Home Locks Scenario birthday child 5 years old at home. Children's birthday script (for a girl). Now I will tell you guys riddles

Scenario birthday child 5 years old at home. Children's birthday script (for a girl). Now I will tell you guys riddles

Here is our birthday girl with her little sister. Where would it be without her! On December 7 we turned 5 years old! And although the Christmas post is in full swing, but 5 years happens once in a lifetime. So we decided to celebrate it with games and contests. Of course, without dancing, etc. But it still turned out to be fun.

From salt dough, we made such useful gifts for guests. Only for some reason, when varnished them, the paint slipped. As a result, for lack of a better option, she covered everything with colorless nail polish.

Thanks to this site, such winter poarks were cut out. I cut out the point along the contour, and I made cuts inside. Bells for the Christmas tree with Milana were made by dad. Separate cells were cut out of the egg carton, wrapped in foil for baking. A bead was put on a thread and a loop was made for a bell.

And this is the main prop of the holiday - our cake!

If anyone is interested, I write the script of our celebration. Couldn't find the source in my notes. But the script was revised and supplemented by me. At our holiday, there were more adults than children (9 versus 3), so the program had to be redone for our company.

Presenter:Today for children and adults,
For thin and fat
obedient and disobedient.
Merry and sad
Our finest entertainment
Called Birthday!

Birthday is nice
It's weird and funny!
birthday boy ahead
Skip, honest people!

The birthday boy comes out and stands on a chair.

Well, guests, do not yawn.
Friendly, help in chorus.
Happy birthday congratulations!
Guests. Yes Yes Yes!

Leading. And, of course, we want...
Guests. Yes Yes Yes!

Leading. Grow up Milan more!
Guests. Yes Yes Yes!

Leading. Definitely be fatter...
Guests. No no no!

Leading. Be beautiful, kind, sweet...
Guests. Yes Yes Yes!

Leading. And loud, and pugnacious ...
Guests. No no no!

Leading. Be strong, healthy, brave...
Guests. Yes Yes Yes!

Leading. Careful and skillful...
Guests. Yes Yes Yes!

Leading. For mommy to love...
Guests. Yes Yes Yes!

Leading. I beat with a strap more often ...
Guests. No no no!

Leading. Okay! To feed you candy...
Guests. Yes Yes Yes!

Leading. Maybe stop congratulating? Time to raise our glasses!
Guests. Yes Yes Yes!

Leading. It is customary to give gifts on birthdays. So today we have prepared such a gift for our dear birthday girl.

The presenter draws attention to a large flower in a pot, on the branches of which hang multi-colored home-made empty sweets.

There are many miracles in the world
But go around the whole world -
Such a miracle as ours
Not in the whole world.

Look, guests.
After all, here on every branch
Wrapped in bright gold
Candies are rolling!

And in the sweets of those secrets -
Can we guess or not?

the first candy
We remove from the tree.
What can we find in a candy
We don't know yet...

The presenter removes the candy from the tree, carefully unfolds it and reads the note:

“There is a gift of all wonderful.
It is called a friendly song!

The birthday girl stands on a chair and everyone sings the song “Happy Birthday to you” for her.

second candy
We remove from the tree.
What's in this candy
We'll find out now...

"Birthday girl 5 years old -

Compliments to her bouquet!

All guests say compliments to the birthday girl.

And now more one candy
We shoot from a thin branch...

"Interesting riddles

We've got stories for you."

1. Heals birds and animals,
Treats young children.
Looking through his glasses
Good doctor... (Aibolit).

2. The fat man lives on the roof,
He flies above all
Jam loves
And plays with the kid. (Carlson)

3. On sour cream, he is mixed,
It's cold on the window
Round side, ruddy side.
Rolled ... (Kolobok).

4. Grandmother loved the girl very much.
She gave her a red hat.
Girl forgot her name
Well, tell me her name. (Little Red Riding Hood)

5. The father had a strange boy:
Unusual wooden.
On land and underwater
Looking for a golden key.
Everywhere the nose sticks its long.
Who is this? (Pinocchio)

More one candy
I take it off the tree
In this candy
Now we all know...

"The funniest thing in the world
Let's celebrate a birthday.
We know a lot of games

And now let's play with them! Chamomile game.

A flower with five petals is made of paper. The name of the game is written on the back of each.

1. "Learn a fairy tale"

First, very childish:
1. Mouse, frog, bunny, fox, spinning top, bear. ("Teremok")
2. Grandfather, woman, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse. ("Turnip")
3. Grandfather, woman, chicken, egg. ("Ryaba Hen")
4. Mom, daughter, pot of butter, pies, wolf, hunters. ("Little Red Riding Hood")
5. Toad, beetle, field mouse, swallow, elf. ("Thumbelina")

And more difficult?
2. Prince, queen, night, shower, featherbed. CLUE (if suddenly difficult): pea ("Princess and the Pea")
3. Sledge, snow, robber, mirror, friendship. CLUE: Kai, Gerda. ("The Snow Queen")
4. Soldier, ballerina, troll, snuffbox, fish, fire. HINT: a witch. ("The Steadfast Tin Soldier")

2. Tongue twisters:

The bull is stupid, stupid bull.

The bull's lip was blunt.

Tell me about shopping.

About what about purchases?

About shopping, about shopping

about your shopping!

Spruce looks like a hedgehog -

Spruce in needles, hedgehog too!

3. Fold the picture

She cut out the pages from the coloring books. One side is in color, the other is black and white. Children folded color pictures, adults - black and white.

4. Collect a bouquet

Flowers cut out of paper are laid out on the floor. Two participants are given buckets and blindfolded. Who will collect more flowers.

5. The most accurate

Two buckets are placed at the same distance from the participants. Each participant is given three plastic "eggs" from kinder surprises. You need to hit the balls in the buckets.

The guests liked this competition very much. Everyone participated in it: both children and adults.

There were a lot of sweets here
Each had a secret.
We sang and danced
Congratulations on your birthday.
But now on a thin branch
Only one hangs candy.
And in that candy surprise -
There is a prize for the birthday boy!

Large cake for the birthday boy.

Everyone made a wish and blew out the candles.

At the end of the program, the Birthday Girl handed out medals to all the guests. And then everyone pulled out a note from the box with the name of the gift from the hero of the occasion.

The entire entertainment program with toasts in between competitions took an hour and a half. Just did not have time to bother anyone. The rest of the time was spent talking about this and that.

Everyone was satisfied.

Julia Zakharova
Birthday is a holiday that every child looks forward to. Scenario for children 5-6 years old.

Scenario Birthday of children 5-6 years old.

To the cheerful music, the Kid doll runs in.

Kid: Hello, kids, girls and boys!

And I am a cheerful and mischievous Kid! By the way, have you seen my friend Luli? Not? That's how it always is! How he starts to get ready, dress up, while he irons the bows, chooses a dress, polishes his shoes ... holiday will miss. Whether it's me - one or two and you're done! And even better without it. I'll get more cake!

Luli enters.

Lyuli: Is it better without me? It's also called a friend.

Kid: Oh, guys, look. This is my friend Luli! Hello, buddy! Let's go, say hello in our way, in a doll way!

The dolls greet each other funny.

Kid: Now say hello, so say hello! Now tell me, Luli, why are you so shameless?

Lyuli: Am I shameless?

Kid: But who is it? Of course you. Came, did not say hello to the guys.

Lyuli: With what kind of guys? There is no one here but you.

Kid: Apparently, your eyes are bad. Glasses put on.

Lyuli: Where are they?

Kid: Upstairs.

Luli looks up.

Lyuli: Is it on the ceiling?

Kid: Well no. Look on the head.

Lyuli goes to the children, looking for them, with Kid on his head.

Lyuli: And not on the head.

Kid: Yes, on your head.

Lyuli finds glasses on his head, puts them on his nose. sees how much children gathered.

Lyuli: Oh, Kid! How many guys are here! And I didn't say hello. I'll go say hello.

Starts from every child greet and get to know each other.

Kid (pulls her friend's hand): What are you doing? So you will say hello until retirement.

Lyuli: So how should it be? I can't do it any other way.

Kid: Learn! Come out to the middle and scream out loud: "Hello!" Clear?

Lyuli: Yeah. I'm going to try now. (Goes to the middle and screams) Hello! Clear?


Lyuli (to some to kid) : And "clearly" could not be said.

Kid: Yes, I'm not talking to him, but to you.

Lyuli (other to kid) : Yes, I'm not talking to him, but to you.

The joke is repeated several times.

Kid: You, Luli! You, Luli!

Lyuli: To me? What to me? Gifts? Let's.

Kid: Why are these gifts for you?

Lyuli: He said that today celebration. And on celebration always give gifts.

Kid: Do you even know what we have today celebration?

Lyuli: New Year!

Kid: Hello, Snow Maiden! New Year happens in winter.

Kid: I didn't guess again. We guys will tell you now.

Today! For kids and adults

Skinny and fat,

obedient and disobedient,

Merry and sad

Our coolest

the most beautiful

The show, titled...

Children: Birthday!

Lyuli: Hooray! So today birthday? Great! Only you have the wrong birthday. The other day births all sorts of chants, congratulations, noise makers and players are laid ...

Kid: Congratulations to you!


Kid divides children for 2 teams "Karapuziki" and "Chumaziki".

On a signal, one team shouts “Happy day!”, And the other “ birth!”

Kid confuses children giving the command several times to the same children. At the end, everyone shouts together: "With day birth!”

Kid: Congratulations, congratulations! Now we have a real birthday?

Lyuli: Not. There were congratulations. And the wishes?

Kid: There will be wishes for you!

And you guys don't yawn.

Help together!

Kid: With day birthday congratulations!

Children: Yes Yes Yes!

Kid: And, of course, we wish!

Children: Yes Yes Yes!

Kid: To grow Yulyashka more.

Children: Yes Yes Yes!

Kid: Be sure to be fatter!

Children: No no no!

Kid: Okay. Be beautiful, kind, sweet!

Children: Yes Yes Yes!

Kid: Both noisy and pugnacious.

Children: No no no!

Kid: So that mommy loves!

Children: Yes Yes Yes!

Kid: With a strap to beat more often.

Children: No no no!

Kid: OK OK. To feed lollipops!

Children: Yes Yes Yes!

Kid: Maybe enough to congratulate? It's time for us to play games.

Children: Yes Yes Yes!

Kid: Wait with your games. Solve the riddle first. Who is at the bottom birth is the most important?

Lyuli: Oh, I laughed. Who doesn't know this? (pause) Of course it's me!

Kid: You? Here it is not. The most important at the bottom birthday girl. Really guys?

Lyuli: How, this girl is the most important? (walks around the birthday girl) This one, in a beautiful dress? With such cute ponytails? With such funny eyes? She is the most important at the bottom birth? For this I won't tell you what new game I know.

Kid: Aren `t you ashamed? Yulenka birthday and you are being naughty. Tell me about your game.

Lyuli: So be it. The game is called Cake.

Kid: Ah, Luli! Ah, sweetie! Are you talking about all sorts of sweets again?

Lyuli: And what? Every day birthday eat cake. Here we are baking it now.


All children join hands and line up in one long chain. If few children, involve adults. Lyuli is in front of everyone, Kid is behind. On command, the children begin to “bake a cake”: Lyuli turns around herself, winding the whole chain. Luli spins until a big "Cake" is obtained. Condition - do not disengage your hands. As soon as the whole chain wraps around Lyuli, you should stop.

Lyuli: That's how the cake turned out! (asks children) What does he have with us?

Answers children: With pineapple, jam, cream, berries and bananas...

Lyuli: And what is missing on the birthday cake? Of course, candles. Raised all hands up. That's how many candles! And now each let him take a piece of our delicious cake.

Children run in different directions.

Can be used for seniors children different version of the game: after you have “baked the cake”, you need to turn it back, i.e. unwind the chain in reverse order.

Lyuli:Here is our cake: delicious, sweet, with pineapple, ice cream, jam and candles!

While Luli and the children are remembering what they baked the cake with, Kid tries to reach Luli, but she does not hear him.

Kid: Lu-lee! How many can you call? Do you have bananas in your ears?

Lyuli: Bananas? Where are the bananas? Who has bananas? (searches at children in the arms, under chairs)

Kid takes out a fake banana.

Kid: And here he is! catch up!


Children stand in a circle. Kid passes the banana around. Luli is trying to catch up with the banana. You can cheat, throw, let the banana in the opposite direction. At the end of the game, the banana is in Luli's hands.

Lyuli: Wow! It's not a real banana. I do not play this way.

Kid: Don't be upset, Luli. We also have real bananas. It's time for our guys to eat. And at the same time we will check whether the guys are friendly here.


Kid divides children for 2 teams. Teams line up in 2 lines. Each the team gets a banana. On command, you need to bite off a banana and pass it to the next. Whose team will eat the banana the fastest wins. Condition: a banana should be enough for everyone.

Kid: And I also know a game about kids.


Two babies are chosen for the game. children split into two teams. Each the team receives thin delicate “diapers” (1 roll of toilet paper). At the command of the kids, they begin to swaddle, starting from the legs and ending with the neck. You can also make a baby cap. That team won who made it faster.

Kid: Well, how comfortable are you in diapers? Oh no? Then, at my command, quickly undress.

On Kid's command, the babies tear the "diapers" to get rid of them. That baby won which the quickly got out of diapers.

Lyuli: And now who will collect the garbage faster!

As a rule, children are happy to clean up after themselves scraps of paper, quickly clearing the area for the next games.

After picking up the trash, put children.

Kid: Lyuli, how fun we have! Let's keep playing!

Lyuli: With whom to play something? Look. The guys have tongues stuck to the palate.

kid: Truth? Horrible! Urgently need charging for reeds!

Now we will make riddles, and you quickly guess them.

Kid: On the lakes, in the swamp

Them, of course, you find,

Merry, laughter,


Children: Frogs!

Kid: But no! Pillows!

Lyuli: Where did you see the pillows on the lakes?

Kid: Do you know how great it is when you walk, you walk, and here there is a pillow by the lake. Lie down and sleep.

Lyuli: Lazy person! You can't do riddles. Learn!

Floats easily in the sky


Children: Airplane

Lyuli: Blue whale!

Kid: Where did you see blue whales swimming in the sky?

Lyuli: Get out, look! A flock of blue whales from the south is returning. Shouting: “Kurly-kurly!”

Kid: Are you sick, Luli? Something I'm worried about you.

Lyuli: Don't worry. This is how I joke. Look better, the tongues of the guys have come off! So it's time to sing. And what do they sing at the bottom birth? That's right, "Let them run clumsily"!

Dolls builds children in a circle.


Puppets hand out musical instruments to children. They use drums, rattles, a pan, tambourines, in a word, everything that can be found. Children play their instruments, trying to get in time with the music, and sing along.

Yulyuskin Olympic Games.

Why are we gathered here today? How old is Yulia?

Today we will hold the Olympic Games. What is the Olympic Games? What are they? What is the symbol of the Olympic Games? How many Olympic rings? What do they symbolize? - Now it is clear why we are holding the Olympic Games today? And they will be called the Yulyuska Olympic Games.

Competition first. Long jump.

Children line up. Jump on command.

Kid and Lyuli offer to set an Olympic record for children. To do this, perform a collective jump. One child jumps and stays in place, the other takes the place of the jump of the previous one and jumps further.

Here it is, the final jump! There is an Olympic record!

After the competition, as expected, rewarding.

Competition second. Sports walking.

The competition consisted in the fact that it was necessary to walk a short distance, putting the heel of one foot to the toe of the other ("ant" step). Reade set Go. And here are the top three. Hooray!

Third competition. Football.

Kid stands at the gate. (gate from a long stick and 2 cones)

The children had to score a goal into the goal. Goalkeeper courageously misses ball after ball to everyone's joy children.

The fourth and final competition. Relay with the ball.

Everyone forms a column and passes the ball from above and below. Everyone has a lot of fun because of the difference in height.

After all the competitions, as expected, medals are awarded.

Kid: Yes, Luli. Did we have congratulations? Were. Were there wishes? Were. Were there games? Were. Were there songs? Were. So it's time to go home?

Lyuli: But no. Did you forget about gifts? The other day births always give gifts. Get our present.

Kid: What is our gift? So sweet? So tasty? So round? I do not know such a gift, I have never seen it.

Lyuli A: I think I know. You are thirsty.

Kid: But no.

Lyuli: And yes! And especially for the greedy, I have a game.


For the game, prepare more inflated balloons in another room. Two participants are selected. On command, you need to collect and hold as many balls as possible. Whoever has the most balls wins. You can play multiple times. The last time Kid plays with the birthday girl.

Lyuli: Look at you, Kid. Are not you ashamed? took all the balls from children. Just a real greedy.

Kid: Oh, really, it's kind of embarrassing. But now I will distribute a balloon to all the guys, and we will arrange a real salute in honor of the birthday girl.


On command, the children throw the balls up and shout: "Hooray!"

Kid: You see, Luli, how great everything turned out.

Lyuli: I see. I like it too. And now, since you are no longer a greedy man, carry our gift.

Kid: So be it. For such friendly guys and such a wonderful birthday girl, I don’t feel sorry for anything.

The light is turned off. To the music, Kid brings a cake with burning candles into the room. All the children make a wish and blow out the candles together.

At 5 years old, children are already as active as possible. They quickly find contact with peers. They are interested in active games according to the scenario of a 5-year-old birthday. It is best to choose not team but individual, in which each child can prove himself. But since at this age children still do not know how to lose, it is best to choose those games in which there will be no losers.
The room for the scenario of the child's birthday should be decorated. These can be balls, soft toys, flowers cut out of paper, butterflies, etc.

Necessary items for games according to the scenario: felt-tip pens, scissors, balls, path to the table, pictures.

The characters in the birthday script for 5 years:

The owner is a birthday boy.
The leader is a fairy.

The birthday boy and the fairy (both dressed festively) greet the guests. The birthday boy takes each guest to a room where there is no festive table.
At this time, you can give the children some kind of task so that they do not get bored. Alternatively, blow up balloons. If anyone is afraid - cut out a flower, a heart, etc. from colored paper. Then on the ball or on what they cut out, let them write their congratulations to the birthday man.

When all the guests have gathered:
Presenter: Hello, dear guests. Here is everything assembled. Tell me, do you like games?
Children: yes!


Presenter: Then let's play one fun game called "Loaf". (This game will help children get to know each other better and at the same time congratulate the birthday man). Children become in a round dance, hold hands and walk in a circle. The birthday boy stands in the center of the circle. humming:

How about (player name) name day
We baked a loaf.
(Participants raise their hands, showing how high the loaf is)
Here is such a height!
(Participants crouch as low to the ground as possible)
Here is such a bottom!
(Participants spread their arms, showing how wide the loaf is)
That's the width!
(Participants close the circle)
Here's a dinner!
Loaf! Loaf!
Who came first, choose!

(5 year old birthday boy says):

First came (came) (name of the guest who came first)
The named player stands near the birthday man, gives him what he did (a balloon or a carved figure with wishes) and either reads a verse, or sings, or somehow congratulates the birthday man.
And so on in turn each guest. When everyone has been named, the children are already quite hungry and they can be invited to the table.
Presenter: children, tell me, do you like something tasty?
Children?: yes.
Host: Then I invite you to the table. But, you must find and earn treats. Look at the path in front of you.

magic track

In front of the children, you need to spread a path cut out of paper, painted or printed. It has compartments. Each of them has its own task. Examples of tasks: find a soft toy hedgehog in the room, inflate 10 balloons, draw a big cake, etc. As each task is completed, the children move forward one section. The ideal number of compartments is five to eight.

Host: Well done! You have completed all the tasks, We invite you to the table!
There should be name cards on the table so that the children can immediately sit down in their seats. You can put a small treat or a souvenir with the cards.
When the children have eaten, the presenter invites them to play again. At this time, parents or other adults change food for sweets.

Find the extra

Children are provided with picture cards. Each card has 3 pictures. You need to find an extra item, arguing logically.


………..in the full version…………………..

Find a couple

Children are given a basket, it contains various items. They need to be sorted in pairs.



Presenter: Well, children, now I have an offer for you. Let's play karaoke. But unusual.
Each of the players put on headphones in which any song plays. It is best to include songs from cartoons. And the child, not hearing his own voice, repeats. Then, by the method of applause, the best performers are selected and they are given prizes - souvenirs. But, after the competition, be sure to give small souvenirs to each of the children.
Presenter: we sang, and our stomachs again became empty. Let's see what fabulous treats appeared on our table while we were away.
Children are taken for sweets.

What happens 5?



After that, you can hold a small children's disco, if there is time. If there is not enough time, then the birthday man should thank each guest and give everyone goodbye and in honor of the holiday some little things that will later remind you of the holiday.

Congratulations from parents


From grandparents


End of introductory segment. To purchase the full version of the script, go to the shopping cart. After payment, the material will be available for download on the page with the material, and the link that will be sent to your e-mail.

Price: 29 R kill

The birthday of a child is a grand event in the family. Parents try to prepare in advance: buy groceries, choose a gift and outfit for the birthday boy. But do not forget about the fun - contests, quizzes, games will really appeal to little guests. Prepare small gifts for the winners, incendiary music, under which 5 years will pass - this is a real first anniversary, so take a responsible approach to planning the celebration. Do not forget that all tasks for children of this age must be feasible, otherwise tears cannot be avoided. After all, a five-year-old child is no longer a baby, but not yet a smart preschooler. In addition, the child already has his own tastes and preferences, consult with him before inviting guests and making a program.

Create a mood

At a holiday for children, decorations are simply necessary. The room can be decorated with colorful balloons, garlands, posters with cartoon characters. Arrange the balls in the form of an arch - and the place for a family photo shoot is ready! If you are hosting a themed party, everything should be tied to one trend. Arrange pirate adventures for the kids, a ball in the palace or an underwater odyssey. You can make costumes, come up with birthday games (5 years), contests and tricky questions.

In order for the guests to stop being shy, start the ceremony of presenting gifts to the culprit of the collection. Let the children take turns congratulating the birthday boy and say a few good wishes. After this procedure, the kids will be able to relax and feel like like-minded people.

We have fun from the heart

Select a facilitator who will lead the entire process. You need to sketch out a party plan on paper and prepare everything you need in advance. Birthday contests for 5 years should alternate - mobile and creative, otherwise the children will get tired and start to indulge. The host will set the tone for the party, come up with a fun, non-banal outfit for him, because clowns flicker at every children's party. Dress him up with Luntik or SpongeBob - kids will be happy to communicate with their idol.

Moments of creativity

All children love to draw, sculpt, glue. Divide them into two teams and offer to make a congratulatory poster for the newly minted five-year plan. You will need two tables and a bunch of felt-tip pens, pencils, crayons, paints and whatman paper. Give the children 15-20 minutes and start evaluating the masterpieces. You can print photos and build a collage - you get a memorable gift that can be hung on the wall.

The guys will laugh at drawing blindly. Hang sheets of drawing paper on the wall and blindfold the participants. Let them try to create a portrait of a friend in 5 minutes. Parents will really like such children's birthday contests (5 years), everyone will laugh heartily.

Let's stir up the audience

It's time to move a little and show your skills and strength. Prepare a large number of room slippers, if there are no real ones, you can cut them out of colored paper. Arrange them randomly on the floor, but one of them should not have a pair. While the music is playing, the kids run in a circle, as soon as it stops, they should stand on their slippers with both feet. The one who lacked one shoe is eliminated from the competition. And so on until the slippers run out. The smartest player is awarded with a prize. Please note that (5 years) houses must be safe for the health of children. Try to move furniture apart and create a playground, remove all breaking and sharp objects.

Looking for treasure

Let the team feel like real treasure hunters. Write notes in advance indicating where the next message lies, and arrange them in the selected places. The treasure can be a box filled with sweets or small souvenirs for everyone. The host informs the guys that treasures are hidden in the apartment, they need to rally and turn on their ingenuity in order to find the treasured chest. He gives them the first note, and the guys begin to complete the quest. Let them wander around the apartment and look for notes with interest. The kids will be completely delighted when they discover the treasure and will gladly share the booty among all.

Air battle

Birthday contests (5-6 years old) are best held by teams, and friendship will always be the winner! After all, kids who can never win a competition can go home with tears.

For air combat, you will need a lot of balloons. They can be hidden in a blanket or blanket and taken out before the start of the competition. Divide the children and the room into two parts. It is best to stretch the tape in the middle. Participants must throw as many balls as possible to the opponent's side while the music is playing. As soon as the melody subsides, the counting of balls in the territory of each team begins. Those lucky ones who threw more balls on the enemy side win. You can have several stages to give victory to both teams.


Balloons are a great thing to hold birthday contests for 5 years. Balloons are inexpensive, so prepare more of them. Each participant is given a ball - now they will feel like riders. The child must sit on a bright horse and jump until it bursts. The one who lasts the longest wins a prize!

Let's check the accuracy of the guys. Invite them to hit a bucket with a balloon at a distance of a meter. With each stage, move the bucket 10 centimeters further away from the players, making it harder for them. The most accurate shooter will be rewarded!

Animal world

If there are a lot of kids at the party, you need to play games in which no one will be superfluous. The host approaches each participant and the name of the animal. On command, the guys should start making sounds of animals. Silently, without agreeing, they must gather in flocks of identical representatives of the fauna. Crowing, grunting, barking, meowing, they will rush around the room, looking for their fellow tribesmen, it will turn out very funny. Such birthday contests for 5 years must be filmed on camera, and then arranged for a family viewing.

Guess what it is

All children love gifts, and the more the better. Give each child the opportunity to go home not empty-handed. The game is called "Magic Bag", in which you must put small toys, sweets, stationery in advance. The child is blindfolded and allowed to dip his hand into this storehouse of surprises. Without taking out his hand, the baby must guess what he took. If the answer is correct, the prize remains with the player.

Young fishermen

In any toy store you can buy the game "Fishing", the kit includes a fishing rod and plastic fish with magnets. Birthday contests for 5 years with imitation of fishing can be held in different interpretations. Divide the players into teams, in the form of a relay race, the participants run up to a basin of water, catch a fish with a fishing rod and run back. The team that completes the task faster will win.

You can arrange private fishing. Whoever catches more aquatic inhabitants in three minutes receives a prize. It will be a lot of fun, and the rod will soon be in the hands of dads.


Surely every child has cubes, for this competition you will need as many of these figures as possible. The guys take turns putting the cube on the cube until the pyramid collapses. The one who bet last is out.

Responsibility for mother

This is a significant holiday, a special children's birthday - 5 years. Scenario, competitions, menus, gifts, games - all this needs to be thought out in advance. The highlight of the program is a delicious and beautiful cake. Everyone is looking forward to this moment, especially the birthday boy. The kid makes a wish and blows out the candles - a touching moment for the whole family. You can decorate the confectionery creation yourself. And it is better to involve children in this and spend everything in a playful way.

Take out the finished cake and cut into portions. Prepare marmalade, mastic figurines, sprinkles, waffle flowers. Have each child decorate their piece of cake however they like. Kids will show creativity, and then they will eat a masterpiece with pleasure.


It’s not so easy to pick up contests for a child’s birthday. 5 years is a difficult age. Some children are already trying to look older, while others, on the contrary, have not yet said goodbye to the pacifier.

Spend the kids confusing exercises with simple movements. The host calls one movement, but shows a completely different one. You need to repeat what you hear. This is not such an easy task, you need to be extremely careful. The one who makes a mistake is out of the circle.

All on the podium

If a little fashionista has a holiday, you won’t be able to do without a defile! This will require special births. 5 years old for a girl is no longer a simple age, not just a celebration, but a glamorous party. The birthday girl can shine in a princess dress with a stunning hairstyle. Girlfriends will also come dressed up, but there is no limit to perfection. Give the little ones a bunch of scarves, hats, wigs, skirts and jewelry. Let them create their own unique image and walk the runway in front of the audience. The jury members, boys or parents, will put up their scores and determine the winner! Although it will be very difficult to make a choice, the girls will make every effort to look irresistible.

Hairstyle competition can also be included in the program. Break the little princesses into pairs and let them create a miracle from their hair. The prize can be a beautiful headband or hairpin!

After all, it is a pleasure to spend a children's birthday (5 years). Scenario, competitions, games - everything should correspond to this particular age! The menu can include canapes, chicken skewers, fresh vegetables and fruits, and some sweets.


Entertainment can be not only mobile, but also intellectual. A fun quiz will give children a physical break and show their mental abilities. Save plenty of small gifts to reward each correct answer.

  1. This kid is afraid of everything, white in winter, gray in summer. (Hare).
  2. What are we eating for? (At the table).
  3. What do we see with our eyes closed? (Dream).
  4. He lives in the forest, his eyes are huge, he hoots all night! (Owl).
  5. The size of a crumb, very afraid of a cat. (Mouse).
  6. He loves meat, fish and sour cream, sleeps half a day, plays half a day, chases mice at night. (Cat).

The holiday was a success

Be sure to hold birthday contests for 5 years so that the children do not get bored. Then the holiday will be fun and interesting, the little guests will remember it for a long time. You can finish the event with fireworks or launching in. The kids will squeal with delight! Prepare bags or disposable containers to hand out the leftover cake to guests, because babies usually take a bite and leave the rest on their plate.

Arrange an unforgettable evening for your beloved birthday, all you need is a little imagination and patience. Such memorable days leave warm memories for life. After all, once in a lifetime there is a birthday of a child of 5 years. At home, competitions are held like clockwork.

Give children as much attention and care as possible so that they treat their little ones in the same way!

DR - as noted

I'll tell you what we did on the DR, suddenly someone will come in handy with ideas.

On DR Nastya had 6 children - 5 girls and 1 boy. Theme - we had "fairy tales"

In the process of preparation, I found a lot of interesting things on the Internet (thanks to everyone who shares such useful information !!!), synthesized everything into a single whole, added something from myself and this is what happened.

The meeting went like this

We will open the holiday now,
We will arrange miracle games here.
Turn to each other
And shake hands with a friend.
Raise your hands all up
And move at the top.
Let's shout cheerfully: "Hurrah!"
It's time to start the games!
You help each other
Answer questions
Only "Yes" and only "No"
Kindly give me an answer:
If "no" you say
Then tap your feet
If you say yes
Clap your hands then.
An old grandfather goes to school.
Is it true, children? .. (No - children knock with their feet).
Does he take his grandson there?
Answer in unison ... (Yes - clap your hands).
Ice - frozen water?
We answer together ... (Yes).
After Friday - Wednesday?
Together we will answer ... (No).
Is spruce always green?
We answer, children ... (Yes).
Birthday - a fun day? .. (Yes)
Are you waiting for games and fun? .. (Yes)
Are you okay with humor? .. (Yes)
Are we exercising now? .. (No)
Let's congratulate the birthday girl? .. (Yes)
Or will we send to my grandmother? .. (No)
Will we give her (him) a chocolate bar? .. (Yes)
Kiss sweet sweet?.. (Yes)

Here everyone kissed and congratulated Nastya.

Then the children turned into princesses and a prince (king). Played the game "The king walked through the forest":

Everyone dances and says a rhyme:

The king walked through the forest, through the forest, through the forest,
Found myself a princess, princess, princess
("king" chooses "princess" and puts a "crown" on her head)
Let's jump with you, jump, jump,
(everyone jumps)
Legs kick, kick, kick,
(jumping legs)
Let's clap, clap, clap,
(clap hands)
We stomp our feet, we stomp, we stomp,
(stomp feet)
Let's shake our heads,
(shaking their heads)
Let's start first!
(the girl returns to her seat).
The king walked through the forest...
(the "king" chooses a new "princess").

Nastya became the first princess, and then all in turn.

After a small festive snack (sandwiches, battered chicken, fruits, juice), the children went in search of the main attribute of the holiday - a cake to a fairy-tale land.

To begin with, there was a small warm-up of a riddle for the knowledge of fairy-tale characters. Some were simpler, others were cunning with a catch:

The nose is round, with a heel.
It is convenient for them to dig in the ground.
The tail is small, crochet.
Instead of shoes - hooves.
Three of them - and to what
The brothers are friendly.
Guess without a clue
Who are the heroes of this tale? (3 pigs)

The grandmother loved the girl very much.
She gave her a red hat.
The girl forgot her name.
Well, tell me her name! (Little Red Riding Hood)

My father had a strange boy.
Unusual wooden.
On land and underwater
Looking for a golden key.
Everywhere the nose sticks its long.
Who is this? (Pinocchio)

The fat man lives on the roof.
He flies above all.
Loves the jam.
And plays with the kid. (Carlson)

And funny riddles
In more often, head up,
Howling with hunger... giraffe.

Daughters and sons
Teaches grunt ... ant.

He walked boldly through the forest,

But the fox ate the hero.

The poor thing sang goodbye

His name was ...... CHEBURASHKA


Poor dolls are beaten and tormented,

He is looking for a magic key.

He has a terrible look.

This is ..... Dr. Aibolit


Inside it is water

They don't want to hang out with him.

And all his girlfriends -

leeches and frogs!

Algae all overgrown

Kind grandfather ...... FROST


Who knows a lot about raspberries?
Clubfoot, brown... wolf.

Having guessed the bear, we went to the toy bear to complete the task. The bear asked the children to name fairy tales, the heroes of which are bears. Remembering Russian folk tales, the children received a piece of the puzzle for the correct answers (I will show which one at the end). In general, I don’t have so many pictures - my husband mostly filmed on video - so I’ll just tell something.

The next fairy-tale character waiting for us - the children learned again by solving the riddle

From the palm tree down to the palm tree again
Deftly jumping ... a cow.

Monkeys are dexterous and skillful - and we decided to check which of our children are dexterous and well-aimed.

The task was to get the ball into the box - several attempts were given. Then a little complication and a game for a sweet prize - get a 2-ruble coin on a circle with 4 color sectors - which color you get - eat such a candy (marmalade) and eat it.

For this competition, the monkey gave another piece of the puzzle.

We buried the coin in a pot, watered it from a watering can - later we will find out what will grow there.

Next riddle and character -

In his warm puddle
Loudly croaked ... Barmaley.

We go to visit the king of frogs - and where the frogs live - in the swamp - we jump over swamp bumps.

The bumps are naturally also fabulous - with numbers - we guess from which fairy tale the numbers are (3 bears, a wolf and seven kids, 12 months, 2 funny geese, 3 pigs, snow white and 7 gnomes, 33 heroes, 101 dolmatians)

Jumping to the king of frogs - find out what he ate for lunch? By touch in the pocket we find objects and name them without looking. Our king ate - a balloon, a ball, a pebble, a comb, a dragonfly and a fly (toys).

The frog also gave a piece of the puzzle.

Then we move on to fantasies. We burst the balls - we read the notes.

Here the elders helped the younger ones, there were more forfeits than children - the latter did everything. Approximate tasks are to congratulate the birthday girl, bellow a cow and wrestle, make a funny face, draw a flower, guess a riddle, sing a song, portray an animal, jump on one leg.

Everyone coped with a bang - we get a piece of the puzzle.

The next task is to guess from which fairy tale the subject

The boot from "Puss in Boots" was the last to be guessed - and in it was a piece of the puzzle.

We turn to Cinderella, who needs to get ready for the ball and choose the right shoe.

Having measured everything, we find the correct one, the second one is hidden by Cinderella in a small purse along with a puzzle. Cinderella thanks the children and invites them to the ball to visit the prince. But before the ball, a short trip to the table - for ice cream.

The ball - or mini-disco - included a potpourri of children's songs, the children danced with pleasure :)

All dancers received stickers and another piece of the puzzle.

The next task is a test for real princesses - the princess and the pea.

I put doll blankets on 3 chairs - under one of them there is a bead (1.5 cm in diameter) - almost everyone guessed.

1 more piece of the puzzle.

The last and most important task is to show the fairy tale by ourselves. We had "Repka".

Having received the last piece of the puzzle, we fold the postcard, read

Run to the bathroom!!!

Yes, remember the coin was buried? A miracle tree with gifts has grown

Here is such a birthday "Visiting a fairy tale" turned out.

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