Home Engine How to protect a car from hail with improvised means. How to protect your car from hail Protecting your car from hail

How to protect a car from hail with improvised means. How to protect your car from hail Protecting your car from hail

Over the past 4 years on the anti-hail market nothing new has appeared.

At the heart of the usual packaging film 60 microns thick, sewn from 2 pieces 1.2 meters wide into a single piece 5.2 meters long.

This film has always been used to wrap furniture.

When pressed, such a film breaks. This tape was nicknamed - "Antistress".A person can easily "relieve stress" by popping bubbles.

This film was packed in a beautiful bag and glued on a red sign "Antigrad"

The price of such a film is 8 rubles / m2.

It is very easy to come up with an arithmetic solution; 2.4x5.2m is 12.48m2.

This is the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe “blanket.” Multiply 12.48x8 rubles = 99.84 rubles

The price of this "product" is 99 rubles, 84 kop.

To you, Dear Customers, they sell it for 1100 rubles, and in some stores up to 1600 rubles.

This product is packed in a PVC bag or backpack.

A PVC bag is much more expensive than the film itself.

The buyer is deceived three times.

The word "Antigrad" - in meaning and content, reflects the essence of this "product", that is, protection from hail. The buyer buys a bag and the inscription "Antigrad" for 1100 rubles, and uses the film for its intended purpose, that is, covers the car.

This product cannot be secured and held in strong gusty winds on a vehicle. The straps used to attach to the vehicle are not designed to be secured to the vehicle. In a strong wind, this "cape" rips off, tears and it flies off to neighboring cars. There will be no benefit from such protection.

Such a “cape” looks like a mockery of the Buyer. A person unknowingly buys something that will not be useful to him and will not help in the event of even the smallest hail falling out.

"Dear" makers of "Cape Miracle" you have succeeded in your invention.

In 2014, in the wake of the general excitement, People bought everything that looked like some kind of understandable protection for their Beloved Car.

Now it is 2018 and the "miracle of the cape" is still successfully produced and sold in the markets, in stores, on websites.

Many have never used it, but they still believe and hope that it will help. No, and again no will not help!

The best car protection is the garage.

Even a polycarbonate canopy does not guarantee protection from hail.

Check it out! If you are offered an anti-hail cape made of bubble wrap, pleaseTest it for strength by pressing your finger on the air bubble.If the air bubble bursts, this film will not protect the car from hail.

About inflatable anti-hail coverings

Anti-hail capes (covers) from the manufacturer Polymir LLC, Stavropol

Need a decent hail protection for your car?

Then, Dear Customers, you need another protection!

Reliable, durable, blue.

  • Film thickness 300 microns
  • Very tear resistant.
  • When pressed, air bubbles do not burst.
  • The thickness of one layer is 5mm.
  • You can walk on the film with your shoes on. Tested.
  • Color-blue

The film is sewn in 2-3 layers and a "sandwich" is obtained from the air.

Along the edge, the film is sheathed with a backpack strap (very tear-resistant).

There is an additional layer of air under the layers of foil with air bubbles. It also helps and creates protection against hail.


1 layer - 5mm;

2 layers - 10mm;

3 layers - 15mm, etc.

We will make any Anti-hail protection for your car.

Thickness (number of layers) matters.

Dear Customers, if you are frightened by the size of the future hail and the possible consequences - Anti-hail protection must be worthy!

Thickness of anti-hail cover or anti-hail cape to protect the car from a large hail it cannot be small.

Only multi-layered protection will allow you to extinguish the energy of the falling hail.

The size of the hail is destructive. The larger, the more destructive.

The degree of protection against hail depends on the thickness (number of layers) of the Anti-hail cover (ACh), Anti-hail cape (AN):

1 ply Is a protection against small hail.

2 ply- protection against hail the size of a pigeon's egg.

3 ply- protection against hail the size of a walnut.

4 ply- this is more than 2cm of air in layers and between layers.

5 ply- this is already armor.

If you have 1 layer AN- anti-hail cape or ACh-anti-hail cover, then you can very quickly cover the car with it, fix it with retaining devices to the wheel rims.

The set includes 2 elastic bands of the expander type with stretching, with 2 hooks on each elastic band. 4 attachment points for wheel rims.

This is the most reliable fixing of AN, ACh to the car.

Under the AN, ACh, you can additionally put mats or anything that can soften the force of impact from hail. Such a covering will preserve the structural integrity of the protection and the mats will not get wet and will not "fly away" in strong winds.

This 1-layer protection allows you to quickly cover the car and easily fold it into the trunk of the car after hail.

2-layer protection is everything is the same, only the top of the car is protected by 2 layers of film. It is a very decent car protection and also fits easily into the trunk of a car.

3-4 layer protection is the most reliable AN, ACh.

If you have a place to store such protection (since it will take up a lot of space) at work, at home, in the absence of a garage, covered parking.

If you are not confused by the size, then such protection will really protect your car from the largest hail.

Whoever needs armor can use 2 sets (3-layer protection and 2-layer protection).

Such a "Sandwich" will become the most reliable vehicle protection.

Dear Car Owners, we wish you to make a worthy choice.

If you have a car, you need good protection against hail!

The POLYMIR company is always reliable protection against hail for your car!

For the convenience of our Clients, we make measurements and sewing individual Anti-hail covers for the car.

It will take you 30 seconds to cover the car with the Anti-hail cape or cover.

Consider several options for the development of a hail situation:

1. The car is in an open guarded parking lot.

When leaving home or going on a business trip, we cover the car and securely fix the Anti-hail cover (cape) to the car using fasteners.The elastic bands with hooks will securely fix the Anti-hail protection to the car by the wheel rims.

2. The car is next to your job.

In case of worsening weather conditions, cover the car with Anti-hail protection and fix it with elastic bands and hooks for the wheel rims.

3. The car is in motion, you are in the car.

This is the most difficult moment, but it can also be foreseen:

It is best to stop and park so as not to interfere with other road users.

As a rule, when hail begins, all motorists try to cover the car with rugs, blankets, and drive under the trees.


1) Open the trunk, take out the Anti-hail cover (cape).

2) Put it on the hood of the car and fix it with rubber bands and hooks under the bumper for the car's rims.

3) Unfold, like a regular rug, fasten to the rear rims of the wheels of the car.

And quickly into the car.

To cover the car with an Anti-hail cape or a cover, you need 30-45 seconds.

After hail and rain, remove the anti-hail protection and put it in the trunk!

Anti-hail covers, capes made of Bubble film are compact, easy to fold, do not absorb moisture.

Prices for anti-hail capes (covers) see.


In our company, you can to order cover sewing under size

Alas, the weather loves to present unpleasant surprises lately. Somewhere there is a flood, and somewhere there is a hail of a hen's egg. Many, like us, simply sympathize with the victims by watching TV reports and do not think that this can happen to them.

And we did not think ... We were not ready for the fact that in Ryazan hail the size of a hen's egg could go ... rubles.

To prevent this from happening to you, we have prepared the following instructions based on an analysis of the situation and conversations with people who survived the hail.

The main thing what you want to pay attention to: Remember, Your life is worth more than the cost of the car... Do not leave the car or run out to protect it without taking measures for your own safety! So let's start with this.

Construction helmet, hat with earflaps in this situation will not look stupid. Hail, which leaves dents on a car, is capable of killing a person if it hits the head, but it leaves severe bruises on the body. Winter waterproof (because hail is often accompanied by rain) clothing (preferably sportswear, so as not to hinder movement) will be very useful. An umbrella does not save from hail, but only interferes.

If you are in the car

If you are eating and understand that hailstones are beginning, reduce your speed, assess in which direction the hailstones are moving and try to get away from it. Those. at the nearest intersection we turn 180 degrees and leave to seek shelter. It is not worth looking for a shelter right in the direction of travel - for sure it is already occupied by other motorists.

Closest to an ideal hideaway are the petrol station awnings. Escaping under bridges / overpasses and in tunnels, remember that you are violating traffic rules and can provoke an accident. The ban on stopping in these places was introduced for a reason. While fleeing, do not block the passage of other vehicles, it may be necessary to pass to save someone's life.

Escaping under the trees is an extremely dubious option. Trees, of course, extinguish the energy of a flying "projectile", but under the influence of the wind they can break. And instead of a bunch of small dents, you will get a large one, possibly with damage to the power elements.

Avoid dubious polycarbonate structures - it will not help.

Auto rescue from hail

If there is no way to leave the hail zone and no refuge has been found, then it is necessary to stop. Inspection of the victims' cars shows that the car in motion is more severely damaged. We remember physics about speeds and impulses.

We remind, starting to rescue - protect yourself... If there is no headgear in the car, then we make it ourselves from the seat headrest cover and lining it with something airy (crumpled newspapers, bags, etc.). It's better to look stupid than dead.

In a critical situation like this, it is difficult to think. If you put a saucepan on your head and start knocking on it, then you won't even add 2 + 2. In the car under the hail, the sensations are the same. Therefore, we will immediately indicate what to save and how to save a car from hail.

First of all, it is necessary to save the roof and other non-removable elements. The hood and trunk lid can be changed and, accordingly, we save them, if only we have something. With what? A picnic blanket from large ice floes will help little. We use it last. We protect the roof with rubber mats from the passenger compartment. Forgot about them? So the majority of those surveyed by us also forgot about their presence. But in vain. This is the best remedy. Next, we start up the hood insulation and the trunk lining. They are dense enough and will help. Do not waste time on seat covers, as a rule, they are very well fixed and you will take them off more than once, especially if you do not have the opportunity to go outside. Remember, in a tilted position in the doorway, you can get a strong blow to the spine.

Saving the glass of the car is the last thing. Replacing the glass costs 3 thousand rubles. Repair of one body panel with painting from 5 thousand rubles. It is only worth saving the glass so that water does not get into the cabin and then you do not have to dry-clean the cabin.

That's it, that's all. We will cover the topic of repair in the next review.

You can tell your thoughts and methods of protection in the comments.

What should a motorist do if an encounter with hail is inevitable? Reasonable "road lovers" will say that the first step is to seek shelter, any solid structures, bridges, canopies of gas stations or supermarkets will do. And what about those who are caught by bad weather on the track? What to do in this case? Here are some practical tips to save your beloved and dear car.
Situation 1- "Hail in the" open field ". Yes, indeed, the situation is unpleasant. If bad weather caught a motorist in an open area, then you should rely only on yourself and your thriftiness. Rubber mats can be used as improvised protective materials, they will soften the blows of hailstones. A plastic pallet, which many have in the trunk, will also help to save the car. Fabric rugs in such a situation are bad helpers, since the first gust of strong wind will blow them away. However, if you fix them, for example, with bands with rubber inserts and hooks, you can minimize the damage caused by the elements. An air mattress can also protect the car, however, firstly, you must have a compressor that works from a cigarette lighter in the kit, and secondly, you still have to run in the rain.

Situation 2- "Grad found near the trees." It seems to many that having driven a car under a tree you can not worry, but let's face it - not every tree will become a faithful protector. Only a strong tree with hard wood can simplify the situation, hiding a car behind it will soften the blow of hailstones, however, even this method is effective only in a headwind. Don't hide under trees with soft, thin branches. In a strong gust of wind, fragile branches will fly along with the hailstones to the car, which will cause even more trouble. An important point: do not cover the car with a cotton blanket, as it gets wet quickly, adheres tightly to the roof of the car and thus "helps" to deform the body.

Situation 3- "The city is" in motion ". When it is raining with hail, it is mandatory to stop the car! Look around (if, of course, it is possible) and look for cover, if there is nothing suitable nearby, push closer to the side of the road, however, do not forget that during the pouring rain, the edges of the road can blur. Do not drive into areas where hailstones have accumulated, you may lose control of the vehicle.
Before a long trip, check the contents of the trunk, mark the location of gas stations, shops, campgrounds, etc. on the map. By the way, it was noticed that the average duration of hail is about 6 minutes, in rare cases, the "freezing rain" can last about 15 minutes.

How to protect your car if an encounter with hail is imminent? This question torments more than one motorist. The most sensible ones will say - look for a shelter (service stations, bridges, any solid structures where you can drive a car, even visors in supermarket and gas station parking lots). But, we all know - such an opportunity does not always happen. And so, some of us find ourselves on the track, where only roadside trees can serve as the closest shelter. What to do in such a situation?

Situation "Clear Field".

Here you will have to rely only on yourself and your thrifty. As improvised means, rugs, preferably rubber (the ones that are underfoot), can be suitable. They will soften the blows of the hailstones at least a little. Also, by the way, there will be a plastic pallet in the trunk, which most people have.

Important: if there is no pallet and there are only fabric rugs, without fixing they will be useless, since they can be blown away by the wind. Therefore, across to each rug in 2 places, it is necessary to attach tapes with rubber inserts and hooks so that, after laying everything on the car, through the interior, as well as under the hood and under the trunk lid, stretch these tapes and fix them with the mat on the back side. In extreme cases, long ropes are also suitable - press them against the roof rugs and secure them with doors. The salvation is small, but the damage will help to minimize.

The situation is “near the trees”.

Everything is simpler and more complicated at the same time. It would seem that if you drive a car under a tree (especially a large one), then its branches will close your car from hail. But not everything is so simple. Not every tree will help you. But it can hurt easily. If the branches of the tree are soft or thin, then they will fly to the roof of your car along with hailstones and will only add to the hassle. If the tree has dense, hard wood, and you hide your car behind it (that is, you close it from the headwind), then it really can simplify the situation a little. But, only with a headwind.

Important: you cannot cover the car with a cotton blanket - it gets wet, adheres well to the body and helps the hailstones to deform the metal.

If hail catches you in motion, stop. However, first look around (if visibility allows), if there is any shelter nearby (bridges, flyovers, garages, covered parking lots). If there is no suitable shelter nearby, make sure you are not in the middle of the road and, if possible, cuddle closer to its edge. However, it should be borne in mind that going to the side of the road (especially to the lowland) is dangerous, because it can be washed out by intense precipitation. Also, do not drive into hailstones where the vehicle could lose control.

And so that the tricky weather does not catch you by surprise, before leaving (especially over long distances), check the contents of the trunk, and also check the map for the presence of gas stations, campgrounds, hundreds, supermarkets along the way and write down their location. In addition, an air mattress in the trunk and a compressor powered by a cigarette lighter will also come in handy. But, here you have to run under the hail yourself.

And remember that the average duration of hail is about 6 minutes, and very rarely it lasts longer than 15 minutes.

Good weather and cheerful mood to you. Your m2motors :-)

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