Home Chassis Twisted the car! Ford Focus 3 twigs when touching automatic transmission

Twisted the car! Ford Focus 3 twigs when touching automatic transmission

Hello everyone!

Your problem is one to one like me. It was all started somewhere in 1500km to TO-1 (on the range of 12500). On-1, all filters changed, everyone checked, looked, smeared where it was necessary ... everything was passing at my personal presence. No crime found.

I will describe more than happen on my car (FF3 1.6 PS 125 hp Sedan Trend Sport, currently Mileage 14500).
1. The first 20-30 km of the trip after the usual night parking - everything is perfect (it gets smoothly, rides exactly, does not crunch / crept, etc.)
2. Next begins:
- smoothly touch from the place after the traffic light (reservation: if the traffic light is short about 10s, then leave the box in D and keep the brake if the traffic light is long, 15-30C switch the box in N and keep the brake, or put in P if to keep the pedal to the pedal slope)
- I feel that vibration begins in the nose
- at the same time he does not pull the car back, just on the body begins to go as if some kind of wave
- about the transition from 1 to 2 transmission vibration becomes very tangible, already shaking the steering wheel and passengers in the car feel
- Next, the vibration wave, as it were, goes into the center of the car, slightly weaken and, finally, turns more than once again (approximately the transition from 2 to 3 transmission), fades with further acceleration somewhere in the area of \u200b\u200bthe box
3. I emphasize that with all this, the car moves smoothly, i.e. Feels like it is just sausage from some incomprehensible vibration, and it doesn't twitch back, it seems to be evenly
4. Metal clamps do not seem to be heard
4. Even features:
- If soooooo soooooo smoothly rummage, well, literally absolutely at the millimeter to press the gas pedal, then there is no vibration (well, or very insignificant, which indicates that the engine is strained and starting accepted)
- if you pour the sneaker to the floor, then the vibration is also almost no
- It happens that vibration disappears at all, even if you do not follow the position of the gas pedal at the time of overclocking

Those., If you fold all together, then the findings are:
- the car tangible vibrates when overclocking, but does not twitch back and forward, rides uniformly forward
- It is manifested by all the case only on a sufficiently warm car.
- There is some resonance with a certain position of the gas pedal, which is noticeable sausage car
- rolls it at times, i.e. Malfunction manifests not always

After reading all themes about vibrations and so on, I figured the possible options:
- Engine supports are unlikely, because Otherwise, the symptoms would have been manifested and not on a warm car (although maybe I'm wrong?)
- I do not sin on the box, I looked at everything, on the junction with the engine dry, the firmware is fresh (just in case they were reloaded, but nothing has changed); Photo:
- here at the junctions, too, it seems nothing flows; Photo: ,

Here is such information, comrades! I would like to hear who he thinks about this, otherwise I already broke my head, trying to determine the cant himself. Of course, I will go to the dealer, but as practice shows, it is better for them to tell what a problem may be, and the lot of time and money will be lost.

P.S. Probably later I will make a detailed report on the passage of TO-1 and kin here reference on the topic
P.P.S. I apologize for the sea of \u200b\u200btext, all good!

With reference to the car, it is a short-term spontaneous change in the rotational speed of the crankshaft engine, regardless of the position of the accelerator pedal. In everyday use, as a rule, there are a series of jerks. The deadline of the jerk (failure) is a waste designer delaying the engine response to press the accelerator pedal.

It is possible to distinguish three types of jerks:

At the time of the start of movement;

During acceleration;

With steady movement, i.e. With the constant position of the accelerator pedal.

To determine the causes of the jerks when moving the car with an injection engine, special diagnostic equipment is required, so we recommend contacting the service specializing in the repair of fuel injection systems. However, as practice shows, in most cases, the jerks are caused by insufficient fuel pressure in the fuel ramp or the throttle position sensor fault, built into the throttle lid. In addition to this specific cause of Ford Focus 3, equipped with an electronic throttle control system, an accelerator pedal malfunction can be.

In the presence of some skills, the cause of the jerks can be defined independently.
At the time of the start of movement, the latter case is most often. The most unpleasant sensations are related precisely with the retardation of the engine's response to pressing the accelerator pedal. Sometimes the engine even stalls at the same time. The jerk occurs at the time that the throttle opening starts when the ECU position sensor signal defines the transition moment from the idle mode to the load mode and should increase the amount of fuel supplied through the nozzles. In case of insufficient pressure in the fuel ramp, even with an increase in the duration of injection, the fuel for smooth trokhan is not enough.

In addition, the jerk may occur and due to the malfunction of the electromechanical part of the throttle assembly and contamination of the throttle flap by deposits from crankcase gases.

The cause of jerks during acceleration may be, as in the previous case, the insufficient fuel pressure in the fuel ramp. The electronic motor control unit, receiving an intense opening of the damper on a large angle from the throttle position sensor, seeks to maximize the fuel supply, but due to the reduced fuel pressure is not able to do this.

In addition to the indicated reasons, jerks during the acceleration of the car with a robotic gearbox can be caused by both the insufficient number of working fluid in the box and the malfunction of the box itself.

Rods when moving Ford Focus 3

Such jerks are most often caused by a malfunction of the ignition system. Diagnosis and repair are needed. On the way, you can try to perform yourself as follows:

Carefully inspect the boost space. Turn off the ignition and check the reliability of fastening and planting all wires and connectors at the ignition coil and high voltage wires. Let the engine and listen to its work: Crack with a test of high voltage current on the "mass" is weak, but distinct. In complete darkness, a spark is clearly visible when the test;

Replace the spark plugs regardless of their condition and run. Pay attention to the state of the candles: if it does not match the norm, you may have to repair the engine or its system.
The specific cause of the jerks at the steady movement of the Ford Focus 3 car can be the failure of the throttle position sensor built into the throttle lid.

Additional symptoms confirming the malfunction of this sensor:

Uneven operation of the engine at idle;

Reducing the maximum engine power.

The cover of the throttle node is non-separable, so it is non-repair. If the sensor malfunction is detected, replace the throttle assembly assembly with the lid.

Ford Focus 3. Sound of the valve mechanism engine

Enhanced gaps in the valve mechanism, gaps due to malfunction of valve pushers or wear of the valve mechanism elements

Replace gap hydraulic components and worn valve mechanisms

Belt damage or gas distribution mechanism

Replace the belt or chain of the gas distribution mechanism

Improper belt tension or gas distribution mechanism

Check the belt tension or gas distribution mechanism chain. If necessary, replace the belt or the drive chain of the gas distribution mechanism

Stunt valve in the engine: cause and elimination of the problem

No matter how reliable is the car, the time comes, and you are forced to go to a hundred to diagnose and repair faults. At the same time, most of the breakdowns can be corrected with your own hands, but there are also those in the elimination of which only professionals can help. The list of valves is a common problem that is in the complexity of elimination is somewhere in the middle. In some cases, to identify a malfunction and repair it is possible independently, and in others - you have to contact the master for help.

How to diagnose knock

Without sufficient experience, car owners are sometimes difficult to determine the problem on the rumor. This is not surprising, because the source of extraneous noises can be anything - crankshaft, bearings, faulty belt and valve. But unlike other sounds, the knuckles of the valves gives itself a characteristic beability, with a certain metal tapping, near the gas distribution mechanism. In addition, unusual noise is manifested, regardless of the number of engine speed.

Recognize that the valve knocks, in practice it is easy, but to diagnose their malfunction, sometimes, it is not possible even to car owners with experience. But to confirm or refute suspicions, you can diagnose with your own hands. For this:

Raise the hood, after which you unscrew the cover from the filling opening of the engine (through which the oil is poured).
- Experience to the operation of the motor. If the sound volume increases, the cause of the problem is valve.
- Please, near the item you suspect in malfunction, stethoscope. With this device, you can accurately determine the cause of extraneous noise.

Causes of the knock

The knuckles of the valves can be caused by many reasons, each of which is worthy of separate attention. At the same time, keep in mind that all machines are equipped with a camshaft (at the top of the engine), and the valve operations provide elements of this node - rods or in a different pusher.

So why do the valve knock? We highlight the main reasons:

Changing the gap between valves and pushers. When the car is released, accurately adjust the distance between the rods and valves. In case of deflection of the parameter from the norm (reduction or increase), the "metallic" tapping appears.
-Furning a car low-quality flammable. In the case of poor fuel, the engine detonation appears, due to which the valve suffer.
-Hell, oil pressure during acceleration. It happens when the shup of the valves appears, only when driving at high speed or at the time of overclocking. The reason is insufficient, to increase the revolutions, the pressure in the engine lubrication system.
-Englave installation or confused position of the timing belt (how to set the tags and pull the timing belt).
-Theless wear. If your car knocks the valve, this often indicates a banal wear of the part and the need to replace it.

Why appears a knuckle of valves on a cold engine

When checking, pay attention to one of the main parameters - the temperature of the engine. There are situations where an outsider sound appears only on a cold or hot engine. If you "link" the knob of the valves to this parameter, you can make additional conclusions. So, if the outside sound appears only on the cold engine, the reasons are as follows:

Narrowing valves. It is no secret that, in the process of heating, the metal has a property to increase in volumes, and during cooling - decrease. For this reason, the distance between the valves (on the cold motor) can be small, and after reaching the engine operating temperature, it returns to the factory parameter.
Motor wear. The second reason why the valve is knocking - the wear of the engine itself.
It turns out that the gap between valves and rods does not correspond to the parameter installed at the factory, but it is manifested only on a cold motor. As soon as the engine warms up, the problem disappears.

Why the valve is stuck on the hot engine

If the problem manifests itself after warming up, the reasons may be the following:

Butter deficiency in the tank.
-Corgation of the oil filter.
- Stretching broach bolts fastening camshaft to bed.

In addition, an extraneous sound can be caused not only by the bed of valves, but also hydraulic compensators.

How to adjust valve gaps

The easiest and rapid solution to the problem is to go to a hundred and instruct the elimination of foreign sounds to professionals. But, unfortunately, financial capabilities do not always allow such a luxury, and you have to solve problems with your own hands. Other situations are possible when the car owner is interesting to mess with the car, and personally gain repair experience.

If you find that the valve is knocked in the engine, and decided to solve the problem yourself, be prepared for serious work. There is enough one error, and the sound will become even louder. That is why, for eliminating the knock, you should not take a novice car owner. It is important to clearly know the sequence of actions, and keep it. To avoid errors, learn the auto repair instructions. A brief algorithm is below:

Drain the oil from the engine.
- Demonstrate the cylinder head plug. It is necessary to access the valves.
-Proach camshaft so that the label installed on the pulley coincided with the installation protrusion.
- Sore between valves and rods determine the touch. In this case, change the distance using the adjusting washer.
-Read the puck certain number of times (everything depends on the brand and modification of the car).
-The place in place all the details, then check - the knuckle of the valves is eliminated or not.

If, after the work performed, the problem was not eliminated, head to the service station and give the car to the hands of masters. In such a situation, it is hardly able to set up a gap. There are situations where other breakdowns are the cause of extraneous noise. But it is impossible to exclude the situation that the previous adjustment was made incorrectly.

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Ford Focus 3. There is steam from under the lid of the expansion tank (white smoke)

Trucking gasket GBC

The most frequent answer to such a problem, it is exhausting gasket cylinder (cylinder head), if you are not difficult to disassemble the engine probably the first idea will change this gasket. But imagine that there are two more reasons that antifreeze squeezes out of the system.

1- This is a height plug in the system of the coolant, because of it, not only the stove in the cabin may not work, and this is already a sign of the plug in the coolant, provided that the fluid level is normal, but also not the correct operation of the thermostat is possible. What can lead to an increase in pressure in the cooling system. Well, the extrusion of antifreeze.

2 is a problem associated with the expansion barrel, well, and the smart lid of this tank.

To improve the circulation of coolant over the engine, when the motor starts, a small pump pressure is created, which increases the efficiency of the cooling system. If there is no sufficient pressure in the coolant system, the engine will quickly heat up. What can lead to boiling or decomposition of antifreeze. When the decomposition of antifreeze pairs are looking for weak points. Such as wooden rubber sealing rings of the cooling system, bad nozzles, not tightly tightly lid expansion tank or radiator.

GBC is of course also not a minor problem, but it is also quite possible to diagnose and as it turned out very simple.

We start the engine, open the lid of the expansion tank, if at idle turns you can see bubbles that come from the main hose, this one of the two or is broken by an air plug, or a problem with the gasket of the CHC.

If this is a air traffic jam, then rejoicing and waiting for some time from it can be delivered, the most effective procedure is very complex in the description as it is necessary to conduct a number of consecutive actions and better to show them to the chamber.

If there are no traffic jams and the problem with the GBC, then you will have a constant or weak drilling in the expansion barrel or the level of antifreeze will gradually leave.
If you have a coolant somewhere and there are no traces on the engine, then there may be a coolant to be either in the cylinder, or in the silencer, which also often happens. This speaks about the problem with the GBC.

Faults of the expansion tank

First, it is necessary to look at the leaks of antifreeze on the barrel, there are three problems with it:

1- The lid of the expansion tank (covered the cover of the cover) passes the air, the deformation of the lid of the Republic of Belarus - the expansion tank is only a replacement for the original.

2- Torn thread of the lid of the expansion tank, in this case, the new cover will not help for a long time!

The 3-expansion barrels has a flow or burst on the seam, which from increasing the pressure in the engine system system manifests itself, there are such cases that, as the economy is cooling, the gap is joined and the coolant stops squeezing.

4- air drows (happens, but rarely)

The most important thing is the visual inspection on the subject and places of leaks, and checks on damage to hoses.

Pay attention to the thread on which the tank cover was twisted.

It happens that if you tighten the lid, it rises crooked and the liquid easily leaves the tank. If you look at the tank thread, then it is not clear the whole or not, but if it turned out to be high on one side, it is all the ripple.

Other reasons

1. White emulsion (foam) on the probe check of the oil level or on the lid of the oil-tank neck speaks of the coolant hit to the lubrication system, most likely through the hole in the cylinder head laying. Sometimes, however, rarely the gasket is whole and unharmed, and the leakage is due to cracks in the block itself. But in any case, in the presence of a white emulsion in the lubrication system, it is necessary to beat the alarm, and even better to take a tool into the hands and eliminate the malfunction.

2. White smoke from the exhaust pipe when the engine is running, indicates the penetration of the coolant into the cylinder (cylinders) of the engine. At the same time, its level decreases, as it partially "flies into the pipe". The exhaust of the car can be white when driving the engine, a large number of condensate and large air humidity is not a malfunction, but if the "smoke" is always a lot - it is worth thinking.

3. Oil spots on the surface of the coolant in the expansion tank or in the radiator speak of the penetration of oil to where it is not supposed.

The reason is likely to malfunction of the head of the cylinder head. At least check it stands.

4. Bubbles overlooking the expansion tank or radiator indicate the penetration of exhaust gas in the coolant. Somewhere holes, and most likely it is in the block laying the block. A certain amount of bubbles can appear when replacing the coolant - this is normal, but if the toosol is constantly "bubble" - it means something is impudent.

five . The oil-wave neck closed

6. Tosol leaves from under the studs of fastening the exhaust manifold

8. Water from the radiator falls into the cylinder block - it is necessary to replace the radiator

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