Home Rack What does the JDM Style car look like? Main characteristics…. What is JDM Style? What does jdm mean on cars

What does the JDM Style car look like? Main characteristics…. What is JDM Style? What does jdm mean on cars

I am sure that every connoisseur of the Japanese car industry, at least once in his life heard the abbreviation JDM (Ji Di Em) ...

When I just got on the path of searching for my desired civik, it was repeatedly heard that "this is a purebred JDM and it is necessary to look for it exclusively in Japan." Long to break his head and went immediately in Wikipedia.

So what do people invest in this abbreviation? What is JDM?

JDM. deciphered as Japanese Domestic Market. (from the English. Japanese domestic market or Japanese domestic market). The term is common both in terms of cars and other goods sold in the Japan market. Usually, models of cars intended for Japan differ from the same models intended for other markets, or at all do not have foreign analogues.

Based on the foregoing, you can say with 100% confidence that it is a purebred JDM, as many I wrote on the forums.

The main manufacturers of car models for JDM are Japanese companies, such as: Honda, Toyota, Nissan, Mitsubishi, Mazda, Suzuki, Subaru, Isuzu, Daihatsu, Mitsuoka.

Imports on the JDM market is presented slightly, mainly models of the premium and luxury segment, as well as models of Japanese firms produced abroad.

JDM is the second by volume, yielding only the US market.

For JDM models, quite rich equipment and high technical characteristics are characterized. A distinctive feature is practically mandatory automatic transmission and air conditioning (sports cars - this is an exception to the rules). JDM models have the so-called "right steering wheel", that is, the steering wheel is located on the right relative to the longitudinal axis of the car. The lighting of the road is made in accordance with the norms of the left-sided movement, that is, the headlights shine left and have a focused picture, which historically coincides with the norms of Great Britain and Ireland, since it was from there to the imperial Japan the first cars got into the imperial Japan. In Japan, imported left-handed models are allowed to operate, the possession of which, on the contrary, raises the status of the owner due to the rarity and, as a rule, high-cost such cars.

The usual lifetime of the car in Japan is 3-5 years, less often than 7 years. A similar situation is now in Europe. Only Russia trample on the spot and rides generations on the same car.

After the expiration of 3-7 years, keeping your "old" car becomes economically not profitable due to the stringent requirements of the state technical control, which is why cars are sold at the achievement of this age, mainly on specially organized for this. The buyer of such a car can be a person from any state. The ability to "painlessly" change the old car to the new is ensured by a very developed lending system in Japan and Trade-in. The buyer gives the dealer of the old car at the residual value, and this cost goes to the initial contribution for the new, so the buyer just continues to pay a loan. As a result, the buyer constantly pays interest on the loan and always travels on a pretty fresh car.

The characteristic feature of the policy of Japanese automakers is the release of new models and technologies first in the domestic market, work on the identified disadvantages, and only after the beginning of exports to other markets, if such a decision is made. Thus, the situation is often found when Japanese buyers get the opportunity to purchase cars with newer technologies or version than cars sold by Japanese manufacturers in other countries. The difference in the output of models to the external market can reach several years.

The National Specificity of JDM is the appearance of cars, characteristic of the Japanese design school.

JDM-car owners often establish various external moldings on them, body kit and otherwise change the factory design significantly, change the adjustment of the car suspension (usually understating it), the engine tuning is carried out. Motorsport, Drift, Sport Tuning are developed in Japan; Often such modified machines are imported by car enthusiasts from other countries to participate in various sports competitions.

For all the time of its existence, JDM has greatly affected the Russian car market.

Due to the geographical proximity of Japan to the eastern shores of Russia, as well as the low price of the used JDM cars and high reputation of the Made In Japan sign, since the early 1990s, large-scale imports of such cars have developed. Very quickly, JDM cars won the used vehicles in Russia from Vladivostok to the Urals. The number of left-hand car in these regions began to decline rapidly, even the Russian state apparatus began to use the used JDM models due to the attractiveness of their price and characteristics. In addition, levicultural cars in these regions were more expensive than in the European part due to high transport costs, a relatively weak level of service, a disadvantage of spare parts and a relatively low level of equipment for models.

I think no one will argue with the fact that our car industry is in deep .. oh, and the most vivid example of this shadow AvtoVAZ. While the whole world develops, we are in place and continue to produce all the same cars, but more poor quality.

There is a mass of curious pictures and demotivators on this topic, but I will share only my loved ones:

In the European part of Russia, JDM models are much less common than in Eastern, but there were no little car enthusiasts there, satisfied with the ratio of "price / consumer qualities" of JDM models. The main European consumers of the used JDM models were such densely populated areas like Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar Territory.

Compared with cars of Japanese manufacturers intended for the European market, where they are automatically attributed to Russia, car JDM models have a number of competitive advantages:

  • Lower price due to relatively high prices in Europe;
  • Significantly richer equipment, often having air conditioning and climate control, double air conditioning, glass roofs, satellite navigation, color display, full electrobact, etc.;
  • High technical equipment, including many models full-wheel drive, automatic transmission, CVT, technological gasoline, diesel and hybrid motors, winter equipment and confident start in winter conditions, etc.

In the Russian rules of road traffic and technical flames there is no restriction on the right-hand drive of the steering wheel, although there are differences in lighting requirements, which is solved by adapting or replacing headlights to similar "European". Nevertheless, since 1993, repeatedly observed multiple attempts to discuss and introduce a ban on operating models with the right steering in the Russian Federation under the pretext of their danger on the road. And now let's see a summary of an accident on the roads for the past day. Many right-handed cars became an accident culprit? Not!!! If it is destined to get into an accident, the steering wheel does not play the role. All this is another political move to support the auto industry and sell more cans, which not one crash can not normally go through the population.

Such statements of our government have repeatedly caused a protest of the inhabitants of the eastern regions, mainly moving on such cars. In addition, the low level of income in these regions does not allow massively changing the JDM model with the right steering wheel on the left-hander. Therefore, the solution to the issue of prohibiting the right steering wheel in Russia was constantly postponed either at all declared negative - until the appearance of regular similar initiatives.

Since the beginning of 2009, by decree of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation V. V. Putin, new customs duties entered into force, which largely increased the cost of cars with a motor volume of more than 2000 cubic meters. See, and this segment of the car was most in demand in the car market of Russia, the so-called passing threshold has also decreased (if earlier customs duties spread only on a car over seven years old, now it concerns cars over five years old).

Thanks to Vova for understanding. Continue your autocompositions on the 3 identical machines. I hope that at least one, and you will explode from you under .. oh !!! Sorry, but emotions through the edge.

Vladimir Putin's fleet on the new highway Khabarovsk - Chita on the new Lada Kalina Sport. It turns out she was not alone ... 2010

This caused dissatisfaction with the inhabitants of many regions of Russia from the Far East to Moscow and St. Petersburg, but no multiple all-Russian protests and weighty arguments did not in favor of new changes could not change the decisions of the government. As a result, the import of used cars from the country of the rising sun decreased by about 90% (since only cars of a small volume of up to 1000 cu can now fall into the adequate price range. See).

From a technical point of view, the used JDM models changed the submissions of residents of Russia of Russia on modern requirements for cars and their equipment. The auto services of the right-hand side of Russia massively received technical knowledge of automatic transmission, CVT, air conditioners, electronics, engines, transmission, suspension and other nodes of modern Japanese cars.

Now it remains only to dispersed AvtoVAZ, hire 10-15 Japanese there and start building modern cars.

Thanks for attention.

Japanese Domestic Market (JDM) (Japanese domestic market or Japanese domestic market) is a term common in car (like other goods) sold in the Japan market.

Usually, models of cars intended for Japan differ from the same models intended for other markets, or at all do not have foreign analogues.

The main manufacturers of car models for JDM are Japanese companies: Toyota, Nissan, Honda, Mitsubishi, Mazda, Suzuki, Subaru, Isuzu, Daihatsu, Mitsuoka.

Imports in the JDM market is presented slightly, mainly models of the Premium and Suite segment, as well as models of Japanese firms produced abroad. JDM is the second by volume, yielding only the US market. For JDM models, quite rich equipment and high technical characteristics are characterized. A distinctive feature is practically obligatory automatic transmission and air conditioning. JDM models have the so-called "right steering wheel" (hereinafter referred to, that is, the steering wheel is located on the right relative to the longitudinal axis of the car. The lighting of the road is made in accordance with the norms of the left-sided movement, that is, the headlights shine left and have a focused picture, which historically coincides with the norms of Great Britain and Ireland, since it was from there to the imperial Japan the first cars got into the imperial Japan. In Japan, imported left-handed models are allowed to operate, the possession of which, on the contrary, raises the status of the owner due to the rarity and, as a rule, high-cost such cars.

The usual lifetime of the car in Japan is 3-5 years, less often than 7 years. Next, keep the old car becomes economically not beneficial in connection with the stringent requirements of state-owned technical control, which is why cars are very inexpensive for sale, mainly on specially organized for this auction. The buyer of such a car can be a person from any state. The ability to "painlessly" change the old car for a new one is ensured by a very developed lending system in Japan and Trade-in. The buyer gives the dealer of the old car at the residual value, and this cost goes to the initial contribution for the new, so the buyer just continues to pay a loan. As a result, the buyer constantly pays interest on the loan and always goes on a fairly fresh car.

JDM STYLEJDM LOGO JDM, like style. In general, the terms of the JDM AS FUCK (JDM as E * La), Eat Sleep JDM more belongs to the Americans. In Japan, cars with such stickers or the use of these words you are unlikely to meet. Well, I didn't even meet such stickers in Japan on a car . Here you will not find bright LCD displays, huge 20 inch wheels and other attributes inherent American ai stoppers. Of course, this does not mean that all cars in this style, it is wildly expensive carbon pieces with tanks per 1 liter of gasoline. It is quite difficult for the city to move on such monsters. But in general, the hint of motor racing is almost all cars of this direction. Towing hooks are not hidden, but on the contrary sticking out of the bumpers, and in a pair with stickers indicating them. The missed headlights of the cross for the cross so that in case of an accident, the glass or plastic is not spilled with small fragments along the highway. Talking from the grille of the radiator and the bumper of the Maskuller's highway on the Old school JDM Karah, the salon is unloaded to the metal. In general, it all went to the streets with the addition of already different features.

Jdm_style_1. Special brightness of JDM style is particularly drifted by Karam. Do not be surprised if you see a huge sofa called Mark or Tourer V which is picked up all in mirror, shiny stickers, on different disks of painted in wild colors, and the car itself is pink. Or the same way. In the shreds, the sprinkled 240SX, with the bumper assembled from its particles bonded by plastic ties.

All the same it is the classic color of JDM culture is white. It is white in Japan is considered to be the color of sports karov and rapid cars. For example, as in the UK, a classic racing is considered a dark green one. But the main palette is again bright and acidic colors. JDM Machines This is not a chalk. This is a car anyway associated with different competitions. Therefore, if you train to spit flies with side windows and jammed the wing, just rollace the hammer on it, and on top of putting a couple of bright stickers. Of course, it is more suitable for cars that are again involved or in drifting or ride on the ring and so on. Just riding on a broken auto respect you will not add. In general, this is madness that you just need to understand.

Jdm_style_2 jdm_style_3 Probably one of the main and simple principles of JDM styla is asymmetry. The same stickers are pushed mainly on one side or one place. Optics As in another car, the culture is assigned to their place. It is precisely all this is just a stock, because on the track to break out expensive optics offensively, and faster the car will not go from it. It is often possible to see all the yellow glasses or covered in the headlight. Light bulbs, too, with yellow light. Also popular with fire and faded turn signals, repeaters and fog, but this is rather an Americanized version. After the boom on the drift that especially thundered in America after SEMA show in 2006, for which the stars of Japanese D1 arrived. Nomura, Kumakuba and other famous people. Another American began to be introduced into a Japanese car culture. In terms of the large part, they brought orange turn signals into it, which are generally not found in Japan. Also in the rows of JDM stickers the so-called Shocker was counted. On slang is a "hand gesture". To the Japanese "cross" it does not have such a relationship.

In recent years, the direction of JDM or Russian Buwami Ji Di Em has gained very high popularity in Russia, but most JDM has limited the "Domo" sticker on the Lobovukha Seven Zhiguli. And what is this most JDM?
Wikipedia gives us this is the answer.

Japanese Domestic Market (JDM) (English. Japanese domestic market or the Japanese domestic market) is a term common in terms of cars (like other goods) sold in the Japan market. Usually models of cars intended for JII, differ from the same models intended for other markets, or do not at all have foreign analogues.

The main manufacturers of car models for JDM are the Japanese companies:
Toyota, Nissan, Honda, Mitsubishi, Mazda, Suzuki, Subaru, Isuzu, Daihatsu, Mitsuoka
Imports in the JDM market is presented slightly, mainly models of the Premium and Suite segment, as well as models of Japanese firms produced abroad.

Once, what kind of clever told me - "My prior in some sense, the same JDM is obtained, it is on the domestic market of Russia, and it turns out that this is Russian live di uh not?" In some sense he is right, but the features of Jediem had a rich equipment of cars and a lot of strength under the hood, because it is known for the Slogan of Japanese automotive production - "Everything for the driver."

From the beginning of 2009, by decree of Prime Minister of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, by virtue of new customs duties, which increased the cost of vehicles with a motor volume of more than 2000 cubic meters. See, and this segment was most in demand at the car market of Russia. The so-called passing threshold has also decreased (if earlier customs duties applied only on a car over seven years old, now it also concerns the cars over five years old). This caused dissatisfaction with the inhabitants of many regions of Russia, but no multiple all-Russian protests and weighty arguments could change the government's decisions. As a result, the import of used cars from the country of the rising sun declined by about 90% (since only small volume machines up to 1000 cu can now enter the adequate price range. See)

Mostly, Russian car mechanics received knowledge about automatic transmission, CVT, air conditioners, electronics, engines, transmissions, suspension and other nodes of modern Japanese cars due to this very JDM. For example, we thank them)

And now we go to the explanation of all the stickers favorite people

Koleshiya, Koreisha.

These two words have one sense. Just consumes two options. For various spelling and pronunciation of the English version with Japanese. Just as, someone says Mitsubishi, and someone "Mitsubishi". With Japanese this can be understood as " Elderly sign "Or clearer" sign-elderly driver. "Koleshiya serves as an identification sign of drivers who are more than 70 years old. After reaching 75 years of age, the icon or sticker should be on the car must. But Koleshiya can be placed to drive and up to 70 years, if their Age can reflect on driving. The Japanese can not come up with something just so that everything should be logic and meaning .Soshinoya and Koleshiya symbolize leaves .Soshinoya as you can see in the photo above, yellow-green. Smell is a new green leaf, Symbolizing youth. It is the leaves in the fall, that is, the transition to more adult condition.koleshiya as can be seen yellow-orange. The transition from an adult state in more mature. That is an almost poetic value. .
BBRRRRR ..... Start! And here the leaves and driving skills of civil drivers? We are talking about cars on Stayle! Now we will talk about the meaning of these stickers in JDM style. Everything is completely simple .Soshinoya is New School.

Most likely it will be a car after the 80s, 85th year. This is bright colors, the Pösta "Pokleka", modern disk design, without half the cabin with alone buckets, low ground clearance, bodies, and so on. Koleshiya is Old School.

Auto until the 75th, 80s year. Communicable appearance. Original chrome details. Demarks, original or appropriate disk design. Calon is stored in an original form. The details and mechanisms are kept predominantly in stock. Personally protruding Maslolar highways Bosozoku style. These stickers are applied regardless of the age of cars. If your car fresh years is made in the Old School style, then it can allocate it by the same Koleshiya sticker.

The Japanese is translated as a "new driver", "the driver has just begun," is still referred to as Wakaba. If Soshinoya is used in the sense of inexperience driving by a car, then Wakaba can be attributed to inexperience in any spheres. Changing or magnet Soshinoya notes not experienced drivers whose experience Less than 1 year. You can not remotely remove and after the year. If it comes to the tone of your car. If you just consider your skills not perfect.
"Dude, Check Out My New Soshinoya Badge, NOW My Silvia IS JDM AS FUCK!"

Japanese Domestics Market (JDM) - the term denotes tuning in the internal market of Japan. Clean JDM style is a right-handed car released to 2000, having wide discs of old school, exterior body kit and other elements, significantly changing the stock vector stock design.

JDM style is characteristic:

  1. Swap Engine - replacement of the original engine to more powerful;
  2. Swap transmission - replacement of the gearbox, with automatic transmission on the manual transmission or 5-speed to 6-step;
  3. Changes in adjusting the car suspension, understate with screw adjustable racks (extremely low landing is not a target);
  4. Wheels: with shelf, Old School, with a huge departure;
  5. The hood must be from carbon. It was from the JDM culture to us a fashion came to Carbon. The Japanese were the first to replace heavy metal hoods on lighter from carbon;
  6. Headlights with additional tides on the optics housing;
  7. Optics White or Red Optics
  8. Head optics covered with yellow film or yellow light light bulbs;
  9. Yellow fog lights;
  10. Arch expansion on rivets;
  11. Front spoilers in the form of "tongue" or splitters from charged versions of standard models;
  12. Body color - white, blue, yellow, busty, pink or purple;
  13. Body covering stickers with the image of the Japanese flag - the sun, a yellow-green badge, a snail with a turbine in the shell, inscriptions in the style of "I Love JDM" or "Eat Sleep JDM", images of the piglets.

JDM style does not require compliance with the above. Sometimes it is enough to install low springs and Japanese wrist wheels of the corresponding design and paint them into a lemon color so that the majority guess in this misery, and connoisseurs and connoisseurs - follow Japanese style.

JDM discs?

There are a number of unwrapped rules and concepts, in accordance with which each Japanese model is suitable for a certain set of wheels, usually Japanese manufacturers.

"Right" wheels play a big role in general compliance with the JDM style machine. Usually, the old Japanese models of the 70s - 80s are tested with bizarreland discs, brought to the perfect state, and on modern - or aggressive discs with the "shelf" or a laconic design "rollers" in the Taimato-style.

Arches often put on cars with extenders, the arches often put the wheels with crazy departures, and also do not forget about proper fitment / walls.

What is JDM? The term is decrypted as Japanese Domestic Market. Translated into Russian means Japanese domestic (domestic) market. This concept is common in relation to cars and spare parts for them produced in the country of the Rising Sun.

It's no secret that Japanese production machines are among the most popular in the world and compete, perhaps only with German brands. And those are superior to how many motorists believe. And for such a statement there are many reasons and causes, such as design, specifications, equipment and tuning capabilities. Today we will have to plunge into the world, full of beautiful and powerful cars that have won the love of real connoisseurs of cars. After all, JDM is a whole universe!

Through thorn to the stars: from copies to unique perfection

The automotive industry has passed a hard way before Japan was able to become a country in which one of the best cars in the world are produced. Japanese internal, as well as Moscow, was not immediately built. Initially, many companies that are today considered giants in the automotive industry, specialized in the production of weaving machines. However, it is not surprising, because the fishery has rich traditions, the roots leaving deep into antiquity.

But the global industry has rapidly developed, new products appeared on the market, starting with kitchen devices and ending with cars. Weaving became an increasingly popular direction and in terms of profit fee was unpromising. The empire required the development of new classes capable of making Japan an important and necessary for the whole world. And the country of the rising sun seriously thought about creating his own automotive concern.

Perhaps no one would ever know what JDM is, because the automotive industry in Japan has developed hard enough. If it were not for the persistence of this people and the coincidence. The first cars issued in the light were not original, but copied European and American models. However, this approach was the only way to attract his buyer and very soon gave good fruits. It is foreign experience in the basis of the creation of a Japanese manufacturing strategy. In particular, companies were invented by brands with memorable names: "Mazda", "Nissan", "Subaru". If the name was given in honor of the founder, it was slightly modified in order to simplify the pronunciation. For example, "Toyota" is formed from the name of Tono.

The true birth of Japanese Domestic Market has to start the war in Korea. Then the United States allowed an unforgivable mistake: inserting military actions, America began to buy everything from Japan, including cars. Well, and the Japanese, I have to say, did not miss the opportunity to break out the leaders. Moreover, they went further, presenting extremely high demands on the quality and hard controlling the process of production of machines. This became the main reason for success. So, JDM appeared on the world - first as the usual domestic market of the country, and then it has already become a whole culture, the movement that continues to develop today, firmly holding the leading position in the world.

New Era: What JDM is today

Own innovative developments, use in the production of newest technologies, strict quality control, clear planning, excellent discipline and, finally, unique in its kind, the management has done their job - Japanese cars have become the most popular and in demand throughout the world. Today, the domestic market of the rising sun country offers cars endowed with the following qualities:

  1. The original interior design and exterior in which extraordinary solutions are applied.
  2. Comfortableness achieved due to the soft suspension, almost silent engine, excellent controllability and excellent challenges.
  3. Increased security level due to hard quality requirements. For example, some models are equipped with an external airbag, it will save a pedestrian from the accident at an accident.
  4. Inexpensive maintenance, widespread (spare parts for Japanese cars are easy to find in any city of any country) and economy.

Distinctive features of the domestic market in Japan

You can safely argue that JDM cars have no analogues in the world. They are largely different from those manufactured for export. JDM models are the top-end configurations in which the salon is equipped with expensive materials:

  • leather;
  • wood;
  • alcantara;
  • aluminum.

The package also includes the maximum electric car, hatch, panoramic roof, improved vibration and noise insulation, and many other improvements are also used. Cars produced for the domestic market of Japan are equipped with automatic transmission and air conditioning. But the mechanics here is for true "gourmets".

Export models are somewhat trimmed, their quality is significantly inferior to the original JDM machines, even though there is absolutely no complaints about the first option - all at the highest level. However, the difference between them is colossal, no matter how cool. For example, we take the Nissan QG18DE motor. If in the domestic market of Japan, it has a power of 126 horsepower, the export model boasts only 115 liters. from. And such comparisons can be produced.

JDM VS World Car Market

According to the volume of exported goods JDM (decoding is written in the article) is inferior only to the United States. According to the quality of machines produced, as many car enthusiasts argue, only German brands can be harvested with JDM. Here we are talking not only about the models manufactured for the domestic market, but also about those that go for export.

It would be foolish not to emphasize the influence on the World Car Market Toyota Celsior. This model outside of Japan was called Lexus LS400 and was produced from 1989 to 2003 (last restyling). Without exaggeration, she changed this world and firmly took its place among the luxury cars. The success of Toyota was subsequently studied and analyzed by automakers from America and Europe, eager to release a model that would produce no smaller aurore.

Influence of JDM on the Russian Automotive Market

Separate attention deserves the issue of the influence of the Japanese automotive market on Russian. The peak of popularity falls in the 1990s. Then Russia only had to know what JDM is. But the high reputation of the phrase Made in Japan made his business, as well as the proximity of Japan to the eastern shores of our immense country. In addition, the original JDM cars were sold at a relatively low price. All these reasons served as the beginning of large-scale imports.

Cars from the domestic automotive market in Japan very quickly replaced the classic left-handed domestic, American and European models on the territory from Vladivostok to the Urals. What to say, even the state apparatus moved to these cars. JDM cars have better quality, more presentable views and low price, as well as they were much easier to find spare parts, which cannot be said about the left-handed machines. Since 1993, multiple attempts have been recorded to prohibit the exploitation of right-hand vehicles from the Japanese domestic market on the roads of the Russian Federation, which was instantly suppressed by the "uprisings" of the inhabitants of the eastern regions. Therefore, in technical flames, as it was not a ban on the use of right-handed machines, so no, and it is hardly ever.

What is JDM style?

Little to know JDM translation, you need to get into the essence of the question. Today, such cars are very easy to distinguish from other machines, as they have their own style with an equally original name - Old School. JDM is in pure form represents a right-handed car, the year of release of which is not later thank 2000, equipped with wide disks ("shelves"), external front, side and rear binding, as well as other tuning elements, largely changing the car stock design.

The body must be painted in yellow, white, blue, pink, salad or purple color. Be sure to carbon hood (by the way, it was from Japan a fashion for carbon). Also, the body is decorated with a variety of JDM stickers.

Technical tuning is performed. The replacement is subjected to a more powerful, automatic transmission on the manual transmission, and the already existing suspension is made below the screw adjustable racks.

JDM as a separate culture

Today, JDM is a whole cultural movement, the meaning of which is to bring the Japanese production machine to the sight, in which it is sold at home, as well as the installation of tuning-parts of popular brands. There is a huge amount of online stores, groups in social networks and projects, where every JDM fan can find original spare parts, tuning and other elements, as well as chat with other cultural lovers.

JDM machines - what do they "cling"?

First of all, such cars have a unique style. These machines are unique outside and inside, whatever they are: with tuning and without it, left-handed and right-handed, old and new ones. JDM cars have unsurpassed quality and high technical characteristics. They are nice and easy to manage, and the rich equipment of the cabin simplifies this process even more. Japanese cars maneuverable, the variety of body types allows you to choose your own variant depending on the needs and lifestyle. Of course, true connoisseurs of sports cars will also find their "Japanese" or a serious "samurai", which will become the best friend.

Popular JDM car manufacturers

Above it was already given a brief description of Toyota Celsior and told about her role in the development of world automotive industry. But she is not the only legend of JDM cars. You can not lose sight of such famous models like Lancer from Mitsubishi, Mark II from Toyota, Skyline from Nissan, Civic from Honda and so on. Also, the production of real JDM cars is engaged in no less popular Subaru, Mazda, Suzuki, Isuzu, Daihatsu and Mitsuoka.

Unique Original: How to buy a car from the domestic market in Japan?

This "Japanese" is an exclusively right-hand drive car, which has passed a certain kilometer on the roads of the native country. There are several options for purchasing such a car.

  1. Go on your own to Japan and buy a car in the parking lot of used cars.
  2. Contact a special agency engaged in the import of such transport purchased at auctions.
  3. Contact your dealer and with it to buy cars with auction.

Original spare parts for JDM cars from the Japanese domestic market

In addition to machines, you can purchase original spare parts for Japanese cars on Japanese Domestic Market. Above it was written that they are inexpensive in service. Accordingly, the acquisition of spare parts for any car will not hit the pocket - they apply at reasonable prices, which are even lower than on Bavarian BMW and German Mercedes-Benz.

Wide prevalence - this is another weighty advantage. Spare parts for Japanese cars can be bought not only on JDM, but also in almost any city of Russia. A particularly large selection, as it is easy to guess, in Vladivostok and in the Urals. It is possible to order spare parts through online stores.

Tuning as an integral part of JDM cars

The true JDM car is a car, look at the New Year's Christmas tree. It is necessarily painted in a bright color, attracting attention, has huge drives and many other "beams". Such "cars" as if they had just left the racing route. And tuning for them is an integral part.

In addition to various external and internal decorations, the type of bodywork, bumpers and racing seats are for sale a large number of diverse stickers JDM, "Ciller", rear-view mirrors, optics, feet. Therefore, even if you buy a "ordinary" Japanese car, give it a JDM style will not be difficult. The main thing is to remember that tuning is the basis of JDM culture.

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