Home Heating Robots and transforming toys made from matchboxes. What's the best way to make a robot suit? What kind of robot is it without an antenna?

Robots and transforming toys made from matchboxes. What's the best way to make a robot suit? What kind of robot is it without an antenna?

Decided to play a little and chose a game based on your favorite science fiction book? Or you are thoroughly preparing for your favorite holiday - in both cases, a robot suit will help you out.

Necessary materials

The most voluminous material at hand that we will need if we are making a robot costume with our own hands is two packaging boxes. So, we check our household supplies, and if necessary, buy more:

  • foil;
  • colored paper;
  • wire (piece);
  • glue (can be universal);
  • brush;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • awl.

You still can't do without tape.

Main stages of work

Our goal is to make a robot suit. First of all, we start making the head. We cut off those parts of a small cardboard box that will not be needed during the work. We should end up with a cube with one side missing.

Next, we determine which side will be the image of the face. We carefully draw a cutout on it. Moreover, its shape can be any: square, rectangular, round. You can limit yourself to cutting out holes for the eyes. The main thing is that they are not too small. Otherwise, the outfit will be uncomfortable. Then we cut out the resulting hole. We take foil and cover the part with it. Then think about how you can design the front part. You may decide to place buttons and levers on it. There is no need to worry about their symmetrical arrangement: after all, robots do not have to be exactly like each other.

What's a robot without an antenna?

We continue to make a robot costume for a boy. This character has antennas on his head. To make them, we pierce a couple of holes with an awl. Be careful: this should be the top part of the head. The distance between the holes should be approximately three to four centimeters. We bend the wire so that the resulting antennas are the same size, and the gap between them is equal to the distance between the holes. After the wire is inserted, take the tape and attach the antenna to the inside of the head. Gray plasticine is suitable for filling holes on top.

Tips are attached to the whiskers of the part. To make them, you will need a foam sponge. They are cut to shape, coated with available glue and placed on a wire.

Making the body

Remember when you stocked up on two boxes? It’s the turn of the second of them, since next we are making the body. Just like when making the “head,” we cut off the unnecessary parts in the box. As a result, we should get a parallelepiped made of cardboard of decent height. It should have no bottom edge. Let's take care of the hole for the head. To do this, mark the boundaries in the upper part and cut out a round hole. The size of the circle must be made such that the head can pass freely, but at the same time the box should not fall off the shoulders either.

Examine the robot suit you make. Are you satisfied with everything? If yes, then you can continue the work and start cutting out the holes for the arms. They can be round in shape and located near the upper body. But there is another option: to cut wide enough slits that would start closer to the bottom of the side borders. Then you will need foil to cover the body.

When preparing a robot costume for a boy, the front side of the torso can be made using a candy box. The main thing is that it has thick walls and a hinged lid. It’s good if it matches the size of the child’s breast. Under the finished panel you can place disks, devices, and attach a light bulb that turns on by pressing. Then, when you open the box, you will get a complete illusion that the very real insides of a fantasy character appear before your eyes.

Let's improve the outfit

In general, the New Year's robot costume is ready. But nothing prevents your imagination from improving it and adding other details. For example, with your feet. Here you can't do without old sneakers, flip-flops or slip-on boots. That is, these should be shoes that you don’t have to worry about lacing or fastening. You will also need two narrow and long boxes. They are usually closed on the narrow and long side. It is glued, and both smaller sides are cut off. We cover the resulting part with foil. And we sew shoes to the bottom of our limb. That's it, let's go have fun from the heart.

Important Additions

The size of the boxes must be the same. Their shape is not important, but a cube-shaped box is preferable for making the upper part of a robot suit. Foil is better suited for culinary purposes, in a roll. If you don’t find one, you can use a regular one with a paper base. The foil can be replaced with shiny gray fabric.

Fabric suit

For those craftswomen who are thinking about how to make a robot costume from fabric, here is a brief description of the work. You need to buy holographic silver fabric. For convenience, a silver zipper is sewn into the overalls; it is better to make the collar stand-up. There may be some unnecessary circuit board from old computer equipment glued to your chest pocket. The buttons in this outfit will be buttons that are pre-covered with fabric.

If you are worried about what it will be like for your child to spend a holiday with a cardboard box on his head, then you can replace the latter with a headband. To sew this part, the same fabric is used as for the overalls. A large shiny red-orange button is sewn into the center of the headband. Yes, and don’t forget to attach a pair of antennas to it, for the manufacture of which an elastic metal fishing line is taken.

You will need

  • 2 packing boxes
  • Foil
  • Colored paper
  • A piece of wire
  • Universal glue
  • Brush
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Ruler
  • Scotch


Attach antennas to your head. Pierce 2 holes in the upper part of the head with an awl at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other. Bend the wire so that you get 2 identical antennas and a gap between them equal to the distance between the holes. Insert the wire. Attach it to the inside of the box with tape. The holes on top can be covered with gray plasticine. Attach foam tips to the antenna antennae. Cut them into shape, coat them with glue and place them on the wire.

Take the box intended for the torso. In the same way as on the “head”, trim off the excess parts. You should end up with a tall cardboard parallelepiped, also without a bottom edge. Mark and cut a round hole in the top edge. Find the center by drawing diagonals. The circle should be of such a size that the head can pass freely, but at the same time it rests on the shoulders.

Cut holes for the arms. They can be made round by placing them closer to the top edge. But you can also make quite wide slits, starting from the bottom of the side edges. Cover the body with foil. Decorate it with different buttons and levers.

Basically, the suit is ready. But you can improve it by making legs as well. To do this, you will need old sneakers, flip-flops or slip-on boots. You need shoes that you can easily put on and not have to worry about lacing or fastenings. Find two narrow and long boxes. How, such boxes close on a narrow and long edge. It needs to be sealed, and both small sides need to be cut off. Cover the box with foil. Sew the shoes to the bottom of the “leg”. And - forward to the carnival!


Select boxes according to size. The shape can be any, but for the head it is better to take a cubic box

It is better to take culinary foil, in a roll. But a regular paper-based one will also do.

Helpful advice

Instead of foil, you can use shiny gray fabric.

To decorate the front part of the head, you can use not only colored paper, but also foam sponges, the remains of a plastic mosaic, and pieces of bright PVC tiles.


  • How to Make a New Year's Robot Costume for the New Year 2013?

Theatrical and carnival costumes are needed not only for the New Year holidays. Very often, children need to find or make their own costume for some holiday where they participate in the production. If you can find the suit you need at one of your local stores, you're in luck. But what to do if such a costume is not on sale, but you need it for a holiday? There is only one way out - to make the costume yourself.

You will need

  • - large sheets of cardboard,
  • - Whatman paper,
  • - scissors,
  • - glue,
  • - scotch,
  • - paints and markers,
  • - latex gloves,
  • - small pieces of fabric.


From sheets of whatman paper, make and assemble eight rectangular prisms, one of which will be for the head, and, accordingly, it should be the largest. But remember, your head should not hang around in this prism. Four long prisms for the hands, which should cover the entire surface of the hands up to the hands, which will have rubber gloves on them. The remaining four are for the legs. One will be to the knee, and the second from the knee to the ankle. Make holes on opposite sides of the arm and leg prisms through which you can put your legs and arms. In the prism for the head, make holes on adjacent sides - for the neck and face, as well as small holes for the ears.

Crafts from waste materials: unusual crafts and toys from matchboxes - robots and transforming toys. Crafts for boys.

Amazing crafts from matchboxes

You can make many different crafts with your children from waste materials. Such creativity develops children's fine motor skills, imagination, spatial thinking, design and modeling skills, etc.

What crafts can be made with children or for children from matchboxes? Usually a mini-dresser and 2-3 other ideas come to mind. But it turns out that you can make very interesting toys from matchboxes. For example, robots and cars, and also transforming toys.

These crafts made from waste material (matchboxes) are more suitable for boys, but my daughter and I really liked them!

Crafts robots and transformers from matchboxes

A samurai craft made from matchboxes glued together and covered with colored paper (or even simpler -). The samurai's swords are made of cardboard, attached to the box hands with ordinary paper clips, so they can be easily removed and attached in place.

Made from 14 matchboxes, this adorable yellow transformable robot can turn into a car.

The red fire truck can transform into a robot and back.

And this transforming toy can turn, in addition to the robot, into two different models.

The video makes it clearer how this happens. Amazing, right?

And in this video there is another transforming robot, it is not in the photo.

About creating these crafts from matchboxes and other waste materials

Sergei replied that he used to be interested in modeling - gluing together models of military equipment. After they became more expensive, I began to come up with my own models from matchboxes and lids, because... This is a waste material that requires almost no material costs.

Once during his vacation, when he had a lot of free time, Sergei began making robots from matchboxes. Then he complicated them until he started to get transformers. Gradually I began to make crafts not only from matchboxes, but also from lids and other waste materials.

The first matchbox craft was this robot. Then other robots, transformers, cars and even a dinosaur appeared.

How to make robots from matchboxes with your own hands

Descriptions of making robots are in the book. . This is a small brochure. Master classes on making transformers, etc. Other crafts will be in the new book, which should be published this fall.

And using these ideas as a basis, you can come up with your own crafts from matchboxes.

I suggest looking at others and in particular,.

Happy creativity!
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