Home Undercarriage Remaining tread depth. How important it is on a slippery road. When the tread wear is at its limit

Remaining tread depth. How important it is on a slippery road. When the tread wear is at its limit

In order for the protector to perform its protective function, ensuring safety on the road, responding to the need for emergency braking, its condition should be monitored. Moreover, what should be the tire tread, traffic rules are strictly determined. It is worth studying the list of requirements, and it does not matter if you are a beginner driver or already with experience. Since January 1, 2015, there have been changes in the Rules of the road, and, of course, you should familiarize yourself with them.

Which tire tread is unsuitable for use

Another reason for uneven tire wear is aggressive driving with frequent emergency braking, with regular and thoughtless pressing of the gas pedal to failure. The tire will suffer from abrupt start and braking. As a result, you will get very quick tire wear and tear, and this forces car owners to make unforeseen financial expenses on tire retreading with their own hands or under the guidance and supervision of specialists.

If the inspector pays attention to a damaged tire, then he assesses the degree of uneven wear of its pattern, taking into account several areas, understands the extent of their damage, sums up the area and issues a resolution - is the tire fit for use and whether the driver violates traffic rules.

If a car with an "expired" reading of the tire wear indicator is stopped by an inspector, then a fine will be imposed on the vehicle driver in the amount of 500 rubles. Note that in 2017 they plan to increase the punishment rate by 4 times. The reason for the punishment is clear to everyone - it is not permissible to operate the "bald" tire tread, the traffic rules interpret the driver's behavior as threatening the safety of all road users.

The inspector has the right to make a remark to the driver if he notices the improper condition of the tires, especially in winter.

  1. Different tire models. The "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Wheeled Vehicles" clearly states that it is prohibited to install tires on one axle of a vehicle if they are different in size. It is forbidden to violate the design of the product: they must be either chamber or tubeless. Also, only the same tire tread is allowed, traffic rules do not allow different patterns.

Tire tread depth standards

If you pay attention to the content of the fundamental documents and provisions of the traffic rules, then you can determine for yourself a number of operating standards that are attributed to rubber, that is, what should be the tire tread, its permissible height.

  1. For motorcycles, mopeds, ATVs, which are designated by category L, a residual tread depth of 0.8 mm is determined.
  2. For trucks with a permissible weight of more than 3.5 tonnes and also with possible trailers that go under categories N, O, a residual tread depth of 1 mm is determined.
  3. For passenger cars, trucks with a permissible weight of up to 3.5 tons, under the conventional categories M1, N1, O1, O2, a residual tread depth of 1.6 mm is determined.
  4. For buses, which from January 1, 2015 are designated in the document by the codes M2, M3, a residual tread depth of 2 mm is determined.
  5. For winter tires bearing the M or S designation, a residual tread depth of 4 mm is determined.

In situations where the tire tread approaches the permissible limits, you should already think about whether to buy a new set of rubber or it is better to choose a tire tread retreading with your own hands or with the help of trusted specialists.

Requirements for tires in the Russian Federation

Having familiarized yourself with the normative document entitled "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Wheeled Vehicles", you will understand what the requirements are for tires and wheels in the Russian Federation, especially you should pay attention to the changes introduced on January 1, 2015.

  1. All installed wheels must have clear tire tread, traffic rules provide for marking with the Russian conformity mark.
  2. All inscriptions containing information on the size, product categories must be applied on the rubber.
  3. The applied tire tread, the permissible height must be specified in the vehicle operating documents.
  4. The category of speed, loads must correspond to the index of the bearing capacity of the product.

By carefully reading all the inscriptions on the tire, you will understand what kind of product is in front of you and whether it is worth purchasing. During operation, tires are exposed to the environment, contact with aggressive road surfaces on a daily basis. Wear passes quickly if the machine is operated carelessly, not sparing it, not taking into account its technical characteristics.

And after some period, you will need to restore the tire tread with your own hands or with the help of specialists. Painstaking work will be done, and success will depend on the quality of the retreaded tires and the skill of the person who takes on such difficult work.

Tire retreading

Thus, the traffic rules clearly state the requirements for the tire tread. It is recommended to follow them, otherwise you will not avoid fines, and most importantly, driving a car can be unpredictable if the tires are bald. Be careful especially in the autumn-winter period, when the adhesion to the road surface deteriorates at low temperatures.

Many car owners have had the idea to save money at least once, and to “change” their car not to new tires, but to used ones. In addition, sellers assure that tire wear is minimal. In practice, it turns out that used rubber is almost always in poor condition. However, new tires are often not perfect either. Read on to find out what the depth and tread height of a new winter tire should be.

A tread is the outer layer of a car tire that is in direct contact with the roadway. It is on this part that a special pattern is applied, consisting of volumetric elements and grooves of a certain depth and direction. Its purpose is to provide maximum adhesion to the road surface, effectively remove snow and moisture from the place of contact between the wheels and the roadbed.

Obviously, the percentage of wear of the outer layer has a direct impact on the stability of the machine, its passability and controllability. In addition, proper braking operation is also not possible if the wheels are heavily worn.

Video "How to independently determine the tire tread height"

In this video, you will learn how to determine the tread height of tires without measuring tools.

How to measure tread depth

Regular monitoring of the height of the residual winter tread pattern, as well as timely replacement of rubber before the percentage of wear reaches a critical value, minimizes the risk of accidents.

There are several ways to measure the thickness of the outer rubber layer. So, modern copies are equipped with built-in indicators that monitor wear: as soon as the thickness of the ornament reaches the minimum permissible value, their presence will affect the quality of car control, and the driver will understand that he must change the rubber. Sometimes, colored layers of rubber are used as a kind of indicator of the necessary quick replacement of tires - as soon as they appear on the surface of the tire, it's time to visit a tire service.

For more accurate depth measurement, professionals use a special device - a depth gauge. But experienced drivers know that it is quite possible to do without it, having at hand an ordinary 10-kopeck coin. We insert it with an edge into the groove of the ornament and evaluate the result: if the inscription "kopecks" disappeared completely, your tire is in excellent condition; if the rubber covers only the floral ornament, you can ride on wheels, but you should prepare for an early replacement of tires; if only the rim is hidden in the groove, change the wheels immediately.

For a more accurate picture, measurements are taken along the entire circumference of the wheel. If it turns out that in different places the degree of tire wear is different, you need to go to the service station and adjust the wheel alignment angles.

Required tread height for new tires

The required height of the pattern of the outer layer of winter rubber differs depending on several factors: the type of car (light, cargo, passenger), its category, climatic conditions of the region, etc. Traffic rules (SDA) clearly regulate this parameter:

"2.3.2. The height of the tire pattern must be at least: For vehicles of categories L - 0.8 mm; For vehicles of category M1 - 1.6 mm; For vehicles of categories N and O - 1.0 mm; For vehicles of categories M2 and M3 - 2.0 mm; For trailers (semi-trailers) - the same as for the tractors with which they work. For winter tires, as well as those marked with the "M + S" sign - 4.0 mm ".

Permissible wear

Unlike summer tires, winter tires are suitable for use only for 2-3 seasons. Further, the tread pattern is erased so much that the operation of the car becomes dangerous. Traffic rules put forward specific requirements for the residual depth of the pattern, depending on the type of vehicle (revision of the traffic rules 2018):

"5.1. Remaining tread depth of tires (in the absence of wear indicators) is not more than:

for vehicles of categories L - 0.8 mm;

for vehicles of categories N2, N3, O3, O4 - 1 mm;

for vehicles of categories M1, N1, O1, O2 - 1.6 mm;

for vehicles of categories M2, M3 - 2 mm ".

You should not skimp on your own safety, and be frivolous about winter tires. The life and health of passengers often depends on their condition.

Be vigilant, not a rod, not a nail!

The most important parameter for any driver is the depth of the tire pattern. Great importance is given to this parameter due to the peculiarities of the use of tires, because the level of adhesion to the road surface and, as a consequence, the safety of the car and the driver on the road directly depend on the height of the pattern.

Tread height of new summer tires: types of tires

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Experts subdivide tires according to the season. Allocate:

  • Summer tires.
  • Winter tires.

Depending on the characteristics of the new rubber and the pattern, the height of the tire at different times of the year ensures the maximum level of grip on the road surface. It depends on the features of operation what is the minimum tread depth on summer tires.

It is customary to classify rubber on the basis of the type of transport for which it is intended. For passenger cars, the following types of rubber are distinguished:

In addition, the tread height and features of the pattern depend on the purpose of the wheels. What kind of rubber is suitable for operation is determined depending on its type:

  • Off-road.
  • Sports.
  • Regional.
  • Road racing.

The height of these types of tires varies quite a lot. The height of off-road tires can be up to 17 mm, and the height level of sports tires is up to 5 mm.

What should be the tread depth of summer tires: features of the pattern

Summer products with a classic symmetrical tread pattern are considered a universal model of tires. These patterns are characterized by moderate drainage of fluids from places of maximum contact with the road. Tires with this pattern provide normal car handling on any surface. Additionally, they are characterized by:

  • Good wear resistance of rubber.
  • The minimum level of sound effects.
  • Affordable price.

For a quiet ride in city conditions, the purchase of such a new rubber is ideal.

Fans of speed should give preference to tires with an asymmetric tread pattern. Such products will provide reliable grip when entering corners and driving at high speeds.

Tires with this pattern are characterized by the following indicators:

  • Low rubber sound effects.
  • Good directional stability.
  • Improved water resistance.

Course stability is achieved thanks to the more rigid checkers located on the outside of the tire. And improved drainage is provided by widened channels. However, such products have a significant drawback - a significant cost.

For driving in difficult weather conditions, it is worth purchasing tires with a directional pattern. A feature of the products is that the width and depth of the drainage channels significantly reduces the rigidity of the outer rim of the rubber, which reduces the rate of its course stability. The peculiarities of the pattern cause a significant difference in the installation of the wheels, which complicates the replacement process. Also, such products are characterized by a fairly high noise level.

How much tread height on new summer tires?

Height and pattern have a direct impact on indicators such as the adhesion strength of the car with the road, as well as on the level of water drainage. New summer tires should have a tread height of 6 to 8 mm. A wear level of not more than 50% is allowed. Answering the question, what is the tread depth on summer tires, it is worth noting that its minimum level should be 1.6 mm. This is the maximum allowable wear value.

For such tires, the main condition for normal operation is the presence of a tread pattern. A decrease in the level of its depth reduces the performance of the product and contributes to a decrease in the quality of fluid drainage. The answer to the question, how many percent can be tire wear, is determined depending on the type of car.

The tread depth of new summer tires may vary depending on the purpose of the car. Therefore, when answering the question, what is the permissible tread depth on summer tires, it is worth noting that in sports models this figure can reach 17 mm. Large depth readings are predetermined for SUVs as well.

What is the height of the tread on new summer tires in comparison with winter tires?

The tread depth for products intended for the winter period is an extremely important indicator. In summer, driving on dry roads allows significant wear on the pattern, while in winter, safety directly depends on its depth.

Winter tires are divided into several types:

  • Scandinavian type.

This type of rubber was developed for riding in severe frost and snowfall conditions. Answering the question, what should be the tread height of passenger tires in comparison with this, it should be 8 mm, which is quite weighty. This type of tire is characterized by an asymmetric pattern. Rectangular cups are designed to act on snow and ice, which are deflected from the contact surface by means of lamellas.

  • Studded.

Studs provide traction by breaking snow and ice. Such rubber can also be used for driving on asphalt, however, it makes quite a lot of noise. Heavy braking can damage the studs.

  • Frictional.

This type of rubber is suitable for riding in mud and slush, as well as in light snow conditions. The answer to the question, how much should be the tread height of summer tires in comparison with this type of rubber - it can be less by 3 mm. This rubber is characterized by thin slots, as well as the presence of special lugs, which significantly increases the area of ​​adhesion to wet asphalt. The pattern on this type of rubber is symmetrical.

In addition, many car owners are wondering how much tire pressure should be in the summer. The answer to it is extremely simple. The tire pressure in summer and winter must be at the same level.

The recommended level of pressure in the tires of a car is indicated on a specific sticker, which is attached by the manufacturer to the driver's door. This tire pressure is an average. The optimum tire pressure is determined depending on:

  • Car load.
  • The number of passengers.

The greater the load on the car, the higher the tire pressure should be. This is due to the fact that insufficient tire pressure in summer can lead to their rapid wear.

Cargo "Gazelles" will be able to roll tires as long as the tread depth is not less than 1.6 millimeters. "Gazelle" minibuses will have to change tires when the tread depth is less than two millimeters.

The corresponding bill was prepared by the Department of Road Traffic Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. It was developed on behalf of the President, which indicated the need to establish uniform requirements in the regulatory legal acts of the Government in terms of the use of automobile tires in the operation of vehicles.

It can be assumed that the whole problem was in the Gazelles. The fact is that in the traffic rules, in particular in the provisions on the admission to the operation of vehicles, it is prescribed that the tires of passenger cars have a residual tread height of less than 1.6 mm, trucks - 1 mm, buses - 2 mm, motorcycles and mopeds - 0.8 mm.

"Gazelle", as well as the Korean Porter, category "B" cars. Their maximum weight does not exceed 3.5 tons. That is, the tread depth should be 1.6 mm. However, according to all other parameters, these are trucks. They are designed for the transport of goods. That is, they can roll tires up to one millimeter?

According to the requirements of the technical regulations on the safety of wheeled vehicles in Russia, according to the requirements of the same regulations of the Customs Union, they remain trucks. Category N1 - vehicles intended for the carriage of goods with a maximum mass not exceeding 3.5 tons.

In general, everything is very difficult with the classification of vehicles. What, for example, are pickups? They also belong to category N1 in both international and Russian qualifications, despite the fact that many of them can be managed with an open category "B" in the rights. Here, cars are already divided according to their functionality. By the way, many pickups are prohibited from entering the city center without an appropriate permit: the carrying capacity is more than a ton. Many of them can be driven, having a category "C" in the rights - their maximum weight is more than 3.5 tons.

Now, in accordance with the instructions of the President, the Ministry of Internal Affairs decided to indicate the depths of the treads for each vehicle. For vehicles of category L - these are all mopeds, motorbikes, mokiki, as well as motorcycles, motor scooters and even tricycles and quads - the residual tread depth is set at least 0.8 mm.

For vehicles of categories N2, N3, O3, O4, these are trucks and trailers, the maximum mass of which is over 3.5 tons - 1.0 mm.

For vehicles of categories M1, N1, O1, O2, these are cars, as well as trucks, the maximum mass of which is not more than 3.5 tons, as well as trailers for them, which also do not exceed this mass - 1.6 mm.

For vehicles of categories M2, M3, these are buses, that is, all buses with more than eight passenger seats - 2.0 mm.

For the first time in the Basic Provisions on the admission of vehicles to operation, the requirements for winter tires are spelled out and it is explained which tires are considered as such.

The residual tread depth of winter tires intended for operation on an icy or snow-covered road surface during operation on the specified surface is not more than four mm. Please note that we are talking specifically about their use on a snowy or icy area.

Winter tires are marked with a mountain peak with three peaks and a snowflake inside it, as well as signs "M + S", "M&S" and "M S". If the tire has wear indicators, then you do not need to measure the tread depth with a vernier caliper.

What penalties will be provided for this is still unknown. It is clear that tires that do not meet these requirements cannot be inspected.

It is not yet clear whether there will be penalties on the roads. As the traffic police told us, you first need to introduce requirements, and then think about fines.

Having in the garage a set of tires whose permissible tread depth of winter tires corresponds to the norm, every motorist is firmly convinced that he is completely ready to meet the winter fully armed. Still, you should not be so self-confident, but take a closer look at the rubber, since the tread resource for winter and summer is very different. There are certain indicators according to which it is better not to use last year's tires at all, but to buy new ones. No amount of money compares to winter road safety.

Winter tires and the law

Any rules and laws do not grow out of the blue, but are based solely on practice. Therefore, a new decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 1, 2015 affected the regulations for transport malfunctions, in which its operation is prohibited. In particular, this also affected the tires. In the new edition of the list of critical malfunctions, tires are clearly divided into winter and summer. If earlier, according to the old classification of transport, a passenger car could have a tread depth of 1.6 mm, a truck 1 mm, and a bus 2 mm, now the classification and tolerances for rubber wear have changed.

The residual tread depth for motorcycles and mopeds in the summer period remained equal to 0.8 mm, and for another type of transport, everything is more complicated and stricter:

  • transport category N2 and N3, as well as O3 and O4 - 1 mm;
  • transport category O1, O2, M1 and N1 - 1.6 mm;
  • cars of category M2 and M3 must have a tread depth of more than 2 mm.

The term “not less” was replaced by the term “more”, which means that the denomination specified in the regulations is actually considered unacceptable.

The residual tread depth of tires that are designed for use on ice or snow should not be more than 4 mm. The law clearly states that a winter tire means rubber marked in a special way - either with the Mount Fuji logo, three peaks and a snowflake in the center, or with the letters MS in any combination, which means "mud & snow", mud and snow. Not without reservations: the requirement applies only to sections of the road with an icy or snowy surface. Therefore, you can drive on asphalt or snow slurry according to the summer regulations, but on ice - with a tread depth of winter tires of at least 4 mm.

Video tips for determining tire tread height without special tools

Many are misled by the terms "residual tread depth" and "no more", "no less". If they talk about the depth, they say "no more", and if they talk about the tread height - "no less". These sacred 4 mm apply to all types of vehicles, shod with winter tires. However, it is also important to remember that this restriction does not apply to winter tires with wear indicators that make the tire unusable on public roads. The appearance of the indicator is equated to the presence of cuts, cracks, breakdowns, cord delamination and hernias, in a word, it cannot be used, unless instead of a spare tire.

Spare parts are another story. If the inspector caught the driver of using a wheel with visible indicators, but the rest of the wheels are in order, then such an offender is given a day to restore the broken wheel. The same applies to the strollers, on it you can get to the nearest tire fitting and repair the tire. There is no fine as such for the use of non-regulatory rubber, but the inspector can easily draw up a protocol that the car does not comply with the technical regulations for wheeled vehicles and prohibit operation. Naturally, on tires that do not meet the new requirements for the permissible tread depth of winter tires, the inspection will not be possible. At the same time, tires with different tread patterns cannot be installed on one axle, not to mention the sizes and types of cords. Naturally, this does not apply to the dokatok.

We look at the tread, measure its depth

Since January 1, 2015, we had to take a closer look at tires, including winter ones. For example, a used winter tire in the fall may have a completely acceptable minimum 4 mm of tread height. But how long it will last and when critical wear and tear comes, one can only guess. And few people think that after the first winter skating season, even if the rest of the tread corresponds to the norm, the adhesion properties of the tire deteriorate by 10-15%. Wear indicators are also installed not in order to increase the world tire turnover, but just for safety reasons. In addition, the elasticity of winter tires deteriorates with each new season.

If we talk about the off-season, then topical topics of aquaplaning and slashplanning come up. Aquaplaning is a complete loss of contact with the road surface in water, the wheel simply floats up at speed. Nokian carried out a series of tests and found that on tires with a tread depth of 1.6 mm and a water level of 4-5 mm, aquaplaning is already possible at 70-75 km / h. At the same time, the tread height of a new tire can keep the car from losing contact up to 95-100 km / h. Slashplenning is a similar phenomenon, only it occurs on a snow porridge during a thaw. In the event of tire tread wear (or overspeeding), the loss of contact with the road on ordinary tires can occur at 50-60 km / h, and on winter tires, corresponding to the 4 mm depth standards, at a speed of 70-80 km / h. At the same time, the contact spot with the road will be only 17% of the contact on a new winter tire. Therefore, a 4mm balance is not such a luxury.

There are several ways to measure the tread depth:

  1. Approximately. This is what most motorists do, not thinking that the height of the tread pattern in different places of the tire can be completely different and the visual assessment serves only to calm the conscience.
  2. Coin. Not very accurate, but giving an idea of ​​the real wear of winter tires. The coin is inserted into several points of the tread pattern, pressed from the top point with a finger. The resulting distance is then measured. It is advisable to measure at multiple locations across the width of the tire.
  3. Vernier caliper with a depth gauge. Simple, reliable and accurate method. It is better to measure at 9-12 points in diameter and at three points in width.
  4. Special digital depth gauge.

Initially, a new summer tire can have a tread depth of 6 to 8 mm, and a winter tire - from 8 to 11. At the same time, a winter tire on asphalt wears out much faster than a summer tire, since it has more slots and softer rubber, and the load on each tread block increases.

Experts say that with 50% wear on a summer tire, it is still quite usable, but a winter tire with the same percentage of wear is no longer good for anything.

To calculate the real wear of a winter tire, it is enough to subtract the real indicator from the height of the new tread and multiply the result by 100. If you cannot find out the tread height of a new specific tire, you can take the average value:

  • high-speed winter tires with a summer-like tread pattern may initially have a height of within 7 mm;
  • a classic winter tire will have a pattern height of about 9 mm;
  • winter tires of cross-country ability with the so-called Scandinavian pattern must have a height of at least 10-11 mm.

Putting winter tires correctly

Of course, not everyone can afford to buy a new set of winter tires every season. Before installing last year's kit, you should pay attention to a number of important points, in addition to the tread height, of course:

  • On slippery roads, even the most expensive summer tires do not hold the car as effectively and do not brake as effectively as the cheapest winter tires.
  • If the rules for storing tires were not followed, or if the rubber was stored with the disc assembly, the wheels must be balanced before installing.
  • Before installing the winter kit, it is advisable to check the wheel alignment, since in summer a slight deviation from the norm is not as noticeable as on a slippery road.

  • Since winter tires are more elastic, it is worth paying more attention to the tire pressure and checking it more often.
  • A spare wheel should, if possible, have the same tread pattern as the rest of the wheels.
  • Regardless of the type of drive, the best pair of tires is installed on the front axle, since handling on slippery roads is very important.
  • If you observe the seasonality of tires, alternate summer and winter tires in time, they will last 30-40% longer.

In addition, it is imperative to take into account the operating conditions of the car, however, this concerns, rather, the choice of new winter tires. The permissible tread depth of winter tires is just as important as the compliance of the tires with the season, therefore, in fulfilling the requirements of the technical regulations, we ourselves are concerned about the safety of our own and the safety of our neighbors on the road.

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