Home Lighting Birthday script for children 5. Children's birthday script (for a girl). The Queen's Treasure Contest is an exciting search game

Birthday script for children 5. Children's birthday script (for a girl). The Queen's Treasure Contest is an exciting search game

In a few days your little one is 5 or 6 years old...

Let's arrange a fabulous princess ball for her and her friends birthday!

I offer you non-standard ideas for a scenario for a girl's children's birthday party with royal gifts and magical experiences for home and cafe.

Home ball of little princesses

Where does each ball begin? That's right, from making a list of invited guests.

Entrust the birthday girl to participate in the choice of friends whom she wants to invite to her holiday.

Let the royal invitation be bright and attractive for kids:

  • Colored A4 paper - no problem!
    Well, if you pick up pink shades.
  • The sheet is folded in half to form the silhouette of a postcard.
  • Then we cut out a funny crown from yellow or silver paper and stick it on colored paper.
  • Inside the card, write an original invitation to the little guests in the royal style.
  • You can also roll the invitation into a tube, decorate with “royal seals” or paper flowers.

Parents of invited children must be informed in advance about the upcoming masquerade. Then the girls will be dressed like fairy princesses in magnificent bright dresses, and the boys will be dressed in fairy costumes of princes and knights.

A bit of magic or how to decorate the room for the birthday of a five-year-old princess

Choose the color scheme that will reign in the room for the celebration. In accordance with the theme of little princesses, you should give preference to pink, purple, golden tones.

Now let's decorate the table!

Find a tablecloth in the color of the overall design - it will be wonderful.

Well, if it is large enough, with hanging ends. On them you can pin-tie bows of colorful fabric or tinsel.

Lay out bright stars from colored paper on an elegant tablecloth.

The glasses of young princes and princesses should look festive - decorate them with crown emblems using double-sided tape.

You can complement the decor of the room with homemade flowers attached to the walls.

Now look around: if an ordinary city apartment, thanks to your efforts, has turned into a fairy-tale castle of little princesses, and the table is bursting with sweets and other yummy things, then it’s time to dress up the birthday girl and meet the guests!

Welcoming important guests

To meet little princes and princesses at a festive celebration relies on playful curtsies.

Give the kids pre-prepared golden crowns. They can be made from brightly colored paper.

And it doesn't have to be golden or yellow - the little blue crown will also appeal to children.

Just be sure to think about how it will be attached to festive hairstyles: girls will be happy with jewelry with rubber bands or hairpins, boys will curiously look at each other's crowns attached with Velcro to the suit. Show your imagination in this!

And finally, the little guests enter the room and begin to congratulate the birthday girl. Imagine how touching and funny it will be when guests of "royal blood" say pleasant words of congratulations to their girlfriend.

And if at home they learn a rhyme in advance, then everyone will have fun!

It's time for the best part - gifts! And then for the sweet table ...

Fun for young princes and princesses

What is a children's holiday without competitions and fun entertainment?!

Children always love creativity, so in addition to the gifts already given, they can create their own gifts.

wish drawing

Give the kids sheets of drawing paper and felt-tip pens. Guests can draw any nice thing they want for the birthday girl.

The birthday girl chooses the best artist, who is rewarded with a prize.

If the child is shy to express himself, do not force him. You can ask him to leave a mark on paper with paints or circle the baby's hand.

Now it's time for the Mystery Pouch Contest!

It contains a variety of items, ranging from toys to children's socks, filled with plain crumpled paper.

Have the children stick the pen into the bag and, without pulling out the object, guess what it is.

If there are only soft toys in the bag, then you can invite the participants to guess the animal.

The competition called "royal statues" is very popular with children

Children dance to cheerful cheerful music. Suddenly the melody breaks off, and the children freeze in various funny poses. The main birthday princess walks and chooses the most interesting figurine.

You can compete to see who can stand still the longest. The contest continues until a winner is revealed. You can reward the winner with a sweet souvenir.

Royal Mail is a fun and exciting game for kids

It reminds everyone of the familiar “broken phone”. Children sit side by side in a chain. The first leader says a word or phrase in his ear. (Adults actively help their little ones!)

The word is transmitted, slightly changing, to the last child. Prizes are awarded to all members of the team if the word has reached the last player without change.

It’s good at home, but in a restaurant ... you can too

Let's try to figure out how to make the best Royal Birthday for a 5-6 year old daughter in a restaurant or cafe.

In order for this holiday to really surprise young guests, consider the following:

  • Not every institution is suitable for a children's celebration.
  • Well, if you find a children's cafe. But you can also choose a restaurant with a children's room.

But it must also meet certain conditions:

  • Since the slogan of the holiday is “little princesses”, the room should also be fabulous. The best thing for this theme is a room decorated in the form of a castle.
  • The room should be of sufficient size, especially if the number of small guests is impressive enough.
    After all, small children are very active and will not sit at the table for a long time. Young guests are much more interested in the entertainment program, for which space is needed.

Decorations will help to give the children's room a special magical charm.

  • Make a congratulatory newspaper. On it is a photo of the birthday girl, drawings and kind words.
    Place the poster in front of the festive table or at the entrance to the hall.
  • You can complement the magical atmosphere with garlands hung on the ceiling of the room. Multi-colored helium balloons will be just right for the theme.
  • It's good if the children's room of the restaurant has the opportunity to organize an impromptu throne. Bring a bright, shiny fabric with you and ask to drape it on a chair for the baby.

When the guests come to congratulate the birthday girl, she will meet them really like a king, towering on the throne.

In addition, the hall can be decorated with life-size puppets, which are easy to rent. It is advisable to choose fairy-tale characters - puppets of princes, pages or knights.

court entertainment

The contests, which are described below, are suitable both for the scenario of celebrating a girl's birthday at home, and in a restaurant and cafe.

The Queen's Treasure Contest is an exciting search game

For the competition you will need chocolate coins in foil or sweets in gold wrappers. They are placed in a chest or a decorated wicker basket.

One of the princesses is blindfolded, given a wooden spoon in her hand and untwisted. She must find the treasure and scoop it up with a spoon under the prompts of the guests “hot-cold”.

Guess the hero

Cards with the image of fairy princesses and characters of famous cartoons are laid out on the table. Cards are placed face down.

Each guest takes one and must guess the depicted character.

dress up the doll

There are several dolls on the floor, each of which must be dressed. There are a lot of outfits, and they are mixed up in color and size. The winner is the one who managed to collect the whole image and dress the doll first.

royal tower

Children need to build a tall tower of blocks. Give me a Lego-type constructor or any other constructor from which you can build a structure.

The winner is the owner of the highest tower for the princess.

Find a couple

Guests are given stars cut out of yellow cardboard. Children need to decorate them with felt-tip pens. The players are divided into pairs, each must draw their own pattern (dog, house, circle, sun) on two stars.

The images are then flipped and blended. Each guest tries his luck by trying to find paired stars at random.

If you liked my ideas, and moms and dads add a little of their imagination and fiction to them, then your daughter will be the happiest princess in the world on her birthday!

Olga Zharikova
Birthday script for children 5 years old

Birthday script for children 5 years old

V: Hello, boys and girls, guys and animals!

I think it is no coincidence that you are all gathered here today. So? You were invited here by our birthday boy, what is his name? That's right, Wildan.

And I did not accidentally call you animals. Today we will go to the magical, fabulous Kingdom of Animals!

There we will meet different animals, play funny games, and we ourselves will be animals for a while: bunnies, butterflies, bears, turtles! You are ready? Then we open the gates of our Kingdom.

V: Name days are nice,

It's weird and funny

Congratulations accept

And receive gifts!

With day birthday congratulations, what do we wish Vildan?

All guests take turns giving gifts and expressing their wishes.

Together: With day birth!

V: how old is Vildan now?

Children: Five!

V: We stamp our feet five times! Have fun!

We'll clap our hands five times! More friendly!

Come on, Vildan, turn around!

Come on, Vildan, take a bow!

And once again we all stomp!

And clap your hands again!

One, two, three, four, five!

V: Dear Guys!

Music plays for you

Raises your appetite!

Eat, guests, do not be shy.

Eat from the bottom of your heart!


V: Come here, see what a clearing of flowers. Now we will become bees and butterflies for a while. Children are divided into two teams and relay races are held.

1. Flower relay

1. snake around the flowers on the floor and return to your house

2. "flutter" from flower to flower and return home

3. hedgehogs carry mushrooms on their heads

2. "We all have hands!"

V: Oh, guys, but we forgot Vildana "Loaf" sing!

Everyone gets up in a round dance and drive a loaf. Here you can hear the rumble of an empty bucket, an incomprehensible noise, Baba Yaga appears.

Baba Yaga: Who made a noise here? Who is this pissed off? Oh, how many children, and girls, and boys! Now I'll fry and eat everyone!

V: Stop, stop! You, Baba Yaga, where did you come from? How did you get to the children's party? How did you find out our address? We didn't invite you!

B-Z: Not invited! I found this on the street (shows invitations that were prepared for all guests) and guessed that there will be a lot of delicious boys and girls!

(starts chasing the kids) Oh, fry and eat!

V: Wait, Baba Yaga, you don't even know what holiday we have!

B-Z: Yes, I guess now! It's easy! Defender of the Fatherland Day? Or not New Years? (referring to children)

V: I didn't guess! (children prompt) Day birth in the Fairytale Animal Kingdom!

B-Z: In the Animal Kingdom, you say? Do you even know what animals are? Come on, tell me the animals. Who live in the forest? (children call) Well, do you know pets?

B-Z: Okay, okay, enough already! That's not what I came here for! I haven’t had breakfast yet this morning, I should eat some of the most delicious boys and girls!

V: Stop, Baba Yaga, don't scare the guys! Look how smart, beautiful, strong and brave they all are! Don't ruin our holiday!

B-Z: Smart, you say? I do not believe!

V: And you check!

B-Z: Well, I'll ask them my own, Babkin-Yozhkin riddles! Only such an agreement: if they can’t guess, then I’ll choose the most elegant and eat! Okay?

V: Oh, you are hungry, Baba Yaga!

Appeals to the guys: - Well, are you brave? Will you risk guessing Babkin-Yozhkin's riddles or will you be afraid?

D: Let's risk it!

B-Z: Now, where do I have the most difficult riddles? (looks for a long time in his pockets, pulls out all sorts of different pieces of paper) And, here, I found it, just about animals! Only you should you will not just guess the animal, but also show it! Can you?


Standing on one leg

He gazes into the water.

Pokes beak at random,

Looking for frogs in the river.

A drop hung on the nose.

Do you recognize? This … (heron)

The tail is fluffy, the coat is bright,

And cunning and cunning.

Know the animals in the forest

Bright red... (fox)

He put his paw in the hollow

And let's growl, roar.

Oh how sweet you are

Clubfoot … (bear)

Waddle like a sailor

White tie, black coat.

In Antarctica among the ice floes

Spends his days... (penguin)

Wakes up early in the morning

Indiscriminately the whole family.

Singing caresses the ear,

Our village ... (rooster)

B-Z: Yes, something I have not been able to choose yet, whom to eat, all my riddles have been guessed! I'll arrange another competition! Since you know what all the animals look like, here, try it, collect it. And guess what kind of animals are there. And while I sit down, let me rest on this stump.

(children collect images of animals, like a mosaic of several parts)

B-Z: Well done, so attentive! Here's what else I remember: Tomorrow is our Forest Bear's Day birth! So help him prepare a gift - collect cones!

Baba Yaga scatters cones on the floor, blindfolds the children. Children collect them in a basket, give them to Baba Yaga.

B-Z: Oh, and smart guys! I'll take them to my hut!

V: Guys, run away quickly, don't get caught by Baba Yaga!

Baba Yaga makes an attempt to catch up with the guys, without getting up from her chair.

B-Z: Oh, and I got tired of something, I’ll call the Golden Gate now, let them catch someone for me!

Two parents come out, hold hands and then raise them, then lower them. Children line up and try to slip through "Gates". Naturally, "Gates" no one can be caught.

V: Look, Baba Yaga, what clever, brave and skillful guys we have!

B-Z: Oh, yes, children, oh, yes, clever! How can I choose the most delicious? What else can you invent so that I won’t be left without dinner? (Baba Yaga grumbles, says something, looks for something in her knapsacks)

V: Guys, I've got it! While Baba Yaga was thinking with us, let's turn into monkeys with you. I don't think Baba Yaga eats monkeys. Repeat after me the words and movements:

We are funny monkeys

We play too loud.

We clap our hands

We stomp our feet

We puff out cheeks

Jumping on toes

And even to each other

We'll show you the tongues.

We blink our eyes,

We wag our tail.

Together we jump to the ceiling,

Let's put a finger to the temple.

Let's open our mouth wide

Let's make a face.

How do I say the number "3",

With faces all freeze!

One two Three!

Monkeys freeze with funny faces.

B-Z: Feet - chickpeas! Where have all the kids gone! Only monkeys remained, and they are so tasteless, bony. Well, here we are again without lunch! Well, I'll have to leave, maybe the bear will treat me.

Baba Yaga leaves, grabbing a basket of cones, grunting and grumbling.

V: Hooray! Outsmarted Baba Yaga! Now you can play safely!


1. Kittens and piglets, (blindfolded by the sound to find their "brothers")

2. Peacocks. (A peacock is chosen for each team. It is necessary to provide your peacock with chic feathers. Each participant, having reached the peacock, puts multi-colored "feathers". Can be worn at the end "feathers" and head).

Everyone admires the peacock

The light on it converged like a wedge:

After all, such beauty

It can be seen even a mile away!

(Peacocks display their beauty)

3. Turtle waist. And now we will turn into turtles. We found two turtle waists, can you fit in them? (Teams are invited to fit all at once into the hoop, and in this position run to the chair and back).

4. Relay race of monkeys with bananas. What do you think is the favorite treat for monkeys? Now we will treat them with bananas. (Each of the team members must run backwards to a piece of banana, eat it, make a face to everyone and return to the team).

5. Frogs (jump from bump to bump and croak loudly)

Dance - "Journey to Africa" (to the song of Little Red Riding Hood).

Elephant dance.

V: What a wonderful day birth!

So much joy and fun!

We've been to the kingdom

We ran away from Baba Yaga.

To end the holiday

We will thank everyone!

The birthday boy distributes small gifts to the guests (balls on a stick). Preparing for tea. The table is set. Children are invited to dance while the host goes for the cake. It turns out that the cake "disappeared".

V: Where's the cake? Apparently, Baba Yaga stole it!

Children are looking for a cake, they find it. Tea party!


o Flowers are flat

o Pictures with images of animals, birds, insects

o Flowers - bows on the wall

o Basket

o Cones, mushrooms

o Blindfolds

o Hemp Cloth

o Animal appliqué details

o Riddles for Baba Yaga

o Balloons on a stick - gifts for everyone

o Baba Yaga and clown costumes

o 2 relay bananas

o Turtle waist verse

o For "peacocks"- 2 belts and colorful scarves

o 2 hoops

(Children are invited to the holiday together with their parents, the age of children is 5-6 years old)

Holiday preparation

1. Buy balloons to decorate the room and for the kids to play.

2. Prepare various souvenirs for the winners of games and competitions (key chains, chewing gum, pencils, etc.).

3. Make medals for the winners.

4. A large postcard, clean, can be made from whatman paper.

5. Markers or pencils.

6. Ball or balloon "for acquaintance."

7. Recordings of the songs "Dance of the little ducklings" and "Let pedestrians run clumsily through the puddles ...". You need a cassette with music for the disco, by the way, kids like to dance to adult hits more than to children's songs.

8. And also a video camera that one of the dads would shoot the whole holiday with (remember).

Holding a holiday

1. While the guests are gathering, the guys are watching cartoons.

2. The birthday boy and his parents are interviewed.

For a child: how old is he, what gift does he dream of, who does he want to become?

Mom: what was the day when her son (daughter) was born? Wishes for a child.

Dad: how does he see his son (daughter) when he (she) grows up? Wishes.

Guests: Wishes.

3. Let's get acquainted!

presenter. Well, dear guests, does everyone know the birthday boy? This is good. Do you know all the guests who came to the celebration? No, not everyone! Well, then we should get to know each other. Right? To get acquainted, we will throw a ball and ask questions. To whom the ball is thrown, he answers. Deal? (Don't forget your parents.)

- What is your name? What is the name of your favorite cartoon?

- What is your name? What is your favorite fairy tale?

- What is your name? When you grow up, what will you be?

- What is your name? What is your favorite color?

- What is your name? What do you like to eat for breakfast? etc.

4. "Loaf".(Both children and parents perform together). Congratulations to the birthday boy: Happy birthday! Happy Birthday!

Leading. Well done! Shout loudly: how else can you congratulate the birthday man? .. Good, good, all ideas are good!

5. Invite everyone to the table.

The table is sweet. The birthday boy makes a wish and blows out the candles on the cake. To the song of the guests "Happy birthday to you ..."

For adults "a la buffet".

On the bedside table are a stack of plates and a bottle of wine with glasses, several trays with various sandwiches. (While guests are eating, don't forget to put on some fun music.)

6. Competition.

Leading. Here is a team of children, and here is a team of adults. Which team wins will receive prizes and medals. I'll give the teams a minute to come up with a name for themselves and choose a captain.

Task one- Draw a picture.

Divide a piece of paper in half. Each team draws a blindfolded picture in turn, that is, one draws a house, then the next one is blindfolded and he draws the sun, etc. Whose team draws the correct one gets a point.

Task two- "Dance of little ducks". Whose team dances better, that and a point.

Task three- competition "Monkey"

Children are divided into two teams. The players of the first team confer and think of a word to one of the players of the second team. His task is to show this word to the members of his team only with gestures, without using any sounds and words. When the word is guessed, the teams change places. Depending on the age of the participants, the complexity of the hidden words may vary. Starting with simple words and concepts, such as "car", "house", and ending with complex concepts, the names of films, cartoons, books.

Task four- "The king was walking through the forest ...".

Children join hands and form a circle. In the center of the circle is the “king” (boy, dad, grandfather), in his hands he holds the “crown”.

Everything(dance and sing):

The king walked through the forest, through the forest, through the forest,

Found myself a princess, princess, princess.

(The "king" chooses a "princess" and puts a "crown" on her head.)

Let's jump with you, jump, jump,

(Everyone jumps.)

Legs kick, kick, kick,

(Jumping legs.)

Let's clap, clap, clap,

(Clap hands.)

We stomp our feet, we stomp, we stomp,

(Stomp feet.)

Let's shake our heads,

(Shake their heads.)

Let's start first!

(The girl returns to her seat.)

The king walked through the forest...

("The king" chooses a new "princess".)

7. Cut the balloons that decorate the room and give them to the children - let them play.

8. Presentation of prizes.

9. Everyone dances.

10. By the end of the holiday, in order for the children to calm down, they are invited to issue a birthday card. To do this, on a large postcard prepared in advance, the children, together with their parents, outline their hands and write wishes to the hero of the occasion. Then everyone watches the film that was filmed on camera.

Thinking about what to do with children 5-6 years old at the holiday? Deciding whether to spend a children's birthday at home or in a cafe? Our games are easy to arrange in any environment. The kids are waiting for fun fuss, and tasks for dexterity and attention, and adults will become arbitrators of unusual competitions.

Your child will soon be 5 or 6 years old. Most likely, he remembers last year's birthday and will begin to overwhelm you in advance with requests to organize a holiday. Start your preparation... with memories: look at photos from the last celebration, discuss what you remember, what you want to repeat. Advise on which friends to invite, how to decorate the house and what to include in the cultural program.

A smart room can be a surprise - as well as a gift under the pillow or next to the bed, which the baby will discover as soon as he wakes up. But you can do the design of the room together: decorate it with balls, garlands, posters. If you made wall newspapers with photos for past birthdays, be sure to hang them up. By the way, there will also be a colorful notebook for birthday wishes, lying in a conspicuous place - children at this age are already gradually starting to read and write, or you can draw your wish.

And now the bell signals the arrival of guests. You and your baby meet children and adults, accept congratulations, gifts. Then you can safely separate - you, as a hostess, will pay attention to adults, and the baby, who has become accustomed to the role of a small owner over past birthdays, will occupy the children who have come. When the children get used to each other and play a little, you can start the holiday program. So, what fun and contests will captivate 5-6 year olds?

Windball mini championship

For this game you will need a small smooth table and a couple of players. Have them stand at opposite ends of the table. Place a plastic lid in the middle of your child's favorite juice or drink. This will be the ball. Players must score goals against each other using only the force of the blown air. Hands, teeth and any devices cannot touch the ball. When the cap falls to the floor from the side of one of the participants, the goal will be counted. Present the winner of the competition with a goblet filled to the brim with a delicious drink, the cork from which the children played.

Tasty Checkers

In this game, the expression "eat a checker" takes on a literal meaning. Prepare checkers in advance - for this you will need plastic skewers, pieces of pineapple and grapes of two colors. Instead of black checkers, place pineapple pieces and black grapes on skewers on the board, instead of white checkers, green grapes with pineapple. Give the kids some plastic checkered boards so they can compete at the same time. Connect adults to the fun: let them play with each other or with children, or quietly tell the participants the next move.

Competition for the best architect

Prepare a large number (plastic or wooden) and pair the children. It is necessary to put the cubes on top of each other in turn, thus building a high tower. The kid will lose, after the cube of which the tower will collapse. It is forbidden to blow on the tower and interfere with the players. It is allowed to slightly shift your cube to the edge in order to complicate the task of the opponent. The winner gets a big lollipop, and the loser gets a small one.


The child is blindfolded and put in his mouth a piece of some fruit or berry. The assortment should be extensive - bananas, oranges, apples, pears, pineapples, kiwi. According to the season, you can add grapes, plums, cherries, watermelon, garden berries. The kid must taste by taste what is in his mouth. It is allowed to be naughty - put gelatin sweets, a slice of chocolate, a piece of cake or sour lemon in the kids' mouths. Before the competition, find out the culinary preferences of the guests and be sure to take into account the wishes of the parents (some food intolerances, allergies happen). The one who guessed correctly receives as a reward the same fruit that he guessed.

Who said "wow"?

Participants are divided into two teams: one will be kittens, and the other will be puppies. To create mass, you can connect adults. The host blindfolds each participant and mixes the kittens and puppies, spinning each. Then he starts the game with the command: "Look for your own!". Kittens should meow loudly, puppies should bark loudly and make their way to each other by touch. The duration of the fun directly depends on how the host spins and mixes the players with each other. The game ends when both teams are together. You can repeat several times, changing roles.

home basketball

For this game, already formed teams will come in handy. Put the two quietest or simply unwilling to play kids at different ends of the room on low, stable chairs. If there are none, adult guests will help. Ask them to make a ball ring with their hands clasped in front of them. The ball will be a balloon. Explain to the children the two basic rules: the ball must not fall on the floor and must not be held in the hands - only tossed and hit on it in the direction of the ring. Let's start and enjoy the spectacle of running and merrily noisy babies. A goal is counted if the ball went into the ring. The match can drag on for a long time, so consider an intermission or time limit for each half.

Finish the celebration with "Karavay" and the removal of a birthday cake with candles. It's time to invite guests to eat.

A birthday according to this scenario can also be held outside the home - in a children's cafe or entertainment center. Children 5-6 years old are usually quite ready for this, but still be sure to listen to the wishes of the birthday man. Happy holiday!

The room is decorated with balloons.


Birthday fairy - presenter
Owner (Mistress)

The Fairy and the Host meet the guests and invite them to the living room.

Fairy: Hello dear guests. Come on in. We are very glad to see you.

While the guests are gathering, you can play the game "Loaf".


Players stand in a round dance and sing.
How about Vanina (player name) name day
We baked a loaf.
Here is such a height! Participants raise their hands.
Here is such a bottom! Participants squat down and lower their hands.
That's the width! Participants spread their arms to the sides and diverge wider.
Here's a dinner! Participants narrow the circle.
Loaf! Loaf!
Whom do you love, choose!

(Vanya says):

I love, I confess, everyone
Only Tanya is the most. Indicates the selected player.

Tanya stands in the center of the round dance and reads poetry or sings a song. Then the game continues.

When all the guests are assembled, the process of presenting gifts to the birthday man begins.

Guests sit in a semicircle. The owner is facing them.

Fairy: Vanya has a birthday today. He is 5 years old. Let's applaud the birthday boy. (Guests clap their hands.) Vanya and I are very glad that we have so many guests. Now, guys, there comes a moment when you can congratulate Vanya and give him gifts.

Guests congratulate the hero of the occasion. Then the Host thanks the guests and invites everyone to the table. The guests sit down at the table.

Fairy: And now it's time for games and entertainment. And I suggest you play a game called "Grandfather".

The game "Grandfather" is being played.


From among the players, a driver is selected - Grandfather, who goes beyond the game room. The rest of the players agree on what they will show. Then they call Grandfather, Grandfather sits on a chair.

Game participants: Hello grandfather!

Hello children!
Where were you, what were you doing?

Game participants:
Where we were, we will not say, but what we did, we will show.

The players show the movements characteristic of any work.
Grandfather must guess what kind of work it is.
If he guesses correctly, then the children scatter, and Grandfather tries to catch them.

The caught player becomes the Grandfather.

Fairy: Well, guys, well done, played well. And now I suggest you look at tricks. In the role of a magician - a birthday man.

The birthday boy shows tricks.


The magician calls one volunteer from among the guests. Then he shows him and all the guests a foam ball and asks the volunteer to squeeze it in his fist. When the guest fulfills the request of the magician, he asks him a question: "How many balls are you holding in your hand?". The guest replies: "One." Then the magician makes several passes over the participant's hand and asks him to open his fist. When the volunteer opens his fist, 5 balls pop out. The secret of the trick is that the magician immediately gives the viewer 5 foam rubber balls. While he shows only 1 ball, 4 balls are held in the magician's hand. When a volunteer squeezes the balls into his fist, he does not feel how many balls he has in his hand, since they are foam rubber.


The magician takes an inflated balloon and pierces it through with a sharp knitting needle. In this case, the ball does not burst. The secret of the trick is that the places of the alleged puncture of the ball are previously sealed with several layers of adhesive tape.

Fairy: Let's applaud our magician and keep playing. The game that I want to offer you is called "Mole".

The game "Mole" is being played.


Several stable objects are placed around the playground (pins can be used). Players try to remember their location. Participants are then blindfolded. Their task is to pass through the site without knocking down the set objects.

Fairy: And now I suggest you put together a mosaic. This mosaic is not simple. I have pieces of a picture in the envelopes, which depicts a birthday cake. I suggest you split into 2 teams. Each team will receive an envelope. And those guys who collect their picture first will be the winners. (The fairy gives envelopes with fragments of pictures that must be selected in advance.)

Children collect mosaics. The winners get the right to be the first to choose their favorite pieces of cake. Children sit at tables and drink tea and cake.

Fairy: It's dance time.

Children are dancing.

Fairy: Guys, do you like to sing? Then I propose to arrange a karaoke contest.

There is a karaoke game.


The player is put on headphones, and he tries to repeat the song after the original, which is heard only by him. As an original, you can use not only songs, but also a famous cartoon, TV program.

Fairy: We still have a lot of prizes left, so I propose to answer the questions of the quiz. You will need to choose the correct answer from several options. Whoever scores more points wins a prize. A children's quiz is held.


1. Who ate Kolobok?
- Hare; - Cook from the school cafeteria; - Fox.

2. What did Baba Yaga fly on?
- By plane; - On the flying carpet; - In a mortar.

3. Where was the death of Koshchei the Deathless hidden?
- In the safe; - In fridge; - In an egg.

4. What was Puss in Boots wearing?
- In shoes; - In sneakers; - In boots.

5. What did Emelya use as a vehicle?
- Mercedes; - Horse; - A stove.

6. In what way did the Bear carry Masha?
- In a bag; - In a suitcase; - In the box.

7. How many nettle shirts did Eliza make for her brothers?
- 12, 24, 15

8. Who was the Kid to become for Carlson at his request?
- Brother; - grandson; - Native mother.

9. Who carried brother Ivanushka to Baba Yaga?
- kites; - Parrots; - Swan geese.

10. What was the name of the boy from Prostokvashino?
- Grandfather Stepan; - Uncle Fedor; - Brother Ivanushka.

Fairy: Our holiday is coming to an end. Let's, guys, once again congratulate our birthday man, wish him all the best and sing a song.

The guests sing any birthday song they know. The owner thanks the guests.

The holiday ends.

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