Home Generator What is sherbet with nuts made from? We reveal the secret of how to make sherbet at home. Is sherbet a lean product or not?

What is sherbet with nuts made from? We reveal the secret of how to make sherbet at home. Is sherbet a lean product or not?

The word sherbet has several different meanings. In ancient centuries, sherbet was a vitamin-rich oriental drink made from pink flowers, rose hips, spices and licorice. Nowadays sherbet is called a soft drink consisting of juices of berries and fruits, with the addition of honey, sugar, spices and herbs. Turks and Arabs drink this drink before and after meals. Brides in villages in India, Afghanistan and Turkey drink pink dessert when accepting marriage proposals. Oriental sherbets have many flavors - lemon, apple, orange, pomegranate, quince, dogwood and others. The Egyptians add selected violets, mulberries and sorrel leaves to the composition of sherbet.

Those with a sweet tooth know this dessert in the form of fruit ice cream or a fragrant oriental sweet delicacy.

Composition and calorie content of sherbet

Based on its taste and consumer properties, this sweet product is classified as candy. The composition of sherbet depends only on the national recipe of this dish. But this sweetness will always have the appearance of creamy fudge made from various ingredients. Modern manufacturers use condensed milk as the main component of sweets. Vanillin, nuts or raisins, prunes, and dried apricots are often added to sherbet. In the East, sherbet with groundnuts and peanuts, filled with condensed cream, is very popular.

The calorie content of sherbet depends on the original components of the product. The average calorie content of sherbet is 417 kcal per hundred grams of the product.

The benefits of sherbet

The benefits of sherbet are due to its composition. Milk-based sorbet has beneficial properties. The main components of milk ensure the coordinated functioning of the kidneys, liver and heart.

The benefits of sherbet are also added by the presence of various delicacies such as dried fruits and nuts. The most useful additive is considered to be peanuts, rich in vegetable fats, linoleic acid, vitamins A, PP, E and group B. This type of nut is perfectly absorbed by the body, having a beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular system.

Dried apricots saturate the human body with vitamin A; it is useful for anemia and hypertension. Prunes are indispensable for constipation, vitamin deficiency and obesity. Raisins are good for healthy teeth and gums, have a calming effect, and also strengthen the nervous system and lungs.

The harm of sherbet

The harm also lies in the chemical composition of sherbet. In terms of sugar content, this product ranks high among high-calorie confectionery products.

This dessert is contraindicated for diseases of the pancreas and liver.

Sherbet is the Turkish name for an ancient oriental drink, which included rose hips, rose petals, licorice, and aromatic oriental spices. Nowadays, in the East, sherbet is called a sweet soft drink, which is made from the juices of fruits, berries, honey, with the addition of sugar, aromatic spices.

Most of our Russian sweet tooths call fruit ice cream this way, and even more often - a fragrant sweet treat that resembles candy. This is the type of oriental sweet that we will get acquainted with today. We’ll tell you how to make sherbet at home, we’ll give you a recipe, we’ll tell you about the calorie content, the composition, the benefits and harms of the sweet product. All this will be discussed now:

What does sherbet contain? Composition of the sweet product

Sherbet, which we will talk about today, belongs to oriental sweets and is classified as candy. Therefore, it has the appropriate composition. It is prepared from products based on the type of recipe. But in any case, the sweetness has the appearance of creamy fudge, with the addition of honey, sugar, nuts, dried fruits, sometimes ground cookies, etc. Fresh or condensed milk is used as the main component. Sometimes they are replaced with sour cream.

Why do we value sherbet? Product benefits

As you understand, based on the composition of the product, its nutritional value is quite high. Therefore, of course, you shouldn’t overeat on sherbet. However, in small quantities it is beneficial to the body. For example, milk contains lactose, casein, and protein. All these components are needed for the normal functioning of the heart, liver, and kidneys. The product contains vitamins: A - good for the eyes, B1 - necessary for normal absorption of sugar by the body, D - which improves the absorption of calcium by the intestines.

Peanuts, also included in its composition, contain vegetable fats, valuable polyunsaturated acids, as well as vitamins E, PP, A, group B, and biotin. These nuts are well absorbed by the body. They have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

Dried fruits also bring many benefits to the body. For example, dried apricots provide vitamin A and improve the condition of anemia and hypertension. Prunes are recommended to be consumed if you have vitamin deficiency; it quickly eliminates constipation and helps fight excess weight. Raisins enrich the body with vitamins, microelements, are good for teeth, gums, and also improve the condition of the nervous system, lungs, improve mood, and suppress anger.

Who is dangerous for sherbet? Harm to the product

High sugar and honey content can cause harm. You need to know that in terms of their quantity, this product is in first place among the sweetest products. Therefore, unwise consumption of sherbet will definitely add a few extra pounds. So be careful.

And now about the contraindications: sherbet should not be eaten if you have diseases of the liver or pancreas. Its use can be harmful to nursing mothers, as it can cause allergies in the baby. Pregnant women should not eat it.

How much energy does sherbet contain? Calorie content of the product

This indicator always depends on the calorie content of the ingredients from which sherbet is prepared. The average is usually 417 Kcal per 100 g of product. Therefore, a very small piece is enough to satisfy your hunger. Despite this, sherbet remains the most favorite delicacy of Eastern women. And they, you see, are not distinguished by their plumpness.

Delicious, sweet sherbet - recipe

We will need the following products: 2 cups of full-fat milk, 2-2.5 cups of sugar, 1.5 cups of roasted peanuts, 50 g of softened butter. Also prepare dried apricots and raisins cut into pieces (to taste).


Pour milk into an enamel saucepan. Add half of all the sugar and stir. Heat over low heat until the sugar dissolves. Stir regularly, do not let the milk burn. Cook for a long time until the milk becomes creamy and thickens slightly.

While the milk is simmering, pour the remaining sugar into the pan. Fry it over low heat until brownish. Immediately add the melted sugar to the simmering milk. Put butter, chopped roasted peanuts, and dried fruits there. Mix everything well.

Remove the pan from the heat. Pour the mixture into a clean, shallow baking dish and let cool slightly. When the mixture has cooled, remove the mold to a cool place to harden. Before serving, cut the hardened delicacy into cubes. This sweetness is very good with tea. The taste of homemade sherbet is significantly superior to the store-bought product. Bon appetit and be healthy!

Sherbet is a unique product related to sweets. This concept means not only sorbet, but also an ancient drink. The dessert was prepared in the east and contained many vitamins. It is also a popsicle made from honey, sugar and various fruits. Due to its wide range of uses, the composition includes many different components, such as nuts, raisins, vanillin, condensed milk and much more. The calorie content of sherbet also depends on what ingredients are included in the dessert.

The benefits and harms of dessert

Do not forget that products of this type carry not only benefits, but also harm. After all, sorbet is regarded as candy. And any candy is harmful, even if it consists of natural dairy products.

The benefit of sherbet is that this sweetness, be it peanut ice cream, contains a lot of useful substances. If you take the same nuts and raisins, you can see that they are full of vitamins and minerals. They include many vitamins: D, A, PP, B. They also contain linoleic acid. Another advantage of sorbet is that, unlike sweets, you cannot eat too much dessert at once. After all, it is very rich. This dish is much better absorbed by the body than candy. Thanks to this, it can be an excellent substitute for sweets.

Sherbet also has its downsides. The harm of this candy lies in its chemical composition. Due to its high sugar content, it is one of the highest calorie foods in the world.

Sherbet with peanuts is contraindicated for people with diabetes, liver and pancreas diseases, because their caloric content is increased. You should limit the serving size during pregnancy or only after childbirth, this can lead to an allergic reaction in the child.

Calorie content of peanut sherbet and ice cream

If we calculate how many calories are contained in 100 g of sorbet with peanuts, we get: proteins - 7.3 g, fats - 14.7 g, carbohydrates - 66.2 g. All this together is 417 kcal. Undoubtedly, the energy value of a product is very important, but when it falls within the limits and does not exceed them. After calculations, we see that the calorie content is exceeded. If you rely on scientifically proven facts, then carbohydrates should be allocated no more than 60% of calories, and fats - 30%.

Despite all these indicators, ice cream has a different energy value. How many calories are in ice cream? Ice cream has only 128 kcal per 100 g. This is quite small. Sorbet contains only 1 g of fat, 279 g of carbohydrates and 0.9 g of protein. Thanks to this factor, ice cream is not as high in calories as an ordinary dessert.

So, as you have already seen, sherbet and sherbet ice cream are quite healthy food products. It contains many useful substances. Due to the high milk content, this sweet is rich in protein, lactose and casein. All these substances are useful for the normal functioning of the heart, kidneys and liver. This product contains many vitamins.

The video shows the sherbet recipe:

Today there is a huge number of all kinds of delicacies and delicacies that delight the sweet tooth and give us the opportunity to enjoy a mouth-watering dessert that will not only give an unforgettable taste sensation, but also surprise with its beautiful and unusual appearance. Cakes, pastries, candies, chocolate, jams, marshmallows, marmalade and marshmallows, this is not a complete list of what is especially popular today. However, as many years ago, oriental sweets, which have a special composition and taste obtained thanks to oriental spices, have no equal and are always valued more than others. Such delicacies, known all over the world, include sherbet.

Types of sherbet

It so happened that under the same name there are several sweets that differ significantly both in structure, taste and method of preparation. Sherbet is a spicy drink made from fruit juice and spices, fruit ice cream that tastes like liquid sherbet, but has a denser and thicker consistency, and a spicy, viscous sweet made from nuts, dried fruits and condensed milk, reminiscent of a sweet candy. Let's take a closer look at each of the varieties of this sweetness.

Liquid sherbet

The most ancient and ancestor of all other types of sherbet is considered to be a drink that was invented back in the days of Scheherazade, who was considered his fan. The main components of this cool drink were rose petals, rose hips, dogwood and oriental spices. Later, juices and decoctions from apples, oranges, pomegranates, lemons and quinces, as well as sugar and honey, began to be added to sherbet. In some modern recipes, sherbet contains cream, milk and eggs, which were not intended in the original version. The drink is always served chilled, as it has excellent tonic properties and can quickly quench thirst.

To talk about the composition of sherbet, you need to know what exactly is included in it. For example, sherbet made with milk contains methionine, vitamin A, calcium, B vitamins, and vitamin D. It is impossible not to mention lactose and protein, which this sherbet is rich in. The fruits that form the basis of fruit sorbet deserve special attention. They saturate the body with vitamins and minerals.

Soft sherbet

Sherbet, a cold snack with the consistency of slightly melted ice cream, originated in France. Inventive French, in order to extend the shelf life of sherbet and make it a full-fledged, cooling dessert, began to mix it with ice cream and freeze it. This type of sherbet is more similar to the fruit drink described above, since their composition is almost identical. The only difference is the consistency. In addition, in addition to fruits and dairy products, dried fruits are often added to soft sherbet. This enriches the composition of the dessert and gives it additional properties. They replenish vitamin A reserves in the body and are excellent natural antioxidants that have a positive effect on health. In addition, dried fruits, and especially dried apricots, are a rich source of minerals that we so need for normal life.

Sherbet in the form of fudge

This type of sherbet is perhaps one of the most common in our culture. Many people are accustomed to perceiving sherbet as a sweet fudge that has a dense structure and resembles a sweet candy with a lot of nuts and spices. Sometimes sherbet can even be too sugary, as it is prepared with a lot of sugar and condensed milk. To prepare sherbet, milk, sour cream or cream, condensed milk, butter, chocolate, sugar, honey, vanillin, several types of nuts, fruits, candied fruits, dried apricots, raisins, prunes and molasses are used. It is not necessary to combine all of the listed ingredients at once. You can take only a few of them at your discretion, which will suit you most.

A thick mixture is boiled from condensed milk, cream and butter, into which the selected ingredients are then added as fillers, everything is mixed well, put in a special form and the mixture is sent to harden in the refrigerator until it becomes solid. After this, sherbet is cut into small pieces and eaten as a nutritious and filling sweet dessert. The presence of nuts in this type of sorbet enriches it with vegetable fats, vitamins A, E and PP, as well as biotin and linoleic acid. The calorie content of sherbet, as well as its composition, depend on the components used. Therefore, it can be both dietary and high-calorie.

The benefits of sherbet

As you know, the properties of products depend on the ingredients they contain. The same is true with sherbet, each type of which can have a positive effect on the condition and functioning of the body and internal organs. Sherbet normalizes the functioning of the heart, liver, kidneys, improves vision and promotes the body's absorption of sugar. In addition, it helps calcium to be absorbed into the intestines, which allows it to be more intensively distributed throughout the body. Sherbet has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and can even prevent the formation of certain forms of cancer. Sherbet is useful for anemia and hypertension; some of its components are indispensable for constipation, vitamin deficiencies, diseases of the teeth and gums, as well as for nervous disorders and overexertion. In addition, sherbet has antibacterial properties and strengthens the lungs. This is not the entire list of beneficial properties of sherbet, which directly depend on the components used for its preparation.

The harm of sherbet

There is hardly a product that, while having a large range of beneficial properties, does not have at least one harmful one. This can also be said about sherbet, which is not an ideal product and has no contraindications. Due to the high sugar content in some of its types, sherbet is a high-calorie product and is contraindicated for those who want to lose weight and are actively fighting excess weight. People suffering from diseases of the pancreas and liver should also refrain from consuming sherbet. Pregnant women and nursing mothers should not include sherbet in their menu. People with allergies also need to treat sherbet with caution, because it may contain products that can cause an allergic reaction. Most often these are peanuts, honey and some types of fruit.

If you decide to treat yourself to sherbet, we recommend that you prepare it yourself at home, using only natural and high-quality products. Today on the Internet you can find a large number of all kinds of sherbet recipes, ranging from a soft drink to sweet fudge. Don’t be afraid to experiment and add new ingredients to sherbet that will make it original and give the dessert an interesting, piquant taste.

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The amazing and very tasty oriental dessert sherbet has become familiar to us. Meanwhile, this word has several culinary meanings. Initially, sherbet in the East was called a vitamin drink created on the basis of rose hips, rose petals, spices and licorice. Today it is prepared from fruit and berry juices with the addition of honey or sugar, spices and herbs.

But there is another sherbet that we are more accustomed to and it is a kind of substance that is essentially similar to candy. This word, coveted by those with a sweet tooth, is also used to describe fruit ice cream. Let's understand the intricacies of oriental sweets and find out how many calories are in sherbet.

Composition, benefits and harms of sherbet

A fragrant dessert can consist of various ingredients, depending on national recipes. But you need to be guided by the fact that it will look like creamy fudge with the addition of nuts, dried fruits, vanillin and other spices. The modern recipe includes condensed milk. Therefore, the answer to the question of how many kcal is in sherbet is 417 on average.

To understand the beneficial and harmful properties of this sweetness, you need to study the chemical composition. And he says the following (per 100 grams of product):

  • proteins – 7.3 g;
  • fats – 14.7 g;
  • carbohydrates – 66.2 g;
  • vitamins A, B1, D, PP;
  • biotin and linoleic acid.

This dessert is perfectly filling and can be a healthy natural alternative to “chemical” sweets.

But at the same time, it is the high percentage of carbohydrates and sugar that gives cause for concern to those who are watching their figure. In addition, sherbet is not recommended for consumption by people suffering from diabetes, liver and pancreas diseases. Expectant mothers and nursing mothers should also eat with caution, as dessert can cause diathesis in the child.

Types of sherbet, their calorie content

The classic recipe for an oriental sweet is peanuts filled with condensed cream. How many calories are in sorbet with peanuts depends on what kind of thickener was used to prepare the creamy base. Ideally, use agar-agar or thick sugar syrup. In the case of agar, the calorie content will be slightly lower, but not significantly. The calorie content of sherbet with peanuts is 368 kcal per 100 g. product.

Now let's look at the variations. How many calories are in sherbet with nuts cannot be answered unequivocally, because you can use different types of them. The calorie content of sherbet with walnuts will be 417 kcal, but the calorie content of sherbet with hazelnuts will be 420 kcal. This indicator is due to the fact that each type of nut has its own calorie content, which is “shared” with the dessert.

Dried fruits are also used in the recipe. Let's find out how many calories are in sorbet with dried apricots or raisins. After all, this dessert will be very tasty and healthy thanks to dried fruits, which are rich in potassium, calcium and other microelements.

The calorie content of sorbet with dried apricots will be about 365 kcal, and the calorie content of sorbet with raisins will be 390 kcal. Although dried fruits are high-calorie sweets, their benefits are undeniable. This version of sherbet is a good replacement for sweets, including chocolate.

Well, now a logical question for ice cream lovers is how many calories are in sorbet ice cream. We hasten to please you - this is the lowest-calorie dessert of all the sherbets presented, but there is no need to overuse it, moderation is important in everything. The calorie content of ice cream sherbet is 124 kcal.

The East is a delicate matter, and so is oriental cuisine, the dishes of which are known and loved all over the world. And if we talk about their benefits, then it is undeniable, since the original recipe of the dishes dates back to the times of the sultans, who very carefully monitored their health and the health of their harem. But sherbet was a favorite delicacy of numerous wives and concubines.

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