Home Locks Hi student. Building braking characteristics

Hi student. Building braking characteristics

The calculated power required to drive the pump central nervous system 180-1900, we define the formula:

where q is the pump feed, m 3 / s;

N - pressure developed by the pump, m;

p is the density of the pumped liquid, kg / m 3,

(Sensean water has a density of 1012 kg / m 3);

with us - the PDD of the pump, rel. units.

The CNS works continuously with a stable load.

Consequently, pump electric motors work in

long mode (S1). Then, the calculated power

pumping unit (taking into account the reserve coefficient equal to 1,2),

will be:

where K 3 is the reserve coefficient, rel. units;

z - efficiency of transmission, rel. units.

To drive centrifugal pumps CNS 180-1900, select synchronous motors, as they most fully satisfy the technologies of the CNS and, moreover, have a number of benefits:

the ability to regulate the value and change the sign of reactive power;

the efficiency of 1.5 - 3% is higher than that of an asynchronous engine of the same dimension;

the presence of a relatively large air gap (2 - 4 times more than the asynchronous engine) significantly increases the reliability of operation and allows, from a mechanical point of view, working with large overloads;

strictly constant speed of rotation that does not depend on the load on the shaft, by 2 - 5% above the rotational speed of the corresponding asynchronous motor; The network voltage affects the maximum moment of the synchronous motor less than at the maximum asynchronous moment. Reducing the maximum moment, due to lowering the voltage on its clamps, can be compensated by the forcing of its excitation current;

synchronous motors increase the stability of the power system in normal operation modes, maintain the voltage level;

can be made practically any power;

Taking into account all the above, we select synchronous engines of the STD type 1600-2rukhl4 (production of the Lyswensky plant).

Technical data of electric motors are shown in Table. 1.2.

Table 1.2.

Technical data of STD type 1600-2rukhl4


unit of measurement


Power active

Full power


Rotation frequency

Critical frequency of rotation

Machy Moment Rotor

Maximum torque (multiplicity to nominal torque)

Phase stator current

Power factor

0.9 (ahead)

Excitation tension

Current excitation

A permissible mask of the mechanism given to the engine shaft, with one start from the cold state

Permissible time of direct start at one start from a cold state

A permissible mask point of the mechanism given to the engine shaft, with two starts from the cold state

Permissible time of direct start at two launches from a cold state

A permissible mask point of the mechanism given to the shaft of the engine at one start from the hot state

Permissible time of direct startup when one start from a hot state

Synchronous Motors of type STD 1600-2 Select the closed version with a closed ventilation cycle and one working end of the shaft, which is connected using a coupling with a pump of the CNS 180-1900. The winding of the stator of such engines has an insulation "Monolith - 2" class of heating resistance F. These engines allow direct start from the total voltage of the network if the handy of the transmitted mechanisms do not exceed the values \u200b\u200bspecified in Table. 1.2.

The operation of STD 1600-2 engines at a voltage above 110% of the nominal is not allowed, and when the COSC is decreased.

provided that the rotor current does not exceed the nominal value.

In case of loss of excitation, these engines can operate in asynchronous mode when the rotor winding is shortened. The permissible load in asynchronous mode is determined by the heating of the stator winding and should not exceed the values \u200b\u200bat which the current of the stator is 10% more nominal. In this mode, the work is allowed within 30 minutes. During this time, measures should be taken to restore the normal operation of the excitation system.

STD motors 1600-2 allow self-upset with the repayment of the Rotor and Reynchronization field. The duration of self-timing should not exceed the permissible time of the engine starting from the hot state (see Table 1.2), and the frequency is not more than once a day.

STD 1600-2 engines allow you to work with asymmetric supply voltage. The permissible value of the current sequence is 10% of the nominal. In this case, the current in the most loaded phase should not exceed the nominal value.

The thyristor retainer (TV) is intended for powering and controlling a constant current of the excitation of the synchronous motor. Your manual and automatic regulation of the excitation current of the STD 1600-2 motor in all normal operation modes.

The kit includes a thyristor converter with control and control blocks, a power transformer TSP type. You are powered by an AC network of 380 V, 50 Hz. The supply voltage of protection circuits - 220 V DC.

Your device provides:

transition from automatic control to manually within (0.3 - 1.4) 1 nom with the possibility of adjusting the specified regulatory limits;

automatic start of a synchronous motor with an excitation supply to a stator or time current function;

the excitation voltage forcing up to 1.75 U b H0M at the rated voltage of the power supply with an adjustable forcing duration 20-50 s. The excitation forcing is triggered when the network voltage drops by more than 15-20% of the nominal, and the return voltage is (0.82 - 0.95) U H0M;

restriction of the angle of unlocking force thyristors by

minimum and maximum, limiting the excitation current to

nominal value with time delay, as well as limit

the values \u200b\u200bof the forcing current up to 1.41 are without time delay;

forced index of the engine field of the converter into the inverter mode. Fields are exercised during the normal and emergency engine shutdowns, as well as during the operation of the automatic switching on the reserve (ABR), provided that the power is saved;

the automatic excitation regulator (ARV) provides the adjustment of the excitation current of STD 1600-2 to maintain the network voltage with an accuracy of 1.1 U H0M.

Modern electric drive, primarily automated, is a complex electromechanical system. Designing such a system requires accounting for a large number of various factors and criteria, which include the conditions of functioning of the electric drive and its elements, reliability and efficiency of its work, safety for service personnel and the environment, the compatibility of the electric drive with other electrical installations.

Calculation of power and selection of engines

The task of calculating the power and selection of the engine is to search for such a serial output engine, which provides a given technological cycle of the working machine, its design corresponds to environmental conditions and layouts with a working machine, and at the same time its heating does not exceed the normative (permissible) level.

The importance of the correct selection of the engine is determined by the fact that its insufficient power can lead to non-compliance with the specified technological cycle and reduce the performance of the working machine. At the same time, an increased heating of the engine and the premature output of it may occur due to overload.

It is also invalid by the use of high-power engines, since the initial cost of EP increases, and its work occurs at reduced efficiency and power factor.

The choice of the electric motor is made in such a sequence: the calculation of the power and the preliminary selection of the engine; Check the selected engine by starting and overloading conditions and check it in heat.

If the selected engine satisfies all the conditions of the scan, then the selection of the engine ends. If the engine does not satisfy the inspection conditions at a stage, the other engine is selected (as a rule, greater power) and the check is repeated.

When choosing a motor in the general case, the mechanical transmission of EP should be selected at the same time, which makes it possible to optimize the EP structure in some cases. This chapter discusses a more simple task when the mechanical transmission is already selected and its gear ratio is also known (or its radius of bringing) and the efficiency.

The basis for calculating the power and selection of the electric motor is the load diagram and the speed diagram (tachogram) of the executive body of the working machine. At the same time, the mass (moment of inertia) of the executive body and mechanical transmission elements should also be known.

Load diagram of the executive body of the working machinerepresents a graph of the changed to the engine of the static torque of the load in time M C (T). This diagram is calculated on the basis of technological data and mechanical transmission parameters. For example, we give the formulas for which you can calculate the moments of resistance M s, Engine created on the shaft when the executive bodies of some machines and mechanisms are working:

For lifting winch

where G. - the strength of the lifting load, N; R. - radius of the drum of the lifting winch, m; i, r | - gear ratio and mechanical transmission efficiency;

For the mechanism of movement of lifting cranes

where G - gravity of the moved mass, n; k H. - coefficient, taking into account the increase in resistance to movement due to friction of the flaw wheels on the rails, k L. \u003d 1.8 ^ -2.5; P is the friction coefficient in the supports of the chassis wheels, p \u003d 0.015-5-0.15; / - the friction coefficient of rolling wheels along the rails, m, / \u003d (5-И2) 10 -4; g - The radius of the neck axis of the wheel, m.

For fans

where Q - fan performance, m 3 / s; N - pressure (pressure) of gas, PA; r | in - efficiency fan, r | B \u003d 0, "4-d), 85; with B - the velocity of the fan, rad / s; to 3. - stock coefficient, to 3. = 1,1+1,5; i - Transmission number of mechanical transmission.

For pumps

where Q - pump performance, m 3 / s; N S. - static pressure, m; BUT N - Power loss in pipeline, m; # - Acceleration of free fall, m / s 2, g. \u003d 9.81; P is the density of the pumped liquid, kg / m 3; to s - stock coefficient, k z \u003d 1,1-5-1,3; g n - PDD pump, g N. \u003d 0.45h-0.75; with n - pump speed, rad / s; / - Transmission number of mechanical transmission.

Calculation of the load of the load of other workers and mechanisms is considered in.

Speed \u200b\u200bchart, or the tachogram, represents the dependence of the velocity of the actuator from time to the time p (0 P p and its translational movement or with Io (/) during its rotational motion. After performing the operation of the drive, these dependencies are depicted in the form of the engine shaft rate graph in time (/).

In fig. 10.1, but An example of a load chart is given. It shows that this executive body creates with its movement during the time the moment of load M V. And over time t 2 - Moment load Mr. From the tachogram can be seen (Fig. 10.1, b)that the movement and o consists of areas of acceleration, movement with the established speed, braking and pauses. The duration of these sites is respectively /, / y, t T, / 0, and the total cycle time is t U \u003d T P + T Y + T T + T Q \u003d T (+ T 2.

Fig. 10.1.

but - load diagram of the executive body; b. - Tachogram of the actuator's movement; e - a graph of dynamic moment; G - Motor Load Chart

The procedure for calculating the power, pre-selection and testing of the engine Consider on the example of diagrams Fig. 10.1, a, b.

Determining the calculated power of the engine. Approximately estimated engine

where M. E - Equivalent Moment of Load, to Z. - The reserve coefficient, taking into account the dynamic modes of the electric motor when it works with increased currents and moments.

If the moment of load M S. It changes in time and the load chart has several sections, as shown in Fig. 10.1, but, that M S. Determined as the RMS value

where M with R T P - accordingly, the moment and the duration / -go section of the load chart; p - The number of cycle sites.

For the graph of motion, the calculated speed of the engine is due \u003d from the mouth. If the velocity of the actuator is regulated, the calculated rate is determined more complex and depends on its method of regulation.

Determine the calculated engine power

Selecting the engine and check it overload and starting conditions. By

catalog Choose the engine of the nearest greater power and speed. The selected engine should, by the nature and value of the voltage, correspond to the parameters of the AC or DC networks or the power transducers, to which it connects, according to the constructive execution, the conditions of its layout with the executive body and the fastening methods on the working machine, and according to the ventilation and protection method Environmental actions - its working conditions.

The selected engine is checked by overload capacity. This calculates the dependence of the moment of the engine from time to time. M (T), called load engine diagram. It is built using the mechanical movement equation (2.12) recorded as

Dynamic moment M. Determined by the total inertia's torque J. and specified acceleration on the section of overclocking and slowing down on the braking area of \u200b\u200bthe SO (/) chart

(See Fig. 10.1, b). If you take a graph of CO (/) in the areas of running and braking linear, then the dynamic moment on these sites

Knowing a graph of dynamic torque (see Fig. 10.1, in) with constant acceleration and slowing and addiction M (T), Built on the basis of (10.8), comparable to the maximum allowable motor moment M Takh With the maximum moment M] (See Fig. 10.1, d). For the case under consideration, the ratio should be performed

If the relation (10.10) is performed, the engine will provide a given acceleration on the overclocking section (see Fig. 10.1), if not, the movement schedule on this site will differ from the specified one. To ensure a specified speed schedule, you must select another more powerful engine and repeat the overload check before finding a suitable engine.

For the motor DC motor and synchronous motor for asynchronous

the engine with a phase rotor can be accepted approximately equal to critical.

When choosing an asynchronous motor with a short-circuited rotor, the engine must also be checked by starting conditions, for which its starting point is compared M P. With the moment of load when starting M S. P

For the example under consideration M S. = M U. If the selected engine satisfies the conditions considered, then the heating check is carried out.

Task 10.1 *. The movement of the executive body is characterized by graphs. 10.1, a, b, at the same time: l / s | = 40 N M; M C2. \u003d 15 n m; \u003d \u003d 20 s; t 2 \u003d. 60 s; t p \u003d. 2 s; / T \u003d 1 s; 1 y \u003d. 77 s; with mouth \u003d 140 rad / s; J \u003d. 0.8 kg-m 2.

Determine the estimated point and engine power and build its load chart.

1. The estimated motor point is determined by (10.5) taking into account (10.6), and the calculated power - software (10.7)

2. To build the engine load chart M (T) Determine the dynamic moments at the beginning of the dynamine dyn r and braking M SNT:

3. Moments of the engine at the L / L /, and Brakes M 2. Determine software (10.8):

Moments of the engine at the settings of the motion - / p) and ( t 2 - T T) equal to the moments of load M C1 and M C2, Since the dynamic moment on them is zero.

Department: "Electrical equipment of ships and electric power industry"
Course work
on the topic:

"Calculation of the electric drive of the lifting mechanism"

Kaliningrad 2004.

  1. Source data for calculations .....................................................

  2. Building a simplified mechanism load chart
and the preliminary choice of engine power ...............................

    1. Building a simplified engine load chart .............
2.2 Calculation of static power on the output shaft of the mechanism ............ ...

2.3 Calculation of static power on the engine shaft ........................... ...

2.4 Building a simplified engine load chart ............ ..

2.5 Calculation of the required engine power by simplified load

diagram ......................................................................................... ...

3. Construction of a mechanical and electromechanical characteristic ...... ..

3.1 Calculation and construction of the mechanical characteristics ........................ ...

3.2 Calculation and construction of an electromechanical characteristic ............... ..

4. Building a load chart ............................................. ..

4.1 Rising nominal cargo ................................................................................

4.2 Brake Log Design ............................................................ ...

4.3 Out of idling ............................................................ ..

4.4 Power Silence Silence ......................................................

5. Check the selected motor to ensure the specified

the performance of the winch ...................................................... ...

6. Check the selected engine for heating .........................................

7. Power circuit frequency converter with voltage inverter ...... ..

8. List of literature used ................................................ ..

  1. Source data for calculations

Rod Toka


G Gg kg.

Height of the rise

l p, m

Height descent

l s, m


Continued Table 1.


load grappling

devices g x.g, kg



drum d, m

Time pause loading

t I diagrams, with

t p1.

t p2.

t p3.

t p4.

Continued Table 1.

Continued Table 1.


υ` with, m / s






Rod Toka




frequency S.

inverter voltage



current 380V.

Table -1- source data for calculations
2. Construction of a simplified mechanism load chart

and pre-selection of engine power

2.1 Building a simplified engine load chart
The inclusion duration is calculated by the formula:


Engine operation time when lifting the cargo:

Engine operation time on shipping descent:

Engine operation time when idling idling:
Engine operation time when idling):

Here, the speed of the idle nut is equal to the speed of the idling

The total time of the engine turned on:

Determine the duration of the engine power

2.2 Calculation of static power on the output shaft of the mechanism.
Static power on the outlet shaft when lifting the cargo:

Static power on the output shaft on the descent of cargo:

Static power on the output shaft when landing:

Static power on the output shaft when the idling climb:

Static power on the output shaft when idling idling:

2.3 Calculation of static power on the motor shaft.
Static power on the engine shaft when lifting the cargo:

Static power on the motor shaft on the shipment of the cargo:

Static power on the engine shaft when landing:

Static power on the engine shaft when the idle harness is lifted:

Here η x.g \u003d 0.2

Static power on the motor shaft when idling):

2.4 Building a simplified engine load chart.

Figure 1 - Simplified engine load diagram

2.5 Calculation of the required engine power over a simplified load chart

FROM rare quadratic power is calculated by the formula:

where β i is the coefficient that takes into account the deterioration of heat transfer and is calculated for all workers in the formula:

Here β 0 is a coefficient taking into account the deterioration of heat transfer at a fixed rotor

For engines of open and protected versions β 0 \u003d 0.25 ÷ 0.35

For engines of closed refrigerated execution β 0 \u003d 0.3 ÷ 0.55

For engines closed without blowing β 0 \u003d 0.7 ÷ 0.78

For engines with forced ventilation β 0 \u003d 1
Take β 0 \u003d 0.4 and υ n \u003d m / s
When lifting the cargo:

On the descent of cargo to one meter:
When landing:

When idling idling:

When the idling is descent:

Table 2 - Summary data table for calculating the standard



P S.

t p, with

υ, m / s

υ N.








We write the expression to calculate the range of the engine:


The rated power of the engine is by the formula:

where k s \u003d 1,2 is the stock ratio

PV NOM \u003d 40% - nominal inclusion duration

According to the directory, choose the engine of the brand, which has the following characteristics:
Rated power R n \u003d kW

Nominal slip S H \u003d%

Rotation frequency n \u003d rpm

Nominal stator current i nom \u003d a

Nominal efficiency η n \u003d%

Nominal power coefficient Cosφ H \u003d

Moment of inertia j \u003d kg · m 2

Pole number pole p \u003d

3. Construction of mechanical and electromechanical characteristics.
3.1 Calculation and construction of mechanical characteristics.

Rated angular rotation speed:



Determine the critical slip for the motor regime:


overloading capacity λ \u003d


The critical moment of rotation is from expression 29:

By the Kloss equation, we find M DV:

We write an expression for angular velocity:

where ω 0 \u003d 157 s -1
Using formulas 31, 32 will make a calculated table:
Table 3 - Data for constructing a mechanical characteristic.

ω, s -1

M, n · m

3.2 Calculation and construction of electromechanical characteristics.
Idling current:



The current whose value is due to the settings for sliding and the moment on the shaft:

Using formulas 33, 34, 35 will make a calculated table:
Table 4 - data for constructing electromechanical characteristics.

M, n · m

I 1, A

Figure 2 - Mechanical and electromechanical characteristics of asynchronous

engine type at 2r \u003d.

4. Building a load chart
4.1 raising the nominal cargo.


Moment on the shaft of the electric motor:

Overclocking time:

where the angular velocity ω 1 is determined by the mechanical characteristic of the engine and corresponds to the moment M 1st.
The selected type engine is equipped with a circuit brake with m T \u003d N · m
Permanent losses in the electric motor:

The braking torque due to constant losses in the electric motor:


Total braking torque:

Stopping time of the lifted cargo when the engine is disconnected:


The setting speed of the nominal cargo lift:


The time of lifting the cargo during the steady mode:

The current consumed by the engine within allowable loads is proportional to the moment on the shaft and can be found by the formula:

4.2 Brake shipping shipping.
Moment on the motor shaft when lowering the nominal cargo:

Since within permissible loads, the mechanical characteristic for generator and motor modes can be represented by one line, the speed of recuperative braking is determined by the formula:

where the angular velocity ω 2 is determined by the mechanical characteristic of the engine and corresponds to the moment M 2T.
If the current of the brake mode i 2 is taken to be equal to the motor current operating with the moment m 2st, then:

Overclocking time when loading the cargo with the engine turned on:

Brake moment when the engine is disconnected from the network:

Stopping time of the loss of the cargo:

Shipping rate:

The path passed by cargo during acceleration and braking:

The time to lower the cargo during the steady mode:


    1. Out of idle nut.

Moment on the shaft of the electric motor when the idle harness is lifted:

Moment M 3St \u003d N · M corresponds to, according to a mechanical characteristic, the speed of the engine Ω 3 \u003d rad / s

The current consumed by the engine:

The motor inertia is given to the motor shaft:

Acceleration time when idling idling:

The braking torque when the engine is disconnected at the end of the lift of the gamina:

Stopping time of the risen nut:


Idling sweater speed:


The time of the steady movement when idling idling:

    1. Power slope of power nut.

Moment on the motor shaft when lowering idling:

Moment M 4st \u003d nm corresponds to the engine speed ω \u003d rad / s

and current consumed:

Acceleration time when lowering idling:

Brake moment when the engine is disconnected:

Stopping time of the grooved nut:

Idling rate of idling:

The path traveled with nuts during acceleration and braking:

The time of the steady movement when idling idling:

The calculated data of the engine work is reduced to Table 5.

Table 5 - Calculated engine data.

Operating mode

Talk, A.

Time, S.

Ringing the nominal cargo:

acceleration ................................................

the established mode ...........................


Horizontal movement of cargo ................

Brake Loading:

acceleration ................................................

the established mode ...........................


Drawing of the goods .................................... ..

Podhing idling:

acceleration ................................................

the established mode ...........................


Horizontal movement of the nut ............... ...

Silence idling):

acceleration ................................................

the established mode ...........................


Scroll of cargo .......................................

t 01 \u003d.
t 2p \u003d

t 02 \u003d.
t 3 n \u003d

t 03 \u003d.
t 4P \u003d.

t 04 \u003d

5. Check the selected engine to ensure

a predetermined winch performance.

Full cycle duration:

The number of cycles per hour:

6. Check the selected engine for heating.

Calculation duration of inclusion:

Equivalent current during re-short-term mode,

the corresponding settlement PV% (believing the current smoothly decaying

from starting to worker, take it to calculate its average value,

especially since the transition time is negligible):

Equivalent current during re-short-term mode, recalculated on the standard PV% of the selected engine, by equation:

Thus, I ε H \u003d A
8. Bibliography.

  1. Capes K. A. "Ship electric drives electric traffic of ships." - L.:
Shipbuilding, 1976.- 376c.

2. The theory of the electric drive. Methodical instructions for coursework for

full-time students and correspondence institutions of higher educational institutions

specialty 1809 "Electrical equipment and automation of ships" .-

Kaliningrad 1990s.

3. Chilikin M. G. "General Course of an Electric Drive" .- M.: Energy 1981.

7. Power circuit frequency converter with voltage inverter.

The voltage inverter converter includes the following main power nodes (Figure 3): Controlled HC rectifier with LC filter; Voltage inverter - Ai with straight PT valves and reverse from current, cutting off diodes and switched capacitors; Slave inverter W with an LC filter. The winding of the HB filter choke and vi are performed on the shared core and are included in the shoulders of the valve bridges, performing also the functions of the current program. The converter is carried out an amplitude method of regulating the output voltage by means of HC, and Ai is made according to a diagram with a single-stage interphasis switching and a device for the rechargeable capacitors from a separate source (not shown in the diagram). The driven video inverter ensures the mode of recuperative braking of the electric drive. When constructing a converter, a joint management of the HC and W is adopted. Therefore, in order to limit the equalization current, the regulatory system should provide a higher voltage of the DC VO than in WC. In addition, the regulatory system should provide a specified law of voltage control and frequency of the converter.

Let us explain the formation of the output voltage curve. If the initially in the conductive state was thyristors 1 and 2, then when the thyristor is opened, 3 charges of the condestator is applied to a thyrocardine 1, and it is repeated. Conducting is thyristors 3 and 2. Under the action of self-administration and phases, diodes 11 and 16 are opened, as the potential difference between the beginning of the phases A and B turns out to be the highest. If the duration of the inclusion of inverse diodes, determined by self-induction of the load phase, is less than the duration of the operating interval, the diodes 11 and 16 are closed.

In the DC link in parallel, the inverter includes a capacitor, limiting voltage ripples arising when switching inverter thyristors. As a result, the permanent link has resistance for the current variable, and the input voltage and the inverter output voltage with constant load parameters are associated with a constant coefficient.

Inverter shoulders have double-sided conductivity. To ensure this in the shoulders of the inverter, thyristors are used, drawn by the ones on diodes.


Electricity faculty

Department of automated electric drive and electromechanics

Course project

under the discipline "Theory of the electric drive"

Calculation of the electric drive of the cargo elevator

Explanatory note

Introduction .................................................................. ... ..................

1 Calculation of the electric drive of the cargo elevator .............................................

1.1 Kinematic scheme of the working machine, its description and technical data ....................................................................................................................... ... ...

1.2 Calculation of static moments ................................................ ... ......

1.3 Calculation of the load chart ......................................................

1.4 Preliminary calculation of the power of the electric motor and its choice .........

1.5 Calculation of the static moments ................................. ... ...

1.6 Building a load chart of an electric motor ........................

1.7 Preliminary check of the electric drive for heating and performance .................................................................................

1.8 Choosing an electric drive system and its structural circuit .....................

1.9 Calculation and construction of natural mechanical and electromechanical characteristics of the selected engine ...........................................................

1.9.1 Calculation and construction of the natural characteristics of the engine of the DC of independent excitation ................................................

1.10 Calculation and construction of artificial characteristics ...........................

1.10.1 Calculation and construction of the engine launcher with a linear mechanical characteristic graphically .................................. ..

1.10.2 Building braking characteristics ................................. ... ......

1.11 Calculation of transient modes of an electric drive ................................. ..

1.11.1 Calculation of mechanical transient drives of an electric drive with absolutely hard mechanical connections ...............................................

1.11.2 Calculation of the mechanical transition process of the electric drive in the presence of an elastic mechanical connection ................................................... ... ...

1.11.3 Calculation of the electromechanical transition process of the electric drive with absolutely rigid mechanical connections .......................................... .. ...

1.12 Calculation and construction of a refined engine load chart

1.13 Checking the electric drive to a given performance, on the heating and overload capacity of the electric motor ....................................... .. ...

1.14 Concept of electric part of the electric drive

Conclusion ........................................................................ .. .........



The method of obtaining the energy required to perform mechanical work in industrial processes, at all stages of the history of human society, a decisive influence on the development of productive forces. The creation of new, more advanced engines, the transition to new types of drives of worker cars was large historical milestones on the development of machine production. Replacing engines that implement the energy of falling water, the steam machine, served as a powerful impetus to the development of production in the last century - a century of steam. Our 20th century Received the name of the agent of electricity primarily because the main source of mechanical energy was the more perfect electric motor and the main type of working machines drive is an electric drive.

Individual automated electric drive has now been widely used in all spheres of life and activities of the Company - from the sphere of industrial production to the sphere of life. Thanks to the features discussed above, the improvement of technical indicators of electric drives in all applications is the basis of technical progress.

The breadth of application determines the exclusively large range of electric power facilities (from Watt's shares to tens of thousands of kilowatt) and a significant variety of execution. Unique industrial installations - rolling mills in the metallurgical industry, mine lifting machines and excavators in the mining industry, powerful construction and assembly cranes, extended high-speed conveyor installations, powerful metal cutting machines and many others - equipped with electrical drives, the power of which is hundreds and thousands of kilowatt . Convertive devices of such electric drives are DC generators, thyristor and transistor converters with a constant current output, thyristor frequency converters of the corresponding power. They provide ample possibility of controlling the flow of electrical energy entering the engine in order to control the movement of the electric drive and the technological process of the mechanism driven. Their control devices are usually based on the use of microelectronics and in many cases include controlling machines.

1 Calculation of the electric drive of the cargo elevator

1.1 Kinematic scheme of the working machine, its description and technical data

1 - electric motor,

2 - brake pulley,


4 - Cutting pulley,

5 - counterweights

6 - cargo crate,

7 - lower platform,

8 - top pad.

Figure 1 - Kinematic elevator scheme

The cargo elevator lifts the load placed in the cargo tight, from the bottom site to the upper. Down the crate is lowered empty.

The loading cycle of the cargo elevator includes the load time, the rise time of the cage at the speed V p, the discharge time and the tilt time of the cage at the speed V in\u003e V R.

Table 1 - Initial data


Name of the indicator


Mass curty

Load capacity

Mass counterweight

Diameter of the cordant pulley

Diameter of the Pins

Coeffe, friction slip in bearings

Linear stiffness of the mechanism

Height of lifting cite

Movement speed with cargo

Movement speed without cargo

Permissible acceleration

Number of cycles per hour

Total time of work, no more

On the task, it is necessary when calculating the mechanism to take a DC motor with an independent excitation.

1.2 Calculation of static moments

The moment of static resistance of the freight elevator consists of the time of gravity and the moment of friction forces in the bearings of the rope pulley and friction of the cargo cage and the counterweight in the guide mines.

The moment of gravity is determined by the formula:

where D is the diameter of the rope pulley, m;

m cut - the resulting mass that rises or descends the electric drive of the elevator, kg.

The resulting mass is determined by the ratio of mass of cargo, crates and a counterweight and can be calculated by the formula:

m cut \u003d m k + m g - m n \u003d 1500 + 750-1800 \u003d 450 kg

The moment of friction force in the bearings of the rope pulley can be determined by expression:

The moment of friction force of the cargo cage and a counterweight in the guides of the mines mathematically definitely impossible to determine almost, since the magnitude of this resistance depends on many factors that are not responsible for accounting. Therefore, the magnitude of the moment of friction of the cage and counterweight in the guides is taken into account by the efficiency of the mechanism, which is determined by the design task.

Thus, the full moment of static resistance of the freight elevator is determined by expression:

if the engine works in motor mode, and by expression:

if the engine works the brake (generator) mode.

1.3 Calculation of the load chart of the working machine

In order to approximately estimate the engine power required for this mechanism, it is necessary to determine in one way or another the power or moment of the production mechanism in different parts of its operation and the speed of movement of the working body of the mechanism in these sections. In other words, it is necessary to build a loading diagram of the production mechanism.

A mechanism that works in re-short-term mode, in each cycle makes a direct move with full load and reverse running at idle or with low load. Figure 2.1 shows the load diagram of the mechanism with the limitation of the permissible acceleration of the working body of the mechanism.

Figure 2 - Load diagram of the mechanism with a limitation of acceleration

The load diagram shows:

-, - static moments with direct and reverse moves;

-, - dynamic moments with direct and reverse moves;

-, - Starting moments with direct and reverse moves;

-, - brake moments with direct and reverse moves;

-, - the rates of direct and reverse moves;

-, - start times, braking and steady movement at the right course;

-, - start times, braking and steady movement during the reverse course.

At the given speeds V C 1, V C 2, the length of the movement L, and the permissible acceleration A, T p1, T p2, T T1, T T2, T U1, T U2 is calculated.

Start and braking time:

The path passing by the working body of the machine during the start-up (braking):

The path passing by the working body of the machine during the steady movement:

The time of the steady movement:

The time of operation of the mechanism with direct and reverse moves:

Dynamic Moments Working Machine

where D is the diameter of the rotating element of the working machine, transforming the rotational movement in the translational, m,

J RM1, J RM1 - Moments of inertia Working Machine with direct and reverse moves.

The full moment of the working body of the mechanism, in dynamic mode (start, braking) with direct and reverse moves, is determined by expressions:

1.4 Preliminary calculation of the power of the electric motor and its choice

Thus, as a result of calculations according to the above formulas, the coordinates of load charts are obtained by specific values, allowing you to calculate the riconductic value of the time for the work cycle.

For load chart, with acceleration limit:

Actual relative inclusion duration is determined from expressions:

where T C is the duration of the work cycle, C,

Z - the number of inclusions per hour.

Having the value of the average meanwort of the production mechanism for the cycle, the estimated required engine power can be determined by the ratio:

where V CH is the speed of the working body of the mechanism V C 2,

PVN - the nominal value of the inclusion duration, the nearest to the actual PV N,

K is a coefficient that takes into account the magnitude and duration of the dynamic load of the electric drive, as well as losses in mechanical impudations and in the electric motor. For our case K \u003d 1.2.

Now the engine is selected, suitable under the operating conditions.

Engine parameters:

Crane-metallurgical engine of DC, U H \u003d 220 V, PV \u003d 25%.

Table 2 - Engine data

We determine the gear ratio of the gearbox:

where W H is the nominal speed of the selected engine.

The gearbox can be chosen by directory, given a specific gear ratio, rated power and engine speed, as well as the mode of operation of the mechanism for which this gearbox is intended.

Such a choice of reducer is very primitive and suitable except for the mechanisms of the type of winch. Really, the gearbox is designed for a specific working mechanism and is an integral part of a limited and electric motor and a working body. Therefore, if the selection of the gearbox is not limited to the design task.

1.5 Calculation of the above static moments, moments of inertia and coefficient of hardness of the system Electric engine - working machine

In order to calculate the static and dynamic characteristics of the electric drive, all static and dynamic loads lead to the engine shaft. It should take into account not only the gear ratio of the gearbox, but also the losses in the gearbox, as well as constant losses in the engine.

The loss of idling engine (constant loss) can be determined by making them equal to variable losses in the nominal mode of operation:

where η n is the nominal engine efficiency.

If the value of η n in the catalog is not given, it can be determined by expression:

Moment of constant engine loss

Thus, the static moments of the engine are shown in the engine shaft - the working machine at each site of the work is calculated by formulas:

if the engine in the installed mode works in motion mode.

The total system of the electric motor inertia of the electric motor inertia - the work machine consists of two components:

a) moment of inertia of the rotor (anchor) of the engine and related elements of the electric drive rotating at the same speed as the engine,

b) the total moment of the inertia of the moving executive bodies of the working machine and the associated moving masses involved in the technological process of this working mechanism involved in the technological process.

Thus, the total inertia's torus given to the shaft is the moment of inertia, with direct and return strokes is determined by expressions:

where j d - the moment of inertia anchor (rotor) engine,

a is a coefficient that takes into account the presence of other elements of the electric drive, such as couplings, brake pulley, and the like coupling shaft.

For the mechanism presented in the task for the course design, the coefficient A \u003d 1.5.

J Prp Grm1, J PrpM2 - the total moment of inertia of moving executive bodies, and associated masses of the working vehicle with direct and reverse moves:

In order to obtain an idea of \u200b\u200bthe effect of elastic mechanical links into the transient processes of the system, the electric motor - the operating machine in the task is represented by a twist rigidity C k.

The rigidity of the engine redundant to the engine is the rigidity of the elastic communication with the PR is determined by the value of the twist stiffness:

1.6 Construction of the load chart of the electric motor

To build a loading diagram of the electric motor, it is necessary to determine the values \u200b\u200bof dynamic moments required for starting and braking, as well as the values \u200b\u200bof the starting and braking moments of the engine.

For our loading diagram of the mechanism with a limitation of acceleration, the value of these moments is determined by the following expressions.

Starting and braking moments for the case when the engine in the installed mode works in the motor mode, is determined by the formula:

To build a working characteristic, the speed value W C 1 will be required. The speed W c2 is equal to the rated speed of the electric motor.

Figure 3 - Approximate loading diagram of the electric motor

1.7 Preliminary check of electric motor for heating and performance

Pre-checking the engine for heating can be carried out along the engine load diagram by the equivalent moment. In this case, this method does not give a significant error, because and the DC motor and the AC motor will operate in the designed electric drive on the linear part of the mechanical characteristics, which gives the base with a large proportion of the engine to the engine in proportional motor current.

The equivalent moment is determined by expression:

The permissible moment of the pre-selected engine operating at PV F:

The condition for the preliminary selection of the engine:

For our case

what satisfies the conditions for choosing an electric motor.

1.8 Selecting an electric drive system and its structural scheme

The projected electric drive together with a given production mechanism forms a single electromechanical system. The electrical part of this system consists of an elkthro-mechanical energy converter of a direct or alternating current and control system (energy and information). The mechanical part of the electromechanical system includes all the associated moving masses of the drive and the mechanism.

As the main representation of the mechanical part, we accept the calculated mechanical system (Figure 4), which is frequent of which with neglecting the elastic links is a rigid shown mechanical link.

Figure 4 - Two-massed calculated mechanical system

Here J 1 and J 2 are the moments of the inertia of the two masses of the electric drive associated with an elastic connection given to the engine shaft.

w1, W2 - the speed of rotation of these masses,

c12 - stiffness of elastic mechanical communication.

As a result of the analysis of the electromechanical properties of various engines, it was established that under certain conditions, the mechanical characteristics of these engines are described by identical equations. Therefore, with these conditions, both the main electromechanical properties of the engines are similar, which allows you to describe the dynamics of electromechanical systems among the same equations.

The above is fairly for engines with independent excitation, sequential excitation engines and mixed excitation during the linearization of their mechanical characteristics in the neighborhood of a static equilibrium point and for an asynchronous motor with a phase rotor during the linearization of the working section of its mechanical characteristics.

Thus, by applying the same symbols for the three types of engines, we obtain a system of differential equations describing the dynamics of a linearized electromechanical system:

where m with (1) and m with (2) - parts of the total load of the electric drive attached to the first and second masses,

M 12 - the moment of elastic interaction between the moving masses of the system,

β is the static stiffness module of mechanical characteristics,

T E is the electromagnetic constant of the time of the electromechanical converter.

The structural circuit corresponding to the system of equations is presented in Figure 5.

Figure 5 - Structural diagram of the electromechanical system

The parameters W0, TE, β are determined for each type of engine according to its own expressions.

The system of differential equation and the structural circuit correctly reflects the basic patterns inherent in real nonlinear electromechanical systems in the modes of permissible deviations from the static state.

1.9 Calculation and construction of natural mechanical and electromechanical characteristics of the selected electric motor

The equation of natural electromechanical and mechanical characteristics of this engine have the form:

where u is anchor voltage,

I - Current Anchor Engine,

M - a moment developed by the engine,

R Jς - the total resistance of the engine of the engine chain:

where R I - the resistance of the winding anchor,

R DP - resistance to the winding of additional poles,

R co - the resistance of the compensation winding,

F - magnetic motor stream.

K is a constructive coefficient.

From the expressions above, it can be seen that the characteristics of the engine linear under the condition F \u003d const and can be built on two points. These points select the point of the perfect idling and the point of the nominal mode. The remaining values \u200b\u200bare determined:

Figure 6 - Natural Engine Characteristics

1.10 Calculation and construction of artificial characteristics of the electric motor

The artificial characteristics of the engine in this course project include a robust characteristic to obtain a reduced speed when the engine is operated with full load, as well as the robust characteristics ensuring the specified start and braking conditions.

1.10.1 Calculation and construction of the engine launcher with a linear mechanical characteristic graphically

Building begins with the construction of a natural mechanical characteristic. Next you need to calculate the maximum torque developed by the engine.

where λ is the engine's overload capacity.

To build a working characteristic, we use the values \u200b\u200bof W 1 and M C1, the point of the perfect idling.

When entering the natural characteristic there is a current throw, which goes beyond the frame M 1 and m 2. To start the operating characteristics, you must leave the current starting scheme. Since when starting to the working and natural characteristics, the stage requires one and there is no need in additional steps.

M 1 and M 2 accept equal:

Figure 7 - Engine launcher

According to the drawing, starting resistances are calculated according to the following formulas:

Start sequence is displayed in the picture in the form of signs.

1.10.2 Calculation and construction of the operating characteristics of the engine with a linear mechanical characteristic.

The operating characteristics of the DC motor with an independent excitation is built along two points: the point of the perfect idle and the point of the working mode, the coordinates of which were previously defined:

Figure 8 - Engine operating characteristics

Depending on how the operating characteristic is positioned relative to the engine launch chart, one or another correction is needed or a start-up diagram or a motor start trajectory under the load of MC1 to the WC1 speed.

Figure 9 - Engine operating characteristics

1.10.3 Building braking characteristics

The maximum allowable, in transition processes, acceleration, which is the values \u200b\u200bof average, permanent largests, the braking moments defined in clause 6 are determined by the most valid for constructing brake characteristics. Since, with their definition, acceleration was considered constant Load and from different initial speeds can differ significantly from each other, and in a large or smaller side. Theoretically, even their equality is possible:

Therefore, both brake characteristics should be built.

The figure should take into account that the robust characteristics of braking with opposition should be constructed in such a way that the area between the characteristics and axes of coordinates is approximately equal in one case:

and in another case:

Often the magnesses of the braking moments are much less than peak moment M 1, in which launch resistances are determined. In this case, it is necessary to construct the natural characteristic of the engine for the opposite direction of rotation and determine the magnitudes of the brake resistances by expressions according to the figure:

1.11 Calculation of transient modes of an electric drive

In this course project, transient start and braking processes with different loads should be calculated. As a result, the dependences of the moment, speed and angle of rotation should be obtained.

The results of the calculation of transients will be used in constructing loading diagrams of the electric drive and check the engine for heating, overloading capacity and a given performance.

1.11.1 Calculation of mechanical transient drive processes with absolutely rigid mechanical connections

When performing a mechanical part of the electric drive with a rigid mechanical link and neglect by electromagnetic inertia, the drive with a linear mechanical characteristic is an aperiodic link, with a constant time of T m.

The equations of the transition process for this case are written as follows:

where m s is the moment of the engine in the steady mode,

w C is the engine speed in the steady mode,

M start - moment at the beginning of the transition process,

W Nach - engine speed at the beginning of the transition process.

T M - electromechanical time constant.

The electromechanical time constant is considered according to the following formula, for each stage:

For brake characteristics:

The time of work on the characteristic, in transition processes is determined by the following formula:

To enter the natural characteristic, we consider:

To access the operating characteristics:

For brake characteristics:

The time of transient processes during start-up and braking is defined as the sums of times at each stage.

To access the natural characteristic:

To access the operating characteristics:

The working time on the natural characteristic is theoretically equal to infinity, respectively, it was considered (3-4) TM.

Thus, all data was obtained to calculate transient processes.

1.11.2 Calculation of the mechanical transition process of the electric drive in the presence of elastic mechanical communication

To calculate this transition process, it is necessary to know the acceleration and frequency of free system oscillations.

The solution of the equation is:

In an absolutely rigid system, the gear load during the start process is:

Due to the elastic oscillations, the load increases and is determined by expression:

Figure 13 - Elastic load fluctuations

1.11.3 Calculation of the electromechanical transition process of the electric drive with absolutely rigid mechanical connections

To calculate this transition process, it is necessary that the following values \u200b\u200bwould be calculated:

If the ratio of the constant time is less than four then we use the following formulas for calculating:

Figure 14 - transient process W (T)

Figure 15 - transient process M (T)

1.12 Calculation and construction of a refined electric motor load chart

The refined engine load diagram must be built with the starting and braking modes of the engine operation in the cycle.

Simultaneously with the calculation of the engine load chart, it is necessary to calculate the value of the rms moment on each section of the transition process.

The rms moment characterizes the heating of the engine in the case when the engines work on the linear part of their characteristics, where the moment is proportional to the current.

To determine the range of mean-square values \u200b\u200bof the moment or current, the real transition curve is approximated by rectilinear areas.

The values \u200b\u200bof the standard moments at each site of the approximation are determined by expression:

where M Nach i is the initial value of the moment on the section under consideration,

C con i is the final meaning of the moment on the site under consideration.

For our load chart, it is necessary to define six rms moment.

To move on a natural characteristic:

To move on a working characteristics:

1.13 Verification of the electric drive to the specified performance, heat and overload

Checking on a given mechanism performance is to check whether the calculated operation time is stacked into the T P specified by the technical task.

where T PP is the estimated operating time of the electric drive,

t P1 and T P2 - the times of the first and second starts,

t T1 and T T2 - the times of the first and second braking,

t U1 and T U2 - the times of the steady modes when working with a greater and low load,

t P2, T P1, T T2, T T12 - are taken at the calculation of transition processes,

Check the selected engine for heating in this course project should be performed by the equivalent torque.

The allowable moment of the engine in re-short-term mode is determined by expression:

1.14 Concept electrical scheme of power part of the electric drive

The power part is presented in the graphic part.

Description of the power scheme of the electric motor

The drive is the first, in the first, in connecting the motor windings to the supply network when starting and shutdown when stopping and second, gradually switching the relay-contact instrument of the starting resistor steps as the engine is accelerated.

The removal of the steps of the starting resistor in the rotor circuit is might in several ways: in the speed function, in the current function and in the time function. In this project, the engine start is carried out as a function of time.


In this course, the electric drive of the bridge crane cart was calculated. The selected engine does not quite satisfy the conditions, since the moment is more developed by the engine greater than is required for this mechanism, therefore, you must select the engine at a smaller point. Since the list of proposed engines is not complete, then we leave this engine with amendment.

It is also for the use of the working characteristic to start in both directions, we made a slightly larger current jump, during the transition to a natural characteristic. But this is permissible, since the change in the starting scheme would lead to the need to introduce additional resistance.


1. Deskhev, V.I. Theory of electric drive / V.I. Keewings. - M.: Energoatomizdat, 1998.- 704c.

2.Cilikin, MG General Course of Electric Drive / MG Chilikin. - M.: Energoatomizdat, 1981. -576 p.

3.Shemenevsky, S.N. Engine characteristics / S.N. Veshenevsky. - M.: Energia, 1977. - 432 p.

4.andreyev, V.P. Basics of electric drive / V.P. Andreev, Yu.A. Sabinin. - Gosnergoisdat, 1963. - 772 p.

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University

Department of "Automobile Transport"

Calculation of electric drive

Methodical guidelines for the performance of diploma, coursework and laboratory work at the rate

"Basics of calculation, design and operation of technological equipment ATP" for students of the specialty

"Cars and automotive" all forms of learning

Nizhny Novgorod 2010.

Compiler V. S. Kozlov.

UDC 629.113.004.

Calculation of the electric drive:Method. Guidelines for the implementation of the lab. work / NSTU; Cost: B.C. Kozlov. N. Novgorod, 2005. 11 p.

The performance characteristics of asynchronous three-phase electric motors are considered. A technique for selecting drive electric motors taking into account launchers dynamic overloads is given.

Editor E.L. Abrosimova

Podl. To Peat. 03.02.05. Format 60x84 1/16. Paper newspaper. Print offset. Pechs. l. 0.75. Ud. l. 0.7. Circulation 100 copies. Order 132.

Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University. Typography NSTU. 603600, N. Novgorod, ul. Minina, 24.

© Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University, 2005

1. The purpose of the work.

Examine the characteristics and select the parameters of the hydraulic motor electric motors and the drive-generating mechanisms drive taking into account the inertial components.

2. Brief information about work.

Electric motors manufactured by industry by industry are divided into the following types:

- dC motors powered by a constant voltage or with adjustable voltage; These engines allow smooth adjustment of the angular velocity in a wide range, providing a smooth start, braking and reverse, so they are used in electric transport drives, powerful listeners and cranes;

- single-phase asynchronous motors small power used mainly to drive household mechanisms;

- three-phase AC motors (synchronous and asynchronous), the angular speed of which does not depend on the load and is practically not regulated; On comparison with asynchronous motors, synchronous has a higher efficiency and allow greater overload, but the care is more complex and the cost above.

Three-phase asynchronous engines are the most common industries in all sectors. Compared to the rest for them, the following advantages are characterized: simplicity of the design, the lowest cost, the simplest care, directly inclusion in the network without converters.

2.1. Characteristics of asynchronous electric motors.

In fig. 1. Presented workers (mechanical) characteristics of an asynchronous motor. They express the dependence of the angular velocity of the motor shaft from the torque (Fig. 1.A) or the torque from slip (Fig. 1.6).

ω nom

M Mah

ω kr

M start

M Nom.


Fig. 1 Engine characteristics.

In these pictures, the MPAS - a starting point, a nominal moment, Ωc - a synchronous angular velocity, Ω - engine operating angular velocity under load,

θ - Slide field defined by the formula:

C - \u003d n s - n

With N S.

In starting mode, when the moment changes from the MPAS to MMA, the angular speed increases to ωKR. Point MMA, ΩKR - Critical, Working Moment is invalid, since the engine is quickly overheated. With a decrease in the load from MMI to change, i.e. When switching to a long-term installed mode, the angular velocity will increase to ω, the point by change, Ω, corresponds to the nominal mode. With a further reducing of the load to zero, the angular speed increases to Ωc.

The start of the engine is carried out at θ \u003d 1 (Fig. 1.B), i.e. at ω \u003d 0; With a critical slide, the engine is developing the maximum moment MismA, it is impossible to work on this mode. The plot between Mowa and Mpus is almost straightforward, here the moment is proportional to slipping. When the engine is developing a nominal moment and can work in this mode for a long time. At θ \u003d 1, the moment drops to zero, and the speed of rotation without load increases to a synchronous NC, depending only on the frequency of the current on the network and the number of engine poles.

Thus, at the normal frequency of the current in the network 50 Hz asynchronous electric motors, having the number of poles from 2 to 12 will have the following synchronous frequency of rotation;

NC \u003d 3000 ÷ 1500 ÷ 1000 ÷ 750 ÷ 600 ÷ 500 rpm.

Naturally, in the calculation of the electric drive, it is necessary to proceed from a slightly less calculated rotation frequency under the load corresponding to the nominal mode of operation.

2.2. Required power and electric motor selection.

The electric drives of cyclic action mechanisms characteristic of ATP are operated in a re-short-term mode, the feature of which is frequent starts and engine stops. Energy losses in transition processes are directly dependent on the torque of the mechanism and the moment of inertia of the engine itself. All these features take into account the characteristics of the intensity of the engine use, called the relative duration of inclusion:

PV \u003d T B - TO 100

where TB, TQ is the inclusion time and time of the engine pause, A TB + TO - the total time

For domestic series of electric motors, the cycle time is set to 10 min., And in the catalogs on the crane engines, the rated power is given for all standard PV durations, i.e. 15%, 25%, 40%, 60% and 100%.

The choice of electric motor of the load-based mechanism is produced in the following sequence:

1. Determine the static power when lifting the cargo in the steady


where q is the weight of cargo, n,

V - speed of cargo lifting, m / s,

η - Common efficiency of the mechanism \u003d 0.85 ÷ 0.97

2. Using formula (1) determine the actual duration

the inclusion (PVF), substituting in it TB - the actual time of the engine on the cycle.

3. In the case of coincidence of the actual duration of inclusion (PVF), and standard (nominal) PV values, the motor is chosen by the catalog

so that its rated power of the ND is equal to go a slightly more static power (2).

In the case when the PVF value does not coincide with the PV value, the engine is selected by the power of the NN calculated by the formula


N H \u003d N

The power of the selected engine of the ND must be either slightly greater than the value of NN.

4. The engine is checked for overload when starting. For this, at its rated power of the ND and the corresponding frequency of rotation of the shaft, the ND is determined by the nominal moment by the engines

M d \u003d 9555

N D.

where MD - in N · m, ND - in kW, ND - in rpm.

With respect to the launcher of the MP, designed below, see (5,6,7), by the time of MD, the overload coefficient is found:

To n \u003d m n

M D.

The calculated value of the overload coefficient should not exceed the value allowable for this type - 1.5 ÷ 2.7 (see Appendix 1).

The starting point on the engine shaft, developed during the acceleration of the mechanism, can be represented as the sum of two moments: the moment of the MST of the static resistance forces and the moment of resistance of the inertia of rotating masses


M n \u003d m st m and

For a lifting mechanism consisting of engine, gearbox, drum and polyspast with specified parameters to them - a gear ratio between the engine and a drum, an AP is the multiplicity of the polysman, iD - the moment of inertia

rotating parts of the engine and coupling, RB - radius of the drum, q - weight of cargo, σ \u003d 1,2 - correction coefficient, taking into account the inertia of the remaining rotating masses of the drive, can be recorded

M st \u003d.


and A.

where the total engine is the moment of inertia of moving masses of the mechanism and cargo during acceleration

Q R2.

I AF \u003d 2 B 2 I D (7)

g and M AP

Due to the insignificance of the inertial masses of hydromechanisms, the hydraulic motor is selected based on the maximum power and correspondence of the number of revolutions of the selected pump - see the lab. The work "Calculation of Hydraulus".

3. The procedure for performing work.

The work is performed individually according to the designated option. Black calculations with final conclusions are presented to the teacher at the end of the lesson.

4. Registration of work and delivery of the report.

The report is performed on standard A4 sheets. The sequence of registration: work goal, short theoretical information, source data, calculated task, calculation scheme, solution problem, conclusions. Leading work is carried out taking into account the control issues.

Using the source data of Appendix 2 and taking the lack of an electric motor of the load-based mechanism from Appendix 1. Determine the engine overload coefficient when starting.

According to the results of the laboratory work "Calculation of a hydraulic material", select the electric motor to the selected hydraulic pump.

6. An example of the selection of the engine of the mechanism of the boom with an electric drive. Determination of the engine overload coefficient when starting.

Source data: crane loading force Q \u003d 73 500 H (load capacity of 7.5 tons); The speed of lifting the cargo υ \u003d 0.3 m / s; The multiplicity of the polyspaster is \u003d 4; The total efficiency of the mechanism and the polyspaster η \u003d 0.85; radius of the radius of the swan mechanism of the rise RB \u003d 0.2 m; Engine operation mode corresponds to the nominal PVF \u003d PV \u003d 25%

1. Determine the required engine power

73500 0.3 \u003d 26 kV


In the catalog of electric motors, select the three-phase current series of the series

MTM 511-8: NP \u003d 27 kW; ND \u003d 750 rpm; JD \u003d 1.075 kg · m2.

We choose an elastic coupling with a moment of inertia JD \u003d 1.55 kg · m2.

2. Determine the gear ratio of the mechanism. Corner speed of the drum

6,0 Rad / s

Corner velar, engine

N d \u003d 3,14 750 \u003d 78,5 rad / s

D 30 30.

Transmission number of mechanism

and m \u003d d \u003d 78,5 \u003d 13.08 b 6.0

3. Find a static moment of resistance given to the engine shaft

M S.D \u003d Q r b \u003d 73500 0.2 ≈ 331 n M and m and p 13.08 4 0,85

4. Calculate the total reduced (to the engine shaft) moment of inertia of the mechanism and cargo during acceleration

J "PD \u003d

Q RB 2.

I d i m \u003d

73500 0,22

1,2 1,075 1,55 = ...

0,129 3,15≈ 3,279 kg m 2

5. Determine the excess point given to the engine shaft at the time of overclocking TP \u003d 3 s.

M D. \u003d J "AF T T D \u003d 3,279 78.5 ≈ 86 N M

P 3.

6. Calculate the driving moment on the engine shaft

M R.D. \u003d M S.D. M D. \u003d 331 86 \u003d 417 N M

7. Determine the engine overload coefficient when starting. Moment on the shaft

engine corresponding to its nominal power

M D. \u003d 9555

N D.

344 N M.

n D.

M R.D.

K P. \u003d.

M D.

7. Control questions for passing a report.

1. What is the gliding field in the electric motor?

2. Critical and nominal points of operating characteristics of electric motors.

3. What is the synchronous frequency of rotation of the electric motor than it differs from the nominal?

4. What is called relative and actual engine inclusion duration? What does their relationship show?

5. What is the difference between the nominal and launches of the electric motor?

6. Overload coefficient when starting the electric motor.


1. Goberman L. A. The foundations of the theory, calculation and design of the SDM. -M.: Masha., 1988. 2. Design of mechanical gear: Tutorial. / S.A. Chernavsky and others - M.: Masha., 1976.

3. Rudenko N. F. and others. Coursework design of lifting machines. - M.: Masha., 1971.

Appendix 1. Asynchronous electric motors of type AO2

Type of electro



MP / MD.


kg · cm2

kg · cm2

Appendix 2.

Load capacity, T.

Polyness of polypasta

Radius of drum, m

Actual time

inclusion, Min.

Speed \u200b\u200bof the lifting

cargo, m / s

Overclocking time. from

Load capacity, T.

Polyness of polypasta

Radius of drum, m

Actual time

inclusion, Min.

Speed \u200b\u200bof the lifting

cargo, m / s

Overclocking time. from

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