Home Wheels The history of the emergence of tapes. Kanzashi for beginners: history and basics of technique. What is the penalty if a drunk driver hits a pedestrian?

The history of the emergence of tapes. Kanzashi for beginners: history and basics of technique. What is the penalty if a drunk driver hits a pedestrian?

It should be noted that the driver’s alcohol intoxication is determined by external signs and by the fact that there are traces of alcohol in the blood and (or) exhaled air. Acceptable values ​​will be less than 0.16 mg of absolute ethyl alcohol per liter of exhaled air and 0.3 mg per liter of blood tested. The external manifestation of alcohol consumed by each driver may be different: alcoholic breath, slow reaction, speech impairment, causeless laughter, staggering, red face, dilated pupils, loss of reality, loss of coordination, and more. And if a police officer suspects that the driver may be drunk, he tests him with a breathalyzer or sends him for a medical examination to an expert.

You need to understand that according to Russian law, refusal of a medical examination ordered by an official in uniform is equivalent to deprivation of rights due to alcohol.

Punishment for drunk driving

In itself, driving while drunk is already an offense that falls under administrative liability. Article 12.8 part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses clearly states that for driving while drunk, a driver is punishable by a fine of 30 thousand rubles and deprivation of a driver’s license for 1.5-2 years. Such penalties apply only to those drivers who, while driving drunk, did not commit acts that led to criminal liability.

And if a drunk driver is involved in a traffic accident, collides with another car(s), hits a pedestrian, and people are seriously injured or killed, these actions fall under the jurisdiction of criminal law.

Find out how the deprivation of rights trial goes from an article by our lawyer.

Many motorists are interested in the question of what will happen to driving without a license after deprivation? Read on our website.

Road accident without causing harm to human life and health

A road accident that occurs with a drunk driver behind the wheel can occur as a result of a collision:

  • with other cars, motorcycles and bicycles, both moving and stationary. If such an accident occurs, and no one was injured as a result, the culprit driver will be punished in accordance with the code of administrative offenses: deprivation of rights for “drunkenness” for up to 2 years and a fine of 30 thousand rubles. And also, perhaps, the culprit will have to independently repay the debt to the insurance company, which will pay the injured party the entire amount of compensation for damage received from the culprit of the accident;
  • with buildings, structures, objects, except transport. These can be roadside trees, fences and railings, bridge supports, poles, power lines, building walls and more. In this case, as a rule, the health of the driver himself, his car and the object of the collision itself may suffer. However, such an incident will not be an insured event, even if the culprit has compulsory motor liability insurance and (or) CASCO insurance. The fact is that any insurer will refuse to pay for damaged property due to alcohol or drug intoxication of the policy holder. Therefore, the culprit will pay damages in favor of the owner of the collision object from his own pocket. He will also be limited in his driving privileges for 1.5 to 2 years by a court decision, and will be required to pay a fine of 30 thousand rubles.

Road accidents resulting in injuries or deaths

Often, an accident caused by a drunk driver ends in tragic events. Unfortunately, victims suffer severe injuries, serious injuries whose irreversible consequences lead to death or disability. Such actions are already classified as a criminal offense and provide for more severe penalties than a fine.

If an accident occurs due to the fault of a drunk driver, there is no death to other participants in the accident, but serious harm to their health is caused, then the court will choose a punishment for the culprit. This can be forced labor for up to three years, a ban on engaging in certain types of activities (or deprivation of the right to hold official positions) for up to three years, or imprisonment for up to four years (Criminal Code Art. 264, Part 2).

If in such a road accident, where the culprit was a drunk driver behind the wheel, one person died, then the court will sentence the culprit of the accident to imprisonment from two to seven years, and will also limit the ability to hold official positions or engage in certain types of activities for up to three years (CC Article 246, part 4).

If two or more people died due to the fault of a driver who was intoxicated, then such an act falls under Part 6 of Art. 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Under this article, it is assumed that the culprit will be imprisoned for a term of four to nine years, and he is also prohibited from holding official positions or engaging in certain types of activities for up to three years (Criminal Code Art. 264, Part 6).

Administrative penalties can be applied with measures of the criminal code, namely: deprivation of a driver's license for the maximum possible period (three years), a fine for drunk driving and imprisonment.

Punishment for repeated driving while intoxicated

Unfortunately, repeat drivers who believe that they are allowed to drive after consuming strong drinks are not deterred by large administrative fines. Therefore, at the legislative level, penalties for such violators have been tightened. Repeated deprivation of rights - this concept appeared in the everyday life of the servants of Themis. We are talking about repeated violation of the law on drunk driving during the period when the offender has already been deprived of his driver's license and within one year after this period has passed.

If such a driver is subject to administrative punishment for a one-time violation of the law, then the repeat offender is punished to the fullest extent of criminal law, under Art. 264, part 1. The court may impose the following penalties, in combination with the deprivation of the driver's license itself for up to 36 months and the inability to engage in activities related to driving for up to 36 months:

  • imprisonment up to 24 months;
  • forced labor for up to 24 months;
  • compulsory work up to 480 hours;
  • a fine of 200 to 300 thousand rubles (or the amount of the convicted person’s salary for 1-2 years).

How is insurance compensation paid under compulsory motor liability insurance if people are injured due to the fault of a drunk driver?

Insurance companies operate on a contractual basis, based on the Law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance”. If the insurer (insurance company) has official information that the culprit of the accident was drunk at the time of the accident, he has the right to file a recourse claim against the culprit.

Recourse is a recovery from the culprit of an accident in payment of a debt to the injured party. In other words, the insurance company pays all costs associated with the material damage of the injured party, and then demands compensation from the culprit.

In this case, the expression “people suffered” includes:

  • a monetary amount of up to ½ million rubles for payments to restore health after injuries received in an accident, according to the official table of payments under compulsory motor liability insurance;
  • a monetary amount of up to ½ million rubles to pay compensation for disability received as a result of a road accident;
  • a monetary amount of up to ½ million rubles for payments to dependents of a person killed in an accident;
  • monetary compensation for the actual funds spent on the treatment process, including the purchase of medications, prosthetics, payment for nurses, stay in sanatoriums (as prescribed by a doctor);
  • if the injured party filed a lawsuit for compensation for damage that arose as a result of loss of ability to work and sources of income, then the insurance company can impose recourse in this area on the culprit of the accident.

What is the penalty if a drunk driver hits a pedestrian?

Initially, it must be said that there are many options for situations when a pedestrian and a drunk driver are involved in an accident. We can talk about a collision at a pedestrian crossing and outside it. There are often cases when two drunk people “meet” on the road: a pedestrian and a driver. Often, pedestrians provoke accidents with their inappropriate actions in the most unexpected places (at night, on an unlit highway, they cross the road, run out of bushes, etc.) and can be the culprits of accidents. However, general judicial practice suggests that the culprit of a collision with a pedestrian will almost always be a tipsy, drunk or hungover driver.

The punishment for a drunk driver who hit a pedestrian will be determined by the court based on all the consequences for the victim. We are talking about the degree of injury and damage. If the pedestrian did not receive bodily injuries or received minor injuries, then the guilty driver will be convicted according to the norms of administrative law:

  • deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle for 18 months and a fine for violating traffic rules from 2.5 to 5 thousand rubles (Article 12.24 Part 1 of the Administrative Code);

Moderate injuries inflicted on a pedestrian as a result of a collision are also punishable under the administrative code:

  • deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle for 18 - 24 months and a fine for violating traffic rules from 10 to 20 thousand rubles (Article 12.24 Part 2 of the Administrative Code);
  • a fine of 30 thousand rubles for driving while drunk (Article 12.8 Part 1 of the Administrative Code).

If, as a result of a collision with a pedestrian, serious harm is caused to his health, then measures of criminal and administrative law are applied jointly:

  • deprivation of rights for up to 36 months;
  • fine 30 thousand rubles;
  • forced labor for up to three years or imprisonment for up to four years. The court will also impose a ban on types of activities and positions held related to driving vehicles (Article 264 Part 2 of the Criminal Code).

A drunk driver responsible for the death of one pedestrian faces from two to seven years in prison, as well as a ban on activities related to driving a vehicle (Article 264 Part 4 of the Criminal Code). He also faces deprivation of his license for up to 36 months and a fine.

If two or more people died as a result of a collision with pedestrians, then the convicted person may receive a sentence of imprisonment from four to nine years and will not be able to hold positions related to driving a vehicle for up to three years (Article 264 Part 6 of the Criminal Code). He will also be deprived of his driving license and a fine.

In other words, hitting a pedestrian is equivalent to an accident in which people were injured.

How to get your license back after it has been revoked due to driving while drunk?

In order to return your driver's license after deprivation, you must wait until the end of the sentence and, without waiting for the end of the last month, you need to contact the State Traffic Inspectorate with an application. Moreover, you need to write an application to the traffic police department where the license was surrendered. If your registration address has changed and you want to obtain a driver's license from the police department at the new address, you must indicate this fact in your application. Then your ID will be sent to the branch to which your new address belongs. The application can be sent electronically using the Internet resource of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Russian Federation.

In addition, as of October 20 of this year, some additional conditions for drivers to obtain licenses after their deprivation came into force. If we talk about those persons who have lost their rights under “drunk charges”, then in order to get their rights, they will have to.

Even in ancient times, people used ribbons, which were narrow strips of fabric. Moreover, the scope of their application was quite wide. Ribbons were used for household purposes, in everyday life, and also as decorations.

Residents of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome often wove strips of fabric decorated with jewelry into their hairstyles. Ribbons were also used to trim clothing, and by their color one could determine which social class the wearer belonged to. In Italy, in the Middle Ages, ribbons began to be used for interior decoration. They were used to decorate furniture, curtains, canopies, and so on.

However, silk ribbons became most widespread in the 14th century. This was due to the development of silk thread production at this time. In the middle of the 15th century, King Louis XI ordered to invite weavers from Italy who were supposed to teach the French the art of silk weaving and making silk ribbons. For this purpose, a large number of machines designed for this purpose were brought to Lyon. Thus, Lyon became a center of textile production. French subjects were the first to decorate clothes with ribbons. Noble ladies and gentlemen increasingly appeared in chic outfits, decorated with brocade or silk ribbons.

Naturally, the demand for tapes increased. Already a hundred years later in Lyon there were about fifty thousand weavers who were engaged in the production of a wide variety of silk ribbons. At the same time, the production of braid was established in Saint-Etienne and Vezely. By the middle of the 17th century, about three hundred and seventy looms were already operating in these cities, designed for the production of gold and silver braid, as well as about 80 thousand looms producing silk ribbons.

The peak use of silk ribbons occurred at the beginning of the 18th century. King Louis XIV loved to decorate his outfits with numerous ribbons with jewels on them. Even the king's shoes were trimmed with ribbons. Louis XIV was partial to original outfits and in every possible way encouraged his courtiers to dress unusually.

During the Rococo era in France, a somewhat frivolous lifestyle became fashionable. Responding to the trends of the times, French fashionistas decorate their dresses with numerous ruffles, ribbons and tucks. During this period, a new type of clothing decoration appeared - embroidery with silk ribbons. Following France, such fashion trends were picked up in England, and later throughout Europe.

And today, braid and silk ribbons are widely used to decorate clothes and various items. Even today they are important attributes of special events and holidays.

Ribbons and braids in history...

Since ancient times, narrow strips of fabric have been used in everyday life and economic activities of people. Already in Ancient Greece, women wove strips of fabric into their hair to “revive” their image. Headbands decorated with gold and precious stones were woven into hair in Ancient Rome.

In addition, clothing was trimmed with colored ribbons, and each social class had its own color and material. In the Middle Ages in Italy, the backs of chairs and canopies were already decorated with ribbons, and heavy curtains were also tied up to cover windows to protect against the cold in winter.

But it was only in the 14th century that the everyday use of silk ribbons began to expand. The weaving traditions in Lyon and the favorable climatic conditions of southern Europe contributed to the rapid development of the production of valuable silk thread. After the papal curia moved to Avignon, under the tutelage of the French king, noble gentlemen began to flaunt in luxurious clothes, trimmed with ribbons with a gold border or brocade ribbons, according to the rank and origin of the wearer.

In 1446, the future King Louis XI invited Italian weavers to teach their art to the residents of Lyon. Nothing came of this venture, but various machines were brought to the city both for making silk and for making silk ribbons.

The demand for ribbons continued to grow, and Lyon gradually became a major textile center. In 1560, there were already fifty thousand weavers who made various, including expensive and extravagant, silk ribbons, and further south in Vezely and Saint-Etienne, almost forty-five thousand people worked in the production of braid. By 1660, in Saint-Etienne and the surrounding area, there were already about eighty thousand looms for the production of ribbons and three hundred and seventy for the production of braided products (braid, braid, basson).

At the beginning of the 18th century, the demand for these goods increased sharply, and a period of rapid distribution of luxurious and beautiful ribbons began. King Louis XIV of France even decorated his shoes with ribbons studded with precious stones and encouraged the court to dress original and creative.

The Rococo era arrived, and frivolity became the style of the French court. King Louis XV loved to embroider and often gave the ladies of his court lovely trinkets he made himself. Dresses became voluminous and spacious, richly decorated with ribbons. “Flying dresses” with unstitched pleats (tucks) on the chest and numerous ribbons came into fashion.

It was during these times that embroidery with silk ribbons appeared in France. At first, noble ladies began to decorate their dresses, decorating the corsages with small roses “a la rococo”, leaves and many scattered flowers with pearls and crystals.

Then it was time for the laundry. It became more and more luxurious and sophisticated. In the ateliers that bore the high title of “Suppliers of the Royal Court,” real masterpieces were created using a simple needle and ribbons. Now they are displayed in museum showcases around the world - from London to Pretoria.

From France, this type of embroidery migrated to the islands in England. And from there it spread to all countries of the former British Empire. Together with settlers from the Old World, he came to America, where he quickly gained popularity.

The heyday of art occurred in the 70s of the 19th century. By this time, embroidery could be seen not only on dresses, but also on umbrellas, lampshades, quilts, household trinkets and hats.
After World War II, public interest in all types of handicrafts began to decline.

But over the past two decades, a revival of embroidery has begun. Interest returned, and this art again shone with all its facets. After all, sewing with silk ribbons is extremely entertaining; it does not require complex devices or large upfront costs. In addition, simple and well-known embroidery techniques are used here. And the three-dimensional design is so attractive that one can say without any doubt: in the coming years this type of embroidery will become widespread and successful!

AND Nowadays.

Silk ribbons and braids used for decoration have firmly entered our everyday life. They are usually remembered before holidays and special events, when there is a need to decorate and color the world around us.

In Italy, noisy and cheerful celebrations, which were a great success, are even called “holidays with bows.”
A beautiful ribbon adds sophistication to a well-packaged gift, emphasizing the solemnity of the moment. A bouquet tied with a ribbon looks not only more attractive, but also richer. Ribbons enliven the hairstyle, and hats, handbags and dresses trimmed with them and braid acquire a so-called zest.

Probably most of us froze with admiration, looking at the wedding dresses of brides, richly decorated with lace, ribbons and ruffles!

In the West, it is customary, in preparation for celebrations, to decorate the festive table with all kinds of bows to match the tablecloth. With their help, they try to create a festive atmosphere in the house. Red ribbons and bows have become a symbol of the Christmas holidays. They are attached to the front doors of houses on the eve of Christmas and the New Year.

We have a custom of decorating the cars of the wedding cortege with ribbons in the colors of the national flag and tying envelopes with newborns with blue or pink ribbons, depending on the gender of the child.
This section will introduce you to a completely new use for silk ribbon. The history of this technique dates back to ancient Anglo-Saxon traditions. For this type of embroidery, a very narrow ribbon is used, which is suitable for any type of fabric.

It passes freely through the densest weft without losing its shape. The peculiarity of this embroidery technique is that it gives the design three-dimensionality. Having studied the step-by-step description of various types of seams, you can easily repeat them and create unusually beautiful things with your own hands.

In addition, you have the opportunity to give the finished product a unique individual look by decorating a dress or hat. With the help of an original three-dimensional pattern or bow, you can combine several items of your wardrobe into a single ensemble. The versatility of this type of embroidery is that it allows you to decorate both a children's canvas backpack and a ladies' evening handbag.

In addition, you will learn how to make beautiful tablecloths and napkins, bags for perfume bottles, jewelry boxes and many other cute things.

Municipal educational institution

Urlyadinskaya basic secondary school

9th grade student: Tungatarova Aimkul

Technology teacher:

Alekseeva Tatyana Alexandrovna.

Urlyadinsky village 2010 – 2011 academic year.
Table of contents

Satin ribbon history………………………………………………………………..

Development of finished products……………………………………………………….

Calculation and construction of the product……………………………………………………….

Characteristics of materials and equipment…………………………………….

Technological map of product manufacturing…………………………………….

Brief description of the design task………………………………………………………..

Economic part................................................... ...........................................

Ecological part………………………………………………………………………………………




I have an exam. And I’m glad that the time has finally come when I can fully show myself, what I’m capable of and what I’ve learned over these 9 years of study. Now society is gradually returning to national techniques for processing materials. I was interested in an ancient Russian craft - embroidery. I got acquainted with the history of the craft, building a historical line for the creation and improvement of hand embroidery, I became acquainted with new types of material processing, such as satin ribbon embroidery. Satin ribbon is a bright, flexible and, most importantly, very affordable material in our conditions. But, satin ribbon can not only be used for artificial embroidery, but also used as a decorative craft material. I decided to start working with ribbon in the topic “Three-dimensional design” (making a “Decorative box”). Instead of the material used to cover the form, I suggested satin ribbon. And the results were not long in coming. The product turned out bright and colorful.

Satin ribbon story

The history of satin ribbon begins with ordinary braid made from plant fibers, which was used mainly for weaving into hairstyles. This decoration has been popular since prehistoric times. What is confirmed by archaeological finds at ancient human sites in various parts of our planet. And already in the ancient period, the history of satin ribbon reached its peak. At this time, they begin to decorate it with embroidery, stones, and coins. All this is done using expensive materials. Naturally, then satin was made from natural threads - cotton, linen.

In ancient China, silk was, of course, used for this. So all the ancient civilizations used these beautiful shiny satin ribbons. The history of their use in each state was different: somewhere they were a sign of distinction, somewhere they were used exclusively by women, or only by men, they were a privilege of the upper class or had sacred meaning.

All in all, history of satin ribbon dates back a huge number of years. And during all this time it has not lost its relevance and attractiveness. Nowadays, tape is produced from both natural and synthetic threads. If earlier it was mainly one-sided (with a clearly defined front and back sides), now it is also made double-sided. Extraordinary beauty is achieved using a special method of weaving threads when making satin ribbon.

History gives us the opportunity to trace how fashion and people's tastes changed. Nowadays you won’t see a girl with ribbons woven into her braid, but they are still used in the manufacture of clothes (except for the fact that now satin ribbons are firmly established in women’s outfits, and have almost completely disappeared from men’s). Their use in interior decoration also remains unchanged. We can offer any types of satin ribbons to our clients. They are available in a wide variety of colors, plain and patterned, and in various widths.

Development of finished products.

Photo 1

Calculation and construction of the product

The box consists of a base and a lid.

In turn, the base of the box consists of two bottoms covered with lining fabric connected to each other, two cylinders inserted into one another (the inner cylinder is covered with lining fabric, the outer one is covered with a satin ribbon) (Fig. 1) and the lid - also consisting of two cylinders inserted one in the other, like the base, there are two circles, the upper circle is covered with embroidery, the lower one with lining fabric. Rice. 2.

Picture 1

Figure 2

To determine the length of the side surface of the base and cover, I determine the circumference C.

The height h of the side surface is determined arbitrarily: for the base h = 10.5 cm. For the lid - h = 4.5 cm.

Lateral surface of the base

Side surface of the lid

Characteristics of materials and equipment

Fabrics. For the base when embroidering with silk ribbon, it is better to use cotton fabrics of plain weave. The fabric must be strong so that the stitches are securely held on it (not slipping), and so elastic that the tape can easily pass through it. I used canvas. Therefore, in my work I use fabric of a neutral tone - white. You can use fabric that matches the color of the main ribbon from which the box is made.

I also use canvas for the interior and exterior decoration of the box.

Tapes – satin - sold in a large assortment of different widths and colors. To finish the outer shape of the box I use ribbons 1 cm wide, for embroidery 0.5 cm wide. I wash the products embroidered with ribbons by hand with soap and iron them on the reverse side. To prevent the embroidery from becoming flat.

Threads– I use two types: for embroidery - floss thread; for the remaining seams - spool stitches in the color of the base of the box.

Beads and seed beads of various sizes and shapes are sewn into the product for decoration and give the embroidery a special grace.


To embroider with silk ribbons, I use chenille needles with an elongated eye; the ribbon fits into it easily, without twisting.

For floss threads, use regular embroidery needles, but for embroidery on Aida fabric, needles with a rounded end are preferable so that the fabric does not come apart during work.

For other hand projects I use a size 4 needle.

Scissors- I use those that are necessary for embroidery - small ones with sharp ends.

Technological map of product manufacturing.


Sequence of operations

Graphic image


I cut out a rectangle measuring 10.5*48 cm from cardboard.

I form a ring from this rectangle, fastening the seams with a stapler.


To braid a cardboard ring (this will be the outer part of the box), I cut 34 pieces of ribbon 10 cm long; and 8 pcs. ribbon 48 cm long.


I cover the shape in a circle with tapes (I use PVA glue) in a vertical direction. I close the ribbons that will go horizontally into a ring and sew them along the edge. The seam width is no more than 1 cm.


Now I intertwine the ribbons with each other (vertical and horizontal to get the look of a plain weave), securing the lower edge of the vertical ribbons on the inside of the form with PVA glue.


I cut out another rectangle from cardboard measuring 10.5*48 cm and also form a ring. This will be the inside of the box. (see point 1)


I will cover this part of the box with fabric. To do this, I cut out a rectangle measuring 14*50cm from the lining fabric.


I close the fabric into a ring, align the cuts and sew them with a “back needle” seam.

Seam width 1 cm.


I stretch the fabric over the cardboard form and tighten this fabric from the outside of the cardboard form with a zigzag seam.


Now I connect the two parts of the box. I insert the part covered with fabric into a ring covered with a satin ribbon. The parts must fit tightly into each other so that there is no gap between them.


I cut out two 14.5 cm circles from very thick cardboard.


I cover the circles with lining fabric. You need to cut out a circle from the material, the diameter of which should be equal to the diameter of the cardboard circle plus 3 cm for the hem. Sew small stitches along the entire cut using a “forward needle” seam. Pull the thread and put a cardboard circle into the resulting bag. Fasten the thread in several places.


I sew the circles together, with the seams inward. Thus, the bottom of the box is formed


I sew the bottom to the walls of the box with a hidden seam.


To close the seam, I sew a string of beads onto the bottom of the box.


To make the lid of the box, I repeat steps from P. 1 to P. 10 (only rectangles cut from cardboard have dimensions of 4.5 * 52 cm. Accordingly, the number of ribbons for the outer ring will be: 36 pcs. 6 cm each and 4 pcs. 52 cm each. .


I cut out two 16 cm circles from cardboard.


I cover one circle with lining fabric, as in the first case. (see paragraph 11)


I cover the second circle with canvas with embroidery, while inserting a piece of padding polyester between the cardboard and the fabric.


I sew the circles together and sew them with a hidden seam to the walls of the lid. (See clause 12 and clause 13)


I decorate the top of the lid in a circle with an organza ribbon, beautifully forming and fixing the folds. I sew a string of beads along the bottom edge of the lid.


At the junction of the ends of the braid I attach a bow.

Brief description of the design challenge
The box must be made carefully, must be convenient and practical.

The box should not contain complex parts, because the manufacturer is making it for the first time.

Economic part.

Name of material

Price for 1 meter.



Satin ribbon

7 rub. 00 kop.

50 m.

350 rub. 00 kop.

Fabric canvas









18 rub. 00 kop.

1 b.

18 rub. 00.kop

Total: 368 rub. 00 kopecks

Ecological part.
The manufacturing process and operation of my product will not entail changes in the environment or disruptions in human life, since my jewelry box is made from environmentally friendly materials. The remaining materials will be useful to me for the next project work.
I believe that my project is an environmentally friendly product.


  • The “Decorative Box” project, in my opinion, was a success.

  • During the process of making the product, I learned techniques for sewing and twisting satin ribbons.

  • I learned how to decorate interior items with voluminous embroidery.

  • Once again, I was convinced that work done with my own hands brings savings to the family budget.

  • I'm glad that everyone really liked my box.

  • You can learn anything if you want!

Bibliographic list.

1. “Ribbon embroidery”, popular series

2. “Embroidery from A to Z”, edited by T. V. Levichov

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