Home Lighting Why dream of coffins closed a lot. Why dream of a closed coffin: interpretation from various dream books. Closed coffins. Opinion of esotericists

Why dream of coffins closed a lot. Why dream of a closed coffin: interpretation from various dream books. Closed coffins. Opinion of esotericists

A coffin seen in a dream has a very wide range of predictions. Dream Interpretation: why the coffin is dreaming, in a dream, the interpretation of this dream can be made only after a complete analysis. The main meaning seen in a dream is the complete end of something. For example, breaking a long relationship with a person, leaving a job, graduating from an institute, school, etc.

  • Dream Interpretation of Nina Grishina
  • Hasse's interpretation
  • Why dream of a coffin in a dream

Dream Interpretation of Nina Grishina

In the dream book of astrologer Nina Grishina, such dreams have several interpretations,

  • For example, if the coffin is open and empty, then the life of your loved one or friend is threatened by a serious illness.
  • Seeing yourself inside the coffin speaks of the existing obstacles in the dreamer's life realization.
  • Lying in a coffin means doing inhuman acts and experiencing fear of something.

Hasse's interpretation

Based on the interpretation of Hasse, if you saw a wooden coffin in a dream, then this speaks of the upcoming life difficulties associated with emotional barriers in the dreamer's head. The dream interpretation calls not to stop when meeting with difficulties, but to show strength of character and perseverance, this is the only way to achieve your goal.

Looking inside the coffin - to the troubles, located inside - to a long and carefree life.

A dreamer who sees in a dream how several people take a coffin out of the house can expect bad news, perhaps this will be connected with one of his close relatives, who will suddenly be overtaken by a terrible illness. In this case, it is recommended to show maximum interest in the life of each of the representatives of the family circle, because it is possible that the dreamer's timely intervention can prevent a terrible tragedy.

Why dream of a coffin in a dream

  • A coffin buried in a hole. It may be dreamed of by that person who in the near future will face difficulties in the physical plane. Perhaps it will be a sudden injury, due to which all important things will have to be postponed. Having seen a similar dream, you should be as careful as possible in everyday life, limiting yourself to significant physical exertion.
  • Coffin with the dead. Quite often, people ask themselves the question “Why is the open coffin dreaming?”. An open coffin with a dead person promises the dreamer the need to gather in the family circle. Perhaps someone is sorely lacking attention from the dreamer's person. In this case, the best option would be a joint trip, and if this is not possible, then you can limit yourself to banal gatherings, within the walls of the hearth, over a cup of hot tea. The next interpretation of such a dream is the upcoming joyful events in the dreamer's life, as a result of which a fun celebration will be organized, it can be a wedding, birthdays or other family holidays.
  • Why dream of an empty coffin? Basically, the main interpretation of an empty coffin seen in a dream is future misfortunes and illnesses. Also, it can promise a difficult spiritual state of the dreamer, about his emotional depression.

    If you dreamed of a person in a coffin, alive or inanimate, what does this dream mean?

    Most astrologers are of the same opinion that an empty coffin symbolizes the end of the dreamer's important life stage. In this case, you should completely exhaust all vital issues, gain spiritual energy and be ready for new twists of fate. Perhaps those people who were close to you will show themselves from a completely opposite side in the future, and the work that brought moral satisfaction will become uninteresting and boring.

    It is also worth paying attention to the emotions experienced, if there is a fear of death, an empty coffin represents your emotional state, which has completely exhausted itself, as a result of the lifestyle that you lead. This suggests that it is time to radically change your life, devote time to self-knowledge, go in for sports and, finally, quit your boring job. Often, because of material attachment, a person is afraid of change, not even suspecting that fate has long ago reserved for him a huge number of interesting prospects.

    If, during a similar dream, a person does not experience any emotions, then nothing terrible in the future should not be expected.

    A dream in which you bothered to watch an empty coffin with ropes suggests that you should be as careful as possible in everyday life, because a ridiculous movement can lead to serious injury, and possibly even death.

    A close relative or acquaintance lying in an open coffin will tell you about his devotion in real life, you can safely rely on such a person in the most unexpected life situation. To such people, dream books recommend showing as much respect and attention as possible.

    • Why dream of a closed coffin? A similar dream will tell the sleeper about the upcoming confrontations with injustice, perhaps one of your friends will want to betray you. However, do not worry, because a closed coffin symbolizes your victory over evil.
    • Coffin that fell in a dream, is a good sign. Heartbreaking events and illnesses, in the near future, will bypass him. A favorable environment is formed for the realization of one's most daring life desires. In professional terms, significant changes are also expected, for the better. An esoteric dream book, a similar dream, is interpreted as future fun in which the dreamer will be in the spotlight. These can be corporate parties or banquets, in which you will show your best side, forever gaining respect from colleagues and friends.
    • Seen in a dream, a golden closed coffin. This dream portends the dreamer's colossal success in life. It is even possible that the most cherished dream will come true much faster than you expected. Buying a similar coffin in a dream speaks of a prosperous environment in the family circle. You can safely forget about quarrels and scandals, because now they are not afraid of you. Family idyll, and mutual understanding, the key to a happy life for any person.

    It is not uncommon when, waking up from another dream, the dreamer asks the question, “Why is the man in the coffin dreaming?”. A person seen in a coffin, in life for you, may turn out to be a devoted friend, whose support you can safely count on in any life situation. A stranger seen in a coffin will tell the sleeper about future acquaintances with new people. If a girl lies in a coffin, this indicates a possible acquaintance with her soulmate.

    Whatever questions you ask, for example: “Why is my grandmother dreaming in a coffin?”, “What is my father dreaming of in a coffin?”, “Why is my husband dreaming in a coffin?”, you will receive one identical answer to all questions. All such dreams speak of a long and happy life of the person you saw in the coffin.

    If you have any questions or need help in the current life situation, you can consult with our experts.

Why dream of a closed coffin - a question that does not lose its relevance. Such dreams are often dreamed by people. Interpretations from popular dream books from famous psychologists and mystics will help to understand their meaning.

Why dream of a closed coffin - a question that does not lose its relevance

If you dreamed of a coffin with a closed lid where you were lying, then you should devote more time not to material values, but to spiritual development. It is very important to understand yourself, to reveal your true talents. Only then will your life be happy and prosperous, otherwise serious financial problems await you soon. If one of your parents was in it, then you should pay more attention to your health. Your body is exhausted. If you continue to work at this pace, then serious health problems will arise, which will be very difficult to solve. You may need surgery.

In a dream, closing an empty sarcophagus is a good sign. The dreamer will have a prosperous life, he will be surrounded by very wealthy people who will constantly provide comprehensive support. If the coffin was not empty, but there were stones in it, then take a closer look at your circle of friends: it contains those people with whom it was necessary to break off all relations for a long time. Their envy harms you and your family.

In a dream, closing an empty sarcophagus is a good sign.

The color of the coffin in a dream is also important. If it was red, then you will soon be able to buy property. The money will come from the completion of one major project. If the color was blue, then you can build your own successful business in the future, but it will take a lot of effort. The brown sarcophagus symbolizes long life. You will be able to see not only your grandchildren, but also great-grandchildren.

Why dream of a coffin (video)

Autumn dream book

The autumn dream book symbolizes the coffin differently. If you saw yourself in it, then an early marriage awaits you, which will turn out to be quite successful. Your partner will completely trust you, you will be happy with him. If you saw your father in him, then you should reconsider your attitude towards people: with most of them you are too harsh, thereby causing them great pain. If your mother was in it, then serious obstacles await you in the future. They will arise due to the intrigues of your enemies, but you can overcome everything successfully, as your relatives will provide full support.

A dream about an empty closed coffin symbolizes success in business, but it will come only after you choose your path correctly. If you do not do what is destined by fate, then soon you will fail, but it will become a springboard to your success. If there were some items in it, then you can meet a person who will help you in all your endeavors.

Dreaming of an empty closed coffin symbolizes success in business.

Esoteric dream book

A closed sarcophagus in a dream with a dead child - to big changes in life. You will get a new position, your well-being will increase. Fate will bring you together with a person with whom you can create a strong family. You will have several children who will become outstanding people in the future.

If there was a stranger in a closed sarcophagus, then there will be a serious quarrel with a loved one. Because of her, you will be very worried. However, soon you will be able to return harmony to your relationship with your partner. If a person you know lay in it, then such a dream portends problems at work. They will arise because of your negligent attitude to your duties. But it is up to you to avoid such a situation. Start working responsibly and perseveringly, then you will keep your position, perhaps even get an increase in salary.

Seeing an old closed sarcophagus in a dream is a shame. You yourself will be to blame for it. Your behavior in public will be inappropriate. That is why you should control your emotions, try to become a cool and reserved person. Seeing a golden sarcophagus in a dream means receiving an inheritance. It will be left to you by distant relatives. However, to become its full owner immediately will not work. Other people will claim the inheritance. But you still manage to get it.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

A moving sarcophagus in a dream - to dissatisfaction with oneself. You won't like the way you look or the way you act. There will be a desire to change radically. But for this there is a lot of work to be done. First you need to take care of your habits, work on your character and vision of yourself, after which you will need to take on a change in appearance. Such changes will only benefit you. You can not only get a new position, but also meet your true love.

Seeing a friend in a coffin means receiving news from distant relatives. Perhaps they will report that they have opened their own business, in which they want to see you among their employees. If you accept their job offer, you will do the right thing: there you will be able to reveal your full potential. If your relative was in the sarcophagus, then you will find a successful completion of long-started cases.

Ukrainian dream book

Seeing a lot of closed coffins is an unexpected wedding. But it is not necessary that you go down the aisle. Perhaps one of your relatives or friends will decide to marry, you will be very happy for them. The wedding will be very magnificent and fun. If you have seen only one such symbol, then you can visit another country, where you will get a lot of unforgettable impressions. It is possible that a fleeting romance will happen there.

Seeing several closed sarcophagi in an old crypt is a sign of difficulties in business. To resolve them, you will need a lot of time and effort. But do not despair, things will get off the ground, as a result of which you will get a good profit. If these items were in an abandoned cemetery, then you will have a long and happy life with your large family.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

If a woman dreamed of a closed coffin, then she should pay more attention to her family. Many of the household are deprived of her care and affection. In addition, you need to become a more skilled hostess. You should always create comfort in the house. For a man, such a dream means a serious change in business. If he is still an employee, he will soon decide to open his own business. If the dreamer already has his own business, then it will be possible to expand it, as new partners will come.

To see in a dream how the dead man rises from a closed sarcophagus - to the arrival of guests. They will come to you suddenly, but you will be very happy. You will be able to have a lot of fun with the guests, you will also learn a lot of useful news. To open such an object in a dream with a dead person is a misfortune. Problems will begin to pour in from a cornucopia. But thanks to your strong character and the support of your loved ones, you will be able to cope with all difficulties and obstacles.

Seeing such an object floating on water is a great wealth. But you will get it only by working hard on your own business. There will come moments in your life when you want to give up, but you can’t do this - you will miss the opportunity to become a wealthy person.

Coffin in a dream (video)

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

If you lay in a coffin, and then got up from it, this is a great happiness, but before that you have to overcome many difficulties. To see your child in him - to the revival of strength and the acquisition of new knowledge. This will be a new stage in life. Major changes are coming.

To see how such a closed object is lowered into the grave is to improve health. Even if the dreamer had some serious illnesses, he will be able to overcome them. But for this you have to enlist the help of doctors and strictly follow the prescribed treatment regimen. If a closed coffin was taken out of the grave, then the dreamer was too much mired in his past. A decision must be made not to return to past events anymore, otherwise a person will not become successful in the future.

Breaking such an object in a dream is a serious danger. The dreamer should be more careful on the roads. It is possible that he will get into an accident.

If you closed such an object with your own hands, where there was a lot of dirt, then separation from your loved one is coming, but it will not last long, you will soon be reunited with your partner.

Breaking such an object in a dream is a serious danger.

French dream book

Seeing your loved one in a closed coffin means receiving unpleasant news from relatives living in another country. Perhaps one of them will lose a high post. If your enemy was in the sarcophagus, then all insoluble problems will soon become a thing of the past, and you will be able to free yourself from hardships and indulge in a happy life.

Seeing a large closed sarcophagus in a dream is a sign that you are overcome by fears. You should look them straight in the face, then you will be able to understand that they are not so serious. The sarcophagus may dream of small sizes, in which case in real life you will not be able to achieve your goals - the reason for this will be your laziness and disbelief in your own strength.

Seeing a closed coffin in a dream in your house is a waste. All acquisitions will be unsuccessful, which is why you should be more attentive to your purchases in the near future. Try to reduce them to the maximum, and better - to postpone for some period.

A coffin seen in a dream does not always mean bad things. Do not be afraid of such a symbol. Better remember the doers of sleep more carefully, and then try to unravel it with the help of interpretations from dream books.

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Dream interpretation online coffin closed

A closed coffin can dream of prosperity and happiness, as well as troubles with poverty. In order to figure out why such objects of worship are dreamed of, you need to remember the environment well. Different meanings depend on the specific situation seen and the emotional coloring that happened to be seen in a dream.

The general logical interpretation, if you dreamed of a closed coffin, is a box that can become both a cornucopia and Pandora's box. What changes await in the future - positive or negative, when it opens - depends on the rest of the elements of sleep.

The symbolic interpretation, when considering the interpretation of what a similar cult object appears in a dream, is very simple. It can personify either a gift of fate, or the personality of the dreamer himself. Looking into a closed coffin is always very scary - just like meeting with your true "I". Such dreams are dreamed at a certain stage of life, when you need to say goodbye to the past, and therefore mentally “bury” a piece of your personality.

This is a call of fate to part with negative experiences, resentment and stress. In order for the next phase of life to be successful, the interpretation of each dream book, almost any dream book, will say that you need to put your negativity there in a dream and bury old grievances. Then the next streak in life will be white, and it is quite possible that there will be many of them.

Interpretation in different dream books of the world

closed coffin

Mankind, passing through different epochs of development, left a lot of wisdom accumulated over the centuries, this can be traced in every ancient dream book, the dream book of almost any tradition is full of practical advice.

But the traditions of different peoples are different, and this is due not only to the geographical location of the states, but also to different attitudes towards objects of worship. Therefore, even the directly opposite meaning of a dream in which a closed coffin was dreamed of can be seen even in symbolic dream books close in meaning.

Velesov dream book

Since the transition from reality (the world of the living) to the nav (the world of the dead) among the ancient Slavs was considered a happy event, it was considered a good sign to see a closed coffin in a dream. Until now, the traditions of that era have been preserved in ancient dream books, and such dreams promise prosperity and frequent gifts of fate.

  • For newlyweds to see in a dream - promises prosperity and a comfortable life.
  • For accomplished people, such a dream comes to a comfortable old age.
  • For the elderly - a long life in love in the care of children and grandchildren.
  • For patients to see an empty coffin - a speedy recovery.

Seeing the dead - to weather changes

Why they see such symbols is easier to interpret if you remember the actions that are performed with it.

  • Nailing up is the beginning of a new life, crossing out past experience, renunciation.
  • Carry a heavy coffin - the end of the black stripe, new achievements.
  • Lowered on ropes into a pit - loss of loved ones, failure, unsuccessful undertakings.
  • Fall asleep empty - echoes of the past, the impact of past unseemly acts on reputation.
  • Seeing a deceased relative in a dream is a change in the weather.

Another meaning, if you dreamed of an open coffin - this may mean that he is ready to accept the deceased, the death of loved ones is possible. A similar interpretation, when there were coffins in a cemetery, if there are a lot of them and each of them is open, it is a sign of trouble. Extensive catastrophes, hostilities, mass deaths of people are possible. This is a warning dream, a sign of what you need to prepare for and possibly avoid.

According to Miller

Unfavorable sign for businessmen

European traditions unanimously argue that if you dream of a closed coffin, this is an exceptionally bad dream. If he is also black - a bad omen. It brings losses, financial collapse, parting with loved ones. Even the hearse that he is carrying, seen in a dream, promises misfortune. Perhaps this is a warning, or a reminder of past aspirations, which is not destined to come true for a long time.

For entrepreneurs, such a dream is a dream of unsuccessful undertakings, debts, and even a government house, which can be caused by the dreamer's inaction.

For lovers - serious obstacles in a relationship.

Seeing your own coffin is a moral decline, difficulties with self-determination of the individual, the impossibility of achieving goals. Such a dream is dreamed in order to gain the opportunity to see not only with the eyes, but also with the soul. Clearly understand which road leads to development, and which one leads to moral degradation.

For young people, if you dreamed of a coffin strewn with flowers in a church - an unsuccessful marriage.

Freud's dream book

The German psychotherapist is not so categorical in the interpretation of dreams where one has to see coffins. Basically, he focuses on the quality of the product and its value. Interpretation according to the dream book, Freud's dream book, which was compiled on the basis of psychoanalysis, is absolutely natural for the scientist himself, and unusual for almost all dreamers.

Expensive and beautiful - symbolizes the womb, which can bear healthy offspring, sexual health and fertility.
Cheap black and gloomy - problems with the adequacy of self-esteem.
Old and falling apart dreams of infertility.

Vanga's opinion

Do not worry if you dreamed of a black coffin

The interpretation of such dreams from the dream book, Vanga's dream book, which was bit by bit compiled from the predictions of the famous soothsayer, is extremely positive. But only if such an object of worship is dreamed closed, and no one tries to look under its cover.

If you dreamed, dreamed of a black coffin or coffins, this may be due to the burial of a dark past, this will not lead to anything bad. On the contrary, it is a call in a dream to part with your negative traits and acquire new ones - positive ones that will help you achieve significant success in life.

If you dream that a black coffin itself falls into a pit - a wonderful salvation in dangerous situations, which will be facilitated by strangers.
Heart-rendingly hammering nails into the lid is parting with past troubles and poor health.
Seeing your name on the lid means an analysis of the inner "I", the importance of rethinking your life and its priorities.
When I dreamed, I dreamed of an open coffin or coffins - a bad omen. This means that the intended enterprise will not lead to anything good. If you dreamed that they slammed shut with a roar - troubles could be avoided, and a timely warning seen in a dream.

Emotional coloring and actions of others

Although such dreams are creepy, as a rule, they do not carry sharp negative emotions. If you dreamed about coffins, the very first thing you need to look at is the brightness and your own attitude to the situation - this is one of the main special interpretations of what such objects of worship dream of.
It is indifferent to look at your name on the lid of the coffin - to good luck in business.
Get upset because of the coffin in the hearse - news from afar, a difficult situation that will lead to a meeting with an old friend.
To be frightened when nailing a coffin is an unwillingness to understand one's own essence.
If you dreamed of a lot of coffins, you need to reconsider all unfinished undertakings, and only at the end of them start new business.

Sarcophagus and expensive funeral procession

funeral procession

Seeing a golden sarcophagus in a dream and admiring it - to wealth and honors.
Dreamed, dreamed of a golden coffin or coffins - promises happiness and good luck in any endeavors. If there are a lot of them - a successful undertaking in a circle of worthy and honest people.
Red velvet closed coffin - to success in your plans.
White - dreams of stability and inheritance from distant relatives. This is a very auspicious sign.
A closed coffin strewn with flowers dreams of financial well-being (the only exception is if it is in a church).

When to be alert

A dangerous omen if you dream that the dreamer himself lies in a closed coffin and cannot get out. This may mean that all affairs and undertakings have come to a standstill, and it is completely incomprehensible how to act in such a situation.
If such a dream is repeated many times, you will have to visit a psychotherapist, because such dreams may indicate an incipient obsessive-compulsive disorder. This is the work of the psyche in reality - a sign that the treatment started on time will be successful.
Unfavorable are dreams in which an open coffin appears. A bad sign if one of the relatives or friends lies in it. If in a dream they are lowered into the ground - a real danger to their lives.

Let's talk about one mysterious and frightening object that can be found in the realm of sleep. Let's try to find out the true reason for what is happening and find out why the coffin is dreaming.

If you dreamed of a story about death, you should not immediately fall into hysterics and despair because of the possible troubles that this dream promises. Indeed, even such images as one's own grave or seeing oneself lying in it do not predict death in the physical plane.

Many dream books generally put forward the opposite opinion on this matter, considering such dreams a harbinger of a happy fate and longevity of the dreamer.

What is he like in a dream

A decorated burial box symbolizes an unsuccessful marriage or relationship with a loved one. Perhaps it's time to change partners or try to resurrect feelings that have lost their colors.

Red means caution. Seeing a red burial box can mean illness. In the interpretation of the Ukrainian dream book, it means longevity. In the esoteric dream book, a red sarcophagus is a symbol of success.

A black coffin in a dream will become waking longing in the life of the person to whom he dreamed. A black burial box portends disappointments that will come down to a feeling of longing. You can get rid of a dreary mood if you do not expect too much from people.

The white coffin will allow any most cherished desires to come true in real life. On a spiritual upsurge and with high spirits, it will be possible to carry out all the plans.

Many may be interested in what dreams of a closed coffin, boarded up. Lying in a sarcophagus with a closed lid - to illness or danger of falling into a psychological trap. The dream in which they saw the lid of the coffin - the sleeper is trying to forget disturbing memories.

The burial box emerging from predicts a happy life. A person who, in his dream, lies down on his own in it, in reality lacks the necessary knowledge or new impressions. Lying in a sarcophagus - to search for novelty in everyday life.

There are several interpretations of what the dead man dreams of in a coffin. If the burial box is empty, real estate acquisition awaits ahead. The open sarcophagus in which the deceased is located speaks of the successful completion of affairs. We saw a dream in which the deceased rises from the sarcophagus - expect many guests.

In a dream, you can attend and dig a grave. This dream suggests that the secret that a person keeps will come true. There will be people who will expose these plans.

Burying this indispensable attribute of a funeral in the ground means a desire to get rid of some thoughts. You need to get away from the memories of the past and care more about the present.

Deciphering famous dream books

The following interpretations of dreams with a coffin are indicated in well-known dream books. Different dream books interpret coffins in a dream in different ways, the same image can mean happiness and good luck in one dream book, misfortune or illness in another.

Almost every dream book interprets the coffin in different situations both in a positive and negative sense. And, despite the abundance of bad omens regarding what they saw, almost all of them indicate changes in life. What will happen in the real future is not completely known, much depends on the efforts of the person himself.

In the traditional sense, this burial item does not always predict sadness and adversity. For example, a dreaming burial box or a grave in the water promises to gain wealth in the near future.

According to Vanga's dream book, to see yourself on, to be near the sarcophagus on which you find your initials, means the need to change your views and lifestyle in reality.

An empty coffin in a dream symbolizes spiritual emptiness. Red - predicts emotional experience. A sarcophagus covered with soil means the presence of sadness in a person's fate.

A person participating in the funeral ritual and helping to transfer the deceased will commit a wrong act in the future. As a result, a person close to him may suffer. If a person clogs the lid in a dream, it means that in reality he will soon be able to get rid of bad habits and overcome vices.

A good sign to see a falling box for burial in a dream. Why dream of a coffin that has fallen? The guardian angel will come to the rescue in a difficult moment in the dreamer's life and save him from a terrible incident.

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov says that if you have dreams where you see this object, the feeling of fear that comes to the dreamer in moments of loneliness is groundless.

  • Dreams with a funeral attribute are dreamed of by a young couple to.
  • Buying a coffin in a dream symbolizes an increase in one's own importance.
  • Why dream of making a coffin - to honor and the addition of money.
  • An open coffin in a dream is a successful development of events.
  • See your friend, how he is inside him - wait for news about the success of your friend.
  • Dreaming of a coffin floating with the flow - this promises a lot of money in the future.

The dream interpretation of the coffin, according to Hasse, is interpreted as an obstacle. Lying or being in it - life promises to be long. The ropes on which the sarcophagus is lowered are dreaming - harbingers of unpleasant situations. Seeing a coffin in a dream and watching the transfer of the deceased is sad news.

Digging a grave - to a reasonable marriage. Seeing in a dream a coffin that has already been buried is a disease. The dream book interprets an open coffin as being on a fun holiday.

But this is how the Meridian dream book interprets the symbol: to see yourself alive in a coffin - it's time to change yourself for the better, you need to quit bad habits. To see another person alive in him is a sign of longevity, a dream promises you to see great-grandchildren in the future.

A friend who is in this subject for burial in a dream: a dream promises a change in affairs for a friend for the better, in the future he will be able to help the dreamer. If you suddenly find out in a dream that the person in the sarcophagus is familiar to you, then in reality you need to meet with this acquaintance and solve all the accumulated problems, and not hide from them.

In general, dreams with a person in this box are dreamed of as a warning that in the dreamer's life there was a need to change the circle of communication. It is likely that the time has come to break ties with someone from the environment.

According to the dream book of the Apostle Simon the Zealot, the coffin in a dream for the elderly is a reflection of fears for their health. If a family man dreams of a coffin, then this is to make a profit. Why do young people dream of a coffin? Such a dream portends a wedding. Why dream of a coffin in a buried form? To illness. An open sarcophagus is a fun pastime.

Seeing a coffin in a dream - to obstacles, and lying inside - to a long life. Ropes are being removed to move the sarcophagus - to the case associated with death. Seeing a funeral procession means sadness and bad news.

Dreamed of a coffin, a dead person or a grave? Yes, all this is creepy and unpleasant, especially in the first minutes after waking up, when goosebumps run all over your body. But all dreams, both bad and good, end. The night fog dissipates, and everything falls into place. A person creates his own life, and a dream book can tell him an approximate direction.

  • If you dreamed of an empty coffin - such a dream predicts a long life;
  • To see a coffin from the dead in a dream - to trouble;
  • A closed coffin is interpreted by a dream book as a surprise;
  • To dream of a funeral procession carrying a coffin - for money;
  • Seeing yourself lying in a coffin - to illness or even death;
  • Digging up a coffin - others will find out about your secret;
  • Carry the coffin in the dream book - to a profitable business;
  • Seeing a familiar person in a coffin - to his death;
  • Fill up a grave with a coffin - you will get rid of the old problem;
  • The black coffin is bad news;
  • White coffin - financial success awaits you.

Dream interpretation of the Siberian healer Natalia Stepanova

  • For those born from January to April, a coffin in a dream means a long life;
  • For those whose birthday falls from April to August to see an empty coffin in a dream - to acquire real estate;
  • If you were born from September to December, then the coffin with the dead in a dream is for a funeral.

Coffin according to Vanga's dream book

  • See the funeral procession in which the coffin is carried. You come closer and notice with horror that your name is written on it - you need to change not only your habits, but also your lifestyle, since a person must change with age;
  • Dream Interpretation of an empty coffin - inner emptiness and mental hardships;
  • To go in a funeral procession and carry a coffin - you will commit an ugly act that will bring a lot of trouble and trouble to a loved one;
  • With an effort to drive nails into the coffin lid - you will do everything in your power to get rid of your vices and weaknesses;
  • A fallen coffin is a good omen. Your guardian angel will help you avoid a dangerous catastrophe;
  • A coffin covered with earth is the presence of a terrible, incomparable evil.

Coffin according to Miller's dream book

  • Seeing - heavy loss, early departure of a dear relative;
  • Strewn with flowers in the church - an unsuccessful marriage;
  • For the peasant - crop failure, livestock diseases;
  • For business people - failures;
  • For young people - an unhappy marriage;
  • A moving coffin is a disease, marriage overshadowed by previous events;
  • Lying in a coffin yourself or sitting on it - quarrels, a serious illness, remorse for actions.

Coffin according to Miller's dream book

Coffin according to Miss Hasse's dream book

  • Seeing him is an obstacle;
  • Lying in it is a long life;
  • With ropes - a case of death;
  • To see how they carry - sad circumstances and evil news;
  • Digging a hole for a coffin is a reasonable marriage;
  • A buried coffin is a disease;
  • Open - a fun celebration.

Coffin according to Tsvetkov's dream book

  • I dreamed of a coffin - success in business;
  • A friend in a coffin - news of his success;
  • For young people - for the wedding;
  • For family - to profit, monetary success.

The coffin according to the dream book of Schiller-Schoolboy

  • For the elderly, death;
  • For family - profit;
  • For the young - a wedding and a long life.

Coffin according to the women's dream book

  • The coffin is a sad symbol. The appearance of a coffin in a dream can portend heavy losses, an early departure from the life of a dear person;
  • Seeing a coffin strewn with flowers in a church means an unsuccessful marriage;
  • An empty coffin symbolizes inner emptiness and spiritual hardships;
  • Lying in a coffin - quarrels await you;
  • Carry a coffin in a dream - you will commit an ugly act.

Velesov dream book

  • Sleep coffin - joy, success in business, profit, longevity, wedding (young);
  • Sleeping in a coffin is fun;
  • An open coffin - to death;
  • Empty - a long and happy life;
  • A friend in a coffin - to hear about his success.

Coffin according to Ukrainian dream book

  • Open coffin - death in the family;
  • A closed coffin is a long and happy life;
  • If you dream of coffins in a cemetery, then this is bad;
  • Lying in a coffin is a fun celebration.
  • If you dream of a coffin, poverty, humiliation awaits you;
  • If the coffin is large and heavy, fate will give you contentment and harmony in the house;
  • Golden coffin - portends success that will come to you from afar;
  • Making coffins in a dream means hard work that will give great rewards;
  • Buying coffins in a dream - to prosperity and harmony in the house.

Coffin according to the French dream book

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

  • The coffin dreamed - for the old - death; for family - profit; for young people - a wedding;
  • Seeing him is an obstacle;
  • Lying in it is a long life;
  • A coffin with ropes is a case of death;
  • See how the coffin is carried - sad circumstances and evil news;
  • Digging a hole for a coffin is a reasonable marriage;
  • A buried coffin is a disease;
  • Open - a fun celebration awaits.

Coffin according to the gypsy dream book

  • This is usually a good sign. According to the interpretation of the gypsies, to see someone in a coffin means that you will live to see the time when the children grow up and start their own families;
  • Seeing yourself in a coffin - you will have excellent health all your life.

Dream Interpretation of Azar

  • Relatives of the deceased in a coffin - a mortal danger.

New dream book

  • The coffin dreamed - to financial luck.

Old dream book

  • The coffin, seen in a dream, marks a change in state, sleeping in a coffin portends death to the sick, and to the healthy - an obstacle in business.

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

  • A coffin standing in a church and covered with flowers promises an unsuccessful marriage;
  • For lovers, a coffin seen in a dream portends a separation.

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