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Application for a Sberbank card form. Card application. Debit card order

In order to simplify and speed up business processes, the bank offers enterprises to open cards for authorized employees. To do this, the manager must apply for a Sberbank business card. Until September 1, 2017, this product was referred to as a Sberbank corporate card. Consider all the nuances of its design and receipt.

This plastic allows you not to take unnecessary breaks in doing business and not waste precious time solving financial problems.

How to fill out an application

Form 11 also contains the second sheet, which the bank employee must fill out:

  1. Code and name of the subdivision.
  2. Position and information about the employee who accepted the application.
  3. Approval: yes / no, date, signature, surname, position.
  4. Permission to issue plastic: yes / no, date, signature, surname, position.
  5. Current and business account numbers.
  6. Registration number and card, expiration date of the plastic.

Card fees

Product Terms of Use

After accepting the application, the employee asks to wait a few days. After the plastic is made, it can be obtained in your unit. The service fees are as follows:

  • Card to a settlement or business account: 2500 rubles;
  • Budget card: free.

Sberbank has provided a preferential option for issuing business cards for entrepreneurs who have connected to the Easy Start service package - the first year of service is provided free of charge.

Existing card restrictions

Tariffs for basic operations

However, the release is free anyway. The payment instrument has the following commissions:

  • Cash withdrawal limit: 170 thousand rubles per day and up to 5 million rubles per month. On a budget card, the daily limit is 300 thousand rubles.
  • Withdrawal fee: 1% (not provided for by the budget commission). Through services or branches of other institutions - 1-3%.
  • Cash acceptance through self-service services: 0.15% (for the budget - free of charge). The limit is 100 thousand rubles.
  • Informing about the last 10 transactions: 15 rub. (through an ATM), through an online service - free of charge;
  • Cost Detail Request: 150 rubles.

These features should be taken into account when applying for product registration.

Business Online - features and benefits

It is possible to issue a payment instrument through Internet banking. Initially, you should visit the bank branch and get an ID. After that, the client acquires the following options:

  1. Acceptance of electronic payments. Possibility of their processing.
  2. Acceptance of documents for various functionalities established on the basis of differences in contracts (for example, when interacting with legal entities and individuals).
  3. Generation of reports on transactions performed for a given period.
  4. When sending electronic documents, it is permissible to add free-form attachments.
  5. Export and import of papers according to the 1C system.
  6. The presence of a bank stamp on electronic payments, which allows you not to visit an additional branch.
  7. Creation of templates of the required type of documents.
  8. Availability of a database with details of the main banking institutions in Russia.
  9. Convenience of the interface, filtering and sorting system, which allows you to speed up the process of searching and processing a document.

additional services

In addition to Sberbank Business Online, a business card is also connected to the Mobile Bank in order to activate the function of informing via SMS about transactions performed. When working in the service, all procedures are subject to confirmation with a key that is sent via SMS. Each organization can take advantage of the opportunity and integrate its accounting system (1C or other ERP system) with Business Online services.


A card linked to a legal entity's account allows you to interactively manage the movement of the company's funds. In addition, it is an effective tool for reducing various costs associated with doing business.

Sberbank remains one of the most popular banks. It is not surprising that most of the cards are issued in this bank. These can be credit, debit, with an individual design, with connected partner services, platinum, youth, and many others. How to get a card at Sberbank and how to fill out an application for a card?

How to get a card at a branch?

The most common and familiar way is to contact the branch of Sberbank. There, employees will be able to advise you on the available types of cards, tell you all the conditions and tariffs, provide an application form and help you fill it out.

The procedure for obtaining a card is as follows:

  1. You must fill out an application for issuing a card. Together with him and a Russian passport, you need to come to one of the offices.
  2. Leave a request with a specialist.
  3. Wait for a decision, the term for its adoption will depend on the type of card chosen.
  4. Come to the branch and get a card.

You can find an application form for obtaining a card on the Internet, print it out and fill it out at home. Or you can ask the bank employees and fill it out right on the spot.

Features of obtaining a credit card

Any credit card is essentially a loan that the bank provides to its owner. But it is worth remembering that it is easier to get such a card than a loan, it does not need a guarantor or some kind of security, the requirements for the owner will also be more loyal. To receive it, you need to fill out the appropriate form. The amount of available credit will depend on many factors and is assigned on an individual basis.

Features of obtaining a debit card

How to apply for a Sberbank card online?

Technology is permeating our lives everywhere. Now you can apply for a card without even leaving your home via the Internet. Among the advantages:

  • saving time - you do not need to go to the branch and stand in line;
  • obtaining full information - the site describes all the conditions and tariffs for each of the cards. In a calm and familiar environment for you to study them, compare and make a choice.

Personal account Sberbank online

To apply for a credit card online, follow the instructions:

  1. Go to the Sberbank online page, fill in the data to enter your personal account.
  2. In the top menu, open the "Cards" section, then click "Order a credit card".
  3. Choose the type of card you need and the size of the desired credit limit.
  4. All information about you will already be provided, you will only need to indicate a convenient time for the manager to call.
  5. Click the "Order a card" button and expect a call from a specialist at the appointed time.

Sberbank of Russia website

  1. Go to the Sberbank website and select the "Choose a card" tab.
  2. There you need to choose a debit or credit card, carefully read its conditions and tariffs.
  3. Click the "Order Card" button.
  4. Next, a form will appear where you need to fill in all your data. Among them: full name, city, passport details, phone number.
  5. If everything is correct, click "Submit".

It should be remembered that although anyone can order a Sberbank card online, this procedure is still preliminary. You will have to sign the contract and receive the card at the branch.

Making a card with an individual design online

When applying for a receipt through the website or personal account, you can order a card with an individual design. This feature is provided for debit cards. The user can choose the picture he likes from his collection or from the bank's offers. To apply for this card, you must follow the following instructions:

  1. Go to the Sberbank website, in the "Choose a card" item, select the debit cards section, and then "".
  2. Choose a card design. You can do this from the pictures offered by the bank, or you can upload your own. Remember that in the second case, you may be denied the issuance of an individual card if the image does not meet the necessary conditions.
  3. Next, you need to write the phone number to which you will receive a message with the results of checking the image.
  4. In the new field, you must enter all personal data, fill in information about the documents.
  5. In the last paragraph, select the delivery address to which the card will be sent to you.

In order to get a Sberbank bank card, you need to visit the bank and fill out an application for banking services at Sberbank. To make the procedure for issuing a bank card faster, we suggest filling out the application form in advance, which we provide in our material.

We will not explain the filling rules, because from the sample application, everything is already clear that it is necessary to fill in the columns of the application.

If you are too lazy to fill in manually, you can download it from this link and fill it out on the computer.

What documents are needed to apply for a Sberbank card?

To issue any bank card, in addition to an application for banking services, you must take your passport with you to the bank branch. If you want to apply for a credit card, you will additionally have to stock up before going to the bank with a certificate of income. It is issued at the place of work (in the form of 2NDFL).

Save this article on your computer, it will definitely come in handy.

In conclusion, some useful tips in our opinion:

What to do if no money was credited to your card within the specified period?

Sberbank debit cards. Types and cost of service.

The salary card has become an integral part of employers' settlements with their employees, eliminating the need to keep significant amounts of cash in the company's cash desk and significantly reducing the process of regular monthly settlements with employees. The transition to a non-cash method of remuneration made it possible to reduce the time spent on making calculations, improving labor productivity at the enterprise as a whole.

Using a Sberbank bank card, an employee instantly receives his earned money, and the notification process is provided by a connected SMS notification system. For the employer, the process of issuing wages is limited to the procedure for submitting data on planned payments to specific employees on the list, indicating the amount due for transfer.

An enterprise that has organized a non-cash settlement method with its employees installs an ATM on its territory, with the help of which the employee can withdraw cash at any time without charging a commission. For the initial issuance of a salary card to employees, you do not need to specially go to a bank branch to issue it.

Registration procedure

Sberbank offers the possibility of transferring an enterprise to a cashless settlement scheme with its employees, thanks to the issuance of a special Maestro debit card. The process of obtaining a card is greatly simplified. It is enough for an employee to have a document proving his identity.

The Maestro card issued by the Savings Bank has a paid annual service and is suitable for settlements and storage of funds in the three main currencies that are in circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Card payments can be made in any payment terminal that has the logo of the corresponding Maestro payment system. An extract for all incoming and outgoing transactions is carried out with a commission for the service in the amount of 15 rubles.

If necessary, a bank employee visits the enterprise, fills out all the required documents with the help of the personnel department at the enterprise

After receiving a Promsvyazbank payroll card, it must be activated at an ATM by entering the PIN code indicated in the envelope.

How to get a loan from Promsvyazbank for payroll card holders is explained in the article at the link.

The main conditions for receiving a salary card from Sberbank:

  • Any citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached 14 year old age, permanently registered in the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • In special cases, by special decision of the bank manager, a salary card can be used by a non-resident of Russia.
  • Earned funds are credited and settlements with employees are made in the national currency of the country. If desired, the issue of changing the type of currency for paying labor income can be resolved by a separate permit from the Bank of Russia.

Additions to the application for the issuance of a salary card of Sberbank

The necessary information

To issue this type of payment instrument, preliminary preparation of data for transmission to Sberbank will be required. An application with a request to become a participant in a salary project can be submitted remotely.

The procedure for applying for the issuance of a Sberbank salary card remotely is as follows:

  • on the official website of Sberbank, an appropriate form is filled out, which indicates summary information about the organization: its name, period of activity, size of staff, estimated size of the monthly wage fund, location of the enterprise's office, contact phone number and person responsible for organizing the process;
  • the processing of the application by the specialists of the financial institution will take some time required for the process of agreeing on the conditions of salary transfers;
  • the appointed employee of Sberbank, who has been assigned to this particular enterprise, will inform the contact person indicated in the application form about the details of the upcoming procedure and tell the conditions under which the process of settlements with employees will take place.

Sample Application

As part of the payroll project, the procedure for submitting information about employees who are supposed to pay wages in a non-cash way is simplified as much as possible.

The accountant responsible for payroll prepares for submission a single document called the “Register of employees”, which will reflect the following information:

  • full name employee;
  • a variant of writing the surname and initials using Latin letters (this information is reproduced automatically, as the information is filled in Russian);
  • place of registration and address of actual residence;
  • day, month and year of birth. City and country of birth;
  • passport data;
  • the secret code required to identify the cardholder;
  • contact phone numbers (work, personal cell, home - at least two numbers);
  • email address;
  • the position held by the employee in the enterprise;
  • card type;
  • indication of bank codes that provide information on the branch of service and a specific branch of the bank.

step by step process

Thanks to a simple and effective tool, the issue of plastic cards for a payroll project is convenient and simple for customers.

To apply for this type of banking product, three steps are required:

  1. Downloading and saving the "Register for opening accounts".
  2. Following the instructions for filling in, all the necessary information is entered in the required cells. Then you should click on "Export".
  3. Putting an electronic signature and transferring a file with data in the manner specified in the agreement with the bank.

If you have any questions when filling out the register, you can ask them to the bank employee attached to the enterprise.

Sberbank systematized the entire process of preparing data on a salary contract, providing maximum explanations regarding the format for filling in data in the specified register.

Basic rules for filling the file:

  • Information about citizenship, residence, type of document and card is filled in by selecting one of the values ​​from the drop-down list.
  • Information on the type of card can be selected both individually for employees, and in general for the entire list of employees specified in the register.
  • When choosing a single card type for all employees, the “card type” cells for each employee remain blank.
  • When choosing the type of card individually for each specific employee, when exporting, select the value “selected individually”.
  • In the summary file, you can create registers for different branches of Sberbank.
  • After filling in the information on the sheet-tab "General", the data processing button is pressed. If necessary, the data can be corrected. With the help of data processing, the corrected information is deleted, and the cells must be filled in again.

Registration and use of salary cards has many beneficial aspects for both employees of the enterprise and the employer itself, making the process of transferring earned funds as automated as possible

When filling in the data in the application for issuing a salary card of Sberbank, pay attention to the following nuances:

  • obtaining an international card is carried out upon an application printed on one sheet on both sides;
  • filling out the application must be correct, without corrections;
  • filling out by hand is done in even handwriting, if possible, in block letters;
  • information is entered into the cells in accordance with the standards established by Sberbank;
  • the address of registration must be filled in only in case of discrepancy with the place of actual residence;
  • cells indicated in the sample as non-fillable should be left blank;
  • when entering passport data, additional information about the unit code is entered;
  • in the absence of a home landline telephone, a personal mobile number is indicated in the cell;
  • for non-resident students whose residence is fixed in a hostel, the address indicates information about the location of the hostel.

The process of filling out an application for participation in the payroll project is fully automated and allows you to include residents and non-residents of the Russian Federation in the list of payroll clients. The automated process is of particular value in high turnover situations with a large percentage of employees of foreign citizenship.

It can be difficult for such employees to correctly fill out application forms with personal information. An automated system greatly simplifies the filling procedure by offering specific options and formats for entering data when filling out.

How to get outside the place of registration

When receiving a salary card, it is not the place of registration of the employee that is of particular importance, but the place where the card account is maintained. The issuance of such cards is organized by the employer and Sberbank employees.

When reissuing a salary card before the expiration of the previous banking product, you should contact the specific bank branch that maintains this card account. In it, the holder fills out an application with a request to issue a card in a place different from the place where the card account is maintained. The applicant must specifically indicate in which department and in what time frame he plans to receive the card.

If you need to withdraw funds from a card account, a payroll client applies to any branch of Sberbank and submits an application for cash withdrawal through the cash desk. Bank employees have no right to refuse this request.

Sberbank is one of the largest banks in Russia. Clients trust this institution, they constantly turn to it for various services. Sberbank offers users many different products, from plastic cards to deposits, payments, and transfers.

How to fill out a sample application to Sberbank? Where can I find samples and application forms?

The popularity of this bank is also due to the fact that many of its branches and divisions are located throughout the country. Even in small towns, Sberbank services are available to customers.

Like any other institution, when applying for a loan, deposit, and other products, Sberbank asks users to fill out special applications or questionnaires. In this case, you need to use a special form of the form, which has the logo of this financial institution. Many clients, having come to the bank, ask for a sample application to Sberbank.

Having on hand a standard document filled out in accordance with all requirements, the client eliminates the possibility of incorrect execution.

Why is there a Sberbank logo on the application forms?

Sberbank application forms differ significantly from the standard forms of all other credit institutions. This is due to the fact that the documentation of the largest bank in Russia is separate.

No other credit institution today can compare with Sberbank in terms of the number of operating branches, the amount of capital, deposits opened and loans issued. The services of the organization are actively used not only by individuals, but also by legal entities.

Today, under the logo of Sberbank, there are several thousand branches located throughout Russia. Unique letterheads and application forms with a logo allow you to unify the documentation within the bank, which makes it possible to process incoming requests faster.

General specifics of the application form to Sberbank

Before considering the specifics of the various statements of Sberbank, one should understand what this document is. A statement is an official request from a Sberbank client to provide a specific service.

It must be understood that in this case the application is not a letter containing a complaint. In fact, this is a request for access to a particular banking product. In the application, the client informs Sberbank specialists about his desires and intentions.

This financial institution accepts 2 forms of applications:

  • written;
  • oral.

And if the first is universal, that is, it takes place when providing any type of service, then the second is used extremely rarely. It is used, for example, when making a transfer of funds to another person through the cash desk of Sberbank. The request to block the card in the contact center also has an oral form.

But getting a loan or opening a deposit without filling out a written application will not work. True, when using Internet banking, there is a modified form of the document - electronic.

Filling out a loan application

One of the most popular services today is the provision of a loan. Naturally, it is impossible to get it without filling out the appropriate application form. It is necessary to assess the solvency and reliability of the client. Based on the specified data, a decision is made to issue a loan by a Sberbank specialist. That is why it is so important to fill out the questionnaire correctly. So that the client can immediately provide information in the proper form, he can view what a sample application to Sberbank looks like.

What is included in the loan application?

The key to a successful application lies in the veracity of the indicated data and the availability of a permanent income, real estate, and guarantors. The more reliable the person who applied, the less risks the bank has, the higher the probability of obtaining borrowed funds.

When filling out the questionnaire data, the client should not forget that all information will be entered into the client database. In the event of discrepancies, the user loses the right to receive credit. This means that he will not be able to apply for a loan at Sberbank.

The application form for a loan product is universal, that is, it does not depend on what type of loan the client has chosen. This allows you not to look for a suitable form or sample application, but to download a single document form.

In the application for a loan, the client indicates the following information:

  • your personal data, including full name, gender, date and place of birth, TIN, information about a valid passport;
  • addresses of stay and registration (for the actual place of residence, they also indicate the duration of stay in the city and at a specific address, choose the type of housing from the options offered);
  • complete data on work (type of employment, data on the organization, position held, total length of service and in last place, payroll number of employees of the enterprise);
  • information about cards and accounts to which wages, pensions or scholarships are received (only for those who have the appropriate cards and accounts with Sberbank);
  • contact details, including mobile, home and work phone numbers and email;
  • information about education and marital status;
  • if there are several co-borrowers, then the presence of family ties is indicated;
  • if there are dependents, information about them is also indicated (name, date of birth);
  • information on income (not only permanent income is indicated, but also those that are of a periodic nature);
  • data on existing property and vehicles, including the market value according to the borrower's own assessment.

At the end, the clients consent to the processing of their personal data. The document is dated and signed. After receiving the questionnaire, a corresponding entry is made by an employee of Sberbank.

Where can I find samples and application forms?

On the official website of Sberbank, when choosing a particular product, you can download an application form in order to go to the bank with an already completed application form. Special sample of filling out a questionnaire for a loan product help avoid mistakes.

Sberbank of Russia is the leader in issued debit and credit cards. This is due to favorable service conditions, the high prevalence of the Sberbank salary project and on favorable terms, as well as an extensive network of ATMs.

You can order a Sberbank card both at a bank branch and via the Internet. You can do this absolutely free. In the first case, you will need to write an application for opening a card (sample in the photo), in the second, submit an online application on the official website of the bank or in Sberbank Online.

Application for a card

To apply for a Sberbank card, you need to contact an operator with a passport at any convenient branch of Sberbank and fill out an application form for opening a debit or credit card. To receive it at another branch, you must specify the desired pickup address. A sample application can be downloaded on the official website of Sberbank - https://www.sberbank.ru/common/img/uploaded/files/pdf/person/bank_cards/anketa_cc_mas.pdf.

If the card needs to be made urgently, then it is better to apply for it - it will be produced and issued within 10-15 minutes after signing the contract.

Order a card online

You can apply online for a Sberbank card on the official website of the bank or in your Sberbank Online personal account. Available for registration:

  1. : Visa and Mastercard
  2. : Visa, Mastercard and MIR

On the official site

Select the desired debit or credit card, individual design (optional) in the appropriate section and click the "Order" button.

Fill in the application fields:

Having filled in all the fields, it remains only to confirm the sending of an online application for a Sberbank bank card.

After manufacturing, an employee of Sberbank will contact the client at the phone number indicated in the application and invite them to receive the ordered card.

In your Sberbank Online account

Ordering a card through Sberbank Online is even easier than on the official website, because. some personal data is registered automatically.


As soon as the card is ready, the bank manager will contact the client by phone and invite him to receive it at the selected branch of Sberbank.

If a debit card is needed to transfer wages, then it is better to issue it as part of the salary project of your enterprise. In this case, the service can be free, and the availability will allow you to issue a credit card or a Sberbank loan at.

Features of ordering a credit card

You can apply online for a Sberbank credit card in the same way as a debit card: on the official website and on the personal page of Sberbank Online. But you need to remember that a credit card is the same loan as any other, which means it requires approval from the bank. A day after the application is accepted, an employee of Sberbank will contact the applicant by phone and inform the bank's decision. If the issue of a credit card is rejected, they can simply send an SMS notification to the phone.

Credit cards may be denied for the following reasons:

  1. Age under 21 or over 65
  2. The credit limit exceeds the client's solvency
  3. Bad credit history
  4. Lack of permanent or temporary registration in the Russian Federation

How to get a Sberbank card

The desired receiving address must be indicated in the application - it can be any branch of Sberbank. If the card is made and received at the issuing department, then the bank's customer service employee must call the recipient and inform about its readiness.

Production time

One of the most frequently asked questions from customers is: “How soon can I get a card?”. The term of production and issuance depends on its type, the presence of an individual design and the remoteness of the branch from Moscow. The average production time for a classic design is 5-10 days, for an individual design - 10-14 days.


  1. How to get a Sberbank card for a foreign citizen?

    - A non-resident of the Russian Federation must contact a bank branch and write an application. You must have a passport and a temporary residence permit (TRP) or a residence permit with you.

  2. How much does it cost to make a Sberbank card?

    - Production and issuance is absolutely free.

  3. How to get a Sberbank card at the age of 14?

    - From the age of 14, almost any main debit card (except for gold ones) can be issued at Sberbank, and an additional one from the age of 7 (with the consent of the legal representative). The teenager will need an identity document (passport) with permanent or temporary registration in the territory of the Russian Federation.

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