Home Wheels At what level should the engine oil be on the dipstick? What to do if the engine oil level is higher than normal? Is the oil below minimum safe to drive?

At what level should the engine oil be on the dipstick? What to do if the engine oil level is higher than normal? Is the oil below minimum safe to drive?

To ensure trouble-free operation of your car's engine, you need to regularly check the engine oil. This is the simplest procedure that requires maximum regularity. It is not necessary to go to a service station to measure the oil level - it is quite possible to do it yourself.

Advice! Check the level if you are planning a long trip ahead, as the check should not take place after heavy loads on the engine.

How is the level checked?

Level control can be divided into two main stages. This is the preparatory stage and the verification process itself.

Preparation stage

The preparation stage, in turn, is divided into the following processes:

Level check

Level checking is divided into the following stages:

  1. You need to remove the dipstick. Its standard length is about 30 centimeters, but the marks according to which the engine oil level is determined are located in its lower part. The dipstick is removed slowly and carefully. A cloth or paper towel should be kept nearby to prevent the oil from spreading on the surface.

Attention! Do not put a lot of effort into removing the dipstick. A little twisting and pressing is required just to move it out of position.

What are the dangers of excess oil to the engine?

Of course, an excess of oil is not as bad for the engine as a shortage, but it can still lead to certain malfunctions in the operation of the vehicle. Excessive oil can lead to:

What to do if there is insufficient oil?

If during the measurement of the oil level it was noticed that there was not enough oil, then it is necessary to top up to increase the volume to the required level. It is very important not to mix different types or brands of oils. It is necessary to replenish the volume only with the brand that is currently in the car. That is why you need to be prudent and, when replacing, buy it with a small margin. If there is no stock, then it is best to look for it on the shelves of a special store.

It’s not so scary when the level drops during a long trip and is exactly at the lower mark; it is much worse if it is much lower and you need to immediately top it up on the highway. Sometimes it may be that there is no such exact oil and you should not lose heart here, since there are brands that can be easily mixed with all types of oils without unpleasant consequences.

Attention! It is necessary to drive on mixed fuel only for a short period of time and, without delay, carry out a complete replacement with one type of oil.

Replenishment of the required oil volume

If changing or adding oil is being done for the first time, and you do not have the necessary experience, it is recommended that you first study the special manual for operating and repairing the car. Also, when there is no information about what oil is currently used, you need to study some of the features of your vehicle and conclude which oil best meets your requirements. Since oils exist in huge quantities, the choice will not be easy.

Adding oil is done through a special cap, which can be found at the top of the engine. Often there may be various inscriptions on it - indicators such as “Oil Fill”; in some cases, a special mark is applied to the surface of the cover, which indicates the type of oil suitable for a given engine. Unscrew the lid and insert a convenient and clean watering can into the hole.

Advice! It is best to use any rag to unscrew the lid. This will help avoid getting your hands dirty.

Add oil slowly. It is recommended to do this in small portions. It is necessary to pause periodically so that the oil has time to settle into the crankcase. You must be careful not to pour it over the top of the watering can, because then it will flow onto the engine and will smoke while heating. This will bring discomfort to both the driver and the passenger, since the burning smell will penetrate through the cooling system into the vehicle interior.

After topping up, check the level again. You should also take out the dipstick and carry out all the same manipulations as in the first check.


It is necessary to regularly analyze the level and condition of the oil. Undoubtedly, there are sensors for this, but you should not blindly trust their readings. Because it's just equipment and it also tends to make mistakes. In addition, the sensor will not be able to tell you the color and consistency of the oil. You need to see this for yourself.

If you regularly carry out control measurements and timely top up if necessary, you can be sure that your vehicle will not let you down.

How to properly check the engine oil level, we will learn in more detail in the following video:

Malfunctions in the engine lubrication system are dangerous. Therefore, we will tell you what to do if the engine oil level is higher or lower than the normal level and what the consequences are.

Below normal

It happens that the oil level in the engine crankcase is below normal. You can check it with a dipstick, but not earlier than 5-7 minutes after stopping the engine. The oil level is considered normal if the level is between the min and max marks.

If the check shows that oil level below normal, add oil to the engine to the required level, having previously identified and eliminated possible leaks in the connections of engine parts. By external inspection, make sure there are oil leaks from under the gaskets - valve cover, cylinder block, filter, as well as from the filler plug and through the dipstick seal.

Detected small oil leaks indicate a violation of the tightness of the lubrication system due to damaged gaskets or unreliable fastenings, which is unacceptable. It is recommended to contact a car service to eliminate the causes of the leak.

Above normal

Higher oil pressure is no better: the problem is the oil viscosity. It is common to see increased oil pressure when using summer oil in winter.

In the engine lubrication system, the required pressure is provided at normal viscosity. Therefore, depending on the season and ambient temperature, engine manufacturers recommend a certain type of oil that has a certain viscosity and the necessary lubricating properties.

During vehicle operation, the oil is partially diluted with some of the gasoline. The quality of the oil decreases and its viscosity decreases if it needs replacing for a long time. The oil pressure decreases sharply because Low-viscosity oil easily penetrates into the gaps between mating rubbing parts.

To ensure a long service life of engine oil with the required viscosity and required quality, it is recommended to regularly monitor the serviceability of the crankcase ventilation system and promptly clean it and flush the parts.

Filled more oil than level

There are situations when more than the level of oil is poured into the engine during the next replacement. More often this happens due to inattention. What happens if you fill the engine with more oil than normal? Is it worth draining it? If you filled it a little above the “max” level on the oil dipstick, then it’s okay. During operation, the oil will naturally drain and after several thousand kilometers the level will be normal.

If you fill the oil above the norm, problems may arise. Increased pressure will be created in the lubrication system, and this may lead to wear of the seals and subsequently they may be “squeezed out”. This does not apply to new cars, in which the condition of the seals will not allow the oil to squeeze them out.

Car owners are often afraid that there will not be enough oil in the engine, so they fill it with “reserve” for the future. At the same time, oil overfilling is a serious problem that can lead to serious consequences.

The content of the article:

Before we talk about the dangers of overfilling an engine, let’s first look at a few basic points that establish the order of the procedure.

How to properly check the engine oil level

It would seem that I took out the dipstick and looked. In fact, the procedure has a number of features, which are highly desirable to observe. So, there are several prerequisites:

  • The check is carried out either on a cold engine, or no earlier than half an hour after the last trip. This is necessary so that all the oil that remains in the lines flows into the crankcase. Otherwise, checking the oil level will not be objective;
  • Of course, the car must be on a level surface;
  • The oil level is checked twice. That is, we take out the dipstick, wipe it with a previously prepared rag, then insert it into place, take it out and only then check the level. This is especially true if the check is carried out some time after the trip.

So, since we started talking about the oil level, we need to touch on all aspects of this issue. Every car owner who more or less performs some operations himself has heard the concept of “oil starvation.” This means that some engine parts either run dry or are not lubricated enough. This is especially true for those parts that are lubricated under pressure (piston pin, camshaft, crankshaft journals).

If below normal, the following situation may arise. For example, when driving uphill or downhill, hot oil, which has sufficient fluidity in this state, flows to one edge of the pan, and not at all the one in which the oil pump intake is located. Then, almost immediately it flows back, the level is restored, but the air lock has already entered the lubrication system, and until it passes along the entire line, it will not come out.

So, our crankshaft rotates, doesn’t bother anyone, and then it remains for a few moments without oil, that is, metal-on-metal friction begins. Most manufacturers take such points into account and make liners with an aluminum layer. Just in this case, practically nothing remains of this layer, because the crankshaft steel has high strength. So, if we take into account the rotation speed of the crankshaft of about 1800 revolutions per minute while the car is moving, then in one second it will make 30 revolutions, without lubrication. An unpleasant prospect. Of course, this will not lead to serious consequences, but there will be some chips in the crankcase.

Go ahead. Not every car owner knows how cylinders are lubricated. There are special counterweights on the crankshaft that are designed to scoop oil from the crankcase and throw it onto the cylinder walls, literally. It is not difficult to guess that a low engine oil level leads to a lack of lubrication between the piston rings and the cylinder walls. There is no point in explaining further, everything is clear.

Oil overflow

Now let's talk about the case when the engine oil level is higher than normal. There are several consequences, some of which are quite dangerous and serious. Owners of French cars now need to read especially carefully, because the manufacturer overfills the oil so that during transportation and tilting its level is sufficient.

First of all, as mentioned above, overfilling the oil will lead to abundant lubrication of the cylinder walls. This means that the oil scraper rings, even with minimal wear, will not be able to cope with such a quantity and will simply leave it on the walls. Later, when the piston goes up, this oil will collect and remain in the combustion chamber, which means that there it will either fly out into the exhaust manifold or remain on the bottom of the piston or on the walls in the form of carbon deposits. Later it will start to heat up, which will have a very bad effect on the ignition timing.

If the oil does escape with the exhaust gases, then there is a catalyst and an oxygen sensor waiting for it, which can simply go crazy from such a surprise. If not, then such a cocktail will simply clog the catalyst. In principle, one can discuss this topic ad infinitum; this is the most harmless situation.

But that is not all. We also have an exhaust gas recirculation system, which sends all this mixture into the intake manifold and then back into the cylinder. And it’s not scary if it just burns, it could be worse.

Next, we look at the rotation of the crankshaft. It is almost completely immersed in the oil and churns it. This is an excellent mixer that turns almost five liters of oil into foam in a minute, which is then sucked into the oil pump. Then we get approximately the same scenario as with insufficient oil, which is described above. The only difference here is that this cycle is repeated several times in a row. Accordingly, the consequences will become much more serious.

Another unpleasant moment is that excess oil is expelled into all the cracks. This means that the crankshaft seal, both front and rear, will definitely not cope with the task, as well as the valve cover gasket.

What to do if you poured oil above the level

This is not so scary, because to correct this situation you only need a hose or tube from the medical system, as well as a syringe. Its volume can be arbitrary, but for such operations it is advisable to have a half-liter version on hand. It can be useful when changing the oil in the box or in the axle gearbox. But that’s not what we’re talking about now.

The easiest way to do this is through the hole for the dipstick, and there are not enough other options; some modern power units don’t even have this. There is another option, just drain the oil and add back the required amount, or drain some through the removed oil filter.

Video: how to pump oil out of an engine

Regular monitoring of the level of fluids in the engine is a vital procedure and a guarantee of the good condition of the power unit. Regularly checking the oil level is one of the simplest activities that every motorist needs to perform regularly, and especially if you have a long trip ahead. Anything is dangerous and fraught with big troubles associated with large cash injections and time spent on repairs. In this article I want to talk about such an important topic as the engine oil level. And not so much about how often it needs to be checked, but about how This may cause the engine oil level to be too low or too high.. You will find out why you cannot keep the oil level below/above normal and what consequences are possible if this does happen.

Engine oil level is below normal

Situations often occur when the oil level drops sharply or not, but the owner discovers this at the wrong time; as a result, the engine operates with a low oil level, which is unacceptable and harmful to the power unit. This can happen if there is a leak in the lubrication system or if the engine, as they say, “takes oil.” A low level is considered to be one that is below the middle - between the “MIN” and “MAX” marks; an unacceptably low oil level is one that is below the “MIN” mark. Let me remind you that the engine oil level must be checked on a cold or warm engine, but not earlier than 5-7 minutes after stopping it.

If the level has dropped below the minimum permissible level, under no circumstances should you continue to operate such a vehicle; measures should be taken immediately to establish the cause of the drop in level, after which. A lack of oil in the system can lead to oil starvation and lack of lubrication and cooling of rubbing parts. As a result, overheating of the motor or its individual parts is possible, as well as increased wear of motor parts, which eventually results in this. Often the cause of a drop in level is depressurization of gaskets or the cylinder block housing, valve cover, and also often Engine oil level drops due to a banal leak in the filler neck. There are also other reasons why the oil level drops. One of them is described in one of my previous articles: “”, in which you can find a more detailed answer to this question if necessary.

Engine oil level is higher than normal

If someone thinks that more means better, then I’m afraid I’ll disappoint you, in this situation it’s not true! An elevated oil level, that is, when the engine oil level is above the “MAX” mark, is also fraught with serious consequences, and these can often be much more serious than the situation when the oil level is below normal. Why? Let me explain, the fact is that an increased level causes an increase in pressure in the lubrication system and disrupts the optimal viscosity for the engine, and at the same time the lubrication process. An increased oil level in the engine is fraught with squeezing out the seals and breaking their tightness. Due to the fact that the crankshaft will partially touch the oil, foaming of the oil, carbon deposits, and oiling of the spark plugs are possible. Resistance at a high oil level will be higher, and therefore the oil itself will be higher than when engine oil level fine.

What to do if an overflow occurs while changing the engine oil?

Beginners, and even experienced ones, sometimes experience situations when, during an oil change, it was not possible to fill the oil level and an “overfill” occurred, that is, a situation when the engine oil was filled above the “MAX” mark. What to do in this case? Many are perplexed, others, as they say, simply “don’t give a damn,” but there are also those who do the right thing. Leveling the level is actually absolutely not difficult.

  1. The first way is to take a syringe with a hose and pump out some oil, then measure the level again.
  2. The second option is to drive into a “pit” or “lift” and unscrew the drain plug one or two turns until the oil flows in a thin stream. We drain the excess, tighten the plug and check the level again.

If the level is at the “MAX” mark or slightly higher, there is no reason to worry; after a few thousand kilometers the excess will go away and the level will return to normal.

The simple and insignificant at first glance procedure of checking the engine oil level is actually more than a formality. This procedure will help not only to pay attention to possible engine breakdown in time and prevent it. Regular level checking can give an experienced driver a lot of useful information about the condition of the car and plan the necessary work. Below you will learn about all the features of oil level control, the causes and consequences of increasing or decreasing its level, as well as how to properly add oil to the engine of your “iron horse”.

How much oil should be in the engine according to standards?

Let's start with the simplest question: how much oil can be in the engine according to standards? A seasoned driver knows that any liquid or lubricant in a car should be in moderation. If you overfill or, conversely, underfill something at your own discretion, it will not be better; everything must be filled exactly as indicated in the operating manual for a particular car. Especially if we are talking about the engine - the “heart” of any car. So, if the manual states that the volume of oil in the engine should be 3.75 liters, then this is the amount that needs to be filled with some minor nuances, which we will discuss below.

Before moving on to technical details, let's define in what cases is it necessary to check the oil level?

  1. After a certain number of kilometers traveled. Usually the manufacturer gives its recommendations for each specific car model, but it will be good if the driver checks the level at least once every 1–2 thousand km.
  2. After a certain amount of time. For example, once a week, even if the car has not been used much and the mileage is very low. There may be oil leaks through seals, gaskets, and hose joints.
  3. Before long trips.
  4. Before starting to operate the vehicle after purchasing it secondhand or after a long period of inactivity.
  5. If you have even the slightest doubt about the correct operation of the engine: new sounds have appeared (whistles, something knocking), a strange smell has appeared in the exhaust gases or they have changed color, engine thrust has changed, there are problems with oil pressure, other symptoms have appeared.
  6. If there is a sudden change in coolant level.
  7. And, of course, it is necessary to carry out control measurements if, after parking, you drove a couple of meters and saw that a characteristic oil puddle or just a few drops of oil had formed under the car.

It should also be taken into account that the greater the mileage of the car and the older its age, the more often this indicator needs to be measured.

Do-it-yourself check: how to measure with a probe

So, we have decided how much oil should be in the engine and in what cases it needs to be checked. Now let's talk about the features of self-checking the level. Before the process, you need to warm up the engine and place the car on a flat horizontal surface for a more correct measurement. Turn off the engine, wait 5–10 minutes - during this time the oil will drain into the engine crankcase. Then remove the dipstick from the engine (usually it is located next to the engine cylinder block; the location for a particular car must be clarified in the manual before carrying out work), carefully wipe it with a clean rag from any remaining oil and reinsert it all the way into the engine hole. After a couple of seconds, you can pull it out and visually determine the oil level. It should be higher than the MIN marks, but lower than the MAX marks (these marks are not always signed, they mean the minimum and maximum permissible oil level), preferably closer to the middle.

This photo shows what the dipstick will look like at a normal oil level.

Attention! Do not check the oil level with the engine running. Firstly, this is unsafe, and secondly, this way you will not get the correct result, because after stopping the engine, you need to give the oil time to drain from the cylinder walls into the engine crankcase, only after that you can start measuring. Also, you should not check the level on a completely cold engine, especially at sub-zero temperatures outside, this may also give an incorrect result.

In a similar way, you can check the oil level on any engine, be it gasoline or diesel, boxer or V-shaped.

How to check: video about measuring on Subaru

Oil level sensor

Above we talked about monitoring the oil level using a dipstick. However, the driver has another way to monitor him. It does not replace the need to regularly check the level visually using a dipstick, but complements it. Besides, he is always before your eyes. This is an electric oil level sensor. It allows the driver to monitor the oil level in real time using signals while the car is moving. The sensor indicator is displayed on the dashboard and immediately notifies the driver if the oil level is low. It is necessary to constantly pay attention to the activation of this device, and if it is triggered, stop driving, turn off the engine and check the oil level using the dipstick.

The principle of operation of the sensor is extremely simple: the mechanism looks like a reed switch with the contacts open in the normal state (when they are completely in the engine oil). In this case, the oil indicator does not light up. But if the oil level suddenly drops, the sensor contacts close and the indicator light on the instrument panel lights up.

This is what the sensor looks like for some BMW models

However, like any electrical part of a car, sooner or later the oil level sensor fails. Therefore, if suddenly the icon on the dashboard lights up for no reason or, conversely, stops lighting, it is recommended to check and, if necessary, replace the electronic sensor (especially when the dipstick shows a normal oil level). Moreover, this is a simple procedure that does not require special skills or tools.

  1. Disconnect the power wire from the sensor.
  2. Unscrew the sensor using a wrench of the required size.
  3. Please note that the sensor is removed together with the sealing ring; it must also be replaced.
  4. Carefully screw in the new sensor with a new sealing ring, observing the tightening torque so as not to strip the thread during installation.
  5. Reconnect the wire, cleaning the contacts if necessary.

If the indicator is above the maximum

What to do if the check shows that the oil level is above the maximum? If the level is not exceeded by much, then the only reason is that the oil was overfilled when changing it (for example, 4 liters were poured in instead of 3.75 according to the instructions). In this case, you should not worry, but you should not start operating the car with an excessively high oil level, otherwise excess fluid may begin to be squeezed out of the oil seals and gaskets, which will inevitably lead to their failure and require replacement, that is, the service life will be reduced artificially . Also, excess oil will get into the crankcase ventilation system and into the cylinders, and excess lubricant in the exhaust gases will inevitably damage the expensive catalytic converter over time.

Therefore, if the oil level is exceeded, do not be lazy and drain the excess through the engine drain plug or remove it with a syringe through the dipstick hole, having previously placed a flexible tube of suitable diameter on it (for example, from a dropper).

If there is a large overflow, unscrew the plug and pour the excess through the drain hole

Double oil level

It is much worse if the check showed a double (1.5 or higher) oil level. This means that what you see on the dipstick is no longer pure oil, but a mixture of oil with coolant (coolant: antifreeze or antifreeze) or fuel - there is nowhere else for it to rise. This happens for various reasons:

  • Damage (burnout) to the cylinder head gasket, which is why coolant gets into the oil. Gasket burnout is more common on worn-out engines; engines that were operated “to the limit”; when the engine overheats; when using low-quality coolant, which turns into ice in winter; when the driver adds cold coolant to hot coolant.
  • Cracks or microcracks directly in the cylinder head, as a result, mixing coolant and lubricant can be done without difficulty. The reasons are similar.
  • Damage to the fuel pump diaphragm, resulting in fuel getting into the oil. The reasons are the use of low-quality fuel, which has a detrimental effect on the fuel pump diaphragms; fuel pump wear.
  • Incorrect carburetor settings (gasoline level in the float chamber is too high) or breakdown of the injector nozzles (do not close hermetically), the result is known - fuel gets into the oil. It is necessary to regularly check and adjust the carburetor, including the fuel level in the float chamber. In the case of an injection engine, regularly check, clean and, if necessary, replace the injectors.

If you notice that the oil level has suddenly doubled, it is strictly forbidden to operate the car! It already requires quite expensive repairs, but if you continue to use it, then after a maximum of 100–200 kilometers the engine may “seize.” This will happen because the oil will no longer perform its main functions, scuffing will begin to appear on the cylinder walls, and this will soon lead to jamming of the pistons. In this case, it will not be possible to avoid major repairs or, in the worst case, engine replacement.

Often, coolant getting into the oil can be determined visually:

When coolant gets into the oil, its color and consistency changes

The best thing you can do in this case is to take the car to a trusted service center for repair, since self-repair in such cases is difficult or impossible without specialized tools, equipment and knowledge. The cylinder head gasket will need to be replaced, possibly grinding and welding or replacing the cylinder head itself. At best, repair or replacement of the carburetor/injectors. In any case, after repair it will be necessary to completely replace the oil and oil filter.

Low or no lubrication

There are two main reasons for low oil levels: waste and a leak in the oil system.

In general, waste is a completely natural process and within certain limits it is acceptable. The oil film, lubricating the cylinder walls, heats up and burns out. For modern engines, oil waste is considered acceptable if it is from 0.1% to 0.3% of fuel consumption for gasoline engines and rises from 0.8% to 3% for diesel engines. For example, if your gasoline engine “eats” 10 liters of gasoline per 100 kilometers, then an oil burn of 30 ml per 100 km or 300 ml per 1000 km will be acceptable. Naturally, these are average figures, much depends on the engine size (for V6 or V8 engines the burn will be greater), design (some engine models burn quite a lot of oil and the manufacturer considers this absolutely normal), operating conditions and driving style (constant driving at high speeds increases oil waste), engine age (oil waste will increase over time).

So if the pointer does not drop too quickly (as a rule, the distance between the marks on the dipstick corresponds to approximately one liter of oil), then there is no need to worry, it is enough to simply add similar oil to the engine in time to the required level (synthetic, semi-synthetic or mineral water, depending on the manufacturer's instructions).

The older the car, the more likely it is to consume oil.

If oil loss already exceeds reasonable limits, you should think about engine repair with preliminary diagnostics (see table).

The second reason for low oil level is a leak in the oil system, in other words, an oil leak. It is necessary to periodically inspect the engine from all sides to notice oil leaks. Typically, oil begins to flow through gaskets, seals, and hose joints. Naturally, it is easier to detect leaks on a clean engine, so keeping the engine clean is not just a whim. However, not every leak can be noticed without placing the car in a hole or even without a special tool. Therefore, if you suspect a leak in the oil system (for example, drops of oil on the asphalt under the car after parking), it is better to contact a professional technician.

We will provide a table that allows the driver to roughly understand the reason for the sharp decrease in the oil level, but the final decision on the need and type of repair should be made by a professional.

Table: Causes of problems and options for eliminating them

Reason for level decrease Possible solution
Leaking through the crankshaft and camshaft seals Replace the seals with new ones
Leaking through the cylinder head gasket Check the alignment of the head and cylinder block. If necessary, grind the head or block. In any case, replace the gasket with a new one, preferably an original one. Tighten the head bolts to the correct torque and in the correct sequence.
Leaking through oil seals Replace caps
Leaking through the oil filter gasket Carefully tighten the filter, observing the tightening torque.
Wear of oil scraper piston rings
Overheating of piston rings Replacement of oil scraper rings, engine repair
Coking of piston rings Clean the rings using special chemical compounds, change the oil
Destruction of piston interring bridges Engine repair
Cylinder wear Engine repair
Cylinder deformation Tighten the bolts to the specified torque in the correct sequence. Replace the rings with better ones
Increased oil viscosity Change the oil to a less viscous one (recommended by the engine manufacturer)
Poor quality oil Replace with quality oil
Losses due to lubrication of turbocharger bearings Natural consumption. If the losses are too large, repair or replace the turbocharger
Late combustion of fuel Set the correct ignition timing. Use high-quality fuel with the required octane number according to the instructions
Operation in adverse conditions Do not overload the engine

How to top up correctly

Correctly adding oil to the engine is not difficult at all, you just need to remember a few points:

  • It is allowed to add and use only oil recommended by the vehicle manufacturer.
  • When adding oil, it is strictly not recommended to add a substance different from what has already been filled. This can only be done as a last resort, when you are faced with the choice of either driving without any oil at all, or adding another oil other than the one already poured into the engine. In this case, you need to add oil that is as similar in type (mineral, synthetic or semi-synthetic) and viscosity as possible. And at the first opportunity, perform a complete oil and oil filter change with washing.
  • It is necessary to add oil in small portions so as not to exceed the maximum permissible level. After filling each portion, check the oil level using the dipstick for a few minutes.
  • It is advisable to add oil while the engine is warm (starting and cooling for 5–6 minutes), so that the oil level on the dipstick is either in the middle of the MIN and MAX marks, or a little closer to MAX.

To add oil, you need to unscrew the oil filler cap on the engine and, using a funnel, add the required amount of oil.

As you can see, regularly checking the oil level is an urgent need, regardless of whether you have a new SUV or a well-worn truck. Monitoring the indicator will prevent major engine breakdowns, extend its service life, and tell you what led to knocking or even emergency conditions. Check the engine oil level more often, add high-quality oil if necessary, and the engine will reciprocate your feelings!

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