Home Chassis Operation and malfunction Renault Logan I. Typical sores, problems and breakdowns. Signs of fuel pressure regulator faults What disadvantages have engines

Operation and malfunction Renault Logan I. Typical sores, problems and breakdowns. Signs of fuel pressure regulator faults What disadvantages have engines

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Disappeared by idle

To determine the reasons for this malfunction, special diagnostic equipment is required, so in this case, refer to the maintenance station specializing in the repair of cars with injection engines.

Most often, this malfunction is caused by the failure of an idle regulator or air seats through loose compounds of the throttle housing housing.

If you failed to repair the regulator and tightening the hose clamps to restore idle course, refer to the specialists.

Engine interruptions

When interruptions, the engine unevenly works at idle, does not develop sufficient power, gasoline extensive.

Interruptions, as a rule, are explained by the malfunction of nozzles or electrical space; Spark plugs of one of the cylinders, air seats in one of the cylinders. It is necessary to find a malfunction and, if possible, eliminate it.

Let the engine and leave it to work at idle.

Come to the exhaust pipe and listen to the sound of the exhaust.

You can bring your hand to the cutting pipe section - so interruptions are better felt.

The sound should be smooth, "soft", one tone.

Cotton from the exhaust pipe at regular intervals indicate that one cylinder does not work because of the failure of the candle, the absence of a spark on it, on the failure of the nozzle, about the strong air secession into one cylinder or a significant decrease in compression in it.

Cotton through irregular intervals arise due to contamination of nozzle sprayers, strong wear or contamination of spark plugs.

If cotton occur after unequal intervals, you can try to independently replace the entire set of candles regardless of the mileage and appearance, but it is better to do after contacting the car service for diagnosing and repairing the engine control system.

If cotton is irregular, stop the engine and open the hood.

Check the status of the ignition system wiring and fastening the wire pads on the ignition coils.

If there are damage to the wires, replace the entire wiring system of the ignition system.

Remove spark plugs. Carefully inspect the candles and compare their appearance with the presented photos in the article below.

If all the candles look good, install the candles and coils in place and connect the pads of the wiring harness to them.

Disconnect the wiring harness from the coil of the 1st cylinder.

Let the engine.

If the engine interruptions did not intensify, replace the candle in the 1st cylinder knowingly good.

Put on high-voltage wire and let the engine.

If interruptions intensified, repeat the procedure with all the cylinders to reveal the faulty candle.

If, as a result of the measures taken, the engine interruptions are not eliminated, check the compression in each of the cylinders. Normal compression is more than 1.0 MPa (10 kgf / cm 2), the difference in compression values \u200b\u200bin cylinders more than 0.2 MPa (2 kgf / cm 2) indicates the need to repair the engine.

Diagnostics on the appearance of spark plugs

Normal candle

Brownish or grayish-yellowish color and low wear of electrodes.

Compliance of the thermal value of the candle for the engine and working conditions.

Say's deposition

The deposition of dry soot indicates a rich mixture or later ignition.

Causes ignition swaps, hindered engine start and unstable engine operation

Ground electrodes and insulator candles

The reason is to enter the oil into the combustion chamber.

The oil enters the combustion chamber through the guide valves or through the piston rings.

Causes difficult starts, skipping in the operation of the cylinder and twitching the engine.

Create the necessary repair of the cylinder head and the piston engine group.

Replace spark plugs.

Deposition on an insulator skirt of iron of iron brownish-red color from anti-knock-iron-containing additives (ferrocenes) to gasoline.

Decided with a smooth, dense layer.

When the engine is operating with high load with high temperature and pressure in the combustion chamber, oxides are converted into conductive carpets of pure iron, closing the central electrode for mass.

This causes ignition passages, the drop in the engine power.

This may cause damage to the catalytic neutralizer.

The flare is practically not removed by the mechanical way and does not fade when moving at high speed.

If there is no possibility to immediately replace with new candles, we put a candle in the rust converter, then we can remove the candle with a metal brush, rinse with water, and then gasoline.

Melted electrodes

Early ignition. The insulator is white, but can be contaminated due to the skips of the spark and the deposits from the combustion chamber.

May result in engine damage.

It is necessary to check the compliance of the type of spark plug, the purity of the sprayers of the nozzles and the fuel filter, the operation of the cooling and lubrication system.

Insulator with cracks or chips

Damage caused by detonation.

May result in damage to the piston.

It occurs when the detonation sensor faults.

Make sure that gasoline meets the requirements.

Mechanical damage to the candle

Damage may be caused by foreign objects that have fallen into the combustion chamber, and in the case of using a candle with a long skirt, its electrodes can hook a piston.

We remove the foreign object and replace the candle.

There are several basic signs indicating fuel pressure regulator fault. This article is not only listed, but also describes the most common of them. After reading the information provided, you can check whether signs of fuel pressure regulator in your car are not manifested.

1. Black smoke from the exhaust pipe

Black smoke coming out of the exhaust pipe clearly indicates a problem with the fuel pressure regulator. In this case, the regulator is replaced. The normal color of smoke from the exhaust pipe is white or gray, so black smoke unequivocally says about the presence of a problem.

2. not enough smooth operation of the engine

In case of deterioration of the operating characteristics of the engine, both at idle and in working mode, which is manifested by chilling the engine, as if he is about to fail, first of all, it is necessary to replace the oil filter (of course, if it is not entirely new). If the filter replacement does not solve the problem, check the fuel pressure regulator. Difficulties with the start of the engine are also a sign of the output of the fuel pressure regulator in order, which is extremely negatively affected by the engine. In this case, the engine can be launched only after several attempts.

3. Engine Glohnet

If the engine stalls when the accelerator pedal is pressed, be sure to check the fuel pressure regulator. When you press the accelerator pedal, the engine response must be instantaneous. If at least a minimum delay occurs, this is the reason to check the pressure regulator, which, apparently, remains on the verge of failure.

4. Fuel in a vacuum hose

Finding any of the listed features, but having some doubts about the fault of the fuel pressure regulator, you can check something else. Disconnect the vacuum hose, which is supplied to the pressure regulator, turning off the car engine. The presence of fuel in the line indicates a malfunction of the pressure regulator. But if when you turn on the switch from the hose, the fuel will flow (even during its absence in the line), you can be sure that the regulator is faulty.

5. Blasting spark plugs

Remove one of the spark plugs and inspect. Nagar on the ignition candles is formed, as a rule, due to a faulty fuel pressure regulator. If you have a nagar on the same candle, you need to check and all other candles. Nagar only on one of them means that engine oil seeps into the engine cylinder.

When replacing the fuel pressure regulator, you can replace ignition candles. But since the Nagar on them was formed due to a faulty regulator, you can try to clean them and use further. However, if the engine after the installation of purified spark plugs continues to work with interruptions, they should be replaced with new ones.

6. The smell of gasoline from the measuring probe

Check the probe designed to measure the level of engine oil, and find out if it smells like gasoline. If the smell of gasoline comes from probe, this indicates that due to the faulty fuel pressure regulator, fuel falls into the oil circuit.

7. Flowing fuel from the exhaust pipe

The flowing of the fuel from the exhaust pipe can be a sign of overflowing the fuel tank or the output of the fuel pressure regulator. Although fuel in the exhaust system is more likely due to a faulty pressure regulator.

Day Good Lord / Comrades.

I will start with the fact that I have already had this car in the family for 4 years, he was bought new in April 2012, it operates his father, and since his trips are short and there is still a second Niva car, then the mileage is currently the mileage of all the mileage of 25 thousand. Kilometers, 5-7 of which we rushed with my brother.

And the speech will actually go about the first breakdown, and not so much is serious how difficult it is to remove, thanks to the Romanian-French engineering thought.

Father calls, says something rattle, creaks from the generator, the first thing that occurred to which it is a tensioning roller, because something serious on such a run is not expecting, the father has not been stated not to bathe, go home and wait for the weekend, we will visit.

Then thinking was decided to go to the service, well, as a service, garage) because the father lives in the village, and the nearest workshop for 20 km in another village, or 40 km in the town where I live. By the way, that this service is not bad, the privately operated on himself, the reputation values, one time we traveled from the city even.

Well, they found the following, rejected the pulley of the generator, and the nut is tightened, and the pulley dangles, check it is not so simple, you can not fit and not visible.

To tighten it, you need to remove the generator and here it starts the fun, from which the father like an elderly person and is not accustomed to such perversion so far in shock.

1 You need to remove all the protection, but it is the little things;

2 Remove the wheel

3 Remove the bumper, yes yes, otherwise you can not get enough

4 Remove the pump gur, well, or take him away on the hoses, what to do is not just (we made the second)

5 With some kind of Romanian mother, remove the generator through the interfering hoses of the gur and air conditioning

Here is such a kamasutra.

I did not believe the master, climbed on the Internet and yes, everything is true, if there is no gur and the considera, then everything is easily removed, but here it is.

The generator was removed, the washer was put under the nut and the pulley is tightened, but he fits a little bit, it may seem, and he may have led him a little, they tried to find a new one, it's not real at all, or go for 300 km in the region. The center, or to order in the store, it is possible for God, we can, but wait at least a week, they collected so far, it seems fine, may simply seem like a little curve.

Capped all day .....

2500 gave a job for work, I think the officials would have come up at least 10, and also fluid from GUR would merge.

It costs to note that even on such a tarantayka as Logan in the outback of spare parts not to find, there is something on Daewoo (Lanos), Hyundai accent and there is all on the VAZ)))

It climbed onto the Loganovodov forum, it turns out this disease, I did not know, but there are a lot of unscrewing the pulleys of the generator, some even fell to the ground, it mainly happens on runs about 50-60 thousand km, and almost no way manifests itself until When it will rise or fall off.

The new pulley is the original costs 1200r, analogs from 400r.

The new generator is the original costs about 30000t.r, apparently it is from gold with platinum spraying) substitutes from 6 thousand.

Otherwise, the car is working well, running perfectly, passed only then 1 no longer chase, no sense pays from 8-10 thousand for replacing oil and filters.

These are the pies! Good luck to all!

Surely every real or future owner of the car is interested in possible weak places and disadvantages of his present or future car. Therefore, this material is designed for those whose soul lay down to such a car as the first generation Renault Sandero. Of course, at first glance, this car has an attractive design and price, but Sandero still has its weaknesses, illnesses and disadvantages, which you need to know not only the present owner, but also the future when buying.


  • Power units: 1.4 liters gasoline. and with a capacity of 75 hp, or a 1.6-liter, power 84, 102 or 105 hp *;
  • Transmission: 5MCPP or 4ACP *;
  • Dimensions (DHSHV): 4010x1750x1530 mm;
  • Drive: front;
  • Clearance: 155 mm;
  • Body type: Hatchback;
  • Number of doors: 5;
  • Maximum allowable mass: 1470 kg;
  • Tank volume: 50 l;
  • The volume of the trunk: 320 and 1200 liters. with folded rear seats;
  • Suspension (before): independent, such as MacPherson;
  • Suspension (rear): semi-dependent on a torsion beam;
  • Brakes (before): disk;
  • Brakes (rear): drum.

* - The data are indicated depending on the configuration.

What advantages has Sandero I:

  1. Fuel efficiency;
  2. High reliability;
  3. Unpretentious;
  4. Maintainability;
  5. Low cost as the car itself and spare parts for it;
  6. Corrosion resistance;
  7. High clearance;
  8. Strong chassis.

Weak places Renault Sandero of the 1st Generation:

  • Paintwork;
  • Cooling system;
  • Automatic transmission;
  • Exhaust system;
  • Sensor GUR;
  • High voltage wires;

In this case, probably it is impossible to call LCP weak place of this car, and the factory defect. It is very often found on the roof of the car in the form of point corrosion. But few people pay attention to this or simply do not know. But this is a reason to bargain with the seller when buying this car. Perhaps he himself does not know about such defects of his car.

Of course, it is impossible not to say that the entire system in this car is defective, ranging from the radiator and ending with nozzles, etc. In the cooling system weak place is the thermostat. Most of the car data owners have already encountered a thermostat at the first years of operation, and with small runs.

This problem is already understandable, it often occurs on cars with automatic transmission. And it is impossible to call specific weak points of the automatic transmission, namely the entire box is weak and exposed to overheating. Sometimes it happens that when there are less than one hundred thousand with a box, problems arose due to overheating, and accounted for, respectively, if the machine is on warranty to refer to the official, and if not, then invest in a round penny. It can also be noted that the automatic transmission unit may occur. This problem is felt in the movement of the car, namely before switching 3 or 4 transmissions. At the same time, the engine speed is discharged, and then on the contrary, and, accordingly, switching to the highest gear. And in general it is worth noting that when buying any car you need to make a trial mileage and feel, listen, and see how auto behaves.

Exhaust system.

Why you can call the sick place the exhaust system, because it is subject to corrosion and quickly rusts and rotches. Of course, we can say that this "jamb" is found on most cars, but it is on this given nuance that special attention is paid. It is logical to explain only the quality of iron and poor anti-corrosion protection. In any case, when buying a used car, this moment cannot be bypassed.

The essence of the problem is that very often the owners of Renault Sandero I are encountered with such a phenomenon as fluid drifts in the area of \u200b\u200bthis sensor. This is due to the extrusion of the sensor under pressure and, accordingly, the loss of fluid and the problem from the GUR as a whole. This is not a critical problem, but rather common.

High voltage wires.

In this case, high-voltage wires represent not enough problems of car owners. The meaning is that on this car candle down high-voltage wires of low quality. And the most important thing is that it can be called not only a weak point, but even factory flaw. It affects it first in the behavior of the car. The car begins to twitch when driving, and this in turn indicates that high-voltage candlestones pierces. This is mainly due to dampness. But again, it is necessary to draw attention to what is happening this due to the poor quality of high-voltage wires.

Steel rotor switch.

Many Sundero owners complain that after several years of active operation, one or more signal wires on the turn switch are rehearsed, making it impossible to turn on turn signals. It is possible to solve this question only the complete replacement of the node, or the reparation of wiring.

The main disadvantages of Renault Sandero 2007-2012. Release:

  • Many owners complain of fuel consumption above the stated;
  • When you turn on the air conditioner, the engine is much losing in power;
  • An uncomfortable location of the spare wheel, which greatly complicates its replacement;
  • From the factory, mudguards are very poorly fixed, as a result of which they constantly strive to fall off;
  • Middle and far light bulbs often burn out;
  • Salon does not hold warmly;
  • Non-informative clutch pedal, located in such a way that when it is survived, you have to keep your foot on weight;
  • Low security in case of an accident;
  • The quality of the material. Hard plastic is easily scratched;
  • Weak noise insulation. Although there are few cars with good noise insulation, but mention this drawback is necessary;
  • Wipers on Renault Sandero are also a disadvantage. The essence of this shortage is that the wiper cleaners are very short, and this affects the driver visits;
  • Weak dynamics. It is not surprising, because these cars are not the most powerful engines;
  • Fuel index. It is also a disadvantage of its defectiveness. Quite often, moments occur with the wrong show of the real amount of fuel;
  • Simple inner design;
  • Little trunk volume;
  • The manual transmission is also a disadvantage, not a weak place, so a lot of car owners collided with knocks when switching gear. But this is not a sign of failure of the manual transmission, but a typical box job.
  • Ergonomic miscalculations. Each owner of the Sandero car will find something that is not convenient for himself. And there is no one average;
  • Crickets in the cabin and, in particular, side windows.


In conclusion, we can say that each car has its weaknesses and disadvantages. And, of course, Renault Sandero has more pros, than minuses, but to choose from which box and the engine to buy a car, it is necessary to come up with a thorough analysis by weighing everything "for" and "against". Also, you should not expect unsurpassed comfort and high level of equipment from this machine, because it refers to an ultra budget class. Oddly enough, many about it forget about it and begin to hahat a poor car for nothing, without noticing his explicit advantages.

Weak places and typical shortcomings of Renault Sandero 1st generation with mileage Was Last Modified: January 24, 2019 by Administrator.

The French sedan on the basis of Megane began to produce in 2004 in Romania under the Dacia brand in order to meet the needs of not very rich seals of the population of Europe and Asia. But, despite the poor equipment and cheap materials of the finishes wishing to buy a reliable and durable car for relatively small money turned out to be more than enough. Therefore, it was decided to organize the release of Logan in Russia, plus a hatchback appeared under its own name Dacia, as well as a MCV wagon, a VAN cargo van and a pickup, which is called - Pick-Up.

The budget of Renault Logan is also the fact that the available and simple design allows you to repair it in any garage, without spending money on service centers and the installation of expensive anti-theft systems, since it is absolutely not interested in the hijackers. Taxi drivers loved Logan for the big clearance, allowing you to force the borders and a smooth move, especially since the quality of the assembly turned out to be at the height. The salon is very spacious, practical and quite comfortable, only all sorts of violets annoy. The level of practicality reduces the unavoidable rear seat and a very brandy upholstery, and it does not have to talk about comfort, as there is no salon filter, the budget has a budget.

Operation and malfunction of Renault Logan

From the engines on Renault Logan, it is most often found 1.4 liters of 75 hp. and 1.6 l K7M in 87 hp Both simple, reliable and absolutely trouble-free, with pleasure work on the A-92, and the resource of the gas station is 200 thousand km. Replacing, however, quite expensive, since it only changes assembly.

The more powerful K7M is also pretty tracked and economical, the fuel consumption does not exceed 7 liters on the highway and 10 liters around the city per 100 km of mileage. But he has and unpleasant features. Firstly, there is no longeons in the throttle assembly, the resource of which rarely exceeds 70 thousand km of mileage, and secondly, to replace the timing belt, you need to hang the engine and remove the support that is poured into additional costs. In addition, candlestones are not protected from dirt and when replacing the spark plugs, the entire garbage strives to get into cylinders. To avoid it strongly recommended to wear felt rings on the candle tips. Yes, and when replacing the candles themselves, you need to be very careful, since the reservoir screen is all with burstles and will not be difficult. To the disadvantages of gasoline engines, I would take another lack of fuel filter on them since 2008, based on the quality of our fuel, this solution is quite controversial.

Motor oil changes every 15 thousand km of mileage, naturally with a filter. If, after 40 thousand km, a buzz appeared on the cold start, then, most likely it is associated with a tension roller of a polyclinic belt, usually the heating rumble disappears with the engine warming. Replacing the timing belt is provided after 60 thousand km of mileage, and after 70 thousand km, the appearance of the leak of the crankshaft. On vehicles released in 2007, there was often a problem with a cold start, wine What is the engine ECU. In such cases, only flashing "brains" helps. More on the Logan Romanian assembly will have to constantly control the back of the engine, not distinguished by durability.

Problems with gear Renault Logan

Transmission on Renault Logan is not original, since the gearbox and grip is taken from, but it did not affect reliability and durability. Only fuzzy switching transmissions of the five-speed mechanical gearbox and grinds when trying to turn on the rear transmission without a complete stop of the car. Some forget that there is no synchronizer on it. The clutch resource is about 80 thousand km run, which is relatively good.

With automatic checkpoint, it is not necessary to contact, very problematic and unreliable. Although its resource reaches 200 thousand km, but before that, after a run in 80 thousand km, the breakdown of the hydroklipan block and the wear of the friction groups is quite likely.

Disadvantages and sores of electrical equipment Renault Logan

Electrical equipment is also not pleased, mainly due to weak protection of harnesses, connections and wiring. Special attention by electrician needs to be given when washing the car, since not quite a good location of the electrical appliances allows water to pour electronic blocks, sensors and ignition coils. In particular, the engine control unit and engine control unit are located near the battery, therefore the probability of the output of the ECU is out of order with each washing. Many owners of Logan disadvantages uncomfortable access to Famos, which is why the lamps have to remove the battery. The odometer is godlessly lying, shows 1000 km, although a real car has passed 925 - 930 km. Very inconvenient are the windows keys, as the designers decided to place them on the central console, which is what the chip is incomprehensible. After 30 thousand km, the mileage is breaking down and the cover of the fuse block, located in the end of the panel begins to creak. To eliminate the screenshot, it is enough to wear a durable hose to the steel frame pin. At the same time, the mileage will have to replace the spark plugs and headlight lamps, which, as a rule, burns out the Middle Light. Permanent control requires a short-dealing ignition coil, and the highlighting lamp of the room usually burns out after 40 thousand km of mileage.

Steering Renault Logan

Renault Logan's steering got from, so it is reliable and trouble-free, just the steering column was too high, but there are no adjustments. Steering tips are changing after 100 thousand km of run, but the steering thrust are not so durable, they will have to replace them much earlier.

Malfunctions in the move, suspension and brake system Renault Logan

The brake system was the most short-lived front brake pads, the resource of which rarely exceeds 30 thousand km, rear drum brake pads withstand up to 100 thousand km of car operation. Brake discs withstand three shifts of the pads, and constant control will require guide calipers, regular lubricant them is extremely necessary. The suspension is generally comfortable, energy-intensive and trouble-free, providing a smooth move. The front got from, so rather durable, and the rear from the too reliable. Previously, after 60 thousand km, they will need to replace the bushings and stabilizer racks, behind them in the region of 110 thousand km will end the resource of the shock absorbers. The ball supports are working for longer, they will have to change them after 120 thousand km of run, but the replacement will upset the financial estates, as they are pressed into the levers and change only with them. Only the wheel bearings were turned out to be short-lived in the undercarriage, the remaining details are fragile.

Boyts and problems on the Body Renault Logan

The body will delight with a large trunk and cheap body parts, but the paintwork turned out to be weak, especially in the area of \u200b\u200bthe windshield frame. Most often, the paint on cars until 2006 released, at later releases of Logan, this defect was most likely eliminated. Many people will not like big loops of the trunk, eating a decent volume of the luggage compartment, as well as short-lived locks of the trunk lid. Corrosion resistance turned out to be quite low, especially in machines until 2008 release. First of all, the roof suffer, the upper edges of the wind and rear glass, the drainage gutter and the rear wheel arches, whose chips are instantly covered with rust. In addition, the windshield is very quickly rubbed. Particular attention should be paid to the mats, which from the temperature difference and reagents have the property to be bored, after which they stop holding at the buses and slide under the pedal node. The danger is that the accelerator pedal begins to have a president with all the consequences arising from here. Well, finally, when traveling from a snowdrift, check the front mudguards, in which the inner pistons with such maneuvering simply are frozen. Best of all instead of regular put composite vases with a mushroom-core.

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