Home Wheels Assistance in buying a used car. Help in buying a car: who to contact and how much it will cost. How to check a used vehicle before buying

Assistance in buying a used car. Help in buying a car: who to contact and how much it will cost. How to check a used vehicle before buying

Out of 200 parameters, with the drawing up of an inspection report.

Including all standard checks:
Body for past repairs and their scale, analysis of gaps, seams, sealants, markings, etc.
Engine for fluid leaks, overheating, not sparing operation, scuffing in cylinders, oil consumption, etc.
Gearboxes, suspension, steering, electronic systems of the car, interior and much more.
The presence of errors in electronic control units using. Mileage check.
Legal purity on the bases of AUTOCODE, STSI, REGISTER OF Pledges, Bailiffs, etc.
(for identifying real mileage, history of body repair, prohibition of registration actions, search, bail, road accident, taxi, etc.)
Documents for forgery, unauthorized changes.

2. Bargaining with the seller, justified by the found non-critical flaws.
3. Expert opinion regarding the reliability of the purchase.
4. Consultations and recommendations for further maintenance.
5. Registration of a sales contract or a deposit agreement.
6. Verification is possible without your presence: written report, photo-video report.

Price: 3 999 rubles

Auto expert for the day.

Checking an unlimited number of cars selected by the customer, within 7 hours.

- Tips for choosing options for inspection.
- Traveling during the day by an expert's car.
- Advantageous when checking cars in one car dealership or Moscow district.

Price: 9 999 rubles

Turnkey car selection.

Selection of a car in Moscow according to the specified parameters.

- All package services are included.
- Professional analysis of ads, selection of options worthy of inspection, dialogue with sellers.
- and the history of the car.
- On-site comprehensive inspection of the selected cars.
- Report with photos and videos about the inspected cars.
- Inviting the customer to inspect only the best specimen.
Not limited the number of car inspections to find the best one!
Success guarantee! You don't pay anything if I haven't found the best option within the agreed time frame.
Profitable! The turnkey car pick-up service pays off. ...
Conveniently! All the difficulties of the search, as well as the choice of a technically and legally clean car, I take upon myself

Price: 24 999 rubles

All services include:

  • Checking the body with a thickness gauge.

    Checking the paintwork of the car for repairs.
    - Revealing the facts of cosmetic coloring of car body parts.
    - Revealing the facts of repair of body parts using putty.
    - Identification of violations of the geometry of the load-bearing part of the body after serious accidents.
    - Revealing the volume of body repair, restoration of the picture of damage.
    - Revealing the facts of replacing non-removable body parts by identifying welded seams.
    - Identification of cars imported in parts (cut).


  • Reading the ECU errors by the scanner.
    Full field computer diagnostics.

    - Reading errors in electronic control units (ECU).
    - Decryption of errors and identification of current malfunctions.
    - Reading mileage data recorded in various ECUs (not all car models).
    - Analysis of the correctness of the current parameters transmitted by the sensors of the car.
    - Verification of the VIN wired into the ECU with the actual one (not all car models).


  • Checking the car for legal cleanliness.
    Checking the car and the owner using available databases.

    - Mileage data (from the diagnostic card, insurance, traffic police, official dealers).
    - Service history at the dealer (list of works, mileage).
    - History of calculations of the cost of body repair from insurance and dealers (list, mileage).
    - Information about an accident involving a car, damaged items.
    - The fact of official use as a taxi.
    - The fact of official use in car sharing.
    - The presence of the VIN of the car in the traffic police wanted database.
    - Prohibition, restriction of registration actions in the traffic police.
    - The fact that the car is pledged by the bank.
    - Judgments in which the car appears.
    - Checking the owner for the presence of enforcement proceedings, for the collection of debts by bailiffs.
    - Checking the owner's passport for validity.
    - Analysis of the authenticity of documents and the purity of the transaction.
    - Identification of a reseller on the basis of auto sellers.


    Additional services:

  • Checking the engine with a pneumotester.
    Effective diagnostics of engine cylinders for leaks.

    - A real opportunity to assess the condition of the engine indiscriminately.
    - More accurate and substantiated result, compared to a compressometer.
    - Ability to establish the cause of increased leaks.

    Price: from 2 999 rubles

  • Checking the motor with an endoscope.
    Checking the condition of cylinders, pistons, valves.

    - Visual control of the condition of the engine cylinders.
    - Diagnostics of the wear of the cylinder mirror, firing belt; pathological soot etc.
    - Indiscriminately, through the candle holes.
    - Requires check-in at a service station.

    Price: from 1 999 rubles

    Buying a used car in Moscow, with its huge car market, is not an easy task. Problems can arise at any stage of the process, starting with finding a suitable model and evaluating its tech. state, and ending with the legal registration of the transaction and settlement with the seller. Experience shows that it is best to seek professional help when buying a car. This will allow you to get a guaranteed good result, and the purchased car will serve you for a long time.

    How to check a used vehicle before buying

    Assistance in buying a car

    The company "Auto in 60 Minutes" provides assistance in purchasing used cars in Moscow. Employees of the company are ready to take on the solution of the entire range of tasks associated with a profitable purchase of a car in the capital market. The professionalism of our specialists is confirmed by many years of successful experience in this field, as well as diplomas of higher technical institutions.
    The assortment of used cars on the Moscow market is the largest in the country. Here you can find even very rare car models, as well as cars that have already been discontinued. However, with all the variety of choices, it is not easy to independently find a suitable car model quickly and competently. Only a professional who is well acquainted with this market copes with such a task effectively. The specialists of "Auto 60 Minutes" are the pros who will find you the right model of the car in really good condition in a short time.

    How to buy a working car

    A competent assessment of the condition is the cornerstone of the process of acquiring a used car. It is necessary to check the condition of all machine units, suspension, body, steering, etc. Today's craftsmen are able to disguise an "emergency" car so effectively that sometimes only professionals can find signs of a post-accident repair. The specialists of the company "Auto in 60 Minutes" use modern equipment that allows you to fully test the car and identify all its weak points.

    How to get a discount on a car

    An important part of our work is the economic component of the issue. Provided that the car is technically sound, and its shortcomings are eliminated without any negative consequences, there is always a question of price. We individually assess the feasibility of a future purchase, taking into account the average prices of a given model on the market, the condition of the car and the adequacy of discounts. After analyzing the data obtained, we provide the client with a complete economic calculation, taking into account the liquidity of the car when selling it in the future.

    Help with buying a car in Moscow

    When buying a used car, except for those cases when the car is purchased from people who can be trusted 100%, the question always arises: where to diagnose? You can, of course, go to a service center, incl. to an authorized dealer. However, it is necessary to distinguish between the types of vehicle checks. The technical center, most likely, will help determine the breakdown; if it is detected, they will replace the defective parts and assemblies. It should be remembered that not every service will help to determine the reliability of the mileage, the degree of wear of the components and assemblies of the car, the presence of an accident and the degree of damage to the body, not to mention the legal aspects and the economic feasibility of a future purchase. So it turns out that by contacting the service center for help, you receive incomplete information. Knowing about the condition and degree of wear of the brake pads and stabilizer bushings is, of course, important, but not for making a decision to buy a car ...

    Assistance in buying a used car (auto) in Moscow - an integrated approach

    Our company offers an integrated approach to help with buying a car in Moscow. Our specialists with 100% probability will determine all the shortcomings of the car, and computer diagnostics will reveal errors in electronic systems. In addition to directly helping in buying a used car, we bargain with the seller, prepare documents for the sale and purchase, accompany the transaction at all its stages and provide legal protection for our client. Additionally, we offer services for car registration in the traffic police, insurance under CASCO and OSAGO policies, as well as "pre-sale" preparation services. Thus, our clients, if desired, receive not only assistance in purchasing, but also the whole range of services related to the purchase of a car.

    By contacting us, you get:

    • specialist consultation;
    • conclusion of an agreement in which all the desired parameters of the machine are prescribed;
    • a professional approach to finding and checking a car;
    • reasoned bargaining with the seller in order to save your money;
    • full support of the purchase and sale transaction;

    Using the services of the company "Auto in 60 Minutes", you are guaranteed to buy a decent car, while saving money, time and nerves. Calculation only after the transaction. For consultation, it is enough to contact us by phone or order a free call back.

    Buying your own vehicle is a very important and responsible undertaking. This cannot be done spontaneously and quickly. It is imperative to make the choice of your future car very carefully and seriously, paying attention to both the external aspect and the technical characteristics.

    The choice of a car can be carried out independently. It should be remembered that before buying, you should definitely read all the data, recommendations and advice regarding this issue. If the buyer is a fairly experienced and knowledgeable individual, then purchasing a vehicle will not be difficult for him. Especially when it comes to buying a car in showrooms. There are practically no problems with new vehicles presented in the showrooms.

    Buying a used car is already much more difficult. Difficulties may arise due to the fact that used vehicles cannot guarantee the buyer the reliability and the complete absence of further problems with them after their purchase.

    That is why there are special companies who are committed to helping buyers implement assistance in buying a car. They are able to help you choose a vehicle, check it, and also avoid unpleasant moments in the future.

    Car diagnostics before buying it

    It should be remembered that mistakes made when buying a used car will make themselves felt after some time, moreover, they will be very expensive. Therefore, it is recommended to definitely carry out diagnostic measures that will avoid unpleasant situations.

    It is better not to assure yourself that more or less new cars have no problems. In addition, you should not rely on your own instinct and on site inspection. New cars also may have a problem, which cannot be immediately noticed and detected, and a general examination will definitely not help to identify them.

    That is why you should diagnose the car before buying it. This is how you can avoid troubles in the future. Diagnostic measures are very important, as they allow you to detect the most hidden malfunctions that can make the buyer change his mind about buying an unreliable vehicle, well, or, in extreme cases, reduce the cost of the purchased car.

    Diagnostics can be carried out by employees of the very companies that provide assistance with buying a car. These services are able to provide their centers in which the vehicle will go through all the necessary procedures to detect problems. Also, such companies can provide an interesting service - on-site diagnostics... It lies in the fact that the buyer can call this service and order a specialist who will arrive at the right time and place to diagnose the car.

    Selection of cars by parameters

    Choosing a car is a complex and energy-consuming process. The buyer can spend a huge amount of time trying to find exactly the vehicle that suits him.

    Selection of a car by parameters is a service of services for assistance in buying a used car. This service is very popular as it helps to save time and nerves. The task of the buyer is only that he must contact the employees of the company, tell them the desired parameters of the car, and then just wait. Within a short period of time, the company's employees will contact him, who will offer him possible options. The buyer will only have to choose the vehicle that suits him.

    This service has its own advantages, which are undoubted advantages:

    1. The buyer receives an option that really suits him, and also subsequently determine exactly what kind of car he needs;
    2. Vehicle selection becomes much faster and more convenient.

    The service of selecting a car by parameters will greatly help buyers who expect to buy a used car. Experts will be able to select all acceptable options that can satisfy the needs of even the most fastidious customers.

    Important facts about buying and selling a car

    So that the reader can make sure that the activities of companies that can help the buyer to provide assistance in buying a used car can really be useful and very effective, then you can cite a couple of interesting and very important facts that every user who wants to get their own vehicle in the future should know:

    • Buying a car is a very complicated process, so the statistical data given above can hardly surprise anyone: almost 80% of buyers have difficulty choosing a vehicle and need the help of a specialist;
    • Virtually every vehicle for sale has had body damage in the past, so be sure to thoroughly inspect the vehicle or carry out diagnostics to identify the presence of old damage. It is better not to trust the tales of sellers who will try to disown the facts of damage, as they pursue their well-known goal: to sell a car at a higher price;
    • Almost all sellers try to hide the past of the vehicle being sold or lie in order to increase the value of the car;
    • Every third car has serious technical problems, which can subsequently lead to serious financial costs;
    • More than half of all used vehicles put up for sale have twisted mileage, which creates the illusion that the car is "worn out" and, consequently, forces the buyer to pay more than it should be;
    • Almost every third car that was imported into the Russian Federation from abroad is damaged before import and has been repeatedly repaired.


    Help with buying a car is pretty convenient service offered by many companies. There are such companies in Moscow, so any Muscovite who is ready to buy a car can apply for such an important service.

    Assistance in buying a used car implies several useful services at once that can really help the buyer in choosing a used vehicle: diagnostics, selection of a car according to parameters, expert recommendations. In Moscow, you can easily find such service centers who provide such services.

    There are a relatively large number of companies in Moscow that provide assistance in choosing a car. Many of them can even provide quite exclusive services, for example, visit of an expert for diagnostics... He will be able to come to the place and identify the existing problems with the vehicle.

    Buying a used car is a smart decision for a person who has a limited budget for this purpose or is buying a car for the first time and does not want to fear for safety, being not a very experienced driver. As a rule, to consider the options, they take with them an accompanying person who is well versed in automotive mechanics and will be able to tell which car will have to be fiddled with for a long time, repairing it, and which one can be safely purchased. But what if there is no suitable specialist among your acquaintances? The Pro-Verim company offers the services of an exit autoexpert in Moscow. Our employee will arrive at the specified address and conduct a thorough diagnosis of the technical condition of the car, as well as the legality of its documents!

    Checking a car before buying

    A specialist who thoroughly knows the intricacies of the automotive design and the peculiarities of paperwork for the car will avoid the following dangers:

    • Purchase of a car with hidden breakdowns, severe wear of the main units, a car that has been involved in an accident and has been badly damaged by the accident.
    • Purchase of a vehicle with twisted mileage, parts replaced by non-original counterparts, at a high cost.
    • The purchase of a car, which is officially listed as theft, has prohibitions on registration in property due to a pledge at a bank or pawnshop, and other difficulties with registration.
    • Purchase of a car made of several cars (the so-called "constructors").

    The autoexpert will thoroughly check the car that his client plans to buy, and draw up a full summary of its technical condition, legal purity of documents, calculate how soon he will need the first major repairs. Also, the specialist will be able to tell you what the real price of the car is, and will help the client arrange a bargain so that he can make the purchase more profitable.

    How is a car examination carried out in Moscow before buying?

    The vehicle check procedure is as follows:

    1. Our car expert arrives at the agreed time to the client, if necessary, picks him up from the metro station, from where they go to the seller.

    2. Initial inspection includes checking the bodywork, the condition of the paintwork, the main parts of plastic and metal, the presence of additional elements (wipers, linings, sills, etc.), an assessment of the state of the optics.

    3. After the initial inspection, the condition of the engine, radiator, timing belts, fluid levels (oil, antifreeze), and other elements located under the hood are visually checked.

    4. After that, the condition of the steering system, the operation of the gearbox, the power steering, shock absorbers, the brake system, the running gear is checked, including checking the quality of disks, axles and the degree of tire wear.

    5. Then the check of electronic systems, instrument readings, true mileage of the car, battery diagnostics is done.

    7. Upon completion of the technical condition check, the documents of the seller, PTS, insurance policy are examined. A specialist punches a specific car through the database, finding out if it is listed in the theft, whether it has difficulties with registration, whether it has participated in accidents.

    8. When the documents are checked, the autoexpert carries out a test drive, in practice studying the operability of the main components, the state of the car, its behavior on the road in various conditions.

    9. After these works, the specialist issues a verdict in which he informs whether it is advisable to take a specific car or whether it is better to continue the search. If necessary, he can calculate to the client all the costs for the nearest repair of the vehicle, give recommendations on the repair / replacement of individual spare parts or units. If the client is not satisfied with only the price, the specialist can arrange an auction on his behalf, knocking down the price requested by the seller as much as possible.

    How can our auto expert help?

    This service is being advertised as an ideal way to buy a car. After all, the main trouble with buying a new car is its unknown state, but otherwise it usually looks much better than a new one for the same amount: it is bigger, more comfortable, faster and even more prestigious. And if the car is really in excellent condition, then its only drawback will be the lack of a proprietary warranty. Unfortunately, the car is one of the most complex consumer goods, and extremely expensive. This means that an ordinary person is unlikely to be able to get a complete picture of a car that has already been “running” on the roads for several years, and very significant resource problems and even the consequences of severe accidents can hide from an inexperienced eye.

    Grandfather's method

    The traditional method of selecting a car includes a mandatory inspection by a "senior friend" or "advanced friend" who understands a car, and a subsequent visit to a car service, in which "everything will be checked." Unfortunately, with the increase in the level of motorization and the complexity of cars, this approach began to fail.

    To begin with, not everyone has a friend who can disinterestedly make an initial inspection of the car, or at least give advice on what is inside it, check in more detail what the spars are, where the rail is and where the levers are. And even if he is, then his energy and time simply will not be enough for all the many acquaintances, because usually you need to see not one car, but five or ten, and sometimes more. Especially in the case of an attempt to buy a car "not for money" - that is, cheaper than it actually costs on the market. So the initial selection is just with a more experienced driver who agreed to this adventure.

    After a superficial inspection "with a friend", it is the turn of the car service. And it's good if it comes. Often the seller is not eager to please the “troublesome” buyer - after all, there are those who buy without looking. Yes, and often they do not want to show the car, because either it has damages and problems that are well noticeable to a more or less prepared person, or the car has been banal for some time "has been locked up" and it has no insurance, and any movement under its own power is fraught with fines ... And if you think that they will definitely find all the problems in a car service, then you are deeply mistaken.

    Even in a very good car service, there are often no special tools for diagnosing cars, the maximum is a compression gauge for the engine and a universal scanner for monitoring the operation of control systems. As for the rest, everything goes by "old-fashioned methods" - inspection of the body for damage and non-factory painting, inspection of units, listening to their work, and so on. A typical inspection in the service is likely to expose poor body restoration work, hidden corrosion on the bottom, sills, arches and side members, traces of repainting of elements, if the paint does not match in color / gloss or a joint sealant is not applied. Problems in the chassis are almost always identified: backlash of suspensions, CV joints, propeller shafts, wear of the brake system. Well, they may also find some problems with the engine and gearbox there. But in general, beyond even a detailed study, there are many nuances, especially if the car is rare and the brand does not coincide with the specialization of the car service.

    As a result, there is growing sales of new cars and the fear of buying used equipment, which has been fixed among many. After all, the inspection is often superficial, the cost of work and spare parts is not found out even for the identified malfunctions, and in the future it all becomes an unpleasant surprise. We are not even talking about the fact that before buying, most of the future car owners do not even bother to search the network for data on the reliability of the car, its units and typical problems. The choice is based on garage bikes and rumors, nothing more.

    Corporate assistant

    I know at least a few firms that offer the selection of a car for the buyer. Moreover, the load to the machine includes both the "guarantee" and the service in the same company. The work in such an organization goes in three directions.

    First of all, it is a search for reliable suppliers of cars with a "pedigree", which greatly reduces the chances of trouble. The benefit is twofold: the organization earns its commissions on the sale of not the cheapest copies of cars, and at the same time receives a reward from the buyer for a mandatory check, which in this case can be approached quite formally.

    The second direction is, in fact, in-depth diagnostics of machines using advanced tools - endoscopes, paintwork testers, gas analyzers, indicators, oil pressure gauges, motor tester, dealer scanners and other tools. In this case, the chances of an unnoticed serious problem are reduced by several times in comparison with the "usual" service, but, again, strongly depend on the qualifications of the service, the model and equipment of the machine. In the general case, this allows not only to find existing problems, but also to roughly understand what residual resource remained in the nodes, what is the true mileage and where are the weaknesses in a particular instance. Of course, electronic diagnostics are attached to the mechanical check of the machine, and work with papers and electronic databases to determine the legal purity of the machine and problems not identified in the diagnosis.

    And the third, no less important direction is “ideological” work with car buyers. It is impossible to check everything thoroughly, but having statistics and breakdown data on hand, it is more likely to predict which configurations, brands and models will please the owner for a long time. In fact, such a company deals with the problem of "general" selection of a car, convinces the buyer to take what will be beneficial to him, doing work that he did not do for himself.

    How long or short, but the car has been selected and agreed. The next stage is inspection and diagnostics. For the client, the "specialist" usually arranges a whole performance with measuring the thickness of the paintwork on different elements and a careful examination, and sometimes it works - it is possible to reject the broken cars. However, if you just take a closer look at them, you can often see that something is wrong with the car: different shine on the elements, traces of paint, traces of parts removed, inaccurate assembly ... If you sold a car at least once in your life , then you probably know how "accurate" the diagnostics of the majority of "big specialists" are, and here it will not be much more accurate. Of course, our "specialist" usually has a familiar service - normal, without additional diagnostic tools, but the car will be checked there. How detailed - I have already described above. All problems that the service does not notice will go to the buyer along with the new car. But on the other hand, at this stage there is an intensive trade with the seller, and here even a misdiagnosed damage to the paintwork and any scratch or smudge found are a good reason to bring down the price.

    And, of course, the package of services includes checking the legal cleanliness of the car, checking for and the absence of restrictions on registration actions. However, this is not as scary as it seems, and in fact, if the purchase and sale agreement is signed at the traffic police department, when the documents have already been accepted, then the risk is minimal.

    If you look at the activities of the "assistant" sensibly, you can see that he will choose the car, but not the fact that the optimal one. Most likely, she will be without serious legal problems and not a bat. The mechanical part remains a big question, as well as the best price / quality ratio. Perhaps they will even bargain for you, and the difference in price will exceed the cost of the service. But it goes without saying that this kind of assistance does not and cannot guarantee anything. This kind of service is more or less convenient when choosing a reliable car for a buyer from another city, for those who do not have time for calls and inspections and those who do not like to bargain. In fact, this is just the same "advanced friend" from the classic option for choosing a car, but whether it is worth paying several tens of thousands of rubles for such a service is a big question. And where the great reviews come from - I think you guessed it yourself. After all, someone will always be satisfied with the car, a purely statistically solid part of the customers will receive a car that will travel for several years without any problems. And the negative will be lost somewhere in the wilds of the Internet.

    So which is better?

    If you want serious legal guarantees, look for a service that specializes in the selection of cars with a serious check and a good service contract. It will not be cheap, but they will take 90% of the risk when choosing a car on the secondary housing. But "assistants" without specialization in specific machines will only make the search process more comfortable and will help avoid some trivial mistakes, but such a service should not be too expensive. You can improve the result by combining their efforts: sending only cars already selected by such a "paid assistant" to specialized services for a serious check. But this option also does not pull on the "golden mean", especially when it comes to an inexpensive car with a price of less than five hundred thousand rubles.

    Nevertheless, I would not like to end the story on such a negative note and limit myself to stating that the cheap is not good, and that without knowledge in a particular area, you will have to pay money to those who have this knowledge (or to those who make you think that they are). Perhaps I will remind you that in the huge "world wide web" there are bases for checking a car for legal purity and a variety of resources dedicated to specific brands and models, and there is often an FAQ - a manual for choosing a specific car model. It is not so difficult to find it, but it is even easier to read.

    By the way, it is even better if you manage to find a fan of the desired model - you can often agree with them about viewing the car "for ideological reasons" and find out their opinion on several vending ads. At the same time, you can see the so-called "club" cars sold there, on the forums, where there are always a lot of critics who know what they are talking about. This approach is especially valuable for rare cars.

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