Home Wheels Do-it-yourself car window tinting. Tinting the car yourself Tinting for cars at home

Do-it-yourself car window tinting. Tinting the car yourself Tinting for cars at home

Window tinting, without a shadow of a doubt, is one of the main elements of car tuning. It is not necessary to speculate for a long time about the advantages of car window tinting. After all, most car enthusiasts know and understand all the advantages that it gives. At the same time, most often a self-evident question arises: to tint the car yourself, or to seek help from a car service?

How to choose the right film for tinting?

Most often, a special self-adhesive film is used to protect the car interior from the harmful effects of sunlight or the prying eyes of passers-by. So how to choose the right parameters and legal requirements for this.

Almost every motorist can tint a car on his own. For this, a minimum set of tools is required, since in this matter it is not so much the professional qualities of the master that are important, but the correct choice of materials.

There are many types of films on the market, but not all of them are suitable for gluing to side or windshield.

From the point of view of the letter of the law, namely the rules of traffic rules, the main criterion is considered to be the darkening of toning in accordance with GOST. The last changes in this document are dated January 1, 2015, according to which the transmission capacity of the windshield must be at least 70% of the light. Therefore, if you have any doubts about the transparency of the film, take a sample from the seller before buying, attach it to the glass of your car and measure the tinted area.

When buying, you should focus on the following main indicators and characteristics of the film:

  • light transmission capacity;
  • resistance to damage;
  • color shade;
  • value for money.

The range of colors is a matter of taste and directly depends on the personal preferences of the owner, as well as the brand and color of the car body. But with such characteristics as strength and cost, it is not so simple. It is believed that buying an expensive one is already a guarantee of quality, however, this is not entirely true.

In fact, when purchasing such a kit on the market, even from a well-known brand, there is a high risk of getting caught by a fraudster and acquiring a fake. Therefore, the best advice would be to seek help from experienced acquaintances and sellers. Again, focusing on popular brands that have already been repeatedly tried by many.

Asking the question "How to tint a car yourself?" If safety is in the first place in tasks, for this there is a wide range of special anti-vandal films glued to the outside of the car. They are also often used by fans of cross-country driving.

Materials and tools for self-tinting

In order to tint the car yourself, you will need the following tools in the process:

  • stationery knife;
  • ruler;
  • spray;
  • detergent for glass;
  • dry soft lint-free cloth;
  • sponge and paper napkins;
  • plastic scraper;

To work with, use a water-soap solution in a proportion of 3 liters of water to 10 drops of washing shampoo. Before use, mix thoroughly and pour the solution into the spray container. And, before gluing the film, carry out external cleaning of the glass using the prepared solution.

Usually, a small plastic scraper and a knife are included with the film, but they are inconvenient due to their small size and questionable quality, so buying a good tool is the best option. A plastic spatula is also bad in that when pressed, damage to the glass surface is possible, and the complete cutter is made of rapidly dull metal, which leads to breaks in the film.

In order to visually see the process of glass preparation for and directly the tinting procedure itself, we recommend watching this video:

Preparatory stage of work

It's no secret what follows from inside the cabin. The reason for this is quite trivial and consists in the fact that the outside of the film will last much less time and will have to be quickly replaced. Of course, there are special anti-vandal films that are distinguished by ultra-strong properties, but even they are able to withstand the effects of the environment for a long time.

At this stage of toning work, it is best to have a partner helping you. A special protective layer is applied to the film, which, when removed, is easier when one person gently pulls it together, and the second sprinkles soap solution into the gap that appears. As a result, it minimizes the risk of film sticking. But it is not recommended to throw away the protective layer, because it can be used in the future when gluing, by placing it under a spatula when cutting bubbles. This will prevent damage to the film.

Glass, of course, except for the windshield, is best to dismantle from the car, especially if the film is glued for the first time and the necessary experience is missing. This will make it much easier to ensure a good quality glass coating. There are also separate requirements for the cleanliness of the working surface, because any grain of sand that falls into the gap between the glass and the film, after gluing, will be noticeably distinguished by a bulge. This, in addition to the unaesthetic appearance, will lead to a distorted view in the car.

After that, the moment of cutting out blanks from the film follows. The patterns are usually cut out with an allowance of a few millimeters, and after gluing they are adjusted in place with a sharpened knife. At this stage, the main thing is not to confuse the sides when trying on. It is important to remember that it is glued with the inside after removing the protective layer.

Final process

The first two stages of work should not cause any difficulties. Even a child can wash the glass and make blanks. But it is quite difficult to glue the tint coating on your own and requires a certain skill. The gluing process itself can be divided into several stages:

  1. copious spraying of glass from a spray bottle with soapy water;
  2. removing the protective layer from a pre-cut workpiece, spraying the film with a solution;
  3. applying it to the glass and neat alignment;
  4. smoothing irregularities with a spatula and rolling to the edge of air and water bubbles;
  5. trimming the stock;
  6. drying with a hairdryer.

You should especially pay attention to the second point, which is most convenient to carry out together. The most difficult stage is fitting. If you work with the side windows enough, the rear or windshield is quite problematic. The problem here is the curvature. Here you also need to act using a spray bottle and a hair dryer. After spraying the film, it should be applied to the glass and adjusted in place.

If the tinting does not fit, it must be warmed up and stretched with a rubber spatula, achieving a perfect fit. It is worth noting that the work should be carried out with extreme caution, since the deformed film will no longer align. After removing bubbles, the coating should dry well, for which you can use a hair dryer. After tinting the glasses, they are ready for use and you can put them back on the car.

If you have any questions or you are simply afraid to carry out tinting yourself, we recommend that you do not take risks and contact the specialists, or watch this video first to see the full process of glass tinting with your own eyes.

Car glass tinting allows car owners not only to feel more comfortable when moving on the road, but also performs other useful functions. First of all, it is protection from direct sunlight, which interfere with driving, heat up the interior of the car very much and provoke a quick burnout of the upholstery.

Due to their advantages, film filters are almost irreplaceable if you often use vehicles, but not all car manufacturers tint car windows, which is why car owners have to make such updates on their own. Such a service in the salon will be very expensive, so do-it-yourself car window tinting, the video of which you will find at the end of the article, is the most relevant and budgetary solution. You don't have to buy specialized tools or have special skills to do this. You just need to follow the recommendations and do everything very carefully.

Preparing everything you need

Before applying the tinting, you need to prepare a clean and dry place for work, as well as a standard set of tools:

  • Tinting film that meets the requirements of GOST 5727-88. The light transmittance for the windshield must be at least 75%, for the side front - 70%, for the side rear and rear - any. Usually, 1 roll of film filter is used for 4 side windows.
  • Liquid soap (no dyes) for fixing the film. It is better to use special setting compounds that do not leave streaks, or a 10-20 percent solution of any transparent shampoo.
  • Plastic sticker for smoothing the toning. It usually comes with a film filter, but if not, you can use any resilient plastic, rubber spatula or construction rubber eraser. Also in the store you can find special distillations for eliminating bubbles (chiseller - for hard-to-reach places, slummer - for tightening the edges, bloomax - for expelling liquid).
  • Scrapers for cleaning glass surfaces. Products of 12 cm in different shapes are best suited.
  • Spray gun (manual) for applying soap solution.
  • Blade or utility knife. The latter is made of mild steel, so it is convenient for them to cut the film without fear of scratching the glass.
  • A soft cloth, clean rags or lint-free cloths.
  • Industrial dryer.

If toning the car with your own hands is done for the first time, it will not be superfluous to purchase special camouflage markers and tapes. With their help, you can correct minor errors.

You also need to make sure you have easy access to clean, cold tap water. The room should be free of insects and dust.

If everything is ready, you can start cutting the film filter.

We cut out the shading

Before gluing the tinting to the car, it is better to study the video instructions for cutting the tinting material (at the end of the article), since all further work depends on this stage.

Cutting can be done directly on the glass of the machine, but for beginners it is better to prepare a special glass stand for this. Next, we cut and apply the film in one of two ways.

1 way

  • Cut out a rectangle.
  • Moisten the glass. This is necessary so that the toning material does not "travel".
  • Apply a film filter to the glass outside of the sewing machine. In the future, the film will be glued from the inside, but for cutting it is more convenient to work from the outside.
  • Cut the workpiece along the bends of the glass with an allowance of 5-10 mm; for convenience, lower the window by at least 5 cm.
  • Perform molding.
  • Transfer the pattern to a stand and cut off the sharp corners a little.
  • Prepare strips of film (10 cm each) and stick them on the front side to make "ponytails" for which you will remove the protective layer.

2 way

  • Use ready-made templates that can be selected for a specific car model in any store.
  • Cut out the workpiece, leaving a small allowance of 5-10 mm.
  • Apply the installation compound to the inside of the glass and attach a pattern.
  • Fit and shape.
  • Glue the ponytails.

We should also say a few words about film forming. It is not worth doing this during pasting, as in this case you will get “arrows” and irregularities. Therefore, it is better to make molding in advance. To do this, at the cutting stage, when you have attached the workpiece to the glass, hot air must be supplied to it. After that, you need to walk on the film by distillation, so that the material fits snugly on the glass, taking its shape. This will make it easier for you to remove the protective layer.

After that, the most important job of applying the film begins.

We glue the film on the side windows

It is best to start the process with the side windows, as their area is smaller and you can “fill your hand”.

Take the blade and lightly scrubbing from top to bottom to clean the inside of the glass. Try to get rid of all inclusions, dust particles, glue residues and other particles. After that, you can treat the glass with clean water from a spray bottle.

If the glass is perfectly clean, in your opinion, then it is time to apply the installation solution to it. Spray it all over the surface.

Important! It is impossible to use ordinary water at this stage, otherwise the film will immediately stick tightly and you will not have the opportunity for "bends".

Now it's time to remove the protective coating from the film and apply soapy water to the sticky side of the film. After that, it is very important to ensure that no dust gets on the adhesive surface.

  • Gently take the film by the tails and place it on the glass.
  • Using gentle strokes, smooth it out gently to remove any bubbles.
  • Warm up the glass with a hair dryer (you must start from the upper edge). This will keep the film firmly in place and will not peel off when you lift the glass to process the bottom.
  • Straighten the edge again and disperse any bubbles.

For 10-15 minutes, the film will still move easily, so you can correct it. After this time, it will take its place and you will need to expel the soap solution. For this, it is most convenient to use a rubber spatula, moving from the center to the edge of the glass.

When the blanks were made, we left small allowances, which now need to get rid of. To do this, take a clerical knife and make cuts at an angle of 30 degrees in relation to the glass, so that the light filter does not reach the edge by 1-2 mm.

After that, you can dry the film again with a hairdryer. You can start operating the car after the light filter has completely dried - after about 2 days.

For the windshield, tinting is done in the same way, but with the rear window, things are a little more complicated.

Tinting the rear window

If you have already processed the frontal and side elements of the car, then you have already approximately mastered such a concept as do-it-yourself tinting. The rear window is more difficult, so be sure to practice.

The main difficulty is that this window is very curved, which is why it is rarely possible to tint this area with one piece of film. In order not to suffer with the inserts, after applying the tinting (with a protective layer) to the soap solution, it is necessary to pull it very tightly on the glass. Do not be afraid to tear the tint, it has good ductility and strength.

Also, before sticking the tint on the rear window, it is recommended to call an assistant. He should warm up the film with a hairdryer while you stretch it. Do not be afraid to put in a lot of effort when “dropping” bubbles from the rear window. This will also contribute to a better fit of the material. In all other respects, the same operations are performed as described above.

If you cannot tint the rear window in one piece, use several sections of light filters. It is better to cut them horizontally, not vertically, so you can hide the traces of the resulting "constructor". If you can make a cut along the line of the heating element, this will be the best option.

In custody

It will not be difficult to apply a film filter on your car glass yourself. In the process, you will have enough time to move the shading material and correct its position. And if you are still not sure that you know how to stick the tinting yourself, the video will help you understand this process in more detail.

A car is not a luxury, but its maintenance is not the cheapest option. Every car owner wants his car to be special and begins to bring it to such a state. The very first desire is to tint the windows of the car.

This procedure is quite complicated, but quite real. You can drive your car to a specialized workshop, but you can do it yourself. Next, we will consider in stages how to tint the car yourself - with your own hands.

Before starting work, you need to collect everything that we need:

  • tinting film (the result and the complexity of the work depend on the quality of the material);
  • soft rubber spatula (very often plastic spatulas come with toning, but they scratch the surface and can tear it);
  • a stationery knife with a set of blades (the knives that come with the tinting are uncomfortable and dull);
  • window cleaner, warm water, rag (it is advisable to use a soft and lint-free rag);
  • a spray bottle (can be used from under the window cleaner. The container should be filled with soapy water, for this, tap water with the addition of liquid soap or dishwashing detergent is suitable);
  • household hair dryer (this item is optional, but it greatly facilitates and speeds up the work).

Now that everything is ready, it is advisable to drive the car into the garage, you can glue it on the street, but any gust of wind can ruin everything.

Next, you should prepare the windows for work. Correctly sticking tint material can only be on perfectly clean windows. It should be remembered that there should be no remnants of old tinting and glue from it on the glass.

After completing all the preparatory work, you can proceed to the main business, it is desirable that there is an assistant next to you who will be needed when fitting the blanks.

Side window tinting

It is better to start toning the car with your own hands from the side window, since it has a small area and is fairly straight. We open the door, the glass should be raised to the very top. It is advisable to remove the side seals, as they will interfere with the operation.

Next, a blank is cut out, which is tried on on the outside of the surface to be pasted. At this stage, you need to be careful and remember that toning consists of two layers - the main one and the protective one. The main one remains on the window, and the protective one is removed.

Having dealt with the sides, the workpiece is applied to the outside of the glass with a protective layer up. It is advisable to moisten the surface with soapy water to make it easier to straighten the workpiece. Further, it is trimmed along the contour of the glass with a margin of 5-7 mm. Now the modified workpiece can be removed and the surface can be wiped dry.

At the next stage, you may need an assistant, since the work must be done quickly. A soapy solution is applied to the inside of the glass, this must be done so that there are no dry areas left on it, but drips are also useless.

Now the film must be separated from the protective layer. This should be done gradually - with your own hands you separate the main and protective layers, and your assistant sprays the adhesive part from a spray bottle. This procedure must be carried out quickly so that the glass does not dry out.

The next stage begins with placing the workpiece on the work surface and leveling it. Having applied the material, it must be leveled over the entire area of ​​the glass with a soft cloth. Remember that until the film is dry it is very easy to damage it.

After the tinting is completely straightened out, we begin to expel air bubbles and the remnants of soap solution from under it. This is done carefully with a spatula. Until the film is completely glued, it must be held with a rag, and with a spatula, expel water and air from the center to the edges.

After completing this procedure, it is necessary to trim the excess with a clerical knife. Trimming is performed 3-4 mm from the edge of the window - such a gap will exclude the possibility of its scoring.

This completes the tint of the side glass, you can move on to the next.

Of course, if you have a hair dryer, then the drying process can be significantly accelerated. In this case, you need to be careful, since the material can begin to melt under the influence of high temperature and you will have to start all over again.

Rear window tinting

Tinting the rear window with your own hands is quite difficult. The difficulty arises due to the fact that it has a curved shape and a large area. To do everything right, you must fulfill a number of requirements. You should start with the right choice of material.

The standard canvas has dimensions from 50 to 200 cm wide and 300 cm long. It is advisable to tint the rear window with a whole piece of film, but this is a rather complicated procedure and you need to use high quality material for it. Let's start with the tricky way.

To make a blank from a single piece, you will need talcum powder, which can be purchased at any pharmacy, as well as a household hairdryer. The surface of the rear window is coated with talcum powder and the tinting is laid on it - with a protective layer on top.

Talc has to be used, not water, for the reason that it does not dry out under the influence of temperature. Further, with the help of a hair dryer, the film is given the required shape. This is done from the center. The whole procedure is a gradual workpiece and its leveling with a spatula.

Working without an assistant is almost impossible. After the workpiece takes its shape over the entire surface of the base, trimming is performed, from a stock of 7-8 mm. And the procedure begins, which is completely identical to the tinting of the side windows.

If it is not possible to tint the rear window with a single piece of film, then you can do it using three strips. This procedure is quite simple and starts with toning the upper part of the base. The whole procedure is carried out according to the standard scenario.

With this method, the window surface should be washed after applying each layer. The very bottom of the glass is glued with the second layer, since this is the most difficult area. Now the middle remains, which is tinted last. Before pasting it, it is recommended to dry the previous strips.

For pasting the last strip, a piece of film is taken, with a margin of 5-6 mm. This stock will be needed to exclude the likelihood of non-tinted areas.

At the end of the work, these overlaps can be left, since they will be visible only from the salon, or they can be removed with a clerical knife. If everything is done correctly, the overlap will completely cover the joint.

Now we can say with confidence that do-it-yourself car tinting is over. The car can be used, but the windows with the applied film must not be opened for 2-3 days.

The question of how to tint the windows of a car on your own comes up very often - especially, in, and we are not always talking about a darkening film, but also about an athermal film, which often passes "GOSTs". The good news is that the theoretical part of tinting car windows itself is very simple and consists of several steps. But in practice, not everyone is able to tint the glass on their own the first time, and if the side windows, due to their size, are easier to tint, then the front windshield and rear windows are much more difficult to tint, because they are wide in area and curved.

By the way, you can buy ready-made tinted glass from your car dealer or anywhere from unofficial representatives. But it should be borne in mind that this is quite expensive, and includes the work of replacing tinted glass. Moreover, if you change your mind and want to return completely transparent windows to the car, you will have to repeat the entire replacement procedure. It is much easier to tint existing windows. The ability to tint car windows is available in specialized stores in two forms - in the form of a transparent darkened film that is glued to the glass inside the window, or in the form of a spray in an aerosol can.

Film (A) and spray (B) for window tinting

Both tinting methods have pros and cons. Spray tinting is more expensive, but quicker to apply, and overall spray gives better results on windows that are curved. The disadvantage of spray, however, is that if you have not tinted the car in this way before, then the end result will be uneven tinted glass with lighter and darker areas, because you will not be able to apply the spray perfectly evenly on the glass. Spray shades are available in various colors: gray, green, blue, gold and even a mirror effect.

Film tinting is much easier for beginners to stick on in their first experience of tinting a car, but in general there are more steps for pasting, and you will also have to spend more time on it. In addition, in the case of film tinting, there are more opportunities for subsequent defects, rejects or the consequences of an incorrectly performed work (peeling off the film, its cloudiness, fading, the appearance of bubbles, simply a change in plasticity, etc.). But then it is much easier to remove the film tinting than applied with a spray.

Legal restrictions

Always remember that in our country there are large legal restrictions on the tinting of all glass - both front and rear, in cars.

First and foremost, mirror tinting is prohibited on any glass (front or rear).

Secondly, the windshield and front side windows must provide general light transmittance of 70% of light (traffic rules, clause 7.3 "Basic provisions for the admission of vehicles" + Technical Regulations of the Customs Union, clause 4.3). The word "general" is specially emphasized - the fact is that if you buy a tint film with a darkening of 30% or even 20%, then, most likely, your glass as a result will still not pass the test with a special device that is measured by traffic police inspectors - with At the factory, almost all glasses already have a light transmittance significantly less than 100% - often from 85 to 95%. The same applies to the athermal film - we have a special article on why the "athermal" does not pass the light transmission test.

Thirdly, it is allowed to glue a tinting strip with any light transmittance on the windshield of passenger cars from above. The main limitation here is that the tint strip should be less than 14 cm wide.

Fourthly, the rear windows can also be tinted with any light transmittance, but here there is a condition - the presence of external side rear-view mirrors on both sides of the car.

How to tint car windows with film - step by step instructions

First of all, we note that in order to get a good result of toning with film, you must work in a warm, dry place away from direct sunlight. The room should be free of dust and the possibility of settling any even the smallest particles on the film. Therefore, even in a garage with a concrete floor, you should moisten it (the floor) with water so that dust does not rise. Clothes with hands should also be clean.

What you need:

  • Directly the film itself, purchased in advance in the store in the required quantity.
  • Rubber spatula.
  • A spray bottle or a plastic bottle with a volume of at least a liter with a spray bottle.
  • Stationery knife or blade.
  • Air dryer (preferably construction).
  • Something foaming from household chemicals (shampoo, liquid soap).
  • Roll of duct tape.
  • Rags (you need to pick up rags that in no case leave behind nap and threads).
  • Transparent high-quality nail polish that does not turn yellow over time.

So, how to tint the windows of the car yourself, let's start the steps!

1. You ideally have to dismantle the glass of the car. But it is not always necessary to do this - remove the seals (you may have to remove the door trim for this) from the glass.

The tinted film is applied to the inner side of the window.

2. Clean the glasses themselves from any dirt and dust.

Dampen the window with a solution of detergent and water in a spray bottle. Use a dry cloth (ideally chamois leather) to wipe off excess water and dry the glass completely.

3. Measure 7 times, cut 1 time! Measure each window, then lay out the tint film and cut the correct pieces to the shape of each window. Cut off the film with a margin - at least 2-3 cm wider than the window, and 3-4 cm below the window. Also keep in mind that only one side of the film sticks to the glass, so make sure you cut the correct shapes for each side of the windows.

You may also find it easier to cut the film by simply placing it on the glass - in this case, also do not confuse the sides of the film.

4. Thoroughly and abundantly moisten the adhesive side of the film and the window itself with the same solution with which you washed the glass, and with a spray bottle.

5. Now the most crucial moment is to glue the film to the glass. Remove the protective backing from the cut to size piece of film, but not completely, but from the upper half of the piece covering the adhesive side of the tint film. Open the window slightly (lowering the glass by 3-4 cm). Glue the film on the glass with the adhesive side to the glass, starting from the top (the bottom of the film is still with a protective coating) - grab the edges of the film, size it against the glass and stick it on. Then, going down, remove the protective coating and glue the lower part of the film - you should have a little more margin at the bottom than at the top. Make sure the film covers the entire window area.

Then, with a spatula, begin to expel the previously applied solution from the space between the glass and the film so that it does not remain there at all, and no blisters are visible. Be extremely careful - if the trowel is too rough and stiff, you can use a wad of dry cloth instead.

Then dry the glass completely with a hair dryer.

5. Trim off any excess film at the edges by gently pulling at the edges. Cut the film so that it remains slightly smaller to the edge of the glass - about 0.5 mm around the edges. Use a ruler on the straight edges of the glass to make the cut straight.

6. Cover the edges with varnish. Thoroughly, but in a thin layer, apply nail polish along the edges of the film to seal the edge of the film. Let the varnish dry completely before opening (closing) the window. Replace the seals and do not open the windows for at least 24 hours so that the tinting is fully adhered.

How to tint car windows with spray?

As we noted above, in theory, it is much easier to tint the windows of the car yourself with a spray, but only in theory.

Start by cleaning and washing all glass panes, in which case there should also be no dirt, grease or dust. In addition, toning must be carried out in a draft-free room.

Protect areas of bodywork, upholstery, and plastics near windows from splashing spray by covering them with a large newspaper and duct tape. Fall asleep in the dashboard and tools too.

Pull the window down slightly so that you can cover the top edge of the glass. Then, when the top edge is dry, lift the window back up to cover the bottom edge of the glass.

Shake the tinting spray can thoroughly so that the color is uniform.

Bring the can to the glass at a distance of about 15 cm (check the instructions for the spray) and, first starting to move it, press the button so that the aerosol starts to be applied to the glass. Be extremely careful and precise - the paint should apply evenly - without thickening areas and, conversely, gaps.

Do not use windows until the spray has completely dried, and at this time it is advisable not to remove the newspaper and tape from the glass.

Just a couple of decades ago, no one even heard what glass tinting is, and today you can hardly find a car without it. Tinted windows are practical and look beautiful, civilized (like in expensive foreign cars).

Sometimes it may seem that do-it-yourself car window tinting is a very difficult task that can only be performed by specialized services. But this is not so, in this article this myth will be destroyed, and "the devil is not so terrible as he is painted", but you can do this procedure completely independently, without "throwing money away."

For everything to go smoothly, you need to be patient, carefully and accurately follow all stages of the process.

Advice! Having decided on tinting for the first time, it is better to play it safe and invite an assistant.

Determining the material

It is needed not only to give a unique style to the car, it also carries some other useful functions:

  • firstly, it protects passengers in the cabin from the sun;
  • secondly, it is a means that counteracts the burnout of the car interior;
  • thirdly, the glass acquires some strength and when it collides with other participants in the movement, the glass does not shatter into a hundred pieces (this is especially true for side windows);
  • fourthly, it creates a cozy atmosphere and hides from prying eyes.

Before starting all procedures, you must familiarize yourself with the instructions on how to tint car windows yourself, choose a tint film. The question is very important, the durability of the tinting itself depends on the correctly selected high-quality material.

Advice! It is better to purchase films from foreign manufacturers (however, it is advisable to avoid films from China). If it is difficult to make a choice, use the advice of sellers. They will help you choose the film that suits all your needs.

Necessary tools

Before starting the operation, you need to take care of the necessary materials and tools used, such as:

  • paper napkins;
  • rubber spatula;
  • sponges;
  • knife for cutting film;
  • spray bottle for soap solution;
  • scraper.

Don't forget to prepare your car windows for the sticker. If the glasses are dirty, then you need to thoroughly clean them from foreign objects from the inside and outside.

To do this, prepare a soapy solution. You can use water for this, and pour shampoo into it or use soap. Then the solution is poured into a spray bottle and applied to glass. The glass is washed from dirt, and then cleaned with dry napkins.

Important! It is necessary to thoroughly clean the glass from the slightest lint with a knife.

Prepare the solution again, but this time add the shampoo to the consistency of soapy foam. This is necessary in order to fit the film most accurately on the glass.

Film processing according to the size of the side windows

To make it successful with your own hands, you need to make a pattern from pieces of film exactly to the size of the window.

Look carefully and determine where the adhesive side of the film is. If you are dealing with a film from a foreign manufacturer, then a special liner is applied to it.

Advice! It is best to make the pattern slightly larger than the area of ​​the glass (for future fit).

On the outside of the glass, apply a soap solution from a spray bottle and apply the film to the glass (with the adhesive side facing you). When cutting off the film on the glass, it is necessary to leave one centimeter from the sides and bottom sides (the film should slightly go over the rubber seals).

Advice! Work carried out on the glass must be carried out with extreme caution in order to exclude scratches and other damage to the glass when working with sharp objects (knife).

How to tint the rear window

If the sticker on the side windows should not cause any difficulties, then with the tint of the rear window with your own hands, slight difficulties may arise due to its convex shape. For best results, call someone for help. The film should be cut slightly larger than the size of the window itself.

Most likely, air bubbles and various folds will be visible on the surface. In this case, using a rubber spatula, gently smooth them out, and use a hairdryer to dry quickly. It is best to smooth with a spatula from the center to the edges until all bubbles and wrinkles have been removed.

Then we cut out the film, but leave a small overlap of a few millimeters on all sides. And to better see the film and glass area, you can use a flashlight.

How to tint side windows with your own hands?

First, as in the previous steps, we clean the glass. Next, lower it a little and also clean the upper edge.

Then pour the side glass (from the inside) with soapy water, and also moisten the hands in it (so that no dirt remains on the hands).

Remove the protective layer from the film and apply it to the glass. The main condition: it is necessary that the film lay flat, at the same time not touching the seals.

If everything worked out correctly, squeeze out the bubbles and folds. For best results, you can use a rubber trowel. As already described above, it is better to do this from the center of the glass, gradually moving towards its edges.

After that, you need to fix the upper edge of the film, lift the glass and remove the liner that remained at the bottom. Also moisten the film with soapy water. Then you need to bend the seal, which is at the bottom, and fill the film under it. Work carefully, do not allow creases.

Use a hair dryer to blow out any remaining liquid. Do not forget to check and make sure that there are no water bubbles between the film and the glass.

Apply a film to the rear window

This stage of work is in many ways identical to applying the film to the side windows, but there are a number of differences. To prevent damage to the heating filaments of your rear window, extreme care is required during all work.

It will not hurt to use the services of an assistant when applying the film to the rear window, which must be very thoroughly cleaned and washed, and then wiped dry. Only then apply soapy water. When removing the liner from the film, moisten its adhesive surface with soapy water. The formation of folds and creases on the material is not allowed in any case.

Next, we align the film and carefully smooth it from the center to the edges in order to squeeze out the liquid (we do this in the direction of the heating threads). Use the harshest forcing, and after completing this process, heat the entire outside of the film with a hair dryer to remove water bubbles.

To better understand how to properly tint the rear window, I advise you to watch the detailed video below.

We glue tint stripes on the windshield

To stick the tint stripes on the windshield, you need to perform work similar to all the others described earlier.

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