Home Undercarriage And you do not confuse what PTS and STS of a car are: check your knowledge of the documents. Pts series and number Pts series numbers or letters

And you do not confuse what PTS and STS of a car are: check your knowledge of the documents. Pts series and number Pts series numbers or letters

To obtain a certificate of registration of the vehicle, you must contact the traffic police department after registering the car, providing the documents for the car, as well as a passport confirming the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

The certification process consists of several stages:

  • in the traffic police department you need to write a statement, as well as provide all the necessary documents for the car;
  • pay the state fee;
  • obtain a vehicle registration certificate, vehicle passport and license plates.

You can get a refusal to receive a document due to legal problems with the car, as well as if the details are not indicated in the previous certificate.

To solve this problem, it is necessary either to re-register the documents, or to terminate the concluded sales contract.

To protect yourself as a buyer in the contract, you must specify a clause in which it will be discussed that upon receipt of a refusal to register a car, the contract will be subject to termination.

How to check authenticity

It is possible by appointing an examination. So, traffic police officers note the following signs of forgery:

  • there is no microtext in the upper corner above the inscription: “Russian Federation”;
  • when viewing a document under ultraviolet light, it does not glow with a bright green light;
  • the hologram on the document does not correspond to the established pattern;
  • MREO printing is made on a printer;
  • the protective background grid does not glow under ultraviolet light.

There are several ways to check the vehicle registration certificate:

  • appeal to certification bodies, which are indicated on the document, as the organization that issued this document;
  • checking in the unified register of state registration by its number by submitting a request to the appropriate authority;
  • you can check the registration certificate of the vehicle online in the electronic database on the website

There are several ways to check the certificate of state registration.

What to do if you lose

If you lose the STS, first of all, you should contact the traffic police at the place of registration of the vehicle.

On the spot, you must write a statement in the prescribed form, indicating the following information:

  • car make and model;
  • transport number of the car;
  • the reason for the loss of the STS;
  • indication of full name and the signature of the applicant.

The signed document is handed over to the traffic police officer.

To restore the vehicle registration certificate, documents are provided to the traffic police officer after payment of the state fee:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • OSAGO policy;
  • vehicle passport.

After submitting the documents, the traffic police must inspect the car. As soon as the employee is convinced that it is the applicant for the loss of the STS that is the real owner of the car, he will issue a new STS. Upon receipt of the document, you can immediately go on it.

When is the replacement of the vehicle registration certificate required?

required for:

  • when changing the registration address;
  • change of surname after marriage;
  • car color changes;
  • replacement of machine elements that now have new numbers (as a rule, when changing the engine or body);
  • replacement of the basic design of the car.

In the above cases, it is necessary to replace the STS. To register a replacement for this document, you must provide the documents, the list of which was set out above.

However, if the replacement is due to a change in the color or numbers of car parts, it is necessary to provide the vehicle for inspection by the traffic police.

The process of re-registration itself is carried out quite quickly. You can get a new STS within an hour.

Changing of the living place

When changing the place of residence, it is necessary to replace the STS. This is necessary for the reason that all taxes and fines can come to the new address.

If you do not go through the re-registration process, the owner may have problems with passing a technical inspection and receiving insurance payments in case of an accident.

There is no need to deregister the car under the new rules, it happens automatically, but the documents need to be re-registered within 5 days from the moment of moving to a new place of residence. Otherwise, you will have to pay a fine in 500 rubles.

To do this, you should contact any traffic police department and submit the following documents:

  • passport for the car;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • OSAGO insurance policy;
  • JTS, as well as a completed application form.

The re-registration process will take about two hours, during which it is necessary to pay the state duty for the vehicle registration certificate at any bank branch:

When re-registering due to a change of residence address, it is not required to provide a car. License plates remain the same.

After receiving the new JTS, all the documents provided will be returned to the owner, and a note will be made in the vehicle's passport that the address of residence has been changed.

With the received documents, you must contact the insurance organization so that the appropriate changes were also made to the OSAGO policy.

Change of surname

In accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, when changing passport data, it is necessary to replace the vehicle passport, as well as the vehicle registration certificate within ten working days.

To change the surname in the vehicle registration certificate, first of all, you must pay the state duty. This can be done at any branch of the bank.

To change the surname in the vehicle registration certificate, the following documents must be prepared:

  • statement;
  • whether there are documents submitted by a non-owner of the car; a power of attorney must be provided;
  • vehicle passport;
  • OSAGO insurance policy;

You can get a new certificate on the day the documents are submitted, unless additional verification is required.

After receiving a new document, it is necessary, together with the above documents, to contact the insurance organization, where the corresponding changes must also be made.

When the certificate is replaced due to a change of surname, the corresponding changes are also made to the vehicle passport.


When the vehicle registration certificate expires, it must be replaced.

If the term of the document has expired, the suspension of the car by the traffic police may be fined. The fine is not imposed if the person does not use the vehicle with an expired document.

When driving a vehicle without a registration certificate, a fine is also imposed.
Replacement of the vehicle registration certificate is carried out in the same manner as described above.


It is necessary to replace the vehicle registration certificate if the vehicle has been repainted.

It is necessary to re-register within five days from the moment of repainting. To do this, you must contact the traffic police department and provide the following documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation,
  • OSAGO insurance policy;
  • vehicle passport;
  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • statement.

If the car is not more than three years old - for domestic cars, or 15 years old - if the car is a foreign car, in this case it is necessary to obtain permission from the vehicle tracing department to determine whether the car is on the wanted list. Based on the results of the inspection, a corresponding note will be put on the application.

In addition, it is necessary to pay a fee for registration actions, as well as for the issuance of a new certificate of registration of a vehicle and amending the vehicle passport.

When changing the color of the car, the car must be examined by the traffic police. When inspecting the car, it must be clean, and the license plates on the body and engine must be thoroughly wiped.

After inspecting the car, the traffic police inspector puts a mark in the statement that no violations on his part have been identified.

After inspection, all the above documents must be submitted to the reception window, and wait for the issuance of a new registration certificate and amendments to the vehicle passport.

In principle, this is where the re-registration procedure ends. It remains only to submit the same documents to the insurance organization to change the insurance certificate. This procedure is free of charge.


The vehicle registration certificate is valid for 10 years. At the end of this period, the document is invalid and must be replaced without fail.

In this case, the validity period has its exceptions. If a citizen is temporarily on the territory of the Russian Federation, and at the same time does not have a national driver's license with him, he can obtain a Russian license on a general basis, but for the duration of the registration documents granting the right to temporary residence in the country.

Replacement cost

The amount of the state duty is fixed by Chapter 25.3 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation:

Thus, 850 rubles must be paid for replacing the STS.

Thus, the process of replacing a vehicle registration certificate is quite simple and does not take much time. All you need is to know the timing and cases when the document must be replaced.

Video: Car numbers and registration certificates can be obtained directly from car dealers

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On this page we will try to answer the question about STS of a car

Decoding STS for a car

STS - Vehicle registration certificate, issued when registering a vehicle with the traffic police (GAI). It has a format of 75 x 105 mm and contains the following information:

1) Vehicle registration plate

In accordance with the current GOST (GOST R 50577-93 STATE STANDARD OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION STATE REGISTRATION SIGNS OF VEHICLES), the vehicle registration plate of private vehicles of citizens of the Russian Federation consists of two fields. The number and series of the state registration plate is indicated in the left field, which is a combination of the Cyrillic alphabet letter, has an analogue in the Latin alphabet, three numbers (from 001 to 999) and two letters denoting the GRZ series. In the right field, the region code (from two to three digits), as well as the flag of Russia and the international designation of our country RUS.

2) Identification number (VIN)

Vehicle identification number (eng. Vehicle identification number, VIN) - a unique vehicle code consisting of 17 characters. The code contains information about the manufacturer and characteristics of the vehicle, and the year of manufacture. The structure of the code is based on the standards ISO 3779-1983 and ISO 3780. Identification numbers are printed on one-piece body or chassis components and on specially made number plates (nameplates).

Only the following characters of the Latin alphabet and Arabic numerals are allowed in the VIN:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H J K L M N P R S T U V W X Y Z

It is forbidden to use the letters I, O, Q, since they are similar in outline to the numbers 1, 0, as well as to each other.

VIN consists of 3 parts:

  1. WMI (World Manufacturers Identification) - worldwide manufacturer's index
  2. VDS (Vehicle Description Section) - descriptive part
  3. VIS (Vehicle Identification Section) - a distinctive part

3) Make and model of vehicle

Brand - manufacturer.

Model - designation of a specific product.

4) Vehicle type

Currently, the establishment of the type of vehicle is carried out by the certification body when issuing "vehicle type approval" in accordance with the Rules for Carrying Out Works in the Certification System of Motor Vehicles and Trailers, approved by Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated 01.04.1998 No. 19 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia 15.05.1998 No. 1522, as well as other regulatory documents of the certification system for motor vehicles and trailers.
When determining the type of vehicle, the certification body takes into account the technical characteristics and design features and uses the classification established by the Inland Transport Committee of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (hereinafter referred to as the UNECE ITC) and GOST R 51709-2001, adopted and introduced by the Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated 01.02. 2001 No. 47-st.

The main types of vehicles are:

- passenger,

- cargo,

- bus ,

- motorcycle,

- trailer,

- semitrailer.

Variations of vehicles and combinations may also be indicated. Example: a car station wagon.

The categories of vehicles established by paragraph 5 of Annex 6 of the Convention on Road Traffic, concluded in Vienna on 08.11.1968 (hereinafter referred to as the Convention), are determined for the issuance of appropriate licenses to drive such vehicles.
In accordance with the Regulations on vehicle passports and vehicle chassis passports, approved by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 496 (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation on PTS), Ministry of Industry and Energy of Russia No. 192, Ministry of Economic Development of Russia No. 134 dated 23.06.2005, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 29.07.2005 No. 6842, in line 4 “Vehicle category (A, B, C, D, trailer) of the vehicle passport, the category is indicated that corresponds to the classification of vehicles.
As follows from clause 28 of the Regulation on TCP, the definition of the category of vehicles is carried out according to the classification of the ITC UNECE.
An indication in the passport of a vehicle, for example, category "B", does not yet indicate that the vehicle is a passenger car.
When determining the types of vehicles and referring them to one or another type, we recommend that you be guided by the vehicle designation system (ATS), adopted by the standard OH 025 270-66 (hereinafter referred to as the Normal) and reflected in the document "Rates of fuel and lubricants consumption in road transport" approved by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation on April 29, 2003.

6) Year of manufacture of the vehicle

Indicated in accordance with TCP. In the absence of this information, it can be installed in accordance with the model year indicated in the VIN

7) Engine model

8) Engine number

!!! Clauses 7 and 8 at the moment, in accordance with the current rules, are not indicated in the JTS

9) Chassis number (frame)

Consists of 17 characters and can be decoded as VIN.

Land vehicle chassis - an assembled set of transmission units, chassis units and control mechanisms.

  • A vehicle chassis using a frame is a complete structure that can be moved on its own wheels or tracks. Frame chassis are used mainly for tractors and trucks. The structure of the frame chassis depends on the propulsion device used. In wheeled vehicles, the chassis structure is determined by the total number of axles and the number of driving axles. The chassis of the machines, designed for off-road driving, are equipped with a means of increasing cross-country ability.
  • Vehicle chassis with a monocoque body - the base of the vehicle that connects transmission units, chassis units and control mechanisms.

FRAME - the carrying system of the vehicle, which is beam structure.

10) Body number (sidecar)

The body is a part of a car or other vehicle, designed to accommodate passengers and cargo. The body number consists of 17 characters and corresponds to the VIN of the vehicle.

Types of carbodies



Two-door sedan






Town car











Station wagon







11) Vehicle color

A structure applied to the vehicle body in various ways, which allows subjectively distinguishing electromagnetic radiation in the optical range, determined on the basis of the emerging physiological visual sensation and depending on a number of physical, physiological and psychological factors.

The colors indicated in the CTC are basic: black, white, gray, silver, green, blue, red, etc. without specifying shades and factory names.

12) Engine power

Power is a physical quantity equal in the general case to the rate of change, transformation, transmission or consumption of energy in the system.

The units of measurement used to reflect the physical power of the engine are 1 kW, which is 1000 J / 1 sec. And horsepower, which is 735.5 W. Horsepower is used to determine the basis for calculating taxes and payments.

13) Environmental class

It characterizes automotive equipment, depending on the level of emissions of harmful (pollutants) substances, which are exhaust gases of internal combustion engines and fuel evaporation of automotive vehicles, containing harmful (pollutants) substances (carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons (Cm Hn), nitrogen oxides (NOx) ) and dispersed particles).

The Euro-1 standard was introduced in Europe in the early 90s. At the moment there are 5 standards. the Euro-4 standard was introduced in Russia on January 1, 2010. At the moment, a government decree has been adopted, which introduces the Euro-5 standard from January 1, 2014.

14) Vehicle passport.

A document containing information about the main technical characteristics of the vehicle, identification data of the main units, information about the owner, registration and deregistration.

Reconciliation by state number and PTS The only legal way to verify the authenticity of a vehicle registration certificate by a state number plate is to check the traffic police databases. To find out the certificate of registration of a car with a license plate, you must contact the branch of the State Automobile Inspectorate closest to your home with a statement, which indicates the main technical characteristics of the car necessary to clarify the STS and the rest of the "history". After some time, the traffic police inspector will provide an answer to the request of a potential buyer. If the information specified in the "original" STS provided by the seller does not correspond to the data of the State Traffic Inspectorate, then the certificate is fake. The same applies to duplicate car documents. They need to be treated with even more caution.

Where to find the car registration certificate number

You will receive a message about this: 2. Your car does not have unpaid fines. If you entered everything correctly and your car does not have traffic fines, you will receive the following message: 3.


Unpaid fines were recorded. If unpaid fines are recorded for your car, then after entering the state. numbers and numbers of the registration certificate You will be taken to the next page: Let's take a closer look at this window. It indicates:

  1. Date of violation.
  2. Article of the Code of Administrative Offenses under which a fine was imposed.
  3. To the traffic police department, the employee of which issued a fine.
  4. Number and date of the resolution.
  5. The amount of the fine.

If you hover over the article number of the Administrative Code, you will receive a detailed description of it.

For example: If you click on the article number, then you will go to the beginning of the traffic fines table.

Where can I find the vehicle's STS number?

PTS to restore the rest of the documents. If, along with all the documents, a car was also stolen, then you will have to call the police and act in the order that the law enforcement officers recommend. Recommendations:

  • have copies of PTS, STS, which will help to restore documents in a short time;
  • do not leave the case with documents in the back seat of the car (theft can be committed even while stopping at a traffic light);
  • keep folders with documents in the glove compartment or other secluded place;
  • always take your documents with you, even if you leave the car for a short time;
  • do not leave a bag with documents on a store counter, a chair in a cafe;
  • do not continue driving the vehicle if documents have been stolen or lost.

If documents are stolen, immediately call the police officers.

State traffic police fines number


It is usually possible to restore the documentation after the closure of a criminal case. Until closing time, the driver can use duplicates.

A car registration certificate is one of the main and most important documents for a car, along with a motor vehicle passport. The numbers of these documents are identical. This ensures a faster check of the car by the traffic police and easier restoration of the STS if the car owner loses it.


The document number is located on the front and back sides. It is often used to determine information about a car or its owner.

No corrections are made to the document. The certificate changes completely. You can change the document at the nearest traffic police department.

Vehicle registration certificate

How to find out the vehicle registration certificate? The vehicle registration certificate is a kind of certificate containing detailed information about it. To find out the authenticity of this document, you should know:

  • date of issue of the document;
  • information that makes it possible to identify a specific car (engine or body serial number, VIN number, brand, color, vehicle model, state number);
  • the dates when changes were made to the STS concerning the previous owners of the machine, its technical parameters or the implementation of repairs (reconstruction).

If in the process of familiarizing yourself with the documents for a car there are doubts, then experts in automotive law strongly recommend using one of the methods for verifying the authenticity of the documentation.

Vehicle check

Checking the history of the car via the Internet On the territory of the Russian Federation, most vehicles are subject to mandatory state registration, in confirmation of which the car owner is issued an appropriate certificate (STS). The mentioned document, despite its small size, contains information sufficient to identify the vehicle:

  • register sign;
  • VIN number;
  • car model and make;
  • vehicle category;
  • year of issue;
  • engine, chassis and body numbers;
  • car color;
  • engine power and displacement;
  • unladen weight and permissible;
  • information about the owner of the vehicle;
  • the document that served as the basis for the issuance of the certificate (contract for the sale and purchase of a car, etc.).

Series and number of the car registration certificate. how to recover and where to find them?

  • keep all documents in one place. For these purposes, it is advisable to purchase a special bag or folder;
  • after registering the car, make copies of the title and the received certificate. This will help to recover documents as soon as possible;
  • the case with documents must not be left on the next seat of the car. Often there are situations when, during a stop at a traffic light or in another place, documents are stolen right from the car. It is more advisable to remove the folder with documents in the glove compartment or other secluded place;
  • when leaving the car, even for a short period of time (especially when leaving the vehicle in the parking lot in the evening and at night), all documents must be taken with you;
  • constantly monitor the presence of a bag with documents in hand.

It is required to enter the vehicle registration certificate number, but this is not a problem for the car owner. 3. If desired, other motorists can get information about your fines, and a little later I will tell you how.

How to find out traffic fines in the state. number In order to find out the fines for the state. car number, you will need a single document - a vehicle registration certificate. Prepare it before moving on to the next step.
So, first you should go to the official website of the traffic police at this link: http: //www.gibdd.ru/check/fines/ In the given window, enter the data specified in the certificate of registration of your car: When all fields are filled in, click on the "Request" button. Possible check results 1. Data entry error.
If you try to find out traffic fines for the wrong state.

Find the state number nc according to the registration certificate

Almost every site has a specific form that you need to fill out. It looks something like this: Having entered the necessary data, the car owner receives the results of the check in the shortest possible time.

The query result in the case of unpaid fines looks like this: In the example, the car owner has two fines. Traffic violations were committed on July 16, 2013 and July 20, 2013.
For each violation, a resolution was issued (numbers removed for confidentiality of information). The amount to be paid is 400 rubles (100 rubles and 300 rubles, respectively). Is it possible to find out the number of the vehicle registration certificate by the car number Find out the vehicle registration certificate number, as well as the data on the vehicle owner by one car number, only by making an official request to the traffic police.

Find the state number of the vehicle according to the registration certificate

The unique code contains letters and numbers that indicate the make and model of the car and other information about the vehicle;

  • car (color, year of manufacture, body type);
  • numbered vehicle units;
  • vehicle owner;
  • the authority that issued the document.

Each issued vehicle registration certificate is individual. It has a number and a series by which you can find out the entire history of the car in the traffic police databases, as well as the fines attributed to the driver of the vehicle.

The document must be constantly carried with you. The car owner is obliged to provide a certificate to the traffic police officer for inspection. The absence of a document entails the imposition of a fine on the car owner.

In this case, the car or vehicle can be sent to the impound parking lot until the owner is clarified (Article 12.3 of the Administrative Code).
By clicking on the name of the unit, you will receive its contact information (address, contact numbers, approximate location on the map). Using the number and date of the order (column 4), and the amount of the fine (column 5), you can pay the traffic police fine online. How to do this is described in detail in the article "Payment of traffic fines online". Checking fines for state. the number of someone else's car As I promised at the beginning of the article, then I will talk about how to find out traffic fines for the state. the number of someone else's car. Immediately, I note that it will not be possible to obtain information about every car. Let's assume that your car has a state. number А123СК45 and number of the registration certificate 45АС123456. Since the numbers and certificates of registration with the traffic police are most often issued in order, then by increasing each of the numbers by one, you will find out the fines for the next state. numbers (А123СК45). His certificate number (45АС123457).

The list of documentation that must be kept by the owner of the car or the person who operates it includes a certificate of registration of the car. The document contains all the information about the car and special marks required in the cases established by law. What is a vehicle registration certificate, what does such a document look like, and what data does it contain?

What is a vehicle STS and what is it for? A vehicle registration certificate is a document containing data about a car and about its owner. According to the established traffic rules, motorists are prohibited from driving without a certificate, even if the car is driven not by its owner, but by a trusted person.

If the vehicle registration certificate is checked and the fact of its absence is discovered, the driver may be held liable with the imposition of penalties. An STS for a car has certain degrees of protection, practically excluding the possibility of making a fake version in the event of theft of a car or its illegal operation.

What does the vehicle registration certificate look like and what data does it contain? The document is a card size 80 x 115 mm and contains the following information:

  • STS number;
  • Vehicle number assigned during registration;
  • Vehicle identification number, consisting of a set of numbers and letters. The decryption of the data gives information about where it was produced and its main characteristics;
  • Vehicle model and car category;
  • Vehicle engine and body number;
  • The year the vehicle was released;
  • Information about chassis and frame - displayed if the vehicle belongs to the type of a truck or is a road vehicle;
  • Car color;
  • Vehicle engine power;
  • Vehicle engine displacement (indicated in liters and cubic centimeters);
  • Vehicle passport and its series;
  • Carrying capacity of the vehicle (how much cargo can be transported with it);
  • Vehicle weight without additional loads;
  • Information about the owner of the car;
  • Data on the territorial body of the traffic police in which the car was registered;
  • The date on which the owner of the vehicle became its legal owner;
  • The number of the document on the basis of which the owner has the ownership of the car;
  • Special notes to be entered in the STS

A photo of a sample document is contained on the information stands of the traffic police and on many automotive websites - having information on how the STS looks like, you can protect yourself from fraudulent actions committed with the aim of selling cars in an illegal way.

How to get STS

Who issues the document? In order to get it, you will need to contact the territorial office - in it, in parallel with the registration of the car, the issuance of a new STS is carried out. The receipt of the document is carried out with the passage of the following stages:

  • Execution of an application for registration of a vehicle and obtaining a STS;
  • Providing the required list of documentation;
  • Payment of the state duty for the issuance of the STS. A bank receipt is provided to the traffic police as a supporting document;
  • Obtaining new state. license plates for the car, PTS and STS

If there are any problems with the documentation for the car, the traffic police may refuse to issue the vehicle passport and register for the applicant. Experts advise, in order to prevent such situations, to include a clause in the sale and purchase agreement of a used car that allows you to terminate the transaction and get your money back in full if there are such problems.

If you need to verify the authenticity of a document, you need to know about the main ways to perform this action:

  • Check the presence of small text above the text "Russian Federation";
  • Ultraviolet illumination - with this action, the document glows with a light green tint and a protective mesh is visible;
  • There will be a hologram on the document;
  • The MREO seal must meet the established requirements and be of a characteristic blue color.

In addition to such verification methods, you can use the following:

  • Personal appeal to the territorial traffic police department, which carried out the registration;
  • Checking on the basis of a unified state. register of documentation by entering the STS number;
  • Checking the traffic police database, which is available when registering on the organization's website.

The need for replacement and actions in case of loss

Not all motorists know that replacement is necessary not only in the event of a change in the owner of the car. In addition to situations of buying and selling a car and other methods of changing the owner, the replacement of the STS is carried out in the following situations:

  • When changing the registration address of the owner of the car;
  • When the owner of the car changes the last name (at will or due to marriage, divorce);
  • When painting a car in a different color;
  • When re-equipping a car - replacing parts or elements with others according to the type or principle or complementing the existing ones;
  • When changing the elements of the machine, which are marked with serial numbers;
  • At the end of the validity period (10 years after it was received).

If you have one of these conditions, you will need to write a statement indicating the reason for the need to obtain a new document and contact the traffic police department.

Often, situations also arise in which the owner of the car does not know where the STS is located or it has been lost. In this case, you also need to contact the traffic police, while filling out an application, which will indicate the data about the car, its state. number, the reason why you have lost the vehicle registration certificate, and also indicate your personal data. After submitting such an application and the necessary documentation, you will receive a new JTS.

The series and number of the car registration certificate are one of the most important data that traffic police inspectors may need to check the payment of the accrued fines by the driver, the presence of theft, and ownership of the vehicle. They will also be needed when removing and staging in the REO when buying and selling a car.

What is STS, SRTS of a car or COP? This is the short name for the vehicle registration certificate.

Where is the STS number? The series and number are on the reverse side of the COP at the very top next to the hologram, which is available on all STS of the new model. The series consists of four characters: 2 digits - space - 2 letters. For example, "11 AA". Next comes the certificate number, consisting of 6 digits. That is, in the end, we will be able to see the following record: "11 AA 112233".

pts and sts number match or not

The series and number of PTS (transport passports) and COP do not match. But, the information about the car must be the same. In addition, other specified technical data of the vehicle (VIN, vehicle make and model, body, engine number, etc.) are also identical. The passport contains all the data about the previous owners, the dates of re-examination, sale and purchase, by whom the SRTS was issued, the traffic police department code, the registration number is indicated, past Based on this information, you can trace the entire history of the car from the moment of the first sale in Russia to the present.

In addition, when buying / selling a car, remember that the wrong CTC format is indicated on Automotive News.

This is important for traffic police officers when checking a car theft now or in the past.

What if the STS is lost?

If the SRTS is lost, then in the presence of the PTS, it will not be difficult to restore the loss. Where is this possible? You need to personally come to the traffic police and write a corresponding statement, provide the owner's civil passport, vehicle passport, OSAGO policy and a receipt for payment of the state duty - 300 rubles.

State the numbers do not change. As a result, the owner receives a new STS, in which the series and number coincide with the PTS data. In the vehicle passport, in the column "Special marks", a record is made on the issue of a duplicate of the STS.

What to do if the title is lost

In case of loss, you must write a statement to the nearest ATC or traffic police department. It is necessary so that the kidnappers do not use the vehicle's passport to obtain a loan, drive a stolen car, provide a car as collateral for documents and other fraudulent activities. After writing the application, the owner receives a notification coupon.

Now, even if illegal actions with the use of a car or its passport are revealed, the owner will be protected from suspicion. To restore the TCP, you must personally provide a STS, a civil passport, an OSAGO policy. The state fee is 500 rubles, but that's not all. Pay attention to what letters the new series and TCP number will be written.

In order to ensure the identity of these data in both documents, the STS must also be replaced and another fee of 300 rubles will have to be paid for the issuance of a new STS. In the column "Special marks" of the PTS, the traffic police officer makes an entry: "The passport of the vehicle was lost under unknown circumstances, I exclude the fact of theft, date, signature" or another, depending on the conditions of the loss.

If ALL documents are lost

Of course, it is reckless to carry all the documents with you all the time, but some frivolous citizens do just that. This recovery option is the most troublesome and time-consuming. First of all, you will have to deal with the restoration of a civil passport in accordance with the established procedure. After the passport is restored, you need to pay a visit to the ATC, to the passport office, to the traffic police, to the insurance company.

See the order in which all lost documents are restored (some of the activities can be performed simultaneously):

  • Vehicle passport
  • TS certificate
  • Medical Commission for obtaining a certificate for the restoration of rights to drive the vehicle
  • Driver's license
  • CTP policy
  • Talon TO

The procedure is slightly simplified if the car was bought on credit or pledged at a bank. After handing over the passport, you can simply contact the bank and temporarily receive the PTS until the rest of the documents are restored. The most difficult case is if the car itself was stolen along with the loss of documents. With this option, the most unpleasant consequences can be expected.

What else may you need a series and STS number

When is it worth watching the STS of someone else's car before buying - whether the car is hijacked, whether there are fines for it, when there was the last MOT, whether it is pledged to the bank, whether all taxes have been paid. STS of your own car - any information that is available to someone else's car.

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