Home Heating Where is the name Lucifer from? The story of Lucifer: who is he according to the Bible and why is he cast down from heaven. Who is Lucifer in the Bible

Where is the name Lucifer from? The story of Lucifer: who is he according to the Bible and why is he cast down from heaven. Who is Lucifer in the Bible

How does "lucifer" translate?

From Latin, the translation sounds like "to bring light." In the myths of the ancient Romans, he was personified with the image of the morning dawn, the morning star (the star of Lucifer is the planet Venus). The planet Venus was called Lucifer because it "carried light" when there was no sun (early in the morning and late in the evening). However, in the Christian religion, since about the seventeenth century, Lucifer is a fallen angel who was associated with unclean forces (the devil, Satan).

Interestingly, in the Roman Empire, the name Lucifer was carried by men. Its meaning was "shining, bringing light." There was even Saint Lucifer, a bishop who lived in the fourth century AD.

In the religion of Christians, Lucifer has a negative connotation. In one of the books, written in Hebrew, there is a legend about Lucifer. Allegedly, one angel wanted to be equal to God, for which he was “cast out” from heaven. So Lucifer became a "bad hero" who has many hypostases in the Bible.

  • It is believed that the serpent that invited Eve to taste the forbidden fruit is Lucifer.
  • Also, Satan, created by God and desiring to be on a par with the Creator, is the embodiment of Lucifer. Archangel Lucifer, like Archangel Michael, was called to protect Eden (paradise) from evil forces. But envy and pride shrouded all his thoughts. He even gathered all his angels to become the chief in heaven. But the archangels Gabriel and Michael did not allow this event to happen. Then Satan-Lucifer was expelled from heaven. Since then, Lucifer has been a demon. In general, Lucifer symbolizes evil, he wants to betray a person to temptation, spiritual death.
  • Lucifer was originally described in the Bible as an angel who was greatly loved by God. He was beautiful and majestic, bright and reasonable. Lucifer was perfection itself.

In Judaism and early Christianity there has not yet been an equating of the concepts of "morning star" (Dennitsa, if translated into Russian) and Satan.

In Satanism but (the teaching that opposes itself to Christianity) Lucifer combines freedom and pride, low and unspiritual knowledge. He is a demon and a devil.

The story of Lucifer has become interesting to many writers and directors. They took it as a basis in their works:

  • Larry Niven "The Hammer of Lucifer" (book).
  • Hubel Richard "The Code of Lucifer" (book).
  • Throne of Lucifer Danny Wilson (film).
  • Eremey Parnov "Throne of Lucifer" (book).
  • Dante's Divine Comedy. The author describes Lucifer as a creature that has frozen into the ice and has three mouths. He needs them in order to gnaw traitors - Judas, Brutus, Cassius.

Sign of Lucifer

There is the concept of "sigil of Lucifer". It means a certain symbol, consisting of figures and other signs. Sigil has mystical properties and power. Satanists, according to some reports, with its help can call the spirit of Lucifer, perform some kind of ritual. It is believed that in the sigil there is some kind of secret, a cipher. They can be names or directions.

  • "V" (victor from Latin - victory) is the symbol of Venus, the victory of the mind and spirit over the negative aspect of the god of darkness and regression.
  • Part of the inverted pentagram means "through thorns to the stars."
  • The triangle means the feminine, the feminized aspect of Lucifer, which gives life to all living things, because without light there is no life.
  • Outgoing triangles symbolize the masculine principle.
  • The cross and rhombus mean unity and illumination of the mind.

Lucifer in the Slavic-Aryan Vedas

Here is what is written about this image among the ancient Slavs.

Lucifer - "morning star", "light of Zephiroth". "Lu" means downward light, "qi" - energy, light, "fer" - sphere. There is a Hebrew legend about the morning star, which tried to cover the Sun with itself, but it did not succeed. She was enslaved.

The Slavs believed that the star Lucifer is actually the Earth Deya, around which Lutitia and Fatta (two moons) circled. Gatherings of koshcheevs took place on the moon of Lutitia, but after a while, good forces destroyed it.

It was necessary to save the Earth from an explosion, it was moved to another space, and the moon Fatta was moved to Midgard. Astrologers today call her "Phaeton", given the strong influence of this planet. After a powerful explosion of Lutizia, the atmosphere of Jiva (Perun's Moon) and Orey (Mars) disappeared. Residents from Orey moved to Midgard.

The Slavs identified Lucifer with Satanail. The latter was the first Democrat to decide to oppose existing higher laws.

Thus, in many religions and religious directions, Lucifer means a being that was originally “good”, and then, due to its negative features, became “evil”.

As history shows, Lucifer was both worshiped and feared. The inconsistency of this figure is explained by the fact that she managed to visit both the side of good and go over to the side of evil.

Lucifer is an angel of God who was assigned the fate of a traitor. In order to understand who Lucifer is, it is necessary to consider his history in more detail.

Who is Lucifer in the Bible?

In submission to God, Lucifer was the most perfect angel. He was perfect in everything. But he showed more favor to his son Jesus Christ. And this situation sowed the seed of envy in Lucifer.

Over time, Lucifer began to show his displeasure so clearly that he managed to recruit several accomplices to his side. As a result, a clash occurred between the forces of justice and betrayal, and Lucifer and his servants were forced to leave heaven.

Lucifer as a demon of worship

The image of Lucifer absorbed all the worst qualities of a person, among which the following can be distinguished: pride, rebellion, knowledge, betrayal, and so on.

Some people have accepted these qualities as fundamental to a person. There is such a belief that integrity is imposed on a person, and in fact, in his decisions he should be guided only by his own interests.

As a result, Lucifer, as the embodiment of everything bad, was accepted as a universal image of evil. This image is worshiped by many different modern sects, who believe that in this way they can gain superhuman abilities.

Demon culture is indeed closer to a person, as it is easier to behave in a selfish way than to constantly consider other people's interests. But at the same time, such behavior can only lead to destruction, when a creative existence is closer to a person.

What does Lucifer look like?

As for the Old Testament, the appearance of Lucifer or Satan (a more collective image of evil) has several interpretations.

He was depicted as both a serpent and a huge sea monster, but the most famous image still stuck with the fallen angel. So, most often, Lucifer is portrayed as an angel without wings.

The New Testament further expanded the image of Satan, and now he can take on any form that he wants.

Sign of Lucifer

The basis of the symbolism of Satan is his so-called seal. It is a pentagram, in the middle of which is placed the head of a goat. Near each sharp corner of the pentagonal star should be the word "Leviathan". This word is one of the many names of Lucifer.

Interestingly, for the first time the symbol of Satan is found in the sixties of the twentieth century. That is, before this, a single sign for the glorification of the forces of evil was not observed, but only a system of demonic symbols was used.

The image of Lucifer in the modern world

If earlier all manifestations of demonism were treated very strictly, today Lucifer has quite successfully fit into the culture of modern society.

Quite often it can be found in television, as the embodiment of earthly evil, books and video games.

The symbolism of Satan is now sold even in some stores as ordinary accessories to complement your image.

It is worth noting that modern society is characterized by a tendency to lack faith in anything, and therefore images are perceived simply as an amusement element.

Charles Baudelaire, Litany to Satan

O you, the wisest of all Angels, the glorious genius,
Oh, God debunked, devoid of hymns!

Have mercy on my anguish, Satan!

Lord exiled, innocently condemned,
To rise with new strength, defeated!

Have mercy on my anguish, Satan!

His name, translated from Latin, means "Bringer of Light." For the first time this name as the name of the Devil appeared in the book of the prophet Isaiah. The original Hebrew uses the word "heylel" which means "morning star" and in this case refers to the symbolism of Venus as the celestial object next in brightness to the Sun and Moon.
In modern Satanism, Lucifer is perceived as a benevolent entity, in its mythological meaning close to the Prometheus of the ancient Greeks. Lucifer bestows the light of enlightenment, he is the force of creativity and inspiration. Also, Lucifer is identified with Satan, the lord of Hell and Azazel, the Bringer of Fire, the leader of the Nephilim. However, some traditions claim that Satan and Lucifer are completely different entities. Let me give you a few quotes.

Quoted from the official translation of the Ecclesia Tenebrarum.

  • Lucifer is the lord of the southern throne.
  • Lucifer is the emperor of Wrathful Chaos, the eternal and external aspect of the inner flame.
  • Lucifer is the proud light-bearer of the fire of chaos, which, with its dark light, burns all illusory forms and highlights the hidden and secret. Lucifer is the bearer of knowledge, development, power and the destroyer of stagnation, weakness and stupidity.
  • Lucifer is the benevolent aspect of Satan who illuminates with his light a sure path and points the way to freedom and divine power beyond the boundaries of creation.

But he is also the one who, with his fire and shining dark light, blinds, misleads and burns to ashes the weak and unworthy.

Another name for the fallen angel Satanael is the prince of liars.

His epithet is "Opposed". satanael- the eldest son of God, who strayed from the righteous path, the creator of the material world, the one who seduced Eve. After her fall from Satanael, Eve gave birth to Cain and his twin sister Calomena, and from Adam gave birth to Abel.

In the beginning, Satanael was a member of the divine council, fulfilling the evil assigned to sinners by God. He refused to bow down to Adam, declaring that he was made of dust, while he was made of fire, and was superior to Adam. For disobedience and showing pride satanael was expelled from the boundaries of paradise, cast down. After the fall, he created a second heaven with his angels and the same hierarchy as in the heaven of God the Father. At the same time, the divine prefix "El" was lost, and he became known as Satan. The angels of Satanael loved mortal women and, making them their wives, had sexual intercourse with them. From these connections were born giants, destroyed by God by means of a flood. It was a global catastrophe with huge human losses.

Who is Lucifer
Who is Lucifer in the Bible?
there is no end to the discussion about who Lucifer is, because his image is very ambiguous. At all times, he attracted not only theologians, but also representatives of the arts, they tried to comprehend - so who is this fallen angel? And is it really God's creation or self-existing infinite Evil? Let's try to understand this.

Who is Lucifer
In Christianity, there is a legend about Satan, Lucifer as an angel, created by the Lord in the rank of cherub. He, according to legend, was perfect in his beauty and wisdom, but, while living in Eden, he became proud and decided to become equal to God (Ezek.28: 17; Is.14: 13-14). For this he was cast down from heaven and became the prince of darkness, as well as a murderer and the father of lies.

Lucifer - "Morning Star"
The angelic name of Satan is taken from the prophecy of Isaiah (see Isaiah 14:12), and it is translated as “light-bearing” in Latin it sounds like Lucifer. An interesting duality of his essence: on the one hand, he is a persistent and inventive seducer on Earth, who throws people into sin, and on the other hand, the lord of hell, punishes those who nevertheless succumbed to his temptation. What is this? Why is this happening in the world?

What is Satan doing on earth?
Satan, Lucifer of many beliefs, is the main antagonist of God, who is the personification of all evil. By the way, there is an opinion that the name Satan originates from the Hebrew word "Satan" (satan), which means contradiction, obstruction and incitement.

And according to many philosophical views, the Lord allows Lucifer to act on Earth so that every person has a choice between good and evil, because this is what will enable those who endured to strengthen their faith and receive the immortality of the soul. If you think like this, then the appearance of Lucifer was inevitable and even purposeful.
How the name Lucifer became the name of Satan
For the first time, the mention of Lucifer appears in the Book of Isaiah (Is.14: 12-17), which was written in ancient Aramaic. In it, the Babylonian kingdom is compared with the fallen angel, whose story is given there. In the original, the word “heylel” (“daylight”, or "morning Star"). But note that here morning Star is a symbol of brightness and brilliance, which has no negative meaning.

Lucifer - "Morning Star" (and the morning star is Venus)

Balthasar Beschey - Venus and Adonis (the star above the "angel" is visible from above)
Jews and Christians did not use the word "heylel" as a name for Satan. In the New Testament "morning star" was also named Jesus(and this Jesus is a CLONE JEW) . And Jerome, when translating the indicated passage from the book of Isaiah, used the word Lucifer, which means "bringer of light" and is used to denote morning star. Added to this is the general idea that Satan, like king of Babylon, thrown down from the height of glory, and over time, the fallen angel became and called Lucifer. In addition, this idea was supported by the expression of the Apostle Paul about the devil, time has come to us as "a ray of light"(2 Corinthians 11:4). So imaginary for believers unthinkable "luminosity" of Lucifer has a justification he may tempt us by coming with hope and joy, but they will be in lies and everything he offers us.
Who is Lucifer in the Bible
By the way, at first the image of Satan did not have specific features and was rather an abstract embodiment of evil. In Scripture, it was an adversary of God who could possess both human and angelic traits. He felt the honesty of people, and only in the power of the Almighty was it not to allow him to do evil.

Venus and Adonis by Natoire (circa 1740) (Lucifer is the morning star, and this is Venus)
And in the New Testament, he found his kind. He was portrayed as dragon or snake.

By the way, you can fully understand his image from one aspect - in all the Scriptures he is recognized as part of the whole. That is, the devil, being part of a common plan, does not have the ability to destroy God and is forced to obey him. So, for example, in the book of Job, Satan does not believe in the truth of this man and invites God to check him. It is very noticeable here who Lucifer is according to the Bible - he is subordinate to God and is among his servants, does not give him the opportunity to act independently. Yes, even if he can send misfortunes to the Earth, rule over peoples, but nevertheless, he will never be an equivalent rival to God! Neither Judaism nor Christianity perceives an equal opposition of good and evil, since this would violate their basic principle of monotheism. Dualism, by the way, can be traced in some religious teachings - in Persian Zoroastrianism, in Gnosticism and Manichaeism.

The image of Satan in various religions
In ancient religions there was no single image of the devil. Among the Etruscans, for example, it is the demon of the other world Tukhulk, who, in essence, was only a spirit of revenge, punishing for sins. In Christianity, Satan, Lucifer is a seducer, dominating over sinful angels and an executor of punishment for lost souls, but he will certainly be defeated as soon as the Kingdom of God comes. In Islam, the concept of Satan is also similar to Christianity. He can be found in the Qur'an in the form of al-Shaitan or Iblis (the demon tempter). In this religion, as in Christianity, he is associated with everything vile that can be in a person, and has the gift of leading people astray, skillfully disguising himself and pushing them into evil. He tries to corrupt a person by making him false offers or by seducing him.

But even in Islam, Satan is depicted as an equal opponent of God, because the Lord is the creator of everything on Earth, and Iblis is just one of God's creatures.
Belief in the limited presence of Satan on Earth
Along with the arguments that the presence of the devil is also a kind of providence of God, since it allows a person to learn, grow spiritually and improve. Constantly facing a choice between good and evil, people still do not give up hope for the limited stay of Satan in this world. And this is understandable - understanding who Lucifer is, mere mortals want to be sure that their decisions are dictated only by God. And this is possible only in a world devoid of the Enemy. So will this ever happen?
Lucifer and Michael
Christianity speaks of the last battle of the devil with the archangel Michael (in the Apocalypse, O. 12: 7-9; 20:23 7-9). His name, by the way, literally translates from Hebrew as “who is like God,” which means that Michael is the highest angel who proclaims the true will of the Lord. The Apostle John speaks of the fall of Satan, defeated by the archangel Michael at the moment when the unclean one tries to devour the baby sent to Earth, who is to become the shepherd of all nations (Rev. 12: 4-9). Behind him bend and dark angels, called in the Bible "unclean spirits." After the second battle, Lucifer will be defeated forever and enter the "Lake of Fire".

But besides Lucifer himself, our world will be encroached upon by his follower - the Antichrist.
Who is the Antichrist
Antichrist in religious teachings is the main opponent of Christ and the enemy of the human race. He is part of the so-called "devilish trinity" (Satan, Antichrist, False Prophet). The Antichrist is not the devil, but a man who has received his power. And, according to some versions - the son of Lucifer. The legend says that he will be a Jew, born from an incestuous relationship from the tribe of Judah, or from the copulation of a harlot with the devil. He will first conquer the world with imaginary miracles and imaginary virtues, and then, having seized world domination, he will turn himself into an object of worship. His power will last for 35 years, after which he will be killed, as he predicts, "by the spirit of the mouth of Christ," so that no patronage of Satan will help him.
The image of Lucifer in literary works
The images of Satan in the Middle Ages in the works of artists and writers always took the same form - half-man, half-beast, ruthless and does evil. But by the 18th century, and especially the 19th-20th centuries, it becomes complex and ambiguous. However, in religious culture, despite all the seeming simplicity of perceiving Satan as the bearer of evil, behind him all the time stands the image of God, for some reason he allowed him to Earth. So who is Lucifer? In art, the devil often embodies the rebellious spirit, based on the rejection of existing life, on the denial of all that is good and good in it. He desires evil, but at the same time, pay attention, he contributes to the creation of good. This spirit of confrontation with the existing order is especially vividly represented in the image of a fallen angel from J. Milton's poems "Paradise Lost" and M. Lermontov's "Demon". The devil, Lucifer is both Mephistopheles in Goethe and Bulgakov in Woland, who, according to their creators, are in our world with one mission - to balance the confrontation between good and evil and, as a result, give to everyone "according to his faith." So they make everything secret and shameful in the human soul obvious. After all, without seeing the shadow, it is difficult to understand that light is light!
Component of human culture
Demon, Lucifer, Beelzebub, Mephistopheles - a person can give many names denoting the essence, since ancient times it has been a personified evil. This image has become not only religious, but also worldly. Moreover, he entered the popular culture so much that it is hardly possible to know human nature without understanding the ideas of the embodiment of evil. After all, the image of Satan as a beast has undergone such strong changes over the centuries that now the Devil is a wealthy bourgeois, for whom it is not at all difficult to get lost among people. Such an identification of Satan and man says that, unfortunately, evil in our time has acquired the features of everyday life, and nothing prevents each of us from pushing humanity to death.

How Christians Should View Satanic Teachings
Excessive enthusiasm for the image has led to the emergence of satanic organizations that are trying to follow the teachings of Anton La Vey, who at one time tried to interpret the image of Satan as the engine of progress and the inspirer of all human achievements. To strengthen his church, La Vey created colorful ceremonies and skillfully played on the train of people to mystery and grandeur. But, nevertheless, this cult is extremely poor and does not rest on a clear concept and integrity of its teaching, but only on the brightness of rituals, imitating the "black" rite from the past. It should be remembered that Satanists do not rely on the real image of Lucifer, but only count on a shock from Christians, because the benevolent attitude of the latter will surely confuse the supporters of the "dark forces". In addition, most often people become Satanists who have both psychological and mental problems, and help in solving them, of course, will help lost souls to change their view of the world. We hope readers will be able to draw a clearer conclusion for themselves about who Lucifer is. Photos of this image are placed in the article. In them, too, to a large extent, one can see the changing ideas about the devil's essence and the endless interest that it arouses among believers and those who proclaimed themselves atheists.

There is no end to the arguments about who Lucifer is, because his image is very ambiguous. At all times, he attracted not only theologians, but also representatives of art who tried to comprehend - so who is this fallen angel? Is it really God's creation or self-existing infinite Evil? Let's try to understand this.

Who is Lucifer

In Christianity, there is a legend about Satan, Lucifer as an angel created by the Lord in the rank of a cherub. He, according to legend, was perfect in his beauty and wisdom, but, while living in Eden, he became proud and decided to become equal to God (Ezek.28:17; Is.14:13-14). For this he was cast out of heaven and became the prince of darkness, as well as a murderer and the father of lies.

The angelic name of Satan is taken from the prophecy of Isaiah (see Isaiah 14:12), and it is translated as “light-bringer”, which in Latin sounds like Lucifer.

The duality of his essence is interesting: on the one hand, he is a stubborn and inventive tempter on Earth who plunges people into sin, and on the other, he is the lord of hell, punishing those who nevertheless succumbed to his temptation. What is this? Why is this happening in the world?

What is Satan doing on earth?

According to many beliefs, Satan Lucifer is the main antagonist of God, who is the personification of all evil. By the way, there is an opinion that the name Satan originates from the Hebrew word "satan" (satan), which means contradiction, obstruction and incitement.

And according to many philosophical views, the Lord allows Lucifer to act on Earth so that every person has a choice between good and evil, because this is what will enable those who survived to strengthen their faith and receive the immortality of the soul. If you think like this, then the appearance of Lucifer was inevitable and even purposeful.

How the name Lucifer became the name of Satan

The first mention of Lucifer appears in the Book of Isaiah (Is.14: 12-17), which was written in ancient Aramaic. It compares the Babylonian kingdom with the fallen angel, whose story is given there. In the original, the word “heylel” (“daylight”, or “morning star”) was used. But note that here the morning star is a symbol of brightness and brilliance, which does not have a negative meaning.

Jews and Christians did not use the word "heylel" as a name for Satan. In the New Testament, Jesus himself was called the "morning star".

And Jerome, when translating the indicated passage from the book of Isaiah, used the word Lucifer, which means "bringing light" and is used to designate the morning star. To this was added the general idea that Satan, like the king of Babylon, was cast down from the heights of glory, and in time the fallen angel was called Lucifer. In addition, this idea was reinforced by the statement of the Apostle Paul about the devil, who at times comes to us as a “beam of light” (2 Cor. 11:4).

So Lucifer's seemingly unthinkable "luminosity" for believers has justifications - he can tempt us, coming with hope and joy, but they will be deceitful, like everything he offers us.

Who is Lucifer in the Bible

By the way, at first the image of Satan did not have specific features and was rather an abstract embodiment of evil. In the Holy Scriptures, it was an adversary of God, who could have both human and angelic features. He tested the honesty of people, and only in the power of the Almighty was it not to allow him to do evil.

And in the New Testament, he found his appearance. He began to be depicted in the form of a dragon or a snake. By the way, you can finally understand his image by one nuance - in all the Scriptures he is recognized as part of the whole. That is, the devil, being part of a common plan, does not have the ability to crush God and is forced to obey him.

So, for example, in the book of Job, Satan does not believe in the righteousness of this man and invites God to test him. It is very noticeable here who Lucifer is according to the Bible - he is subordinate to God and is among his servants, which does not give him the opportunity to act independently. Yes, even if he can send misfortunes to the Earth, lead the nations, but nevertheless he will never be an equivalent rival to God!

Neither Judaism nor Christianity accepts the equal opposition of good and evil, as this would violate their basic principle of monotheism. Dualism, by the way, can be traced only in some religious teachings - in Persian Zoroastrianism, in Gnosticism and Manichaeism.

The image of Satan in different religions

In ancient religions, there was no single image of the devil. Among the Etruscans, for example, it is the demon of the other world Tukhulk, who, in essence, was only a spirit of revenge, punishing for sins.

In Christianity, Satan Lucifer is the tempter who rules over fallen angels and the executor of punishment over lost souls, but he will be surely defeated as soon as the kingdom of God comes.

Islam also has similar concepts to Christianity regarding Satan. He can be found in the Qur'an in the form of al-Shaitan or Iblis (the demon tempter). In this religion, as in Christianity, he is associated with everything vile that can be in a person, and has the gift of leading people astray, skillfully disguising himself and pushing them to evil. He tries to corrupt a person by making him false offers or by tempting him.

But even in Islam, Satan is not depicted as an equal opponent of God, since the Lord is the creator of everything on Earth, and Iblis is just one of God's creatures.

Belief in the limited presence of Satan on Earth

Along with the arguments that the presence of the devil is also a kind of providence of God, since it allows a person to learn, grow spiritually and improve. Constantly facing a choice between good and evil, people still do not give up hope for the limited stay of Satan in this world.

And this is understandable - understanding who Lucifer is, mere mortals want to be sure that their decisions are dictated only by God. And this is possible only in a world devoid of the Tempter. So will this ever happen?

Lucifer and Michael

Christianity speaks of the last battle of the devil with the archangel Michael (in the Apocalypse, Rev. 12:7-9; 20:2,3, 7-9). His name, by the way, literally translates from Hebrew as “who is like God,” which means that Michael is the highest angel proclaiming the undistorted will of the Lord.

The Apostle John speaks of the fall of Satan, defeated by the archangel Michael at the moment when the unclean one tries to devour the baby sent to Earth, who is to become the shepherd of all nations (Rev. 12:4-9). Dark angels, called "unclean spirits" in the Bible, will also fall behind him. After the second battle, Lucifer will be cast into the "lake of fire" forever.

But besides Lucifer himself, our world will be coveted by his follower - the Antichrist.

Who is the Antichrist

Antichrist in religious teachings is the main opponent of Christ and the tempter of the human race. He is part of the so-called "devilish trinity" (Satan, Antichrist, False Prophet).

The Antichrist is not the devil, but a man who has received his power. And, according to some versions, the son of Lucifer. The legend says that he will be a Jew, born from an incestuous relationship in the tribe of Dan, or from the copulation of a harlot with the devil. He will first conquer the world with imaginary miracles and seeming virtues, and then, having seized world domination, he will turn himself into an object of worship.

His power will last for 3.5 years, after which he will be killed, as predicted, by the "spirit of the mouth of Christ", so that no patronage of Satan will help him.

The image of Lucifer in literary works

The images of Satan in the Middle Ages in the works of artists and writers always took the same form - half-man, half-beast, ruthless and doing evil. But already by the 18th century, and especially the 19th-20th centuries, it becomes complex and ambiguous. However, in religious culture, despite all the seeming simplicity of perceiving Satan as the bearer of evil, behind him all the time stands the image of God, who for some reason allowed him to the Earth. So who is Lucifer?

In art, the devil most often embodies the rebellious spirit, which is based on the rejection of existing life, on the denial of all that is good and good in it. He wants evil, but at the same time, pay attention, he contributes to the creation of good. This spirit of confrontation with the existing order is especially vividly represented in the image of a fallen angel from J. Milton's poems "Paradise Lost" and M. Lermontov's "Demon".

Devil Lucifer - these are Goethe's Mephistopheles and Bulgakov's Woland, who, according to their creators, are in our world with one mission - to balance the confrontation between good and evil and, as a result, reward everyone "according to his faith." So they make everything secret and shameful in the human soul obvious. After all, without seeing the shadow, it is difficult to understand that light is light!

Component of human culture

Demon, Lucifer, Beelzebub, Mephistopheles - a person can give many names denoting an entity that since ancient times has been a personified evil. This image has become not only religious, but also worldly. Moreover, he has entered popular culture so much that it is hardly possible to know human nature without understanding the ideas about the embodiment of evil.

After all, the image of Satan as a beast has undergone such strong changes over the centuries that now the Devil is a wealthy bourgeois who can easily get lost among people.

This identification of Satan and man says that, unfortunately, evil in our time has acquired the features of everyday life, and nothing prevents any of us from pushing humanity to death.

How Christians Should View Satanic Teachings

Excessive enthusiasm for the image has led to the emergence of satanic organizations that are trying to follow the teachings of Anton La Vey, who at one time tried to interpret the image of Satan as the engine of progress and the inspirer of all human achievements.

To strengthen his church, La Vey created colorful rituals and skillfully played on people's craving for mystery and majesty. But, nevertheless, this cult is extremely poor and rests not on a clear concept and integrity of its teaching, but only on the brightness of rituals that imitate the "black" rites from the past.

It should be remembered that Satanists do not rely on the real image of Lucifer, but only count on a shock from Christians, so the benevolent attitude of the latter will certainly confuse adherents of the "dark forces". In addition, people who have both psychological and mental problems most often become Satanists, and help in solving them, of course, will help lost souls to change their view of the world.

We hope readers will be able to draw a clearer conclusion for themselves as to who Lucifer is. Photos of this image are placed in the article. In them, too, to a large extent, the changing ideas about the devil's essence and the endless interest that it arouses both believers and those who proclaimed themselves atheists are visible.

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