Home Lighting Prayer for the consecration of the car yourself. A strong prayer for the sanctification of every thing: the full text and its meaning

Prayer for the consecration of the car yourself. A strong prayer for the sanctification of every thing: the full text and its meaning

It has long been noted that any thing has a special influence on its owner. Whatever it is, be it a watch, a car, a ring or clothes. A person feels some impact on his psyche. All this happens unconsciously and is especially evident when the owner changes. In such cases, the object is said to be charged with negative energy.

Energy accumulates even when a thing made in a factory has passed through many hands and collected all the negative background surrounding everyone who participated in a long chain. Reaching the end consumer, negativity tries to overcome the defenses that exist around us. The influence of diseases, a person’s state of mind and lifestyle weaken the protective field. If we add to this the negatively charged objects around us, it turns out that apart from prayer, there is nothing else to oppose this.

Orthodox prayer for the consecration of a thing

It would seem that the fashion to sanctify everything that the eye falls on has appeared recently. In fact, things have been sanctified since the beginning of Christianity. People have always encountered bad houses or objects and therefore had to turn to the clergy for consecration. Since the problem was not isolated, the church had to start collecting certain prayers. Methods of counteraction the unfavorable influences of things were summarized in a collection called the Trebnik.

This book, of course, is younger than the Bible, but also has a long history. It was first mentioned in the third century AD. In the modern world, the Trebnik is in demand no less than 100 or 500 years ago. In it you can find prayers for all occasions. As for praying for “bad” or newly acquired items, there is always plenty to choose from:

The list is quite long. If none of the sacred actions in the Trebnik are suitable, then you can always choose one that suits the meaning.

Rules for the ceremony

Each item requires its own approach to consecration. The fact is that the procedure strictly determines the capabilities of a person - only a clergyman has the right to perform the ritual with cars and real estate. This person has the status, given to her by the church, and accordingly the power capable of protecting a large object. But any of us can “work” with something small from ordinary everyday things.

Prayer for the consecration of any thing by a layman begins with the preparatory stage. Certain conditions must be met:

Among the mandatory attributes during the ceremony will be the presence of such things as:

  • Holy water from a temple or holy spring.
  • An icon with the face of St. Nicholas the Pleasant or the saint whose name was received at baptism.
  • Church candles (it is better to check the quantity with the priest).
  • Prayer book or Trebnik. Usually the Trebnik is chosen as a universal collection of prayer texts.

Prayers for new things

By using the prayer text from the Breviary to consecrate something donated or purchased, you will experience joy not only from the new item, but also from the fact that it will be reliable protection for you. The prayer used on a new thing will have a great influence only with strong desire and faith. And since faith is the main thing in this matter, thanks to it the energy of the subject will change. A prayer text is used each time for a separate new product.

To the Creator of the human race, who gives spiritual grace eternal salvation. Lord, send your messenger in the person of the Holy Spirit with your blessing for this thing. May she be equipped with the power of heaven. And help in using it, protecting soul and body. I call to you our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

After reading, we sprinkle the illuminated area three times with holy water.

An Orthodox layman is able to perform the ritual himself without the involvement of a priest. The greatest success is achieved by true believers, those who are constantly in contact with God through grateful prayers to him and other saints. The strength of protection also depends on the location of the prayer service. When this is done in a church, the holy place prayed to gives an additional enhancing effect.

Among the things subject to holy actions:

  • Cars. There are many cases of cars being haunted by misfortunes or spirits.
  • Real estate objects. In addition to your own home, holy prayer for an office is also common. It is believed that this will bring good luck in business.
  • Wedding rings. Only those purchased in a store or from a jeweler are blessed.
  • All the jewelry. This is especially true for antiques and old family heirlooms.

Priesthood with your car

Many readers will have a question: “If you can reinforce the protection in the church, then perhaps this will happen with a newly purchased car?”

A car is a necessary thing in a household. Whether you are going on vacation or rushing to work, vehicle safety plays a big role. The process of sacred actions is a kind of insurance for the safety of the owners and the car itself. Despite this, you need to drive a vehicle without breaking the rules and without relying entirely on the Higher Powers.

By turning to a church representative, the car owner thereby devotes his thoughts and future deeds to God, as he expects help from him. As with any little thing, the procedure with a car directly depends on sincerity and the desire to use the car for good.

The procedure begins with going to church and then step by step it turns out something like this:

  1. Pray for your purchase.
  2. Agree with the priest about the time of the ceremony.
  3. Get rid of negative thoughts and think only about good things.
  4. Buy an icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and place it on the front panel.

It is not always possible to invite a priest. Therefore, you need to know how to sanctify a car yourself with holy water. To perform the sacrament, you need to choose a strong version of prayer. Along with prayer texts, you will have to stock up on church candles, holy water and an icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. In addition to the listed attributes, an Orthodox layman must be a diligent believer who regularly attends church.

The procedure begins with lighting a candle and pronouncing a pre-memorized text. So, without stopping reading with a lit candle in their hands, they walk around the car several times in a circle.

The text of the prayer message looks like this:

Lord God, carried by Cherubim, seated as if on a throne on Seraphim. You have adorned man with wisdom and direct everything for your good. Send a blessing to this chariot and assign a protector to it in the form of an angel, so that he will be a protector to everyone who rides in it. I praise you and send you praise in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

The prayer ends with sprinkling the vehicle with holy water. An Orthodox layman who knows how to consecrate a car on his own reads the prayer so that it comes from the very heart. The main thing is to remain alone with God and express your request to him. No one should interfere with the action.

Before a long trip and while driving, it would be useful to turn to St. Nicholas. He, as a protector of travelers, will protect them throughout the journey.

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Prayer for the sanctification of every thing

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Do you know that every new purchase carries a certain energy from other people? Before purchasing any item, it passes through the hands of manufacturers, movers, drivers, sellers, etc. And as a result, possible losses, illnesses, and failures may await you. And all because the energy of the new thing is negative. That is why the influence of negative extraneous energy must be eliminated.

And a strong Orthodox prayer for the sanctification of every thing can help with this. Do not neglect divine protection, because negative matter can fill you with a single touch.

A layman's prayer for the sanctification of every thing

Why is this necessary to believe? And remember, television programs on TV with psychics. They can read information from any object with one touch, or without even touching it at all. The thing is that they can interact with the energy field of any thing.

Yes, and you yourself may have previously felt that something was foreign when you put on the clothes of another person whose energy is not compatible with yours. In addition, things can store information about the person who touched them for a very long time.

How to correctly read a prayer for the consecration of any thing by a layman

For many centuries, the Church has been collecting cleansing prayers. Such prayer is aimed not only at cleansing things, but also at charging them with positive energy. Understand that the people who made this item may have put negativity into it, having anger, the evil eye or hatred.

As a rule, sensitive people or people with weak energy protection suffer from such dubious manufacturers. Prayer for the sanctification of any thing will remove all negative influences from the object and fill it with grace.

Today, the church library has collected a huge number of prayers that can and are capable of getting rid of negative fields. But a clergyman or breviary will help you suggest which prayer to use.

You can consecrate an item yourself, or you can contact the church ministers. Often, very expensive acquisitions (an apartment, a car, jewelry) are best entrusted to the priest. You can consecrate less valuable and ordinary objects yourself. Priests advise to always bless children’s things:

The most popular prayers for cleansing:

  • prayer to the Cross of Christ May God rise again;
  • prayer to the Holy Spirit, the King of Heaven;
  • prayer to the Creator and Maker of the Human race.

Here is an example of a prayer for self-cleansing of any thing:

To the Creator and Creator of the human race, the Giver of spiritual grace, the Giver of eternal salvation, Lord Himself, send Your Holy Spirit with the highest blessing on this thing, as if armed with the power of heavenly intercession, it will help those who want to use it for bodily salvation and intercession and help, oh Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.

(And sprinkle the item with holy water three times).

If you want to make a serious purchase on which you have high hopes, then it is better to contact a priest. To do this, visit the nearest temple or church, find the priest and agree with him on the time when you want to perform the consecration. The church servants will definitely help you.

May the Lord protect you!

Watch the video in which the Holy Father will talk about the consecration of things:

Prayer offering of Elder Sophrony

Prayers for the blessing of a car

First prayer

LORD JESUS ​​CHRIST, who bless and sanctify all things through prayer and invocation of Your all-holy Name, bless this chariot, even Your servant ( Name) acquisition, and may this be for his good use, to serve the needs of him and his neighbors.

To her, Lord, incline Your ear and hear us at this hour, and with Your blessing preserve Your servant and everyone else who uses it from every adverse situation and all harm, whether by man or by cattle.

For it is Yours to have mercy and to save us, our God, and we send up glory to You with the Father and the Holy Spirit, always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages.

Second prayer

LORD OUR GOD, the beginningless, the blessed, the Creator of all and the Creator of all things, the One Holy One, the One essentially sinless, teaching us by Your Divine word to honor all the good things that You have created, and the commandment given by our forefathers, who were still in paradise, to cultivate it, We pray to Thee, Holy Master, by invoking Thy all-holy Name and sprinkling the holy water of sowing, bless this chariot, which Thy servant has acquired ( Name), and give him hope, even about You, and save him from all trouble and adversity to the one who uses it and to every other living creature created by You. For You are the God of all, You alone are the Holy Guardian and Sovereign Protector, and to You we send all glory, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Prayer for the blessing of the icon of the Savior

THIS GOD, FATHER, who is worshiped Almighty, is worthy to bow down to You and glorify You, the only truly existing God; beginningless, incomprehensible, indescribable, unchangeable, look mercifully upon us and upon this image of Thy Only Begotten Son, Whose radiance of Thy glory and Thy being bears an unchangeable mark all through the word of His power; and this eternal God appeared on earth, and took on Himself incarnation from the Holy Virgin, taking on the form of a servant, being conformed to the body of our humility, so that He might make us conformed to the image of His glory; Who gave Himself the betrayal of death, descended into hell by the Cross, and rose again on the third day, and ascended into heaven, sitting at the right hand of Your Majesty on high. For this reason, All-Holy Father, we, Thy humble servants, have created this image of Thy beloved Christ, and we ask and pray to Thee: by the good will of Thy goodness, send down Thy Holy Spirit on this icon, to bless and sanctify it, as all who pray before her they will hear from You, and will receive Your heavenly blessing, and the grace of Your Holy and life-giving Spirit, and the sanctification of Your Only Begotten Son.

For You are our sanctification, and we send up glory to You, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Prayers for blessing a home

First prayer

OUR HOPE, CHRIST, is the commandment given to Thy disciples: whenever you enter a house, call upon Thy peace upon it, and upon all who live in it, O All-Good One Himself, send Thy peace upon Thy servants ( names), those who live here and bring us unworthy prayers and supplications to You. Hey, Lord Christ, hear us now and pour out Your rich mercy on all of us. You weigh all our sorrows and the weakness of our nature. Moreover, do not disgrace us, who have placed our hope in You alone and have no other intercession in this world except You. Give us protection and protection, peace and joy, peace and strength, salvation and sanctification. For You are our God, and we send up glory to You every day, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, always, now and ever, and unto ages of ages.

Second prayer

LORD, JESUS ​​CHRIST, our Savior, in the days of Your carnal coming and stay with us, you deigned to enter into the shadow of Zacchaeus and the salvation of that and his whole house: Yourself, our all-good Lord, and now bless all Your servants living here and with Your grace continually abide with them all the days of their lives, and keep them unharmed from every slander of the enemy, granting them Thy peace, O Lord, as He did to Thy holy apostles. For it is Thine to have mercy and to save us, O Christ our God, and to Thee we send glory with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Prayer for the construction and consecration of a house

LORD JESUS ​​CHRIST, the only truly cornerstone, on which all life is built, look mercifully upon your servants ( names), who, in hope of You, deigned to build this house as a dwelling for yourself, and in the power of Your fortress, found it on solid stone, Who founded the earth on its firmament, as there is neither wind, nor water, nor fire, nor thunder, nor weapons of war, neither an earthquake nor anything else can shake or damage.

Deign, O Christ, our hope, in the riches of Thy mercy, that this building will be brought to its end safely, and upon these Thy servants who want to live in it, send down Thy blessing, and pour out Thy bounties abundantly. Give them an Angel of peace, protecting them from every opposing slander all the days of their life.

After their departure from this world, at the time that You have placed them in Your power, when You lay aside this bodily temple for them, receive them into the bright abode of Your Father’s house according to Your promise, and vouchsafe to enjoy in You immutable peace and incorruptible joy.

For You are our protection, refuge, and strength, and we send up glory to You, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever.

Unity Prayer for Family or Parish

LORD JESUS ​​CHRIST, Lamb of God, take away the sin of the world, by Your rise on Mount Calvary you redeemed us from the legal curse and raised up Your fallen image, on the Cross of Your most pure hand You gathered together the scattered children of God into one, and by sending down the Holy Spirit into unity Having called upon all, Thou Who art the Father's radiance, before Thy departure for this great world-redeeming sacred act, Thou prayed to Thy Father, that we may all be one, as Thou art one with the Father and the Holy Spirit, so grant us grace and wisdom to fulfill this commandment in every way. day, and strengthen us for the feat of that love, which you commanded us, O river: May you love one another as you have loved. By Your Holy Spirit, give us the strength to humble ourselves before each other, remembering that whoever loves more, he humbles himself more; teach us to pray for each other, bear each other’s burdens with patience and unite us with a union of indestructible love into one flock of obedient sheep in Your holy Name, granting us to see in each of our brothers and sisters the image of Your ineffable glory and do not forget, like our brother is our life.

Yes, Lord, having gathered us together by Thy favor, create us to truly be one family, living with one heart, one will, one love, like one man, according to Your eternal advice about the first-born Adam. Autumn is our home ( or our arrival) With the Spirit of Thy fear, and cover it with the cover of Thy Most Pure Mother and all Thy saints, bless and intercede for those who live here every day ( names), keeping us all from corrupting thoughts, from inappropriate words or movements of the heart that could destroy the sacred work of our ministry, so that this house may be built ( this arrival) on the stone of Your Gospel commandments, a place of healing, sanctification and salvation, for our own sake and for the sake of all those who come to us, our laboring and burdened brothers and sisters, may we all find peace in You, our meek and humble King, now and ever and unto ages of ages .

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Prayer for the sanctification of every thing: how to read it yourself?

This often happens: a person buys some new thing - be it ordinary tights, be it a car - and feels some kind of discomfort, or even suffers setbacks, and may get sick. This comes from the fact that the purchase is, as it were, charged with negative energy, transmitting the negative energy of both the manufacturer and the people through whose hands it passed on the way to the consumer.

And the new owner may have weak energy protection - with all the ensuing consequences. That is why it is recommended to consecrate new things, with the help of prayer for the consecration of every thing. Thus, God's blessing descends on them and divine protection is obtained.

In what cases and how to read the prayer correctly?

The church library contains many prayers that can not only cleanse a thing, but also charge it with positive energy. During the process of sanctification, the negative impact will be removed, and the thing will also acquire grace.

Now there is a wide opportunity to purchase church items - crosses, icons, amulet - in regular stores. They must certainly be consecrated in the church, provided that they are maintained in canonical Orthodox form.

Most often, especially when wanting to consecrate a large and expensive purchase, they resort to the help of a priest who will perform a special consecration ceremony. New things that are simpler and of everyday use can be consecrated yourself. This is especially true for children's assortments.

  • Needs to be protected crib and stroller.
  • Cloth is also capable of retaining traces of someone else’s energetic influence.
  • It wouldn't hurt to do this with toys, books.

You can clean the purchased item yourself at home by carefully laying it out on a clean table. At the same time, the following prayers are read: "King of Heaven"- this is an appeal to the Holy Spirit (it is contained in the prayer books - in the morning and evening rules); "May God rise again"- prayer appeal to the Cross of the Lord (completes the evening rule).

There is also a special prayer, which is called - for the sanctification of every thing:

To the Creator and Creator of the human race, the Giver of spiritual grace, the Giver of eternal salvation, Lord Himself, send Your Holy Spirit with the highest blessing on this thing, as if armed with the power of heavenly intercession, it will help those who want to use it for bodily salvation and intercession and help, oh Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.

When reading a prayer, sprinkle the item with holy water three times.

If you need to bless your car?

As already mentioned, to consecrate a large purchase such as a car or apartment it is necessary to invite a priest from the nearest temple, agree with him on the time of this ceremony.

In many families, cars are not so much a luxury item as a necessity. A significant part of human life passes in them, some are associated with professional activities. And therefore, naturally, you want to feel safe.

As for the definition of “consecration,” in relation to a vehicle it has a slightly different meaning than, say, in relation to water, crosses or icons. The term “blessing” would be more appropriate here, because it is the clergyman who, when performing the ritual, invokes it on the car, as well as on the well-being of the roads ahead for the driver and his performance of good deeds.

Blessing a car has a deep spiritual meaning. A person who wants to perform this ritual on his vehicle must clearly understand that this is not a magical ritual that guarantees safe driving.

By doing this, the owner of the car voluntarily and knowingly addresses and dedicates his thoughts and deeds related to the further use of the machine to the Lord God, after all, he expects blessings and protection from Him.

The effectiveness of this ritual primarily depends on how worthy the person who ordered it is of this grace, how much he believes and sincerely prays and whether he is ready not to use his transport for evil or harm to anyone, not to commit immoral or sinful actions with its help .

What needs to be done before the car consecration ceremony?

The car must be driven to the church building, having first cleared the interior and trunk of unnecessary things. So that the priest can sprinkle holy water on all parts of the car, open the doors, hood, and trunk.

First, the clergyman reads prayers for consecration, and then the car is sprinkled with holy water with the prayer:

This chariot is blessed and sanctified in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

On the front panel of the car interior place the icon. Most often this is a triptych with images of the Savior, the Ever-Virgin Mary and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, who is considered the patron saint of travelers. Such icons on magnets or Velcro are sold in churches, and they are easy to attach to a surface.

When ordering the rite of consecration, many do not attach much importance to it - well, he consecrated and consecrated, that’s how it should be. And it hardly occurs to anyone that a sanctified environment is incompatible with foul language, smoking, and even more so drinking alcohol - the sin in this case doubles. You should also not decorate the salon with explicit pictures and listen to vulgar music.

If it is not possible to invite a priest, You can bless the car yourself. Of course, a person must at least be a believer and know the necessary prayers. You will also need a candle - they light it and walk around the car three times, praying at the same time.

These prayers can safely be called protective. This is a very powerful prayer: “He lives in the help of the Most High...” - this is how the 90th Psalm begins - and “Lord, our God...”. We present their texts translated into modern Russian.

He who dwells under the roof of the Most High rests in the shadow of the Almighty,

says to the Lord: “My refuge and my defense, my God in whom I trust!” He will deliver you from the snare of the fowler, from the destructive plague, He will cover you with His feathers, and you will be safe under His wings; shield and fence - His truth. You will not be afraid of the terrors in the night, the arrow that flies by day, the plague that stalks in the darkness, the plague that devastates at noon. A thousand shall fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it will not come near you: you will only look with your eyes and see the retribution of the wicked. For you said: “The Lord is my hope”; You have chosen the Most High as your refuge; no evil will befall you, and no plague will come near your dwelling; for He will command His angels about you - to guard you in all your ways: they will carry you in their hands, lest you dash your foot against a stone; you will step on the asp and basilisk; You will trample on the lion and the dragon.

“Because he loved Me, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he has known My name. He will call to Me, and I will hear him; I am with him in sorrow; I will deliver him and glorify him, I will satisfy him with long days, and I will show him My salvation.”

Text of the second Orthodox prayer:

Lord our God, who sits on the Seraphim and is carried on the Cherubim, who adorned man with wisdom, who directs everything for good through Your good providence, send Your blessing upon this chariot and place Your Angel upon it, so that those who ride in it, guarded and guided by Him, may have peace and Having completed our journey in prosperity, we sent glory and thanksgiving to You, praising the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

It won’t be superfluous at all if a person repeats the driver’s prayer in front of the road and along the way - there is such a thing in the Orthodox tradition. Recently, it can increasingly be found in church shops in the form of a magnet. And also - pray to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. There are prayers to him in all prayer books.

My home is my castle

One of the important traditions is consecration of the home related to the purchase of an apartment, moving or completion of renovation work. It happens that a change of place of residence is due to an apartment exchange, receipt of an inheritance, i.e. the presence in the “biography” of the apartment of various owners, and not always pious and benevolent, who left behind negative energy.

Therefore, the spiritual meaning of the ritual is still the same - gaining God's blessing to the home and everyone living in it, protection from evil, dedicating oneself to serving God.

It is recommended to bless the apartment if the residents are constantly sick or feel a loss of strength; if any difficulties arise in the family plan; if children grow up in the apartment; especially if poltergeist phenomena occur. This should be done even when not everyone in the family is believers, simply in their absence.

The rite of consecration should be carried out only by a minister of the church, performing all actions in accordance with the accepted ritual: reads the necessary prayers, burns incense, attaches images of the Cross above the windows and doors. At this point, it is necessary to restore order and cleanliness in the house.

There is an opinion that you can perform this ritual yourself, they say, you just need to walk around the entire apartment clockwise with a lit Easter candle, spraying the premises with Epiphany water and reading the “Our Father.” It is recommended to burn incense. Such actions do not replace consecration; they can be used after a long absence, after the visit of an unpleasant visitor, etc.

According to another point of view, a layman can still consecrate his home himself. What is needed for that?

  • First of all ask your confessor for blessings or, if there is none, just a priest to carry out such an action.
  • Home cleaning also necessary: ​​wash the floors, vacuum, ventilate.
  • It is also necessary if there is no permanent a place for prayer, called the red corner, - with icons, a lamp, prepare this at least for the time of consecration.
  • Conduct ritual on Sunday.
  • Holy Epiphany water is poured into a new cup(you can take it from the church or ask from fellow believers, who, according to tradition, keep it until the next Epiphany).
  • Having folded the fingers, as if making the sign of the cross, they are dipped in water and, starting from the red corner and moving clockwise, the rooms are sprinkled. At the same time, the 90th Psalm and prayer for the consecration of the house are read.
  • After going through all the rooms, conclude the ceremony at the front door, crossing her.

Prayer for the consecration of the apartment:

“Lord God, Master Almighty, bless, we pray to You, this dwelling and all Your servants who live in it, as if we are protected by You, they will abide in peace, love and harmony: bless them, for those who do Your holy will will dwell here until their old age and the sons of their sons will see: bless them with joy, gladness and abundance, as they console the poor; bless them with long life, as if pleasing to You, the Master, Creator and Savior, by Your mercy, those who live in this dwelling and into Your Heavenly Kingdom will enter, prepared for all who do Your commandments. Hear us, O All-Merciful One, and bless this dwelling and those who live in it: for may they always praise You, our God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

Orthodoxy, more than all other denominations, attaches importance to the material component of life. Among the traditional prayer rites adopted in it are ceremonies for the consecration of almost everything that surrounds a person - from jewelry and clothing to airplanes and ships. Some of them are acceptable to use even for lay people. An example of this kind is the prayer for the consecration of any thing and the ritual associated with it.

The Need for Sanctification

The Orthodox tradition insists that matter in any form is subject to the influence of subtle energies or forces, which in nature can be either demonic, that is, evil, or beneficial, emanating from God. Based on this theory, the Orthodox Church in its practice strives to bring blessed energy everywhere, driving out the unclean. Therefore, adherents of this branch of Christianity consecrate their homes, cars, clothes, furniture and even pets. In special cases, for example, to consecrate an apartment, a priest is invited to perform a complex ceremony. As for household items, everything is simpler - the layman is offered to read independently a prayer for the consecration of every thing. After it is pronounced, the thing to be blessed should be sprinkled. As a result of these actions, the object is considered cleansed and blessed from above.

There are several prayers for this case. One of them can definitely be found in almost any prayer book. Below is the most popular and simplest one.

Prayer for the sanctification of things

In prayer books, the text is given in Here, for a better understanding of the meaning, a Russian translation is given.

Creator and Creator of the human race! Giver of spiritual grace, giver of eternal salvation! You, Lord, yourself sent down your Holy Spirit with a blessing from above on this thing. Let it be armed with the power of Heaven's intercession for those who wish to use it. May she be strong for the salvation of the body and for intercession and help through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Comments on prayer

Creator and Creator of the human race!

In Orthodox prayers, this is a traditional appeal to God.

Giver of spiritual grace, giver of eternal salvation!

The theme of salvation is touched upon here, because it is in the light of sotereology (the doctrine of salvation) that Orthodoxy looks at the world. God sanctifies matter, not simply expelling evil from it, but spiritualizing it, thereby deifying and transforming it. In the orthodox tradition, it is the material world and the material body that are subject to salvation. Therefore, the process of consecrating even a new handkerchief or shirt is an anticipation and at the same time part of this great redemption of matter from corruption and death. Prayer for the sanctification of every thing emphasizes this connection.

You, Lord, yourself sent down your Holy Spirit with a blessing from above on this thing.

It is the Holy Spirit - the third hypostasis of the Trinity - that performs the function of the sanctifier of the world, as a special dynamic form of the presence of the deity.

Let it be armed with the power of Heaven's intercession for those who wish to use it.

Here, the prayer for the consecration of every thing affirms a subtle, grace-filled connection between the object and Heaven, that is, the spiritual kingdom of God.

May she be strong for the salvation of the body and for intercession and help through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The words “through Christ” reflect the Orthodox belief that the salvation of the world is possible only through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross.

Other rites of consecration

Other most popular consecration ceremonies that are acceptable for the laity are prayers for blessing food, roads and travel. The most common rituals performed by a priest are the consecration of an icon, a cross, a home and a vehicle.

Every day we buy something, anything - household items, dishes, food, clothes. Not everyone knows that after purchasing an item, for example, clothing, it is advisable to read an independent prayer for the consecration of any item. First of all, this is necessary in order to remove negative and bad energy from a new thing, because before it fell into your hands, someone sewed it, someone sold it, and someone repeatedly put it on themselves. After all, when you buy, for example, a coat, you don’t know how many people before you, hoping to buy just the right thing so that everyone would be satisfied, tried on this coat and with disappointment and negative thoughts, and more often negative words, left, leaving the item with the seller.

The help of Christian prayer for the sanctification of every thing

Of course, even in such seemingly trivial matters as buying clothes or some other product, many of us unwittingly ask the Lord for help. Any thing that is not easy for the majority of the population to obtain, and not everyone can buy things simply to satisfy their own whim. When buying something, before putting it on you need to read the best prayer for the sanctification of every thing. Thus, you will remove unnecessary negative energy from the thing, charge it with positive energy and calmly, with blessings, with pleasure and joy you will use this thing.

How to properly consecrate any thing with prayers

Having acquired a long-awaited thing or object, you thoughtfully, without fuss, slowly say a strong prayer for the consecration of every thing. The prayer must be read three times and after each word “Amen”, a new item must be sprinkled with holy water; it is advisable that the water be blessed in the church during great church holidays. After reading the prayer three times, perform the sign of the cross three times. It is advised to perform a similar ritual on the waning moon, and after it wash your hands up to the elbows. It is also not recommended to carry out the ritual of cleaning things for pregnant, lactating women and women during their menstrual periods. It is imperative that such a prayer for the consecration of any thing must be carried out with second-hand items, in order to remove negative energy from the former owner, who could be anyone, including a cancer patient. This ritual will also be obligatory if the thing given to you gives you unpleasant ambivalent feelings - you seem to like everything, but for some reason you want to put it away - “out of sight.” You can also go to church and ask the priest to bless the desired item. But, if the rite of consecration of any thing is carried out in order to make a lining for someone or to cause damage to this thing, then the prayer will not work or will result in serious consequences for you.

Text of the prayer in Russian for the consecration of every thing

Sprinkle the desired item with holy water three times and read the words of this prayer text

To the Creator and Creator of the human race, the Giver of spiritual grace, the Giver of eternal salvation, Lord Himself, send Your Holy Spirit with the highest blessing on this thing, as if armed with the power of heavenly intercession, it will help those who want to use it for bodily salvation and intercession and help, oh Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.

Few people know that every item purchased or received as a gift carries the energy of other people - the seller, the manufacturer, the former owner. This energy is not always positive, sometimes it is negative and brings with it illnesses, poor health, family problems, failures, and sometimes real misfortunes, so the influence of other people’s energy must be eliminated. The Orthodox prayer for the sanctification of every thing can cope with this task.

It is not always possible for a person to visit a temple or call a clergyman home to bless a recently purchased home or a new item. Fortunately, you can do this yourself by following simple and easy steps.

Cleansing prayers can not only rid a thing of negativity, but also charge it with positive energy. A strong prayer for the consecration of any thing by a layman must be pronounced with deep faith and reverence for the Lord. You can also read it in your own words if you cannot use a prayer book.

How to consecrate any object yourself:

  1. Before starting the cleansing ritual, light a church candle and read a prayer to Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and the Holy Trinity. Then read “Our Father” once.
  2. Read a cleansing prayer over a purchased or donated item. The following prayer books are suitable for this purpose: to the Holy Spirit of Heaven, “May God rise again” and to the Creator of the Human Race.
  3. Sprinkle the object three times with holy water, while reading the following: “The thing that is to be sanctified is blessed and sanctified by the sprinkling of this holy water. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".
  4. After this, you should thank the Lord for everything he gives in life, even for all the difficulties and trials.

Knowing how to consecrate any object correctly, an Orthodox Christian can perform the entire ritual at home. However, before independently sanctifying any thing, a person must be sanctified himself. No ritual will help him gain protection if anger and envy dominate his thoughts and deeds. A person should regularly attend church, receive communion and confess.

Note! Today, the Orthodox library contains an impressive number of cleansing prayers, each of which is equal in power to all the others. Therefore, many believers have a question: how to choose a suitable prayer to consecrate a thing at home? A priest in any temple or monastery can help with this problem.

Even the smallest object is capable of storing information for a long time about all the people who touched it at least once. But what can be said about a whole house that stores both good and bad in its memory?

The walls of most houses have often witnessed scandals, disappointments, sadness, hatred, sadness, illness, unrequited love, betrayal and even death. They absorbed all these emotions like a sponge. A sensitive person who moves into a new home can feel this energy.

Everything negative that has accumulated in a home can be given to the new owners in the form of illnesses, discomfort, poor sleep, and failures. Quarrels will be heard more and more often in the house, dishes will break, and equipment will break. Therefore, priests advise that before moving into a new home, you must first consecrate it. Special prayers, said with faith and love, will cleanse the space of the house from all the negativity that has accumulated over many years.

It is recommended to consecrate even those dwellings that were recently built and no one has lived in them yet. A large number of people are involved in the construction of a house and carrying out repair work - from sellers of construction hypermarkets to plumbers. Each of them brings their own emotions and mood into the space of the future home, which are often far from perfect.

If it is not possible to call a priest home, you can perform the entire ritual yourself. To do this you will need a candle and holy water. The cleansing ritual has the following sequence:

  1. Light a church candle.
  2. Read prayer books for the beginning of any undertaking, dedicated to Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
  3. Read the prayer book from evil spirits and preservation from the devil carefully and with feeling.
  4. Walk with a lit church candle throughout the house, reading the cleansing prayer “In the hand of Your great mercy...”.
  5. Read a protective prayer to Archangel Michael and sprinkle your home with holy water, without missing a single corner.
  6. Do not put out the candle, but leave it to burn out.

All these prayers can be found in the regular church prayer book. In total, the entire cleansing ritual takes from 10 to 15 minutes. It is best done when no one is home. Thanks to this, you can be sure that no one will interfere.

Interesting! When reading a prayer to consecrate things, a person not only performs a certain ritual. By these actions he shows that everything belongs to the Lord. He entrusts himself into the hands of God: his thoughts, body, property.

Useful video: prayer for the consecration of an apartment

How to bless a car

For a modern person, a car has long ceased to be a luxury item. This is a necessary means of transportation in everyday life, performing a large number of functions. The car is indispensable in business, family life, moving to a new place of residence, transporting goods, and traveling.

Since the average person spends a significant amount of time in it, the energy of the car has a huge impact on the driver. Therefore, when buying a car, priests advise first to bless the car, and only then get behind the wheel. Just a few minutes of personal time, and a person will receive powerful protection from various unpleasant and dangerous incidents on the road.

To consecrate the car, you should perform the following steps:

  1. Drive the car to the temple, having agreed in advance with the clergyman to carry out a cleansing ritual.
  2. Open all the doors, hood and trunk of the car, having first cleared it of unnecessary things and any luggage. This will allow the priest to completely sprinkle the entire vehicle.
  3. The priest will read a series of prayers and then sprinkle the car with holy water.
  4. After this, the driver must place a protective icon on the front panel of the passenger compartment, which can be purchased at a temple or church store.

When consecrating a car, you should mentally ask the Lord for blessings for:

  • use of a vehicle;
  • well-being of the driver and passengers;
  • success on the way.

It is worth noting that the ritual itself and the Orthodox prayer for the consecration of any thing in themselves do not have any effect. The effect depends on the person asking, his lifestyle, faith in God and spirituality. In addition, after the consecration ritual, it is not recommended to smoke, drink alcohol, swear, break traffic rules or risk the lives of other people in the car. Doing this in a hallowed car is a great sin.

Note! If for some reason the driver is unable to consecrate the car, he can hang a cross or icon in the interior. Every time before traveling, he should pray for a safe journey and ask the Lord for protection.

How to consecrate children's things

Priests always advise consecrating children's things, regardless of whether they are new or have been previously used by someone. Even if this item previously belonged to a relative or loved one, it is best to read a cleansing prayer over it. It is imperative to consecrate:

  • crib and playpen,
  • toys,
  • bicycle, scooter and other children's vehicles,
  • children's clothing and shoes,
  • books.

Even unknowingly, some envious people can put negative energy into any thing. It primarily affects very sensitive people, small children, or those who have weak energetic defenses.

How to consecrate something intended for a child? The sequence is the same as when consecrating an ordinary object. To carry out the ritual, you should first prepare a church candle, holy water and a prayer book. You can consecrate an item in this way at any time of the day.

Useful video: prayer of the Holy Fathers for the sanctification of every thing


When buying a new thing, car or apartment, you should not neglect Divine protection. The negative energy that the acquired item may carry can attract not only trouble, but also serious illness or even death. Therefore, priests recommend consecrating every new thing with the help of prayer. This can be done in church or on your own at home.

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