Home Salon Oceans and seas off the coast of the Eurasian continent. Synopsis for a geography lesson "oceans and seas off the coast of Eurasia." Seas and oceans of Eurasia

Oceans and seas off the coast of the Eurasian continent. Synopsis for a geography lesson "oceans and seas off the coast of Eurasia." Seas and oceans of Eurasia

Lesson topic: Oceans and seas off the coast of Eurasia. Lesson type: combined.

T.E.C.: 1. Create conditions for students to develop knowledge about the oceans washing Eurasia. To introduce students to the main features of the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian and Arctic oceans. Help students understand the influence of the oceans on the nature of Eurasia. Show students the importance of the oceans and their economic use by humans. To bring students to an understanding of the fragility of the nature of the oceans and the need to treat them with care.

2. Continue to develop skills in working with text and cartographic sources of information, logical thinking skills based on identifying cause-and-effect relationships, and analyzing existing knowledge.

3. Cultivate mutual respect, organization, accuracy, the ability to listen to another person’s opinion, love and respect for nature. Foster conscious motives for learning.

Equipment: textbooks, atlases, physical map of the world.

Used Books: A.S. Beisenova, S.A. Abilmazhinova, K.D. Kaimuldinov “Geography. Continents and oceans”, V.A. Korinskaya, V.A. Shchenev, I.V. Dushin “Geography of continents and oceans”, K.S. Lazarevich “I’m going to a geography lesson”, N.V. Alisov, I.M. Kuzina, N.A. Marchenko "Preparing for the exam in geography."

During the classes

Lesson stage

- What problems do we face when we talk about the washing waters of Eurasia? - Study the figure carefully. 39, page 66. What can you tell from studying this drawing? ( very high oil pollution in the waters of the Indian Ocean and Pacific, middle Atlantic Ocean)The Mediterranean Sea is the most polluted sea in the world. Let's consolidate what you learned in this lesson. - What oceans wash Eurasia? - What are the features of the location of the oceans in relation to Eurasia? - What are the features of the nature of the oceans? - What influence does the Atlantic Ocean have on the nature of Eurasia? - What impact does the Arctic Ocean have on the nature of Eurasia? - What influence does the Pacific Ocean have on the nature of Eurasia? - What influence does the Indian Ocean have on the nature of Eurasia? - What are the natural resources of the Atlantic Ocean? Arctic Ocean? Quiet? Indian Ocean? - How are the oceans used in human economic activities? - What are the problems of coastal waters?

Subject:"Oceans and seas off the coast of Eurasia "

The purpose of the lesson:

1) To develop knowledge about the influence of the oceans on the climate, vegetation, wildlife and economy of Eurasia;

2) Develop the ability to work with a map;

3) Foster respect for the environment.

Teaching method: verbal

Form of organization: collective

Lesson type: combined

Lesson type: problem-based learning

Equipment: Physical map of Eurasia, BBC-8 disc, "Blue Planet", episode 4, episodes 1,2,3,4 (before the northern lights), presentation for the lesson.

During the classes

I.Organizing time.

Greetings. Identification of missing persons.

II. Checking homework.

1. Natural features of Eurasia(parts of the world Europe and Asia; ¾ of the Earth's population - 4 billion people; area with islands 53.3 million km² - 1/3 of the land; Chomolungma; Dead Sea at an altitude of -403 m; the largest Arabian Peninsula - 3 million km² ; cold pole Oymyakon (-71°C); in the Thar desert in India +53°C; Cherrapunji 12000 mm of precipitation; in Arabia less than 15 mm of precipitation; the largest lake is the Caspian Sea 390 thousand km², the deepest is Baikal 1620 m; all climatic zones; washed by all oceans)

2. Geographical location(border between parts of the world; extreme points - Chelyuskin, Piai (8 thousand km between them), Cape Roka and Dezhnev (16 thousand km); some areas in the western hemisphere; continental characteristics plan on page 239)

3. History of settlement and exploration of the mainland(studies of the ancient Greeks, Phoenicians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Minoans; in the 1st century AD, Indians discovered the islands of Sumatra and Java, settled Indonesia, later the Malays - Madagascar; Greeks - Danube, Caspian, Don, Black Sea)

4. Famous travelers who explored Eurasia (N. M. Przhevalsky 15 years in Central Asia, traveled 33 thousand km, 4 expeditions - Tibet, Gobi, upper reaches of the Yellow River and Yangtze, Lake Lop Nor; described a wild horse, a wild camel; collected a collection of minerals and plants; buried in Issyk-Kul; P. P. Semenov- two expeditions to the Tien Shan, discovered the Khan Tengri peak; described the altitude zones, established that the snow line is higher than in the Alps, proved that the Chu does not originate from Issyk-Kul; a ridge, a peak and a glacier are named after him; Sh. Ualikhanov in 1856 - 1859 explored Semirechye, Issyk-Kul, Kashgaria; Vasca da Gama in 1498 he found a route to India around Africa; S. Dezhnev in 1648 he passed from the Arctic Ocean through the Bering Strait to the Pacific Ocean; V. Bering and A. I. Chirikov in the 18th century, the northeastern part of America and the Aleutian Islands were discovered; R. Pirie in 1909 he reached the North Pole; Marco Polo in 1271 - 1295 to China, India and Indochina; N. A. Vavilov in 1924 - 1927 he investigated the centers of origin of cultivated plants - pp. 12-13)

III.Comprehensive knowledge test.

1.The easternmost point of the Eurasian continent is Cape (Chelyuskin)

2. The shell of life is (biosphere)

3. A conditional line on the plan connecting points with the same absolute height is (horizontal)

4. What are the main gases that air consists of? (78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 1% other gases)

5. The Himalayan mountains are located on the boundaries of lithospheric plates (Eurasian and Indo-Australian)

6. Drawing of a small area of ​​the earth’s surface, made to a certain scale (plan)

7.The speed of movement of lithospheric plates per year from (1 - 5 cm)

8. Average annual precipitation in the desert zone (30 - 200mm)

IV. Preparing to explain a new topic. Write the topic of the lesson on the board and explain the objectives of the lesson.

Problematic question: What oceans surround Eurasia? What effect does each have on the mainland?

V.Work in groups.(4 people each) with texts, tables, textbook, ICT . (10 minutes)

Study the document material, choose the main thing about the cycle of matter, write an essay (10 - 15 sentences)

The result of the group work should be a presentation of their topic.

Task 1 group

Atlantic Ocean(North Atlantic Current, westerly winds, mild, wet winter; Dogger-Bank the shallowest place in the Atlantic (13 m); the longest Central Atlantic Ridge begins from Iceland - many volcanoes, geysers in Iceland, Hekla volcano; The Strait of Gibraltar is 12 km wide; at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, the boundary of the collision of lithospheric plates, volcanism, water salinity 37‰; the shallows of the Mediterranean and North Seas are rich in oil and gas; 39% of fish are caught in the Atlantic, in the Bay of Biscay whaling has been taking place since the 9th century; sea ​​routes; pollution, especially the Mediterranean Sea)

Task 2 group.

Arctic Ocean(the smallest, coldest and shallowest; the largest is the Norwegian Sea, the smallest is the White Sea; there are many basins and underwater ridges - the Lomonosov Ridge; in the north of the Greenland Sea the deepest place (5527 m); navigation 2 - 4 months in the eastern part of the ocean; Transarctic Current; perennial pack ice and hummocks; Arctic cold dry air masses; in winter the temperature in the east is -40°C, in summer 0°C; average annual precipitation 100-200 mm; seals, walruses, polar bears, birds; residents are engaged in fishing, collecting fluff, and hunting; The Northern Sea Route of international importance connects the ports of Europe and the Far East; nuclear icebreakers; contributed to the study - Bering, Barents, Nansen, Sedov, Schmidt, Papanin; in St. Petersburg Center for the Study of Polar Zones, museum)

Task 3 group

Pacific Ocean(many island arcs, trenches, basins; the largest - 180 million km²; all climatic zones; monsoons; The Northern Trade Wind Current, Kuroshio Current, and North Pacific Current bring heat and moisture; cold Kuril Current; typhoon at the end of summer, beginning of autumn; surface water temperature from -1°C to +29°C; salinity is lower than in other oceans because there is a lot of precipitation)

Task 4 group.

Indian Ocean(many volcanic islands; the Red Sea is on the boundary of the collision of lithospheric plates, its salinity of 41 ‰ is the saltiest in the World Ocean; in the coastal part the waters change their direction - in summer from west to east, in winter - from east to west - due to monsoons; the most warm ocean, the highest temperature in the Persian Gulf (+34°C), in the south -1.5°C; high salinity; coral reefs; pearl harvesting; in the Persian Gulf - oil and gas; on the shallows of the Indian Ocean - tin, phosphorites , gold; shipping)

VI. Exchange of information in groups(3 minutes each)

VII. Presentation of completed work.

Summing up, self-assessment and teacher assessment, with comments

VIII.Working with contour maps.

Label the name of the oceans and rivers of each basin on the contour maps.

IX. Homework.§ 15, k.k.

Eurasia - the only continent on Earth washed by four oceans. The continent is entirely located in the Northern Hemisphere. Some of the islands belonging to Eurasia are located in the Southern hemisphere, Most of continental Eurasia lies in the Eastern Hemisphere, the extreme western and eastern points of the continent are in the Western Hemisphere.

Physiographic location.Eurasia includes two parts of the world: Europe and Asia. The border line between Europe and Asia is drawn along the eastern slopes of the Ural Mountains, the Zhaiyk (Ural) River, the northwestern coast of the Caspian Sea, the Kuma-Manych depression, the eastern coast of the Black Sea, the southern coast of the Black Sea, the Bosporus Strait, the Sea of ​​Marmara, the Dardanelles Strait, Aegean and Mediterranean seas.

The extreme point in the north of Eurasia is Cape Chelyuskin (77 ° 43 "N), the extreme point in the south is Cape Piai (1 ° 1 b" N), the distance between them is more than 8000 km.

The territory of the mainland, stretching from west to east, is also vast. The distance between the extreme point in the west - Cape Roka (9°34"W) and the extreme point in the east - Cape Dezhnev (169°40"W) is about 16,000 km. Due to such peculiarities of the geographical location, all climatic zones and natural zones characteristic of the Northern Hemisphere are found on the mainland.

History of exploration of the Eurasian continent.

The nature of Eurasia has been more fully explored than other continents. This is especially true for the most populated regions of Europe and Asia. In Eurasia, the most ancient civilizations of the Earth emerged and developed over thousands of years. The culture and science of Ancient India, China, Assyria and Babylon provided the beginnings of geographical knowledge for modern civilization. In Ancient Greece, Rome, and the countries of the Arab East, the main directions of geographical study of the “Ecumene” - the inhabited earth - were formed. European travel to India and China, penetration into Siberia and Central Asia, and searches for land and sea routes to southern countries provided the first information about the nature of the continent and the life of the peoples inhabiting it back in the Middle Ages. Numerous expeditions for scientific purposes in the XVIII-XX centuries. expanded and deepened the existing initial general ideas.

The travels of Marco Polo, Afanasy Nikitin, and Semyon Dezhnev are widely known. The inaccessible mountains and deserts of Central Asia, as well as the greatest highland of Tibet, were explored by a number of expeditions by P.P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky, N.M. Przhevalsky, Sh. Ualikhanov and many others.

However, the territory of Eurasia has been studied unevenly. There are still inaccessible areas of the mainland that are waiting for their explorers - the interior regions of Arabia and Tibet, the Hindu Kush and Karakoram mountains, the central regions of the Indochina Peninsula and many islands of Indonesia.

This is interesting

1.The northernmost of all countries in the world is Reykjavik (Iceland).

2.The Malay Archipelago is the largest archipelago in the world. Includes Greater Sunda, Lesser Sunda, Moluccas, Philippine Islands and a number of small islands.

3.In the Mozambique Channel between Africa and Madagascar there is the island of Europa.

Questions and tasks

1.What parts of the world are part of the continent? What objects does the border pass through?

2. Determine the geographical location of the continent by completing the tasks in Table 11.

3.What is the uniqueness of the geographical location of Eurasia?

Working in a notebook

Based on the data provided in the table, identify the mainland researchers. During what period did discoveries and research take place? Fill in the blanks in the table.

Try to answer

Take an imaginary journey around Eurasia. Tell us about the objects you saw and crossed.

The article contains information about the seas and oceans that wash the shores of the most significant continent on the planet. Describes the features and specifics of the coastal areas of the continent. All the seas that are part of the oceans washing the shores of Eurasia are described in detail here.

Seas and oceans of Eurasia

The eastern shores of the mainland are washed by the Pacific Ocean.

Rice. 1. Pacific Ocean.

The Eurasian Pacific coast is distinguished by its extraordinary dissection and diversity of islands. The islands and peninsulas of Eurasia, in turn, isolate a system of interconnected marginal seas from the ocean: the Kamchatka Peninsula and the Kuril Islands separate the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, the Japanese Islands and the Korean Peninsula delimit the mainland and the Sea of ​​Japan.

Eurasia is the largest continent on our planet. It is washed by all oceans.

Rice. 2. Eurasia surrounded by oceanic waters.

The islands that make up the area of ​​the mainland surround its territory in a semi-ring. The Eurasian islands and archipelagos are mostly located in eastern waters. In the northwestern region of the mainland there are large islands and island groups.

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The northern shores of Eurasia are washed by:

  • East Siberian and Chukchi Sea;
  • Norwegian and Barents Sea;
  • White, Red and Laptev Sea.

The southern ends of the continent are dominated by the Mediterranean Sea and the seas of the Indian Ocean:

  • Red;
  • Arabian;
  • Andaman;
  • South China.

The eastern part of the continent is washed by the seas of the Pacific Ocean:

  • Beringovo;
  • Okhotsk;
  • Japanese;
  • East China.

The continental tip of the west belongs to the Atlantic Ocean. The North Sea rules here.

The part belonging to the outskirts of the Pacific Ocean has a complex coastline structure. The Western Pacific belt is characterized by difficult bottom topography.

The continent contains the deepest depression and the highest point on Earth.

Eurasia is separated from the rest of the planet's continents by straits and seas.

Seas of the Eurasian continent

There are a huge number of seas washing Eurasia.

The continent, washed by four oceans, is recognized as a supercontinent. The gigantic piece of land owes its impressive size to this title. The total land area is over 54 million square meters. km. In addition to the mainland itself, this number also includes the area of ​​15 peninsulas.

On the continental shelf, near the European coastal borders, lies the Bay of Biscay, as well as the Baltic, North and Irish seas.

Rice. 3. Bay of Biscay.

Gibraltar connects oceanic waters with the Mediterranean Sea, which includes several basins separated by islands and peninsulas. The Black and Azov Seas protrude deeper into the mainland, which, thanks to the Bosphorus, are subsequently combined with the Mediterranean Sea.

The Scandinavian Peninsula is located between the Norwegian and Barents seas. In the eastern regions of the mainland, chains of islands and peninsulas separate the seas from the Pacific Ocean. The Sea of ​​Okhotsk is separated by the Kamchatka Peninsula and the Kuril Islands.

What have we learned?

We found out how many oceans wash the lands of the continent. We received information about why this territory of the Earth received the title of supercontinent. We found out how many peninsulas belong to the territory of the largest landmass. We found out how and how the mainland is separated from the others. We received information that the planet’s seas are connected to each other by a system of bays and straits. We learned that most of the mainland is located in the northern hemisphere.

Lesson #2

Subject: "Oceans and seas off the coast of Eurasia »

The purpose of the lesson:

1) To develop knowledge about the influence of the oceans on the climate, vegetation, wildlife and economy of Eurasia;

2) Develop the ability to work with a map;

3) Foster respect for the environment.

Teaching method : verbal

Form of organization: collective

Lesson type : combined

Lesson type: problem-based learning

Equipment: Physical map of Eurasia, BBC-8 disc, “Blue Planet”, episode 4, episodes 1,2,3,4 (before the northern lights), presentation for the lesson.

During the classes

I .Organizing time .

Greetings. Identification of missing persons.

II . Checking homework.

1. Natural features of Eurasia(parts of the world Europe and Asia; ¾ of the Earth's population - 4 billion people; area with islands 53.3 million km² - 1/3 of the land; Chomolungma; Dead Sea at an altitude of -403 m; the largest Arabian Peninsula - 3 million km² ; cold pole Oymyakon (-71°С); in the Thar desert in India +53°С; Cherrapunji 12000 mm of precipitation; in Arabia less than 15 mm of precipitation; the largest lake is the Caspian Sea 390 thousand km², the deepest is Baikal 1620 m; all climatic zones; washed by all oceans)

2. Geographical location(border between parts of the world; extreme points - Chelyuskin, Piai (8 thousand km between them), Cape Roka and Dezhnev (16 thousand km); some areas in the western hemisphere; continental characteristics plan on page 239)

3. History of settlement and exploration of the mainland(studies of the ancient Greeks, Phoenicians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Minoans; in the 1st century AD, Indians discovered the islands of Sumatra and Java, settled Indonesia, later the Malays - Madagascar; Greeks - Danube, Caspian, Don, Black Sea)

4. Famous travelers who explored Eurasia (N. M. Przhevalsky 15 years in Central Asia, traveled 33 thousand km, 4 expeditions - Tibet, Gobi, upper reaches of the Yellow River and Yangtze, Lake Lop Nor; described a wild horse, a wild camel; collected a collection of minerals and plants; buried in Issyk-Kul; P. P. Semenov – two expeditions to the Tien Shan, discovered the Khan Tengri peak; described the altitude zones, established that the snow line is higher than in the Alps, proved that the Chu does not originate from Issyk-Kul; a ridge, a peak and a glacier are named after him; Sh. Ualikhanov in 1856 – 1859 explored Semirechye, Issyk-Kul, Kashgaria; Vasca da Gama in 1498 he found a route to India around Africa; S. Dezhnev in 1648 he passed from the Arctic Ocean through the Bering Strait to the Pacific Ocean; V. Bering and A. I. Chirikov in the 18th century, the northeastern part of America and the Aleutian Islands were discovered; R. Pirie in 1909 he reached the North Pole; Marco Polo in 1271 – 1295 to China, India and Indochina; N. A. Vavilov in 1924 - 1927 he investigated the centers of origin of cultivated plants - pp. 12-13)

III .Comprehensive knowledge test.

1.The easternmost point of the Eurasian continent is Cape (Chelyuskin)

2. The shell of life is (biosphere)

3. A conditional line on the plan connecting points with the same absolute height is (horizontal)

4. What are the main gases that air consists of? (78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 1% other gases)

5. The Himalayan mountains are located on the boundaries of lithospheric plates (Eurasian and Indo-Australian)

6. Drawing of a small area of ​​the earth’s surface, made to a certain scale (plan)

7.The speed of movement of lithospheric plates per year from (1 – 5 cm)

8. Average annual precipitation in the desert zone (30 – 200mm)

IV . Preparing to explain a new topic . Write the topic of the lesson on the board and explain the objectives of the lesson.

Problematic question: What oceans surround Eurasia? What effect does each have on the mainland?

V .Work in groups. (4 people each) with texts, tables, textbook, ICT. (10 minutes)

Study the document material, choose the main thing about the cycle of matter, write an essay (10 - 15 sentences)

The result of the group work should be a presentation of their topic.

Task 1 group

Atlantic Ocean(North Atlantic Current, westerly winds, mild, wet winter; Dogger-Bank the shallowest place in the Atlantic (13 m); from Iceland the longest begins Central Atlantic Ridge– many volcanoes, geysers in Iceland, Hekla volcano; strait of Gibraltar 12 km wide; at the bottom Mediterranean Sea collision boundary of lithospheric plates, volcanism, water salinity 37‰; shallows of the Mediterranean and North Seas rich in oil and gas; 39% of fish are caught in the Atlantic, in the Bay of Biscay whaling has been taking place since the 9th century; sea ​​routes; pollution, especially the Mediterranean Sea)

Task 2 group.

Arctic Ocean(smallest, coldest and shallowest; largest - Norwegian Sea, the smallest - White; many basins and underwater ridges - ridge Lomonosov; in the north Greenland Sea deepest place (5527 m); navigation 2 – 4 months in the eastern part of the ocean; Transarctic Current; perennial pack ice and hummocks ; Arctic cold dry air masses; in winter the temperature in the east is -40°C, in summer 0°C; average annual precipitation 100-200 mm; seals, walruses, polar bears, birds; residents are engaged in fishing, collecting fluff, and hunting; The Northern Sea Route of international importance connects the ports of Europe and the Far East; nuclear icebreakers; contributed to the study - Bering, Barents, Nansen, Sedov, Schmidt, Papanin; in St. Petersburg Center for the Study of Polar Zones, museum)

Task 3 group

Pacific Ocean(many island arcs, trenches, basins; the largest – 180 million km²; all climatic zones; monsoons; The Northern Trade Wind Current, Kuroshio Current, and North Pacific Current bring heat and moisture; cold Kuril flow; typhoon at the end of summer, beginning of autumn; surface water temperature from -1°C to +29°C; salinity is lower than in other oceans because there is a lot of precipitation)

Task 4 group.

Indian Ocean(many volcanic islands; Red the sea at the boundary of the collision of lithospheric plates, its salinity of 41 ‰ is the saltiest in the World Ocean; in the coastal part, the waters change their direction - in summer from west to east, in winter - from east to west - due to the monsoons; the warmest ocean, the highest temperature in the Persian Gulf (+34°C), in the south -1.5°C; salinity is high; Coral reefs; collecting pearls; in the Persian Gulf - oil and gas; on the shallows of the Indian Ocean - tin, phosphorites, gold; shipping)

VI . Exchange of information in groups (3 minutes each)

VII . Presentation of completed work.

Summing up, self-assessment and teacher assessment, with comments

VIII .Working with contour maps.

Label the name of the oceans and rivers of each basin on the contour maps.

I X. Homework. § 15, k.k.

X. Reflection.

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