the ACP selector;
  • speed \u200b\u200bhangs when turned on.

In this case, most likely, the replacement of the transmission fluid will not be able to solve your problem. As a rule, such errors in the work indicate mechanical malfunctions, so in order to return the life of your automatic transmission, the unit must be dismantled, disassemble and engage in the defective details.

3. And this is a metal chips on magnets. The pallet should be carefully flushed so that wear products are not in the system with a new TM. 5. Install a new sealing gasket on the pallet. Come around the entire perimeter of the pallet with a sealant.

When replacing TM, it is necessary to use only high-quality and original consumables.

In general, in the presence of certain knowledge and experience, the transmission fluid replacement procedure will not take a lot of time and effort, except that the TM Draits you need to spend one night. If you do everything right, then your car will work even longer. Without experience in this matter, we will advise you to seek help from specialists. But, as you can see, this procedure is generally not particularly difficult, so it should not cause difficulties.

Video "How to replace TM on Audi A8 do it yourself"

About the detailed procedure for replacing transmission oil you will learn from the video.

The AUDI Q3 model is equipped with a three-type gearbox: 6-speed automatic transmission, 6-speed "mechanics" and a robotic 7-speed S-Tronic box. Each of these transmissions is characterized by uninterrupted operation and is very comfortable in operation. With high-quality and timely maintenance of the automatic transmission, the automatic transmission does not cause the car owner, and its elements do not threaten premature wear or failure.

One of the mandatory regulatory procedures on which the efficiency of the gearbox is depends is to replace the transmission oil. The main function of this working fluid is a constant and high-quality lubricant of rubbing elements of the automatic transmission. In addition, the transmission oil removes over heat and flushes pollutants, which can negatively affect the performance of the gearbox.

It is extremely important that the replacement of oil in the Audi Q3 automatic transmission was carried out in the time limits corresponding to the regulation of the automaker. For complete replacement, the interval is about 50-60 thousand km, and the partial is recommended to spend every 15 thousand km. At the same time, the quality of the fuel used should be high and comply with AUDI technological standards.

Replacing Oil in AUDI Q3 automatic transmission - Basic signs

It is possible to determine the need for unscheduled inspection oil replacement for the following features:

  • his color became darker;
  • there was a grown smell;
  • the liquid has become very muddy.

Timely replacement of transmission oil is the prevention of transmissions. Masters Northmotors perform this procedure as part of the maintenance of the German brand car. With full updating and partial replacement of oil in Audi Q3 automatic transmission, certified fuel and fuel with suitable characteristics are used. Our technical center uses a unique technology of draining exhaust fuel, which allows you to fully update the working fluid. This type of service has a guarantee.

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