Home Lighting Visual Shards Blog. Features of domestic brewing How beer is made

Visual Shards Blog. Features of domestic brewing How beer is made

Beer is a carbonated low-alcohol drink with a characteristic bitter taste and aroma of hops. The process of its production is based on natural fermentation, but modern technologies and the desire to reduce the cost of the process have led to the emergence of a new method of production - this is powder beer from dry ingredients. It is a mixture of finished beer wort concentrate, deprived of liquid by vacuum. It is most often sold in powder form, in rare cases it has a paste-like appearance. By adding yeast and diluting with water, you can get a ready-to-drink drink. Powdered beer is found in Russia, Japan, the USA and other countries.

Live beer

The taste of the finished intoxicated drink is primarily influenced by the quality of the barley malt used. This is the main savings opportunity for brewers. It’s not for nothing that almost all labels on cans and bottles have a phrase such as “contains barley malt.” But its quantity in the composition is a production secret.

Malt belongs to the category of expensive ingredients and is often replaced with analogues of lower price and quality. They can account for almost half of all content. Rice, wheat, etc. are used. The wort for brewing is made from malt, and then hops are added to it.

Real non-powder beer has its bitter taste and specific pleasant aroma precisely due to its base; it increases the amount of foam and is used as an antiseptic, cleansing the microflora. Many manufacturers try by any means possible to reduce the cost of production, but do not care at all about the final result.

After cooking is completed, the semi-finished product is cooled, yeast is added and left to ferment, which will take about a week at low temperatures. Then, after separating the yeast, it is infused for three months, due to which it acquires qualities characteristic only of this variety. beer at this stage is completed.

But the savings opportunities don't end there. Since it is not profitable for entrepreneurs to wait a long time for the final preparation of the drink, accelerated technologies have become widespread. Special inhibitors and carbon dioxide are added to the product to reduce the fermentation process. Artificial foaming agents allow you to get a lush foam head.

How to make beer from powder

Such a concentrate is not profitable for large plants due to its high cost. Its use is more typical for establishments selling their own bottled beer and small breweries. It is not profitable for such organizations to produce beer in accordance with the full technology, since it requires ingredients with a short shelf life and expensive equipment. Therefore, as a way out of the situation, they use concentrate. Subject to the subtleties of such a production process, it is possible to obtain a product of satisfactory quality, but it cannot be compared with the real “live” version.

What is used as a base?

The raw material is dried. It is produced under special conditions from brewing malt by sprouting barley grains. It is characterized by the occurrence of hydrolysis under the influence of certain substances, that is, the separation of non-starch type polysaccharides, proteins and starch. As a result, quickly digestible substances with a low molecular level are formed, including organic acids, sugars and dextrins. During the malting process, B vitamins also accumulate and are activated in sprouted barley.

Then the wort is prepared, which is an extract (extract) and contains all the substances mentioned above. Then the wort is dried until a powdery mass is obtained.

Determination of quality by foam

The distinctive characteristic of beer is its foam. It refers to one of the methods for determining its quality. If it is unsightly in appearance, reddish in color, with a runny consistency and lots of bubbles, it may be powdered beer. This drink has absolutely white foam, is characterized by the absence of bubbles, uniformity and compactness. If you pour it into a large glass, the resulting foam should be at least 4 cm high and last for about five minutes. A lower level and rapid disappearance indicates no product. You can try to blow on the foam a little; it should bend, but not disappear. There is also some “sticking” to the glass.

Many people use a coin as a verification method, placing it on the top layer. She will not drown if the drink is of good quality. Remnants of foam remain on the finished glass. If they are absent, you can doubt the naturalness of the product.


There is a light and dark type of drink. But each manufacturer’s product has its own shade. For evaluation, the European Convention uses special standards, which are several glass discs with different tones. A technique is also used to dilute iodine in water until a color similar to the shade of the drink is formed; the determination is made by the specific gravity of iodine.

In this concept, not only a special tone plays a role, but also the presence of a color scheme and transparency. Light beer has a harder time. It should have a certain shine, a golden, slightly transparent clear hue, with no greenish, brown or red tones. But a dark product does not need to have such characteristics, but no professional can identify powder beer by its color.


When judging beer, most emphasis is placed on the sense of smell rather than the sense of sight. When tasting, the main perception occurs through the nose, while inhaling the specific aroma of the product. And this is not surprising, since a person has a much more sensitive sense of smell, but less multifaceted. To find out which beer is not powder, you need to determine the harmony of the mixture of all the notes of the smell after inhaling and taking a small sip. Characteristics used to describe it include yeasty, fresh, clean, hoppy, and even floral.

What you need to know

It is worth noting that the nose is not an olfactory organ; it is a passage for oxygen to reach the mucous surface, which is very small in size, which is why quite a few odors are detected. To experience the aroma as much as possible, you need to inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth, repeat this action several times. But the smell is perceived somewhat differently when taking sips, since the aromas that are absorbed by the mucous surface of the mouth reach the shell. Upon completion of the sip, perception reaches its maximum.

How to distinguish powdered beer from natural beer by taste

Most brands of foamy drink contain all four basic tastes: salty, sour, bitter and sweet - in various combinations. And such a concept as “delicious beer” is formed from a general feeling, which is extended over some time. During the slow transition of taste, a pleasant sensation should arise, just like in the aftertaste. All harmony can disappear due to any dissonance. During tasting, not only the tongue is involved as a receptor, but also the palate, cheeks and lips, which allow the formation of thermal and tactile characteristics. And among them are oiliness, astringency, consistency and temperature, which are very important when you need to determine draft beer from powder.


A light drink is distinguished by its finest hop bitterness - extracted elements should not predominate in it. After it, a feeling of specific, quickly disappearing bitterness should remain on the tongue, while the aftertaste is practically absent. A real light foamy drink is characterized by such terms as “harmonious”, “pure”, “thin”.

In the dark version, hops and malt are felt differently; there is no pronounced bitterness, but the taste is more full and “density”. The malt feel is dominant.

The aftertaste is a characteristic that deserves no less attention. At the same time, a prolonged feeling of bitterness indicates a low-quality product, as it arises due to violations of production techniques or poor quality of the ingredients included in the composition.


Classic beer production technology involves the use of malt, purified water, yeast and hops. Belonging to a particular variety is determined by the choice of malt base. In Russia, imported ingredients are most often used to produce high-quality beer; this is caused by the high cost of equipment for producing dried barley. Hop cones are responsible for the formation of foam and specific bitterness. Many people believe that Chuvashia is the country that produces the best hops. But even it also has disadvantages, including the rapid loss of smell and other characteristics that are so necessary for the production of a foamy drink. Therefore, many countries store it in special vacuum packaging, in granular form.

Production stages

Beer consists of the following stages.

First of all, the malt is prepared. To do this, cereals are sprouted, dried, after which the sprouts are removed.

For the wort, malt is finely ground and mixed with purified water, resulting in a taste with a sweetish tint. The mixture of crushed grain products is called a shutter; it is subsequently ground again with water.

Next, the gate is subjected to filtration by transferring it to a special container and dividing it into two components: unhopped wort and the so-called spent grain, the basis of which is represented by small particles of barley.

All ingredients are heat treated. During boiling for 2 hours, the hops are completely dissolved, and elements that have a negative effect on the taste and aroma characteristics are evaporated.

Clarification is carried out in a whirlpool - this is a special installation into which hops and malt are separated that were not dissolved during the previous stages. Under influence, they accumulate on the sides of the device. It takes about 30 minutes for the wort to settle, then the dense residues are separated.

During the cooling stage, a fermentation tank is used, into which the base of the drink is transferred. At this time, the wort acquires a lower temperature and is saturated with oxygen, which is the main condition for the functioning of yeast.


Special ones are added to other components. The brewing technology at the plant requires about a month for complete fermentation. This creates a rather cloudy substance that tastes nothing like beer and requires additional fermentation in the form of aging in a closed container under slight pressure. As a result, carbon dioxide is formed. In this case, the period of aging determines the type of the future drink.

Insoluble residues are then separated again. This process is most common in industrial manufacturing. Due to some techniques, it is possible to increase the shelf life due to the destruction of existing microflora.

The final stage is pasteurization, during which the drink is brought to a temperature of 80 degrees. It is not used for all varieties, and similar to filtration, it extends shelf life. But many believe that the taste characteristics are reduced after such heat treatment.

On the eve of the World Cup, experts from the Roskachestvo organization shared their secrets of how to recognize counterfeit beer and not buy counterfeit beer. Roskachestvo has just announced a global inspection of beer products and is already calling the future extensive study the analysis of the year.

Popular varieties of light filtered beer will be tested in the laboratories of Roskachestvo: experts will analyze more than 40 domestic and imported brands of beer, paying special attention to their organoleptic, physicochemical properties and safety indicators.

Roskachestvo's research will concern light filtered beer

“The beer will be tested for compliance with mandatory legal requirements, including microbiological indicators and the content of toxic elements. Each brand will also be tested for total alcohol content, acidity, color, carbon dioxide mass fraction, head height and head retention."- representatives of the organization write in a press release. In addition, the beer will be checked for the presence of phthalates - these are harmful substances that are contained in the plastic of bottles and, in theory, can pass into the drink.

According to regulatory documentation, brewing malt, water, hops and hop products, sugar and sugar-containing products (for example, raw sugar, liquid sugar, starch syrup), unmalted grain products (barley, wheat, rice and corn grits, wheat grits) are used in the production of beer. , Brewer's yeast. If the consumer finds something other than the above-mentioned products in the drink, he should know that he is not dealing with beer, but with a beer drink. And the manufacturer is obliged to warn about this.

If you bought a beer in which the list of ingredients did not alert you, the quality of the drink can be visually assessed before drinking: Roskachestvo experts claim that foam with a persistence of less than three minutes characterizes low-quality beer. But in the case of ale, cider, craft beer and beer drinks, this rule does not apply - the quickly falling foam of these drinks may, on the contrary, be a signature characteristic.

“When choosing a beer, experts advise consumers to pay attention to the information on the label (for example, “unfiltered unclarified” or “unfiltered clarified” for unfiltered beer, “pasteurized” for pasteurized beer), and its type; minimum value of the volume fraction of ethyl alcohol. The shelf life of beer is up to six months from the date of bottling,” representatives of Roskachestvo add..

And finally, once again carefully go through the ingredients on the label: in “real” beer the amount of malt and hops should be less than 80%, only in this case the beer will have the standard richness of taste and aroma and high and persistent foaming. The remaining components of beer, such as corn syrup or starch, should not be more than 20% in beer. In addition, beer is not allowed to contain any flavorings, sweeteners or colorings.

31.08.16 69 924 0

How not to ruin the holiday

From January to July 2016, 4.5 thousand people died in Russia due to alcohol poisoning. The reason was not only vodka with technical alcohol, but also whiskey made from powder, cognac tinted with sawdust and wine made from apple juice with alcohol.

Asya Chelovan


Finding out the quality of alcohol before you are taken away in an ambulance is quite problematic. To stay healthy, let’s figure out how to spot a fake.

Bottle appearance

Let's say Oleg Tinkov produces Tinkoffsky cognac. The vineyards and the factory are located in Russia, therefore, as connoisseurs will note, “Tinkoffsky” is, strictly speaking, brandy.

In order to make the best brandy in Russia, no worse than that from the Cognac province, Oleg studied the Charente technology of cognac production, purchased French equipment “Prulot”, brought barrels from seventy-year-old Tronçais oak, built a factory in Crimea, and grew vineyards with “folle blanche” varieties " and "colombard", and ordered the master of assemblage from Armenia.

Oleg launched production himself and gave the drink his own name, because he is responsible for quality. Any counterfeit is a blow to his name, so Oleg tries to protect his product and is attentive to details. This can be seen even in the bottles in which the drink is bottled.

Before buying expensive alcohol, open the official website of the manufacturer - there are enough photographs there that show the shape of the bottle, the features of the labels, and the details of the engravings. It is difficult to fake all the details and markings of a bottle. Here's what you should pay attention to:

What to look for when buying a bottle

Oleg Tinkov's signature on shrink film

Bottle in the shape of the Tinkoff Bank coat of arms

Label with embossed name

Excise stamp “Cognac” with the name of the drink, manufacturer and container volume

Back label with a description of the drink, composition and storage conditions

Embossed name of cognac

Unfortunately, even the original bottle does not guarantee the quality of the contents. Empty used bottles of famous drinks are sold on eBay. A fake drink can be prepared from concentrate and alcohol:

Excise stamp

An excise stamp is a sign that the manufacturer has paid tax on alcohol. The state knows that such a bottle exists, and, in theory, is responsible for the quality of its contents. However, last year 15 million deciliters of alcohol with counterfeit brands were sold in Russia. Even if taxes were not paid for these bottles, it is much worse not knowing what kind of liquid was bottled.

Drinks are classified by strength and composition, and excise taxes for each class vary by color. There are four main excise stamps for strong alcohol and nine for wine. FS RAR even published a brochure with a description of each brand.

Some of the excise taxes appeared only in 2015, so in the store you will more often see cognac labeled “Strong Spirits” than “Cognac”. And sake can be either a “wine drink” or “an alcoholic drink with an alcohol content of over 9 to 25%.” It's all confusing.

It’s easier to check the brand using the application of the Federal Service “Rosalkogolregulirovanie” - “Anti-Counterfeit Alco”. It is available for iPhones, Android and Windows smartphones. The iPhone app is not currently available, but may be available later.

If you fundamentally do not want to install the FS RAR application, check that the stamp has a hologram and a barcode, the color is not solid, and the name matches the content stated on the label. The stamp must fit tightly on the bottle; it is made on an adhesive basis. If the stamp has come off a little, it is better not to take the drink.

Receipt in store

Since July 1, 2016, a control system for alcohol sales has been in effect in Russia - EGAIS, its use is mandatory for all alcohol sellers.

The EGAIS system receives data from manufacturers, importers, wholesale suppliers and retail stores. For violation of the rules, legal entities are fined in the amount of 150,000 to 200,000 rubles.

Sellers who work according to the rules issue a special receipt with a QR code.

The EGAIS check will not be issued:

  • if you buy beer;
  • if you ordered alcohol in a cafe or restaurant;
  • if you buy alcohol in a village of up to 3 thousand people: these checks will begin to be issued there only from July 2017.

In the cities of Crimea, EGAIS will work only in 2017, and in small settlements on the peninsula - in 2018.

In other cases - if you are not in Crimea, not in a village and you are buying alcohol stronger than beer - the seller is obliged to issue a receipt. Such a receipt is a guarantee that they are selling you legal alcohol.

Before buying alcohol, ask the seller if they work for EGAIS. If they don't work, leave. If a store sells alcohol without EGAIS, most likely the supplier did not enter it into the system either. It’s unlikely that anyone will be responsible for the quality of “invisible” alcohol.

If the store operates according to the rules, the seller first scans the barcode, then the excise stamp, and then issues a special receipt with a QR code.

Regular check

Regular check

EGAIS check

“Signature” of the cash register on which the receipt is punched

To read a QR code, you need to install a program on your smartphone - the aforementioned “Anti-Counterfeit Alco” FS RAR or a regular scanner. I use the Kaspersky Lab application, but the tool is not important here. If you don’t want to install anything or the QR is not readable - this also happens - type the link from the receipt directly into the browser line.

The link will open the Federal Tax Service website: pay attention to the date and time of sale - it should not differ from the real one. The information in the “Series and stamp numbers” block must match the inscription on the label and the data on the excise stamp.

Check the date and time of purchase

The same text should be on the stamp

If you were given a receipt with the correct information, the alcohol is real. The store would not be able to accept and sell alcohol that is not in the state register.

When to check

You need to check the bottle for the excise stamp before you take it to the checkout.

Alcohol, like other food products, cannot be replaced or returned. Therefore, if you gave the money, the seller may refuse to accept the drink back and return the money.

In this case, you can try to back out of the transaction: failure to issue a receipt or incorrect information on it can be considered a violation of the consumer's right to information.

If you fail to cancel the purchase, simply warn the seller about what you will do next. And you need to act like this:

  1. Write an application to the FS RAR and Rospotrebnadzor.
  2. If the FS RAR application is installed, report the violation through it.
  3. If there is no application, then report the incident to the FS RAR portal. In the application, write that you were sold alcohol without an EGAIS receipt, indicate the date, address of the store, attach a photo of the bottle and the receipt if you were given a regular one.

And, of course, do not drink if there is even the slightest doubt about the authenticity of the drink.

The smell of the drink

If you do not have a sense of smell and experience as a sommelier, then you are unlikely to be able to distinguish by smell whether it is French cognac or something bottled at a small factory in the Moscow region.

If you are lucky enough to have a keen sense of smell, then let the drink sit in the glass for a few minutes. The aroma has disappeared, but the smell of alcohol remains - this is a fake, don’t risk it.

When producing counterfeit alcohol, methyl alcohol is often used instead of ethyl alcohol, which does not differ in smell and taste. Methyl is a technical alcohol, which, when it enters the human body, decomposes to dangerous substances - formaldehyde and formic acid. 30 ml of methyl alcohol will kill a healthy adult man.

Symptoms of methyl alcohol poisoning: nausea, vomiting, difficulty breathing, blurred vision, pain throughout the body. If you feel this is happening to you, call an ambulance before it’s too late. Doctors will rinse the stomach and infuse ethyl alcohol.


  1. Pay attention to the price. Elite alcohol for 500 rubles is a fake.
  2. If you are going to buy expensive alcohol, look at the manufacturer’s website to see what the bottle looks like.
  3. If you know that you will be buying alcohol in an unfamiliar place, download the Anti-Counterfeit Alko application in advance - iPhone (currently unavailable), Android and Windows. You will use it to check both the excise stamp and the receipt.
  4. Check the excise stamps: they must be tightly affixed, have a hologram, lot number, and the color must match the contents.
  5. Ask if the store operates according to EGAIS. If it doesn't work, don't buy it.
  6. If you were not given a EGAIS check with a QR code, warn the seller that you will complain to Rospotrebnadzor and the FS RAR.
  7. If you were given a receipt with a QR code, be sure to check it. If the code is not readable, try entering the link below it.
  8. Always check whether the information on the link matches what is indicated on the paper receipt: store TIN, date and time of sale, position on the receipt.

Consultants: prof. Georgy Aleksandrovich Livanov, prof. Alexander Nikolaevich Petrov, lawyer Vladimir Belyaev

Stanislav Chulkov, who holds the position of executive director of the SUN InBev branch in Saransk, answered our questions about how brewers work.

What ingredients does beer consist of and what determines its taste?

The main ingredients in beer are hops, malt, water and yeast. Rich in protein and starch, barley malt is sprouted cereal grains. Bitter and aromatic, with bactericidal properties, hops serve as a natural preservative, ensure the safety of the drink, give it a bitter taste and a pleasant aroma. Yeast is a living organism that participates in fermentation, converting nutrients into carbon dioxide and alcohol. Depending on the type of beer, one or another type of yeast is used, which forms its taste and aroma. Some varieties use corn, rice, wheat, as well as additional ingredients such as coriander, orange peel, etc. According to the standards of the Russian Federation, (or in another container), prepared not according to the classic recipe, it is customary to call it a “beer drink.”

How beer is made

The basis of beer production technology, like centuries ago, is fermentation. The process begins with preparing the malt, mashing and filtering the mash. The resulting wort is boiled, settled and cooled, then fermentation and post-fermentation occur. The liquid is then filtered, bottled, pasteurized and packaged. Each stage has its own difficulties.

Is alcohol added to beer?

No, they don't add it. The alcoholic component in beer is formed during fermentation, which occurs as a result of the vital activity of yeast consuming nutrients dissolved in the wort.

What can you say about the quality of beer produced in Russia?

Selling beer produced in Russia in bulk for shops and bars is quite popular. However, the quality of the domestic drink is often called into question. It depends on the ingredients and adherence to technology. If we talk about SUN InBev factories, only high-quality components are used here, and you can see with your own eyes how the process works and the technology is followed. All enterprises take part in the Industrial Tourism project.

Is there fake (powdered) beer?

It is impossible to fake beer using a homemade method, since its production will require expensive equipment. "Powder beer" is a myth born out of legislators' gamesmanship over the definition of beer and "beer drinks." The situation is such that today, based on our laws, some famous beer brand can also be classified as beer drinks, along with cocktails made from alcohol and flavorings.

How to evaluate a brewer's skill

There is professional assessment, tasting, monitoring and management of standards. But the key indicator of the brewer's skill is the assessment by the end consumer, accessible to him in an organoleptic way (using smell, sight and taste). The taste and quality of the drink can be affected by incorrect storage.

How to become a brewer

The profession of a brewer and at the same time a winemaker is taught in universities with a specialty in “Technology of Fermentation Production and Winemaking.”

How breweries influence regional development

The SUN InBev branch in Saransk participates in many social projects of the Republic, including those aimed against the consumption of alcohol by minors.

Hoegaarden beer, what makes the ingredients unique? What technology is used to make this drink? When clarifying the circumstances of the appearance of Belgian beer, you need to refer to general information about the beer product. "Hoegaarden" is an unfiltered beer made from wheat grains, malt, barley and oats, with the addition of orange peel and coriander. The drink has a characteristic cloudy color due to the lack of a filtration process in the production technology.


The history of this drink dates back to the 14th century. Brewing in Flanders has been mentioned in historical archives since 1813. Later, after the founding of 2 monasteries, it began to be produced en masse. The beer recipe was taken as the basis for national brewing, the recipe of which is used to create the majority of beer products in Belgium. Today, beer is produced in the Belgian city of Leuven, this happened after the sale of production rights by Pierre Celis, who revived the production technology and brand of the drink after ruin during the Second World War.

Making beer at the factory

Based on the results of several international exhibitions, the InBev company received a large number of awards and gold medals for the quality and absence of foreign chemical compounds, preservatives, flavor and color enhancers in the product. It is the composition and selection of natural ingredients that allows the beer product to acquire the correct consistency and taste, without the concomitant use of chemicals and additional, artificial alcoholization during the fermentation process.

Since the end of the 20th century, InBev has signed numerous contracts for the export of Hurgaden beer to European and Asian countries.

Since the beginning of the 21st century in Russia, the Klin brewery has launched a production line for a Belgian “white” beer drink containing sugar and apple pectin.

It is important to know!

The easiest way to recover from alcoholism without pills, injections or doctors with a 100% guarantee of results. Find out how our reader, Tatyana, saved her husband from alcoholism, without his knowledge...


Hoegaarden beer, before the sale of rights by Pierre Celis to SUN InBev, was produced according to an ancient Belgian recipe preserved by the monks of Flemish monasteries. It included unsprouted wheat grains, barley malt and spices, including citrus zest and coriander. In the mid-20th century, the recipe was corrected, and hops were added to the beer, giving the product a new note of taste and aroma.

Glass of Belgian beer Hurgaden

Today Belgian beer is represented by 3 types:

  1. Original White. It has the color of baked bread, a cloudy consistency and a dense head of foam when poured into a glass, the strength is no more than 4%.
  2. Grand Cru. A brand of beer with a delicate taste that does not have a pronounced taste of barley and hops, the alcohol content does not exceed 9%.
  3. Forbiden Fruit. A kind of beer mulled wine with a deep rich red wine color and a deep fruity taste combined with a hint of spice. Has excellent whipped foam, the alcohol contained in the product is no more than 5%.
  • Special. Golden in color, with a predominant amount of barley malt, it has a viscous consistency. Strength not more than 7%;
  • Rose. The main uniqueness of this type of beer is the addition of fresh raspberries to the recipe, due to which it has a pink color and a pleasant taste of raspberries and spices. Alcohol content 3.8;
  • Citron. White beer with the addition of natural lemon juice, which gives the product freshness and a sourish tint in taste. The alcohol content does not exceed 3%.


The process of making this beer is quite complicated and takes about 3 weeks:

Stage one

  1. Making malt from barley and oats.
  2. Adding wheat to the wort and processing the resulting starch into sugar at a temperature of 75º.
  3. Separating sweet syrup from crystal grains.
  4. Sterilization followed by the addition of orange zest and coriander.
  5. Filtration and cooling of the resulting substance.

Beer production Hurgaden

Stage two

  1. Fermentation involves heat treatment of yeast to break down sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide.
  2. Subsequent fermentation process for 3-5 days at high temperature.
  3. The process of passing through a centrifuge.
  4. Pouring the resulting liquid into tanks for the camp compartment.
  5. Repeated fermentation process with addition of sugar and yeast.
  6. Fermentation of finished beer for 1.5-2 months.

4 Additional components in beer

In addition to using traditional barley grain to produce the beer product, InBev continues to produce beer according to an old recipe, which includes the following components:

  • high-quality oat varieties grown to order from the brewery;
  • yeast grown specifically for the production of Hurgaden beer;
  • wheat of special premium varieties, grown by special order of the InBev company.
  • coriander, widespread during the time of monastic brewing due to well-organized trade with neighboring Holland. The peculiarity of coriander lies in the grinding and processing of the spice, including the extraction of coriander oil with a specific taste and aroma of orange.
  • the peel of the fruit of the Laraja tree, brought to Valencia by Spanish colonists. This tree is similar in properties to the fruits of the orange tree, but only the zest is used as food components, which gives white beer a piquant aroma and taste.


Based on the received permission to produce beer from the InBev company, the Klin Brewery began producing white beer, but due to the addition of additional ingredients to the recipe, the product is licensed as a “beer drink.”

Beer Hurgaden white

The Russian version of the product has a calorie content of 45 kcal/100 g, contains natural apple pectin and additional sugar content, and therefore the strength of the drink is 4.9-5.1%, unlike the Belgian original. The taste has a more pronounced presence of barley malt. The product has a very viscous, cloudy, whitish consistency. This beer drink has passed all the necessary tests according to the relevant quality standards and is allowed for consumption throughout Russia.


Any beer is known for its beneficial properties for the human body, but the difference between Hurgaden beer is the presence of vitamins and nutrients, including antioxidants in the product components:

  • vitamins of group PP, B and C;
  • copper;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • calcium.

Bottle of beer Hurgaden

This composition increases the metabolic rate, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and also helps to raise hemoglobin levels due to an increase in the rate of red blood cell formation.

Excessive consumption of beer, as well as other alcoholic beverages, may cause disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system and biliary tract, liver and kidneys (gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis). Excessive consumption of beer is fraught with heart failure and increased cholesterol levels.


To drink Hurgaden beer, a thick glass glass with a hexagonal shape was created at the beginning of the 16th century. Such glasses are still used by European consumers to this day. The shape of the glass allows you to preserve the lush, dense foam of the beer, which enhances the taste and aftertaste of the original composition of the Hurgaden product.

Beer glass for beer Hurgaden

In the beer museum in the Flemish district of Belgium there is a statue of a certain Claes, who lived at the brewery all his long life. According to legend, a newborn boy was brought to the brewery, who, by order of the abbot of the monastery, was left in the care and education of all the workers of the brewery, where he lived his whole life. It is Klaas who is considered the inventor of the glass for drinking this drink. According to historical sources, Klaas lived for more than 100 years, and he associated his longevity with the constant consumption of white Belgian beer.


According to ancient Belgian traditions, it is drunk from chilled glasses, in which crushed ice is first placed. Before uncorking, the bottle is rotated along the axis several times. Uncorking is carried out strictly at an angle of 45º, just like the method of pouring beer into a glass. In addition to cooling the glass, it is necessary to give the poured beer time to settle in the air and form a dense foam. According to beer connoisseurs, this product is best consumed in its natural form and not used in cocktails. As an appetizer, it is served with white fish cooked over a fire, fried nuts and canapés using natural goat cheese, widespread in the Belgian provinces.

Chilled beer in a glass

Since it has a specific taste, manufacturers advise using Belgian rye bread with cumin and sesame as a snack, which will help reveal the full taste and aroma of the beer product and reduce the aftertaste of hops and barley malt. Fruit beers typically don't offer snacks, but most drinkers use thinly sliced ​​red grapefruit combined with avocado pulp, which gives the beer a unique finish and brings out the full flavor of coriander and orange zest. When drinking citrus and rose beers, no snacks are provided.

Beer is consumed in the company of guests and friends. Local traditions of the culture of drinking white beer include the use of this product in pubs and bars, comfortably located throughout all districts of the cities. Belgian white beer has unique mood-lifting and invigorating properties, with a characteristic refreshing effect.


Recently, a huge amount of cheap counterfeit beer products have appeared on the shelves of supermarkets and large stores. Moreover, scammers prefer to counterfeit not only domestic drinks, but also foreign beer products, which are difficult for ordinary people to distinguish.

Glass of cold beer Hurgaden

In order not to be deceived and not to be disappointed in the taste of beer, the following circumstances must be taken into account:

  • natural Belgian beer Hoegaarden does not contain preservatives or color and taste enhancers;
  • the strength of the drink cannot be more than 9.5%;
  • none of the beers can be clear;
  • the label on the back of the bottle contains full information about the composition and manufacturer of the beer;
  • the bottling date and series are stamped on the bottom of the bottle;
  • the inscriptions on the bottle, even those released for export to China, cannot be written in Chinese;
  • in Russia, this drink is actually produced under the official permission of the InBev company for the Klin brewery;
  • This original beer is on sale only in specialized alcoholic beverage stores.

10 Belgium and beer routes

If you decide to travel around Belgium and its provinces, you should definitely visit the district of Hoegaarden, located in the city of Tienen, which is very easily accessible from Brussels. It is in this town that you can learn about the ancient technology and recipe of real white beer. And in this district you will be invited to visit the local museum, located on the territory of an old brewery, where you can see a statue of Claes, who bequeathed to seal himself in a barrel of white beer. You will also be able to get acquainted and personally see the technology of producing Belgian beer in any city of old Flanders.

According to the results of studies of many brands and collections of tastes of beer products, there are no analogues of Hoegaarden beer on the world stage of beer and there will not be any in the near future.

And a little about secrets...

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