Home Locks What document is used to give the car from the car parking lot. What to do if the car was evacuated. What the legislation says

What document is used to give the car from the car parking lot. What to do if the car was evacuated. What the legislation says

At the moment, it is difficult to imagine movement in space without a car. As a result, there are more and more cars, and less and less space. There are more and more incidents of vehicle seizures, after which the question arises: "How to pick up a car from a parking lot without insurance?" Indeed, today more and more parking spaces are fenced off. Or it is done by private traders who buy the site and drive in a road sign that blocks all possible vehicle maneuvers. Or the state does it, explaining it as an allegedly useful act for society.


Of course, drivers must control the whole situation, because it seems that they did not notice any sign by accident, but walked away for 10 minutes on business, as soon as you come, but there is no vehicle at all. Here the commotion immediately begins. Then the question arises: "How to find out to which impoundment site the car was taken?" We will consider this in more detail below. This can happen to anyone, and everyone should be prepared for it.


To begin with, it is worth knowing for what reasons your vehicle may be evacuated.

  • If the driver does not have the necessary documents, such as a driver's license that allows driving a car, a compulsory insurance policy, registration of a vehicle. This category of violation is quite serious and entails significant problems.
  • Driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. In the Russian Federation, the permissible share of ethyl alcohol in the blood is 0.16 ppm. After a traffic police officer detects an alcohol content above the norm, a medical examination takes place, a protocol is drawn up, a driver's license is revoked and, at the end, the vehicle is confiscated. After that, upon the expiration of the term, the fine is paid, as well as the payment of the parking lot.
  • When stopping or parking the car in prohibited places: in tunnels, at railway crossings and tramways, at pedestrian crossings, under prohibitory signs, in places for people with disabilities, unless, of course, you are one.
  • Transportation of goods that do not meet the standards or in the absence of a transportation permit.

Vehicle search

You are now familiar with an extensive list of reasons why your vehicle may be evacuated. Now it is worth drawing up a further action plan. First of all, people ask the question: "How do you know which parking lot the car was taken to?" The answer is not too complicated.

You should just call the police. They will require you to indicate the model and make of the car, its serial numbers and the intended place of evacuation of your vehicle. After reporting all the necessary information, the operator looks at the database. In conclusion, he notifies you of the location of your car (if it is suspected that your car is stolen, then I will tell you about this and accept a statement), information will also be delivered about the possible reason for the evacuation of the car to the parking lot. With the operator, you can also clarify a plan of action for extracting your "brainchild" from imprisonment. But the bitterness is that usually all information is processed only for a few hours and the database has not been updated yet. For residents of large cities, there is a dispatch service that will gladly inform you of all the details. The line works around the clock and as quickly as possible updates information about the detained and evacuated vehicles at the Moscow car parking lots. There is also an option to use the Moscow Parking mobile application.

So, the panic has subsided a bit, and you already know the location of your vehicle. The first part of the question: "They took the car to the impound and what to do?" - you have already answered. But we should go further, because more than half of the actions have not yet been completed.


All legal actions in our state are carried out in the presence of certain documents. As a result, it is better to know in advance what documents are needed and how to pick up the car from the parking lot, and at the same time save a lot of time in such a difficult process.

The car owner must have with him:

  • Passport or other legal document that proves your identity.
  • Car documents confirming that you are the owner of the vehicle.
  • Driver's license.
  • Vehicle registration certificate.
  • Compulsory insurance policy.

The most interesting thing begins when the question arises: "How to pick up a car from a parking lot without insurance?" Indeed, many motorists consider it unnecessary to issue OSAGO and even more CASCO. They don't really care about fines for driving without this document. For them, the decisive factor is the amount of money transferred to insurance companies each year. But, unfortunately, in the list above, there is a compulsory insurance policy, so the process of returning a vehicle is impossible without this document. To avoid further problems, it should be done as quickly as possible.

Now you know how to pick up a car from an impound parking lot, it is impossible without insurance.

Documents left in the car, action plan

The situation, which is no less difficult for many motorists, is when all the necessary documents remain in the car. From a legal point of view, only the owner or a person who has the right to drive a car (that is, entered in the insurance policy) has the right to return the “waste paper” from a detained vehicle. Based on this, it is worth considering whether the car will be returned from the car park without insurance. Draw your own conclusions. Therefore, you must first go to the place where your car was evacuated and pick up all the proper documents from it (the vehicle is printed before your eyes, and then the opposite action is taken). After that, send to the traffic police department, whose employees were present at the place where the car was detained and drew up protocols on this case.

Work of a traffic police officer

It is a little worth deviating in the legal direction, because often law enforcement officers make mistakes in the registration process. Here is an example of a correct action plan for people to execute. Indications such as:

  • identification of technical problems in the car;
  • the reason for the fine and further evacuation to the car parking lot;
  • technical features;
  • a service that transports the car to the place where the owner will pick it up.

If the protocol is drawn up incorrectly, it loses its legal force.

Getting permission

The next step in deciding what to do if you took your car to the parking lot will be to obtain permission to return your vehicle. To do this, you should apply with all documents: proving your identity, for a car and the right to drive - to the traffic police department, present at the confiscation of the vehicle and carrying out paperwork. Here you will be given a copy of the protocol made by the police officer when the car was detained.

To the question: "How to pick up a car from an impound parking lot without insurance?" - the department will answer you clearly and clearly, namely: “Go, my friend, take out insurance. Yes, and for her absence, here's an additional fine for you ”.


The next step is to pay the fine at the bank. To do this, you must know the necessary details for the transfer of funds. Then you return to the traffic police department with the receipt, present the document, and you will be given permission to receive the vehicle.

After visiting this place, you go to the Moscow impound (in the given case). Already on the spot, you present a copy of the protocol and the necessary documents (all of the above). Then the payment for the evacuation takes place, as well as the payment of the parking lot, if the car was on it for more than a day.


We took the car to the parking lot, what should I do? Don't panic right away. You need to understand that the whole process will take a whole day at best. You can easily forget about your plans, because the main goal is to pick up the car. The article contains a template algorithm of the necessary actions, slightly brightened up for ease of reading. It does not mention the problems of finding the right places in another car throughout the city (you will be lucky if the house, the traffic police department, and the impound parking lot are nearby). Also, do not forget about material costs. Yes, the stay of a vehicle for a day is free, and you only have to pay for transportation (if you do not take into account the fine itself), but is it possible to collect all the documents, go several times both to the traffic police and to the impoundment parking lot in one day? Most probably not. Especially if the events take place with the parking lots in Moscow.

So it is better to look a hundred times in different directions and make sure that there are no prohibition signs and plates and only after that park the car. And the final word will be to dispel the myth about the polis. You will not be given a car from an impound parking lot without insurance.

For any car owner in a big city, the question of how to pick up a car from an impound parking lot is quite relevant. The small number of parking spaces leads to the fact that sometimes it is necessary to violate the parking rules in the city. As a result, it is highly likely that your vehicle will be evacuated. Let us consider in detail all the actions, rules and everything that needs to be done in order to return the car from the impound.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, they can be taken to a parking lot for a large number of reasons.

The most common ones are:

  • violation of parking rules;
  • driving a machine without proper documents;
  • lack of documents for the vehicle;
  • serious malfunction of the car in the steering or braking system, which can lead to an accident;
  • transportation of prohibited or dangerous goods not according to the rules;
  • management after drinking alcohol, etc.

A complete list of reasons why a tow truck can pick up your car is presented in article 27.12 of the Administrative Code.

If you came to the parking lot and did not find your car, then first of all you need to find out at which parking lot it is located.

It is necessary to contact the traffic police department, but for this you must have all the documents for the vehicle. The sooner you contact, the sooner it will be possible to draw up all the necessary papers to return the car. You can find out the required traffic police department by calling 02.
Car evacuation

A situation often happens when the car is evacuated to the parking lot, and all documents remain in it. In this case, you will have to find out from the traffic police to which parking lot the car was evacuated, go there, pick up the papers and return to the traffic police. It must be remembered that the opening of the car, the seizure of papers and the re-sealing at the parking lot must be recorded.

How to pick up a car from the impound

In order to pick up a car from a car parking lot, you must obtain an appropriate permit from the traffic police. You can get the paper by paying a fine according to the law.

The inspector will issue a notification that allows you to pick up the car. Since various documents may be required at the impound, it is recommended to take with you:

  • permission of the traffic police to return the car to you;
  • all papers that confirm your right to a car;
  • insurance policy CTP or CASCO.

If the car is not taken by the owner, then a notarized power of attorney will also be required. you will have to pay not only a fine, but also the costs of a tow truck and car storage .

Who has the right to pick up the car from the impound

Evacuation of a vehicle to a car parking lot

According to the law, the following persons have the right to pick up the vehicle from the impoundment:

  • car owner;
  • authorized person (it is necessary to have a notarized power of attorney for the right of return).

If for some reason you are refused to return the vehicle, you must require a written explanation. As a rule, this situation can arise if the power of attorney is in doubt. ... Without additional registration of a new power of attorney, persons who have the right to drive this vehicle can pick up the car.

How much does it cost to return the car from the impound

As already noted, in order to return the car from the parking lot, you will have to pay in full and the fine from the traffic police inspector for traffic violations, but also the cost of evacuating and storing the car.

There is no single uniform tariff in the country, in many respects the cost is formed depending on the type of vehicle and the cost of its maintenance. Unlike a fine, it will not be possible to pick up a car without paying for parking services, so before the trip it is better to clarify the size in advance and take the required amount with you.

It is important to know that for the first two days the car can be parked absolutely free of charge. If, during the return of the vehicle during this period, you are required to pay maintenance costs, then you should contact the traffic police inspector and report violations of the law.

The approximate cost of returning a car from a car parking lot can be found in the table below.

If you do not pick up the car from the impoundment: the consequences

There are times when the car is taken to the parking lot, but the owner does not come for it. Most often this happens if the owner is not in the city and does not even know that his car was evacuated. Despite the fact that the traffic police notifies about violations and the fact of evacuation, many drivers find out about this much later due to the fact that the place of registration does not coincide with the actual place of residence. What happens in this situation? Theoretically, the period of storage and keeping in the parking lot is not limited by law. Debt will constantly accumulate, which in the future must be paid without fail.

If the debt has reached the actual value of the car itself, then such a vehicle is either sold or disposed of. In a situation where the driver also did not pay the fine for the violation, then it is possible to apply a sanction and a ban on leaving the country.

Table of the cost of evacuation and car storage

The cost of tow truck services, including the maintenance at the impoundment parking lot, largely depends on the actual engine power and the weight of the car.

Consider the approximate cost of evacuation to a parking lot

The cost of keeping the car in the parking lot, depending on the capacity

These figures are national averages. The cost can be either higher or lower, depending on the region and decisions of local governments.

It should also be borne in mind that according to the law, payment is made for a full day, that is, if the car is in the parking lot for 4 days and 5 hours, you will have to pay for five days.

What you need to know if your car has been evacuated

There are some points that traffic police officers or employees of the impoundment parking lot do not often talk about. These rules will help not only save your own money, but also not become a victim of dishonest persons:

  • if there is a person in the car, then the evacuation service does not have the right to take the car to an impound parking lot. Thus, if you see that they want to evacuate the vehicle, but you yourself are inside, they will not be able to do it. However, such a driver is threatened with punishment for violation of the administrative order;
  • They also do not have the right to pick up the car at the impoundment without the permission of the driver in his presence. As in the first case, if the driver does not agree, and the actions of the inspector are justified, then punishment threatens;
  • in 2017, concessions were introduced, which allow picking up from the parking lot on the first day without paying a fine. This is especially true for those drivers who have been fined a large amount. The debt must be paid within a month, otherwise penalties will be charged;
  • what to do if the compulsory motor third party liability policy has ended, and the car was taken to the car parking lot? Drivers often face a similar problem. It must be understood that driving a car without this document is a violation of the law. However, there are some nuances. If the CTP policy expired less than a month ago, then by law it is still valid and you can return the car. If the term has passed a long time ago, then you must first issue a new policy. The penalty station can return the car without a document, but it will not be possible to drive it.

Is it possible to unauthorized pick up a car from the impound

Many car owners believe that it is possible to simply pick up the evacuated car without authorization without paying fines and services. The first thing to remember that any impounding station is a private protected property, entering the territory of which without the appropriate permission is a serious violation of the law.

Unauthorized removal of a car from a parking lot without an appropriate permit may be qualified as arbitrariness. This violation involves a fine of up to 80 thousand rubles, compulsory work up to 480 hours, and in some cases - up to two years of imprisonment.

Procedure if the car was sent to the impound

If, during the unauthorized withdrawal, violence was used or threats were made against company employees, the punishment will be much more serious.

Therefore, this method is strongly discouraged. To date, the relaxation of the law allows you to calmly, quickly and without paying a fine to pick up your car in a couple of hours.

If the vehicle is damaged during the evacuation

Often, car owners notice damage after returning. There are several rules that will allow you to avoid self-repair, as well as generally help in communicating with the employees of the parking lot.

If the evacuation of the car takes place with you, then it is imperative that you require detailed information on the technical condition of the car at the time of removal in an insistent form. In the future, this protocol is a guarantee that in the event that employees accidentally damage your car, the repair costs can be compensated. All details must be entered in the offense report , indicate in detail the presence of existing scratches, chips or dents, if the car is completely intact, then this information should also be added. If the car has additional accessories, tuning, etc. also seek to ensure that this is indicated in the protocol.

If the car was taken away without your knowledge? In such a situation, difficulties arise in obtaining compensation, since most of the insurance companies refuse to compensate for damage, indicating that this does not fall under the insured event. As a rule, evacuation staff also avoid responsibility. , and due to the lack of a protocol, it is possible to prove that it was they who caused the damage only in court.

Video on the topic

For this, it is necessary, relying on Article 1064 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, to claim compensation for damage in full. You can use dated photographs, filming from a DVR camera, etc. Any materials that prove that the damage was caused by the company's employees.

Exceptions are cases when, due to the misconduct of the driver himself, the car has been damaged. For example, if the steering wheel was completely turned out, then the wings of the car are guaranteed to be damaged.


All of the above information will allow you to return your own car as quickly and easily as possible from the parking lot without additional red tape. The main thing to remember is that the faster, the cheaper the whole process will cost.

When faced with theft of a car at a parking lot, the owner of the car immediately asks many questions. And if this happens for the first time, then the question of "rescuing" the iron friend can generally plunge into a stupor. Scroll basic questions, the answers to which any car enthusiast should know, is as follows.

What documents are needed in order to return the car

The list of documents before traveling to the impoundment station needs to be prepared as follows:

  • A certificate from the traffic police permitting the issuance of the car (before going to the parking lot, you must first visit the traffic police department and pay the fine, after which permission will be obtained);
  • Driver's license and rights to own a car, or a power of attorney for a car from the owner of the car (in case the owner is not the owner of the car);
  • Car insurance policy OSAGO.

IMPORTANT: in 2016 in the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation amended, according to which it is possible to pick up a car from a parking lot without paying for the services of a tow truck and an administrative fine. You can pay the fine and other expenses within 60 days after the report on the arrest of the car was drawn up.

How much does it cost to pick up a car from the impound

For each region are set your rates to find the car in the parking lot. They depend on its power and the maximum permitted weight. The average prices for tow truck services and the cost of parking per day (respectively) are as follows:

  • Categories A, B (up to 80 hp) - 3000 rub. and 500 p.;
  • Category B (from 80 to 250 hp) - 5000 rubles. and 1000 p.;
  • Category C (more than 250 hp) - 7000 rubles. and 2000 rubles;
  • Category D (cargo vehicles) - 27,000 rubles. and 3000r.

ATTENTION: on the first day the car can be picked up from the parking lot free of charge, after that the fee will be charged according to the tariff.


To start returning the car to the owner, you must complete the following actions:

  • Eliminate the reason why the car was withdrawn (extend an expired insurance policy, return for a license, etc.). A complete list of violations is given in Art. 27.13 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Get a car arrest report. Issued by the inspector who filled out the document at the scene of the offense. If the protocol was drawn up in the absence of the driver, then all the information must be found out at the nearest traffic police department.
  • Obtain written permission to buy a car from a parking lot. Issued by a traffic police inspector after paying a fine.

Redemption of the vehicle from the parking lot

Who has the right to pick up the car. The owner of the car or another person, if he has a driver's license and a power of attorney for this car, has the right to pick up the car from the impound parking lot.

In which Times of Day you can take the car out of the parking lot.

The working hours of the parking lot can be clarified by calling the city vehicle evacuation service. As a rule, the parking lot has a standard opening hours, and you can pick up the car on weekdays during working hours (Saturday is usually a shortened day).

Is it possible not to pick up the car from the parking lot (what could be the consequences)

There are times when the owner does not want to pick up his car from the impoundment for certain reasons (for example, if the car was badly damaged before in an accident, cannot be repaired, etc.). The consequences of this neglect are as follows:

  • Only on the first day will the parking be free, in the future the fee will be charged;
  • The more time the car spends in the parking lot, the more the owner will have to pay.
  • If payment is refused, the case may go to court, and the entire amount of the debt will be collected from the owner of the car in court.

Some owners of parking lots establish their own rules, according to which, if the amount of debt becomes equal to the value of the car, they can pick it up or dispose of it.

How to pick up a car from a parking lot in various cases

The car ends up in the impoundment parking lot as a result of a combination of various circumstances, and therefore often the drivers have questions about how to act in such cases. For example, the car was arrested after a drunk driving or the owner is unable to come for his vehicle. The legislation provided for answers to the most difficult questions of motorists.

No car owner

Changes concerning this issue were made to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation in 2014, and these amendments are valid throughout the territory of the Russian Federation. Previously, only a person who had a power of attorney to drive a particular vehicle could pick up a car from a parking lot. Now the procedure has become easier, and you can return the car without owner, i.e. any person who has the right to drive this car and if it is entered in the OSAGO policy, or has a power of attorney.

Without payment

After a forced evacuation, a car can legally be in the penalty parking for free one day... The car owner will still have to pay for evacuation to the parking lot. It's another matter if the car was evacuated illegally, without anyone being seen.

Then the illegality of the evacuation will have to be proven in court, and it is possible to achieve cancellation of the payment. But, as practice shows, such proceedings rarely end in favor of the owner of the car.

Also, the car can now be picked up without payment fines, tow truck services and time spent in the parking lot, i.e. absolutely free. The corresponding amendments were made to Article 27.13 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation (Law No. 205-FZ of 23.06.2016). Payment can be made within 60 days after the infringement order has been issued.

Without insurance

The insurance policy is included in the list of mandatory documents for releasing a car from arrest. However, the policy is not the primary document required for the removal of the car from the parking lot. Therefore, the owners of the parking lot are obliged to release the car and return it to the owner if he has driver's license and title.

IMPORTANT: for driving with an expired insurance policy or in its absence, a fine of 800 rubles is issued. Evacuation to the impoundment parking lot for lack of a policy is illegal.

Without power of attorney

According to the latest changes in the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, in order to pick up a car after a forced evacuation, a person (not the owner of the car) does not need to have a power of attorney with him. It will be enough to have a driver's license, Title and CTP policy, where the person picking up the car will be entered.

After an accident

Unfortunately, no one is insured against an accident, and sometimes, after an unpleasant incident, a car is evacuated to a parking lot. You can return the car to yourself by providing the necessary documents (license, title, OSAGO policy), and pay the fine within two months.

If the car is badly damaged as a result of an accident or the driver is deprived of the right to drive the vehicle, then you can take the car out of the parking lot using a tow truck. His services will be paid separately.

After drinking

Drunk driving is a serious offense and responsibility for it is provided for by Art. 12.8 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. Previously, for drunk driving, the driver was suspended from driving, and the owner of the car or a confidant could pick up the car from the parking lot, and until the verdict was pronounced, the offender was allowed to drive.

Due to the latest amendments to the Administrative Code, it is possible to pick up the car from the parking lot only after paying a deposit in the amount of 30,000 rubles... After the payment, the traffic police inspector gives permission to free the car.

In what cases can they refuse to issue a car, actions of the car owner

Refuse to issue a car from a parking lot in the following cases:

  • In the absence of the necessary documents (driver's license, PTS, permission of the traffic police inspector);
  • If the owner came for the car drunk;
  • If a person who does not have the right to drive the vehicle wants to pick up the car (without a power of attorney and is not included in the OSAGO policy);
  • Without paying bail after being drunk, etc.

The owner of the car, in case of refusal to issue a car, needs find out the reason refusal and try to settle the situation by fulfilling the requirements of the parking lot owners. Of course, the requirements must be legally justified, and if the car owner has doubts about their legality, you need to contact the traffic police department for explanations.

A car hitting a parking lot is an annoying situation from which not a single car owner is insured. In this case, it is important to remain calm and comply with the law, and in the future to be more careful in order to prevent a recurrence of the incident.

Useful video

Here you can find out about the procedure for returning a car from a car parking lot:

When parking in the wrong place, be prepared for your car to be evacuated. It will be useful for every driver to learn how to pick up a car from an impound parking lot in Moscow in 2017. The procedure is carried out in a similar way in other cities.

What to do if the car was evacuated to the impound

This problem can be faced not only by a violator of parking rules, but also, for example, a driver who does not have a document with him that gives the right to drive a vehicle. In addition, an inspector can seize a car if he detects a malfunction in which movement is prohibited (in the steering or brake system).

We call the traffic police

The first thing that worries a citizen who has not found his car in the place left by him is where to look for it. Initially, it is worth finding out if an evacuation has occurred or if your car has been stolen.

To find out where to pick up a car from a car impoundment in Moscow in 2017, you should call the police (02) or directly to the evacuation service (+7 495 531-25-55) and clarify the answer to this question. Also, do not forget to find out which traffic police department is in charge of the area from which the transport was evacuated.

We pay the fine and get a certificate

Taking the documents for the vehicle with you, you should visit the traffic police department according to jurisdiction. Here you need to pay a fine and get a certificate that allows you to pick up the vehicle.

Before going to the impound, you should call and clarify the details. Perhaps, in a separate situation, it will be necessary to perform some other mandatory steps for the procedure adopted in a particular region.

We pick up the car from the impound

To pick up your car, you need to make sure that you have all the required documents:

  • permission to issue, obtained from the traffic police;
  • documents for the vehicle, certifying your right to own it;
  • CTP policy.

If a citizen who does not act as the owner will pick up the car from the impound parking lot in Moscow, you also need a power of attorney in his name.

If the documents are left in the salon

Quite often, a situation arises when the car was taken away along with the documents contained in it, which makes it difficult for the owner to prove his rights. It is clear that such a situation occurs if the evacuation takes place outside the presence of a citizen. In this case, the instructions on how to pick up a car from the impoundment parking lot looks a little different:

  • First of all, you need to find out what parking lot your car is in. It is enough to get the phones of the parking lots closest to the place of loss of the vehicle and call.
  • By contacting a specialist. parking lot should write an autopsy statement.
  • In the presence of an employee who fills out the protocol, the car is opened, from where you pick up the necessary papers.
  • The employee seals the car.

After this procedure, you need to proceed as described above.

If a car is threatened with evacuation in your presence, it is better to take all possible measures so that it is not taken to a specialized storage place. This will avoid unnecessary waste.

How to avoid evacuation

For example, if, when checking by an inspector, it turns out that you have forgotten your driver's license at home, you should deliver it for presentation yourself or with the help of relatives. For this you are entitled to a fine (800 rubles), but you will not be deprived of the vehicle.

In order not to have to pick up the car from the parking lot, indicate in the protocol that you are asking for a delay of one or two hours for the delivery of documents.

If you are detained driving a faulty car and are not allowed to drive, it is better to call a tow truck yourself and deliver the vehicle to your parking lot, garage or service station. It will cost a lot, but it will still result in less money. And, in addition, it will not require unnecessary loss of time to travel to offices and parking lots.

It is also worth remembering that transporting vehicles is not allowed if there is a person inside. If you stay inside, then you will not lose the car, but this threatens with responsibility for countering the traffic police or the police.

How to avoid a fine

We should also pay special attention to what is reflected in the protocol. This is a very important moment. After all, if there are inaccuracies in it or it is filled out with violations, then it can be declared invalid, which is why the fine issued on its basis is also canceled.

The most common mistakes are called the use of unsuitable special equipment for the evacuation of a car with an automatic transmission or with a low seating position. For such vehicles, it is necessary to use a special type of tow trucks.

It is also worth checking the malfunctions and visual characteristics described in the protocol. This will help to identify scratches or damage that the car received during the evacuation process, which is also important for the owner. Only after that you can pick up the car from the impound parking lot in Moscow.

Before picking up the car from the parking lot - pay the fine

Amount of penalties

It will not be possible to pick up a car from a car impoundment in Moscow without material costs. The driver will need to pay a fine for finding the car in the parking lot. Prices may vary slightly by city. The following rates are valid in Moscow today:

  • Motorcycles: 3 thousand rubles;
  • Cars up to 80 hp: 3 thousand rubles;
  • Cars up to 250 hp: 5 thousand rubles;
  • Vehicle over 250 hp: 7 thousand rubles;
  • Trucks: 27 thousand rubles.

In addition to this cost, which includes the cost of evacuation, the driver will need to pay for each day of downtime. Here, the cost can be, depending on the parking rates, from 500 rubles to 3 thousand. Therefore, you should hurry up and pick up the car from the parking lot in Moscow on the same day it was evacuated.

Video: How to pick up a car from a parking lot in Moscow


Evgeniya_Reg, well, of course, we are talking only about a solid line, you painted everything correctly.

That is, do you think you can try to appeal against penalties for their illegality?

Katya-K, I repeat, in the panorama the sign is installed in front of the adjacent territory parallel to the carriageway, and, accordingly, cannot apply to this FC.

Evgeniya_Reg, and, so you were fined ?! Were there no other prohibition signs? I would like to see a Yandex (Google) panorama of this place. And what exactly and for what were you charged?

So it is still to the left of the territory, and not to the right, where is the "parking")

It is to the left of the entrance to this territory, then the road went to the right, respectively, the sign just extends to the left side of it, where the Volga-volga car was located.


Very often they evacuate where cars DO NOT interfere with others ...

Here is such a la vie.

Good afternoon. My car was evacuated (Article 12.19, Part 2). Under the sign 6.4 with plate 8.17 there was a car according to the rules, I stood in front of it. There are no markings on the asphalt. Please tell me the coverage area of ​​the sign 6.4 from 8.17. I believed that in the absence of markings, one should not stand exactly under the sign. When I was picking up the car from the fine-parking lot, they explained to me that the coverage area is until the next sign. In general, there were 20 of these cars. I want to understand how to do it right so as not to get into such situations anymore.

Irina, Hello.

In this case, the sign is valid until it is canceled with the help of another road sign. Those. it does not mean one place for the disabled, but several.

Good luck on the road!

I left the car in my parking pocket, having just run over the curb (I was afraid that they would be hit from behind so as not to interfere with those leaving). The car was evacuated. In the protocol, parking on the sidewalk. Formally, I agree, but objectively, was evacuation required, especially since there was no tow truck sign

Milos, cars are evacuated from sidewalks regardless of whether there is an evacuation sign or not.

Good luck on the road!



Tell me, is it realistic to challenge the evacuation or am I wrong?

I went with my wife to visit my grandmother on Narodnaya 57. I drove in from Bolshevik Avenue and further in the courtyards, as in the diagram. I dropped off my wife with groceries at the right house. Scheme by reference

from the yard and stood in his pocket on the street. Narodnaya at the house of 59 building 1 (in the photo on the right is the same exit)

that it is prohibited to park on this day is located at the entrance to the pocket on the street. Narodnaya about 500 meters from the parking lot.

The car was evacuated.

At the parking lot they asked for a video confirming my route. Because I do not have a registrar, then "they cannot take my word for it." We have not heard of the presumption of innocence.

Can the evacuation be disputed or am I still wrong?

Vladimir, Hello.

1. You can try to challenge the specified fine. As a witness, you can involve your wife, who was traveling with you.

2. You can consider the issue from the point of view of why a duplicate sign is not installed on the indicated exit and write a complaint about this. However, as far as I understand, you were driving through a courtyard area where through driving is prohibited. So I'm not sure if the complaint will have any effect.

Good luck on the road!


I want to register


Hello. Such a situation, I left the car, looked, like there were no prohibition signs, two days later I came for it, it was evacuated, and there are signs prohibiting parking at odd numbers, there is no registrar, you can somehow find out when the signs were set, and there is is it possible to challenge the decision?

Natalia, Hello.

Try to get information about the date of installation of prohibitory signs in the traffic police. If they were installed after you left the car in the parking lot, then you can try to challenge the specified fine.

Good luck on the road!

Tell me, is it possible to challenge the fine and the evacuation of the car for incorrect lashing, if the copy of the fine does not contain two understandable ones, and are they required by law? Thanks in advance.

Denis, at present, the traffic police can use video recording instead of attracting attesting witnesses. You can appeal the fine, but if the absence of attesting witnesses is the only reason, then the probability of cancellation is small.

Good luck on the road!

I am disabled and there are signs on my car (front and back), if I put (accidentally, do not notice) cars under the parking-stop sign and a sign that cars will be evacuated to the parking lot from this place, my car will be evacuated or will only be discharged fine?


Good afternoon everyone.

Please tell me, we live with my wife and two children in a house with one exit. There is also one ramp for the descent with a sidecar. And some kind of bad aunt constantly blocks this ramp. Children of the weather. The stroller is long for two. When I'm at home, you can still go down the stairs, but my wife alone cannot cope. And because of some kind of bad and impudent aunt, the children stay at home.

What can be done in this case? Is it possible to call the traffic police? Are cars evacuated?

It just seems to me that such people need to be taught in rubles !! Since they have no brains at all.

That's what they are doing !?

Evgeny, Hello.

In this case, it is advisable to call the police, who will evacuate the vehicle.

The driver of the car violated clause 12.4 of the SDA:

12.4. Stopping is prohibited:

in places where the vehicle will block traffic signals, road signs from other drivers or make it impossible for other vehicles to move (enter or exit), or will interfere with the movement of pedestrians;

Good luck on the road!


Milos, cars are being evacuated from sidewalks, regardless of whether there is an evacuation sign or not.

a similar situation, but with several nuances: the arrangement of the sidewalk is not in accordance with GOST: the sidewalk is made in paving stones, the height of the curb and sidewalk is less than 3 cm, there is no markings (or not visible behind the mud). Thus, according to SDA 1.2, the definition of "sidewalk" and "shoulder" I intend to consider such a sidewalk as a shoulder. And what do you think??

And yet - if the parking is incorrect with a drive onto the sidewalk - I cannot find an article about MANDATORY evacuation. After all, the main situation for evacuation is "interferes with the rest of the road users (including pedestrians)." If an incorrectly parked car (on the sidewalk) is evacuated, then under what article ??


Parking on the sidewalk - part 3 of article 12.19 of the Administrative Code. Part 1 of Article 27.13 of the Administrative Code says that in case of violation of Part 3 of Article 12.19, the vehicle is detained, i.e. evacuation.

Good luck on the road!


Maxim, thank you for your opinion, it inspires optimism. Of course, you will have to prove it in court. There you still have to fight off money for the evacuation. thanks for clarifying about evacuation. Yes, unsubscribe.


I left my car in parking lot 1102, according to Yandex. The car was evacuated. Is it legal ?. Can road signs and parking areas contradict each other? Do prohibition signs apply to parking pockets if they are separated from the carriageway by a curb? Thank you!


Hello! Today I arrived at the hospital, but could not park, although I drove two circles around the nearest neighborhoods. I parked in the second row in the gap in the alley dividing the opposite lanes of the avenue. Everyone parks there too. There were still places in the gap for ... twenty cars. I left the hospital in 10 minutes, in front of my eyes the car was loaded with a tow truck. When asked to stop loading with payment of a fine, the traffic police inspector told me that they no longer have the right, tk. the camera filmed the wrong parking lot. We talked for another ten minutes about the lack of parking for hospital patients and about my several-minute absence. But he never gave the car to me, although the tow truck was standing next to me all this time. I had to drive on my own to the impound parking lot, pay for the evacuation and pick up the car. Question: can I now challenge the actions of the traffic police officer who did not give me the car from the tow truck. I have no video. In general, for the first time in 20 years of driving, I got into such a situation.

Leonid, Hello.

What is parking 1102? What do you mean by contradiction? Attach a photo of the described location, where the parking pocket is separated by a curb.

Evgeniya, Hello.

In the described situation, you needed to take a photo or video of the fact that the tow truck is still in place and the traffic police officer is also nearby.

As for the situation as a whole, you can try to challenge the actions of the traffic police officer. However, if there is no confirmation of your words, then the probability of success is not very high.

Good luck on the road!


Hello! I lost my driver's license, I had traffic fines, later I paid them off, but the bailiffs have interest left, will they be restored to me upon receipt of a duplicate?

Vyacheslav, Hello.

What exactly will be restored? Are the bailiffs in debt? Debts are tied to a person, not to rights, that is, they "hang" on you.


Dmtriy, if you can prove that there is no sidewalk in this place to the traffic police or the judge, then the fine will be canceled. If you decide to do this, then please report the results here.

Reporting results

in short: the court's decision on partial satisfaction of the complaint on the basis that the traffic police do not know how to properly draw up documents when the client does not agree (there is no evidence base, the client's arguments are not evaluated) .. Further - the traffic police order to revoke the offense ..

Summary: if there is an understanding of WHAT to write in the operative part of the resolution - you need to write !! This at least makes the head of the department or another person from the JSC GIBDD "according to the regulations" to get into the primer of the 185th order and others and, remembering the letters, unsubscribe for such disagreeable clients ... And they do STE badly.

A request to help with advice on the second part of the Marlezon ballet: now there is a car on hand, there is no penalty for illegal evacuation ... and there is a check from the fine parking lot of 4500 rubles for evacuation. Why did I pay for the evacuation right away ?? Because, in violation of law 27.13, they refused to give me a car without payment ... Considering that I won the case after 1.5 months ... well, you understand what the employees of the fines are counting on in such situations ... They have there and there is a cheap disassembly ... Now this campaign is legitimately not (it regularly changes its face), and I do not see any prospects of knocking money back from professional scammers. How to prove the truth, to sue the traffic police ??

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