Home Chassis Is it possible to charge batteries? What is the difference between salt and alkaline batteries? Are alkaline batteries rechargeable or not?

Is it possible to charge batteries? What is the difference between salt and alkaline batteries? Are alkaline batteries rechargeable or not?

When a battery-powered device has significant power, there is a need to purchase batteries that are capable of providing the device with the necessary current for a long time. Alkaline batteries cope well with this task, therefore, despite their higher cost, they are very popular among buyers.


What is an alkaline battery?

An alkaline or alkaline (alkaline is translated from English as alkali) power source is an element in which manganese dioxide is used as the cathode, and zinc powder performs the anode function. The electrolyte in this type of battery is a solution of potassium hydroxide, which is an alkali, which is reflected in the name of this type of battery.

Alkaline batteries come in a variety of sizes. The magnitude of the potential difference at the terminals can also differ significantly, so before purchasing a battery, you must choose the right type of alkaline battery.

Types and sizes of alkaline (alkaline) batteries

First of all, alkaline batteries differ in the type of case. Basically, the following types of alkaline products are presented on store shelves:

Tablets (coins). This type of alkaline battery is a disk, the diameter of which can be from 4.8 to 30 mm. The product has a metal body, so it can be successfully used in devices operating in adverse conditions. Compactness is the main advantage of this standard size of alkaline batteries, which is why they are most often installed in wristwatches, alarm key fobs and hearing aids.

Pinky batteries (AAA). Pinky batteries are a cylinder with a diameter of 10.5 mm. The length of the product is 44.5 mm, and the weight is about 14 g. Alkaline batteries of this type are designated alkaline battery AAA on the case, so it will be easy to distinguish them from salt or lithium batteries. Used in flashlights, toys, radios and remote controls.

AA batteries. This category of alkaline batteries is the most common. They are used in watches, radios, flashlights, children's toys, remote controls and other devices that require a significant discharge current with minimal battery sizes. Most often, alkaline products of this type are produced with a voltage of 1.5 volts.

Crown. An alkaline battery of the “ ” type is a power element whose voltage at the terminals is 9v. The advantage of this type is that, with relatively small dimensions, the product allows you to provide the device with increased voltage. The element is used in remote controls, electrical measuring instruments, and children's toys.

Barrels. Large barrels make it possible to provide electricity to devices that consume high current without connecting them to the electrical network. Most often, batteries of this type are used in music players, children's toys, and flashlights.

It is not difficult to distinguish an alkaline battery from a salt battery. The product body must be marked LR, which indicates the presence of an alkaline electrolyte inside the body.

Which batteries are better, alkaline or salt?

Alkaline batteries are better than salt products in many ways. First of all, products of this type are preferred to conventional batteries due to their significantly larger capacity. The difference in the operating time of the elements can reach more than 5 times.

If you need to use an electrical device in the cold, then in this case it is also necessary to install alkaline batteries in the device, which work effectively at temperatures down to -20 degrees. Salt batteries become inoperable at any negative temperature.

During a strong discharge, electrolyte may leak from the body of the salt battery, which can lead to damage to the electrical device. Alkaline elements are practically free of this disadvantage.

Advantages and disadvantages of alkaline batteries

Some of the benefits of alkaline power sources include: :

  • Low self-discharge.
  • Ability to work at negative air temperatures.
  • Long shelf life.
  • They tolerate relatively high discharge currents well.
  • Uniform battery discharge.

The disadvantages of this type of battery include:

  • Relatively heavy weight of the product.
  • High price.

The significantly higher price of the product is compensated by a long period of operation. The disadvantages of such products include the inability to reuse them.

Comparison of AAA and AA

Can alkaline batteries be charged?

If an alkaline battery is discharged, it must be disposed of. Do not attempt to restore the battery using a charger. Such actions may lead to depressurization of the battery case. A rupture of the product may result in personal injury or fire, so it is strictly forbidden to charge alkaline batteries.

Popular manufacturers and their features

You can only be guaranteed to purchase quality products if you buy alkaline batteries from well-known manufacturers. Today, manganese-alkaline elements from the following manufacturers are in greatest demand:

  1. Energizer - the advantage of alkaline batteries from a well-known American manufacturer of electrical equipment is that the product allows you to maintain the required voltage in the device throughout the entire operation of the product.
  2. Duracell - alkaline batteries from this company have minimal self-discharge and maximum capacity with standard sizes.
  3. Panasonic - batteries from this manufacturer are distinguished by stable power output, as well as increased capacity and stability of operation at negative air temperatures.
  4. Camelion - alkaline products from this company are made in China, but the quality of the products is very decent. Camelion batteries tolerate deep discharge well and maintain rated voltage throughout their entire service life.

Many manufacturers of alkaline batteries supply the market with high-quality products, so you can safely purchase batteries from companies such as gp, smartbuy, space, varta, etc. It is important when purchasing not to run into a fake, so you should buy batteries only from trusted retail outlets.

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In this article we will answer the burning question of our customers, whether it is possible to charge regular batteries.

So, allow a little theory. What is the difference between a battery and an accumulator? In a battery, the chemical reaction is irreversible; they are most often alkaline. In the battery, the reaction is reversible; they are acidic and nickel-cadmium, if modern. From the definition itself it is clear that the chemical reaction in the battery is irreversible, chemical substances and elements are produced and are not restored.

What's the little secret? In power supplies of old models, or of low quality, not all substances that are poured at the factory participate in the reaction. Why? ... As a result of the operation of the battery, chemical compounds with dielectric properties, salts, oxides, which in simple terms prevent the passage of electric current in the circuit, are formed on the conductive elements. Therefore, the formation of a crust of salts and oxides, powerful dielectrics, is the main reason for battery failure. Often, in many battery models, forty to seventy percent of the chemicals do not even react.
In the Soviet Union, famous physicists and chemists solved the problem of regeneration (restoration) of batteries and batteries. The methodology and principles of the basic solutions are based on “passing” a high electric current through the battery. As a result of the passage of high currents, crusts of dielectrics (salts and oxides) were destroyed. The contacts were cleaned and the reaction continued. It is important to understand that in this way efficiency was increased, but the battery was not charged in any way.

It is important to understand that the methodology used to regenerate batteries is radically different from the solutions on which household chargers are built.

In modern expensive batteries, manufacturers do their best to combat the problem of salt formation. After all, the amount of chemicals that are poured into the battery cannot be increased. Therefore, the battery life is influenced by the design and the most complete use of reagents. Here regeneration gives less effect, because salts are almost not formed and the reagent is produced by 90 percent; they cannot be restored

What happens if you charge a battery in a standard household charger? When a reverse current is passed, the element will begin to heat up, regeneration processes will begin, the effect of which depends on the volume of remaining reagents and the amount of salts formed. This process needs to be controlled, and the batteries should not be allowed to heat above 40 C. In other words, if they become hot, we stop the charging process. The duration should not exceed 15 minutes. This regeneration will extend the life of the battery by 5-10 minutes.

Under no circumstances should batteries be left on the charger for a long time. When charging for a long time, the alkali will begin to boil and gases will begin to be released inside. After an hour, the batteries will swell, swell, and chemicals, bubbles, and stench will begin to leak from the cracks. After two or three hours, if the case is strong enough to hold the contents inside, an explosion will occur and the alkali will scatter throughout the apartment.

The answer to the question is it possible to charge regular batteries - No!!! It's better to buy batteries. In addition, in our company you can get wholesale prices with home delivery. I hope this article was useful to you.

For more than a hundred years, humanity has been able to receive power from portable devices in which chemical processes take place. The last word in this direction is alkaline battery. What this is is interesting to anyone who has noticed this inscription on ordinary-looking batteries.

Brief information

Alkaline battery ( alkaline battery ) is one of the most advanced chemical current sources to date. The charge is created by two active elements - zinc and manganese oxide. The product gets its name from the use of an alkaline electrolyte in the form of potassium hydroxide, as opposed to the acid in older products.

The components of the device are:

  • At the very heart of the battery there is zinc powder with alkali, which gives a negative charge and is discharged onto the battery base, made of steel;
  • The positive charge comes from manganese oxide mixed with carbonaceous substances and comes out through the top “button” at the top of the product, made of nickel;
  • There are also components aimed purely at safety: a housing that protects against short circuits and gaskets in case of an explosion of gaseous substances.

As of today, on alkaline batteries accounts for about 80% of the total battery market. About 10 billion units of these products are sold worldwide.

Alkaline battery: can it be charged?

The vast majority of alkaline cells are not suitable for recharging. Product manufacturers warn about the dangers of such action.

However, there are known experiences of successfully replenishing part of the charge of primary charging elements. This was due to the old design of batteries that used salts. During the lifetime of an ordinary element, about a third of the substance remained unspent. Therefore, a small mechanical impact was enough to extend the life of the battery. The main thing is to prevent dangerous leakage of the galvanic cell.

Some amateurs, at their own peril and risk, managed to recharge alkaline batteries that were not intended for this purpose. They used the following tricks for this:

  1. A low ripple current was used (40 to 200 pulses per second). If this rule is not followed, overcharging may cause the stitched batteries to explode.
  2. The current must be applied in the opposite direction in order to shift the chemical equilibrium of the reactants established after the loss of charge.
  3. It is better to carry out such manipulations not for completely used up batteries, but for those that have partially lost their charge due to long-term storage.

Still, it’s better not to risk your health and, if necessary, purchase a rechargeable alkaline cell.

Alkaline batteries

Rechargeable alkaline batteries allow them to be used several times after the initial charge is depleted.

Batteries are available in the following form factors:

  • Finger (AA, RL06);
  • Mizinchikovaya (AAA, RL03);
  • Inch (type C);
  • Size D;
  • "Crown".

The honor of inventing this product belongs to Canadian scientists, but today many manufacturers can boast of such batteries in their product line.

Alkaline alkaline batteries have a much longer service life compared to nickel-cadmium and nickel-metal hydride batteries, which suffer from significant self-discharge.

Manufacturers recommend using alkaline batteries in devices that are used intermittently over long periods of up to several years. These include: TV remote controls, walkie-talkies or flashlights.

It is advisable not to allow the discharge to exceed 75%. If you do not neglect this advice, the number of battery recovery cycles can reach more than 100. If you bring it to a deep discharge, then the full capacity will be achieved only after several charge-discharge cycles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The strengths of alkaline battery include:

  • For operation, a much smaller amount of electrolyte is required than in the case of salt batteries;
  • Successful design: the chemical reaction occurs over a sufficiently large area;
  • There is practically no release of gaseous substances;
  • Quite a long shelf life and low risk of losing the initial charge;
  • Ability to work at low temperatures;
  • Resistance to intense work with increased current consumption;
  • Discharge occurs relatively evenly during use.

However, it would be a mistake to classify this product as ideal, because it is different:

  • Quite a high price compared to other types of chemical power sources;
  • Relatively high weight;
  • The vast majority of commercially available products cannot be recharged without the risk of an explosion of the gas inside.

Disposal of alkaline batteries

Beginning in the late 1990s, manufacturers dramatically reduced the mercury content of batteries, allowing them to be disposed of with other household waste. However, there remains a problem with old products, which, due to the presence of heavy metals and harsh chemicals, pose a problem and do not allow them to be buried in landfills.

In 2016, the volume of alkaline elements requiring processing reached 125,000 tons. Moreover, every year the volume of used alkaline batteries grows by 5-6%, which makes the problem of their recycling especially acute.

Different regions of the world have their own approaches to solving it. Thus, in California they cannot be thrown into a general trash container. In Europe, stores selling alkaline elements are required to take back used goods for transfer to specialized organizations.

The product is disposed of as follows:

  1. Disassembling the battery into the case and “internals”. The metal shell is melted down in furnaces, where it is used to make low-grade steel (for example, for fittings).
  2. Chemical processing of galvanic cell. Zinc, manganese and potassium are separated. The result is a liquid product containing micronutrients that can be used for agricultural irrigation.

One of the active reagents in this battery is alkali, which is why it is called alkaline battery in English. What it is was known in the scientific community back at the end of the 19th century. However, more than 70 years passed before a successful commercial prototype was created.

Video: how are alkaline batteries made?

In this video, technologist Irina Denisova will show how alkaline batteries are produced at the plant and what properties they have:

Almost every modern person has a device that requires batteries to operate: a television remote control, a wall clock, a cell phone or a camera. All these gadgets have become so commonplace that no one is trying to understand the essence of the functioning of their batteries, and meanwhile, more than two centuries have passed since the invention of the prototype of the modern battery.

The choice of battery type is directly related to the device device where they will be used. Alkaline (alkaline) battery classified as a manganese-zinc food source. The reaction necessary to generate electricity is created by an alkaline electrolyte. Alkaline batteries (you can often find the inscription alkaline on their case) are widely used in devices that consume a small amount of energy, for example, in a portable flashlight, electric toothbrush. Sooner or later, any battery exhausts its reserve. Can alkaline batteries be charged? Are there ways to revive old power sources or will you have to buy new ones?

Operating principle of an alkaline battery

The operating principle of this alkaline power supply is quite simple. It was described by the Italian physicist Alessandro Volta back in 1782. The scientist designed a galvanic cell in which a zinc anode and a copper cathode were immersed in a sulfuric acid solution. The potential difference between two metals immersed in an electrolyte created an electric current.

This type of battery owes its name to a substance that acts as a current conductor, namely a concentrated alkali solution. The electrolyte is produced using mainly potassium hydroxide or sodium hydroxide.

Other mandatory participants in the electrochemical reaction in an alkaline cell are a negative electrode (made of zinc) and a positive electrode (made of manganese oxide). Depending on the type of current source voltage can be 1.5–12 V.

Alkaline battery design

The size of the cylindrical element is similar to the size of the element of the manganese-zinc system with a salt electrolyte. However, there are some differences between the design of alkaline and salt current sources: alkaline batteries have an inverted design. In a battery containing an alkaline electrolyte, zinc is in powder form. In this regard, the zinc cup is replaced with a nickel-plated steel cylindrical body, which serves as a current conductor for the electrode with the “+” sign.

In the active state, the positive electrode is pressed against the inner walls of the housing. In an alkaline cell, as a rule, it is possible to place a larger amount of the active mass of the positive electrode than in a salt analogue of the same size. Thus, an alkaline D-type battery can contain 35–40 g of manganese dioxide. A salt battery of this size holds no more than 25–30 g of electrolyte.

The separator is pre-impregnated with electrolyte and then inserted into the internal cavity filled with the active mass of the anode. The separation material can be hydrated cellulose film or some non-woven polymer material.

A current lead (made of brass) of the cathode is placed along the axis of the chemical current source, and an anode composition consisting of zinc powder is introduced into the cavity between the brass current lead and the separation material. It is important that before this zinc powder was impregnated with thickened electrolyte.

In production, alkalis pre-saturated with zincates are often used as electrolytes. This measure reduces alkali consumption at the initial stage of operation. In addition, the zincates present in the electrolyte inhibit the development of the corrosion process.

Differences between salt batteries and alkaline batteries

Both salt and alkaline batteries have not lost popularity among consumers for many years. However, there are a number of differences between these types of batteries.



  • Performance continues even five years after purchase.
  • Virtually immune to temperature fluctuations.
  • They don't leak.
  • They have a specific capacity that exceeds that of salt cells, at least 2 times at a low-current load and 5–10 times at a high-precision load.
  • Suitable for devices with any level of energy consumption, but perform best under constant load conditions.

Can an alkaline battery be charged?

The market for galvanic cells is diverse. Millions of different batteries roll off assembly lines every day. There are plenty of cheap copies available to everyone. They can be purchased at the checkout counter of any supermarket or electrical goods store. So the question is whether Is it possible to charge alkaline batteries, has lost its relevance. Everyone knows from a school chemistry course that when the caustic alkali contained in batteries is heated, a violent chemical reaction can occur. The reverse current of the charger, passing through a closed space, provokes boiling of the battery and even a thermal explosion.

If the battery manages to survive a single charge cycle, its capacity will still not increase to its original level. Any alkaline battery will most likely lose its charge again soon. In this case, depressurization of the housing and leakage of electrolyte may occur, and this may cause breakdown of the device consuming energy. It turns out that instead of the desired savings, you can simply ruin an expensive device.

For those who are willing to take a risk or need an emergency recharge because there is currently no opportunity to buy an alkaline battery, there are several clever ways to extend the life of a current source.

Almost every modern person has a battery-powered device: a remote control, a watch, a flashlight, a mobile phone or a laptop. All this has become commonplace, few people think about the principles of operation of batteries, and yet more than two hundred years have passed since their invention.

History of discovery

Many scientific discoveries are made by people far from the field in which the discovery finds its application. The same thing happened with batteries. The phenomenon of the flow of electric current between different metals in a salty environment was discovered by the physiologist Luigi Galvani, and since then it has been called galvanism. This happened completely by accident: while dissecting the frogs, the laboratory assistant noticed the twitching of their legs when in contact with a scalpel. The instrument was made of steel, and the frogs were secured with copper clamps, the medium being their muscles. This was the first galvanic cell. The electrical impulse excited the nerve endings in the paws, which led to muscle contraction.

The strange behavior of frogs led to the emergence of the theory of galvanism, which was tested by a friend of the physiologist, Alessandro Volta. He continued his research into the phenomenon and created the first battery in 1800. Of course, it was little similar to modern ones, and it was still very far from everyday use - electrical appliances were mainly found in scientific laboratories, and were shown to ordinary people at circus performances as interesting curiosities.

Modern batteries

A lot of time has passed since the appearance of galvanic cells; their appearance has changed a lot. Despite the changes, the operating principle of such batteries remains the same. They still consist of two electrodes (anode, cathode) and an electrolyte.

With the spread of the first compact electrical appliances and the accumulation of experience in using batteries, their advantages and disadvantages became visible. They were bulky, weighed a lot, and there were electrolyte losses, oxidation of the electrodes, and salt accumulation. The evolution of batteries began and continues today. Batteries are divided into two large classes - primary, which includes galvanic cells, and secondary, more often called batteries. The reactions occurring in the primary are irreversible; eventually they lose all charge and must be disposed of. Secondary ones allow you to restore charge after discharge and reuse the battery, the cycle of which is repeated many times.

Batteries are also distinguished by the type of materials used for the electrodes and the type of electrolytes. Based on the type of catholyte, a distinction is made between salt and alkaline, or alkaline, batteries. Let's look at what this is in more detail. The electrode is usually made of metal, but there are other methods. For a long time, various metals and materials were tried as electrodes and electrolytes. Some fell out of use due to high cost, others due to toxicity (mercury), and others had low reliability. But many types of batteries have remained in use and are still in use today. Why is this happening? It's all about the variety of electrical appliances - different devices have different requirements for

Some batteries are very cheap and easy to make, such as salt batteries in a watch or remote control. They work with a light load and the requirements for them are minimal. For others, reliability is important - these are car batteries, uninterruptible power supplies. However, due to their bulkiness and large mass, their use is limited to transport and stationary devices. A combination of reliability and compactness is also necessary for modern mobile phones and laptops.

Salt battery

Also known as Leclanche element. The date of its invention is considered to be 1865. At the moment, these are the cheapest and most produced batteries. They are distributed throughout the world and are used in most low-power electrical appliances (clocks, remote controls). The device is very simple - one electrode is a zinc shell, the other is a carbon rod (that’s why they are also called carbon-zinc), and the electrolyte is ammonium chloride, thickened with starch. In addition to the obvious advantages, salt batteries have some disadvantages: drying out of the electrolyte, salinization of the inner surface of the zinc shell and its oxidation. When oxidized, the shell becomes thinner and may collapse; the only thing left to do is throw away the battery. Salinity can be combated using devices that supply a modulated current to the device, which allows it to be used for much longer.

Alkaline battery

Or an alkaline battery, you can distinguish it from a salt battery by the inscription on the case that is consonant with the name - Alkaline. If salt batteries are used where high current is not needed, then alkaline batteries are used in devices with high power consumption (digital cameras, devices with electric motors). What it is? Almost the same as salt ones; the main difference is that zinc is distributed in powder form throughout the entire volume of the electrolyte. This allows you to increase the contact area and increase reliability at high voltages. Thanks to this, the alkaline battery is stored longer and is resistant to low temperatures. Therefore, in devices that are characterized by long interruptions in operation (for example, flashlights), they are used most often.

Alkaline batteries - which are better?

The choice of power source depends on the elements in which it is used. For energy-consuming devices, such as a camera or radio-controlled model, an alkaline battery is used. If you need to recharge a less energy-consuming remote control for household appliances or a wristwatch, then, as a rule, salt batteries are used due to their low cost and long service life. Currently, there are many manufacturers of alkaline batteries, but Duracell alkaline batteries are considered one of the most reliable. Until recently, they were produced by the Gilette company, and after its absorption by Procter & Gamble.

Can alkaline batteries be charged?

The answer to this question is no. In this case, it is more profitable to buy a new device, especially since their shelf life is quite long. When you try to recharge, the alkaline battery will begin to heat up and become unusable, and may even explode. However, the service life of the batteries themselves can be increased by alternately changing the power sources, allowing one of them to “recharge” a little. As for the question of whether alkaline batteries can be charged, the answer is clearly negative.

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