Home Locks Bridgestone tires (Bridgestone). Wheels "Bridgestone": species, features, reviews Winter tires Bridgestone model range

Bridgestone tires (Bridgestone). Wheels "Bridgestone": species, features, reviews Winter tires Bridgestone model range

Bridgestone company (Bridgestone) is one of the leaders in the automotive tire manufacturers. The product range includes both summer and winter tires with different profiles, the size and pattern of the tread. Because of the great variety of models, it is difficult to make a choice, however, after performing some comparison, you can pick up a tire for your car under your driving style.

Varieties of summer tires and their brief description

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BRIDGESTONE company offers motorists following summer tire marks:

Scope of various brands of summer tires Bridgestone

Tires for the warm period of the year of Bridgestone, unlike their direct competitor from Michelin, have a wider range of applications, due to its technical characteristics, environmental friendliness and price.

Tires Potenza.

Test races in urban environments and on racing tracks showed that, unlike direct competitors from Michelin, which are primarily designed to achieve maximum high-speed indicators and manageability, similar bridgestone tires, though slightly gave way to dynamic characteristics, won in the overall standings By adding security and environmental friendliness to excellent handling.

The comparison was carried out according to such parameters as stability in turns, the reaction to the rotation of the steering wheel, the braking efficiency and the predictability of the behavior. In total, the indicators were included in both dry coverage and wet.

Since holders of charged and tunned cars are carried out most of the time in the urban stream on public roads, then for them safety indicators also play an important role.

Bridgestone Potenza tires are represented in five versions that differ in the design and pattern of the tread, allowing you to choose your own option as fast acceleration faders and sharp braking and preferring acute controls on steep turns or during rebuilding in the urban stream. You can compare these tires in the characteristics diagram, which will allow you to see weak and strengths on a different type of coating at certain maneuvers.

Ecopia tires

Bridgestone broke into the leaders to the tires of this series - they immediately began to install automakers from Europe, the USA and Japan on their serial models, since the nearest competitors, including Michelin, did not turn out to be models that could be worthy of competing a series Ecopia. The main advantage of this rubber is the fuel economy of more than 7% for compact urban cars and more than 12% for medium-sized cars and business class representatives. Also, for the first time in the market, Bridgestone presented a cost-effective tire for SUVs, allowing to reduce fuel consumption by almost 3%.

Various autoexperts, holding a comparison with analogues, including Michelin, immediately noted the high quality of the clutch with a wet road coating, and the erase tests proved that the tire life will also be long. ECOPIA technology is developing further, and the company's plans include ecological tires for sports cars. This is important, since many owners of such machines have to pay for increased emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere, and thanks to the new tires, fuel consumption will significantly reduce, without prejudice to the quality of control and speed characteristics of the car.

The products of this series are designed primarily for premium SUVs, if you compare them with off-road tires, then the latter has a more clearly pronounced protector, which allows to overcome the brother and deep dirt. Although BridgeStoneduelera have a softer pattern, they can still provide a fare on comparative off-road. Although their main purpose is to provide a comfortable access to the luxury SUV on urban streets with maximum comfort.

Comparative tests with analogs on test polygons showed that the Dueler during the movement produces significantly less noise, due to the pattern of the tread and the multilayer frame, which also makes it possible to overcome complex irregularities and potholes.

This type of tires will suit any car both for everyday use and long-term travel, and thanks to the RTF technology, even after puncture, the wheels can be reached to the nearest service station on the tires. This brand Bridgestone was able to significantly fasten his competitors from Michelin, as their comparison showed that, unlike the latter, Turanza tires have a large resource and produce less noise, due to the larger area of \u200b\u200bthe flat spot of contact.

Sports Tires MY-02 and B250

Thanks to the aggressive appearance of the data tire, the brands will suit the owners of sports cars, which in addition to speed appreciate the safety of driving, comfort and efficiency. Bridgestonemy-02 and B250 are installed drivers who are emphasized by their more status, and do not prefer extremal driving, However, they have a smaller resource and contribute to greater fuel consumption.

Varieties of winter tires and their brief description

Winter tires from this company is represented by two stamps:

The choice of good winter rubber for the car is a very difficult task. A huge number of manufacturers offers products that differ not only by price, but also quality. According to polls, the leader can rightfully consider the Japanese company and the model of which will be considered below, enjoys great popularity among car owners worldwide.

Information about brand

The history of Bridgestone begins in 1930, when the founder of the company Shodjiro Ishibashi created the first tire. Over time, the founder of the brand Shodjiro Ishibashi realized that I would like to become the first rubber manufacturer in Japan. His dream came true in 1953.

Currently has its branches in 27 countries around the world and ranks first in ratings among other rubber manufacturers. The company's products are used to configure racing chambers participating in Formula1. The company is a leader in the production of tires using Run-Flat technology. The tires received reinforced sidewalls that help to keep the shape of the tire even with full pressure loss. This allows the driver to drive about 80 km on the shutty (punctured) wheel to the nearest car service.

The lineup

Bridgestone tires are presented in a wide range. The manufacturer offers high-quality winter, summer and all-season tires. Each model is developed taking into account various weather conditions.

Some of the best summer tire models "Bridgestone" are considered Ecopia EP150, Turanza T001, Bridgestone B250, REGNO GR-8000. They are distinguished by high reliability, reduced rolling resistance and full acoustic comfort. All-season tires for passenger cars and SUVs are presented in models like Bridgestone Dueler H / T, Dueler M / T, Dueler A / T 693. All-season has increased wear resistance and allows you to fully control the handling of the vehicle on any roadway.

Special attention is paid to winter which is most adapted for operation in characteristic climatic conditions for some regions. Such models "winter", like Revo Gz, Ice Cruiser 7000, Blizzak VRX, Blizzak Spike-01 are considered one of the most sought-after among domestic motorists.

Production of winter rubber

The brand is managed to keep world leadership due to the creation of high-quality products and the introduction of innovative technologies. Winter tires use the greatest demand. Bridgestone offers both friction and studded models. "Velcro" for the cold season choose most drivers. Such rubber showed itself well both on dry asphalt, and on the snowy caress, ice. It has increased wear resistance. One of the most popular wheels among consumers are Blizzak Revo Gz, Turanza T005 RFT, BLIZZAK REVO DM-V1, BLIZZAK VRX, ECOPIA EP300, BLIZZAK LM001 EVO and BLIZZAK LM-30.

Robes from the Japanese brand are ideal for operation in regions with harsh winters. They give full confidence in traffic safety on winter roads, have excellent coupling characteristics and good handling on a flat road and off-road. In the domestic market, the following models have gained popularity:

  1. Bridgestone Blizzak Spike 01.
  2. Bridgestone Ice Cruiser 7000.
  3. Bridgestone NORANZA 2 EVO.
  4. Bridgestone Ice Cruiser 5000.
  5. Bridgestone NORANZA SUV 001.


Bridgestone Blizzard - a winter model range of rubber. Among the many modifications, BLIZZAK REVO GZ deserves special attention. Velcro deserved many positive feedback and is considered one of the best winter tires. For the first time was presented in 2010 and almost immediately won the confidence of car owners.

Friction rubber is designed for operation with a serious "minus". This model received excellent coupling properties from developers, thanks to which the car can safely ride on ice, snowy caress and rolled snow.


The tire received an asymmetrical pattern of a tread, which was specially created using computer simulation. This made it possible to transfer the entire load on certain sections of the tread surface. The asymmetric protector copes perfectly with braking and acceleration on any type of surface.

The rapid removal of water and snow porridge from the contact spot provide wide grooves. Three-dimensional lamellas and advanced shoulder blocks are responsible for secure control. The bends of the sidewall received unusual asymmetric contours from the developers. Such a decision made it possible to reduce the vibrations and fluctuations in the body when turning turns, as well as maintained coursework stability.

Expert reviews about Winter Rubber "Bridgestone" suggest that the outer part of the tread allows you to protect the rubber from deformation due to tightly located blocks and the presence of checkers with peculiar jumpers. The "toothy" inner drawing of the tread is responsible for car handling on the winter road. Tread wear can be monitored using special indicators.

Rubber mixture

The softness of rubber even at very low temperatures can be saved by applying a special Multicell Compound technology. Its essence lies in the fact that rubber inside has many micropores that are designed as quickly as possible to absorb water tape, worsening the adhesion with the roadpapers. Moreover, the number of these micropores during operation does not decrease. With the abrasion of the tread, new cavities appear, which allow you to maintain the technical characteristics of the tires throughout the service life.


A huge number of car enthusiasts prefer to "shove" their vehicle in rubber from the Japanese tire giant "Bridgestone". "Winter" in the model "Blizzard Revo GZ" perfectly showed itself not only in the process of testing, but also during operation on domestic roads. The presence of high technical characteristics declared by the manufacturer, and experts and drivers are confirmed. Rubber quickly responds to the steering teams, clearly and confidently moves on the snow, snowy caress, ice and dry asphalt.

You can buy the bridgestone tires in this model in almost any specialized store. The cost of the tires starts from 2400 rubles (R13).

Bridgestone Blizzak VRX.

Another representative of high-quality winter rubber from Bridgestone - Blizzak VRX. The model refers to friction and externally reminds the above Blizzak Revo GZ considered above. By inheritance, rubber got an asymmetric type of tread pattern and a unique compound technology.

The central part of the tread was subjected to refinement - the block shape and the density of their location changed. The blocks turned out shorter and hard. It has a positive effect on the behavior of rubber on a dry and wet roadway. Reduce the braking path and improve overclocking dynamics allowed multidirectional faces and lamellas.

Test results

Numerous tests have proven excellent performance in this model of tires. In winter, when the weather conditions are practically aggressive, drivers may not worry about the passage of even the most difficult areas of the road. VRX Blizzard Velcro will provide a good adhesion with snow-covered and zelar asphalt, allow you to get out of any snowdrift without slipping.

Bridgestone Ice Cruiser 7000: Overview

From Bridgestone - with a directional symmetric pattern of the tread. Among the experts and car owners are considered one of the best in their category and rightly occupies prizes in tests. What is the feature of this model? First of all, it is suitable for operation in the most difficult weather conditions.

Bridgestone Ice Cruiser 7000 has components that increase its coupling properties, pushed moisture and reduce rolling resistance. The manufacturer notes that achieving such a result was due to the use of natural rubber, silica, absorbent gel and other substances. This model is specifically manufactured for operation on domestic winter roads.

Bridgestone tires are deservedly enjoyed in demand from the domestic consumer. All models of this brand have one indisputable advantage - compared to many other brands, Bridgestone tires have an increased margin of strength, which means a longer service life. In many ways, it justifies the high cost of the tire - security is not the subject on which the owners of expensive and prestigious car brands can save.

The review presents the models of this brand for all occasions. The rating was compiled on the basis of reviews of specialists from service centers and owners who choose on the products of one of the best tire brands - Bridgestone, who kindly shared their invaluable experience.

Best Bridgestone Tires for Quick Drive

This category includes, along with frankly sports models of tire bridgestone, the best tires for the summer journey. All of them differ in efficiency in managing and predictable behavior on any areas of roads.

5 Bridgestone Turanza ER300

The most durable
Average price: 6675 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.4

Despite the fact that Bridgestone has updated this model of tires, releaseing the Turanza T001, ER300 continues to enjoy serious demand and popularity from motorists. Immunity to blows and the strength of the side part provides excellent course stability of these tires at high speed. At the same time, the car is predicted in the management, but rapid turns, and then the case tormented by driving. The driver has to clearly monitor the press on the accelerator pedal, but the tire allows you to "add" a thin line of stability when maneuvering.

The owners appreciate her for phenomenal stiffness - the blows of serious pick-up do not lead to damage to rubber. Where the closest competitors of other brands get hernia and gaps, Bridgestone Turanza ER300 is in general without consequences. Reviews also marks quite comfortable high-speed maneuvering on perfectly level asphalt. But it is worth being on a blocking or road, dyed by payments and potholes, how the behavior of the tire changes - the control becomes less accurate, and has to reduce the speed. Due to excessive stiffness, the noise level of this rubber leaves much to be desired.

4 Bridgestone MY-02 Sporty Style

The most affordable sports tires
Country: Japan (produced in Thailand and Indonesia)
Average price: 5088 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Summer tires Bridgestone MY-02 Sporty Style differ available at the price. They are intended for lovers of sport style ride. This rubber is equipped with passenger cars of small and medium class. Despite the priority in speed and drive, the tires can be called universal. A distinctive feature of the model range is an aggressive design, which give the tread grooves in the form of lightning. Thanks to this V-shaped tire pattern, there are excellent clutch, both with a dry road surface and with asphalt after heavy rain. The external pressure on the tire is evenly distributed due to the minimum curvature of the tread profile. The model is offered to motorists in 18 sizes.

Car owners in reviews note the positive properties of Bridgestone sports rubber, as a road stability, silent, durable lateral part. Of the minuses, there is a slip on wet grass, also the rubber does not confidently feel in a rut.

3 bridgestone alenza 001

Excellent clutch with expensive. High precision steering
Country: Japan (produced in Thailand and Indonesia)
Average price: 10917 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

This summer tires was represented by the consumer last year, and has already managed (only in one season!) Become a rather popular bus from Bridgestone's model line. Nano Pro-Techt technology made it possible to achieve the uniformity of silica molecules in rubberime. This gave a covers with excellent balance and affected its economy - at distant distances, the decline in fuel consumption is especially noticeable. Tires, however, turned out quite noisy, but their behavior on the road and wear resistance fully justify acoustic discomfort (moreover, noise level is not as critical as competitors speak).

High term stability and reliable clutch (especially on a wet road) open the capabilities of the virtuosite car control - regardless of the selected speed, the sharp steering wheel allows you to perform breathtaking turns - the driver literally feels the face, crossing which the car will go to the skid. In the opposed reviews, complementing the above, the users of Bridgestone Alenza 001 tire safety are highly appreciated. The car on this rubber stops also well, as started - almost without slipping, literally clinging for asphalt coating. Without doubt, this feature of the tires is one of the most attractive crossover or SUV holders.

2 Bridgestone Turanza T005

Top tires for long journeys. New market
Country: Japan (produced in Thailand and Indonesia)
The average price: 10370 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

To be honest, then to name this sportswear model will not quite correctly - its characteristics offer the owner at the same time and comfortable noise level, and excellent handling. It is completely flutter, and turns into turns like a knife into the oil. In this summer tire, Bridgetone's latest developments were implemented, providing Turanza T005 phenomenal stability at high-speed maneuvering on wet asphalt. Satisfactory braking indicators are somewhat lagging behind more rigid sports tires, however, on the high-speed highway, and on country roads, they provide a worthy level of security.

The owners who have already managed to test the new year of this year, consider it the most successful rubber for long-distance travel in the summer season. In his reviews, they focus on the predictability of Bridgestone Turanza T005 tires in any conditions, moderate noise level and high efficiency. Low rolling resistance, efficient removal of water spots and reinforced shoulder blocks increased the stability of the tire to the deformation and ensured the uniformity of loads during braking. Not having time to really appear on the market, the tires have already become applied in the factory configuration of such prestigious car brands as Audi, BMW and Lexus

The high popularity of various models Bridgestone is explained by a number of factors.

  • Impeccable tire quality is one of the main secrets of demand for rubber from Japan. High reliability, durability and attractive design became determining factors and for owners of Formula 1 car owners.
  • The corporation is constantly developing new types of tires. For this, there is a technical center where products are improved. More than hundreds of engineers and designers take part in the development of a new wheel line.
  • At each stage of the creation of tires, quality is tested on specialized hardware equipment. As a result, many small errors can be revealed at the initial stage.
  • About 10 thousand tires come from the factory conveyors every month. All of them have special tracks, allowing to ride at high speed and not to wear.
  • Before delivery of products to sales of rubber is subjected to a three-step diagnosis. First, the tire resource is checked, then control and comfort is diagnosed.
  • Some Bridgestone models have a narrow form, which allows car owners to save on fuel consumption. In some cases, it is possible to reduce the consumption of gasoline or diesel fuel by 20%.

1 Bridgestone Potenza Re003 Adrenalin

Excellent handling. Choosing a buyer
Country: Japan (produced in Thailand and Indonesia)
The average price: 8370 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

BRIDGESTONE POTENZA RE003 ADRENALIN tires were able to combine the effectiveness of high-performance premium class tires and wear resistance to the budget segment. At the same time, behavior on the road of a car, "wound" into this rubber, can be called more than confident. High-speed maneuvering on any asphalt is distinguished by high accuracy and quick tire respiration on the steering wheel rotation.

The rigidity of the tread is largely ensured by its unusual pattern. Japanese engineers developed a unique composition of the rubber mixture, which effectively resists abrasion and significantly increases the operational resource of these summer bridgestones. In the reviews of the owners, the ability of accurate entry in turns at high speeds is highly estimated - the efficiency of resistance to the lateral input, compared with the previous model, has significantly increased. To fully enjoy speed and ideal clutch with expensive, high security (brake path from 100 km / h on a dry coating - 37.5 m) and control sensitivity, these tires should be warm up first.

Best Bridgestone Tires for Comfortable Drive

3 Bridgestone Turanza ER42

High security
Country: Japan (produced in Thailand and Indonesia)
The average price: 12150 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

There is no doubt that we have a premium tire before us, in the design of which it was used not one modern high-tech decision. Only due to its value of Bridgestone Turanza ER42 did not become the leader of the rating in this category. This model is included in the factory configuration of some prestigious car brands (for example, BMW 7 series), which is already in itself talks about high performance. The secret is to use Side Support Run Flat technology. Strengthened sidewall with steel cord keeps the wheels geometry during tire damage and does not lead to loss of control.

The feature of the structure of the tread blocks lies in the form of symmetric cuts that allow you to change the angles and the size of the pattern checkers. This happens depending on the operating conditions and the selected movement mode, providing a high acoustic level of comfort on any coating. When maneuvering and driving at different speeds, the owners note the stability of behavior and the best grip with an expensive. The slightest movement of the steering wheel immediately finds its response in the change in the trajectory - the tires instantly and accurately implement the course specified by the driver. Also in the reviews there is excellent resistance to aquaplating and slow wear, fully justifying the high cost of this Bridgestone model.

2 Bridgestone Ecopia EP200

Best price in the category. High wear resistance
Country: Japan (produced in Thailand and Indonesia)
The average price: 4900 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

This bridgestone bus is designed for middle-class cars and is able to provide a decent level of comfort while driving. The tire has perfectly proven itself on the wet highway, it copes well with country and forest roads. Soft sidewall makes them unsuitable for energetic turns. Moreover, it is absolutely not designed for high-speed lovers. Her element is only calm driving.

Judging by the reviews, Bridgestone Ecopia EP200 tires are distinguished by a serious operational resource. Rubber perfectly behaves on poor asphalt, smoothing small irregularities and potholes. Movement at speed (up to 140 km / h) in rectilinear areas does not require constant steering adjustment - the tires are perfectly held by the road. Balancing during installation costs minimal cargo to 20-25 grams. Another strong side is the good economy of this summer tire, which is noticeably noticeably at long journeys. Also, no one does not particularly complain about the clutch with the road, subject to compliance with the calm ride manner.

1 bridgestone Potenza S001

The quietest tires
Country: Japan (produced in Thailand and Indonesia)
Average price: 9670 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The minimum level of noise during driving boasts of the BRIDGESTONE POTENZA S001 series can boast. It was possible to achieve unique properties to the Japanese manufacturer due to the introduction of a number of innovations. When preparing rubber composition, polyethylene terephthalate is applied, which has a positive effect on the clutch of the tire with an expensive. Reduced noise happened after implementing the Silent AC unit. Thanks to this decision, it was possible to find a compromise between comfort when driving and sports characteristics. After strengthening external blocks, it became easier to maintain an optimal trajectory on steep turns. As a result, the Potenza S001 series has become the most balanced in its price segment.

In responses, you can find a number of positive rubber qualities. She keeps the road well, not noise, slowly wear out, gives good feedback when maneuvering. Among the disadvantages are often mentioned high price and high weight.

Best Bridgestone Tires for Off-Road

High strength and wear resistance of Bridgestone rubber is tested not by one generation of car enthusiasts. Your reliability deserves trust and tire products of the brand, intended for operation in conditions of light off-road. This type presents only the best models most adapted to hard tests.

3 Bridgestone Ecopia EP850

Best Energy Efficiency
Country: Japan (produced in Thailand and Indonesia)
The average price: 7373 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The most energy-efficient series in the Bridgestone collection is Ecopia EP850. Tires are designed to operate in summer on high-pass vehicles. Equipment of crossovers and jeeps of this rubber has several advantages. They lie in the design of the tires. Due to the asymmetric directional pattern, the wheels have excellent adhesion with different types of road surfaces. The manufacturer added special silicone and polymer additives into the rubber mixture. As a result, traction and coupling indicators have improved. The rigid design of the shoulder zones increased the tread resistance, improved controllability.

Users are flattering about such Bridgestone Ecopia EP850 properties such as reliability, strength, stability on any road. The car when driving off road does not break off, behaves predictably. Minus rubber lies in the fact that off-road properties are lost in 30% wear, difficulties with balancing appear.

2 Bridgestone Dueler H / T D684

The most wear-resistant tires
Country: Japan (produced in Thailand and Indonesia)
Average price: 12770 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

For serious cars with elevated crossings, Bridgestone Dueler H / T D684 rubber is required. It is designed for complex off-road, but in extreme tire conditions create a comfortable environment for the driver. When designing and manufacturing tires, the most advanced technologies (type UNI-T) were applied, new recipes of the rubber composition and the tread design were developed. Strengthened boards allow you to safely move on off-road, without fear to stumble upon sharp stones or roots of trees. Many automakers appreciated the possibilities of Bridgestone Dueler H / T D684, including them as a standard package of their machines. This is Honda CR-V, Mitsubishi Pajero, Nissan Patrol and Toyota Land Cruiser Prado.

In response, car owners list such advantages of the series as softness, wear resistance, stability on the wet road. Several spoils the overall impression noness and rapid bleeding in the mud.

1 Bridgestone Dueler A / T 001

Best choice buyer
Country: Japan (produced in Thailand and Indonesia)
Average price: 7698 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The tire is designed for operation on asphalt and dirt roads with the possibility of overcoming moderate off-road. The versatility of this All Terrain provides high performance in any conditions. At the same time it is understood that the proportion of travel outside the asphalt coating should not exceed half of the entire mileage. This model of summer tires Bridgestone received a deep protector with an effective pattern - the ribs of the checkers are made at such an angle that when the wheel is running, acoustic oscillations occurs. Tire, despite its size and deep drainage, is distinguished by low noise, ease of control and excellent clutch.

As for the characteristics of the Penthood, the owners are noted in the reviews of the owners, there is a good ability to self-cleaning, high resistance to shock loads. At the same time, we should not forget that the tires are simply not designed for impassable dirt, and we should not expect miracles from it. The special composition of the rubberime is provided by an enlarged operation. With a careful attitude to Bridgestone Dueler A / T 001 tires (timely rearrangements of tires in places, control the pressure level in cylinders and proper storage) It will last much longer than competing analogues. This ability fully justifies each ruble embedded in it. Many owners change Dueler A / T 001 to the same new, which clearly characterizes the model only from the best side.

Best Bridgestone Tires for Winter

Winter tires Bridgestone will be able to provide confident maneuvering and permeability on any surface. The presence in the range of brand models with spikes and the most soft "lipuchk" allows you to choose the best tires for different operating conditions.

4 Bridgestone BLIZZAK REVO GZ

The most popular winter friction rubber
Country: Japan (produced in Thailand and Indonesia)
The average price: 6065 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Winter tires are widely represented by Bridgestone Blizzard. Among the set of models should be the Velc of Blizzak Revo Gz, which has won the hearts of many domestic motorists. Among the experts, this friction tires was repeatedly recognized as the best due to versatility. Tires equally well withstand the test of snow porridge, ice and rolled snow. The tire protector was modeled on the computer, so that the load was able to transfer to certain protector points. The asymmetric drawing well showed itself both during acceleration and in braking. Wide grooves successfully cope with water removal and wet snow. The manufacturer managed to achieve the necessary softness due to the Multicell Compound technology, which provides for the presence of a set of micropores.

Among the large number of feedback prevails the view that the tires are well suited for Russian roads. Rubber makes the car obedient in any situations. Disadvantages of the line car enthusiasts call rapid wear.

3 Bridgestone Ice Cruiser 7000

High Coupling Characteristics and Wear Resistance
Country: Japan (produced in Thailand and Indonesia)
Average price: 7334 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

For lovers of neat driving, this winter tires Bridgestone will be, perhaps, the best choice. In any case, in the reviews of the owners who operate these tires are not one year, there is no hint of disappointment. Rather, on the contrary, there is excellent ice stability, and deep snow for this rubber does not at all represent any obstacles. The spikes are planted securely, and not uncommon, when even after the second season of operation, there are completely lack of their loss.

Turns on the winter road without driving, confident "taxiing" and excellent course stability - rubber better than others copes with its tasks. The owners would very much wanted such confidence on the highway to be always, and the Bridgestone Ice Cruiser 7000 tires most correspond to their expectations. Everything, of course, depends on the style of driving and run, but at the neat owner, these tires are perfectly coping with 5-6 seasons in a row, which indicates the high stock of strength and reliability.

2 Bridgestone RD713.

Optimal choice for the most difficult conditions
Country: Japan (produced in Thailand and Indonesia)
The average price: 7030 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

A quick glance at the BRIDGESTONE RD713 protector is enough to postpone the level of noise level, as inappropriate - rubber makes significant sound vibrations, but also "rowing" is not childish, providing a passenger car or a crossover with the best permeability in the most severe road off-road. There are also successful examples of using tire data on small commercial transport - tires have excellent carrying capacity. In this model, winter bridgestone due to macroblocks at the edges of the tread, high accuracy of control was achieved. The presence of spikes makes it more resistant to ice.

In feedback, the owners point to the fact that the width of the working part of the tread is quite narrow. It provides excellent patency in the snow, but also has a side effect - when driving along a track, the car is that and the point is stripping out of it, and the driver has to constantly drive. Polymer additives and silicons that are part of rubber provide slow wear of the tires. It should not be forgotten that the intensive nature of driving and naked asphalt completely level this advantage - there were cases when the owners were "lost" to half the tread literally in one season.

1 Bridgestone Blizzak Spike-02 SUV

Best studded tires
Country: Japan (produced in Thailand and Indonesia)
The average price: 11160 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The leading positions on the global car market occupies a studded Rubber Bridgestone Blizzak Spike-02 SUV. The manufacturer used innovative technologies in the form of a directional spike, improved rubber composition and a V-shaped tread with a larger number of lamellas. Engineers raised the density of central edges, changed the angle of side edges. As a result, the removal of the snow-water mixture was improved, the clutch rate increased. Tires are distinguished by high wear resistance and durability. The studded tires are produced in a rich assortment of sizes (30 models), it can be used as "winter shoes" for cars of different types.

Domestic motorists in reviews highlight the excellent stability of the machine on the winter road. Tires confidently work on ice and snowpath. The spikes are securely sitting in a tire, not crazy when driving along asphalt. The main disadvantage for many car owners is a high price.

Test Drive Winter Shin Bridgestone Blizzak Spike-02 SUV

Tires of this company are very popular worldwide. Bridgestone produces tires from the distant 1931 and during which time managed to earn a huge popularity. Bridgestone tires are a symbol of quality and safety under any road conditions. Bridgestone occupies 20 percentage of total tire production, which is definitely an indicator of the demand and popularity of this company's products around the world and produces tires for both cars and trucks. Bridgestone tires guarantee security in such conditions in which the tires of most other manufacturers will be simply helpless.

Bridgestone Corporation - Tire Supplier for Formula 1

In the production of Bridgestone tires, a number of innovative technologies are used, which make it possible to significantly improve the quality, functional and running parameters, as well as the operational resource of the tires.

Among them:

  • Flat Force Block. - Technology of uniform stiffness of blocks. It helps to increase the course stability, improves control parameters.
  • Hydro Evacuation Surface. - Technology of the hydroevacuation surface on the walls of the tread grooves. Improves and accelerates the derivation of moisture from under the stain of contact, which increases resistance to aquaplaning.
  • Dual Layer Tread II - two-layer tread structure. This improves the wear resistance of the tires and makes them more efficient on a wet road.
  • AQ compound - adding a new element to the rubber mixture. This ensures the preservation of elasticity regardless of operational conditions, and also improves coupling characteristics.

When developing tire design, computer simulation techniques are used. This allows you to maximally optimize the main components of the tire: the shape of the frame, the design of the tread, the composition of the rubber mixture, structural strength.

3D modeling Brigestone

BRIDGESTONE Winter tires are manufactured using Multicell Compound technology, which ensures the heating of the rubber in the contact spot and, accordingly, fast melting and removal of snow masses from under it. The rubber mixture is made using Silika technology - with the addition of an increased amount of silicon, which significantly improves its operational characteristics.

About tires Bridgestone

Bridgestone began the history of Bridgestone in the first spring day of 1931 in Japanese Kurume. Its name is owned by the name of its founder Shojiro Ishibashi, which was translated into English as Stone (ISHI) and Bridge (Bashi). Like a significant part of other Japanese brands known today, this tire manufacturer did not kill history annals, thanks to World War II, which brought him many military orders. The defeat of Japan has created some difficulties that, nevertheless, made Bridgestone much more stable than before. After all, it has significantly expanded the range of products, most of which were not tires, but rubber products of various purposes.

Business diversification, as well as wide use of the newest technologies, has allowed the company in the 1950s to become the largest tire manufacturer in Japan. The next decade brought it to master the release of radial tires for passenger and trucks, as well as the beginning of the production of bicycles under its own brand. In 1967, the first North American branch was opened, which for that time period, when a recent military confrontation between Japan and the United States was still fresh in memory, was a practically extraordinary event.

In the 70s, the company continued to progressive development. It consisted in expansion to other markets. In 1972, the first European branch was opened in Belgium. And after 7 years after this significant event, the technology of processing automotive tires in fuel for industrial furnaces was presented. However, all this eclipsed the death of the founder of Shojiro Ishibashi, who died in 1976.

Half a century later

In the 80s of the last century, the half-century anniversary of the existence of this Japanese company, which by then turned into one of the leaders of the global tire industry. These positions were significantly reinforced in 1988 after the purchase of the second largest North American tire manufacturer Firestone. But before that, in 1982, the company presented the first Japanese winter tire without spikes, for which the five years later was developed by a widely advertised rubber mixture with a microporous structure.

At about the same time, a number of other developments were presented, on which today's leadership of the company in technologies. First of all, it is the technology of external pressure distribution for cargo tires and optimization technology for rolling resistance for passenger tires. A little later, these, as well as many other technological innovations, were connected together to UNI-T technology, which is successfully applied in the tire products of this brand today. The debut of this complex of technical solutions took place simultaneously with the presentation of sports tires Bridgestone. For Potenza passenger cars. Today, this name is used in relation to a whole line of passenger models, numbering several dozen items.

In addition to the passenger direction, the company has not ceased to engage in cargo tires. In particular, in the mid-2000s, she acquired Bandag Inc., which specialized in restoring tire protector for trucks. As a result, the Japanese tire giant gained access to the most advanced technologies in this area, which, along with the brand, were used in their own tire products. Buyers who have gained access to tires with advanced technical characteristics and a very long service life were winning. This applies equally to both cars and cargo models.

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